challengechallenge€¦ · 2 may 2015 sunday 3rd may 8.00 am holy communion 5 easter 10.00 am...

1 May 2015 Volume 51 No 602 50p The Parish Magazine of St Mary’s Sandbach CHALLENGE CHALLENGE CHALLENGE CHALLENGE

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Page 1: CHALLENGECHALLENGE€¦ · 2 May 2015 Sunday 3rd May 8.00 am Holy Communion 5 Easter 10.00 am Morning Worship 6.30 pm Holy Eucharist Sunday 10th May 8.00 am Holy Communion 6 Easter


May 2015

Volume 51 No 602 50p

The Parish Magazine of St Mary’s Sandbach


Page 2: CHALLENGECHALLENGE€¦ · 2 May 2015 Sunday 3rd May 8.00 am Holy Communion 5 Easter 10.00 am Morning Worship 6.30 pm Holy Eucharist Sunday 10th May 8.00 am Holy Communion 6 Easter


May 2015 Sunday 3rd May 8.00 am Holy Communion

5 Easter 10.00 am Morning Worship

6.30 pm Holy Eucharist

Sunday 10th May 8.00 am Holy Communion

6 Easter 10.00 am Parish Eucharist 6.30 pm Evensong

Thursday 14th May 7.30 pm Holy Communion

Ascension Day

Sunday 17th May 8.00 am Holy Communion

7 Easter 10.00 am Parish Eucharist

6.30 pm Evensong

Sunday 24th May 8.00 am Holy Communion

Pentecost 10.00 am Parish Eucharist

Whit Sunday 6.30 pm Churches Together

Songs of Praise at St


Sunday 31st May 8.00 am Holy Communion

Trinity Sunday 10.00 am Parish Eucharist

6.30 pm Evensong

Sunday 7th June 8.00 am Holy Communion

1 Trinity 10.00 am Morning Worship

2.00 pm Civic Service

Every Wednesday 11.00 am Holy Communion

6.30 pm Holy Eucharist

Holy Eucharist, Parish Eucharist = Order 2 Common Worship

Holy Communion = Order 1 Book of Common Prayer

Page 3: CHALLENGECHALLENGE€¦ · 2 May 2015 Sunday 3rd May 8.00 am Holy Communion 5 Easter 10.00 am Morning Worship 6.30 pm Holy Eucharist Sunday 10th May 8.00 am Holy Communion 6 Easter


(Cover Picture - Richard Green)

B y the organ console in church in the east end of the south aisle the stained glass window depicts the stories from the early chapters of Genesis. One has particularly struck me this Spring. It depicts Eve demurely nursing a child and Adam with a spade digging. Behind Eve is a wonderful paradise flower, and behind Adam the most voluptuous bramble bush, full of ripe juicy big berries. I guess the picture is a reflection on the curse of disobedience exacted after being thrown out of Paradise.

Eve’s curse is about the pains of childbearing. Adam’s about a perpetual struggle to survive especially as he has to tame and controls nature. And its digging brambles that exemplifies the struggle for survival.

And how Catherine and I have struggled in the last couple of weeks to get on top of last years brambles in the back garden. They are the most vicious creatures imaginable, they have tentacles that extract blood and scratches. Leather gloves are pierced, scratches - nay gashes - appear on face, arms, torso and legs even generously covered. Baring chainmail from head to foot, their vicious thorns penetrate ordinary clothes.

And what is their use? To feed birds with their miserable small, sour berries in the autumn. And the birds disseminate the seeds wonderfully. Guess then my delight when these long tendrils, because of their affinity to sticking to everything even themselves, self-feed to oblivion in the garden shredder.

I have to admit to a small amount of perverse pleasure in seeing pulp in the bucket - pulp which goes straight into the compost bin to feed…probably another generation of brambles.

