buzzback understanding how millennials view food & nutrition march 2015

1 MILLENNIALS & NUTRITION + Webinar 10/11 March 2015

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1. 1 MILLENNIALS & NUTRITION + Webinar 10/11 March 2015 2. 2 Are you a Millennial? 3. 3 Why are we sharing this work? Provides free food for thought Helps improve future studies Starts a conversation 4. 4 Why they matter Expected to spend more than $200 billion annually starting in 2017 and $10 trillion in their lifetimes There are plenty of them! USA 80 million UK 9.7 million Worldwide 1.7 billion Strong & engaging social media presence Younger than the web Check phones 43x a day Strong influence over other generations Born 1981-2000; Largest generation since Baby Boomers 40s & 50s 5. 5 Companies are taking notice Communicate & behave differently from other generations Less receptive to traditional advertising & marketing efforts Unique set of needs & consideration factors 6. 6 True across multiple categories What is important to them? Fashion Technology Beauty Food & Nutrition Do they practice what they preach? Who and what influences them? What are their shopping habits? 7. 7 What we did Online survey and mobile phone diary Total N=600 millennials in UK and USA Quantitative and qualitative questions, video and photos 8. 8 Millennials are looking for new experiences Millennials are more likely than others to agree that I'm constantly looking for new ways to entertain myself (63% v 35%) I like to stay on the cutting edge of the latest technology & design trends ( 60% v 39%) I like to impress people with my lifestyle (food, drinks, fashion) (43% v 14%) How much do you agree or disagree that each of the following statements describes you? Top 2 box scores shown. 9. 9 Food experience is one of the key elements they look for Fat content Most important (~80%+ agreement) Least important (~50% agreement or less) Taste Quality CaloriesSugar Protein Food experience MacronutrientsCarbohydrates Not GM Grown locally ~60-70% agreement How important are each of the following to you, personally, when thinking about food and nutrition? Top 2 box scores shown. 10. 10 What does food experience mean to millennials? How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about food and nutrition? Top 2 box scores shown. What does food experience mean to them? (% agree) 83 77 75 75 75 66 Sharing a meal is a great way to socialize Like trying new food trends Adventurous with food 11. 11 They are experimental In your first video, we would you like you to record a brief 1 minute testimonial on your general thoughts on the food that you eat. More specifically, we would like you to tell us Who you are! Introduce yourself; tell us about your favorite foods, etc., How do you feel about food?, What matters most to you? Taste, quality, the experience, etc.? 12. 12 They are experimental on both sides of the pond In your first video, we would you like you to record a brief 1 minute testimonial on your general thoughts on the food that you eat. More specifically, we would like you to tell us Who you are! Introduce yourself; tell us about your favorite foods, etc., How do you feel about food?, What matters most to you? Taste, quality, the experience, etc.? 13. 13 They are health conscious but indulge Every now and then I do have a sweet tooth but I try to keep it in moderation as far as possible. UK Well, when Im making my food choices I try to avoid processed foods. UK (% agree) 83 82 78 79 61 56 Good to indulge every once in a while Important to eat healthy Try to avoid processed foods For the most part, I try to eat healthy but there are some foods that are just so good that I just cant resist. US How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about food and nutrition? Top 2 box scores shown. 14. 15 Nutrition is very important overall Agree that overall nutrition is important: 75% What three words come to mind when you think about food and nutrition? 15. 16 Nutritional components are key considerations Two-thirds say natural sweeteners in sugar- free products would impact them positively 71 61 68 64 60 60 PROTEIN CALORIES SUGAR FAT 58 67 (% agree) How important are each of the following to you, personally, when thinking about food and nutrition? Top 2 box scores shown. 16. 17 What do UK and US millennials eat in a typical day? 17. 18 18. 19 Do they practice what they preach? Next, show us what you eat! Over the next three days, please snap photos of at least 3 meals you have throughout the day! Be honest with your photos, we want to see what you are really eating! 7 73 20 All healthy images Mixture of healthy/unhealthy images All unhealthy images Examples shown are from 1 respondent for each group (%) 19. 20 Do they practice what they preach? 11 71 18 All healthy images Mixture of healthy/unhealthy images All unhealthy images (%) Next, show us what you eat! Over the next three days, please snap photos of at least 3 meals you have throughout the day! Be honest with your photos, we want to see what you are really eating! Examples shown are from 1 respondent for each group 20. 21 Despite their online engagement, many still prefer to buy in-store 54 25 DisagreeAgree 31 48 DisagreeAgree It is easier to purchase my groceries online than in a grocery store (%) How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about food and nutrition? Top 2 box and bottom 2 box scores shown. 21. 22 Males are more inclined to shop for groceries online 16 34 FemaleMale 42 53 FemaleMale It is easier to purchase my groceries online than in a grocery store (%) How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about food and nutrition? Top 2 box scores shown. 22. 23 Use a variety of sources for discounts 92% use coupons Clippings from weekly circular (68) Bar code coupons (48) Mobile apps (40) Discount sites (Groupon, Living Social, etc.) (37) QSR (9) Offers received from loyalty schemes (e.g. Nectar, Clubcard) (60) Vouchers received in the mail (53) Price match guarantees (44) Discount sites (Money Saving Expert, Groupon, etc.) (34) Clippings from newspapers/magazines (32) Mobile apps/ scanning (30) 92% use coupons Use of Vouchers / Coupons For Groceries What kind of vouchers/coupons do you use when shopping for groceries? 23. 24 The Coupon App and Tesco are the most popular apps for coupons You said you use vouchers/coupons from mobile apps when shopping for groceries. Which apps do you use? 15 12 9 9 9 14 8 10 8 6 (%) 24. 25 They have significant budgets for eating out 97 94 % eat out at least once per month % eat out at least once per month (grocery budget) $156 81 $340 178 (grocery budget) Monthly budget Monthly budget (%) How often do you eat out at a restaurant?, When thinking about your monthly budget, how much do you typically spend on eating out at restaurants? 25. 27Where do you get information and read reviews before trying a new restaurant? Number 1 source in both markets: Friends and family ~66 Other key sources Other key sources Co-workers (39) Co-workers (36) (42) (27) (24) (23) (21) (40) (35) (20) Newspapers (20) (16) Family and friends are the main source for restaurant recommendations (%) 26. 28Which, if any, of the following fast food establishments do you visit at least once a month? 56 44 39 33 29 57 51 38 34 32 McDonalds and Subway are popular in both markets Fast Food Establishments Local Takeaway N.B: 95% visited at least 1 N.B: 88% visited at least 1 (%) 27. 29 Independent sources are trusted most but not universal When it comes to claims on food and nutrition, on a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you trust each of the following sources? Top 2 Box scores shown. 28. 30 Solike whatever does it mean? Indulgence is key but they also pay attention to nutrition and link this closely with staying healthy. Opportunity for nutrition with taste. They use a variety of sources when making decisions but rely strongly on friends and family when it comes to food. Manufacturers are not trusted sources for food information. Important decision makers with considerable spending power and influence. Differ by lifestage and should not always be treated as one homogenous lump. They are adventurous and social and wish to broaden their horizons through food, by trying new things. 29. 31 Want more information? Any Questions? To learn more, contact Martin Oxley: [email protected] Connect with us online Healthy Natural Luxury Value Quality Indulgence