c n h s thedford's high olothing us 'backdraught...

i Z/ 6~ V0 .C G n of ..'ns sho i s h n i~on for this superio,"ity is C verson and for every purpose. - us to gra:, our leather --e wearer. -Z get 100 - a:y fcr Diamond -:nd shoes. SW a'a ;KLRS w w mg FiE SHOES THAN aN AlE .Arl3 7N 7iE Wes K. lion Stimulte d and the IMuscles and Joints iubricated by using ' Price 25c 50c, & $1.00 --So!d by all Dealers "STocn' Te), O:i he Hotrse"Sent Free --a .:Adress D.r S.Slo-n, oston,Mass. Pr CoIvenience and Safety, oui should deposit yo,,r money i a good balk. As for safety. we have Burglary aud Fire Insurance. Time Locz. Bonded Officers and Reigular Examinations, and our con- t:nued growth is evidence o tie contidence reposed in us by the people of Manning and the surroundingr country. D osits October 1. 1914, $38,154,82. Deposits October 1. 1905. $72,559.67. 11 you~r patronatne has in any way contbutcd to our success. we thank you for samin, if yon are not already our patron, you are invited to become one. Rank of Clarendon. mumic Otvi $10,000 $10,000 Stock to be Sold this I W month regardless of Cost 1, Prices to suit the hard times. Nothing will be held back or for fancy price, but we propose to seli out our entire stock. Ie Need the Money, You Need the Goods. We must have the money and you cannot go with- iW out Clothes and Shoes. REMEMBER, We have no goods to I= give away and to pay you to haul them off, but we have a $10,000 Stock of nice. clean, new, de- sirable goods to be sold out during this month. ' and if you will come and see Ls before you buy. we will sell you what you want. J. L. McLEOD Yellow The trouble is, your liver's sick. One of its products, "bile," is overflowing into your blood. You can't digest your food, your appetite is poor, you suffer dreadfully from head- ache, stomach ache, dizzi- ness, malaria, constipation, etc. What you need is nota dose of salts, cathartic water or pills-but a liver tonic Thedford's 'BackDraught This great medicine acts gently on the sick liver. It purifies the blood, renews the appetite, feeds the nerves, clears the brain and cures consti- pation. it is a true medicine for sick liver ' and kidneys, and regulates all the e Cgestive functions. Try it. t At all dealers in medicines in 2c packages. THE TYPICAL AMERICAN is familiar with Webster's Diction- ary as his gui.7e and authority from his earliest school days until he reaches the highest rnk of oficial power, business responsibility, or literary eminence. The New and Enlarged Edition of Webster's International Diction- ary, with its 23,O0 addcd words, completely revized Gazetteor, and completely revised Biographicnl Dictionary, h:s standing and au- thority wvhcrevcr hEi2inglizh la::- guage is spolr-e. IT h 2333 quarto pages Win l 00 ii Arv- tions. The International received THE ORAN PRE' the HIGHEST AvARD at the Word s- Fair, St. Louis. The r-IH liG :4 ;Lo. don, Englan'd,-"- Ia: .n total is the -roucticoc d : w book which h.. no cj--Al i-i t:.*: .r."llisa language. FP.2-E Tct17c.-zc structive:- for the wh-e- illustrate-i : G. & 0. M ER RiA M -C. SPRIh.GFIEL C, M\A Z -- COTTON. nreaseYou OTO Values!L leIdsler.iAcce Akiove Par -It is a wenl known 'faet that cotton., or any other crop, produced with Mir-- gii-arolina Fertilizers will bring tehighest possible price on the mar- ket. Make healthy, strong well-de-- veloped, early cotton, withfl rw bolls on the fruit limbs ai. the basa well as all the way up to the very top- and tip ends of the branches of the -cotton plants, by liberally using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers. -They contain all the materials neces- sary to. supply to your land the ele- ments whichi have been taken from it- byrepeatedcutivtionyearatteryear.- your yields per acre.' ccept no sub- stitute from your dealer. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Richmond. Va. Atlanta, Ga. Norfolk. Va. Savannah, Ga. Durham. N. C. Montgomery, Ala. Charleston, S.C. Memphis, Tenn. .Baltimore, Md. Shreveport, La. Reward. $250.00 reward will be paid for the :onviction of the party who placed arosstie on the Tarecoate Trestle oi the night of January 5th, to wreck our passenger train. And $100.03 reward for the conviction of the party who cut both telephone wires near Sardinia on Friday night, January 4th. ALCOLU RAILROAD COMPAN{Y. Notice of Discharge. I will apply to the Judge of Probate for Clarendon County~on the 16th day of February, 1907, for Letters of Dis- charge as administrator of the estate of James M. Richardson, deceased. THOMAS C. RICHARDSON. Silver. S. C., January 15, 1907. Notice of Discharge. We will apply to the Judge of Pro- bate for Clarendon County on the 7th day of February.1907, for ietters of dis- charge as executrixes of the estate of William T. Francis, deceased. MARY A. E. DAVIS, NORAH V. BARRAT. Manning, S. C., January 7. 1907. Woodmen of the World. Meets on fourth Monday nights as Visiting Sovereigns invited. Make Eidneys and Bladdele Bight Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar Cures all Coughs, a.nd expels Colds from the system by gently moving the -bowels. Btops the coOV.L and eas1tangS odol Dyspopsia Oure migests what yon eat. A LOST RIDING HABIT. It Lost For the Empress Eugenie the French Empire. Even Emile de Girardin, whom Eu- genie welcomed as "the gravedigger of dynasties" because he had gone to Louis Philippe on the eve of his flight in IS48 to warn him as he came to warn her now. said to her very serious- ly that night: "Should your majesty appear brave- ly on horseback in the midst of the people your majesty can still count on their enthusiasm and devotion." Eugenie resolved to show herself on horseback. She ordered that the rid- ::- habit be chosen. It must be all black, of the severest simplicity. An1 she would just pin the red ribbon <f the Legion of Honor on her left breasz. Often the slightest causes brirg about the gravest results. The tragedy of the empire's last chance, therefore, must be sought along with the black riding skirt and corsage. By incredible ill luck they could not find it. There had been one, but it had disappeared, "doubtless stolen." Oth- ers were at Compiegne and Fontaine- bleau. They found a riding habit of dark green with heavy gold braid, the costume of the imperial stag hunts. "It will not do," Eugenie sobbed; "It will not do!" And so for lack of a black skirt and corsage the empress of the French was forced to flee her capital and lost an empire.-Sterling Heilig in Metropol- itan Magazine. Builds up waste tissue, promotes ap- petite, improves digestion. induces re- freshing Uleep, gives renewed strength and health. That's what HllIster's Mountain Tea does. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Dr. W. E. Brown & Co. The Last Word. "Having the last word," said a naval officer, "reminds me of a story I heard not long ago. A certain man died, and a clergyman was engaged to offer a eulogy. This worthy minister prepared a sermon of exceeding length and strength, but just before he entered the parlor to deliver it he thought that it might be advisable to learn what the dead man's last words had been. So he turned to one of the weeping young- er sons and asked: "'My boy, can you tell me your fa- ther's last words?' "'He didn't have none,' the boy re- plied. 'Ma was with him to the end.'" Absentminded. La Fontaine, the famous fable poet, was a most absentminded man. Meet- ing one day in a saloon a young man, he was so favorably impressed by his conversation that he expressed his ad- miration for him in the most flattering terms. "But he is your own son'" ex- claimed a guest in astonishment. "Is it so?" replied the poet. "Then I am the more delighted to make his ac- quaintance." A nemedy. "For some time past 1've been buy- ing a dozen eggs every week at this store, and I invariably find two bad ones in every dozen. Somethings got to be done about it," said an irate housekeeper. 'Well," said the new clerk naively and with a quiet smile, "mebbe if you only bought half a dozen you'd only 'get one bad one."--Grocer's Literary a z ette. _______________________________________________ ,it Lasts. When a man writes a proposal of marriage to a woman he has written something that will last forever. A woman never destroys a letter that contains an offer of marriage.