Thomas Shepherd Thomas Shepherd Thomas Shepherd Thomas Shepherd ---- VicarVicarVicarVicar

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From the RegistersFrom the RegistersFrom the RegistersFrom the Registers



31st Alice Thornhill (92)


1st Michael Bennison (70)

2nd Halver Dear (83)

10th Gerald Hardstaff (75)



11th Matthew Barker and Zara Mohamadi



22nd Darcie Beau Grace-White daughter of Graham and



5th Ophelia Catherine Sturge daughter of Alex and Ros

12th Joshua James Hilditch son of Michael and Claire

Abigail Faith Hilditch daughter of Michael and Claire

Simon Anthony Hilditch son of Michael and Claire

19th Finlay John Pryce son of Peter Pryor and Laura Pryce

Darcy Jean Pryor daughter of Peter Pryor and Laura


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Church FlowersChurch FlowersChurch FlowersChurch Flowers MayMayMayMay

3rd Mrs Atherley

10th Mrs Holdcroft

17th In memory of Mrs Halden

24th Mrs Joyce Nixon

Our thanks to all who donate flowers each week to beautify St Mary’s for worship. Anyone who would like to commemorate a special family occasion in this way should ring Sheenagh.

31st Vacant

Coffee RotaCoffee RotaCoffee RotaCoffee Rota MayMayMayMay

3rd Joyce Griffith and Lynne Winfield

10th Aileen Higgs and Margaret Parry

17th Jean and Barrie

24th Eileen and Jim Thompson

JuneJuneJuneJune 7th Marjorie Burgess and Renee Bickerton

31st Stella Craven and Christine Hirst

Does background noise bother you?Does background noise bother you?Does background noise bother you?Does background noise bother you?

D o you find it hard to concentrate and work when people nearby are chattering away, or even just eating loudly? Does background noise really irritate you? Then you may score high on creativity and intelligence.

A recent study has found that geniuses find it hard to ‘filter’ out background noises. Charles Dickens, Anton Chekhov and Marcel Proust were notorious for being unable to work without peace or quiet; Proust went so far as to wear earplugs and line his bedroom with cork, in an effort to block out any noise at all. A recent study by Northwestern University in Chicago has found that the inability to filter out ‘competing sensory information’ is a common occurrence in the creatively talented.

Page 6: CHALLENGECHALLENGE€¦ · 2 May 2015 Sunday 3rd May 8.00 am Holy Communion 5 Easter 10.00 am Morning Worship 6.30 pm Holy Eucharist Sunday 10th May 8.00 am Holy Communion 6 Easter


10th May: Rogation Sunday10th May: Rogation Sunday10th May: Rogation Sunday10th May: Rogation Sunday

R ogation means an asking of God - for blessing on the seed and land for the year ahead. It is appropriate in any emergency, war, plague, drought or foul weather.

The practice began with the Romans, who invoked the help of the gods Terminus and Ambarvalia. In those days a crowd moved in procession around the cornfields, singing and dancing, sacrificing animals, and driving away Winter with sticks. They wanted to rid the cornfields of evil.

About 465 the Western world was suffering from earthquake, storm and epidemic. So Mamertius, Bishop of Vienne, aware of the popular pagan custom, ordered that prayers should be said in the ruined or neglected fields on the days leading up to Ascension. With his decision, ‘beating the bounds’ became a Christian ceremonial.

Rogation-tide arrived in England early in the eighth century, and became a fixed and perennial asking for help of the Christian God. On Rogation-tide, a little party would set out to trace the boundaries of the parish. At the head marched the bishop or the priest, with a minor official bearing a Cross, and after them the people of the parish, with schoolboys and their master trailing along. Most of them held slender wands of willow.

At certain points along the route - at well-known landmarks like a bridge or stile or ancient tree, the Cross halted, the party gathered about the priest, and a litany or rogation is said, imploring God to send seasonable wealth, keep the corn and roots and boughs in good health, and bring them to an ample harvest. At one point beer and cheese would be waiting.

In the days when maps were neither common nor accurate, there was much to be said for ‘beating the bounds’ - still very common as late as the reign of Queen Victoria. Certainly parish boundaries rarely came into dispute, for everyone knew them. (Do you know yours today?)

