by chhieng pich, director, eif-niu. pich... · by chhieng pich, director, dico national project...


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Page 1: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’
Page 2: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU

Progress  Update  on  Trade  SWAp,  TDSP  and  EIF      

Page 3: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

1.  TDSP  Program  Status  ü  Finance    ü  Procurement  ü  Implementa>on  ü  TDSP  Extension  

2.  EIF  Program  Status  ü  EIF  Tier  1  ü  EIF  Tier  2  

o  CEDEP  I  o  CEDEP  II  o  CEDEP  III  

Page 4: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’
Page 5: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

Cumula>ve  Expenditure  $9,296,758  


Funds  Required  for  DICO  Opera>ons  &  including  various  consultants  

$1,205,291  (8%)  

Balance  Commitment  under  all  MOUs  including  GDA,  TTRI  &  BRD  but  excluding  the  closed  project  (3  from  TPD,  3  from  GDCE,  1  from  RSA  &  

1  from  TDSI,  1  from  CAMCONTROL,  1  from  CDC  &  1  from  ISC)    $  4,947,951  

(32%)  MoC/DICO-­‐FU  

TDSP  Funds  Posi<on  As  of  30th  September  2014  

(Unaudited  -­‐  Expressed  in  Percentage  of  the  Total  Grant  Amount  of  US$  15.450  million)      

Monthly  disbursement:  •  17th  SSC  =  $600,000  per  month  •  18th  SSC  =  $749,687  per  month  •  Now              =  $1,000,000  per  month  

Page 6: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

TDSP Fund Actual  Disbursement  against  Projected  Disbursement  by  Quarter,  Year  2014  

As  of  30th  September  2014  









Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4  


593,715   592,966  


Disbursement  Projec>on     Actual  Disbursement    






           361,490    61%  


Page 7: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

TDSP  Fund  Disbursement  by  Year,  As  of  30th  September  2014  

(Expressed  in  Percentage  of  the  Total  Grant  Amount  of  US$  15.450  million)  








2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014  

116,584  615,558  



2,087,570  2,050,858  



0.75  %  




NOTE: *. Cumulative Disbursement = USD 9,296,758 **. Cumulative Disbursement as a Percentage of Total Grant = 60%  

Page 8: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

Procurement  Progress    as  of  30  September  2014  

•  Benchmark  by  end  of  30  September  2014:  $9,000,000  •  Actual  total  contract  value  of  the  signed  contracts  up  to  30  Sept  2014          


No Type of Contract Actual Achievement (USD)

Total % against benchmark ($9M)

1   Goods   2,939,610.98  10,211,164.23     113.45  %  2   Consultant  Services   7,271,553.25  

Page 9: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

Contracts  signed  in  3rd  Quarter  2014  

No Type of Contract

Description of contract Contract Amount(USD)

1   Goods   Office  Equipment  for  DICO,    DOP  (Training)     128,907.90  



Consul>ng  Firm  for  Development  of  a  COs   411,900.00  

Interna>onal  Individual  Consultant  for  Training  on  SOClass   11,959.20  

Na>onal  Project  Coordinator   18,400.00  

Na>onal  Internal  Audit  Consultant   18,112.50  

Interna>onal  Project  Management  Adviser   78,400.00  

Na>onal  ICT  Adviser   27,600.00  

Addi>onal  Na>onal  Procurement  consultant   15,870.00  

Total  Contract  Value  (USD)   711,149.60  

%  against  Benchmark  (0.5M)   142.23%  

Page 10: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

Contracts  to  be  signed  in  October  2014  

   -­‐Services:(4  packages)  as  below:          

No Type of Contract

Description of contract Contract Amount(USD)



Prin>ng  Informa>on  Booklets  and  Leaflets  for  ISC     32,150.00  

Furniture  for  DICO     9,638.58  



Extension  Contract    Viegel  (Cambodia)  Pte.,  Ltd  provide  certain  Goods  and  Services  for  Wide  Area  Network  (WAN)  


