business structure - sole traders and local companies

Understanding Business Structures

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Post on 23-Jan-2015




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New Zealand has a large number of Small to Medium Enterprises in its business sector. Though sole traders are the most common type of local company, we also have partnerships, limited companies, co-operatives and franchises. Become familiar with these terms and what they mean relative to your business and business ideas; what are the benefits and drawbacks of each type? Which one is right for you? Have students study the local company terminology before breaking into groups for a quiz where each team only has a few moments to discuss the question and give an answer. Sources of finance - approach this individually or in pairs where you match up the words and their definitions. Take a look at some case studies and then give students the time to discuss and answer related questions. Make this a marked quiz or a class discussion. **Resources: - **Student Handout: SOLE TRADER Anyone who is in business on their own account is a sole trader. That person, the sole proprietor, provides the capital investment to start the business, owns and controls the business in its entirety, keeps all the profits and takes all the risk. PARTNERSHIP A business with between two and 20 part-owners can be classed as a partnership, with typical example firms including solicitors, accountants and estate agents. A Deed of Partnership defines how much capital each partner has contributed and how profits and losses are shared. Sleeping partners can invest in the business but do not have dealings in its day-to-day running. LIMITED COMPANIES The next step up the ladder is a Limited Company (sometimes known as a LLC – Limited Liability Company), which is owned by its shareholders. Shareholders invest money by buying one or more shares in the company. They aren’t personally liable for the firm’s debts – which is where the limited liability comes into it and if worst comes to worst, they only lose the value of their shares. Sole traders rarely raise the capital to expand and achieve LLC status because of the high risk of investing in them. CO-OPERATIVES Co-ops are owned and controlled by their members, who aim to help each other and commonly believe in social responsibility. If a company is set up to benefit its members who share the profits equally and be controlled democratically by them, it is a co-operative. FRANCHISES This is where an existing company (the franchisor) lets someone else (the franchisee) use its business idea and name. The franchisee buys a licence to carry out the business of the franchisor, who charges a fee usually split into two parts – a purchase price plus a percentage of the franchisee’s ongoing business profits. The franchisee must also agree to run the business in the way required by the franchisor to maintain quality and standards.


Page 1: Business Structure - Sole Traders and Local Companies

Understanding Business Structures

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Types of Business Structure

• Sole Trader• Partnership• Limited Companies• Co-operatives• Franchises

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Benefits include:-Easy to set up and run-Only small amount of capital needed-Owner has total control and doesn’t have to share profits

Sole Trader Benefits

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Drawbacks include:-Unlimited liability-Lack of economies of scale-The business relies on the owner 100%

Sole Trader Drawbacks

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Partnership Benefits

Benefits include:-Shared responsibility-Allowing partners to specialise -Partners bring in more capital investment-Decisions, costs are shared

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Drawbacks include:-Each partner has unlimited liability-Shared responsibility can lead to disagreements-Profits have to be shared according to Deed of Partnership

Partnerships Drawbacks

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Limited Companies

There are two types:

1. Private Limited Company (Ltd)

2. Public Limited Company (Plc)

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Private Limited Companies Benefits

Benefits include:-Company can raise more capital by selling more shares-Shareholders can keep control of the business

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Private Limited Companies Drawbacks

Drawbacks include:-Accounts must be audited-Limited companies are more difficult to set up-Shares cannot be sold publicly on the stock market

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Public Limited Companies Benefits

Benefits include:-Easy to raise capital for expansion by selling shares on the stock market-Economies of scale are better than a private Ltd company

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Public Limited Companies Drawbacks

Drawbacks include:-Expensive to set up (a lot of capital is required)-Annual accounts must be made public-Anyone can buy shares – so it’s vulnerable to takeovers

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There are two types:

1. Worker Co-operatives

2. Consumer Co-operatives

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Worker Co-operatives…

…Are owned by the whole workforce

…Everyone has a say in the business

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Consumer Co-operatives…

…Are local Co-op shops owned by the customers

…The profit is paid out or used to keep prices down

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• An existing company (the franchisor) lets someone else (the franchisee) use its business idea and name

• The franchisee buys a licence to carry out the business of the franchisor

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Franchises (Cont’d)

• The franchisee must also run the business in the same way as the franchisor

• In return, the franchisor helps the franchisee set up the business

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