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In this degree, when there is a reception, four apartments are used.

The First Apartment: This is hung with black. In the East is a platform. On the platform are seven seats, one in the middle for the Supreme Judge. Over the Supreme Judge, and the three on each side for the Frank Judges. Over the Supreme Judge leans the banner of the Order, or the Beauseant. In front of the Supreme Judge’s seat is a long table on which are a sword, a Balance, the Statutes and Regulations, and, on the latter, two Kadosh Daggers. On the table are seven candlesticks, one before each judge. In each burns a candle. The candlesticks are covered with black crepe.

The Second Apartment: This is hung with black and lighted by a sepulchral lamp. In the centre of the Apartment is a Tomb, painted to imitate black marble. Upon it is a coffin. In full view, nearby, are three sculls. The middle scull is wreathed with laurel, the one on the left wears a tiara, the one the right a crown. At the end of the Apartment is a transparency, displaying the following sentence: “He who shall overcome the dread of death shall ascend above the terrestrial sphere and be entitled to initiation into the greater mysteries.

The Third Apartment: This is hung with black. At the end of it are two Altars. On one is an urn filled with perfume. On the other an urn filled with alcohol. There is no other light than that from the burning alcohol.

The Fourth Apartment: This is hung with crimson. On the right of the Throne leans the Beauseant. In the West, on the right hand, leans the white 2nd Banner, and on the left, the black 3rd. Banner of the order.

Towards the West of the hall is a large Mausoleum in the shape of a truncated pyramid, painted to imitate black marble. On the platform of it is a funeral urn covered with a black veil. This is encircled with a wreath of laurel. At each angle is a vase, in which alcohol burns.

Between the East and the Mausoleum is the Mysterious Ladder, covered until the proper moment with a black cloth. On each side of the Mausoleum stands a Herald-at-Arms.In the First Apartment the Lodge is termed Areapagus: in the second and third, Council: in the fourth: Senate.


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The Elective Officers of a Council of Kadosh are:

1. The Commander who is styled “ Very Excellent “2. The First Lieutenant Commander, or Prior who is styled “ Eminent ”3. The Second Lieutenant Commander, or Preceptor who is styled “ Eminent ”4. The Chancellor, styled “ Excellent ”5. The Orator, styled “ Excellent ”6. The Almoner, styled “ Excellent ”7. The Recorder, styled “ Excellent ”8. The Treasurer, styled “ Excellent ”

The Appointed officers are:

9. The Marshall, styled “ Worshipful ”10. The Turcopelier, or Commander of the Cavalry, styled “ Valiant ”11. The Draper, styled “ Worshipful ” 12. The First Deacon, styled “ Worthy “13. The Second Deacon, styled “ Worthy “14. The Bearer of the Beauseant.15. The Bearer of the Second Standard.16. The Bearer of the Third Standard.17. The Lieutenant of the Guard.18. The Sentinel.

The prefix “ Sir “ is added to the titles of all the Officers, except the three chief dignitaries – thus, “ Excellent Sir Chancellor “.

Those after the thirteenth are addressed as “ Sir Bearer of the Beauseant “, etc.

The Knights who are not Officers are addressed as “ Sir A……B…. “, etc.


The Prior and Preceptor sit in the West, the former on the right.

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The Chancellor sits on the right of the Commander.

The Orator in the South.

The Almoner in the North.

The Recorder and the Treasurer as in other bodies.

The Marshal of Ceremonies sits in front of the East, halfway between it and the Altar.

The Turcopelier sits on his right, and the Draper on his left.

The Deacons sit as in the symbolic lodge.

The Bearer of the Beauseant sits in the front, to the right of the Commander.

The Bearers of the other Standards sit in the right and left, a little to the front of the Prior and the Preceptor.

The Lieutenant of the Guard is near the door on the side, the Sentinel on the outside.

The First Lieutenant Commander presides in the First Apartment, and is styled,” Supreme Judge. ”

The Second Lieutenant Commander presides in the Third Apartment, and is there styled ” Hierophant.”

The Areopagus is composed of seven members and no more.

Regularly these are The Supreme Judge, with the Chancellor, Treasurer, Almoner, Turcoplier, Draper and First Deacon. These are styled “ Frank Judges. “

The Lieutenant of the Guard attends them and is styled “ Provost of Judge”


The Regular and full costume of a Knight Kadosh is as follows:

A white tunic of fine woolen stuff, in the shape of a dalmatique, with large sleeves, reaching to the knees, bordered with black, and having on the left breast a red Latin

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cross. A black belt of morocco or patent leather, with a true Teutonic Cross in front, as

a clasp of jet and gold, on which are the letters J.B.M. The Teutonic cross is of this shape, and fashioned, as is thus described in heraldic language,

“ A cross potent sable (black) crossed with another cross, double potent or (gold) surcharged with an escutcheon azure (blue) bearing the letters J.B.M. The principal cross, surmounted by a chief seme of France. “

A mantle or cloak of black velvet, very full, and reaching midway between the knees ad the ankle, line with crimson silk and edged with red velvet, and having on the left side or breast a red Latin cross. It is clasped in front of the throat with a plain Teutonic cross of gold, of the shape before given.

A wide-brimmed hat of black felt, with a plume of red ostrich feathers on the left side, which is turned up, and the lower end of the plume covered with a Teutonic cross of gold.

A knight’s collarette with points of linen cambric, with or without lace.Closely fitting pantaloons of white cassimere, and worn over them, yellow

morocco boots, coming halfway to the knee, bound round the top with narrow gold lace, and having tassels of white silk in front. Gold spurs.

A sword with a straight silver guard hanging from the belt. On the scabbard and hilt are the figures 30.

A cordon of black watered silk ribbon, four or five inches wide, edged with narrow silver lace, and worn across the body, over the tunic and under the mantle, from left to right. Or a collar of similar ribbon, edged in the same manner.

On the front part of the cordon or collar are embroidered in scarlet silk the letters K.-H., two Teutonic crosses and a double headed eagle, his wings extended, a crown resting on the two heads, holding a poniard in his claws. The crown, both heads and the blade of the poniard are of gold. The handle of the poniard is oval, one half of it white and the other black.

Under the sash or belt is the poniard, its blade of steel, the handle oval, half of it ebony, the other half of ivory.

Round the body is a broad, black scarf, sash or girdle, hinged with silver.The jewel of this degree is thus described:A double headed eagle with wings spread, and measuring about one inch across

from outside to outside of wings, resting upon a Teutonic cross one and a half inches in size. The eagle is of silver and the cross of gold, enameled with red.

On the front of the hat, between the two letters, maybe a sun of gold, its rays extending the whole width of the front each way. He gloves are of white.

As this costume is costly, the following may be used instead.A suit of black, with white kid gloves, a black cordon or collar, edged with silver

lace, a girdle or sash of black, with silver fringe, sword and belt as above, a red Teutonic cross over the heart, a round black hat, the cordon or collar embroidered a above, and the jewel as above. No apron is worn.


