bw3 workout system manual


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BW3 Workout System Manual


  • Bodyweight Burn BW3 Workout System Manualby Ryan Murdock and Adam Steer

    The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program, as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions.

    By continuing with the program, you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Shapeshifter Media Inc., there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Shapeshifter Media Inc. and its representatives, or its affiliates as a result of any further physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program.

    Important: If you have access to a printer, please PRINT this report (as you have our full permission). Youll get a lot more out of it.

    Unauthorized downloading, retransmission, redistribution, or republication for any purpose is strictly prohibited without the written permission of Shapeshifter Media Inc.

    Copyright 2012 Shapeshifter Media Inc. All rights reserved.

  • Table of Contents

    Welcome To Bodyweight Burn ........................................ viiQuick Start Advice ...............................................................................................vii

    The Death of Conventional Workouts ..............................1Traditional Cardio Is Broken! .............................................................................2Dont Ignore Lean Muscle ..................................................................................4Skip The Long Workout Trap .............................................................................5Ditch the Gym ........................................................................................................6Train Anytime, Anywhere Instead! ............................................................... 7Interval Cardio Stokes The Furnace ................................................................8Skill-Based Cardio ................................................................................................9Show Me The Muscle! ....................................................................................... 10

    The Bodyweight Burn Solution .......................................12But What About Diet? ........................................................................................13

    Bodyweight Burn Program Roadmap ...........................15

    PHASE 1: Metabolic Base (6 weeks) ..............................19Bodyweight Burn (Phase 1): ............................................................................20

    Monday ..................................................................................21Measure ................................................................................................................ 21Exercise .................................................................................................................22Metabolic-Muscle Workouts ............................................................................23NutritionModerate Carb ................................................................................26

  • Tuesday ................................................................................28Exercise .................................................................................................................28Afterburner A Workout .....................................................................................28NutritionLow Carb Day ..................................................................................29

    Wednesday ..........................................................................31Exercise ..................................................................................................................31NutritionLow Carb Day ..................................................................................33

    Thursday ............................................................................... 34Exercise .................................................................................................................34Metabolic-Muscle Workouts ............................................................................35NutritionModerate Carb ................................................................................39

    Friday .....................................................................................40Exercise .................................................................................................................40Afterburner B Workout ......................................................................................40Nutrition 24 Hour Fast .................................................................................. 41

    Saturday ............................................................................... 43Exercise .................................................................................................................43NutritionLow Carb Day ..................................................................................45

    Sunday ..................................................................................46Exercise .................................................................................................................46NutritionGood Carb Day ...............................................................................46

  • Phase 2: Metabolic Explosion (6 weeks) .....................48Bodyweight Burn (Phase 2): ...........................................................................49

    Monday .................................................................................50Exercise ................................................................................................................ 50Afterburner C Workout .................................................................................... 50Nutrition 24 Hour Fast .................................................................................. 51

    Tuesday ................................................................................53Exercise .................................................................................................................53Afterburner D Workout .....................................................................................53NutritionLow Carb Day ..................................................................................54

    Wednesday .........................................................................56Exercise .................................................................................................................56Metabolic-Muscle 2.0 ........................................................................................56NutritionBack Load Day ................................................................................58

    Thursday ................................................................................61Exercise ................................................................................................................. 61Afterburner C Workout ..................................................................................... 61Nutrition 24 Hour Fast ..................................................................................62

    Friday .....................................................................................64Exercise .................................................................................................................64Afterburner D Workout .....................................................................................64NutritionLow Carb Day ..................................................................................65

  • Saturday ............................................................................... 67Exercise .................................................................................................................67Metabolic-Muscle 2.0 ........................................................................................67NutritionBack Load Day ................................................................................69

    Sunday .................................................................................. 72Exercise .................................................................................................................72NutritionGood Carb Day ...............................................................................72

    Tracking Progress .............................................................. 76Equipment Needed ............................................................................................78

    FAQ ........................................................................................ 79

    A Final Word From Ryan and Adam .............................82

  • viiAdam Steer & Ryan Murdock

    Welcome To Bodyweight Burn

    Welcome to Bodyweight Burn!

    Are you ready to finally get the body youve been dreaming of?

    Then lets get started!

    Quick Start AdviceIf you have no interest in the theory behind Bodyweight Burn, just flip to Part 2: The Bodyweight Burn Workout and get started. Youll find clear and simple directions listed out for each day. Videos for every exercise and circuit can be found inand downloaded fromyour Bodyweight Burn online portal.

    If you are interested in knowing how and why things work, and if you want to arm yourself with the greatest chance of success, read through this entire manual and follow it up with the Carb-Synch Diet System manual. It may be the most important health and fitness information youve ever studied.

  • Part 1



  • 2Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock

    Traditional Cardio Is Broken!

    T heres no sense pulling punches, so were gonna start this off by laying to rest a very tired sacred cow.Long slow cardio is broken.

    Thats right, its finished. If youre looking for the most efficient way to burn fat or change your shape, that isnt it.

    Sure, long slow cardio is a tried and true fat burning staple. But spinning your wheels on treadmills, stationary bikes and elliptical machines isnt just boring, it can also increase your risk of injury. Doing the exact same movement over and over again puts you at risk for something called repetitive stress or overuse injuries.

    These injuries happen as a result of chronic stress, when you overuse a body part. They can affect your muscles, tendons or bones. And theyre completely avoidable.

    Think of all the runners you know whose knees just wear out. Thats a perfect example of a repetitive stress injury. But what the heck did they expect to happen after pounding the pavement every day for a decade?

    Know what else too much long slow cardio does to your body?

    It increases cortisol. And that actually increases flab.

    Yes, you read that right. The very exercise youre doing to lose weight could actually be sabotaging your efforts. Heres why...

    Cortisol is called the stress hormone because the levels in your body increase when youre stressed, and they fall back down to baseline when you get back to a normal state. Cortisol also ebbs and flows naturally throughout the day. It starts to increase during the night, it helps to wake you in the morning, and it usually hits a peak sometime

  • Traditional Cardio Is Broken!


    before noon, dropping throughout the rest of the day. At that point melatonin takes over and you fall asleep.

    Cortisol is a good thing when all systems are running well. It gives you the energy to function and train during the day. The problem is the chronic stresses of modern life. If youre always in a state of low grade stress, your cortisol levels will remain abnormally elevated all the time.

    Chronically elevated cortisol leads, through various mechanisms, to extra fat on your belly. Even worse, it can cause more fat to be stored as visceral fat around your organs. And that can put you at risk for an entire range of diseases.

    We obviously dont want any of that! And those reasons alone were enough to make us search for a better alternative to long slow cardio. But there were a couple more things we hated about it...

    Cardio is boring, and our clients never stuck to it for long. I mean, cmon... Who could endure session after session of repetitive plodding while staring at a television or listlessly turning the pages of a sweat-stained magazine?

    If your training program bores the life out of you, you arent going to stick to it no matter how good your intentions are. And that means you wont get the results youre after.

    The other thing that really insults us about long slow cardio is that its inefficient. Your calorie burn stops the minute you step off the treadmill.

    Think about it...

    Thats like investing $10, letting it sit for a month, and getting exactly $10 back. What kind of an investment is that? Long slow cardio is the same sort of investment when it comes to your time. Put in X number of minutes and youll always get the same amount of calories burned.

    But what if you could compound it, just like you do with a financial investment? What if you could gain interest on the work you put in? What if the fat just kept burning even after you finished your workout?

  • Traditional Cardio Is Broken!


    THATs the sort of training program were after. And thats what our clients deserve.

    Of course, a fat burning replacement for long slow cardio is only one part of a complete, well-rounded approach.

    Dont Ignore Lean MuscleThe other side of a complete approach to fat loss involves lean muscle.

    Now hold on a second... Dont run away because we just said the M word. Were not talking about bulking up like a bodybuilder. And were not talking about staring at yourself in the mirror and cranking out curls for the girls.

    Think more along the lines of toning and changing your shape.

    Thats what happens on the surface. But some even more important changes are going on behind the scenes...

    You should care about building lean mass for a couple reasons. For years the rote response was that muscle is highly active metabolically and helps you burn more calories during the day. This is only partly trueand not to the extent we once believed. A pound of muscle is now thought to burn an extra 6 calories per hour (as opposed to the 25 or more per hour we once believed). Youd have to pack on an awful lot of beef to make much difference.

    But thats only part of the equation.

    Muscle mass provides a number of other important benefits, foremost of which is better management of insulin. Insulin is your storage hormone. Its job is to transport fuel into your cells. The higher your ratio of fat to lean tissue, the less sensitive your lean tissue becomes to insulin.