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What does that mean?What does that mean?What does that mean?What does that mean?

Seeking God - a reference to praying to God or attempting to attain his attention or favour. "Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face evermore!" (1 Chron. 16:11).

Septuagesima Sunday - the third Sunday before Lent, about seventy days before Easter

Sermon - an oral presentation of teachings or inspiring thoughts.

Sexton - a contraction of the word "sacristan".

Shrine - originally a casket or other receptacle in which sacred relics were kept; the tomb of a saint; an altar built over the body of a saint eg St Alban's shrine

A mix of religion and politicsA mix of religion and politicsA mix of religion and politicsA mix of religion and politics

(From a report by Ekklesia)

B oth the Anglican and Roman Catholic Bishops have sent pastoral letters to their members outlining their views on how

to approach the next General Election.

The Anglican letter came first – a carefully written, sometimes challenging document, its 56 pages declare no political allegiance. Instead ‘Who is my neighbour?' asks churchgoers and non churchgoers alike to enter into a dialogue about the kind of country we want to be. Somewhat predictably, the moment the letter was published, Conservative backbenchers and the tabloid press were immediately critical. One critique was already anticipated by the Bishops – that they have no right to interfere in politics. Their letter points out the truth that it is not possible to separate a person’s beliefs from the way the world’s affairs are arranged. They also wryly note that politicians and pundits are always happy for the Church to comment when it agrees with a particular line.

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Bombs will not stop usBombs will not stop usBombs will not stop usBombs will not stop us ‘We are shaken. We are upset. But this will not stop us worshipping.’ These are the words of Bible Society’s general secretary in Pakistan, Anthony Ajiaz Lamuel, following the double suicide bombing on churches in Lahore.

On March 15, 2 and injured more than 70 others, at churches in a Christian neighbourhood in the Pakistani city of Lahore.

An offshoot of the Pakistan

Taliban, known as Jamatul Ahrar, has claimed responsibility.

Christians make up just 2 per cent of the largely Muslim population in Pakistan.

The Ark The Ark The Ark The Ark Tony Jordan's re-working of Noah's ark, which aired recently on BBC 1, got mixed reviews in the press. The Telegraph said that Jordan had stripped back the story 'to its essentials: faith, love and loyalty'. The Sun said the 90-minute drama, starring David Threlfall, commented that Jordan 'got so wrapped up in the family drama he almost missed the story.'

Bible saved soldierBible saved soldierBible saved soldierBible saved soldier A 21-year-old British soldier was saved at the Somme by his Bible, says The Sun.

21 year-old soldier Frank Viner was in a trench at the Somme when a shell landed nearby. It killed three of his comrades and injured him. But, the Bible which he kept in his breast pocket took the impact of the blast, which knocked him unconscious.

His daughter Grace Cross, 81, from Leatherhead in Surrey told The Sun, 'Dad said the Bible was half hanging out of

his pocket and was full cover-to-cover with shrapnel.

Little religion in the UKLittle religion in the UKLittle religion in the UKLittle religion in the UK

According to a new survey, in a global ranking of 65 countries, the UK came six places from last with 30% of the population calling themselves religious.

While 53% of people said they were “not religious", 13% said they were a “convinced atheist”.

It compares to 94% of people in Thailand who are religious and 93 per cent of people in Armenia, Bangladesh, Georgia and Morocco. At the bottom of the list was China where only six per cent of people say they are religious while 61% are convinced atheists‘ .

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Tickets: Adults: £8.50 Snr Citizens/Concessions: £7.00 School Children: £3.00 Family Ticket : £20.00 Doors Open 6.30 pm

Wed 27th MayWed 27th MayWed 27th MayWed 27th May

Aquarelle Guitar Quartet Aquarelle Guitar Quartet Aquarelle Guitar Quartet Aquarelle Guitar Quartet

Mike Baker, Vasillis Bessas, James Jervis, Rory RussellMike Baker, Vasillis Bessas, James Jervis, Rory RussellMike Baker, Vasillis Bessas, James Jervis, Rory RussellMike Baker, Vasillis Bessas, James Jervis, Rory Russell

and spotlight concert with local young musicians

All concerts at 7pm in St Mary's Church Hall

Tickets available from: on-line, Demeters Wholefoods (12 Welles

St), Bramwells Opticians (4 Hightown) or on the door.