-Atchi- son Globe. To live long it is riecessary to live slowly.--Cicero. How Avoid Pneumonia. You c~in avoid pneumniai and othe! serious results fr-om a cold by takin;- Foley's Honey aud Tar-. It stopsS thw cough and expels the cold from the system as it is m ildly laxative. Rlefa any but the genuine in the yellow package. The Ar-ant Drug Co. - Convieted by Sleep. A Paris woman who was arrested for picking pockets and who pretended to speak an unknown language be- trayed herself In her sleep. When brought before the magistrate she was interrogated by Turkish, Russian, Pol- ish and Hungarian interpreters, but none could understand her, although one believed she spoke a little known dialect of Persia. The magistrate was not convinced- and ordered her to be kept in the prison infirmary under strict surveillance. In her sleep the woman talked fluent French, with the true Parisian accent. Practical fIustration. "My dear," said the caller, with a winning smile, to the little girl who occupied the study while her father, an eminent literary man, was at his dinner, "I suppose you assist your papa by entertaining the bores?" "Yes, sir," replied the little girl gravely. '-Please be seated~.."-Wash- ington Journal. The Wise Man. "This popular fiction is all rot. In real life the girl's father seldom ob- jects to the man of her choice." "You're wrong there. He often ob- jects, but he's usually too wise to say anything."-Louisville Courier-Jouznal. Any time is the proper time for say- ing what is just.-Greek Proverb. IPossesses wonderful medicinal pow- er over the human body, removing all disorder's from your system. is what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Makes you well, keeps you wvell. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Dr. W. E. Brown & Co. ingratitude. "Were you ever really glad to hang a man?" "Only once," answered the sheriff. "I had prepared him a hearty break- fast of steak, eggs, potatoes, avaffles and coffee." '"Yes?" "And the infernal ingrate demanded stewed oats insteadI." Louisville Cour- fer-Journal. An Insidioun Danger. One of the worst features of kidney trouble is that it is an i'-sidious disease and before the victim r-ealizes his danger he may have a fata! malady. Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the liast sign of trouble ac it corrects ir-regual- rities and prevents Bright's disease a dmaes. Tern Aant Drug Co. The Missin- Note. One of the leading tenors in Moscow was called upon to sing an opera in which one note was much too high for him. but he got a man in the orchestra to come in just at the right time and supply the note. In exchange the tenor was to take him to supper. The plan answered Well, the applause was loud. but the tenor forgot all about the supper. Next time he sang the opera he went to the front of the stage, put his hand on his heart and opened his mnouth as wide as he could. Iis dis- comfiture was great when the expect- ant hush was broken by a voice from the orchestra saying, "Where's my sup- per?"-From Iskra. Chinese Similes. Some of the ordinary expressions of the Chinese are pointedly sarcastic enough. A blustering, harmless fellow they call "a paper tiger." When a man values himself overmuch they compare him to "a rat falling into a scale and weighing itself." Overdoing a thing they call "a huachback making a bow." A spendthrift they compare to "a rocket" which goes off at once. Those who expend their charity on re- mote objects, but neglect their fam- ilies, are said to "hang a lantern on a pole, which is seen afar, but gives no light below." A Great Outside Remedy. .Most pains are of leeal origion-a "crick" in the back, twinge of rheu- matism, soreness all over arising from cold-are all cured by outside applica- tions. The quickest. safest and most certain method is Alicock's Plaster, known the world over as a universal remedy for pain. They never fail, they act promptly, they are clean and cheap You can go right ahead with your work while the healing process