    Basically, when your body fat percentage creeps too high and insulin comes knocking, your lean mass stops answering the door. If you see a vicious cycle in this, youre right!

  • Traditional Cardio Is Broken!


    One way to encourage your muscles to start answering the door again is through resistance exercise aimed at growth. We want to improve insulin sensitivity because if your muscles dont answer the door to insulin, guess who will? Yep, your fat cells are always ready with a warm welcome.

    The other reason you want to add lean muscle to your frame is because thats what forms your shape or physique. Putting on just the right amount of muscle in exactly the right places will change your physical appearance in a very noticeable way. And the great thing is, you really dont have to add very much muscle to make a difference. Its all in how you target it.

    Neglect that calorie-burning lean muscle and your weight loss will result in an ugly sagging shapenot exactly what you had in mind! Your fat burning potential also takes a very big downshift, which means it takes you longer to reach your goal (if you get there at all).

    But if you include some workouts that focus on building a little lean muscle, your fat loss will kick into serious high gear.

    Thats the winning combination: intense fat burning sessions paired with workouts designed to add lean muscle.

    But its not enough just to know this.

    There are a few specific things you should avoid, even with the best workout combination under your belt.

    Skip The Long Workout TrapThe first thing you want to avoid is long workout sessions.

    For one thing, they arent realistic. Unless youre a professional athlete and working out is your full time job, you arent going to stick to it. And if you want to make serious changes to your physique, you need a method you can realistically stick with over the long term.

    The other reason you want to avoid long workouts is because you really can get too much of a good thing.

  • Traditional Cardio Is Broken!


    You want to maximize testosterone while minimizing cortisol for the best lean muscle growth. Drag your workout on too long and your body starts releasing cortisol in response to the stress. And you already know what that means... Belly fat and sagging muscles.

    So yeah, skip the long workouts and aim for short intense bursts of exercise instead.

    Thats probably the biggest thing to remember when it comes to stacking the deck in your favour. But there are a few other variables you can manipulate when it comes to creating a realistic exercise plan to fit your hectic lifestyle.

    Lets start by choosing where youre going to train. If the very act of getting yourself to your training area is an enormous pain, youll sink your workout before youve even started.

    Theres an obvious solution, but few people seem to think of it.

    Ditch the GymWhy does a gym membership hurt so many peoples fitness success rather than help it?

    It all has to do with Time, gentlemen, time.

    Modern life is increasingly mobile and time-compressed.

    We work from laptops, carry our data in iphones or PDAs, and jet back and forth across the country to attend meetings and conferences. We carry portable tools for portable times. Everything essential must fit on our laptops or in our pockets. Theres no room to spare, because weve got to act fast and move quickly. Its the motto of our times.

    Maintaining a gym membership becomes an added burden, simply because it ties you to a fixed location.

    In addition to being highly mobile, were constantly forced to shave away the superfluous, and to accomplish more with less time.

    Who can afford a twenty minute commute to the gym, time to change and shower, and then having to spend most of a one-hour session

  • Traditional Cardio Is Broken!


    waiting around for equipment to free up? It simply isnt a good return on your time investment.

    And jeez, most of that equipment is useless anyway. You dont need it, and we certainly dont recommend that you train with it.

    So what should you do?

    Train Anytime, Anywhere Instead!The solution is bodyweight exercise.

    With bodyweight training, your system travels with you. Workouts and video clips can fit in your laptop, tablet or mobile device.

    Equipment? You dont need it. The only resistance you need is gravity, and youre already carrying your body around with you.

    Bodyweight training makes that burden of showing up redundant. You can do it anywhere, with a minimal amount of space, and with no equipment.

    And when you train our way, your sessions are compressed and intense. You can nail off your training in 21 intense minutes, rather than an hour of train/loaf around/train.

    But you dont tap that intensity with an endless series of pushups and situps.

    Youve gotta hit it with something more intense. Something designed to work you to your limits as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

    Welcome to the new evolution in bodyweight training.

  • Traditional Cardio Is Broken!


    Interval Cardio Stokes The FurnaceOkay, now that were clear on the problems that have sabotaged your previous efforts, lets look at the unique solution we came up with for our clients.

    We already talked about the winning workout combination: intense fat burning sessions paired with workouts designed to add lean muscle.

    But whats so special about them?

    Lets start with fat loss.

    In a study done to compare the fat burning benefits of traditional long slow cardio training and high intensity intervals, two groups were assigned different training regimens. Group A performed the regular moderate intensity cardio regime (ex. jogging or bicycling) for 20 weeks, and Group B performed a high intensity interval training routine for 15 weeks. The results of each group were recorded.

    Group B lost nine times more fat than Group A and in 5 weeks less!

    When you step off a treadmill youre done for the day. Theres no extended fat burning in the hours that follow. But when you finish a high intensity interval cardio session youll continue using up energy stores for as much as 36 HOURS after your workout!

    Yeah, even if youre just sitting on the sofa.

    Why does high intensity interval training burn more fat than moderate intensity cardio? Simply put, after you finish your high intensity training session your metabolism explodes and burns a pile of calories.

    Those calories are being burned because your body must recover from the intense workout you just exposed it to. Contrary to what you might expect, you burn the most fat after your workoutnot during your workout. With interval training your body will continue to burn fat at an accelerated rate for up to 36 hrs after your training session!

    And these interval cardio sessions also happens to be fast! One of the best things about them is you no longer have to spend 30 minutes to an hour jogging your life away on a treadmill.

  • Traditional Cardio Is Broken!


    High intensity cardio interval training is a part of the Bodyweight Burn program. We call these circuits Afterburners. And well have more to say about them in the Program Roadmap section.

    But for now lets keep going with theory.

    We were just bashing long slow cardio.

    There IS still a place in your schedule for longer duration cardio. But we dont suggest you do it the traditional way...

    Skill-Based CardioSkill-based cardio workouts actually tap directly into the power of your nervous system for faster and better results.

    Heres why...

    Conventional slow cardio training is two dimensional and flat. It doesnt require your nervous system to do a heck of a lot of work. But three dimensional skill-based cardio training is complex. It requires your central nervous system (CNS) to work double time.

    The more efficiently your CNS is working, the more muscle youll be able to recruit with every repetition of an exercise. And that means better muscle toning, faster fat burning, and a better, sexier and more attractive body SHAPE.

    Because skill-based cardio training takes your body through the entire spectrum of human movement potential, you also avoid that risk of overuse injuries which plagues long slow cardio enthusiasts.

    Using exercises which move your body through every range that its capable of reaching ensures that your body remains balanced. You wont waste time dealing with overuse injuries created by doing the same repetitive movements in the same planes day after day.

    Instead, your workouts will open up entirely new realms of movement possibility. Youll also develop greater poise and physical presence,

  • Traditional Cardio Is Broken!


    and that completely changes the way people look at you every time you walk into a room.

    Those are the movement and health benefits of skill-based cardio training. But what will it do for your physique?

    Fat burning, baybee!

    This type of cardio puts you squarely in the fat burning zone. When you work out at a lower intensity, your body preferentially burns fat for fuel.

    High intensity intervals may burn more fat in the long run, but you can only do so many sessions per week before you burn your body out too. And thats where lower intensity cardio steps in and fills the gap. It lets you to keep burning fat while still allowing for 100% recovery.

    We call these workouts Cardioflow. And well have more to say about them in the Program Roadmap section of this manual.

    But we have one more workout style to talk about first. We cant forget the importance of lean muscle. How you build it will make a profound difference to your results.

    Show Me The Muscle!The final pillar in the fat loss pyramid involves adding calorie-burning lean muscle in exactly the right places.

    We talked about why this is important in an earlier section. But how you do it is important too...

    You need a workout method that adds the sort of lean muscle that improves your shape, helps normalize your insulin levels, and increases your metabolism, which translates to a higher level of calories burned while at rest.

    You also want to keep those sessions short, so youre maximizing testosterone while minimizing cortisol. And yeah, thats just as true for the ladies as it is for the guys. People tend to think of testosterone

  • Traditional Cardio Is Broken!


    as a male hormone. But we ALL have both testosterone and estrogen in our bodies, and we need both in the proper balance.

    The answer is a style of training called Metabolic-Muscle workouts. And yeah, well tell you how to do it in the Program Roadmap section of this manual.

    The thing to remember is that youre going for the burn.

    That burning you feel in your muscles when youre in the middle of a workout is caused by the buildup of lactic acid. Its the misery that keeps non-exercisers from working out, and its the rite of passage hardcore trainers push for simply as a matter of masochism. But theres much more to it than that.

    The lactic acid burn is also your bodys trigger to start the secretion process of human growth hormone.

    Why should you care? GH is your friend when it comes to lean muscle development.