Week of Prayer for Christian UnityWeek of Prayer for Christian UnityWeek of Prayer for Christian UnityWeek of Prayer for Christian Unity

Evening Service 24th May 6.30pm at St Mary's. This will be an ecumenical celebration of Charles Wesley, taking

the form of Songs of Praise.

The Guarding of the God of LifeThe Guarding of the God of LifeThe Guarding of the God of LifeThe Guarding of the God of Life

The God of life with guarding hold you, The loving Christ with guarding fold you, The Holy Spirit, guarding, mould you, Each night of life to aid, enfold you,

Each day and night of life uphold you.

Ancient Celtic poem

Sunday 17th MAY at 6.30pmSunday 17th MAY at 6.30pmSunday 17th MAY at 6.30pmSunday 17th MAY at 6.30pm

Service at Sandbach Heath Methodist Church.

Speaker: Becky Hurst, Christian Aid Staff Member.

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From the ArchivesFrom the ArchivesFrom the ArchivesFrom the Archives

T his month we are standing outside the town hall looking down High Town towards Middlewich Road. In the top picture we can see the Swan and Chequer and Peevers and on the left William R Shoes and Costa Coffee.

In the bottom picture we have gone back nearly

100 years and here we see; The Swan Hotel as it was known then, Baxtors, G Leese (family Grocer) and on the left we can see the corner of Wardle’s family draper and silk merchant who owned most of this block. ‘The latest novelties in dress fabrics. Every requisite for family mourning’ was their advertising slogan. In the middle of the road and preceding todays CCTV is Dr Latham’s memorial erected in 1908 that is now situated behind Ashfield’s Health Care Centre.

Stephen MinshullStephen MinshullStephen MinshullStephen Minshull

Page 11: CHALLENGECHALLENGE€¦ · 2 May 2015 Sunday 3rd May 8.00 am Holy Communion 5 Easter 10.00 am Morning Worship 6.30 pm Holy Eucharist Sunday 10th May 8.00 am Holy Communion 6 Easter


Carpet Craft Carpet Craft Carpet Craft Carpet Craft established 1976

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Page 12: CHALLENGECHALLENGE€¦ · 2 May 2015 Sunday 3rd May 8.00 am Holy Communion 5 Easter 10.00 am Morning Worship 6.30 pm Holy Eucharist Sunday 10th May 8.00 am Holy Communion 6 Easter


Sandbach Churches Sandbach Churches Sandbach Churches Sandbach Churches Support Christian Aid Support Christian Aid Support Christian Aid Support Christian Aid

T his year, Britain’s longest running door-to-door fundraising week is asking Sandbach Residents to support women living in poverty around the world, many of whom are discriminated against from birth.

Christian Aid Week is taking place between Sunday 10th and Saturday 16th May and the main events in Sandbach this year are House to House Collections which will take place throughout the area. Churches across the area raised over £4,500 last year. Christian Aid’s regional coordinator, Helen Howe, said: “This amazing sum could not be raised without the hard-work and dedication of our collectors. Their support is invaluable – they are giving real hope to the world’s poor and walking alongside them helping to lessen their load”.

The collections from this week will

help to transform the lives of women like Loko, from Ethiopia. Four times a week, Loko makes an eight-hour journey to gather wood to support her family. She said: “If I can’t collect firewood, my children will starve”. As she walks, she prays: “I ask God to change my life and lead us out of this”. Just £5 could give Loko a loan to start her own business, releasing her to spend more time caring for her family.

Discrimination against women is one of the greatest injustices of our time. Globally, less than 20% of landholders are women and women do twice as much unpaid work as men.

