business events news for wed 13 nov 2013 - nz convention centre, iacc, glebe island, hawaii, hk,...

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  • 8/14/2019 Business Events News for Wed 13 Nov 2013 - NZ convention centre, IACC, Glebe Island, Hawaii, HK, industry jobs


    Industry jobs in BEN

    TODAYS issue of BusinessEvents Newsfeatures a full page

    of events industry jobs from AA

    Appointmentson page four.

    HeavenlyexperiencesDINING in the styleof Emperors onducks tongues,steamed swanegg clam withgarlic sauce, bamboo fungus andblack ossy moss, we ended ourrst evening in Shanghai.

    Not, as expected, at the GrandHyatt Pudong but at the twotower, lotus-topped, Westin

    Shanghai in the Bund Centre.With the Grand Hyatts 555rooms at capacity, the hotelbusiness in Shanghai is sobuoyant it has a constantoccupancy rate of 80+% - enoughto make a Aussie hotel gm weep.

    Looking out of the windowfrom my stylish hotel room withits dominating heavenly bed,the spires and towers of modernPudong on the east side of theHuangpu River helps to put someperspective on the fact that we

    arrived here in the dark.In the middle of Pudongs

    nancial and trade zone,Shanghai Tower J-Hotel is beingbuild, a structure that will oncompletion in 2014, be the citystallest building (632 metres inheight and 128 stories).

    Its interesting to note that in1983 Shanghai had just forty 20storey buildings.

    Today, that number is astaggering 30,000.

    Put into perspective, thats

    roughly one high rise building forevery individual in Goulburn!

    More fascinating tall Shanghaitales and true this Friday. Jill

    business events news Page 1

    business events news

    13th November 2013

    Editor: Jill

    1300 799 220

    Crown NSW go-aheadTHE NSW government

    has conrmed binding

    agreements with Crown

    Resorts Limited, which will see

    the much-ancipated Crown

    hotel completed on Sydneys

    Barangaroo precinct by 2019.

    The deal sees Crown commit to

    building a six star iconic hotel

    resort which will oer standard

    rooms and suites, premium

    suites, villas and super villas,

    spa facilies, mulple signature

    restaurants with celebrity chefs,

    a desnaonal cocktail bar and

    outdoor meeng and convenon

    environments, along with a VIP

    gaming facility.

    Crown chairman James

    Packer said he was going to do

    everything I can to try and make

    Crown Sydney the best hotel in

    the world.

    SEC @ Glebe IslandDELEGATES to the 2013 Event

    and Exhibion Associaon of

    Australasia (EEAA) conference will

    see Sydneys new interim facilies

    up close on Mon 25 Nov during

    the EEAA Welcome Recepon.

    The event will be held aboardtheJohn Cadman 2which will

    include Glebe Island on its route

    as it cruises the harbour.

    Sydney Exhibion Centre @

    Glebe Island (SEC&GI) gm Malu

    Barrios said it will be an ideal

    opportunity to showcase features

    of the interim facilies including

    the venues convenient locaon.

    Setting the PAICETOURISM Australia (TA) will

    showcase 30 exhibitors today at

    Aucklands PAICE Expo, with 2013

    marking the sixth year that its

    has been involved with the event.

    TA NZ gm Jenny Aitken said

    the business case for staging aconference or incenve event

    in Australia is strong, with the

    country having a disnguished

    record as a world class host.

    NZ govt passes NZICC billTHE passing of the New ZealandInternaonal Convenon Centre

    (NZICC) legislaon in the New

    Zealand Parliament yesterday

    has been welcomed by SKYCITY

    Entertainment Group Limited.

    This in eect will see SKYCITY

    invest $402 million to design,

    build, own and operate the New

    Zealand Internaonal Convenon

    Centre in Auckland.

    The announcement comes aer

    many years of negoaon withthe NZ government and SKYCITY

    chief execuve Nigel Morrison

    said, We are delighted to now be

    able to move ahead with this very

    excing development.

    The legislaon extends

    SKYCITYs Auckland Casino licence

    to 2048 and provides for an

    increase in gaming product.

    The NZICC will drive economic

    growth, jobs, high value

    internaonal tourism and will

    become a catalyst for further

    tourism and entertainment

    development in the Victoria

    precinct and the Auckland CBD,Morrison said.

    SKYCITY is fully funding the

    project, meaning that the

    NZICC will be delivered without

    requiring funding from taxpayers

    or Auckland ratepayers.

    Morrison said about 1000

    construcon jobs will be created

    along with SKYCITY employing an

    extra 800 Kiwis when the NZICC is

    fully operaonal.

    Based on current ancipated

    melines and an approximatethree-year construcon period,

    the target date for compleon of

    the NZICC is 30 September 2017.

    BECA grant conrmedBUSINESS Events Council of

    Australia will proceed with a

    major research project on the

    value of the business events

    industry (BEN02 Aug) aer

    receiving conrmaon that theincoming federal government will

    honour the commitment.