The Great Standard or Beauseant, meaning piebald, is half black and half white, agreeing with the original armorial device of the Templars and was represented sometimes perpendicularly (per pale), but more frequently horizontally (per fesse) the upper half black and the lower half white. Occasionally a red passion cross appears on the white ground. This standard was held to denote death, innocence and martyrdom. It also has the inscription, “Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo as gloriam“

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“Not unto us, O Lord! Not unto us, but unto Thy Name be the Glory.”, The opening of the 115th Psalm.

The word “ Beauseant” was the battle cry of the original Knights Templar,” Au Beauseant for the Temple. ”, the banner being black and white signified dark and terrible to the infidel, but fair and favourable to the Christians.

Beside the Beauseant, there are two other Standards of the Order. The second standard is a piece of white satin, three and a half feet square, with a fringe of gold. On the upper part are embroidered in gold the words, DIEU LE VELT. In the centre, below these, embroidered in gold and crimson, is a Teutonic cross, with the number “30” in the centre of the cross. Below, at the bottom are embroidered in gold the words,ORDA AB CHAO, and the date 1118.

The third is a piece of lack silk, of the same dimensions as the second, with a fringe of silver. The words INCERE AUT MORI are embroidered diagonally, from the upper corner on the left to the lower corner on the right. In the upper right corner is a crimson Teutonic cross. In the lower left corner, a double-headed eagle, with wings open but not spread, and holding a sword in its claws. Over it is the date 1313


Please read carefully

Before you entered Craft Freemasonry, you affirmed your belief in a Supreme Being. With the passage of the years you have had opportunity to develop your knowledge of Freemasonry and, during the same time, your personal convictions have deepened and matured.

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You now approach the final degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. As you do so, we require that you make a profession of faith in mannersReligious and in matters Masonic, that is to say we ask you to write down in your own words your thoughts about YOUR relation to the Supreme Being as you know Him and YOUR view of Freemasonry as you now know it.

If this seems difficult, we remind you that each of your Brethren who have received the 30° has also done so. Some of such Brethern are more able than yourself and some less able. You are in good company. There is no cause for concern.

Our Rite is universal, welcoming into its Brotherhood adherents of all religions which recognize a Supreme Being, leaving ultimate judgements to the common Father of all. We, Therefore, do not desire an answer which only refers to your membership in a particular religious Body, or which merely repeats such phrases as “ Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.” You may wish to comment on YOUR moral and Spiritual code, on why YOUR head and YOUR heart confirm YOUR beliefs, on the place of Freemasonry in your life.

Your profession will be treated with the utmost respect. It will be read and reviewed by a few senior members of the Consistory and remain confidential in what you write or say will never be publicly identified as yours. You may write with the utmost frankness and sincerity and with no fear of possible embarrassment.

Should this instruction be sent to you with your letter of acceptance following ballot, or otherwise in advance of your degree, please bring the completed form with you when you come to the Consistory, otherwise, it will have to be completed before you can receive the 30°.


In matters Religious:

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In matters Masonic:





(The Council is opened in the Fourth Apartment.)(Commander raps +, and this is repeated by the Prior and Preceptor.)

Com.: Eminent Preceptor, cause it to be ascertained if we are duly tiled.

Pre.: Sir Lieutenant of the Guard, see if we are duly tiled and make report.

(L. of G. does so and makes report)

L. of G.: Eminent Preceptor, we are duly tiled.

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Pre.: Very Eminent Commander, we are duly tiled.

Com.: Eminent Prior and Preceptor, send through the Council and ascertain if all present are Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to sit here with us.

(Prior and Preceptor rise and draw their swords and say in succession.)

Prior.: Worthy Sir First Deacon, go through the ranks of the Council in the North, and see if all present are Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to site here with us.

Pre.: Worthy Sir Second Deacon, go through the ranks of the Council in the South, and see if all present are Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to site here with us.

(Deacons pass along the columns from West to East, if desired, receiving from each Knight the password. Each Knight rises if approached, and sits down when found correct but continues to stand if without the word, until vouched for or required to withdraw for examination. Then Deacons report.)

2nd. Deac.: Eminent Preceptor, I find all the column of the South to be Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to sit here with us.

1st. Deac.: Eminent Preceptor, I find all the column of the North to be Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to sit here with us.

Pre.: Eminent Prior, all in the South are Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to sit here with us.

Prior.: Very Eminent Commander, all in the North and South are Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to sit here with us.

Com.: Eminent Prior, are you a Knight Kadosh?

Prior.: Eminent Commander, you have said, once the name was another and yet the same.

Com.: I understand you my Brother, What is your age?

Prior.: A century or more.

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Com.: What do you seek?

Prior.: Light. Com.: What light, my brother, and for whom?

Prior.: Of liberty, for all who will not abuse their freedom. Com.: What else do you seek?

Prior.: Vengeance.

Com.: On whom?

Prior.: On all tyrants, temporal and spiritual, of whom Philip the Fair and Clement the Fifth are for me the representatives.

Com.: Eminent Preceptor, where have you knelt and wept?

Prec.: At the tomb of our murdered Grand Master.

Com.: Why are we Knights Kadosh?

Prec.: To war incessantly against all wrong and all oppression, and to build the Holy House of the Temple of the Lord.

Com.: Eminent Prior, with what assistance do we hope to rebuild the Holy House?

Prior.: With the help of God (Prior makes the sign.)

Com.: It is true. NEKAM ADONAI, “ Vengeance is mine, I will repay ” said Jehovah. Eminent Prior, at what house does a Council of Knights Kadosh open?

Prior.: At night-fall.

Com.: Since such is the case, as the shades of night enable us to labour in security, and as we hope to redress wrongs and to dethroneoppression, be pleased Eminent Prior and preceptor, to request the Officers and Knights in your respective columns to be ready to obey my orders.

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Prior.: Officers and Knights in my column, the Very Excellent Commander requests you be ready to obey his orders.

Prec.: Officers and Knights in my column, the Very Excellent Commander requests you be ready to obey his orders.

Prior.: Very Eminent Commander, the officers ad Knights are all ready to obey your orders.

(Com. Rises, raps + and says.)

Com.: Rise and to order, Officers and Knights.

(All rise and stand under the Sign of Order.)

Com.: Knights and Brethren of the Holy House of the Temple, poor fellow soldiers of the Temple of Solomon, are you ready to do whatever duty commands?


COM.: Then let us unanimously vow to maintain, no matter at what sacrifice of ease or interest, the sacred principles of our Order, to defend the cause of truth and Humanity, against usurped or abused authority and to punish as he deserves any one who betray our secrets. (All the Knights stretch out the right hand to the front, and each says in an audible voice.)


(Com. Drawing his sword and brings it to the carry says: )

Com.: To the Glory of the Great Source of all that is, in the name and under the auspices of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada and by virtue of the authority vested in me as Commander of this Council of Knights Kadosh, I declare and pronounce the Council is now open in due form and its labours resumed.

