business strategy & hrd

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  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    Business Strategy & HRDDefinition of HRD:

    "organized learning activities arranged within an

    organization in order to improve performance and/orpersonal growth for the purpose of improving the o! the

    individual and/or the organization#$

    HRD includes the areas of training and development

    career development and organization development

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    %B'()*+'S %, HRDTo develop human resource of the company continuously for better

    performance to meet objectives.

    Provide opportunity for development of different level of employees.

    suitable need based training programs.

    Prepare newly inducted staff to perform their work with high level of

    competency and excellence.

    Meet social obligations of industry to contribute towards the excellence

    of technical and management education.

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    -- %B'()*+'S %, HRDAssist the existing and potential customers in the better

    use of our equipments by training the employees.

    Promote a culture of creativity innovation humandevelopment respect and dignity.

    Achieve excellence in every aspect of working life.

    !reate environment for the trainees conducive to theircharacter building.

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    HR. +s HRD"#$ is a sub section of "#M i.e. "#$ is a section with the department of


    "#M deals with all aspects of the human resources function while "#$ only

    deals with the development part."#M is concerned with recruitment rewards among others while "#$ is

    concerned with employee skills development.

    "#M functions are mostly formal while "#$ functions can be informal like


  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    HRD Functions:

    %kill input to apprentices and trainees.

    &dentifying training needs and imparting training.

    'utside deputation for competency enhancement.

    !ompetency mapping.

    'rganisational development activities.

    !onducting sessions and workshops

    Training and development (T)$*

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    )H' ''D ,%R HRD: B0S*'SS 1D

    '(%%.*(S (H12'S

    "#$ can be +a platform for organisational


    A mechanism for continuous organisational and

    individual renewal and

    A vehicle for global knowledge transfer,.

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD



    &mplementing a new policy.&mplementing a strategy.

    -ffecting organisational change.

    !hanging an organisation,s culture.Meeting changes in the external environment.

    %olving particular problems.

    Technological change creates requirements fortraining and development

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD



    'rganisations that work in less time will have a competitive advantage.

    A customer and quality focus will permeate tomorrow,s superior


    The arena for an organisation,s planning and action will be global .

    usiness strategies now depend on quality and versatility of the human


    /ork structure and design will change dramatically.

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    Training and Developent !T"D#:

    Training and $evelopment (T)$* Training 0 improving the

    knowledge skills and attitudes of employees for the short1

    term particular to a specific job or task 0 e.g.

    -mployee orientation

    %kills ) technical training



  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    --- )raining and Development 3)&D4$evelopment 0 preparing for future responsibilities while

    increasing the capacity to perform at a current job2

    Management training%upervisor development

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    $ene%its o% Training and Developent :

    enefits of Training and $evelopment Training and

    development helps the employees to achieve their personal goals

    which in turn help to achieve the overall organi3ational


    Thus we can bifurcate the benefits of training and development

    into two broad heads2

    'rgani3ational benefits

    Personal benefits

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    %rganizational !enefits :&mproves the morale of the workforce. 4eads to improve

    profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit

    orientation &mproves the job knowledge and skills at all

    levels of the organi3ation. Aids in organi3ational

    development &mproves relationship between superior and


  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    &ersonal 'ene%its :

    Personal benefits "elps the individual in making better

    decisions and effective problem solving. Aids in encouraging

    and achieving self1development and self1confidence. Provides

    information for improving leadership knowledgecommunication skills and attitudes. "elps a person handle

    stress tension frustration and conflicts. "elps a person

    develop speaking and listening skills. "elps eliminate fear in

    attempting new tasks.

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    Critical HRD Issues:%trategic management and "#$

    The supervisor,s role in "#$

    'rgani3ational structure of "#$

    Strategic Management & HRD:

    %trategic management aims to ensure organi3ational effectiveness for the

    foreseeable future 0 e.g. maximi3ing profits in the next 5 to 6 years.

    "#$ aims to get managers and workers ready for new productsprocedures and materials

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    Supervisor(s Role in HRD:

    &mplements "#$ programs and procedures 'n1the1job

    training ('7T*

    !oaching8mentoring8counseling!areer and employee development

    A 9front1line participant: in "#$

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    Organi)ational Structure o% HRD Departents:

    'rgani3ational %tructure of "#$ $epartments $epends on2

    company si3e

    industry andmaturity.

    ;o single structure used $epends in large part on how well the "#$

    manager becomes an institutional part of the company 0 i.e.

    a revenue contributor

    not just a revenue user.

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    HR *anager Role:

    "# Manager #ole &ntegrates "#$ with organi3ational

    goals and strategies.

    Promotes "#$ as a profit enhancer .Tailors "#$ to corporate needs and budget.

    &nstitutionali3es performance enhancement.

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    HR Strategic Advisor Role:

    "# %trategic Advisor #ole !onsults with corporate

    strategic thinkers.

    "elps to articulate goals and strategies .$evelops "# plans .

    $evelops strategic planning education and training


  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    C+allenges %or HRD:

    !hanging workforce demographics.

    !ompeting in global economy.

    -liminating the skills gap.

    ;eed for lifelong learning.

    ;eed for organi3ational learning.

  • 5/28/2018 Business Strategy & HRD


    HRD and organizational 5erformance