c at h o l i c c h u r c h - pilot point, tx · 5:00pm lector & emch chrystel fritcher...

St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church 400 St. Thomas Aquinas Ave. Pilot Point, TX 76258 Office: 940 - 686 - 2088, Fax: 360-925-2952, Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 9:00am - 5:00pm Extended Hours on Wednesday, 9:00am - 6:00 pm Office Hours on Friday: 9:00am—1:00pm Emergency: 817 - 980 - 9272 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stthomaspilotpoint.org Mass Schedule Weekend Saturday 5:00 pm (vigil) Sunday 8:00 am 11:00am 12:45pm (español) 5:00pm Weekday Monday 8:30am Tuesday No Mass Wednesday 6:30pm Thursday 8:30am Friday 8:30am Friday 10:00am (Nursing Home) Holy Day Day Before 7:00pm (vigil) Morning 8:30am Evening 7:00pm Reconciliation Saturday 3:15-4:15pm Parish Staff and Contact Information Very Rev. Tom Kennedy Pastor [email protected] Moisés Camargo Deacon Cell 940-395-0732 Dave Garza Deacon Cell 515-988-9530 Linda Thomas Office Manager [email protected] Yoli Arzate Office Assistant [email protected] Bulletin Editor [email protected] Kim Jaresh Director of Religious Education [email protected] Jeanette Houle Coordinator of Youth Ministry [email protected] Ray Savard Maintenance [email protected] Sacramental Preparation/ Preparación Sacramental Hispanic Ministry Contact Deacon Moises Camargo (940) 395-0732 Baptism/Bautismos Call the office to enroll in classes or to schedule a baptism/ Primer Sábado del mes. Los interesados deben registrarse con anticipación. Raciel & Soledad Camargo 940-231-1383 Marriage/Casamientos Contact the parish office at least one year before the wedding: Deacon Dave Garza 515-988-9530 Registrarse con 12 meses de anticipación. Diacono Moisés Camargo (940) 395-0732 Ministry to the Sick/Ministerio al Enfermo Contact the parish office if you know of anyone who is sick/Contacte la oficina de la iglesia si usted sabe de cualquiera que está enfermo Quinceañeras Registrarse con 12 meses de anticipación. Llamar por favor a la oficina de la iglesia para hacer una cita con Jeannette Houle, 940-686-2088 Ext. 14 Easter Sunday of the resurrection of the lord march 27th, 2016 St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Mission Statement The mission of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to our greater community. St. Thomas Aquinas Parish inspires, nurtures, and educates by following the teachings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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S t . T h o m a s A q u i n a s C a t h o l i c C h u r c h

400 St. Thomas Aquinas Ave.

Pilot Point , TX 76258 Office: 940 -686 -2088, Fax: 360-925-2952,

Office Hours: Mon -Thurs 9 :00am -5:00pm

Extended Hours on Wednesday, 9:00am -6:00 pm

Off ice Hours on Friday: 9 :00am —1:00pm

Emergency: 817 -980 -9272

Emai l: o ffice@st thomaspilo tpoint .org

Website: www.st thomaspilo tpoint .org

Mass Schedule Weekend Saturday 5:00 pm (vigil)

Sunday 8:00 am


12:45pm (español)


Weekday Monday 8:30am

Tuesday No Mass

Wednesday 6:30pm

Thursday 8:30am

Friday 8:30am Friday 10:00am (Nursing Home)

Holy Day Day Before 7:00pm (vigil)

Morning 8:30am

Evening 7:00pm

Reconciliation Saturday 3:15-4:15pm

Parish Staff and Contact Information

Very Rev. Tom Kennedy Pastor

[email protected]

Moisés Camargo Deacon

Cell 940-395-0732

Dave Garza Deacon

Cell 515-988-9530

Linda Thomas Office Manager

[email protected]

Yoli Arzate Office Assistant

[email protected]

Bulletin Editor [email protected]

Kim Jaresh Director of Religious Education

[email protected]

Jeanette Houle Coordinator of Youth Ministry

[email protected]

Ray Savard Maintenance

[email protected]

Sacramental Preparation/

Preparación Sacramental

Hispanic Ministry

Contact Deacon Moises Camargo (940) 395-0732


Call the office to enroll in classes or to schedule a baptism/

Primer Sábado del mes. Los interesados deben registrarse con

anticipación. Raciel & Soledad Camargo 940-231-1383


Contact the parish office at least one year before the

wedding: Deacon Dave Garza 515-988-9530

Registrarse con 12 meses de anticipación.

