by: stephany chavez circulatory system. a disease that affects it: atherosclerosis- hardening of the...

By: Stephany Chavez Circulatory System

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Page 1: By: Stephany Chavez Circulatory System. A disease that affects it: Atherosclerosis- hardening of the arterial wall due to formation of plaque or atheroma

By: Stephany Chavez

Circulatory System

Page 2: By: Stephany Chavez Circulatory System. A disease that affects it: Atherosclerosis- hardening of the arterial wall due to formation of plaque or atheroma

A disease that affects it:

Atherosclerosis-hardening of the arterial wall due to formation of plaque or atheroma. The plaque is made of cholesterol, calcium, and fats. Atherosclerosis may slow the blood circulation or at times, stops the blood flow. A person suffering from this problem experiences sharp pain in the affected area.

Page 3: By: Stephany Chavez Circulatory System. A disease that affects it: Atherosclerosis- hardening of the arterial wall due to formation of plaque or atheroma

How you get Atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis starts when high blood pressure, smoking, or high cholesterol damage the endothelium(a thin layer of cells). At that point, cholesterol plaque formation begins.

Page 4: By: Stephany Chavez Circulatory System. A disease that affects it: Atherosclerosis- hardening of the arterial wall due to formation of plaque or atheroma

What are the symptoms?

It depends where you have it :If you have atherosclerosis in your heart arteries,

you can have symptoms similar to those of a heart attack, such as chest pain.

If you have it in the arteries leading to your brain, you can have signs and symptoms like sudden numbness or weakness in your arms or legs.

If you have it in the arteries in your arms and legs, you can have symptoms of peripheral artery disease, like leg pain when walking.

Page 5: By: Stephany Chavez Circulatory System. A disease that affects it: Atherosclerosis- hardening of the arterial wall due to formation of plaque or atheroma

Does the body try to fix itself?

Inflammation is the body’s attempt to heal itself, by rushing blood and other healing substances to the affected area.

Page 6: By: Stephany Chavez Circulatory System. A disease that affects it: Atherosclerosis- hardening of the arterial wall due to formation of plaque or atheroma

What medicines do you need to take?

Some of the medications needed are:Cholesterol medicationsAnti-platelet medicationsWater pillsCalcium channel blockers

Page 7: By: Stephany Chavez Circulatory System. A disease that affects it: Atherosclerosis- hardening of the arterial wall due to formation of plaque or atheroma

Is it curable?

No it is not curable. You can only prevent it. Ways to prevent it are:ExerciseControl your blood pressureControl your cholesterolDon't smokeEat right