(Com. Raps + +. Prior raps + +, then the Com. Raps +.)

Com.: Return swords.

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Com.: Knights ad Fellow soldiers, give me the sign.

(All do so.)

(All give the battery of the degree with their hands + + + + + + +, and then make the sign with the words DEUS VULT.)

Com.: His will be done!

Com.: Venerable Sir Marshal of Ceremonies, cause the Sentinel to be informed that the Council is open and at labour.

Mar. Cer. Worthy Sir Second Deacon, cause the Sentinel to be informed that the Council is open and at labour.

2nd Deac.: Sir Lieutenant of the Guard, inform the Sentinel that the Council is open and at labour.

L. of G.: (Goes out informs the Sentinel and returns into the Council.)

Com.: (Gives + knock and the Brethren are seated.)



(The ceremony commences in the First Apartment (Frank Judges).The candidate having been unanimously elected and being outside the apartment, the Com. sends the Mar. of Cer. to him. He, being alone with the Postulant, as the candidate is styled, asks him.)

M.C.: Are you a Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland?

Post.: I am.

M.C.: Do you desire to be admitted among the poor fellow soldiers of the Temple of Solomon?

Post.: I do.

M.C.: What do you desire of the Order?

Post.: (Having been previously instructed what to answer) Bread and water,

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honour and glory by service in arms, and the companionship of the Knights Kadosh.

M.C.: To attain what you desire you must bind yourself by solemn obligations. You may expose yourself to such trouble and many dangers. You will have to watch, when you would wish to sleep, to endure fatigue, when you would wish to rest, to suffer from hunger and thirst , when you long to eat and drink, to obey orders of your superiors, even if you are required to go to another country, when you wish to remain I your own. Do you still desire to be admitted?

Post.; I do.

M.C.: Will you take the three-fold vow of the Order of Obedience, temperance and Fidelity?

Pos.: I will.

M.C.: The Commander shall be informed of your request. Be patient, wait and hope.

(The M.C. returns into the Council and says:)

M.C. Very Eminent Commander, the Postulant, representing all the Candidates, has preferred his request to be admitted into our Order, and for bread and water, honour and glory by service in arms, and the companionship of the Knights Kadosh. He is patient. He hopes and waits.

Com.: Has he been duly warned and has he answered the necessary questions?

M.C.: He has.

Com.: Venerable Sir Marshal of Ceremonies, prepare the Postulant and let him enter the First Apartment.

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(The members of the Areopagus will be ready to receive the postulant. Each wears a long black robe, a black hood covers the head of each, and a black veil hangs over the face, wholly concealing the features. Each wears a sword and holds a white rod or wand. The Provost of Justice wears a black cloak and a sword or poniard. He stands at the door on the inside. When the alarm is given. Com. asks:)

Com.: Who makes the alarm? (The Provost opens the door and says:)

Prov.: Who makes the alarm?

M. of C.: A Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland, and a Knight of the Sun, willing to abide the ordeal of the Frank Judges, seeks admission among the fellow soldiers of the Temple of Solomon.

Prov.: His name?

M. of C.: A…….B…….

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Prov.: Has he given the usual pledges?

M. of C.: He has. (The Prov. Closes the door, and reports to Com.)

Prov.: It is a Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland, and a Knight of the Sun, willing to abide the ordeal of the Frank Judges, seeks admission among the fellow soldiers of the Temple of Solomon. His name is A…..B…. He has given the usual pledges.

Com.: Permit him to enter.

(The Provost of Judges opens the door. The Postulant, whose head is covered with a black veil is allowed to enter. The Provost takes him by the arm and says:)

Prov.: I do not stand here to prevent thee from accomplishing thy destiny, but to advise thee, that having taken the first step, if thou now falter or thy courage fail thee, thou art lost.

(He then leads the Postulant to the center of the room, and Com. says.

Com.: Knight of the Order of St. Andrew of Scotland, how great must be thy temerity to seek to abide the ordeal of the Frank Judges.

Prov.: Venerable and august Frank Judges, I venture to ask you to look with favour on this postulant. He has been vouched for as a one worthy to become a Knight Kadosh. He has firmly and after mature reflection given the necessary pledges when fully warned as to the burden he was about to assume, and I am satisfied that he deserves the boon he asks.

Com.: Sir Provost of Justice, is this the Knight, who thus exposes himself to severe judgement of this Tribunal, so confident of the purity of his intentions, of his love for his Brethren and his detestation of wrong and oppression, that he feels no apprehension? Or does he not know that he stands in the presence of those secret and stern Frank Judges, who have condemned kings, and defied even the lightning’s of Rome?

You know that we admit among only those persons whoseintegrity, whose unsullied reputation, whose unimpeachable honesty and honour lift them above the mass of mankind, whose courage, zeal and fidelity make it impossible to doubt or distrust them, and who, free from prejudices and improper influences, are prepared to labour in the great work of the Knights Kadosh. Do you so well know this aspirant

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that you can answer for him that he possesses these necessary qualifications? If not, beware! You know what danger he and you would both incur.

Prov.: Supreme Judge, the Postulant has had warning and opportunity to retire, according to our customs. What he is to encounter here he does not know. But having heard his pledges already given, and seeing his resolution to proceed, I have been willing to bring him before you, his Judges, and am also willing, knowing the responsibility I do assume, to vouch for him as for myself.

Com.: It is well. Since you do so, murmur not, if, should the terrible penalty be incurred, we pronounce it upon you and him alike. Since he elects to abide our judgement, whatever it may be, uncover his face, and let us look upon his Judges, and wait submissively the sentence they shall pass upon him. Second and Third Frank Judges, proceed in silence to receive the votes. Frank Judges, shall the Postulant be allowed to proceed? Remember that neither friendship nor hatred enters, nor favour, nor partiality, nor prejudice.

(The second and third Frank Judges receive the votes, each Judge giving his vote in a whisper. After so receiving the vote, each reports in a whisper to the Supreme Judge, giving also his own vote.)

Com.: rank Judges, one of you has voted in the negative. If the vote stands, the Postulant is condemned. If the Judge who voted in the negative is pleased to do so, he may submit his reasons to the Areopagus.

A Judge: Supreme Judge, the negative vote is mine. I fear that the Postulant entertains opinions that are insidiously anti-Masonic, designed to weaken and corrupt our teachings.

I fear that he is a sectarian in religion, and intolerant. I fear that he is willing to tolerate old abuses, and that the too rapid progress which he has made in Masonry has been owing to the unwise favour and facile weakness of his brethern. I demand to hear his Profession of Faith in Masonry and religion, or else I adhere to my vote.

Each Judge; I concur.

Com.: Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland, you have heard the decision of the Areopagus. The Frank Judges demand that before they finally decide, they must hear your written Profession of Faith, in matters Masonic and religious, in regard to the great leading principles of each.

