business management framework

Hello and thanks for stopping by to watch this short presentation that introduces our Business Management FRAMEWORK for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

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Post on 16-Jul-2015



Small Business & Entrepreneurship

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Page 1: Business management framework

Hello and thanks for stopping by to watch this short presentation that

introduces our

Business Management FRAMEWORK

for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

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Business Management

As an entrepreneur or business owner, you need to be prepared to

tackle anything.

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Business Management

Managing a business is a complex process and can

be “confusing”.

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Business Management

You may be wondering…

“What is it that I DON’T KNOW about managing

and growing my business?”

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Business Management

Our mission here at

is to help you be successful in your endeavours.

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Business Management

So we summarized and adapted here for YOU the

Business Management framework that is taught

inthe MBA programsall over the world.

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Business Management

It will give you a COMPLETE MIND MAP

of EVERYTHING that you need to think about in order to manage your

business successfully.

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Business Management

With this knowledge in hand, you will be able to run your entire business

just as top business professionals do.

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Business Management

Managing your business will require you to have your hands in everything, ...

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Business Management you will need to have a solid understanding of

each of the 6 elements of this framework, which


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Business Management


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Business Management


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Business Management


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Business Management


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Business Management


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Business Management



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Business Management

While all are unique, they still rely on each other to

run smoothly.

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Business Management

Let’s zoom in now in each of these management


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Strategic Management

Strategic Management

will guide you in the right direction as your

company grows and changes.

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Strategic Management

It is where you will formulate goals, milestones, and ultimately a BUSINESS PLAN so that you know

where you want to be in 1 year, 5 years, and 10


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Strategic Management

… and more importantly, how you will get there.

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Marketing Management

Marketing Management

guides you to make educated decisions on

the FOUR P’s of marketing:

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Marketing Management

1) the PRODUCTS you will offer,

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Marketing Management

2) your PRICING plan,

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Marketing Management

3) how you will PROMOTE your product or service,

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Marketing Management

4) where will you be offering your products and

services, (the “PLACE”).

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Marketing Management

These important decisions, which should be done

based on MARKET RESEARCH, will be reflected in yourMARKETING PLAN.

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Operations Management

Operations Management

forces you to examine every business process in your

company ...

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Operations Management

... to discover problem areas and opportunities

for optimization.

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Operations Management

You will have TWO ultimate goals with your

operations management:

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Operations Management

1) to ensure the QUALITY of the product or service

you are offering and

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Operations Management

2) to make sure your business processes are


as possible.

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Operations Management

With this information, you will create and follow an OPERATIONS PLAN.

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Financial Management

Financial Management

will ensure that you:

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Financial Management

1) are making profitable decisions and

2) are able to meet all of your financial obligations.

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Financial Management

This is where you will:

a) compile financial statements,

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Financial Management

b) decide what is worth to spend money on and

what is not and

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Financial Management

c) manage your cash-flows and handle accounting

and bookkeeping needs.

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Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management

is how you will recruit talented candidates and

retain valuable employees.

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Human Resources Management

On top of managing varying personalities,

human resources management will help you


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Human Resources Management

... juggle the regulations and expectations that come with being an


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R & D Management

Research and Development (or R&D)


will :

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R & D Management

1) help to improve your current products and


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R & D Management

2) develop new products or services, and

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R & D Management

3) discover more cost-efficient ways to continue offering your products or


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R & D Management

By consistently incorporating R&D into your everyday business

practices, you will position yourself to fill new

markets as they emerge.

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Business Management

Managing every aspect of your business is a

massive undertaking, but it can be done with the

right guidance and resources.

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Business Management

For more details visit us at

to find out EVERYTHING you need to know about managing your business,

from start to finish.

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Business Management

PS: Our “logo” is a hexagon to reflect this

framework and to remind you that there are 6 areas

of business that you ALWAYS need to focus

on to be successful.

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