Extension  Contract  Resolvo  (Cambodia)  Co.,  Ltd,  Consultant  Service  for  Support  of  ASYCUDA  World  Deployment,  Opera>on  and  Maintenance  


Interna>onal  Editor     27,420.00  

Na>onal  Consultant  for  Compiling  IP  Enforcement  Procedure  and  Conduc>ng  Training    


Total  Contract  (USD)   426,958.58  

Page 11: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

No.   Iden<fied  Projects   #  of  Projects  

1.   Total  project  under  TDSP   27  

2.   Projects  completed  and  closed     12  

3.   Ongoing  projects   15  

•  Projects  will  be  completed  and  closed  by  Mar  2015  ü  Implemen>ng  Agency  Capacity  Enhancement  Program  (RSA),  ü  Support  draiing  E-­‐commerce  Law  (DLAD),  ü  Rule  of  Origin  (DMUL),  ü  MoC  Core  HR  Func>on  (DoP),  ü  Strengthen  Capacity  of  ISC  (ISC-­‐MIH),  ü  Development  of  a  stronger  Na>onal  system  for  IP  genera>on,  protec>on,  

administra>on  and  enforcement  (DIPR),  ü  Support  to  G-­‐PSF  (CCC),  ü  Reviewing  commercial  law  (DNLC),  


•  Projects  will  be  completed  and  closed  by  Aug  2016  ü  ASYCUDA  World  System  (GDCE-­‐MEF),  ü  ICT  Master  Plan  –  Automa>on  of  Cer>ficate  of  Origin  (MoC),  ü  Automa>on  of  Business  Registra>on  (BRD),  ü  Automa>on  of  SPS  Cer>ficate  (GDA-­‐MAFF),  ü  Beger  Quality  of  Fish  and  Fishery  Products  (FiA-­‐MAFF),  ü  Trade  Training  and  Research  Ins>tute  (TTRI-­‐MoC),  ü  Drais  of  Rice  Standards  –  Cer>fica>on  Schemes  for  Rice  (Accredita>on  

System)  (ISC-­‐MIH),  


Page 12: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

No   Project   Agency   Approved  Budget  

Actual  Expense  

Balance   %Expense  

1   Informa>on  Dissemina>on  on  Top  Ten  Products   TPD   48,211   39,880   8,331   83%  

2   Export  training  and  SME  training   TPD   34,899   53,600   1,298   98%  

3   Value  Chain  Informa>on  Unit   TPD   263,208   202,583   60,625   77%  

4   Development  of  a  Trade  Curriculum   RSA   123,650   122,356   1,293   99%  

5   Capacity  Building  for  Dept  of  Trade  and  Sta>s>cs   DTSI   137,540   90,343   47,196   66%  

6   Customs  Valua>on     GDCE      50,000      44,232      5,768     88%  

7   Awareness  Program  on  Customs    GDCE      95,000      21,001      73,998     22%  

8   GDCE  Capacity  Enhancement  Programme  

GDCE      613,105     269,555     333,549     44%  

9   Strengthening  Ins>tu>onal  Risk  Management    

Camcontrol    150,386     143,723     6,663     96%  

10   Enhancing  IP  Teaching  and  Training   NCIPR    110,000      110,539      (539)   100.49%  

11  Study  on  minimum  wages  &  minimum  wages  nego>a>on  in  garment  sector  







12   Raising  awareness  on  the  Investment  law   CDC   $195,860   93,740   $102,120   47%  

TOTAL:     686,283  

Page 13: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

1.  Implemen>ng  Agency  Capacity  Enhancement  Program  (RSA):  comple>on  report  by  Nov  2014,  

2.  Support  draiing  E-­‐commerce  Law  (DLAD):  comple>on  report  by  Nov  2014,  

3.  Rule  of  Origin  (DMUL):  ac>vity  completed  by  Dec  2014,  4. MoC  Core  HR  Func>on  (DoP):  ac>vi>es  completed  by  Mar  2015,  5.  Strengthen  Capacity  of  ISC  (ISC):  ac>vity  completed  by  Dec  2014  6.  Development  of  a  stronger  Na>onal  system  for  IP  genera>on,  

protec>on,  administra>on  and  enforcement  (DIPR):  ac>vity  completed  by  Mar  2015,  