Often forced into early marriages, they can also face the dangers of giving birth before their young bodies are ready. Deprived of an education, later in life women have to rely on men for their financial security, with any hope of following their own dreams dashed, leaving them vulnerable to deprivation and violence.

This inequality leaves millions of women at the mercy of violence and abuse, with 1 in 3 women across the world experiencing physical or sexual violence. To collect or make a donation talk to Katie Cavanagh 01270 760270

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How to find happinessHow to find happinessHow to find happinessHow to find happiness

I f you want to increase your psychological well-being and happiness, increase the flow of oxygen levels in your blood, and trigger your ‘happy’ hormones, there is a very simple way of doing it: join a local choir or singing group.

It seems that our psychological well-being and overall health really can be improved by being part of a cohesive social group which makes music together – far more so than by joining a team sport. As one scientist put it: “There is a suggestion that there is something unique about the synchronicity of moving and breathing with other people.”

The study was carried out at Oxford Brookes University, and in conclusion, wonders if it could be that “singing in a group gives us something that we have lost as a society.”

Friday evenings at Friday evenings at Friday evenings at Friday evenings at 6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm6.30pm

If you would like any more details then

please contact Kevin Birch on 01270



F or May we are turning our support to the charity Tearfund which is a Christian based charity who share the Christian Faith with communities around the world combining this with giving practical help.


Items the is currently in need of:

Long Life Fruit Juice

Toilet rolls Sugar Coffee

Jam Shampoo Toothbrushes

Toothpaste Soap

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St Mary’s Social CommitteeSt Mary’s Social CommitteeSt Mary’s Social CommitteeSt Mary’s Social Committee

Slidin About Saturday 30th May

With Kevin Birch in the Church

plus Cheese and Wine

Summer Lunch Sunday 21st June

The Norsemen Friday 4th September

Big Breakfast Saturday 17th October

Autumn Fair Saturday 7th November

Christmas Lunch Sunday 6th December

Come along and bring your friends to these


Tickets will be advertised in the magazine and on

the pew sheets.

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Church FellowshipChurch FellowshipChurch FellowshipChurch Fellowship

S ome archive photos of my old church, St Chads, Over,

came to my recent attention. St Chads is a lovely, small church standing in a hollow in the midst of fields. It was here that I was confirmed and Joe and I were married. The photos dated back to the 1930's, one showed the choir of 38 and another, the 78 men of the Bible Class. It brought home to me how much times and activities have changed in our lifetime. So it has been with the Fellowship.

It was with sadness and some regret that at the Fellowship AGM on 10th of March, Thomas had to declare closure on the St Mary's Fellowship. Marjorie Spence had been at the helm for 5 years and had done a magnificent term of office. We had had good speakers with a reasonable attendance at meetings but no one was willing to take on the mantle of leadership. Without a leader we cannot function. I was asked to put together a history of the Fellowship. To that end I have been researching old papers and talking to long-standing members. So many names,

such lovely memories of friends and acquaintances now gone. The following is the result.

Before 1963 the group was known as the Ladies Circle but Canon and Mrs Betts felt that the membership should be widened. At their AGM in April 1963 it was decided to form "St Mary's Church Women's Fellowship", the annual subscription to be 3s 6d for the 80 members. Canon Betts was the President and a Chairman was to be elected every 2 years, Mrs Riggs being the first. There were 2 meetings each month. The first meeting to be devotional led by the Canon and to be followed by a discussion or suitable film. The second, on the 4th Tuesday, to be opened with prayers, then the business and social programme to be arranged.

These activities, each with their own leader, included:- • a good neighbourhood scheme, a 'Watchman' was needed for each road • babysitting service - home visits etc • prayer group • drama group • needlework group - items to be sold at stalls • church sewing - mostly repairs • friends of Arclid and the Cheshire Home • the Church Overseas

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Shrove Tuesday teas were held each year to raise funds, the 100 invitations going to ladies only. A decision was made to provide refreshments on the 2nd and 3rd Thursdays in August (Stoke Wakes). The first yielded a profit of £98 3s 9d.

