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1 By having a special worship service for Action for Children

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By having a special worship service for Action for Children

Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.Romans 15:7 New Revised Standard Version


We thank God that Action for Children is still going strong – resilient and confident – ensuring that children have the best start in life, a safe and stable home, and the chance to thrive.

Our theme, ‘Two by two’, recognises how much we value the support we receive from churches and our other partners. We are so grateful that we do not stand alone, and have partners like you who support us with much devotion. Thank you.

This booklet contains information to help you plan your special service. Although the second Sunday in July is designated as ‘Action for Children Sunday’, some churches may wish to mark it on a different day or in a different way.

I would like to thank ROOTS for Churches, for allowing us to use material from their treasure chest of resources. I would also like to thank Rosemary Nixon, Gail Adcock, and Rev Sue Pegg, for their valuable advice and support.

Thank you so much for your support and generosity. May the Lord bless your liberality with abundance in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Karis Kolawole Head of Faith Partnerships, Action for Children [email protected]

Dear friends,It’s our 149th anniversary this year, and so many churches across the UK are planning a special Action for Children service. What a wonderful way to celebrate!


The essentialsThis booklet contains an outline to help you plan your Action for Children Sunday service. You can also use it at any other time or event. Feel free to choose different hymns, prayers, and activities.

You will find your local community fundraiser’s contact details, and downloadable materials, here:

Your local community fundraiser is always at hand to help you. You can get their details from the contact sheet enclosed with this mailing. They can supply you with fundraising materials such as:

– gift aid envelopes – bookmarks – posters – leaflets

If you would like an Action for Children speaker to attend your service or event, to talk about the difference our work is making, let your fundraiser know.

Our YouTube channel: has a selection of compelling videos about our work that you could use during your service, or at any other future event.

Share the joy! We are always delighted to receive photos of your event. Send them to us, or post them on social media – be sure to tag us!


Worship leader encourages the congregation to welcome people around them.

Call to worship God says, You are never too young, never too old, to be part of my work. Come near, all who are weak, all who are afraid, all who know their need of me. Lord, meet us where we are, meet us in our need. We give our lives to you.

Shake off the dust of tiredness: come and be refreshed. Shake off the dust of complacency: come and be challenged. Shake off the dust of hesitancy: come and be encouraged to be Christ’s hands and feet in our world today.

Hymn Lord of all Hopefulness S/Faith 526 or H/Psalms 552 or Come, Now is the Time to Worship S/Faith 24

Welcome Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. (Romans 15:7, New Revised Standard Version).

An outline for an all-age worship service


Let us pray We praise you, O God, for your love beyond all telling, your kindness without limits, your joy without end.

We praise you, O God for forgiveness beyond measure, mystery past imagination, plans too big to see. May we never think we have got to the end of all that you are, or believe that we can contain the wonder of your presence. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn God’s Spirit is in my Heart H/Psalms 315 or Hear the Call of the Kingdom S/Faith 407

Bible reading Psalm 123 – The Lord is our Shepherd

Hymn Make Me a Channel of Your Peace S/Faith 707 or H/Psalm 776

Bible reading Mark 6:1-13 – Jesus sends His disciples out, two by two


Two by two Today’s passages underline the need for a deep sense of humility, and dependence on God and one another, to work with God’s power to bring signs of the incoming kingdom. We like to sense our giftedness and strength, but often it is in the stretched limits of our weakness and vulnerability that we are most effective channels of God’s power, as disciples.

Jesus was limited by the unbelief of those he grew up with, and reminds us that there will not be universal acceptance of the message of Jesus or ability to demonstrate, everywhere, signs of God at work among us. Jesus sends the disciples out together: we need each other to work for the kingdom. He sends them travelling lightly and dependent on others for their provision.

Today, our hearts and minds focus on Action for Children’s work, helping thousands of children and families who depend on them, and us, for support. God has sent us in a ‘two by two’ partnership, to ensure children who would otherwise suffer neglect have a safe and stable home; to support families caring for a disabled beloved child; to support young carers who place their own needs beneath those of others who depend on them; to ensure that any child who needs help gets help.

Hymn What a Friend We Have in Jesus S/Faith 531 or H/P 559 or Christ, Be Our Light! (

Action for Children’s work A speaker gives a talk, or reads the story on page 12



Offering prayer We thank you that, according to your riches in glory, you supply all our needs and give us much more to meet the needs of others.

Father, we thank you for the ways in which Action for Children helps so many families in need, as they journey through life. Help us to give generously and grant that – in our partnership together – we may bring hope, support, and comfort to those in need. Amen.

Hymn Have You Heard God’s Call S/Faith 662 or Jesus’ Hands Were Kind Hands H/P 393

Offering and prayers for the work of Action for Children


Let us pray for Action for Children We bring our prayers to you, O God, saying: give your grace for the work of today,and trust in your strength for tomorrow.