7.  Support  to  G-­‐PSF  (CCC):  ac>vi>es  completed  by  Mar  2015,  8.  Reviewing  commercial  law  (DNLC):  project  will  be  closed  if  the  

selec>on  of  the  legal  consultants  failed,  

Page 14: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

No   Date   Proposal   IA   Pillar  Focus  (P)   Component  focus  (C)   Budget  

1   01  Jul  2010  (18  months)  

Rule  of  Origin:  Opera>onal  Procedures  &  Training  

D/MUL  MoC  

P1:  Legal  Reform   C1-­‐C:    Other  legal  reforms  &  RGC  WTO  obliga>ons  


2   14  Jul  2010    (18  months)  

Strengthening  the  capacity  of  Ins>tute  of  Standard  of  Cambodia  (ISC)  


P1:  TBT,  SPS,  &  Trade  Facilita>on  

C1-­‐A:  TBT  &  SPS   $384,264  

3   15  Oct  2010  (24  months)  

Support  draiing  E-­‐Commerce  Law   LAD  MoC  

P1:  Legal  Reforms  and  Cross-­‐cunng  Issues  &  P3  :  Strengthening  Key  MOC  Depts  &  Key  MOC  


C3:  Human  &  Ins>tu>onal  Capacity  Building  


4   29  Dec  2010  (15  months)  

Reviewing  of  Commercial  Laws   D/N&C  MoC  

P1:  Legal  Reforms  and  Cross  Cunng  Issues  

C1  :  Trade  Policy  Formula>on  and  Implementa>on  


5   29  Dec  2010  (18  months)  

Strengthening  MoC  core  DR  func>ons  through  the  DoP  Ins>tu>onal  and  

Individual  Capacity  

DoP  MoC  

P3:  Capacity  Development  for  Trade  

C3:  Strengthening  ins>tu>onal  and  human  capacity  


6   09  Jun  2011  (9  months)  

ICT  Master  Plan  Implementa>on   GDIT  MoC  

P1  &  P3   C1-­‐B:  Trade  Facilita>on   $2,608,876  

7   11  Jul  2011  (10  months)  

Implemen>ng  Agency  Capacity  Enhancement  Program  


P1  &  P3   C1-­‐B:  Trade  Facilita>on   $605,125  

8   11  Jul  2011  (8  months)  

The  development  of  completed  drais  of  na>onal  standards  for  rice  and  strengthening  the  capacity  of  

conformity  assessment  body-­‐Phase  I  


P1   C1-­‐C:  Policy  Formula>on  and  Implementa>on  in  the  area  of  

SPS  and  TBT  


Projects under  Implementa<on  

Projects  to  be  completed  and  closed  by  Aug  2016  are  highlighted  in  red.  

Page 15: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

No   Date   Proposal   IA   Pillar  Focus  (P)   Component  focus  (C)   Budget  

9   30  Sep  2011  (6  months)  

Beger  Quality  and  Safety  of  Fish  and  Fishery  Products  for  Improving  Fish  Trade  Development  in  Cambodia  


P2   C1-­‐C:  Policy  Formula>on  and  Implementa>on  in  the  area  of  

SPS  and  TBT  


10   16  Aug  2012  (15months)  

Development  of  a  stronger  Na>onal  system  for  IP  genera>on,  protec>on,  administra>on  and  enforcement.  

DIPR/MoC   P1   C1-­‐C:  Trade  Policy  Formula>on   $148,491  

11   28  Sep  2012  (15  months)  

Support  to  G-­‐PSF   CCC   P2  B.  Trade  Support  Ins>tu>on  

C2.  Increase  transparency    &  user  feedback  mechanism  on  trade-­‐related  processes.  


