by: lakeisha thompson 100 years war and black death scientific advances which contradicted the...

By: Lakeisha Thompson

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Post on 17-Jan-2016




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  • By: Lakeisha Thompson

  • 100 Years War and Black DeathScientific Advances which contradicted the ChurchThe Corruption within the Catholic Church

  • Prior to the Reformation all Christians were Roman CatholicThe [REFORM]ation was an attempt to REFORM the Catholic ChurchPeople like Martin Luther wanted to get rid of the corruption and restore the peoples faith in the church

  • In the end the reformers, like Luther, established their own religionsThe Reformation caused a split in Christianity with the formation of these new Protestant religions


  • Martin LutherJohn CalvinHenry VIII

  • Lived from 1483-1546 in GermanyFather encouraged him to study law A sudden religious experience inspired him to become a monk

  • He became troubled over the possibility of not going to heaven He turned to the Bible, and confession for comfortIn the Bible he found the answer he was looking for

  • The righteous shall by his faith.Luther realized that only faith (in the ultimate goodness of Jesus), not good deeds, could save a person. No good works, rituals, etc. would save a person if they did not believe.

  • A list of things he thought were wrong with the Catholic Church (95 Complaints)He criticized:The Power of the PopeThe Extreme Wealth of the ChurchIndulgences (Catholic concept of Salvation)

  • Gutenbergs Printing Press made it possible for Luther to spread his beliefsPosted his 95 Theses on Church doors in GermanyGained support from people and criticism from Church

  • The first thing printed on Gutenbergs press was the Bible. This is a picture of a page from one of Gutenbergs Bibles.

  • The Diet of Worms1520 Pope Leo X order Luther to give up his beliefsLuther burned the order and was excommunicatedLuther went into hiding where he translated the New Testament into German spreading his beliefs even further

  • He was the Pope during the height of the corruption

  • I am fed up with the world, and it with me. I am like a ripe stool, and the world is like a gigantic anus, and so were about to let go of each other. -Luther

  • Some Local German Churches accepted Luthers ideasLutheranism was formedSupported by German Princes who issued a formal protest against the Church for suppressing the reformsThe reformers came to be known as [PROTEST]ants - Protestants

  • Anti-Catholic Influenced by Martin LutherDisagreed with Luthers Salvation through faith alone.Created his own Protestant religion in Switzerland

  • Calvin believed in: Salvation through PredestinationAt birth it is decided if you will go to heaven or hell

  • ForeknowledgeGod knows everything that will happen in your lifePurified approach to life:No drinking, swearing, card playing, gambling etc..