bushido the way of the warrior - arizona school of traditional karate

Soke Hausel Central Hombu Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai. [email protected] Be like bamboo in the wind bend, be subtle, respond with force JKI National Clinic June, 19 th , 2010, Lewisville, Texas. Gassuku Clinic Mountain Training, East Canyon resort, Utah (Aug. 7 th & 8 th , 2010). All Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Anniversary Clinic & Awards U of Wyoming, Laramie (Sept. 24-25 th 2010). Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Yudansha Clinic University of Wyoming, Laramie (October, 2010). KOBUDO (PART 1) Members of Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai practice kobudo and kobujutsu. By learning these disciplines, a person is prepared to use their belt, pen, baton, car keys, cell phone, book or most anything they can get their hands on as tools for self defense. At this moment, think about what you are wearing, what you have in your pockets, what is near you what kind of weapons do you have? How could you use these for self-defense. Or imagine you are going to teach a class in kobudo and you can only use what tools you find within 3 feet of you. How would you use these for blocks and strikes? Kobudo is a martial art that blended with karate in the Okinawan systems. However, there are many Asian and American hybrids that have elected to remove kobudo from their curriculum for unknown reasons. Even many of the Japanese karate styles have eliminated kobudo in the 20 th century.When I trained in Kyokushinkai, Kempo, Wado-Ryu and Shotokan, no weapons were ever introduced, or even mentioned. There are many fighting systems in the world, but only a few can be classified as martial art. ‘Martial’ translates in Japanese as bu, a word found in budo. Budo translates as „martial ways‟ implying that there is some form of mental or spiritual benefit. Bushido translates as the way (or path) of bushi (warrior) or basically a warrior’s code of ethics. Other words that use bu as a root include bujutsu which is different than budo. Bujutsu refers to the old (koryu) Japanese martial fighting methods and schools that were developled by feudal samurai, whereas budo refers to modern fighting arts that have included a spiritual and ethical emphasis. Kobujutsu refers to ancient fighting methods of the samurai which is different than kobudo the art of ancient weaponry. BUSHIDO - THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR SEIYO no SHORIN-RYU KARATE KOBUDO KAI May, 2010 W. Dan Hausel, Soke/10 th Dan, Eric J. Hausel, Soke-Dai/5 th Dan v.7, no.5 Newsletter of SEIYO SHORIN-RYU CENTRAL HOMBU

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Page 1: BUSHIDO THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR - Arizona School of Traditional Karate

Soke Hausel

Central Hombu

Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai.

[email protected]

Be like bamboo in the wind – bend, be subtle, respond with force

JKI National Clinic June, 19th

, 2010, Lewisville, Texas.

Gassuku Clinic Mountain Training, East Canyon resort, Utah (Aug. 7th

& 8th

, 2010).

All Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Anniversary Clinic & Awards U of Wyoming, Laramie (Sept. 24-25th


Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Yudansha Clinic University of Wyoming, Laramie (October, 2010).

KOBUDO (PART 1) Members of Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai practice kobudo and kobujutsu. By learning these

disciplines, a person is prepared to use their belt, pen, baton, car keys, cell phone, book or most

anything they can get their hands on as tools for self defense. At this moment, think about what you are

wearing, what you have in your pockets, what is near you – what kind of weapons do you have? How

could you use these for self-defense. Or imagine you are going to teach a class in kobudo and you can

only use what tools you find within 3 feet of you. How would you use these for blocks and strikes?

Kobudo is a martial art that blended with karate in the Okinawan systems. However, there are many

Asian and American hybrids that have elected to remove kobudo from their curriculum for unknown

reasons. Even many of the Japanese karate styles have eliminated kobudo in the 20th

century.When I

trained in Kyokushinkai, Kempo, Wado-Ryu and Shotokan, no weapons were ever introduced, or even


There are many fighting systems in the world, but only a few can be classified as martial art. ‘Martial’

translates in Japanese as bu, a word found in budo. Budo translates as „martial ways‟ implying that

there is some form of mental or spiritual benefit. Bushido translates as the way (or path) of bushi

(warrior) or basically a warrior’s code of ethics. Other words that use bu as a root include bujutsu

which is different than budo. Bujutsu refers to the old (koryu) Japanese martial fighting methods and

schools that were developled by feudal samurai, whereas budo refers to modern fighting arts that have

included a spiritual and ethical emphasis. Kobujutsu refers to ancient fighting methods of the samurai

which is different than kobudo – the art of ancient weaponry.



