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MH407 BBS/BBA Business & Accounting Orientation September 2015 Maynooth University School of Business

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MH407 BBS/BBA Business & Accounting

Orientation September 2015

Maynooth University School of Business



• Ice-break

Why Study Business & Accounting?

• Why are you interested in studying Business &


School of Business MH407 Business & Accounting


Core elements of the Business &

Management degree

Option to take a Masters Degree in

business on completion


Full accounting programme to

prepare you for a career in accounting

Option to take a Masters Degree in

Accounting on completion

Accounting – Language of Business

Business Development

Understanding Economic


Understanding Financial Products

Managing a Business

Investment Decisions



Accounting – What will you study

• Assumes no knowledge

• More detail in Years 2&3 Financial Accounting

• Costing & Budgeting

• Working Capital

• Performance Measurement

Management and Cost Accounting

• The Irish Taxation System

• Personal Taxation and VAT


• Introduction to Auditing

• Finance

Other Areas

Year 3 – Year Abroad or Internship

• May go abroad to study for a year

• Internship with Accounting firm or company

Did you know?

• That the majority of CEOs in public limited companies are chartered accountants?

• That on successful completion of the programme (with a minimum of 50% required in some modules) you will receive accounting exemptions?

• That your degree provides you with the maximum accountancy exemptions on any undergraduate accountancy programme?

Accounting Exemptions

This degree provides you with the maximum accountancy exemptions on any undergraduate programme in Ireland

• ACA/CAI: Full CAP 1 (Chartered Accountants Ireland)

• ACCA: F1 to F7 inclusive

• CIMA: Exemptions from 9 papers (C1-C5; E1, F1, P1, P2, F2)

• CPA: Exemptions from 8 papers


• Your path to success begins in semester 1, year 1.

• You are required to get a minimum 40% in certain modules (no compensation across other modules) in order to progress to 2nd year; and again from 2nd to 3rd year

• You are required to get a minimum 50% in certain modules (no compensation across other modules) in order to be eligible for the accounting exemptions

Required modules

• Modules you MUST pass (40% minimum) if you wish to progress…

• You MUST achieve 50% (minimum) if you wish to get the professional exemptions…

• AC102 – first year

• AC203 – second year (Tax)

• AC305 – third year (Management Accounting)


• You should all be in the same class grouping for all your modules on the MH407 programme

• To ensure this happens, please register ASAP once Registration opens – you will automatically be put in the first class grouping

• This is to facilitate tutorial timetabling for your Accounting modules

• If you are in a different class grouping than others from your programme, you must go to Student Records who will manually move you to the same class as the others on your programme

School of Business MH407 Business & Accounting


Core elements of the Business &

Management degree

Option to take a Masters Degree in

business on completion


Full accounting programme to

prepare you for a career in accounting

Option to take a Masters Degree in

Accounting on completion

Exemptions from Professional Examinations - this degree provides you with the maximum accountancy exemptions on any undergraduate programme in Ireland • ACA/CAI: Full CAP 1 (Chartered

Accountants Ireland) • ACCA: F1 to F7 inclusive • CIMA: Exemptions from 9 papers

(C1-C5; E1, F1, P1, P2, F2) • CPA: Exemptions from 8 papers

Course Finder

• Source of information on all modules on your programme



Where does business as an area of study come from?



Psychology Sociology

Social Sciences


BBS Business and Accounting • Management is a

multidisciplinary field

– Broad range of interesting topics

• Managers

– People who design, lead and sometimes own businesses


• Introduction to Management & Teams

• Introduction to Marketing & Sales

• Organisational Behaviour

• Business Landscape

• Economics

Siobhan Talbot, Glanbia Managing Director

Denis O’Brien, Entrepreneur & Owner

Manager, Communications

Michael O’Leary, Ryanair CEO

Overview of all Business Degrees The Management side ….

• 1st year: foundational skills: – Understanding humans – Organizing people for

action – Competition

• 2nd year: functional skills e.g – Marketing; Human

Resource Management – Operations; Information


• 3rd year (optional): international – International study

• Final year: • strategic perspective e.g.

– Strategy; Marketing; Human Resource Management;

– Ethics

School of Business

Learning Journey a variation of ..