    The $110,000 project was one

    of the 2013 round of T-QUAL

    grants under review by the newly

    responsible minister Andrew Robb.[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]
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    NINE MICE industry

    professionals recently took

    part in a Meet Hawaii Familwhich included an experience

    with world renowned Iron

    ChefMorimoto from the iconic

    apanese culinary TV compeon.

    The trip was hosted by Hawaii

    Tourism Oceania in partnership

    with Hawaiian Airlines, and

    saw the group travel to magical

    Maui where they stayed at Hya

    Regency Maui Resort & Spa and

    Wailea Beach Marrio.

    They were also among the

    rst Australian travel industryprofessionals to see the brand

    new luxury Andaz Maui at Wailea.

    Acvies on Maui included

    ziplining and a Molokini Snorkel

    tour, while they also visited

    unique venues including the Alii

    Lavender Farm, Oo Farm and

    Sugar Beach Venue, Gannons

    Estate and the Marilyn Monroe


    Moving onto Oahu they stayed

    at the newly renovated Turtle Bay

    Resort, Sheraton Waikiki and theMODERN Honolulu, where they

    dined at Morimotos restaurant.

    Other aracons visited

    included the Poolynesian Cultural

    Center, Kualoa Ranch, USS

    Missouri and the Pacic Aviaon

    Museum along with other osite

    venues such as Iolani Palace.

    Picturedabove at the Modern

    Honolulu are, from le: Lawrence

    Sarukalsinghe, Hawaiian

    Airlines; Holly Ballard, Hawaii

    Tourism Oceania; Paul Reitberger,Conference Resources; Karen

    OConnor, the Totem Group;

    Pamela Small, Desnaon Event

    Management; Ema Roadcap,

    Planum Travel Corporaon; Iron

    Chef Morimoto; Mandy Slovi,

    ciEvents, Erin Gissane, CCM

    Travel; Tiany Smith, Anywhere

    Travel; and Caitlin OKeefe of DNA


    HERES a tip for those taking partin a Port Stephens conference.

    Check out Kaya, a dingo who ishelping to save an endangeredAustralian bird.

    The smart ve-year-old femalewho lives at the Oakvale Farmand Fauna World has been taughtto step in paint and then on ablank canvas in front of visitors tothe park.

    Her colourful paw-prints aresold to support the conservationof the bush stone-curlew, anocturnal, ground-dwelling birdin danger of extinction on theAustralian east coast.

    Oakvale Farm owner, KentSansom says Kaya, who lives byherself because she doesnt geton well with the other dingoes, isa hit with visitors.

    Dingoes are a social animal sowe needed to think of a way tokeep her stimulated and content.

    Positive reinforcement such asa food reward provides Kaya withmental stimulation.

    She is a unique and beautifulanimal and this is an interestingway for people to see howintelligent the dingo is.

    business events news13th November 2013




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    IACC sets 2014 goalsMARK Cooper, ceo of the

    Internaonal Associaon ofConference Centres (IACC),

    says a key goal going forward

    is the development of the IACC

    Instute, a cercaon program

    for conference centre operators.

    Laying out plans for the future,

    he said IACC will also step up its

    presence and parcipaon in

    industry trade shows in 2014 to

    include AIBTM Chicago, CIBTM

    Beijing, IMEX Frankfurt, AIBTM

    Orlando, IMEX Las Vegas, and

    EIBTM Barcelona.A key focus will be Educang

    Meeng Planners at IACCs

    Camp-Fire sessions at MPIs

    conference in February, a move

    consistent with the associaons

    goals to increase and strengthen

    awareness and membership.

    Plans are also in the works

    for IACC to partner with noted

    hospitality schools, such as the

    SKEMA Business School which

    has oces in France, China, and

    the USA.IACC recently opened three new

    strategically located oces in

    Chicago, Brussels and Singapore.

    Pines time out oferEACH corporate quotaon at

    RACV Royal Pines Resort on the

    Gold Coast will include a $200

    gi voucher from teambuilding

    company Time Out Adventures.

    Opons include riding on

    self-balancing Segways, laserclay-shoong, walking on water

    in Ozbobbles, or starring in a

    Bobbing Heads personalised video.

    DMS 2014 workshopsDMS Desnaon Markeng

    Services has announced the dates

    for its 2014 workshops, which will

    take place in Sydney on Thu 13

    Feb and in Melbourne just before

    AIME, on Mon 17 Feb.

    Hawaii is nice for MICE![email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    business events news13th November 2013


    Publisher EditorBruce Piper Jill Varley

    For advertising enquiries email Christie-Lee:[email protected]

    P: 1300 799 220 F: 1300 799 221PO Box 1010 Epping, NSW, 1710

    Business Events News is part of the Travel Daily group of publications

    which also include: Travel Daily, Cruise Weekly & Pharmacy Daily.

    Disclaimer:While every care has been taken in the preparaon of Business Events Newsno liability can be

    accepted for errors or omissions. BENtakes no responsibility for the opinions of i ts contributors/columnists.