May, 2010 W. Dan Hausel, Soke/10

th Dan, Eric J. Hausel, Soke-Dai/5

th Dan v.7, no.5

Newsletter of


Page 2: BUSHIDO THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR - Arizona School of Traditional Karate

Soke Hausel

Central Hombu

Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai.

[email protected]

Systems of kobujutsu have been practiced in Japan for centuries. In Japan, kobujutsu was for the most

part, restricted to samurai. Whereas on Okinawa, kobudo was considered a peasant’s art. Jutsu

translates as a skill or discipline and does not suggest any philosophical self-perfection suggested by

„do‟. Thus karatejutsu is a group fighting skills with no spiritual goals or emphasis, whereas karatedo is

a method of empty hand fighting techniques that has as its goal; self-improvement of the person. In a

strict sense, it could be argued that karatejutsu is not a martial art as it does not provide any esoteric


Valid martial arts have always had an underlying code of ethics and spiritual benefit. We can see the

evolution of this code by examining legends surrounding the progenitor of martial arts. According to

these legends, some form of martial art was introduced to the Shaolin monks in the Henan Province,

northern China around 520 AD by an Indian monk named Bodhidharma. Bodhidharma is believed to

have introduced Zen Buddhism to China and is considered the father of martial arts.

Bodhidharma was a son of an Indian King. He traveled from southern India to China during the Liáng

Dynasty (502–557AD). His route took him through the Himalaya

Mountains and it is said he carried two books known as the I Chin

Ching and Hseiu Seu Ching that are suggested to have contained

descriptions of self-defense techniques. Bodhidharma crossed the

Yangtzu River and continued north where he took residence at the

Shao Lin Temple in Ho Nan Province. There are countless legends

about this individual, although many are exaggerated. For example,

Bodhidharma is described to have attained enlightenment while

meditating and facing a wall of a cave without blinking his eyes for

7 to 9 years at the Shorinji Temple (少林寺) on Mt Song (嵩山).

At the temple, he began lectures in Zen. Each evening, he would

climb down from a nearby cave to the monastery and lecture.

Apparently early on, he discovered that the Shaolin monks were

unfit and lazy and often fell asleep during mediation. To correct this

he began teaching a set of physical exercises in conjunction with

meditation called 'Shi Po Lohan Sho' (18 hands of Lohan) that are

reputed to have been a fighting form from India. By adding physical

training with spiritual training, the monks began to gain focus. Thus he created the first martial art

whether by accident or design that combined spiritual and physical training. Following years of

meditation and ch'uan fa (kung fu) practice, the Shaolin monks developed a reputation as enlightened

priests and formable fighters throughout China. Many Lohan techniques that were taught, were derived

from a study of animals – such as a tiger or crane. This resulted in a variety of forms of ch‟uan fa, such

as tiger kung fu, monkey kung fu, white crane kung fu.

Bodhidharma’s cave located north of the monastery is described to be a square-mouthed cave about the

size of a small room that opened directly to the sun. Legend claims that he stopped returning to the

monastery after some time and just sat continuously facing the wall of the cave, legs crossed, in silent

contemplation. After facing the wall for three thousand days, his shadow was preserved on the stone

Page 3: BUSHIDO THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR - Arizona School of Traditional Karate

Soke Hausel

Central Hombu

Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai.

[email protected]

face. It is said that from a distance, one can still see the shape of a man sitting cross-legged with his

hands pressed together on the rock face.

Centuries later, kung fu was introduced to Okinawa. But Okinawans took the characteristic circular and

gymnastic-like movements of kung fu and modified them into

linear, pragmatic and powerful techniques. How, why, and when

this evolution occurred is unclear. History records an important

event that may have influenced the introduction of kung fu to the

Ryukyu (Okinawa) Islands. In 1374 AD, China and Okinawa

formalized trade relations. The event was accompanied by an

imperial gift from China in the form of 36 families of skilled

artisans and merchants who migrated from Fukien (also known as

Fujian) Province of southeastern China to Okinawa. These families

established a community known as Kumermura near Naha City. It

is suggested that members of these families introduced kung fu to

Okinawa. Although others suggest that the 36 families were not

educated in martial arts and rather than various Okinawans traveled

to China to study the Chinese hand (known as Tode to the


A martial arts text known as the Bubishi was thought to have

possibly accompanied the Kumermura families. The Bubishi is

interpreted as a textbook of White Crane kung fu methods that were originally taught in the southern