Diacono Moisés Camargo (940) 395-0732

Ministry to the Sick/Ministerio al Enfermo

Contact the parish office if you know of anyone who is sick/Contacte

la oficina de la iglesia si usted sabe

de cualquiera que está enfermo


Registrarse con 12 meses de anticipación. Llamar por favor a la

oficina de la iglesia para hacer una cita con

Jeannette Houle, 940-686-2088 Ext. 14

Easter Sunday of the resurrection of the lord march 27th, 2016

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

Mission Statement

The mission of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to our greater community.

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish inspires, nurtures, and educates by following the teachings of our Lord and

Savior, Jesus Christ.












Sacristan Mary Lou D. Theresa Switzer Pam Bisi Nate Stodola

Ushers Gary Garcin

Shannon Stephens

Kevin Kemp

Stacy Hardin

David Berend

Clarence Boerner

Mike Anselmi

Billy Lantrip

Brian Robinson

Bob Kubala

Bobby Parrent

Justin Powell

Annie Braack

Tony Caranna





Dakota David

Dawson David Ava Dennis

Lorenzo Ahumada Madeline Mascari

Lectors Raymond David Don Weber

Marilyn Weber

Julie Ann Dwyer Jeanette Houle

EMHCs Pat Boerner

J.R. Boerner

Theresa Switzer

Nettie Garza

JulieAnn Dwyer

Brian Dwyer

Georgia Burleson

Clay Cundiff

Jeanette Houle

Tori Caranna

Please volunteer

Mass Schedule for weekend of 4/2-4/3

Mass Intentions & Readings:


Sat 8:30pm † Nelda (Bridges) Cartlidge

† Charles Heitzman

Sun 8:00am † Richard Blake

11:00am † Robert Mayer

12:45pm † For The People

5:00pm NO MASS

Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4; 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Cf. 1 Cor 5:7b-8a; Jn 20:1-9

Mon 8:30am † Donald Popp

† Rosa Yanity

Acts 2:14, 22-33; PS 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; Ps 118:24; Mt 28:8-15

Tues No Mass No Mass

Acts 2:36-41; PS 33:4-5, 18-19, 20 and 22; Ps 118:24; Jn 20:11-18

Wed 6:30pm † The Guenther Family

Acts 3:1-10; PS 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9; Ps 118:24; Lk 24:13-35

Thurs 8:30am † Joe & Mary Ann Maier

Acts 3:11-26; PS 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9; Ps 118:24; Lk 24:35-48

Fri 8:30am † Joe, Theresa, & Alvin Boerner

Acts 4:1-12; PS 118:1-2 and 4, 22-24, 25-27a; Ps 118:24; Jn 21:1-14

Sat 5:00 pm † Eugene/Lucile Maier

Sun 8:00am † Rebecca Pointzes

11:00am † Robert Mayer

12:45pm † For The People

5:00pm †Curtis Riney

Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Rev 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:29; Jn 20:19-31


Altar Server Julie Holloway

Lector & EMCH Chrystel Fritcher

Sacristan Pat Boerner

Ushers Kyle Holloway

Funeral Coordinator Nancy Dechaud

Grief/Loss Program Mary Maurer

Ministry to the Sick Rose Ann


Money Counters Kathy Whitley

Knights Of Columbus John Dechaud

Ladies of St. Thomas Mildred Duesman

Charlotte Bridges

Sunday Funday Mary Maurer

Rosary Social Group Charlotte Pete

Rosary Making Group Charlotte Pete

Prayer Shawl Group Sandy Brown

Widows Group Mary Maurer

Renovation Group Sharon Pelzel

Gifts To God

Collection for Weekend of 3/19-3/20

Mass Attendance for Weekend of 3/19-3/20

Religious Education & Announcement


Today, March 27th.

See you back on Sunday, April 3rd.

Blessed Easter everyone!


5:00 PM


8:00 AM


11:00 AM


12:45 PM


5:00 PM

122 139 216 432 87

Attention Graduating Class of 2016!

The Knight of Columbus Scholarship Essay

Contest is now open. All senior class

members who are active parishioners of

St. Thomas Aquinas are invited to apply. Entry

forms can be found at the back of the church, in the

Religious Education Office, or from any Knight. All

entries must be submitted on or before April 15, 2016.

Needed Weekly Collections: $9,500.00

General Collection: $11,944.61 (+$2,444.61)

Y-T-D Needed: $347,500.00

Y-T-D Collections: $336,991 (-$509.00)

Malawi Mission: $3,069.26

Year Two First Communion Preparation Classes

begin again on Monday, March 28 at 6:30 –8:00 p.m.

in the Religious Education Building.