    Studies have proven a direct link between lactic acid (the burn), Growth Hormone (GH), and fat loss. Its not a magic bullet, but it does play a powerful role in our quest to change your physique and improve your health. Growth hormone acts both to build lean mass and to reduce fat.

    The workout density of these sessions also means youll be burning more calories in a very short amount of time.

    Metabolic-Muscle training is the final piece of the puzzle when it comes to accelerated fat loss training. Weve included all three in Bodyweight Burn. And well tell you how it all fits together in the next section.

  • 12Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock

    The Bodyweight Burn Solution

    The Bodyweight Burn fat loss system seamlessly integrates all the stuff we just talked about in the theory section.Your workouts are limited to 21 minutes.

    Were using workout intensity to get superior results, rather than asking you to spend unrealistic hours in a gym. Youll find it very easy to make this time commitment, and youll be able to stick to it long term.

    Youll also find that you have more energy rather than less. We believe that your workouts should enhance your lifestyle, not grind you down.

    Youll also find that training the Bodyweight Burn way is fun!

    Our BW3 Workout System strategically integrates all 3 of the training secrets for rapid fat loss that we talked about in the theory section of this manual.

    Were using intense interval cardio circuits to keep your fat burning furnace stoked even when youre not exercising.

    Were using skill-based cardio workouts that burn more fat while teaching you how to move with poise and natural grace.

    And were building calorie-eating lean muscle that will dramatically change the way you look in the mirrorand the way everyone else looks at you.

  • The Bodyweight Burn Solution


    But What About Diet?Good question.

    Ever hear that saying, You cant train your way out of a bad diet?

    Its absolutely true. But dont worry, weve got that covered too.

    The Bodyweight Burn Carb-Synch Diet System was specifically designed for rapid fat loss. In fact, its so revolutionary that weve given you a complete nutrition manual to explain the details. We want you to understand the how and why so you can apply this system on your own, without the need for us or anyone else. We want you to be free.

    Of course, if you dont want to know and would rather be told what to do, well give you that too. Weve broken the entire program and diet down into clear daily directions, so you just have to follow along.

    But more on that in the program section of the manual. Lets get back to what Bodyweight Burn will do for you...

    When you combine our carefully targeted Carb-Synch Diet System nutrition plan with the workouts we just discussed, you can expect massive body reshaping.

    Were talking visible results, not some vague number on a scale.

    Your clothes will feel looser within the first week. By the end of week two, youll be getting a steady stream of compliments from your friends and family. Itll be impossible for them not to notice the changes that are happening to your physique.

    By the time you complete Phase 1 of Bodyweight Burn, the mirror will reveal firmer arms and a much smaller belly.

    Those results will continue to accelerate in Phase 2. By the time you stride triumphantly past the finish line youll be planning a shopping spree to buy new clothes.

    Youll have more energy than you ever had before. Youll be up to 30-lbs lighter. And youll be motivated, ready and raring to go with the next phase of your fitness challenge (we highly recommend that you

  • The Bodyweight Burn Solution


    continue to deepen your knowledge and progress by following the cycle we outline in Shapeshifter Monthly .

    If youve done diet programs in the past, youre probably wondering if these gains will last.

    Guess what?

    Rebound dieting is a thing of the past. Our Carb-Synch Diet System is easy to stick to long term, and because of the time limits our BW3 Workout sessions are a snap to integrate into any lifestyle.

    What good is it to work hard and make dramatic changes if they vanish within a few months? We wont settle for that, and neither should you. You deserve change that lasts. You deserve a method that teaches you how to make lasting changes and form new healthy habits.

    Thats what were offering.

    And on that note, lets get right into the Roadmap were going to follow together.

  • 15Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock

    Bodyweight Burn Program Roadmap

    Your 12 week Bodyweight Burn program uses these 3 strategically chosen workout styles for optimal rapid fat loss.We call it the BW3 Workout System:

    BW Cardioflow Workouts

    BW Afterburner Workouts

    BW Metabolic-Muscle Workouts

    BW Cardioflow Workouts are unlike any workout youve ever done before. Its a bodyweight routine that places a series of exercises into one long flowing chain that fits together seamlessly.

    Performed for time rather than reps, the goal is continuous, flowing movement with no breaks or rest pauses in between. Its an excellent tool that burns extra calories while still allowing you to recover from your other intense training sessions. And the faster you recover, the more you can trainwhich means faster results.

    A Cardioflow session is also strangely soothing. Youll find yourself getting caught up in the flow of the movements. Youll start to focus on the processtransitioning seamlessly from one position to the next. The movements will become their own reward, and youll finish your session refreshed and energetic and ready for more.

    Thats why many of our clients describe Cardioflow as a kata or a dance. Its almost like a moving meditation.

    Finally, because Cardioflow takes you through the full spectrum of your movement potential, youll find that it opens up entirely new realms of movement possibilities and improved coordination. Youll get better at the activities you do as part of your daily life, whether that involves work or sports.

  • Bodyweight Burn Program Roadmap


    Next up is a unique form of high intensity circuit training called BW Afterburner Workouts. We love them because they give you so much bang for your buck.

    Afterburner sessions are an excellent way to maximize your workout when you have minimal timewe know you have a life, and your training should support that life rather than take it over.

    Were using bodyweight exercises to burn fat for 24-38 hours after youve finished your training session. When youve completed an Afterburner session, your metabolism explodes and burns a pile of calories. Those calories are being burned because your body must recover from the intense workout you just exposed it to.

    Its called Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC). Simply put, Afterburner Workouts melt fat like a blowtorch.

    The third pillar of BW3 is called BW Metabolic-Muscle Workouts. Were using bodyweight workouts designed to build or maintain lean muscle tissue. That lean muscle will improve your appearance, help moderate your insulin levels (thus changing the way you store fat), and help eat more calories and burn more fat even while at rest.

    Were using two types of circuits in these workouts. The first is a Mechanical Advantage set that takes you through a series of exercises for the same body part. You start with the position of least mechanical advantage and work towards the position of most mechanical advantage, so you can squeeze out more reps and fully deplete those muscle tissues.

    The other circuit type is called Iso-Dynamic sets. This killer combo puts an isometric and a dynamic exercise back to back for total muscle depletion. We talked earlier about the benefits of increasing lactic acid to prompt the body to release Growth Hormone. In this circuit were doing it through isometric (static) contractions.

    A 2006 study from Brazil which measured four different repetition protocols determined that what they called Functional Isometrics was the most potent metabolic stimulator. Hold a static position under enough of a load and youll generate an enormous amount of lactic acid. Follow it immediately with a dynamic exercise for that very same body part and youre talking maximal muscle growth. THATs the way to get the greatest results in the least amount of time.

  • Bodyweight Burn Program Roadmap


    Each of these workout days is strategically paired with an eating plan from our Carb-Synch Diet System to ensure maximal results.

    You can read more about that in the Carb-Synch Diet System manual. And youll have specific day-by-day directions to follow in the next section of this book.

    But the basic outline is that youll be including specific types of carbs on your muscle building days, to take advantage of the increased insulin sensitivity generated by your workouts. The carbs youre ingesting will be taken up to fuel your muscles rather than piled on your belly. And youll be severely limiting carbs on your fat burning days, so you can deplete your stores of muscle glycogen and force your body to burn fat for fuel.

    Thats the Bodyweight Burn system in a nutshell.

    Ready to get started?

    Then turn the page and lets begin!

  • Part 2


  • 19Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock

    PHASE 1: Metabolic Base (6 weeks)

    In Phase 1 were ramping up your metabolic engine and shifting you into fat burning mode.

    Your goal is to add some calorie-burning lean muscle, which will begin to turn your body into a more efficient fat burning machine even as it improves the attractiveness of your physique.

    Youre also revving up your metabolism and increasing your work capacity with Afterburner Workouts and Cardioflow. Work capacity is an important attribute. It forms the foundation of your fitness, and is a prime necessity regardless of your sport, occupation or lifestyle. Increasing your overall work capacity increases your baseline of fitness, which is the platform upon which specialized skills are developed.

    The skills and attributes youre building in Phase 1 will give you the ability to make even faster progress in Phase 2 of Bodyweight Burn.

  • PHASE 1: Metabolic Base (6 weeks)


    Bodyweight Burn (Phase 1): You can begin training whenever you like. Just adjust the schedule to match the day youd like to start.

    Repeat this 7-day pattern for 6 weeks:

    Bodyweight Burn (Phase 1) OverviewWorkout Nutrition

    MondayMetabolic-Muscle Workout (legs / back / chest)

    Moderate Carb

    Tuesday Afterburner A Low Carb

    Wednesday Cardioflow Low Carb

    ThursdayMetabolic-Muscle Workout (legs / shoulders / arms)

    Moderate Carb

    Friday Afterburner B 24-hour Fast

    Saturday Cardioflow Low Carb

    Sunday Recovery Good Carb

    The diet days have been carefully coordinated with the workouts. Follow them to the letter if you want to reap maximum results from this program.