Shaolin temple at Chiu Lung Mountain near Foochow City in the Pu T'ien District of the Fukien

Province. The originator of the White Crane Fist style is believed to have been Fang Chi Liang, a

woman who resided in Yong Chun (for those of you who attended the UW yudansha clinic in March,

you were introduced to this art). The Bubishi includes martial arts techniques but it is a seemingly

paradoxical document that stresses preservation of human life (a tenant of Buddhist philosophy), yet

teaches Okurasu Goroshi or vital point strikes designed to knock out, maim, or kill an opponent.

The Chinese influence on karate is seen in kanji used to describe tode. The kanji refers to the T'ang

Dynasty (618-907 AD) (the golden age of culture for China) as well as to China in general. Literally,

the kanji means 'Chinese hand'. Furthermore, the kanji used to describe Shorin-Ryu is translated as

Shaolin style in Chinese in reference to the Shaolin temple in the Henan Province.

The term for tode (Chinese hand) was later changed to karate.

Karate is derived from the Japanese kara meaning empty, and

te meaning hand. When speaking of karate, traditionalists

attach the word do (‘way‟ or „path’). Translated, karatedo

means the 'way of the empty hand'. Many people would take

this at face value meaning a method of bare-handed self

defense. But the ideograph used for 'kara' not only represents

empty, but also represents 'void' or sunyata. Sunyata is the

Sanskrit term for emptiness or nothingness which has

profound, meaning in Buddhism. In principal, sunyata` is

Page 4: BUSHIDO THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR - Arizona School of Traditional Karate

Soke Hausel

Central Hombu

Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai.

[email protected]

derived from a Buddhist concept of 'no-mind', a form of Zen training that in essence, is an ego-less

state of mind that frees one from fear of death or failure.

In 1480 AD, Okinawan King Sho Shin issued an edict that prohibited the private ownership of bladed

weapons. The king, being nonviolent Buddhist, believed his subjects should also be nonviolent. But not

all were as peaceful as the king. Following the edict, secret societies formed to practice te and kobudo

as a means of self protection. Farmers and fishermen

developed fighting methods using tools of trade and karate

and kobudo were blended. These became methods for

individual self-defense rather than for military such as that of

the samurai of nearby Japan.

The ban on bladed weapons and with no military, it was a

matter of time before Okinawa would be invaded. Thus in

1609 AD, Lord Shimazu with the Satsuma Samurai Clan of

southern Japan obliged Okinawa and invaded and conquered

the Ryukyu Islands with little resistance. The 3000 samurai

invaders left the political and sociological infrastructure in

tack and ruled indirectly by levying high taxes while

assuming control of Okinawan‟s foreign trade that had been

robust. This led to rapid decline of the Okinawan economy.

During this time, karate was developed into a pragmatic

method of self-defense.

The samurai banned the practice of martial arts. This stimulated the evolution of karate and kobudo as

virulent arts. It is likely that kata became prominent in the Ryukyu culture at this time as a means to

disguise the art from the Japanese, as well as a method for preserving favorite and effective techniques.

Karate and kobudo were practiced in secrecy for more than 400 years: documents about karate during

this period of development are nonexistent as the art was kept completely secret.

In 1868, the Meiji restoration of Japan abolished feudalism along with the rule of Samurai. Samurai

could no longer wear swords in public and the government abolished the Ryukyu Kingdom essentially

making Okinawa a feudal clan of Japan in 1872 (even though feudalism had been abolished in the rest

of Japan). The Satsuma rebelled against the Meiji government in 1877 but were conquered by the

modern Japanese army. This was followed by the Japanization of Okinawa in 1879 and the last

Okinawan King was exiled to Tokyo and a Japanese governor replaced him in Shuri City.