12   12  Jul  2012  (18  months)  

GDCE  ASYCUDA  World  System  Project   GDCE   P1   C1-­‐B:  Trade  Facilita>on   $1,398,753  

13   20  Jun  2014  (11  months)  

Streamlining  and  Automa>on  of  Business  Registra>on  

DBR   P1   C1-­‐B:  Trade  Facilita>on    


14   20  Jun  2014  (11  months)  

Automa>on  of  Phyto-­‐Sanitary  Cer>ficates    

GDA/MAFF   P1   C1-­‐B:  Trade  Facilita>on    


15   01  Jul  2014  (11  months)  

Trade  Training  &  Research  Ins>tute  (TTRI)  

TTRI/MoC   P3:  Capacity  development  for  trade  

C3:  Strengthening  ins>tu>onal  &  human  capacity  


TOTAL   $9,243,427  

Project under  Implementa<on  (Cont..)  

Projects  to  be  completed  and  closed  by  Aug  2016  are  highlighted  in  red.  

Page 16: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

1.  ICT  Master  Plan  (Automa>on  of  Cer>ficate  of  Origin):  •  Contract  with  CrimsonLogic  had  been  signed  on  05  Sep  2914,  •  Kick-­‐off  implementa>on  starts  on  26  Sep  2014,  •  Incep>on  report  to  be  submiged  by  the  end  of  Oct  2014,  

2.  Trade  Informa>on  Website  (TIW),  •  Off  the  self  solu>on  is  provided  by  WB,  •  WB  team  is  improving  the  user-­‐interface  and  it  will  be  ready  by  Dec  2014,  •  MoC  Prakas  has  been  signed  by  SM  appoin>ng  HE  Pan  Sorasak  as  the  head  of  

Coordina>ng  Commigee  and  Mr.  Kong  Putheara  as  of  the  head  of  WG  

3.  Business  Registra>on  project  status,  •  Aier  exposing  in  Singapore  and  New  Zealand,  MoC  management  needs  to  confirm  the  clearance  of  technical  requirement,  

•  Then  DICO  can  start  the  procurement  process,  

4.  SPS  project  status,  •  ToR  had  been  cleared  and  punng  in  the  procurement  plan,  •  PRC  approved  bidding  document  and  pre-­‐bit  mee>ng  will  be  held  21  Nov.  Bid  submission  deadline  is  set  for  Dec  11,  2014.    

Page 17: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

5.  Trade  Training  and  Research  Ins>tute  (TTRI),  •  Several  training  courses  on  ToT  have  been  provided  for  MoC  and  PDoC  •  Networking  with  other  Asian  Trade  Training  Ins>tutes  and  UNESCAP  was  held  in  Bangkok  on  22-­‐24  Sep  2014,  

•  ToRs  for  training  firm  and  value  chain  studies  have  been  finalized,  •  TTRI  Logo  design  compe>>on  launched,  

6.  ASYCUDA  World  System:  •  Upgrading  the  system  by  UNCTAD  to  kick-­‐start  on  20  Oct  2014,  •  10-­‐new  sites  will  be  expanded,  •  Training  on  SOClass  for  Na>onal  Project  Team  had  been  conducted  from  1-­‐13  Sep  2014,  

•  Training  on  Oracle  Database  had  been  conducted  from  10-­‐25  Feb  2014,    

7.  Quality  and  safety  of  Fish  and  Fishery  Products  by  FiA,  •  Various  trainings  have  been  provided  for  FiA  and  provincial  staffs,    •  Workshops  have  been  provided  for  coopera>ves,  •  Lap  equipment  had  been  re-­‐bid,  •  Obtained  NOL  on  Study  tour  to  Vietnam,  s>ll  need  to  get  NOL  from  MEF,  