    Be sure to consult each day of the program for the detailed workout breakdown and diet.

  • 21Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock


    MeasureYouve got one task to do before you get started.

    Take your before and after pictures on the day you begin Bodyweight Burn, and record your measurements. Remember: what gets measured gets done! Youll also want a visual record of this because youll be absolutely floored by the results.

    Scale Weight

    Using a reliable and properly calibrated scale, take your starting weight. This is not the most important measure, but it provides important insight nonetheless. Note the time of day that you weigh yourself so you can be consistent with future weigh-ins.

    Before Photos

    You can use a mirror or get a friend to help you with this. Youll need three photos. Take a shot straight on, a shot from the side, and one from the back. Stand as naturally as possible.

    Not only will your after photos reveal your amazing fat loss progress, theyll also highlight the postural changes you will make on your Shapeshifter journey.

    Guide to Taking Girth Measurements

    At minimum, take the measurements highlighted in black. If at all possible, get someone to help you with your Shoulder and Chest measurements. They can be very telling in relation to the other measures.

  • Monday


    You can take your measurements with a standard tailors tape that youll find in any sewing store, or you may want to invest in a MyoTape device. It wont set you back too much, and it gives consistent and accurate readings.

    You can use a mirror or ask a friend to help you with this.

    1. Neck: Right below the Adams apple

    2. Shoulder: Allow a natural exhale and measure around both shoulders at the widest point.

    3. Chest: Allow a natural exhale and measure at the level of the nipples with the tape going under the arms and over the shoulder blades in the back.

    4. Waist: Allow a natural exhale and measure at the level of the belly button.

    5. Hip: Measure around the butt at the widest circumference.

    6. Thigh: Measure at the mid-point between the knee and the hip.

    ExerciseStart the week by hitting your legs, back and chest with a Metabolic-Muscle Workout. If you have extra time, the Core Block is optional on any Metabolic-Muscle Workout day.

    If you decide not to invest in a set of resistance bands, replace the Arm block with the Core block.

    Refer to the videos in the online Bodyweight Burn web portal for detailed instructions covering all the exercises in this manual.

    You can begin your session with an optional 3 minute warm up. If you choose to skip the warm up, make sure you ramp up your intensity gradually in your work sets.

  • Monday


    3 Minute Warm Up (Optional)Overhead Eggbeater 30 seconds each direction

    Doorway Squat 1 minute

    Back Bend 1 minute

    Metabolic-Muscle WorkoutsStart with the first chart and work your way down.

    Chest Block7 minutes

    Mechanical Advantage Set

    Exercise TimeLeast Advantage Push Ups - Narrow hands 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    More Advantage Push Ups - Mid-width hands 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    Most Advantage Push Ups - Wide hands 40 seconds

    Rest 50 seconds

    Iso-Dynamic Set

    Exercise TimeIso Push Up Hold 30 seconds

    Dynamic Quad Press 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Iso Push Up Hold 30 seconds

    Dynamic Quad Press 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

  • Monday


    Legs Block7 minutes

    Mechanical Advantage Set

    Exercise TimeLeast Advantage

    Single Bound Squat (or supported) alternating

    40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    More Advantage Front Lunge Alternating 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    Most Advantage Rear Lunge Alternating 40 seconds

    Rest 50 seconds

    Iso-Dynamic Set

    Exercise TimeIso Wall Squat 30 seconds

    Dynamic Squat Jump 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Iso Wall Squat 30 seconds

    Dynamic Squat Jump 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Back Block7 minutes

    Mechanical Advantage Set

    Exercise TimeLeast Advantage Bands Row (Far) 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    More Advantage Bands Row (Mid-Distance) 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    Most Advantage Bands Row (Close) 40 seconds

    Rest 50 seconds

  • Monday


    Iso-Dynamic Set

    Exercise TimeIso

    Bands Reverse Fly Isometric Hold (in end position)

    30 seconds

    Dynamic Bands Reverse Fly 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    IsoBands Reverse Fly Isometric Hold (in end position)

    30 seconds

    Dynamic Bands Reverse Fly 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds


    If you have extra time, you can add the Core Block to any of your Metabolic-Muscle Workout days.

    Core Block7 minutes

    Mechanical Advantage Set

    Exercise TimeLeast Advantage Lying Leg Raise 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    More Advantage Lying Leg Raise Knees Bent 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    Most AdvantageLying Leg Raise Knees Bent Alternating

    40 seconds

    Rest 50 seconds

  • Monday


    Iso-Dynamic Set

    Exercise TimeIso Plank 30 seconds

    Dynamic V-Up 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Iso Plank 30 seconds

    Dynamic V-Up 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    You can end your session with an optional 3 minute cool down. This simple sequence of movements will speed your recovery and increase your flexibility and overall wellness.

    3 Minute Cool Down (Optional)Wall Chest Stretch 30 seconds each side

    Clasped Hand Forward Fold 1 minute

    Rabbit 1 minute

    NutritionModerate CarbOn Moderate Carb days youll include some faster acting carbs such as fruits (especially bananas), yogurt, squash, beets and cooked carrots. You can eat raw carrots as a free veggie.

    Moderate Carb Days allow you to kick up the replenishment of your muscle energy stores without breaking the bank on calories or sparking a huge surge in insulin.

    The base for ALL your Shapeshifter meals should be generous amounts of veggies accompanied by a portion of at least 20 grams of protein. Add some moderate carbs to this.

  • Monday


    Sample Meals:

    A great way to start a Moderate Carb day is with a bowl of reduced fat plain Greek yogurt topped with fresh blueberries. You can also stir in a dash of stevia if you want a little extra sweetness.

    Add some broiled butternut squash to your steak and asparagus dinner. Or simply add a handful of grapes to your salad to turn it into a Moderate Carb meal.

    How many calories?

    Counting calories is a very imprecise thing. Use this as a guide only. Watch your body and adjust your calories up or down depending on your results. You should aim for around 13 calories per pound of bodyweight. Make sure you count EVERYTHING you put in your mouth.

    Alternatively, you can forget about calories. Just eat until satisfied, track what youre eating, and keep a close eye on your results. If your performance decreases, you may need more calories. If you feel softer, you may need to cut back.

  • 28Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock


    ExerciseTodays training is focused on fat loss. Hit it hard with an Afterburner Workout.

    Refer to the videos in the online Bodyweight Burn web portal for detailed instructions covering all the exercises in this manual.

    You can begin your session with an optional 3 minute warm up. If you choose to skip the warm up, make sure you ramp up your intensity gradually in your work sets.

    3 Minute Warm Up (Optional)Invisible Rope Jump 1 minute

    Robot Chop 1 minute

    Running on the Spot 1 minute

    Afterburner A WorkoutAfterburner A uses the 8:12 protocol. That means 8 seconds of maximum intensity work, followed by 12 seconds of rest. Repeat this pattern over and over for the entire session.

    Your goal is to go as fast as you can while maintaining good form in the exercise.

    You have a choice of 4 different movements for todays workout. Choose an exercise that challenges you, and stick to that movement for the entire workout (you can change them up from week to week).

  • Tuesday


    As always, your total workout time is 21 minutes.

    Afterburner A

    The 8:12 ProtocolTotal time: 21 minutes8 seconds of maximum intensity work12 seconds restRepeat for total of 21 minutesChoice of exercise: Climbers, Jump Squat, Jump Lunge, Breakers(use the same exercise for the entire session once it is chosen)

    You can end your session with an optional 3 minute cool down. This simple sequence of movements will speed your recovery and increase your flexibility and overall wellness.

    3 Minute Cool Down (Optional)Lunge 30 seconds each side

    Piriformis Stretch 30 seconds each side

    Reaching Table 30 seconds each side

    NutritionLow Carb DayYoure going Low Carb today for maximum fat loss.

    Carbs on Low Carb Days are limited to free veggies only. Most of the calories you consume will come from fats and protein. Start with a palm sized portion of protein and add fats until you reach your daily caloric needs.

    Dont count the calories from veggies on Low Carb Days. Eat as much as you want of things like leafy green salad veggies, asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, mushrooms, onions, spinach, tomato, and zucchini. Use your free account to figure out your overall needs.

  • Tuesday


    Sample Meals:

    Spinach salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing. Add tomatoes and cucumbers for variety, and top it off with slices of grilled chicken.

