byzantine art


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Byzantine Art

The name – Byzantine art is the artistic products of the Eastern Roman as well as the nations

and states. The art of Byzantine is developed out of the art of Roman Empire. Byzantine art

never lost sight of this classical heritage.

Byzantine art is divided into four period – the Early period, the middle (high period), the

Period of Latin Occupation and the Late period.

During Early Byzantine art, there were two important fundamental in the development of a

unique. First is the Edict of Milan and the second is the dedication of Constantinople.

Constantine put a great effort on the decoration of Constantinople by adorning its public

spaces with ancient statuary and building a forum( a porphyry column that carried a statue of

himself ). Most of the Constantinopolitan church is built by Constantine and his son. Only few

Constantinopolitan monuments survive due to the rebuilding and destruction. The

development of monumental can still be traced through surviving structure. Early byzantine

art was marked by the cultivation of ivory carving. Another important form of luxury art is

silver plates.

In the Age of Justinian I, Byzantine art changed. Massive building program was a significant component of

Justinian’s project of imperial renovation. Justinian renovated, rebuilt or founded anew countless churches within

Constantinople and also built a number of churches and fortications. The eastern provinces of the Eastern Roman

and later the Byzantine Empires inherited a strong artistic tradition from the Late

Antiquity. The Christian mosaic art start from the 4th century. The first fully preserved

illuminated biblical manuscripts date to the first half of the sixth century.

During seventh-century crisis, the most significant surviving monumental projects

were undertaken outside of the imperial capital. The Hagios Demetrios church rebuilt

after a fire and Koimesis church is destroyed. The church of Rome include important

surviving decorative program. Byzantine mosaicists also contributed to the decoration

of the early Umayyad monuments. The most notable surviving are Syriac gospel

books. The veneration of acheiropoieta is not made by human hands become

significant phenomenon( credited with saving cities from military assault. Certain

saints images had come to be viewed as “windows” through which one could

communicate with the figure depicted. The beginning of a theology of icon is shown

with these developments.

Empire’s military situation improved, patronage of art and architecture also increased in

the 9th and 10th centuries. New churches were commissioned, architectural form and

decorative scheme of the Middle Byzantine church were standardized. The late antique

technique of ivory carving is shown during Macedonian period.

In Palaeologan age, Byzantine artists developed a

new interest in landscapes and pastoral scenes, and

the traditional mosaic-work. The icons became a

favoured medium for artistic expression.