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Provost of Justice, retire with the Postulant.

(The Provost retires with the candidate and leaving him in charge of some Knight outside, re-enters with Postulant’s written Profession of Faith, which he delivers to the Supreme Judge, who reads it aloud, and then says:)

Com.: Sir Provost of Justice, let the Postulant re-enter the Aeropagus. (The Postulant is brought in, his head uncovered. The Supreme Judge says to him:)

Com.: The Frank Judge, voting by secret ballot, unanimously decide that our Profession of Faith befits the character of a Knight Kadosh, and is a sufficient refutation of the suspicion against you.

I congratulate you on this result. We have looked at your opinions only so far as to see that they are consistent with a reverential love of the Deity, affection for your fellow men, regard for the rights and detestation of imposture and tyranny.

Beyond that we have no right to ask what you believe. Your Profession of Faith, authenticated by us, will be placed in our archives,there to be preserved. The Areopagus is satisfied of your good faith and honour and consents that you may proceed.

A Judge: Your confidence in us is not misplaced. You need have no distrust of your Brethern, nor any fear that you may be entangled in unworthy enterprises.

But it is indispensable that, before we communicate to you our secret, we should have ample assurance that we may implicitly confide in and rely upon you. If our objects, or even our existence, were prematurely made known, it might ensure defeat, or indefinitely postpone success.

All this you will fully appreciate when our whole secret shall beconfided to you, and you shall have been fully instructed, when the cloud that now covers us shall part and roll away, and you shall see us as we were I the days of glory, when the Grand Masters were the peers of kings and the regents of kingdoms, having even the crown of Jerusalem in their gift.

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To that rank we no longer aspire, our aim is now the far nobler one of being distinguished among Masons, and enrolled among the benefactors of mankind.

We have shadowed forth to you some of the first principles, and we have obscurely hinted to you the objects of this eminent degree, once regarded as the ne plus ultra of Masonry.

Before we can say more we are compelled to require of you a solemn vow. If you have heard anything to deter you from taking it, if you feel doubtful or reluctant, if you are half inclined to pause, do so at once! You may yet withdraw with honour.

Before you determine to proceed, be certain that you will never hesitate to comply with ever point of the serious vow, which, if you advance, you must now pronounce, and which will bind you to us forever.

Com.: Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland, are you determined to take the vow?

(There is a pause for the candidate to reflect.If he refuses to proceed, the Supreme Judge will order him to be withdrawn, and the ceremony will end. If he determines to advance, he will be directed to kneel, with his arms crossed upon his breast, and to repeat.)


I, A………….B………….., of my own Perfect free will and accord, do solemnly and sincerely promise and vow to protect the innocent, the feeble, the wronged and the oppressed, in all times and seasons, to the utmost of my power, and to aid in bringing to justice guilty oppressors, wrong doers and usurpers.

I furthermore solemnly promise and vow, that I will never slander a good Knight Kadosh, or do him any intentional wrong by word or action, and that I will aid him in his necessities, visit him in sickness, and in all ways give him a brother’s treatment.

And should I, in any wise violate this vow, I consent and submit to undergo whatever punishment may be determined upon by this Tribunal, which I hereby acknowledge to be my Superior Judge in such a case.


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(After taking the vow, the Postulant is told to rise. Then the Supreme Judge, raising the point of his sword towards Heaven, exclaims.)

Com.: Justice. O Lord. On Tyrants! Justice on persecutors! Justice on those who delude and defraud the people!

(Then he sheaths his sword, breaks his rod in pieces and throws down the pieces at the feet of the postulant, saying.)

Com.: So may the Lord God of Hosts break in pieces the strength of all oppressors!

(The other Judges all together break their rods and throw down the pieces at the feet of the Postulant with the same invocation, and all withdraw, leaving the Postulant with the Provost of Justice. The Provost then conducts the Postulant to the ante-room.)


(The Marshal takes the postulant to the door of the passage, which is entirely without light, places him inside and closes the door, himself remaining outside. After a moment, a Knight who is standing in the darkness, lays his hand upon the shoulder of the Postulant and says.)

Knight: My Brother, in the preceding degrees through which you have passed, you have had a friend, and guide to accompany you on your journey, I this degree, and at this particular stage of the degree, you must go alone. After you leave me, you will go steadily along your journey, until in front of you, you will see an illuminated inscription. Stop there and read it aloud. Then pass on to the next and read it aloud. Should you meet any obstruction or interference, you will simply say, “ I wish to proceed. ” Do you understand?

Post.: I do.

(The Knight takes the Postulant by the hand and says:)

Knight: Then farewell!

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(The Knight then puts the Postulant through the door of the main passage and shuts the door behind him:)




(When the Postulant has reached through the end of the dark passage he emerges into the next apartment.)


(In this apartment will be no one except the Com. who stands near the Mausoleum wrapped in a dark cloak, and with his hat drawn low over his eyes. When the Postulant enters, he directs him with a gesture, without speaking, to be seated. After a few minutes elapse in perfect silence, while plaintive music is heard, a bell slowly tolls and the music stops.

Com.: Whatever occurs, leave not our seat. If you do the greatest dangers await you.

(Again plaintive music. After a few minutes the music ceases, and voices are heard at a distance singing some solemn music of the church. When this ends, there is silence for a few moments, and then Com, says, pointing to the three skulls.)

Com.: Reflect upon these ghastly representatives of what once were men like you, of men who loved, hated, laboured, were moved by joy and sorrow, and all the passions that agitate humanity.

Set thou thy house in order, for thy life passes with every breath thou drawest. Death tracks thee like a bloodhound. Look not behind thee! Perhaps his arm is even now raised over thy head to strike, and not many days hereafter, thy skull may take the place of one of these.

(After another pause of a few minutes the music ceases.)

Com.: In what thou seest lies hidden a mystery. This sombre gloom,these relics of the dead, this tomb, are no vulgar appliances to create a senseless terror. Nor do they merely teach the evanescence of human life. They sum up in a few symbols the history of the human race, that

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constant tragedy of guilty power and murdered innocence. You seek initiation and to become a Knight Kadosh. Read aloud

the words that teach you how to attain it.

(Com. points to the transparency, Postulant reads it aloud.)



Com.: If you have not overcome the dread of death, rise and depart! For him who enters in and does not pass through, it were better he had never been born. Are you prepared to undergo the trials which await you?

Post.: I am

Com.: Arm yourself then, with all your courage and be not too confident. Questions of serious import will be asked you, to all of which, lest you should commit some fatal error, I advise you to make this answer only,“ I wish to proceed.” All depends upon yourself.


(After a time of allowed for reflection, the music ceases. When all is still, the Knight in the coffin slowly rises to a sitting posture and says.:)

Knight: Who art thou? What is your desire? Why comes thou hither to disturb my repose?

Post.: I wish to proceed.