    Or cook a steak on the barbecue. At the same time, grill some asparagus and finish it off by drizzling with grilled sesame oil and sprinkling with sea salt and ground black pepper.

    How many calories?

    Counting calories is a very imprecise thing. Use this as a guide only. Watch your body and adjust your calories up or down depending on your results. You should aim for around 13 calories per pound of bodyweight. Make sure you count EVERYTHING you put in your mouth.

    Alternatively, you can forget about calories. Just eat until satisfied, track what youre eating, and keep a close eye on your results. If your performance decreases, you may need more calories. If you feel softer, you may need to cut back.

  • Wednesday



    ExerciseThe focus of todays workout is fat burning.

    15-30 minutes of Cardioflow.

    Theres no need for a warm up or cool down today, because Cardioflow takes you through every range of your movement potential. Just take the first couple rounds slow and smooth, until your joints are warmed up.

    Remember: Concentrate on technique in each movement, and ramp up the pace as you get betterbut only go as fast as you can while maintaining good form. See the online Bodyweight Burn web portal for detailed instructions covering all the exercises in this manual.

  • Wednesday


    Heres a reference chart for the movements in this flow.

    BWB Cardioflow1. Overhead Straight Leg Deadlift on both sides

    2. Yoga Squat (with foot across opposite knee) on both sides

    Transition: Bodyweight Squat to Push Up Position

    3. T-Push Up on both sides

    Transition: Bring left knee to chest

    4. Stinger Swing Through Left (bring rear leg to same side, continue past each arm and finish in stinger position)

    Transition: Bring left leg back through to neutral and stretch right leg to rear

    4. Stinger Swing Through Right

    5. Cobra Swoop

    Transition: Hop to kneeling, cross feet and roll back through to seated position

    6. Curl Down (seated with legs straight, curl down to supine position)

    7. Shoulder Bridge 1-Leg on both sides

    8. Bicycle Crunch on both sides

    Transition: 1/2 spinal rock to seated, cross feet in front and roll through to kneeling, bodyweight squat to return to standing position

    It might take you a few sessions to get the sequence down. Take your time, and dont get frustrated. The learning curve is short, and the rewards are worth it.

  • Wednesday


    NutritionLow Carb DayYoure going Low Carb today for maximum fat loss.

    Carbs on Low Carb Days are limited to free veggies only. Most of the calories you consume will come from fats and protein. Start with a palm sized portion of protein and add fats until you reach your daily caloric needs.

    Dont count the calories from veggies on Low Carb Days. Eat as much as you want of things like leafy green salad veggies, asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, mushrooms, onions, spinach, tomato, and zucchini. Use your free account to figure out your overall needs.

    Sample Meals:

    Spinach salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing. Add tomatoes and cucumbers for variety, and top it off with slices of grilled chicken.

    Or cook a steak on the barbecue. At the same time, grill some asparagus and finish it off by drizzling with grilled sesame oil and sprinkling with sea salt and ground black pepper.

    How many calories?

    Counting calories is a very imprecise thing. Use this as a guide only. Watch your body and adjust your calories up or down depending on your results. You should aim for around 13 calories per pound of bodyweight. Make sure you count EVERYTHING you put in your mouth.

    Alternatively, you can forget about calories. Just eat until satisfied, track what youre eating, and keep a close eye on your results. If your performance decreases, you may need more calories. If you feel softer, you may need to cut back.

  • 34Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock


    ExerciseYoure building muscle again today, but this time the focus is on legs, shoulders and arms. As before, the Core Block is optional on any Metabolic-Muscle Workout day.

    If you decide not to invest in a set of resistance bands, replace the Arm block with the Core block.

    Refer to the videos in the online Bodyweight Burn web portal for detailed instructions covering all the exercises in this manual.

    You can begin your session with an optional 3 minute warm up. If you choose to skip the warm up, make sure you ramp up your intensity gradually in your work sets.

    3 Minute Warm Up (Optional)Shoulder Breather 30 seconds each direction

    Floating Elbow Circles 30 seconds each direction

    Side Shift Lunges 1 minute

  • Thursday


    Metabolic-Muscle WorkoutsStart with the first chart and work your way down.

    Shoulders Block7 minutes

    Mechanical Advantage Set

    Exercise TimeLeast Advantage Rocca Feet Elevated* 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    More Advantage Rocca Standard* 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    Most Advantage Rocca Hands Elevated* 40 seconds

    Rest 50 seconds

    *If you need to decrease difficulty, start with Standard and then hands slightly elevated, finishing with hands further elevated.

    Iso-Dynamic Set

    Exercise TimeIso Isometric Shoulder Spread 30 seconds

    Dynamic Screw Press 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Iso Isometric Shoulder Spread 30 seconds

    Dynamic Screw Press 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

  • Thursday


    Legs Block7 minutes

    Mechanical Advantage Set

    Exercise TimeLeast Advantage

    Single Bound Squat (or supported) alternating

    40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    More Advantage Front Lunge Alternating 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    Most Advantage Rear Lunge Alternating 40 seconds

    Rest 50 seconds

    Iso-Dynamic Set

    Exercise TimeIso Wall Squat 30 seconds

    Dynamic Squat Jump 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Iso Wall Squat 30 seconds

    Dynamic Squat Jump 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

  • Thursday


    Arms Block7 minutes

    Mechanical Advantage Set

    Exercise TimeLeast Advantage Scoop Curl (Standing far from anchor)* 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    More AdvantageScoop Curl (Standing mid-distance from anchor)*

    40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    Most Advantage Scoop Curl (Standing close to anchor)* 40 seconds

    Rest 50 seconds

    *The further you stand from the anchor point of your bands the more difficult it will be.

    Iso-Dynamic Set

    Exercise TimeLeast Advantage

    Bent Over Triceps Kickback (Far from anchor)*

    40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    More AdvantageBent Over Triceps Kickback (Mid from anchor)*

    40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    Most AdvantageBent Over Triceps Kickback (Close to anchor)*

    40 seconds

    Rest 50 seconds


    If you have extra time, you can add the Core Block to any of your Metabolic-Muscle Workout days.

  • Thursday


    Core Block7 minutes

    Mechanical Advantage Set

    Exercise TimeLeast Advantage Lying Leg Raise 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    More Advantage Lying Leg Raise Knees Bent 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    Most Advantage Lying Leg Raise Knees Bent Alternating 40 seconds

    Rest 50 seconds

    Iso-Dynamic Set

    Exercise TimeIso Plank 30 seconds

    Dynamic V-Up 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Iso Plank 30 seconds

    Dynamic V-Up 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    You can end your session with an optional 3 minute cool down. This simple sequence of movements will speed your recovery and increase your flexibility and overall wellness.

    3 Minute Cool Down (Optional)Shoulder Stretch on Ball 1 minute

    Seal Stretch 1 minute

    Hurdler Side Bend 30 seconds each side

  • Thursday


    NutritionModerate CarbOn Moderate Carb days youll include some faster acting carbs such as fruits (especially bananas), yogurt, squash, beets and cooked carrots. You can eat raw carrots as a free veggie.

    Moderate Carb Days allow you to kick up the replenishment of your muscle energy stores without breaking the bank on calories or sparking a huge surge in insulin.

    The base for ALL your Shapeshifter meals should be generous amounts of veggies accompanied by a portion of at least 20 grams of protein. Add some moderate carbs to this.

    Sample Meals:

    A great way to start a Moderate Carb day is with a bowl of reduced fat plain Greek yogurt topped with fresh blueberries. You can also stir in a dash of stevia if you want a little extra sweetness.

    Add some broiled butternut squash to your steak and asparagus dinner. Or simply add a handful of grapes to your salad to turn it into a Moderate Carb meal.

    How many calories?

    Counting calories is a very imprecise thing. Use this as a guide only. Watch your body and adjust your calories up or down depending on your results. You should aim for around 13 calories per pound of bodyweight. Make sure you count EVERYTHING you put in your mouth.

    Alternatively, you can forget about calories. Just eat until satisfied, track what youre eating, and keep a close eye on your results. If your performance decreases, you may need more calories. If you feel softer, you may need to cut back.

    NOTE: Remember to stop eating today after supper. Youre doing a 24-hour fast tomorrow. See tomorrows nutrition section for details.

  • 40Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock


    ExerciseYoure hitting it hard again today with an Afterburner Workout for accelerated fat loss. Its a different circuit than the one you performed on Tuesday. Gotta keep you on your toes!

    Refer to the videos in the online Bodyweight Burn web portal for detailed instructions covering all the exercises in this manual.

    You can begin your session with an optional 3 minute warm up. If you choose to skip the warm up, make sure you ramp up your intensity gradually in your work sets.