March 27th, 2016— Easter Sunday of the resurrection of the lord Page 3

Pastors Corner

Youth Ministry News

Parish Announcements

Calendar of Events

3/27 Easter Egg Hunt-After Mass 11am Parish

3/28 Jovenes de Cristo 7pm PC

3/28 Spanish Prayer & Life Grp 7pm REB Classroom

3/28 Sacramental Prep 7pm REB K/D

3/30 STAY-Life Night 7pm PC-Youth Room

3/31 Jovenes de Cristo 7pm PC

4/1 Youth 2000 Leaves/Returns 4/3 4:30pm Church

4/2 Spanish Woman's ACTS

mini retreat

8am PC

4/2 Ladies Retreat w/Kim Brown 10am REB K/D

4/2 Catholic Life Social 4pm PC

4/3 Jovenes de Cristo Food Sales 11am PC


St Thomas Women’s Retreat

still has positions open! It is April 2, 2016 10:00 – 4:30.

The retreat is being led by Kim Brown and we are

studying God’s Mercy. Sign up forms are in the back of

the church. You can email Mandie Ware

[email protected] your form and bring

your money the day of the retreat, or drop off the form

and money at the church office.



Let’s start planning for our next Sale

the Weekend of APRIL 23rd & 24th

LIFENIGHT: 7th—12th graders are invited to join us

Wednesdays, 7-9pm in the Youth Room.

Service Saturday: April 23, 10-noon. We’ll need to care for

our newly planted flowers & there’ll be some office work too.

Contact Ms. J to sign up.

SENIORS: Check out the Knights of Columbus

Scholarship Essay Contest. Good Luck!

Deep down we long for mercy. We desire mercy more

than a thirsty man longs for cool water. Yet there is a

problem. We desire mercy but we don't want to do the one

thing necessary to receive mercy: admit we've done

something wrong. A presidential candidate says he has

"never asked God for forgiveness. "This candidate is known

for saying what other people think. We have to grant he

does say something we tend to think: (whining voice)

I haven't done anything wrong. In the case of the

presidential candidate other people might view things

differently. Perhaps his past wives think he did something

wrong. It's easy of course to see other peoples failings, hard

to see our own. People near could tells us faults we hesitate

to recognize.

My point is not to lay a guilt trip. No, what I want is

this: That you and I receive the greatest gift - mercy.

Jesus came to bring that gift. He did it in the supreme way

this week: with his suffering of love - his apparent defeat

(the cross) became victory. After announcing that victory,

St. Peter says, "Everyone who believes in him will receive

forgiveness of sins in his name. "How does this work? How

does the resurrection bring mercy and forgiveness?

In a similar way the Resurrection of Jesus restores us.

We hear Jesus say, "It is I. I live. “Then, in spite of our sin,

the Father says, "you are my son.” The resurrection of Jesus

means that our sins are forgiven. That's what Peter tells us.

From the grave Jesus has risen whole and glorious. Now:

"Everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of

sins though his name." His mercy is without end. Open

yourself to the greatest gift - mercy.

Fr. Tom Kennedy


Next month, the Ladies Club Meeting will be

Monday, April 11th, at 7:30pm.

We hope an evening meeting will allow more of the ladies of

St. Thomas the opportunity to attend and

join in our faith sharing and fellowship.

Open to all ladies of the parish.

Our youth will be selling He Is Risen magnets

(like the picture on the right) after all the

Masses this weekend. Cost is $5, proceeds to

help pay for our Youth 2000 buses. Contact Ms.

Jeanette if you missed yours after Mass!

Rosary Social Group will meet Tuesday April 5, 2016. Please note the change in date. Not Monday but Tuesday,

just for April. All are welcome. We socialize, we eat, we

pray the Rosary, we socialize some more each month.

Father in Heaven, hear our prayers, keep us in your

loving care, be our guide in all we do, and bless all

those who love us to.

Questions 940-686-2454 or [email protected].

Thanks to everyone who helped make Charles service so nice.

Also thanks to everyone for the food, the meal, and the

flowers. It is greatly appreciated. Also all the

masses for Charles.

The Charles Heitzman Family

Have you seen the beautiful flowers the youth

planted around Father’s house, the church,

and the grotto?

Check ‘em out!

Thanks to the youth who gave up a

day of their Spring Break!

The Most Reverend

Michael F. Olson, STD, MA

Will ordain for the Diocese of Forth Worth

Stephen Francis Hauck

to the Diaconate in Christ’s One, Holy,

Catholic and Apostolic Church

Saturday, April 9th, 2016

10 AM

St. Maria Goretti Parish

1200 S. Davis Dr.

Arlington, TX 76013

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Pilot Point, Texas 76258

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In loving memory of my beloved husband Bob Story and our parents Ike Story & Paul & Alma Riney, our son Stephen Story, sisters Nick Berend, Edna Weber and Gwen Bridges, brothers John

Paul, J.C. & David Riney, our nephew Dan Berend & Curtis Riney and our neice Lora Thurston and All the Souls here at St. Thomas Aquinas Cemetery.

(972)484-3000 Mobile: (469) 964-3857 Fax: (972) 484-3003 [email protected]

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