Knight: O thou fool! So they told me to answer, and this is the state to which my folly brought me. Thou knowest not what it is thou seekest.Fly! Escape! While it is not yet too late, avoid the doom that awaits forthee! Flee! Flee afar off! Look not behind thee! Hide thyself, lunatic, and let not the crowned or mitered assassin take you on your way.

Post.: I wish to proceed.

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Knight: I also had the phrase by heart, I did proceed, and I am here. Leap back from the verge of the abyss! If your soul is not pure as crystal, and your courage as true as the steel of Damascus, your destruction is inevitable. Go Back! Be warned in time! What rash and headstrong folly let you hither?

Post.: I wish to proceed.

Knight: Proceed then, parrot, since you will not be warned! Your blood be upon YOUR head!

(As soon as the Knight has said the last words, he sinks back slowly into the coffin.) The light is extinguished. The door is flung open with a loud noise, and Com. appears at it. A Herald-at-Arms appears behind him, his visor down, and his axe raised as if to strike. Behind him will be light, so that they may be seen distinctly. Com. advances into the apartment with a light on his left hand and a poniard in his right. The Herald-at-Arms stand for a moment in the doorway, so that the postulant may plainly see him. Then there is a flash of lightning, and the Herald, drawing back, closes the door with a loud noise. Com. comes near the Postulant and says in a menacing tone.)

Com.: You determine to proceed? Your rashness prompts you to brave the wrath in store so may centuries, the fate reserved for those who seek to assume a burden, which they cannot bear, to play a part for which they are unfitted, and whose courage fails them in the hour of trial. You wish to proceed? Be it so! Rise! and approach with me this monument of sorrow.

(Com. walks slowly to the tomb, kneels before the skull wreathed with laurel, and says to the Postulant.)

Com.: Kneel here with me. (The Postulant kneels and Com. says.)

Com.: Hitherto you have for the most part seen in Masonry emblems and symbols only. Now you are drawing near to the solemn and serious reality. Pause and reflect before you irretrievably commit yourself to what may perhaps be to put life itself in hazard. If you proceed, you must place entire confidence in those, who, unseen by you, are all around you, and have you within their reach. Have you that confidence?

Post.: I have.

Com.: Are you prepared to do without hesitation, and even at the risk of

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your life, whatever you may be commanded to do, in matters concerning this Order, that is not inconsistent with the obligations of honour, duty or gratitude, or the laws which, as a good citizen, you are bound to obey.

Post.: I am.

Com.: I will test the sincerity of your professions. Give me your hands.(Com. takes the hands of the Postulant between his and says.)


Repeat before these illustrious remains the three vows of Obedience, Temperance and Fidelity, which I will dictate to you.

In the presence of God our father, and this holy relic, wreathed with laurel, representation of J. de M., victim of irresponsible power I do solemnly vow I will keep to the letter, and in the spirit, the promise contained in the last answer which I have now given.

That I will be governed by all the rules and regulations of the Order. That I will obey as my lawful superiors the constituted authorities of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, as a Knight of the Holy House of the Temple should.

That I will in all things be temperate, control my appetites, and subdue my evil propensities.

That I will be faithful unto death to the Order of my fellows, keeping the secrets of a Knight Kadosh, and revealing them unlawfully to none, and that I will aid with all my energies in protecting innocence, vindicating the right, humbling oppression, and bringing to justice criminals against humanity and the right of man.

(Com. points to the skull on which is the tiara.)Not the spiritual despotism’s that impose fetters on the

conscience. In this also I will be faithful unto death.(Com. points to the skull on which is the laurel skull.)I will hold in reverence and do honour to the immortal martyrs of

faith and freedom, and their fidelity shall teach me also to die rather than be dishonoured. In this also I will be faithful unto death.

So help me, God.

Rise, my Brother, (He does so.) Reflect again before you determine to advance. The duties, which you propose to assume are serious and real, and the responsibility is great. You cannot know how soon you may be called upon to resist oppression, at the hazard of your life. We

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will not take you by surprise. Reflect! Recall the tenor of your vows already taken. You are, for the present, done with symbols.

Truth and reality are before you. We require of you nothing contrary to Honour and Duty. If you desire, you may still withdraw. If you take one step more, it will be too late to draw back. You must be bound to us forever. What do you decide?

Post.: I wish to proceed.

(Upon the word “ proceed “ being uttered, there is a loud crash of discordant music. The torch of the Com. is extinguished, and the door is thrown open with a great noise. Again the Herald-at-Arms appears at the doorway and the Lieutenant of the Guard with his hat over his eyes, and his sword drawn, walks in, seizes the postulant by the arm and says to him.)

L. of G.: You resolve then to proceed. It is well. The step is irrevocable, and whatever your destiny, it can no longer be avoided. Come with me, therefore, to good or evil fortune, as you may prove worthy or unworthy!

(Saying this he hurries him into the Third Apartment.)

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(The Hierophant and Sacrificer are alone in this Apartment. The former is clothed in a long white robe, and wears a long white beard. His face is covered with a veil. On his head is a crown of oak leaves. The Sacrificer is also veiled, and wears a black robe. On his head is a crown of mistletoe.

Both are standing, Hierophant near the Altar of Perfumes and Sacrificer, near the Altar of Sacrifice.

On the former Altar is a small silver vase filled with perfume, and fire in a censer or pan.

On the latter altar, besides the alcohol, is a vase of flowers. On the Altar of Perfumes is also a shell-formed silver spoon.

When the Hierophant sees the Postulant approach, led by the Lieutenant of the Guard he says, in a calm and composed voice:)

Hier.: Lieutenant of the Guard, what does this person desire?

L. of G.: He is a Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland, who having overcome the dread of death, seeks initiation here, and to be admitted among the poor fellow-soldiers of the Temple of Solomon. As a Knight of the Sun, he has already seen the Truth face to face. Hier.: You know, Sir Lieutenant of the Guard, the importance of our secret and how cautiously we communicate it. Do you vouch for the discretion of this Postulant?

Has he submitted to the ordeal of the Frank Judges.

L. of G.: He has endured without faltering the preparatory trial, and he is resolved to proceed.

Hier.: Dost thou become his sponsor?

L. of G.: I do.

Hier.: It is enough! Since the Postulant has submitted to the ordeal of the Frank Judges, and is resolved to seek initiation I will allow him to

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proceed if I find him worthy.

(Soft music. A Knight concealed behind the hangings, recites slowly and in a grave voice, the following sentences.)












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Hier.: My Brother, you desire to unite yourself to an order which has laboured in silence and secrecy more than five hundred years with a single end in view, and hitherto with only partial success. You have been to some extent prepared for this in other degrees, and are now bound to us by your solemn vow.

You already know that Scottish Rite Masonry is the enemy of all oppression, injustice and usurpation. Admitting into the ranks of her initiates, on the terms of Perfect equality, men of all creeds and countries, who are worthy of such fellowship, she labours to emancipate men from their own ignorance, prejudices and errors, which enslave them, in order that they may emancipate themselves from the bondage of despotism and the thralldom of spiritual tyranny.