Challenge your thinking


• Getting things done through people

• Management systems

• Teamwork

• Group theories

• Performance

• Effectiveness


• What is leadership?

• What makes a good leader?

• How can you develop as a leader?

Organisational Behaviour

• Influence

• Motivation

• Personality

• Values

• Culture

• Diversity

• Stress and wellbeing at work….

Marketing & Sales

• The art and science of influence

• Customer behaviour

• Market research

• Segmentation

• The Marketing Mix

• Marketing Communication

Operations and Supply Chain Management

Design, operation, and improvement of productive systems

Examines activities along a value chain extending from supplier to customer

• Getting the right product, in the right quantity and right quality, in the right place at the right time, for the right customer at the right cost

Human Resource Management

• Competitive advantage through people

• HR practices: recruitment, selection, performance management, reward management, training & development, employee relations, IR

• Contemporary topics: flexibility, diversity, discrimination, work-life balance, talent retention, succession planning...

Looking forward to your careers

• Options

– Banking/Finance

– Public sector

– Health sector

– Industry

• Big business

• Growing business

• Small business

School of Business

Example Industry Links

Google Intel

HP Facebook



Brown Bag Glen Cullen Group


Aer Lingus

Kerry Foods


Horse Racing Ireland The Turf Club


The Curragh

The First Thing to Do after this session.....

Download your programme handbook (see your orientation flyer)...

Programme Matters - MH407

• Split between Department of Economics, Finance & Accounting and School of Business

• ‘Economics, Finance, Accounting’ module issues – Department of Economics, Finance & Accounting

• ‘Business/Management’ module issues – School of Business

• Programme academic direction issues – programme academic director, Marian Crowley-Henry, PhD, [email protected]

Key Contacts & Communicating with the School

• Programme direction issues – programme academic director, Marian Crowley-Henry,

[email protected] (email for appointment)

– Your contact for specific queries on: • Department policies including transfers • Marks and standards

– Note all documents, policies etc. can be found on the Maynooth University website, under Registrar’s Department or via the School of Business All Business Moodle page: your first reference destination for queries (all common queries addressed here)

School of Business Contacts – Dr Marian Crowley-Henry

• Programme Academic Director

Key Contacts & Communicating with the School of Business (1)

• General Administration – Kathryn Walsh or Grainne Mooney

([email protected]), Rowan House

School of Business Contacts – Administration Office

Grainne Mooney Kathryn Walsh

Key Contacts & Communicating with the School of Business (2)

• Specific Module Issues/Questions – first contact is the respective module lecturer – you’ll meet your lecturers the first week of classes – Check out School of Business Webpage (Our

People) to see faculty

• Head of School – Professor Peter McNamara,

[email protected]

School of Business Contacts – Professor Peter McNamara

• Head of School of Business

School of Business Offices – Rye Hall Extension, north campus

Rye Hall Extension

Arts Building

Contacts in the Accounting Department

• First year students: Michael Hayden ([email protected])

• Second year students: Hillary Qualter ([email protected])

• Third year students: Aodhdin Casey ([email protected])

• Head of Department – Dr Fabrice Rousseau ([email protected])

• The Department of Economics, Finance & Accounting is located in Rhetoric House (south campus)

If you need to meet your Programme Director / Lecturer(s)….

• Office hours will be communicated.

• Or, email them for an appointment

• Do not turn up at their office without an appointment / outside of office hours

• For general questions use Moodle

– that way everybody learns and the answers get recorded.

Official Communications - Moodle

• You must log-in regularly

• All Business Student Moodle site:

• Accounting Student Moodle site – ACH100 (1st year), ACH200,


• This presentation / orientation slides will be posted there as well as programme handbook which you should be familiar with

• Announcements and updates are posted there • As well as the All Business Students Moodle page, all modules have

separate Moodle pages

Official Communications • Via Email

– You must check your official emails ([email protected])

– Ensure you route all NUIM emails to an account you


– This is university and acting on messages sent is YOUR


• In Class - E.g. notice on lecture room door if class changed

• School of Business Website (Current Students Section):

If you have questions …


– We know you are 1st years

– We don’t expect you to know everything

Student representative

• Good communication between the students/class and the faculty is important

• Each year of each degree elects a student representative group to meet with the coordinator

– Ask students union to run election if more than one candidate

• Responsibility of student rep to make him/herself known to me as programme director

• Raise issues with lecturers on behalf of students where appropriate

• Member of programme board (meets 2x year)

Student representative

• If you are interested in being a class representative, please submit your name/student number (if available) and email/contact details at the end of this session.