Many of these events lead to development of karate techniques into highly effective strikes designed to

paralyze, kill, or maim an opponent with a single blow. Kata incorporated omote (hidden techniques) ,

okurasu goroshi (death blows), and tien hsueh (vital point strikes). A master of kobudo, using tools of

trade as weapons, could defend against a well-armed aggressor and body hardening methods evolved to

the point that some Okinawans were able to take full-force blows to any point on the body with little

effect. This philosophy of „one strike – one kill‟ was used effectively by all Shorin-Ryu styles until the

late 20th

century when many forms of sport karate eliminated most pragmatic applications of karate

and kobudo.

Page 5: BUSHIDO THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR - Arizona School of Traditional Karate

Soke Hausel

Central Hombu

Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai.

[email protected]

In 1901, Anko Itosu of Okinawa (Itosu Yasutsune in Japanese) was instrumental in introducing karate

into the Okinawa public schools. To simplify karate, Itosu developed the pinan (peaceful mind) katas

from two advanced kata forms known as kusanku (kanku in Japanese) and chiang nan. The kusanku

kata still exists but the chiang nan kata, known as the channan kata, was lost. Itosu also broke down

the complex naihanchi kata (tekki in Japanese) into 3 separate naihanchi forms.

Many Okinawan karate masters were concerned about providing

Japanese with the secrets of their system. But the secrecy of this self-

defense and self-enlightenment art continued to come out in the open.

Following introduction of karate into public schools, Gichin

Funakoshi presented the first public karate demonstration on Okinawa

in 1902. Both Itosu and Funakoshi were school teachers and masters

of Shorin-Ryu karate. Even with the eventual introduction of karate to

Japan, it was apparent that the Okinawans did not trust the Japanese.

Many techniques (bunkai) taught to the Japanese were incorrect and

ineffective and Funakoshi also taught a watered-down version of

Shorin-Ryu karate to the Japanese. Funakoshi also taught karate

should not be used against others and instead should be used to

improve oneself. He also did not support (as did many Okinawan

masters) karate being developed into a sport. Karate instead was to be

used as a way of cultivating the spirit.

In 1917, Gichin Funakoshi traveled to Kyoto to demonstrate Okinawan karate. In 1922, at the age of

53, he was invited back at the request of Japanese officials for another demonstration of karate.

Following this second demonstration, karate was formally accepted on mainland Japan. In 1936,

Funakoshi established a permanent dojo in Tokyo known as the Shotokan. Funakoshi's training

philosophy was that kata, makiwara training, and kotekitae (body hardening) was all that was necessary

in preparation of self defense. This is a similar philosophy of Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Karate and Kobudo

taught at the University of Wyoming and at the Mesa Arizona Hombu. For some reason, the Japanese

karate did not include kobudo although early photographs of show Funakoshi demonstrating bojutsu.

To be continued.

MEMBERSHIP To be a member of Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai (http://www.seiyo-

shorinryu.com/membership.htm), one must have an up-to-date membership card. Check your card to

be sure it is up-to-date (http://SeiyoKai.org). Unfortunately, we lost three affiliated groups from India

and New Mexico. To remain a member of Seiyo Kai International, all students and sensei need to

register and pay an annual fee to the Hombu so we can keep it operational

(http://hombu.webs.com/apps/webstore/). When attending any function of Seiyo Shorin-Ryu, all

members must have their membership card present.

Page 6: BUSHIDO THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR - Arizona School of Traditional Karate

Soke Hausel

Central Hombu

Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai.

[email protected]

NEWS FROM INDIA Kyoshi Prem Dubey reports that Dai-Shihan Ganesh Singh (Vishal), 6

TH dan plans to work with Kyoshi

along with other groups in Pepal at Virat Nagar and Kathmandu (the capital of Nepal). Dai-Shihan is

assisting in the opening of a branch in the Bhutan Country. Kyoshi Dubey is planning a friendship

tournament for Southeast Asia. Please contact Kyoshi for information if you plan to travel to India and


NEWS FROM SRI LANKA Sri Lanka celebrated the traditional Sinhala New Year on 14th of April. We wish a Happy New Year

with health, happiness and prosperity to all our brothers and sisters in the world.

Suba Aluth Avuruddak Wewa!!! - Indishe Senanayake, Sensei

PROMOTIONS Few things are more exciting to a Sensei than seeing the growth and development of his students.