Page 18: By CHHIENG Pich, Director, EIF-NIU. Pich... · By CHHIENG Pich, Director, DICO National Project Director, TDSP Director, EIF-NIU Progress’Update’on’Trade’SWAp,’TDSP’and’EIF’

1.  Board  approval  date    :  07  Jan  2009  2.  Effec>ve  date      :  09  Mar  2009  3.  Dura>on        :  5  years  (un>l  31  Mar  2012)  4.  Project  Development  Objec>ves  (PDOs):  TDSP  will  contribute  to  

increase  the  Royal  Government  of  Cambodia's  efficiency  in  formula>ng  and  implemen>ng  effec>ve  trade  policies.  

5.  First  extension      :  31  Jan  2014  (22  months)  6.  Second  extension      :  31  Mar  2015  (14  months)  7.  Third  extension      :  31  Aug  2016  (17  months)?  8.  WB  Implementa>on  Support  Mission  :  27  Oct  –  28  Nov  2014  

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1.  On  finance:  more  than  $6.1  million  needs  to  spend  in  6  months,  2.  On  procurement:  needs  >me  to  procure  big  and  strategic  

projects,  3.  On  opera>on:  (i)  iden>fied  8  projects  need  to  complete  by  Mar  

2015,  (ii)  iden>fied  7  projects  need  to  complete  by  Aug  2016,  (iii)  stay  focus  on  only  strategic  and  big  impact  projects,  (iv)  Result-­‐Based  Ac>on  Plan  up  to  Aug  2016  has  been  developed,  (v)  PDOs  early  results,  (vi)  gradually  reduce  the  consultant  service  in  DICO,  

4.  MoC  Comprehensive  Reform  Agenda  has  not  been  met:  a.  Improve  business  environment,  b.  Trade  facilita>on  and  regulatory  improvement,    c.  ASEAN  integra>on,    d.  Capacity  building,  

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1.  Date:  27  Oct  –  28  Nov  2014  2.  Mission  Objec>ves:  

ü  Assess  progress  towards  achieving  PDOs;  ü  Assess  the  ongoing  project  outputs  of  IAs  including  MoC,  GDEC,  FiA,  ISC,  

RSA,  and  CCC;  ü  Review  and  discuss  procurement  and  the  financial  management,  include  

audit  recommenda>ons  and  asset  management;  ü  Follow  up  ac>vi>es  recommended  under  the  previous  supervision  

mission;  ü  Advise  and  agree  on  the  revised  TDSP  Results-­‐Based  Ac>on  Plan  and  

next  step  to  guide  project  implementa>on  up  to  the  closing  date  of  the  program.  

3.  Mission  team  leader:  Mr.  Julian  Clarke;  Senior  Trade  Economist  and  TTL  of  TDSP.  

4.  Mission  team  members  and  responsibility:  Mr.  Ian  Thomas,  Mr.  Fabio  Artuso,  Mr.  David  Walke,  Mr.  Shabih  Saiyed  Ali  Mohib,  Mr.  Sok  Vannara,  Mr.  Sreng  Sok,  Mr.  Sophear  Khiev,  Mr.  Saroeun  Bou,  Ms.  Lyden  Kong.  

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5.  Advance  teams  (Finance  and  Procurement)  are  already  here  with  DICO,  but  they  will  meet  with  IAs  and  stakeholders  as  well;  

6.  TDSP  extension  will  be  discussed  and  the  mission  will  need  to  determine  the  exact  period  of  TDSP  extension;  

7.  TDSP  Results-­‐Based  Ac>on  Plan  will  be  developed  accordingly;  

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EIF  Tier  1  (Phase  I  and  II)  