1964 saw a start made on the new church hall which would open in 1965. £148 was set by the Fellowship to go to equipping the new kitchen. The new Vicar Geoffrey Wykes and his wife were welcomed. The 5 aims of the Fellowship were always to be borne in mind; worship, teaching, fellowship, service and giving. Margaret Dickinson's mother Mrs Riley was elected as Chairman. The WVS request for volunteers to help with Meals on Wheels service was taken up Mrs Roberts. The Vicar declared the Fellowship to be the 'backbone of the Parish'.

By 1970 membership numbers began to dwindle and it was felt that younger blood was needed. In 1973 Basil Rigby became Vicar following the death of Rev. G Wykes in1972. Subscriptions were 20p and meetings became once a month. There were even suggestions that the Men's Fellowship be invited to join for

certain speakers! Tables for the hall and new kitchen crockery (Beryl Green) and cutlery were bought. Wakes tea profits were earmarked for specific charities. An example of Wakes prices in 1976: Sandwiches 12p, cakes 4p, scones 3p.

In 1983 when Basil Rigby retired, membership had fallen to 37. The old tradition of Shrove Tuesday Teas had faded away and was discontinued. Thursday Wakes teas would be the replacement fundraiser. During this time the minutes reflect on names such as Mrs Davenport and her potted meats and Barbara Hill's toffee sales, she made very good treacle toffee! I have the recipe. The office of Chairman was retitled Leader and the President became Chairman.

David Stocker arrived in 1984 and emphasised the need to link with the community, now called the Pastoral Link Scheme. This was echoed by Leader Margaret Dickinson (a committee officer for 24 years) in 1987. To adapt to change, to support the young, to be more outward looking were her maxims. Cards were available to deliver to newcomers to the parish. Miss Margaret Walker relinquished the Treasurer's post which she had held for 22 years. During the latter part of the 1990's Miss Margaret Hill, a founder member

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Sandbach Community CinemaSandbach Community CinemaSandbach Community CinemaSandbach Community Cinema

Testament of YouthTestament of YouthTestament of YouthTestament of Youth

Tuesday 12th May at the Town Hall Tuesday 12th May at the Town Hall Tuesday 12th May at the Town Hall Tuesday 12th May at the Town Hall

A moving story of love, war and remembrance, based on A moving story of love, war and remembrance, based on A moving story of love, war and remembrance, based on A moving story of love, war and remembrance, based on the First World War memoir by Vera Brittain which the First World War memoir by Vera Brittain which the First World War memoir by Vera Brittain which the First World War memoir by Vera Brittain which

became thebecame thebecame thebecame the classic testimony of war from a woman’s classic testimony of war from a woman’s classic testimony of war from a woman’s classic testimony of war from a woman’s point of view point of view point of view point of view

Tickets £5Tickets £5Tickets £5Tickets £5

Films start at 7.30. Doors open 6.30

Licensed bar

passed away. Mrs Margaret Round received a bouquet to mark 60 years as a member!

lt must have been a very good speaker in September 2002, 58 members attended, including myself for the first time, Subs were now £4. Three years later under the Chair of Rex Buckley, the Fellowship became known as St Mary's Fellowship as the Men's Fellowship had joined on a permanent basis. It was hoped that this would help to increase numbers.

Vicar Thomas joined in 2009. In 2011 Mrs Marjorie Burgess resigned as Secretary after 14 years service. Membership had fallen to an all-time low of 26. Subs now stood at £8.

Although membership numbers wavered as usual between 30-40, it was the lack of Leader

which led to the Fellowship's demise. Many of the members had held office in the past, advancing age and other commitments were a drawback. It has been impossible to name all those who have stood as officers for many years but their input has been invaluable.