We pray for the trouble in our world; To all who work to bring healing to people and places in distress, such as Action for Children’s staff and volunteers,give your grace for the work of today, and trust in your strength for tomorrow.

We pray for the witness of your people… To ministers in the church and all leaders of your people give your grace for the work of today, and trust in your strength for tomorrow.

We pray for your ways to be known in this nation; To those in public life and people who make decisions that affect the lives of many, give your grace for the work of today, and trust in your strength for tomorrow.

We pray for those who Action for Children work with, such as children in care, young carers, disabled children, parents feeling alone, and many others;

We ask that, in times of sadness and pain, where all hope seems lost, you would give your grace for the work of today, and trust in your strength for tomorrow.

We pray for strength to live as we should. To us, your people, as we try to follow you, give your grace for the work of today, and trust in your strength for tomorrow.Amen

Hymn Sing to the Great Jehovah’s Praise H/Psalms 360 or S/Faith 127

Blessing As we go from here, two by two, may the Lord walk with us, hand in hand, strengthening us to be strong for others, enriching us to meet the needs of those around us.

May the blessing of God, our Father; Jesus, His Son; and the Holy Spirit, our companion, be ours forever. Amen.


All-age activitiesThe worship leader might wish to include an all-age activity in the service e.g. a play, poem, or game.

Here are some examples from ROOTS, based on Mark 6:1-13.

PLAY A pairs gameChildren and young people 10 mins

A game of two by two

You will need: a printout of Bible pairs cards.

Use the template to create a set of small cards. If you have a large group, multiply the cards.

Spread them out, face down, on a table.

Invite people to take turns in selecting one card, then finding its partner, e.g. Mary and Joseph. Each card has a symbol to make it easier to match pairs. If someone finds a pair, they keep them. If their selections don’t match, the cards are placed back on the table, face down, and the next person has a turn.

You could add new pairs – asking the group for ideas.


PRAY Partnership prayersChildren and young people 10 mins

Pray for each other, in pairs

Divide the group into pairs and give them a couple of minutes to talk to one another about what they’ll be doing in the coming week: is there anything they are worried about? Then give them a few minutes to pray for each other. Encourage everyone to remember to pray for their partner over the coming week, supporting their fellow disciples in doing so.

We are grateful to ROOTS for Churches Ltd for permission to reproduce extracts from their weekly resources exploring Mark 6.1-13. To access the complete resources for that week, in their resource bank, go to


Amy Supported by Action for Children’s services, in Norwich.

Amy suffered a serious back injury when she was 18. Now 31, she has a 3-year-old son, Daley, but the chronic pain from her injury made it incredibly difficult to care for him.

She was isolated and lonely, and worried that Daley wasn’t interacting with other children. But, when Daley was 10 months old, Amy was introduced to Action for Children’s services. It was the first time, since he was born, that he’d met other children and she’d met other mums.

Up until that point, Amy was really struggling – as she explains: “I found it difficult to juggle childcare and everyday tasks around the house. It felt impossible to do a lot of things for my baby that other people might take for granted, like pushing him on a swing or tying his laces.”

She started to attend the support service, but was nervous at first: “Initially I was daunted by the idea of meeting other mums and their kids. I felt like I wasn’t doing enough for Daley.”

However, it wasn’t long before she felt a little more settled, and noticed that she wasn’t alone:

“I found that every mum had their own struggles. There’s no such thing as a perfect mum – it’s not easy for anyone, but you’re not alone.”

Visiting the service regularly also had significant impact on Daley and his development – particularly his speech, as Amy recalls: “He just wasn’t hitting the markers for speech development that he should, but after a few days of attending the centre, he stopped hiding behind me and wanted to go and play with other children. His confidence quickly built and so did his speech. It was really amazing. I genuinely don’t think he would have coped well with pre-school or school if he hadn’t attended the centre.”

Things could have turned out differently for Amy and Daley if her health visitor hadn’t told her about Action for Children, but she’s so glad she heard about them: “I know, more than most, the feeling of trying to manage on your own – not asking for help or support because you worry that you’re admitting there might be a problem. But it has made such a difference to me and my family.”

“ I found that every mum had their own struggles. There’s no such thing as a perfect mum – it’s not easy for anyone, but you’re not alone.”




From before they are born until they are into their twenties, we help disadvantaged children across the UK. We help them through fostering or adoption – and by intervening early to stop neglect and abuse.

We make life better for children with disabilities. We influence policy and advocate for change.

Our 7,000 staff and volunteers operate over 600 services, improving the lives of 390,000 children, teenagers, parents and carers every year.

We succeed by doing what’s right, doing what’s needed, and doing what works for children.

By doing what’s right. By doing what’s needed.By doing what works.

Registered charity nos. 1097940/SC038092 | Company no. 4764232. Produced by Action for Children 17/18 0539.

Supporter Care Team Action for Children

3 The Boulevard Watford, Herts WD18 8AG

0300 123 2112