    3 Minute Warm Up (Optional)Invisible Rope Jump 1 minute

    Robot Chop 1 minute

    Running on the Spot 1 minute

    Afterburner B WorkoutAfterburner B uses the 60:75 protocol. That means 60 seconds of work at 85-90% of your capacity, followed by 75 seconds of the Recovery Flow. Thats rightyoure recovering your breathing and heart rate while in motion in todays program. Theres no passive rest. Repeat this pattern over and over for the entire session.

    Your exercise for the 60 second periods is Sprinter Burpees. The movements of the Recovery Flow are listed in the chart below.

    As always, your total workout time is 21 minutes.

  • Friday


    Afterburner B

    The 60:75 ProtocolTotal time: 21 minutes60 seconds of work at 85-90% capacity75 seconds rest doing the Recovery FlowRepeat for total of 21 minutesExercise: Sprinter Burpees

    BWB Recovery FlowShinbox Left / Right

    Shoulder Bridge

    Shoulder Roll Left (Threading Bridge)

    Shoulder Roll Right

    You can end your session with an optional 3 minute cool down. This simple sequence of movements will speed your recovery and increase your flexibility and overall wellness.

    3 Minute Cool Down (Optional)Lunge 30 seconds each side

    Piriformis Stretch 30 seconds each side

    Reaching Table 30 seconds each side

    Nutrition 24 Hour FastIf youve never used intermittent fasting before, this may be one of the most psychologically challenging days of your Bodyweight Burn program. But it will accelerate fat loss like nothing else, and it provides a host of other health benefits. So stick it out and reap the rewards!

    The fasting protocol is simple. Stop eating after supper on the previous day. Then24 hours laterstart eating again by having supper as

  • Friday


    your first meal of that day. So you should have stopped eating after your supper last night. And youll start eating again at supper tonight.

    During the fast you can drink as much water and non-caloric beverages as you like, including coffee and teabut dont add milk or sugar. These tips will make it much easier to stick to your fast:

    Drink lots of water

    Coffee and tea are fine

    Do not consume any sugary drinksobviously!

    Stay busy

    Know that hunger will come and go throughout the day

    Finish your fast with a normal meal

    To end your fast, stick to normal portions of a Low Carb meal. And have a Low Carb snack before bed.

    As a reminder, Low Carb Days are limited to free veggies only. Most of the calories that you consume will come from fats and protein. In fact, you wont even be counting the calories from veggies on Low Carb Days. Eat as much as you want of things like leafy green salad veggies, asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, mushrooms, onions, spinach, tomato, and zucchini.

    Sample Meals:

    Spinach salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing. Add tomatoes and cucumbers for variety, and top it off with slices of grilled chicken.

    Or cook a steak on the barbecue. At the same time, grill some asparagus and finish it off by drizzling with grilled sesame oil and sprinkling with sea salt and ground back pepper.

    Thats it. And dont worry, itll be over before you know it!

  • 43Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock


    ExerciseYoure ending off the week with some more fat burning. Todays focus is Cardioflow.

    15-30 minutes of Cardioflow.

    Theres no need for a warm up or cool down today, because Cardioflow takes you through every range of your movement potential. Just take the first couple rounds slow and smooth, until your joints are warmed up.

    Remember: Concentrate on technique in each movement, and ramp up the pace as you get betterbut only go as fast as you can while maintaining good form. See the online Bodyweight Burn web portal for detailed instructions covering all the exercises in this manual.

  • Saturday


    Heres a reference chart for the movements in this flow.

    BWB Cardioflow1. Overhead Straight Leg Deadlift on both sides

    2. Yoga Squat (with foot across opposite knee) on both sides

    Transition: Bodyweight Squat to Push Up Position

    3. T-Push Up on both sides

    Transition: Bring left knee to chest

    4. Stinger Swing Through Left (bring rear leg to same side, continue past each arm and finish in stinger position)

    Transition: Bring left leg back through to neutral and stretch right leg to rear

    4. Stinger Swing Through Right

    5. Cobra Swoop

    Transition: Hop to kneeling, cross feet and roll back through to seated position

    6. Curl Down (seated with legs straight, curl down to supine position)

    7. Shoulder Bridge 1-Leg on both sides

    8. Bicycle Crunch on both sides

    Transition: 1/2 spinal rock to seated, cross feet in front and roll through to kneeling, bodyweight squat to return to standing position

    It might take you a few sessions to get the sequence down. Take your time, and dont get frustrated. The learning curve is short, and the rewards are worth it.

  • Saturday


    NutritionLow Carb DayYoure going Low Carb today for maximum fat loss.

    Carbs on Low Carb Days are limited to free veggies only. Most of the calories you consume will come from fats and protein. Start with a palm sized portion of protein and add fats until you reach your daily caloric needs.

    Dont count the calories from veggies on Low Carb Days. Eat as much as you want of things like leafy green salad veggies, asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, mushrooms, onions, spinach, tomato, and zucchini. Use your free account to figure out your overall needs.

    Sample Meals:

    Spinach salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing. Add tomatoes and cucumbers for variety, and top it off with slices of grilled chicken.

    Or cook a steak on the barbecue. At the same time, grill some asparagus and finish it off by drizzling with grilled sesame oil and sprinkling with sea salt and ground black pepper.

    How many calories?

    Counting calories is a very imprecise thing. Use this as a guide only. Watch your body and adjust your calories up or down depending on your results. You should aim for around 13 calories per pound of bodyweight. Make sure you count EVERYTHING you put in your mouth.

    Alternatively, you can forget about calories. Just eat until satisfied, track what youre eating, and keep a close eye on your results. If your performance decreases, you may need more calories. If you feel softer, you may need to cut back.

  • 46Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock


    ExerciseYouve reached the end of the week, and youve earned a reprieve.

    Theres no programmed workout today. Kick back, relax and enjoy some time outdoors with your family, or with your favourite hobby.

    OPTIONAL: If you find yourself itching for something active, todays the perfect day to add a low intensity recovery activity like stretching.

    Alternatively, you could invest in Shapeshifter Yoga. This science-based yoga program is an excellent way to compensate for the work youre doing in Bodyweight Burn.

    Youll really feel amazing after completing this movement series!

    NutritionGood Carb DayGood carb days are the Bodyweight Burn Carb-Synch diet system answer to the infamous cheat day. This is your day to loosen the reigns a bit without destroying your progress or sending your efforts into the fatal tailspin of cravings, bloating and depression which often accompanies an all out feast on processed carbs.

    Many diet programs recommend a periodic cheat day or free day. This can be extremely valuable from a mental and emotional perspective because it gives you a break from the grind of nutritional discipline. But its also beneficial from a physiological perspective because it pumps your muscles full of fuel for the days to come. Theres even some evidence that cheat days can bolster levels of the hormone leptin, which tends to plummet along with calorie restriction and fat loss. Leptin controls hunger (the lower it gets the hungrier you are), so manipulating this hormone can help your fat loss.

  • Sunday


    We include this with one important caveat: In our experience, most people take their cheat days too far and they eat enormous amounts of refined carbohydrates. Your muscles can only store about 400 grams of glycogen. That means a good portion of those empty cheat day calories will be stored as fat. You worked hard all week to get rid of fat! That temporary satisfaction just isnt worth it.

    The other problem with consuming huge amounts of processed carbs in one day is the inflammatory response that will accompany it. Studies have shown that just ONE high carb meal increases systemic inflammation for as many as three hours! And weve already seen that inflammation is associated with stalled fat loss and muscular development.

    So weve taken a different approachthe Good Carb Day. Youll still get a psychological break, and youll still load up on muscle glycogen. But youll do it by eating your fill of sprouted grain products (like Ezekiel bread), rice, potatoes, quinoa and couscous.

    Theres no hard limit to the amount you can eat. Just make sure you stop at 90% full (so you dont feel like you are stuffed). And dont eat again until you start to feel hungry. Finally, be sure you add protein and good fats to each of your meals.

    Sample Good Carb Day Meals:

    Eat a bowl of steel cut oatmeal for breakfast. Stir in some Plain greek yogurt, a little stevia if you need more sweetness, and a handful of raisins for variety. Accompany it with a protein shake to round things out. Keep your protein intake up, even on a Good Carb day.

    For lunch, have your favorite sandwich on a couple slices of Ezekiel bread. And at supper, cook up a pot of quinoa pasta and whip up a nice meat and veggie sauce to go with it.

    Check this blog post out for Adams idea of a perfect Good Carb day...

    The Perfect Good Carb Day

    Thats the run down on Bodyweight Burn Phase 1.

    Repeat this sequence for a full 6 weeks before moving on to Phase 2.

  • 48Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock

    Phase 2: Metabolic Explosion

    (6 weeks)

    In Phase 2 were raising the stakes. Its time to shift your body into 24/7 fat burning mode.

