by marta, ani, jeramiah, and sakib the shang dynasty

By Marta, Ani, Jeramiah, and Sakib The Shang Dynasty

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Page 1: By Marta, Ani, Jeramiah, and Sakib The Shang Dynasty

By Marta, Ani, Jeramiah, and Sakib

The Shang Dynasty

Page 2: By Marta, Ani, Jeramiah, and Sakib The Shang Dynasty

The Shang Dynasty

Is one of the earliest Dynasty’s of China Ruled around the area of the Huang He Started in the 1700 – 1122 B.C.E. Often fought against other Clans Considered to be a myth to western

foreigners Might’ve been the 1st Chinese to learn

how to write.

Page 3: By Marta, Ani, Jeramiah, and Sakib The Shang Dynasty


Led by a powerful king who controlled the the land. The king set up smaller kingdoms under his

younger brothers and nephews. Sometimes a son or a younger brother inherited the

kingdom. Depended to strong armies. Engaged in almost constant war to defend and

expand their kingdoms. Captured prisoners to use as laborers and human

sacrifices. Armies: foot soldiers, archers, cavalry riding horses,

and elephants, and fighters in chariots.

Page 4: By Marta, Ani, Jeramiah, and Sakib The Shang Dynasty

Social Structure

There were six social classes in the Shang Dynasty The first was the king and his relatives The nobles:

~ Fought in the kings armies.

~ Provided weapons, foot soldiers, and chariots. The craftspeople:

~ Small social class.

~ Bronze and Jade workers, Potters, and stonemasons.

~ Lower status than nobles but high status than farmers

~ Made weapons used by Shang warriors.

~ Made containers and ornaments for religious ceremonies. The traders

~ Ranked below nobles but above farmers – just like the craftsmen.

~ Mostly traded goods.

~ But used cowrie shells, a type of seashell as money.

~ Traded with neighboring regions.

Page 5: By Marta, Ani, Jeramiah, and Sakib The Shang Dynasty

Social Structure

The traders~ Ranked below nobles but above farmers – just like the craftsmen.~ Mostly traded goods.~ But used cowrie shells, a type of seashell as money.~ Traded with neighboring regions. The Farmers~ Largest social class.~ Worked on small plots of land, grew millet, wheat, barley, rice, fruit, vegetables, and

nuts.~ Did not own the land they farmed.~ The land was under control of either the king or the nobles.~ Kept only enough crops to feed themselves and their families, and they gave the rest to

the nobles who sent some to the king.~ The farmers used simple tools such as: wooden sticks, stone-tipped hoes, and stone

knives and scythes. And last the slaves~ Very bottom of the Shang society.~ Had often been captured in wars.~ Spent their lives building tombs and palaces.~ When their masters died they got sacrificed.

Page 6: By Marta, Ani, Jeramiah, and Sakib The Shang Dynasty


Shang believed that dead ancestors had a life after death

It was important to honor ancestors and give them food and wine

A king’s relationship to the ancient spirit was very important

Kings used oracle bones to ask their ancestors for advice and when to hunt

Page 7: By Marta, Ani, Jeramiah, and Sakib The Shang Dynasty


The Shang used a type of writing called logograph

Logographs are characters that stand for words They had inscription on oracle bones (that kings

used) Before the Shang invented logographs, they only

used pictograph which were pictures representing something they wanted to say

Although the Shang people spoke different languages in different places, the people from the upper class all used the same form of writing

Because of the written language, the Shang had a better way of communicating

Page 8: By Marta, Ani, Jeramiah, and Sakib The Shang Dynasty

The Arts The Shang artists were very good when

working with bronze Craftspeople made beautiful vessels The vessels had either geometry or

mythical creatures They made many animal masks. The

most common one was a taotie The Shang also made very beautiful

jade pieces They believed the quality of jade

represented a superior person and the hardness of jade stood for good wisdom

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Working with bronze. Used bronze to make many tools of war. Arrowheads, spearheads, ax heads, and

helmets. ^ One of the reasons why they were

able to remain in power for more than 500 years.

Page 10: By Marta, Ani, Jeramiah, and Sakib The Shang Dynasty

The Fall of the Shang Dynasty Fighting many wars weakened the

military power. The king and nobles spent so much

money on palaces, furnishings, clothing and tombs, and spending weakened the economy.

The last king did pleasurable activities instead of looking after his people.

1045 B.C.E: A frontier state called Zhou (joh) rose up against the dynasty.

Zhou armies caught the Shang unaware, defeating and overthrowing them.

Page 11: By Marta, Ani, Jeramiah, and Sakib The Shang Dynasty

And now A Trivia!

Approximately how long did the Shang dynasty rule?

Who inherited the kingdom? What were the 6 social classes of the Shang

dynasty? How did the kings ask their ancestors for advice? What was the type of writing they used? Name one of their tools that they used as

weapons. Who took over the Shang Dynasty?

Page 12: By Marta, Ani, Jeramiah, and Sakib The Shang Dynasty


Hope you learned something interesting!