• You need to also register your interest with the Student’s Union which holds elections if there is more than one candidate interested in the position.

Assessment & Teaching • Depends on module

• Some modules are 20-40% Continuous Assessment, 60-80% examination

• Some are 100% Exam; some are 100% Continuous Assessment (CA = Continuous Assessment)

• Policy per module concerning compulsory nature of CA (technical fail for non submission on some modules)

• Lectures, Case Studies, Projects assignments, Presentations


• Onus is on YOU to be familiar with the requirements of each of the modules you are studying.


• Strongly recommended for Business students

• Aim to complete the ECDL as early as possible

• Students will not be prevented from progressing or graduating if they have not obtained the ECDL, but feedback from industry is that ECDL is advantageous for graduates

Accountancy Showcase

• Takes place during semester 1 every year

• Not particularly relevant for 1st years, but very relevant in 2nd and 3rd year

• Takes place this year on 6th October, 3.30-5.30pm in Iontas lecture theatre

• Big accountancy & other firms attend (KPMG, PwC, EY, Deloitte, Kerry, Glanbia…)

• Helps with your placement post graduation

• Very important in preparation for milk round in final year; particularly important in years 1 & 2

General Advice • Be proactive.

• Be familiar with rules, regulations etc (e.g. material posted on

Moodle All Business site; university website).

• If unsure, check published resources (e.g. Moodle), ask class-

mate, ask lecturer.

• If you expect to be or have been absent for a week or more

(illness/operation/personal issues), you should furnish a

certified medical cert to [email protected] (with read receipt)

and/or hand in a hard copy to the School of Business

administration office in Rye Hall Extension, informing

programme director of same AND informing your lecturers.

General Advice • If unable to keep assignment deadlines due to certified

illness/absence, forward medical cert to [email protected]

(with read receipt) and/or hand in a hard copy to the School of

Business administration office in Rye Hall Extension, informing

programme director of same AND informing your lecturers

• Be proactive – onus on YOU to inform department if you have

any special circumstances that may affect your participation on

the programme

General Advice Do

• Attend lectures and other class meetings diligently – Attendance is the easiest way to learn, even if you don’t always feel in top


– Complete all CA on-time – it’s mandatory for some modules

– Pay careful attention to your timetable and any amendments. Study it now to make sure you understand it and know where the rooms are.

• Ask questions – from everyone – Lecturers, other staff, fellow students

– Keep asking, until you are satisfied

– Use the student support services, when necessary

• Note carefully all communications and instructions – After being informed once, it is your responsibility to remember

and act

General Advice Do (2)

• Manage your time carefully – Allocate regular hours for study and assignments

– Avoid bottlenecks with last-minute simultaneous assignment completions or exam preparation

• Be proud of your degree programme and your participation – It is a top quality degree programme

– With your active participation you will get great value for life from it

– Let us hear your opinions on how your experience could be improved

• Keep a good work-life balance – Your studies require ONLY 40-50 hours per week in total – that leaves a lot of

time for play and socialising!

• Make lots of friends – You’ll have them for life

General Advice Don’t (just a few)

• Hesitate to ask questions – You’re never alone in not knowing or being unsure

• Leave too much to the last minute – Either study, exam preparation or assignment completion

• Be disrespectful to your colleagues or staff – A professional, enjoyable working environment requires mutual respect

• Be abusive of college property or regulations

School of Business

Further information

• Browse the School website

• Email us at [email protected]

• Phone us on 01 7086520

Contact the School


Search the module description database


• We know you can all succeed

• You just need to DECIDE you will and put in the effort

• You have joined a wonderful university, grasp the opportunities it offers with both hands.

The First Thing to Do after this session.....

Download your programme handbook (see your orientation flyer)...

The next things to do after this session • Put yourself forward as possible class rep for Business in


• Ensure you can access and are familiar with documents on the All Business Moodle site (can take some time to read them all, but useful to know where the data is as you may want to refer to the information here over the next 3-4 years)….