    Were really hammering the Afterburner workouts in this part of the program, so you can take advantage of the EPOC effect we discussed earlier. When you hit those Afterburner sessions hard, your body will continue to burn fat for 24 - 38 hours as you recover.

    But youll only be able to take it to this level if you use every ounce of the firepower you built up in Phase 1 of Bodyweight Burn. Without that work capacity you simply wouldnt have enough gas in your tank.

    This is it! Youre halfway through. Give it all youve got over the next 6 weeks and youll be amazed at the changes in your bodyand your life.

  • Phase 2: Metabolic Explosion (6 weeks)


    Bodyweight Burn (Phase 2): When youve completed Phase 1, move straight into Phase 2.

    Repeat this 7-day pattern for 6 weeks:

    Bodyweight Burn (Phase 2) OverviewWorkout Nutrition

    Monday Afterburner C 24-hour Fast

    Tuesday Afterburner D Low Carb

    Wednesday Metabolic-Muscle 2.0 Back Load

    Thursday Afterburner C 24-hour Fast

    Friday Afterburner D Low Carb

    Saturday Metabolic-Muscle 2.0 Back Load

    Sunday Recovery Good Carb

    The diet days have been carefully coordinated with the workouts. Follow them to the letter if you want to reap maximum results from this program.

    Be sure to consult each day of the program for the detailed workout breakdown and diet.

  • 50Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock


    ExerciseIn Phase 2 were hitting the Afterburner Workouts hard and heavy. Youve got two different circuits in this section of the program. Today youll do the first one.

    Refer to the videos in the online Bodyweight Burn web portal for detailed instructions covering all the exercises in this manual.

    You can begin your session with an optional 3 minute warm up. If you choose to skip the warm up, make sure you ramp up your intensity gradually in your work sets.

    3 Minute Warm Up (Optional)Invisible Rope Jump 1 minute

    Robot Chop 1 minute

    Running on the Spot 1 minute

    Afterburner C WorkoutAfterburner C uses descending sets to take you through a sequence of 3 movements, followed by a 60 second rest. Theres no rest between exercises, only at the end of each round. The workout is 8 rounds total.

    Your goal is to move as fast as you can while maintaining good form.

    As always, your total workout time is 21 minutes.

  • Monday


    Afterburner C

    Descending SetsTotal time: 21 minutes8 Rounds of the following circuit:

    45 sec Bodyweight Jump Squat30 sec Jump Lunge

    15 sec Climber or Breaker60 seconds rest

    You can end your session with an optional 3 minute cool down. This simple sequence of movements will speed your recovery and increase your flexibility and overall wellness.

    3 Minute Cool Down (Optional)Lunge 30 seconds each side

    Piriformis Stretch 30 seconds each side

    Reaching Table 30 seconds each side

    Nutrition 24 Hour FastIntermittent fasting accelerates fat loss like nothing else, and it provides a host of other health benefits. So stick it out and reap the rewards!

    The fasting protocol is simple. Stop eating after supper on the previous day. Then24 hours laterstart eating again by having supper as your first meal of that day. So you should have stopped eating after your supper last night. And youll start eating again at supper tonight.

    During the fast you can drink as much water and non-caloric beverages as you like, including coffee and teabut dont add milk or sugar. These tips will make it much easier to stick to your fast:

  • Monday


    Drink lots of water

    Coffee and tea are fine

    Do not consume any sugary drinksobviously!

    Stay busy

    Know that hunger will come and go throughout the day

    Finish your fast with a normal meal

    To end your fast, stick to normal portions of a Low Carb meal. And have a Low Carb snack before bed.

    As a reminder, Low Carb Days are limited to free veggies only. Most of the calories that you consume will come from fats and protein. In fact, you wont even be counting the calories from veggies on Low Carb Days. Eat as much as you want of things like leafy green salad veggies, asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, mushrooms, onions, spinach, tomato, and zucchini.

    Sample Meals:

    Spinach salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing. Add tomatoes and cucumbers for variety, and top it off with slices of grilled chicken.

    Or cook a steak on the barbecue. At the same time, grill some asparagus and finish it off by drizzling with grilled sesame oil and sprinkling with sea salt and ground back pepper.

    Thats it. And dont worry, itll be over before you know it!

  • 53Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock


    ExerciseYoure doing another Afterburner Workout today, but its a different circuit than you used yesterday. Dont worry, its gonna be fun!

    Refer to the videos in the online Bodyweight Burn web portal for detailed instructions covering all the exercises in this manual.

    You can begin your session with an optional 3 minute warm up. If you choose to skip the warm up, make sure you ramp up your intensity gradually in your work sets.

    3 Minute Warm Up (Optional)Invisible Rope Jump 1 minute

    Robot Chop 1 minute

    Running on the Spot 1 minute

    Afterburner D WorkoutAfterburner D uses ascending sets to take you through a sequence of 3 movements, followed by a 60 second rest. Theres no rest between exercises, only at the end of each round. The workout is 8 rounds total.

    Your goal is to move as fast as you can while maintaining good form.

    As always, your total workout time is 21 minutes.

  • Tuesday


    Afterburner D

    Ascending SetsTotal time: 21 minutes8 Rounds of the following circuit:

    15 sec Tuck Jumps30 sec Burpees

    45 sec Bodyweight Squat60 seconds rest

    You can end your session with an optional 3 minute cool down. This simple sequence of movements will speed your recovery and increase your flexibility and overall wellness.

    3 Minute Cool Down (Optional)Lunge 30 seconds each side

    Piriformis Stretch 30 seconds each side

    Reaching Table 30 seconds each side

    NutritionLow Carb DayYoure going Low Carb today for maximum fat loss.

    Carbs on Low Carb Days are limited to free veggies only. Most of the calories you consume will come from fats and protein. Start with a palm sized portion of protein and add fats until you reach your daily caloric needs.

    Dont count the calories from veggies on Low Carb Days. Eat as much as you want of things like leafy green salad veggies, asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, mushrooms, onions, spinach, tomato, and zucchini. Use your free account to figure out your overall needs.

  • Tuesday


    Sample Meals:

    Spinach salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing. Add tomatoes and cucumbers for variety, and top it off with slices of grilled chicken.

    Or cook a steak on the barbecue. At the same time, grill some asparagus and finish it off by drizzling with grilled sesame oil and sprinkling with sea salt and ground black pepper.

    How many calories?

    Counting calories is a very imprecise thing. Use this as a guide only. Watch your body and adjust your calories up or down depending on your results. You should aim for around 13 calories per pound of bodyweight. Make sure you count EVERYTHING you put in your mouth.

    Alternatively, you can forget about calories. Just eat until satisfied, track what youre eating, and keep a close eye on your results. If your performance decreases, you may need more calories. If you feel softer, you may need to cut back.

  • 56Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock


    ExerciseThe focus of Phase 2 is fat burning, but we still want to address lean muscle gain because that metabolically expensive tissue is your ace in the hole. Were using a different Metabolic-Muscle Workout in this phase of the program. Its a Lactic Circuit of 8 movements that cover the entire body.

    As before, the Core Block is optional on any Metabolic-Muscle Workout day.

    Refer to the videos in the online Bodyweight Burn web portal for detailed instructions covering all the exercises in this manual.

    You can begin your session with an optional 3 minute warm up. If you choose to skip the warm up, make sure you ramp up your intensity gradually in your work sets.

    3 Minute Warm Up (Optional)Overhead Eggbeater 30 seconds each direction

    Doorway Squat 1 minute

    Back Bend 1 minute

    Metabolic-Muscle 2.0Do 3 rounds of this circuit. Rest for 90 seconds at the end of each round.

    If you choose not to invest in resistance bands, replace the back movement with the leg exercise indicated below.

  • Wednesday


    Lactic Circuit

    Exercise TimeLegs Front Lunge (explosive) 50 seconds

    Rest 10 seconds

    Chest Push Ups 50 seconds

    Rest 10 seconds

    Core V-up 50 seconds

    Rest 10 seconds

    Legs Wall Sit 50 seconds

    Rest 10 seconds

    Shoulders Rocca 50 seconds

    Rest 10 seconds

    Core Plank 50 seconds

    Rest 10 seconds

    Back Row 50 seconds

    (extra legs option to replace back)

    Jump Squat 50 seconds

    Rest 90 seconds


    If you have extra time, you can add the Core Block to any of your Metabolic-Muscle Workout days.