Hanshi Andy Finley from the Casper, Wyoming dojo (standing in back in group photo, 3rd

from left)

promoted Ken Knight to Shodan (1st dan) (kneeling in front, 2

nd from left) and Matt Larson to Yondan


dan) (standing in back, 3rd

from right). In addition, I had the honor of testing Kyle Gewecke and

promoted him to Yondan (4th

dan) (standing in back, 4th

from right). Please be sure to give these three

your congratulations – they were very impressive.

The Kid’s Karate Klass in Arizona is restricted to a few students who must first apply with their parents

in a probationary program before they are accepted in training. This way we keep the kids class to

quality training. Recently, three members of the class were tested for rank. They are required to learn

all of the same techniques, bunkai and kata as the adults. I would like to congratulate Morgan

(promoted to 9th

kyu yellow belt), Ethan and Nathaniel (promoted to 8th

kyu yellow belt). These three

did an excellent job!

Page 7: BUSHIDO THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR - Arizona School of Traditional Karate

Soke Hausel

Central Hombu

Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai.

[email protected]

UCHIDESHI VISITS ARIZONA Sharon and I (Soke) were blessed by a visit by Heather From from

Colorado. Heather was Soke’s student at the University of Wyoming

for 3 to 4 years and she continues training in Colorado on her own

(she lives on a farm in the middle of nowhere) and periodically

travels to Laramie for additional training.

Heather, one of the few uchideshi of Soke’s, is always welcome –

we already miss her. While in the East Valley of Phoenix, Heather

got a break from global warming in Colorado and Wyoming and

trained everyday with Soke. We are looking forward to her return

next year.


Members of the Utah Shorin-Kai train at the

Mesa, Arizona hombu.

Page 8: BUSHIDO THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR - Arizona School of Traditional Karate

Soke Hausel

Central Hombu

Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai.

[email protected]

Sensei Kyle Linton at UW

Hanshi Andy Finley

Page 9: BUSHIDO THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR - Arizona School of Traditional Karate

Soke Hausel

Central Hombu

Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai.

[email protected]

Edward Yaracz & William Whinney (right) and Florence Teule’ and Lenny Martin (left) perform the

White Crane kata.

Family photos – my two grand-daughters (left) and my daughter Jessica (right).

DOJO KUN The dojo kun for May remains as - Reigi o omonjiru koto translates as “Always act with good


DVDs Training DVDs are available at $30 each (please include $5 for shipping for all orders) only to Seiyo

Kai members. Three recent DVDs include: (1) SEIYO BOJUTSU (the bo kata), (2) SEIYO KAMA &

SAIJUTSU, & (3) ADVANCED EMPTY HAND KATA (2009) Part 1 (Naihanchi 1, 2, 3, Passai Dai,

Passai Sho, and Jutte). These can be ordered by sending a check (Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Karate LLC, c/o

W. Dan Hausel, Soke, 1053 W. Cantebria Dr., Gilbert, AZ 85233), or by credit card (see

http://Hombu.webs.com or at http://Seiyo-ShorinRyu.com).

Other DVDs available (at $30/each) include:

Page 10: BUSHIDO THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR - Arizona School of Traditional Karate

Soke Hausel

Central Hombu

Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai.

[email protected]

(1) Samurai (2009), (2) Nunchuku (2009), (3) Basic Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Kata (1999 w/ 2006 bunkai

updates), (4) Advanced Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Kata 1 (1999), (5) Advanced Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Kata 2

(1999), (6) Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Tonfa (1999), (7) Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Hanbo/Tsune (Cane) (1999), (8)

Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Jujutsu Clinic (2000), (9) Women's Self-Defense (1996).

WEBSITES http://Seiyo-ShorinRyu.com http://ArizonaKarate.webs.com

http://seiyokai.blogspot.com/ http://seiyokai.org

http://Hombu.webs.com http://grandmaster.pbworks.com

http://gilbertkarate.blogspot.com http://shorinryu-karate.blogspot.com

http://karate-tournaments.blogspot.com http://arizonatraditionalkarate.blogspot.com

http://traditionalhombu.blogspot.com http://seiyokai.blogspot.com

http://azhombu.blogspot.com http://az-kobudo.blogspot.com


W. Dan Hausel, Soke/10th dan

60 W. Baseline Rd, 106

Mesa, AZ 85210

[email protected]


ALASKA (Kenai)