Are you willing to devote yourself, without precise information, to the great purposes I have indicated, to become the sworn servant of the Order, to do this in reality, and not merely in pretence or words, trusting hereafter to receive further explanation?

Post.: I am.

Hier.: Have you well considered this? Do you fully understand that the work of a Knight Kadosh is not the repetition at stated times a few sentences, and the reception now and then of a candidate? Do you fully understand that what you are now engaged in is real, will require the performance of duty, will exact sacrifices, will expose you to danger? If you do not, you can advance no further. Reflect and answer.

Post.: I do.

Hier.: Reflect again! Do not deceive yourself! Is you answer still the same?

Post.: it is.

Hier.: Yet a third time, reflect! Life and death may depend on your decision. Do you still answer as before?

Post.: it is.

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Hier.: Come then with me to the Altar of Truth, and make the usual vow of all who desire to proceed in this degree.

(Postulant stands under the sign of Fidelity.)

OBLIGATIONI, A…..B……, desiring to proceed in this degree, after due warning and mature reflection, do solemnly and sincerely vow faithfully to devote myself to the objects of the Order of Knights Kadosh, and zealously to assist in maintaining them by such means as shall be ordered by competent authority.

To this service, I do consecrate my speech, my strength, my influence, my intellect and my life. I swear to be submissive and obedient to the Commander and his lawful superiors of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.

And I will do my duty as a Knight Kadosh should. So help me God!

Hier.: We do not revive here the ancient custom of burning incense and offering sacrifices to the gods, as themselves efficacious, by any virtue in the act itself, to propitiate their favour. We do not mistake the symbol for the thing symbolized.

But thoughts may be expressed as well as symbols and acts as by words, which indeed are themselves, only symbols, not so expressive often a sign, a figure or a ceremonial. The efficacy of prayer consists in the feelings of gratitude and veneration, the earnest resolution to amend, the longing desire for Divine aid and favour, attempted to be expressed in words, which themselves are but arbitrary sounds.

Here, to the words we unite other symbols of thought, speaking to the eye and not the ear, expressing our thankfulness to God for his may blessings. Do you, therefore, as an act of profound veneration and homage, as an expression of your faith and confidence in God, urn incense on the Altar of perfumes, and let our reverential thoughts ascend towards our Father Who is in Heaven.

(The Hier. Hands the vessel of perfume and the spoon to the Postulant, who throws a small quantity of incense on the fire. The Hier. takes them and does the same. The Hier. then recites the following invocation.)

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Hier.: O Omnipotent Source and Sovereign of the Universe! Accept the love and reverence, which we endeavour feebly to express by this incense ad by thee words. Enable us to feel how sacred a thing it is to worship thee by endeavouring to benefit and bless Humanity. Sustain us as with faltering steps we try to walk in that path. You are the only Light whose splendours can dissipate the darkness which veils nature from our gaze. Created to know and love the Truth, the human soul finds in You alone, that which can satisfy its inspirations. Purify us and give us strength, and let your Holy Kingdom come at last, and with it the end of all the wrongs that oppress and crush Humanity, Amen. So mote it be. (After the invocation the Hier. Says. )

Hier.: Go now to the Altar of Sacrifice.

(The Postulant does so, and the Sacrificer says.)

Sac.: This is the Altar of Masonry. On it we offer up no sacrifices to the Deity, nor burn the fruits of the earth, nor the blood and flesh of animals, in adoration to Him. Fire is the ancient symbol of purification and one of the tests of initiation. In this fire then, symbol also of the Deity, symbol of zeal and truth, we sacrifice to Masonry.

(The Sacrificer hand the Postulant a cup filled with some resinous substance and says:)

If you are willing here to sacrifice, in completion of your vow, repeat after me, and offer your oblations.

(The following formula is pronounced by the Sacrificer and repeated by the Postulant, who also, at a sign from the Sacrificer throws into the fire, at a pause denoted by some of the x x sweet - smelling incense.)

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Upon this Holy Altar of Masonry and the Kadosh, I sacrifice.

I here sacrifice in this consecrated fire my love of ease, my love of self, my indifference to the interests of others.

I sacrifice my pride of opinion, my self-conceit, my reluctance to yield up my own judgement upon the decision of my lawful superiors.

I sacrifice my love of wealth and gain, whenever it shall interfere with the interest of the Order, or the demands of Humanity and Charity

I sacrifice my vanity, pride, jealousy, envy and private grievances, to the good of the Order and my fellows.

I sacrifice my desire for honours and distinction, that I may serve and labour wherever the good of the Order requires.

I sacrifice all my vicious passions and sensual appetites that are unworthy of a good Mason and a Knight Kadosh. Amen.

(As soon as the last word is pronounced, the Sacrificer throws into the fire, some composition, which will at once produce a thick black perfumed smokeThe Marshal seizes the hand of the Postulant and conducts him to the door of the Fourth Apartment, where he knocks as a Knight Kadosh.)


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(In the Fourth Apartment, the officers will be in full dress and at their respective posts, and the room fully lighted.)

Prec.: Sir Lieutenant of the Guard, who interrupts our deliberations?

L. of G.: (Opens door a little): Who interrupts our deliberations?

M. of C.: It is the Marshal of Ceremonies, with a good Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland, who having obtained the favourable judgement of the Areopagus, now seeks to be constituted a Knight Kadosh.

(L. of G. closes the door.)

L. of G.: It is the Marshal of Ceremonies, with a good Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland, who having obtained the favourable judgement of the Areopagus, now seeks to be constituted a Knight Kadosh.

Prior: Very Eminent Commander, with a good Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland, who having obtained the favourable judgement of the Areopagus, now seeks to be constituted a Knight Kadosh.

Com.: What is his name and by what right does he seek to enter here?

L. of G.: (Opens door a little) What is his name and by what right does he seek to enter here?

M. of C.: His name is A…………B………, a Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland, and he possesses the right which he derives from the high degrees already in his possession. But the only claim he refers is that he is a Man, and his rights are expressed by the word Meschtar.

(L. of G. closes the door.)

L. of G.: Very Eminent Commander, his name is A…………B………,,a Knight of the Sun and a Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland, and he possesses the right which he derives from the high degrees already in his possession. But the only claim he refers is that he is a Man, and his rights are expressed by the word Meschtar.

Com.: Permit the Marshal of Ceremonies and this Aspirant to enter.

(The M. of C. enters, conducting the Aspirant, and stands with him in front of the Mausoleum.)

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Com.: Sir Marshal of Ceremonies, thou art very bold to bring this person among us, announcing his only claim to be that he is a Man, and that his rights are expressed by the word Meschtar. For the word Man expresses no claim of right to enter here, and the word Meschtar means control, but those who enter here come to obey, not to govern.