    Informaon is published in good faith to smulate independent invesgaon of the maers canvassed.

    WIN an overnight


    This week, BENand Novotel

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    Novotel Sydney Parramatta

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    11 meeting spaces including

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    Panasonic launches smallest ever Lumix camera

    PANASONIChas launched itssmallest ever LUMIX G Seriescamera, the LUMIX DMC-GM1.

    This pocket sized camera usesthe latest Compact SystemCamera (CSC) technology in atiny package.

    Panasonic says the standoutfeature ofthe 16megapixelDMC-GM1 isits imagequality,coupledwith asuite ofinnovative features,including a retractable

    interchangeable lens, built-in ash and Wi-Fi functionality.The Wi-Fi feature means

    you can instantly share yourimages using the free PanasonicImage App for iOS/Androidsmartphones/tablets.

    Features include:

    16MP Live MOS sensor

    Built-in WiFi (no NFC)

    3.0-inch, 1036K dot touch-sensitive LCD

    1080 HD video recording at60i/30p

    Built-in pop-up ash 1/16,000 maximum shutter

    speed (with all-electronicshutter)

    Focus peaking


    magnication for manual focus

    Micro HDMI output

    Magnesium-alloy shell withaluminium top and bottomplates

    The DMC-GM1 debuts with

    a new kit lens, the LUMIX GVARIO 12-32mm/F3.5-5.6 ASPH/MEGA OIS that oers a 35mm

    focal lengthequivalent of

    24-64mm.This wideangle

    standardzoom lens hasan compactprole,sturdy metal


    and a retractable design.The DMC-GM1 will be available

    in Australia in December. Pricingis RRP $999 for the camera whichis sold as a kit with the LUMIX GVARIO 12-32mm/F3.5-5.6 ASPH/MEGA OIS lens.

    Story adapted from an article inWired. To checkout thelatesttech news

    for smallbusinessvisit TonyWraggsTechTalkonline

    GCs new parklandsGOLD Coast Mayor Tom Tate

    and chairman of the Gold Coast

    Waterways Authority Gary

    Baildon have unveiled plans

    for almost three hectares of

    new parklands to be created as

    part of the citys preparaons

    to stage the Gold Coast 2018

    Commonwealth Games.

    Stage 3 of the $10.5 million of

    the Broadwater Parklands willfeature a regional boat ramp

    and pontoons, new community

    building, events space, public

    amenies and will serve as

    a signicant Commonwealth

    Games legacy project.

    Future enhancements could also

    include new foreshore pathways,

    childrens playground and a youth


    Dreamtime SIA dealTOURISM Australia has

    announced Singapore Airlines as

    the second airline partner and

    gold sponsor for its upcoming

    Dreamtme 2013event.

    SIA will provide ights for

    delegates from key Asian

    markets including Hong Kong,

    India, Malaysia, Indonesia

    and Singapore as part of the

    sponsorship, with about 100 keyinternaonal business events

    decision makers and media

    converging on Melbourne from

    09-13 Dec before heading o to

    locaons around Australia such as

    Adelaide, Cairns, the Gold Coast,

    Sydney and Uluru.

    Planum sponsor Virgin

    Australia is the other airline

    partner for Dreamtme 2013.

    Luxperience growsNEXT years Luxperience luxury

    travel showcase will move to Pier

    2/3 at Sydneys Walsh Bay, in

    order to cope with an expected

    doubling in size.

    The organisers cited strong

    interest from exhibitors following

    this years show, with Luxperience

    2014 taking place 31 Aug-03 Sep.

    HKs $B exhibition industryA new economic impact study

    released on the 2012 Hong Kong

    exhibion industry reveals that it

    was responsible for a substanal

    HK$40.8 billion of expenditure

    n Hong Kong, a rise of 14% from

    he gures for 2010 and a 6.7%

    compound annual growth ratesince 2010.

    This amount represents 2.0%

    of Hong Kongs overall GDP, an

    exceponally strong contribuon

    from an industry that oen slips

    under the radar of the citys

    major performers.

    Fiscal benets, which are those

    taken by the government in the

    form of taxes on salaries, prots

    and passenger movements for

    people and companies involved in

    the exhibion industry, amountedto around HK$1.4 billion for 2012.

    Also assessed were the

    employment opportunies

    generated by the exhibion

    industry, esmated to provide

    69,600 full me equivalent jobs.

    Chairman of the Hong Kong

    Exhibion and Convenon

    Industry Associaon (HKECIA)

    Daniel Cheung said the study

    shows its direct link with Hong

    Kongs wider prosperity.

    The expenditure andemployment opportunies

    benet not just exhibion

    industry players such as venue

    operators, exhibion organisers

    and stand contractors, but also

    hotels, retail, F&B, adversing

    and other sectors, he said.
  • 8/14/2019 Business Events News for Wed 13 Nov 2013 - NZ convention centre, IACC, Glebe Island, Hawaii, HK, industry jobs



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