goes on Sixty years' use has given them a great reputation. THE MEXIOA-' OCELOT. A Great Jrmnper Is This Strange Lit- tie Spotted Jun;;1e Cat. One of the most interesting animals of the new world and yet one of which little seems to be written, even by sportsmen who have spent much time in lexico and the Central American states, is the ocelot. the strange little spotted cat of the dense jungles of tropical parts of the two Americas. They are not nearly so heavy as the average lynx of the eastern woods and are infinitely lighter. on their feet. They run with the greatest agility up and down the almost perpendicular trunks of trees and follow a crippled bird out on limbs too slender, it would seem, to bear the weight of the par- rot, let alone the caf. Parrots~are the ocelot's principal food, and their hunt- ing is done almost altogether by day, though, like all the cat tribe, they are thoroughly at home in the blackest night The parrots which they hunt fre- quent the thickest of forests, coming to the ground only in the rare opeu spaces and along the banks of the many small streams where they drink. In order to follow them it is necessary that the ocelots be great jumpers, and so they are. When I was following the hounds through the southern Cali- fornia hills after wildcats and an oc- casional mountain lion I was wont to say that the latter was the greatest jumper on earth. The ocelot has any mountain lion that ever walked beaten a block. length for length and welght Cor weight.-F~orest anid Streami. Bears the , Th Kid Yli ': Ahais 89ight Sigrnature of A FLY IN A WEB. The 'Tay :a Tiny Spider Imnprisoned "One morin:: wvhen busy in my workshop." salys a naturalist, "a large fly, double the size of a bluebottle, was caught in a spider's web in the win- dow close to where I was at work. It w~as held by twvo of its legs only. and for some time the spider, which ,was about the size of the fly's head, pro- ceeded to strengthen its hold by at- taching numerous extra lines to the two captive limbs, carefully keeping out of reach of the others, which were letting out in all directions in frantic efforts to escape. "During a short respite in the cap- tive's struggles the spider cautiously approached and with its hind legs got several turns of its tiny rope round one of the limbs that were free. These tactics were carried on till all the legs were firmly bound- It then injected poison into one of the legs. This soon showed itself, for its deadening effects reduced the victim's struggles in a marked degree. The poison paralyzes, but does not kill.- "Shortly after a second bite resist- ance ceased, and the victor settled down to suck the juices of its fallen prey.' The struggles lasted quite an hour. Next morning the fly was alive, and tihe spider was still sucking out its lifeblood."-Chicalgo News. A Card. This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your moneI if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your couzh or cold. It stops- the cough heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures in grippe. coughs and prevents pnueumonia andi consumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellew package. R~efuse substitutes. The Arant Drug Ce. The Soft Answer. "Johnny," said the stern parent, "my father used to whip me when I be- haed at the table as badly as you are doing." "Well," rejoined the precocious youngster, "I hope I'll never have to make a confession like that to my little boys."-Chicago Nesvs. Effect of High Living. - Goodman Gonrong--Wake up, pard. Wot ye groanin' about? Tuffold Knutt (rubbing his eyes)-Gosh, but I've had a horrible dream! I thought I'd got a job o' work an' wuz doin' the mani- curin' fur a octopus.-Chicago Tribune. A Restorative. Supplicant-I'm faint from lack of food. Rich Lady (generously)-How dreadful! Here, smell my vinaigrette. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought The new Laxative that does not gripe or nauseate. 9leasant to talie. 