Thus, after 52 years, of title change, 6 Vicars, much money

raised for charities, outings, many friendships and good memories, the group known as St Mary's Fellowship, will, we hope, gather under a new name with other people, to keep alive the ideals and aims set out in

1963. Pat

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St.Mary's Church, SandbachSt.Mary's Church, SandbachSt.Mary's Church, SandbachSt.Mary's Church, Sandbach

presents apresents apresents apresents a

Concert FeaturingConcert FeaturingConcert FeaturingConcert Featuring

'Slidin About''Slidin About''Slidin About''Slidin About' Trombone QuartetTrombone QuartetTrombone QuartetTrombone Quartet

(Graduates of the Royal Northern College of Manchester)(Graduates of the Royal Northern College of Manchester)(Graduates of the Royal Northern College of Manchester)(Graduates of the Royal Northern College of Manchester)

Finalists at the Royal Over Seas League 2015Finalists at the Royal Over Seas League 2015Finalists at the Royal Over Seas League 2015Finalists at the Royal Over Seas League 2015

with with with with OrganistOrganistOrganistOrganist Kevin Birch Kevin Birch Kevin Birch Kevin Birch

Saturday May 30Saturday May 30Saturday May 30Saturday May 30thththth 2015 at 7pm2015 at 7pm2015 at 7pm2015 at 7pm

Tickets £7 from the Social Committee Tickets £7 from the Social Committee Tickets £7 from the Social Committee Tickets £7 from the Social Committee

(pre(pre(pre(pre----book Social Committee book Social Committee book Social Committee book Social Committee ---- 01270 760149)01270 760149)01270 760149)01270 760149)

Or Kevin Birch 01270 760778Or Kevin Birch 01270 760778Or Kevin Birch 01270 760778Or Kevin Birch 01270 760778

Followed by cheese and wineFollowed by cheese and wineFollowed by cheese and wineFollowed by cheese and wine

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How well do you know the church?How well do you know the church?How well do you know the church?How well do you know the church?

W here is this wooden carving? Answer next month.

L ast month we saw the Old Font, probably dating back to 1200 AD. This was described in a History of Cheshire dated 1860:

"Fonts. Sandbach is the most remarkable, being octaganol and surrounded by acanthus leaves and flowers".

It was removed from the church in 1859 when the new one was installed and served as a garden ornament until its value was realised and was returned to its rightful home in 1938.

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FireFireFireFire There was a fire at the main Inland Revenue office in London, but it was put out before

any serious good was done. Ronnie Corbett

MarkMarkMarkMark When the late Dean of York was asked why he called his stumpy-tailed fox terrier ‘Mark’, he explained: “The New Testament contains the life-stories of our Lord by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Mark’s is the shortest tale!”

MarriedMarriedMarriedMarried How many women can one man marry? A little boy who attended his first wedding worked that one out pretty quick: the answer is 16. It is easy, if you think about it. Four better, four worse, four richer, four poorer. Comes to 16.

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Vicar The Revd. Thomas Shepherd 762379

[email protected]

Churchwardens Sheenagh Ashworth 529187

Anne Birch 760778

Sacristan John Percival 765700

Verger June Ollier 766973


PCC Secretary Mel Robinson 753821

Treasurer Roger Cooke 762118

Covenants/Gift Aid Aileen Higgs 760149


Organist Kevin Birch [email protected] 760778

Bells John Austin 764851

Mervyn Stubbs 762516

Church Flowers Sheenagh Ashworth 529187

Church Hall Sylvia Watkins 767386

[email protected]


Please Contact The Vicar in Church on Sundays between 5pm to 6pm to make the necessary arrangements.

Challenge is edited by John Bottomley. If you or your organisation have reports of events that have already happened, progress up-dates of continuing projects, or any other items to be published in the magazine, please contact me by: tel: 01270 768744 e-mail: [email protected] post: 15 Chartwell Park, Sandbach, CW11 4ZP

Articles must be received by Sunday 24th May 2015Sunday 24th May 2015Sunday 24th May 2015Sunday 24th May 2015 More information is also available on the web-site: