by: cezika concha, stephanie henzon, lizabel lozano, and megan pinzon,

By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon, Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,

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Page 1: By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon, Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,

By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon,Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,

Page 2: By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon, Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,

Religion shaped the development of the New England and Middle Colonies politically, it was a factor in the development of the government and economically. Churches were built and many people practiced the same religion forming which formed a committee and thus it had an important role to the colonial societies.

Page 3: By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon, Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,

New England ColoniesNew England is composed with six colonies

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New

Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Massachusetts was dramatically established

itself when the Puritans settled in the colony.

Puritans were originally from Great Britain, they

traveled across the oceans because they opposed

the Church of England. Puritans, also known as

Pilgrims, spread their beliefs through the colonies

of New England and establish religious

committees. The Pilgrims set their government

based on the word of God and had a strong belief

on predestination. Their social life revolve around

their religion’s belief and the Bible.

Page 4: By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon, Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,

Middle Colonies

The Middle Colonies is consisted with four

colonies—New York, New Jersey,

Pennsylvania, and Delaware. The Middle

Colonies had a diverse population because

many of its settlers came to the Middle

Colonies because of it religious tolerance. Due

to the settlers that had fled their home

countries the due to its unfair religious

policies, they settled in the New World that

allowed them to create a peaceful place to

practice their religious beliefs. Because of

this reason, some communities intertwine the

religious morals along with their social

government. The most common religious that

reside in the Middle Colonies are the Puritans

and the Christians.

Page 5: By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon, Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,

Comparison of the Two Colonial Society

Both colonies flourished under religious beliefs and policies. Both colonies created and instituted their own identity.

Both colonies have a some similar religions like Puritans. The settlers of both colonies moved to the colonies to form and

expresses their religious morals. Both colonies attracted many immigrants because of their economy is

stable and provided profitable jobs. Both colonies establish churches for their successor and to teach the

future generation about their morals and religion.

New England Middle Colonies•Organized their government according to the teaching of the Bible•Establish Harvard and Yale•Believe in the concept of predestination•Puritans had a strong belief about “Protestant ethic”—commitment to work and worldly pursuit.

•Had a diverse population•Practice religion tolerance•Had a great democratic control•Quakers contributed the concept of human freedom

Page 6: By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon, Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,

DOCUMENT AThe map on the right indicates the immigrants that migrated in the colonies. This document supports that the colonies attracted many people which cause the colonies to have diverse population within the colonies.

Page 7: By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon, Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,

Document B This pictures supports that the Middle Colonies have a diverse populations as well as religions because many different churches were made by different religions and people.

Document B

Episcopal church established by Welsh settlers


Presbyterian church established by a Scotch-Irish community (83-G-37527)

German Reformed church established by a community

of German Non-Plain People (83-G-37576)

Three churches established in the mid 1700sLancaster County, Pennsylvania (photographed in 1941)

Courtesy National Archives

Page 8: By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon, Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,

DOCUMENT CIn Pennsylvania, Quakers tried to live with the Indians despite of their differences. This supports that the Quakers were presenting the concept of human freedom by living with uncivilized group of people and demonstrating that any kind of human being is able to freely and can civilized with others and have many opportunities as others. It also indicates that Indians should not be treated differently because of their appearance or culture because they are human beings and should not be cage because they have the right to live freely and harmonically with others.

Page 9: By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon, Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,


This documents indicates that the Middle Colonies wanted to abolish slave trades because they believed that is unrighteous business. This is a supportive document that is based on the impact of religion to the economy of the Middle colonies.

“we therefore, believe ourselves religiously bound to lay this subject before you”Portion of a Quaker petition to abolish the slave trade, addressed to the first U.S. Congress, 1790.

Courtesy National Archives(46-PETITION-1AG3-2)

Page 10: By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon, Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,

Document E

“The Puritans considered the bible as the true law of god. That provided guidelines for

church government.

The Puritans emphasized bible reading, prayer, preaching in

worships services.” Encyclopedia

This document supports that morals of Puritanism had an impact on the government and they based their government by the teaching of the Bible. And its also indicates that Puritans were really devoted to the God and the Bible.

Document F

“The Puritans shaped the religion, social life, and the government in

North America to their ideals. Their strong belief in education

led them to establish Harvard and Yale as colleges and to require a

system of grammar schools in the colonies.

The Puritans organized the government according to the

teaching that found in the Bible and on the basis of their English

experience.” Encyclopedia

This document indicates the accomplishment and the impact that Puritans have in New England. They developed their own schools and government that are based on the Bible and their experience in the Great Britain. With this knowledge and devotion to their religion they were able to make New England to a successful colony.

Page 11: By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon, Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,

Document G The document below states the contribution of the Middle Colonies to the people and the government. This document support that with religions, the Middle Colonies became one of the colonies who had diversity in many things—religions, population/ethnicity—that made practice religion tolerance and human freedom.

Document HThe document below indicates that William Bradford believes that He who created all things contributed many things to the people and nation. This document support the fact that religion had an impact to the colonies due to Him.

Page 12: By: Cezika Concha, Stephanie Henzon, Lizabel Lozano, and Megan Pinzon,

Bibliography Bonomi, Patricia. “Religious Pluralism in the Middle Colonies.” Divining

America, TeacherServe©. National Humanities Center. 23 Nov. 2010.

Hokamp, Hank. "U.S. History: new england and middle colonies, new england colonies, climate in the middle colonies." Expert Archive Questions. N.p., 31 July 2008. Web. 23 Nov. 2010.

Kennedy, David, Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas Bailey. "Settling the Northern Colonies ." The American Pageant. 13th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006. 43-64. Print

The World Book Encyclopedia: Volume 15 -P.. 2006 ed. Chicago: World Book, 2006. Print.

The World Book Encyclopedia: Volume 15-P.. 2009 ed. Chicago, Ill. : World Book, 2009. Print.