1.  Star<ng  date:   Feb  2010  

2.  Closing  date:   Jul  2015  

3.  Net  amount  of  Phase  1:   709,900  

4.  Total  amount  of  Phase  2:     584,000  

5.  Total  amount  (P1+P2):     1,293,900  

6.  Total  fund  received  (P1+P2):   1,086,605  

7.  Total  fund  disbursed:     941,118  

EIF  Tier  2  

1.  Start  date:   Jul  2012  

2.  Closing  date:     Jun  2015  

3.  Total  fund  received:   75,000  

4.  Total  fund  disbursed:     7,569  

As  of  Sept  30,  2014  

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Q  1   Q  2   Q  3   Q  4  

 57,166      57,618    



As  of  Sept  30,  2014  

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2010   2011   2012   2013   2014  



 313,290      284,826    


As  of  Sept  30,  2014  

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 No   Type  of  Expenses    2014     Cumula<ve   Alloca<on  as  per  MOU  

Balance  Available  

a   b   c   d   e   f  =  e  -­‐  d  

1   Interna>onal  Experts   50,310   392,359   477,389   85,030  

2   Support  Staff  and  Consultants   26,165   70,004   100,844   30,840  

3   Program  Manager   13,860   75,700   110,320   34,620  

4   Travel  and  Mission   6,098   145,052   241,734   96,682  

5   Sub-­‐Contracts,  Training  and  Workshops  

39,322   158,712   224,801   66,089  

6   Equipment   -­‐   52,646   52,721   75  

7   Premises     319   10,706   17,207   6,501  

8   Professional  Services     -­‐   13,850   30,950   17,100  

9   Opera>ng  Costs     -­‐   12,119   22,119   10,000  

10   Sundries   1,091   9,970   15,815   5,845  

Total   137,165   941,118   1,293,900   352,782  

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 No   Type  of  Expenses    2014   Cumula<ve   Alloca<on  as  per  MOU  

Balance  Available  

a   b   c   d   e   f  =  e  -­‐  d  

1   Interna>onal  Expert   -­‐   -­‐   52,500   52,500  

2   Na>onal  Experts   1,000   1,750   75,000   73,250  

3   Travel  and  Mission   2,698   2,698   51,620   48,922  

4   Professional  Services   -­‐   -­‐   1,700   1,700  

5   Learning  Costs   -­‐   -­‐   105,200   105,200  

6   Opera>ng  Costs   2,372   3,121   4,500   1,379  

Total   6,070   7,569   290,520   282,951  

Note:  Recently  NIU  submiged  a  budget  revision  and  re-­‐alloca>on  to  ES  &  TFM  for  EIF  –  Tier  1  and  EIF  Tier  2  

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Components Budget Request from

EIF Tier 2

Government contribution

Private Sector


In-Kind Contribution from MIEs

Total Program Cost

Milled Rice $1,112,847 $408,000 $159,725 $1,680,572

High Value Silk

$1,004,347 $167,400 $40,000 $178,150 $1,389,897

Evaluation Function + Core Teams

$290,520 $22,440 $312,960

Total $2,407,714 $189,840 $448,000 $337,875 $3,383,429

Budget from EIF Tier 2

Year 1: $802,571 Year 2: $802,571 Year 3: $802,572

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Budget from EIF Tier 2

Year 1: $1,204,499 Year 2: $1,039,545 Year 3: $1,039,545

Components Request from EIF Tier 2

Government contribution

Private Sector contribution

In-Kind Contribution from MIEs

Contribution from other


Total Program

Cost Cassava $997,026 $40,885 $128,000 $137,574 na $1,303,485

Marine Fisheries Products

$988,953 $71,000 $188,000 $55,989 na $1,303,942

RACA $950,000 $144,000 $270,767 $140,400 $1,900,000 $3,405,167

Evaluation Function + Core Teams

$347,610 na na $22,740 na $370,350

Total $3,283,589 $255,885 $586,767 $356,703 $1,900,000 $6,382,944

Other DPs Contribution to be confirmed)

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1.  Organized  DICO  Retreat,  01-­‐02  May  2014;  2.  Sent  13  MoC  staffs  to  ACE  for  English  training;  3.  Quarterly  mee>ng  between  LO  and  Core  Team,  30  Jun  2014;  4.  Sent  4  officials  to  agend  EIF  Monitoring  and  Evalua>on  and  