M. of C.: Very Eminent Commander, I mean a man in the old Roman sense of the word VIR, a true man on whom you can depend, one whose mind and intellect have attained their manhood, one freed from the notions of childhood, and capable of distinguishing the Truth, as well an manly enough to follow it. His control is over himself. He has overcome the dread of death, has sacrificed his weaknesses and passions on the Holy Altar of Masonry, and seeks to become a soldier of the Holy Empire.

Com.: Is he such a man?

M. of C.: I believe he is.

Com.: If he be so, he must reverence departed worth. Let him kneel, Then, before the Mausoleum, erected to the memory of one who is dear to us.

(Marshal causes the Postulant to kneel, facing the Mausoleum, and extending his right hand towards the urn on which are the letters J.B.M.)

Com.: Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland, you have heretofore been called a Suppliant. You now aspire. Learn how to attain greatness and immortality. Those letters are the initials of the name of a great and good man J.B.M. John de Morney, the head of an Order whosePreceptories and priories, were in every country in Europe.

But his memory is immortal. His flames kindled by cupidity and avarice consumed all of him that was mortal, after the rack had wrenched asunder his bones. His spirit returned unto God who gave it.

But his example remains to govern the Knights Kadosh. If you would proceed, you must be prepared, if the occasion should ever require it, to yield up your life as he did, rather than consent to the dishonour of your Order. Are you willing by proceeding, to accept that as your law? Arise and answer.

Post. I am.

(The Postulant having risen, is turned towards the East, and Com. says.)

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Com.: your resolution and courage, and your determination to proceed, you have gained our confidence and regard, and we willingly consent to confer on you the title of Knight Kadosh. But before we can do so, there is an ancient ceremony to perform. Sir Marshal of Ceremonies, conduct the aspirant to the mysterious ladder.

(The ladder is uncovered, and the Postulant is conducted to it. He is placed at the foot of it and fronting it, and Com. says.)

COM.: My Brother, the ladder before you has two support or sides, on the one upon the right are the Hebrew word AHEB ALOHI, Love of God, and on the left the Hebrew words AHEB KEROBO, Love of our neighbor.

They are symbolical of those two pillars of all true morality and virtuous excellence. There are seven steps on each side and each has a word on it, as its name, these words are, on the one side Hebrew , and on the other side English.

(The ladder is uncovered, and the Postulant is conducted to it. He is placed at the foot of it and fronting it, and Com. says.)

The name of the first step, on which you now stand, is TSEDEKAH. Truth, Justice or Righteousness. These qualities are especially essential to the character of a Knight Kadosh, who must be always frank and true,

(Com. raps + and the Postulant ascends the second step.)

The second step, on which you now stand, is called SHUAH LABANAH,Pure and Perfect Equity, and this step teaches you not always to insist on what is strict justice may be yours, but to yield much to Equity, and let it temper Justice.

(Com. raps + and the Postulant ascends the third step.)

The third step, on which you now stand, is called MATOOAmiability or Kindness, It signifies that our physical and mental powers should be employed in succoring the unfortunate.

(Com. raps + and the Postulant ascends the fourth step.)

The fourth step, on which you now stand, is called AMUNAH.Good Faith. The great virtue of a Knight and Mason. He is neither true Knight nor true man, who is unfaithful to his word in any of the

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transaction of life, public or private.

(Com. raps + and the Postulant ascends the fifth step.)

The fifth step, on which you now stand, is called AMEL SAGHIA.Much Toil or Labour. It teaches you that by constant labour only can man attain to any purpose, effect any great work, or fit himself for eminence in any pursuit or profession.

(Com. raps + and the Postulant ascends the sixth step.)

The sixth step, on which you now stand, is called SABAL.Patience or Endurance, one of the most necessary of virtues in thisworld of apathy and indifference.

Com. raps + and the Postulant ascends the second step.)

The seventh and last step is called GEMUL BINAH TABUNAH.Elaboration, Intelligence, Understanding. The three words togethermean that a Knight Kadosh is not to be content with mere every day routine of duty, nor with possessing the other virtues, which we have mentioned, in a common and ordinary degree only, but that in everything he should strive to attain excellence and to do his whole duty heartily and in the most perfect manner.

The Hebrew word Kadosh, the name which you desire to assume, means not only Holiness but Perfection also, and the words BINAH and TABUNAH indicate that the labours of a Knight Kadosh are chiefly intellectual. The Temple, which we are to rebuild is the Temple of Philosophy, and the seven steps of this ladder are the seven steps of that Temple. NE PLUS ULTRA.

My Brother, as the seven steps which you have ascended, form the basis of our moral labours, so our material labours are indicated by the steps which you will now descend, and, as each of the formerpointed out to us that, to arrive at the wished for end, it is indispensable to practice each of the virtues which they symbolically represent, so these require of us to acquaint ourselves with the sciences to enable us to fulfill our appointed destiny.

(Postulant descends slowly and, as he stands on each step Com. says.)

Com. This step represents Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy.

(When the Postulant reaches the last step, the ladder is suddenly lowered

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and the Postulant supported by two Knights finds himself on the floor.)

Let him that standeth, take heed lest he fall, it was formally the custom, my Brother thus to lower the ladder when the aspirant was on the summit. It was an emblem of a sudden blow which misfortune may strike us. A breath may reduce the loftiest of us far below the common level. The sword of Damocles is ever suspended above our heads.

Whatever sea of misfortune may overwhelm us, if we have practiced the virtues inculcated by the words of the Mystic Ladder we shall still find consolation, and be able to bear patiently the storms of evil fortune.

The duties of life, which are more than life, will still remain, and the love of God will still shine around us, more brilliant than the sun.

Officers and Knights, come with me to the Mausoleum.

(Com. leaves his station and proceeds to the Mausoleum.)

Com.: Officers and Knight, to your devotion.

(All Kneel in a semi-circle in front of the Mausoleum.)

PRAYERPre.: You Eternal Being, from the depths of our hearts we adore You.We worship You. We offer You sincere and grateful homage. Enable us to imitate and emulate the virtues of all who have lost their lives in endeavouring to serve and elevate Humanity, and especially of the noble victim, who declared his undying hope and trust in You, when he yielded up his life amid the flames. May he who here for the first time knees with us to prove himself his true disciple and emulate his virtues and magnanimity. We beseech You to look in favour on him and on us, and to bless and prosper our undertakings for the good of the race. May the day soon dawn when all the earth shall be one Holy Land, and all mankind one great Lodge of Brethern, and when all religions of hate and fear shall have vanished away, and wars and persecutions shall be known no more for ever. Amen.

Com.: (To Aspirant.) My Brother, repeat after me.


I, A………………..B…..……….., do solemnly promise and vow,that I will ever revere the memory and imitate the virtues of the illustrious personage to the remembrance of whom the monument is

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consecrated, even if I should thereby incur the risk of falling, like him, a victim to tyranny and persecution.

I furthermore promise and vow that I will hereafter contribute by all means in my power to the propagation and diffusion of liberal and enlightened ideas.

And I further and especially promise and vow always to speak and act for what I may sincerely to be for the benefit and honour of my country.

I further promise and vow that I will, even at the peril of my life, help every true brother, if he be persecuted for his religion, for his devotion to the holy cause of liberty, for his political opinions, or as a member of the higher Masonic bodies.

And may all men hold me dishonoured as a man and degraded as a Knight, if I fail to keep this my solemn obligation. Amen.

Com.: Rise, Brethren, and Knights.(All rise and stand under the sign of order.) Com.: My Brother, we have not been disappointed in the hopes we entertained of you, nor have we mistaken as to your character and opinions. You have proved yourself worthy to be constituted a Knight Kadosh. Kneel, my Brother.

(The Postulant kneels on the right knee, and the Com. says, striking him with the flat of the sword three times on the right shoulder, left shoulder and head at he words marked.)

To the glory of the great Source of Light of all that is. In the name, and under the auspices of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Inspectors General of the Thirty-third and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada, and by the authority in me vested as the Commander of this Council of Knights Kadosh. I do create, constitute, and receive you a Knight Kadosh, or a Knight of the Black and White Eagle, and one of the poor fellow-soldiers of the Temple of Solomon, and an active member of this Council.

Page 37: BY-LAWS€¦  · Web viewCom.: Sir Marshal of Ceremonies, thou art very bold to bring this person among us, announcing his only claim to be that he is a Man, and that his rights

Arise Knight Kadosh, and of the Temple.

(The Postulant rises, Com. returns to his station, seats himself, Raps +,and says.)

Com.: Be seated.

(All take their seats, except the Marshal and the new Knight.)

Com.: Sir Marshal of Ceremonies, communicate to this new Knight the signs, words and battery of this degree.

(The M. of C. does this.)

Sign: Place right hand over the heart, let it fall on the right knee, Then extend the right arm, palm of the hand downwards, as if taking an oath.

Token: Bring right feet together, toe to toe, and let right knee touch. One presents his right hand, fingers clenched, thumb raised. The other encloses the thumb with his fingers, raises his own thumb. Then each recoils a step, raising his left arm as if to strikeOne saying, NEKAMAH MANUKHAM and the other PHARASCH KHOL.

Sacred Word – ALI AL.

March – Four hurried steps, hands clasped on head, fall on right knee and present poniard.

Battery - Com. + + Prior + + Preceptor + + Com. +

Com.: Sir Marshal of Ceremonies, place upon the new Knight the collar and jewel of the Order, and the sword of a Knight Kadosh.

(He does so.)

Com.: I invest you, Sir A………..B……….., with the insignia of a Knight Kadosh, and also with the weapon which each of us always wear when in Council. This Order is altogether chivalric, although the degree is styled Philosophical Kadosh, and we ought ever to be armed, ready to defend the cause of humanity. You do nothing if you do not battle the truth. Sir Marshal of Ceremonies, let our new Knight and Brother be

Page 38: BY-LAWS€¦  · Web viewCom.: Sir Marshal of Ceremonies, thou art very bold to bring this person among us, announcing his only claim to be that he is a Man, and that his rights


(The Marshal of Ceremonies conducts the new Knight to the east, and while the both stand under the banner of the Order, and facing the West, proclaims in a loud voice.)

M. of C.: By order of the Very Eminent Commander, I hereby proclaimA………..B……….., hereto before Knights of St. Andrew of Scotland and of the Sun, to have been duly created and constituted a Knight Kadosh, of the Black and White eagle, and I hereby enroll him among the poor fellow soldiers of the Temple of Solomon.

Com.: Rise and to order, Officers ad Knights. Look upon this newlyadmitted Knight, you Brother, that you may know him well and greet him everywhere as one who has become a soldier of toiling, oppressed and suffering humanity. Let us all applaud his noble resolution, that he may be better remember, and never violate his solemn promise.

With me, my Brethren.

(All give the battery with their hands + + + + + + +) (Then all giving the sign, say once - DEUS VULT.)

Com.: Be seated, Officers and Knights.


Com.: (Raps +) Eminent Prior, at what hour are the labours of the Knights Kadosh adjourned?

Prior: Very Eminent Commander, at daybreak.

Com.: And why at daybreak?

Prior: The better to conceal our purposes from the malevolent and malicious.

Page 39: BY-LAWS€¦  · Web viewCom.: Sir Marshal of Ceremonies, thou art very bold to bring this person among us, announcing his only claim to be that he is a Man, and that his rights

Com.: What are these purposes?

Prior: To punish crime and protect innocence.

Com.: How are we to punish crime?

Prior: By resisting oppression and imposture with the voice, pen and sword.

Com.: How are we to protect innocence?

Prior: By labouring to elevate mankind and by diffusing knowledge.

Com.: Eminent Preceptor, what are we to do, to aid in effecting these great objects?

Prec.: Very Eminent Commander, to sow the good seed, that those may reap to whom God in His pleasure may assign it, to labour, to be patient and to hope.

Com.: Eminent Prior and preceptor, since nothing remains for us to do but to labour, to be patient and to hope, request the Knights and Officers in your respective columns to assist me in adjourning the Council, that we may go forth and perform our duties in the world.

Prior: Officers and Knights in my column, the Very Eminent Commander requests you to assist him in adjourning the Council, that we may go forth and perform our duty.

Prec.: Officers and Knights in my column, the Very Eminent Commander requests you to assist him in adjourning the Council, that we may go forth and perform our duty.

(Com. gives + + +, and rising says.)

Com.: To order Officers and Knights!

(All rise and stand under the sign of Order, Com. raps + +, Prior raps + +,Prec. raps + +, and Com. raps +, and the Com. says.)

Com.: With me Officers and Knights!

Page 40: BY-LAWS€¦  · Web viewCom.: Sir Marshal of Ceremonies, thou art very bold to bring this person among us, announcing his only claim to be that he is a Man, and that his rights

(All give the battery with their hands, + + + + + + +,and with the sign three times the plaudit, after which all say.)

ALL: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Com.: Draw swords! Present swords!

To the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe, the Source and Origin of all that is, In the name and under the auspices of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Inspectors General of the Thirty-third and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada, and by virtue of the power vested as the Commander of this Council of Knights Kadosh, I declare its labour adjourned. Return swords!

Officers and Knight you may retire in peace, But first assure me by solemn vow that you will not disclose to profane, or mason not a member of this Council, anything which occurred here tonight, not proper to be known.

The Presiding Officer descends from his seat, drawing his sword, holding the hilt out in front of him. The Brethren all pass him from the North and South, each as he passes laying his right hand on the hilt of the sword (palm down), saying “ I vow ”. If the attendance is large and it is not practical to observe this form the Prior and the preceptor will advance to the Commander, laying heir hands on the hilt of the sword, the Brethren as the same time extend their right hands all saying ‘ I vow “.