Alaska Seiyo Shorin-Ryu

Scott Seaton, Sensei/1st dan

[email protected]


Mesa Dojo

W. Dan Hausel, Soke/10th dan

HOMBU Dojo (Southern & MacDonald Rd)


[email protected]


Juscelino Frazão de Oliveira, Shihan-Dai/4th dan South American Representative Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai World Federation of Traditional Karate & Kobudo Rua C 47, QD 68, LT 09, Casa 03 Setor Sudoeste Goiânia - Goiás BRAZIL [email protected]



Steven A. Berkowitz, Dai Shihan/6th dan

Old Paths Martial Arts

Kysho Shorei Kempo

Bugeikan Ryukyu Te Kempo-jutsu

Ft. Myers, Florida (USA)

[email protected]


Legend of the Dragon Martial Arts Academy

Thanh Q Ngo, Kyoshi, 7th Dan

1835 Norman Dr., Suite C

Valdosta, Georgia 31601

[email protected]



European Association of Daito Ryu Aiki-Bujutsu

Siegfried Boedeker, Hanshi/10th dan

Lohne, Germany


SHORIN-RYU INDIA - Jharkhand (Southeastern Asia


Prem Dubey, Kyoshi, (7th) dan

All India, Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Representative

B/B 1008 Dispensary Road

Sonari Jamshedpur Jharkhand India.831011

[email protected] +91-9334295585


Kyoshi J.K. Raja

Salem, Tamilnadu India

6th dan

[email protected]


Dilbag Singh Kahlon, Sensei/2nd dan

Jalandhar Cant

Punjab INDIA

[email protected]



All Iran Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Karate Representative

Dr. Seyed Ahmad Taleghani, 8th dan/Hanshi

[email protected]



Ernst Arnold, Sensei/1st dan

[email protected]

Page 11: BUSHIDO THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR - Arizona School of Traditional Karate

Soke Hausel

Central Hombu

Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai.

[email protected]



George Mumford, Sensei/1st dan



Rio Piedras- Puerto Rico Dojo

[email protected]


Sheikh/Dr. Ali Atiq Al-Atiq, 7th dan



Indishe Senanayake, Shihan-Dai/4th Dan

[email protected]


UTAH SHORIN-KAI (Murray, Utah)

Kyoshi Robert Watson, 8th dan

[email protected]

Shihan Todd Stoneking, 5th dan

[email protected]



Thanh Q Ngo, Kyoshi/7th Dan

Hochminh City, Vietnam

[email protected]

HOI QUAN KHOE DOJO Hiep Ngoc Tran, Shihan-Dai/4th dan Representative & President of Seiyo Viet Nam 193/1C Nam Ky Khoi Nghia . Q3 -T.P Hochiminh [email protected] Phone# (84) 0913122541




Hiep Ngoc Tran, Shihan-Dai/4th dan

Duong D5. Q Binh Thanh - T.P Ho Chi Minh.

[email protected]

Phone# (84) 0913122541



242 / 73 / 19 Duong Nguyen Thien Thuat .Q3 - T.P


[email protected]

Phone# (84) 0913122541.

Ming Van Nguyen, Shihan-Dai/4th dan

Vice President

[email protected]

Phone# (84) 0902999107


Le Thanh Tran, Shihan-Dai/4th dan

Vice President

69 / 22 Duong D2 Van Thanh Bac . Q3 - T.P Hochiminh

Phone# ( 84) 0903725479.


Cong Mai Cu, Shihan/5th dan

General Secretary

4 Pham Ngoc Thach .Q1 - T.P Hochiminh

[email protected]

Phone# (84) 0903913607



Lenny Martin, Sensei/1st dan

The University of Wyoming Campus Shorin-Ryu Karate &

Kobudo Club

Dept. 3625, 1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

[email protected]



Andy Finley, Kyoshi/7th dan

Casper Athletic Club

[email protected]



Warren Air Force Base


Shihan-Dai Kevin Vance, Shihan/5th dan

[email protected]

Sensei Glenn Polk, Shihan-Dai/4th dan

[email protected]

www.Seiyo-ShorinRyu.com http://kevance.home.bresnan.net/seiyokai.html


Kyle Gewecke, Sensei/3rd dan

Aquatic Center in Gillette, Wyoming.

[email protected]



Kyle Gewecke, Sensei/3rd dan