    Core Block7 minutes

    Mechanical Advantage Set

    Exercise TimeLeast Advantage Lying Leg Raise 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    More Advantage Lying Leg Raise Knees Bent 40 seconds

    Rest 20 seconds

    Most Advantage Lying Leg Raise Knees Bent Alternating 40 seconds

    Rest 50 seconds

  • Wednesday


    Iso-Dynamic Set

    Exercise TimeIso Plank 30 seconds

    Dynamic V-Up 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    Iso Plank 30 seconds

    Dynamic V-Up 45 seconds

    Rest 30 seconds

    You can end your session with an optional 3 minute cool down. This simple sequence of movements will speed your recovery and increase your flexibility and overall wellness.

    3 Minute Cool Down (Optional)Wall Chest Stretch 30 seconds each side

    Clasped Hand Forward Fold 1 minute

    Rabbit 1 minute

    NutritionBack Load DayYouve been going low carb for a few days now, and youre burning fat like a smelter. But youve gotta carb up and replenish those tired muscles so you have enough energy to keep going with the program.

    Carb Backloading is an innovative nutritional approach we learned from John Kiefer. It involves doing your strength training late in the day and then concentrating all your carbsrice, sweet potatoes, sprouted grain bread, etcin the evening hours.

    This approach is based on the fact that insulin sensitivitythe ability of your cells to respond to insulin and absorb nutrientsis highest in the morning and diminishes throughout the day. This is true for BOTH fat and muscle cells.

  • Wednesday


    However, exercise increases the insulin sensitivity of your muscles regardless of what time of day you train. If you consume your carbs in the evening while also scheduling your workouts for later in the day, youll be able to play the system.

    Your fat cells are still in their late state of relative insulin resistance. But your workout has kicked your muscle cells into a highly insulin sensitive state, so ingested carbs are shot straight into the muscle for growth and recovery!

    Sample Back Load Day:

    Immediately upon waking, have a coffee with a teaspoon to a tablespoon of whipping cream, or tea with a teaspoon to a tablespoon of extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil. The fat will give you energy without interfering with fat burning.

    Dont eat breakfast until at least 10:00 am, or preferably until noon. Break your fast with protein and loads of free veggies. High quality meat, poultry or seafood are all great choices. Add moderate amounts of good fat if youve chosen a lean protein source.

    Need examples? Have a large salad tossed in olive oil and a splash of vinegar, topped with grilled salmon. Or cook some broccoli, toss it in coconut oil and serve it with steak or a piece of chicken.

    If youre feeling hungry by mid-afternoon, you can eat a handful of nuts or some cottage cheese. Free veggies are great too, and they can be eaten throughout the day.

    Work out in the late afternoon or early evening today. Take some Prograde Workout immediately after your training session: 1 scoop if youre under 140 pounds, or 2 scoops if youre over 140 pounds. You need the combination of fast acting carbs and protein contained in Prograde Workout to make Back Loading as effective as possible. If you want to speed your results even more, add 5 grams of leucine and 5 grams of creatine to your post workout shake.

    Wait an hour or two, and then eat dinner. Start with a palm sized portion of lean protein. Add loads of free veggies, and round out your plate with a fist sized portion of carbs, such as potato, sweet potato, rice, gluten-free pasta or sprouted grain bread.

  • Wednesday


    If youre hungry again in the evening, you can have a snack that includes protein and carbs. A good trick is to mix a scoop of protein powder with just enough water to create a pudding. Add half a cup of rice and you have a good approximation of rice pudding.

    Dont count calories on your Back Load days. Stick to the portion pattern described above and never eat until full.

    NOTE: Remember to stop eating today after supper. Youre doing another 24-hour fast tomorrow. See tomorrows nutrition section for details.

  • 61Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock


    ExerciseIts time for another run through Afterburner C.

    Refer to the videos in the online Bodyweight Burn web portal for detailed instructions covering all the exercises in this manual.

    You can begin your session with an optional 3 minute warm up. If you choose to skip the warm up, make sure you ramp up your intensity gradually in your work sets.

    3 Minute Warm Up (Optional)Invisible Rope Jump 1 minute

    Robot Chop 1 minute

    Running on the Spot 1 minute

    Afterburner C WorkoutAfterburner C uses descending sets to take you through a sequence of 3 movements, followed by a 60 second rest. Theres no rest between exercises, only at the end of each round. The workout is 8 rounds total.

    Your goal is to move as fast as you can while maintaining good form.

    As always, your total workout time is 21 minutes.

  • Thursday


    Afterburner C

    Descending SetsTotal time: 21 minutes8 Rounds of the following circuit:

    45 sec Bodyweight Jump Squat30 sec Jump Lunge

    15 sec Climber or Breaker60 seconds rest

    You can end your session with an optional 3 minute cool down. This simple sequence of movements will speed your recovery and increase your flexibility and overall wellness.

    3 Minute Cool Down (Optional)Lunge 30 seconds each side

    Piriformis Stretch 30 seconds each side

    Reaching Table 30 seconds each side

    Nutrition 24 Hour FastIntermittent fasting accelerates fat loss like nothing else, and it provides a host of other health benefits. So stick it out and reap the rewards!

    The fasting protocol is simple. Stop eating after supper on the previous day. Then24 hours laterstart eating again by having supper as your first meal of that day. So you should have stopped eating after your supper last night. And youll start eating again at supper tonight.

    During the fast you can drink as much water and non-caloric beverages as you like, including coffee and teabut dont add milk or sugar. These tips will make it much easier to stick to your fast:

  • Thursday


    Drink lots of water

    Coffee and tea are fine

    Do not consume any sugary drinksobviously!

    Stay busy

    Know that hunger will come and go throughout the day

    Finish your fast with a normal meal

    To end your fast, stick to normal portions of a Low Carb meal. And have a Low Carb snack before bed.

    As a reminder, Low Carb Days are limited to free veggies only. Most of the calories that you consume will come from fats and protein. In fact, you wont even be counting the calories from veggies on Low Carb Days. Eat as much as you want of things like leafy green salad veggies, asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, mushrooms, onions, spinach, tomato, and zucchini.

    Sample Meals:

    Spinach salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing. Add tomatoes and cucumbers for variety, and top it off with slices of grilled chicken.

    Or cook a steak on the barbecue. At the same time, grill some asparagus and finish it off by drizzling with grilled sesame oil and sprinkling with sea salt and ground back pepper.

    Thats it. And dont worry, itll be over before you know it!

  • 64Adam Steer & Ryan Murdock


    ExerciseIts another Afterburner day. Youre right in the fat loss groove nowkeep it going!

    Refer to the videos in the online Bodyweight Burn web portal for detailed instructions covering all the exercises in this manual.

    You can begin your session with an optional 3 minute warm up. If you choose to skip the warm up, make sure you ramp up your intensity gradually in your work sets.

    3 Minute Warm Up (Optional)Invisible Rope Jump 1 minute

    Robot Chop 1 minute

    Running on the Spot 1 minute

    Afterburner D WorkoutAfterburner D uses ascending sets to take you through a sequence of 3 movements, followed by a 60 second rest. Theres no rest between exercises, only at the end of each round. The workout is 8 rounds total.

    Your goal is to move as fast as you can while maintaining good form.

    As always, your total workout time is 21 minutes.

  • Friday


    Afterburner D

    Ascending SetsTotal time: 21 minutes8 Rounds of the following circuit:

    15 sec Tuck Jumps30 sec Burpees

    45 sec Bodyweight Squat60 seconds rest

    You can end your session with an optional 3 minute cool down. This simple sequence of movements will speed your recovery and increase your flexibility and overall wellness.

    3 Minute Cool Down (Optional)Lunge 30 seconds each side

    Piriformis Stretch 30 seconds each side

    Reaching Table 30 seconds each side

    NutritionLow Carb DayYoure going Low Carb today for maximum fat loss.

    Carbs on Low Carb Days are limited to free veggies only. Most of the calories you consume will come from fats and protein. Start with a palm sized portion of protein and add fats until you reach your daily caloric needs.

    Dont count the calories from veggies on Low Carb Days. Eat as much as you want of things like leafy green salad veggies, asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, mushrooms, onions, spinach, tomato, and zucchini. Use your free account to figure out your overall needs.

  • Friday


    Sample Meals:

    Spinach salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing. Add tomatoes and cucumbers for variety, and top it off with slices of grilled chicken.

    Or cook a steak on the barbecue. At the same time, grill some asparagus and finish it off by drizzling with grilled sesame oil and sprinkling with sea salt and ground black pepper.

    How many calories?

    Counting calories is a very imprecise thing. Use this as a guide only. Watch your body and adjust your calories up or down depending on your results. You should aim for around 13 calories per pound of bodyweight. Make sure you count EVERYTHING you put in your mouth.

    Alternatively, you can forget about calories. Just eat until satisfied, track what youre eating, and keep a close eye on your results. If