Communica>on  Capacity  Development  in  Bangkok,  19-­‐23  May  2014;  3  officials  from  DICO  and  1  official  from  MIH;  

5.  Sent  3  officials  to  agend  “THAIFEX  -­‐-­‐  World  Food  of  Asia  2014,  Impact  Exhibi>on  Center”  Bangkok,  21-­‐23  May  2014;  

6.  Updated  Work  and  Budget  Plan  for  Tier  1;  7.  Updated  Budget  Plan  for  Tier  2;  8.  Finalized  NIU  Capacity  Development  Plan;  9.  Facilitated  WTO  and  EIF  Team  to  conduct  a  study  on  “analysis  to  

considera>on  given  to  SPS  issues  in  DTIS”;  10.  Organized  a  Workshop  on  “Aid  for  Trade  and  Tourism  in  Cambodia  

Stocktaking  and  way  forward”  in  coopera>on  with  MoT,  27  Jun  2014;  11.  Preparing  factsheet  and  newslegers  of  Trade  SWAp;  

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12.  Preparing  a  joint  communica>on  plan  for  EIF  &TDSP  13.  EIF-­‐TFM  Supervision  Mission  from  14-­‐18  Jul  2014,  received  

recommenda>ons  on  Tier  1,  CEDEP  I,  CEDEP  II  and  RACA,  14.  EIF-­‐Tier  1  MoU  Amendment  #6  had  been  signed  on  24  Jul  2014  by  

revising  work  plan  and  budget  plan,  15.  EIF-­‐Tier  2  MoU  Amendment  1  of  CEDEP  I  had  been  signed  on  14  Aug  

2014  by  revising  work  plan  and  budget  plan,  16.  Received  drai  MoU  of  CEDEP  II  from  EIF-­‐ES,  we  will  review  and  submit  

to  MoC  management  for  signature  soon,  17.  Core  team:  

•  16  core  team  members  from  line  ministries  have  assigned,  •  9  core  team  members  from  MoC,  7  have  been  assigned,  (2  from  Europe,  Middle  East  and  Africa  Department)  

18.  Recruited  two  MTE  consultants  (CEDEP  I),  one  Na>onal  and  one  Interna>onal,  

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19.  Recruitment  of  EIF  Program  Manager:  •  Contract  nego>a>on  with  the  only  candidate  had  failed,    •  ToR  has  been  revised  in  consulta>on  with  EIF  ES  and  UNOPS  in  the  aim  of  agrac>ng  more  candidates  to  this  posi>on,  

•  Adver>sing  on  20  Oct  2014.  20.  Full  >me  Na>onal  M&E  consultant  (CEDEP  I)  is  onboard,  21.  CEDEP  I  Mid-­‐Term  Evalua>on  (MTE)  is  completed,  awai>ng  the  final  

report  which  is  expected  on  27  Oct  2014,  22.  CEDEP  II  -­‐  RACA  Component:  

ü  UNOPS  puts  the  deadline  of  13  Oct  2014  to  submit  all  the  agreed  documents  to  UNOPS  otherwise  EIF  will  stop  funding  this  component,  

ü  Obtained  the  leger  from  SIDA  expressing  the  con>nuous  support  to  RACA,  ü  Obtained  the  leger  from  OCM  allowing  the  establishment  of  RACA,  ü  MoU  between  MoT,  Shii360  and  building  owner  has  been  signed,  ü  MoC  has  sent  a  leger  to  EIF  ES  reques>ng  a  4-­‐week  extension  of  the  

deadline,  and  awai>ng  posi>ve  response,  23.  First  Board  Mee>ng  of  Cassava  Component  (UNDP-­‐CEDEP  II)  was  held  

on  16  Oct  2014  to  review  and  approve  work  and  budget  plan,  

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