14 Do You Want PERFECT FIT1ING THEN COME OR SEND TO US. We have the best equipped'Tailor- ing Etablishment in the State. We handle High Art olothing solely and we carry the best lina of Hats and Gent's Furnishings in the city. Ask your most prominent men who we are, and they will commend you to us., i L DAVID& BRO , Cor. King & Wentworth Sts., CHARLESTON, - S. C. 60,S. Hackeri &Son MANUFACTURERS Of Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moulding and Building Mlaterial, CH ARLESTON, S. C. sas Weigahts and Cords, Wind1ow and Fancy Glass a Specialty Undertaking. nera Supplies lso n v hearse w be sent to any prt of te county. n cals si director ant undertaker. night or day. W. E. JENKINSON CO. Tue Btilk of Maii111111 MANNING, S. C. Capuital stock,, - $40,00( Surplus, - - 40,00( S tockihlers' Lia- Iility, - - 40,00( Total Protection to Depositors, $120,004 CONVENIENCE, Safety and Reliability are a few of the many good points about ThiS BANK. We have had a long experience in sue cessfuly handling the large or smnal Bank Accounts of Business Men, Cheei Accounts of Ladies etc W. C. DAVIS. J. A. WEINBERG. DAVIS & WEINBERG, ATTORNEYS AT LAW , MANNING, S. C. Prompt attention given to collections JOHN S. WILsoN. S. OLIVER O'BRYAi ILSON & O'BRYAN, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, MANNING, S. C. H. LESESNE,. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MANNING, S. C. OSEPH F. RHAME, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MANNING, S. C. JMcSWAIN WOODS, Ue ATTORNEY AT LAW. Manning, S. C. Office Over Levi's Store. CHARLTON DURANT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MUANNING. S. C. R.J. A. COLE. DENTIST. Upst:,.irs over Bank of Manning. .1A NNING, S. C. Dl. .J. FRANK GEIGER. DENTIST, MANNING, S. 0. cures O R Stomach and Liver, trouble and ative Fruit Syrup roeand The Arant Co. Drug Store. The Eind You Have Always Bought,-and which has be in use for over 3 years, has borne the signatnre o and has beejnladegder his per- jeo~ez. sonat lpervision-since its inen Anowno one-todeceive'yOnintbis. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and "cjusas-.good"are lin Experiments that trife with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience againstEEPer-unt. What is CASTORI Castoria is a harmless, substitte for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. I contains neither Opium, -Morphine nor other _NarcotfO substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It eures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Conostipatin and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates.be Stomach and Bowels, -giving healthy and natural slee The Children's Panacea-The other's Friend. CENUNE CASTRA.WAYS Bears the- ignature Of The Kild You Have in 4Jse For Over Year 714! ca4TAUS COMPANY. 7?1 MURRAY SIT. rn YCIT S. R. ENNING ri ........... .Dealer in. Watches, ClocksJewey, Spectacles, E Glasses and all Kinds of Facy IiskeaspecialtyoWEDDINGand OIJDATPRS and always carry a handsome lineof Silverware, Hand-Painted hina G Ias andunmerous otherartlcles suitable-for Gifta of all kind. COME AND SEE THEM- All Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairmg done promptly and Levi Block. 0M5 IR D CHII { . MANNIN.. -- Headquarters for Paints and Oils. the public generally to come to Sumter and look in on our tremendous' stock of Hardware of all.kinds, tools of every description. When you need anythin in the Machinery supply'liTe, we can-, ) furnish just what you -want. We handle the best Beltings in .the country. Our Paint and Oi Departments are full. Try our fanous Japalac. Farmers, you can save money b. 2 Z ~ buying your Wire Fencing from us. We are headquarters for all kinds of Sporting Goods, and we can beat W them all in :Harness and Saddles. Ladies, buy your new Stove or Range from us. Let us show them to O you. Our long experience gives us an advantage, and we can safely say that we can please the tiade. DuRant Hardware Co SUMTER, S. C. Machinery Supplies, Belting, Etc.. 41ABA~ 19UGHFA EofJ 1AVEL NRTHASUTH Fdi'ida-Cuba. 7 A passenger service unexcelled for luxury and comfortequippedwiththe-latest Pllman Dining, Sleeping and Thoroughfare Cars. For rates, schedule, maps or any informa- tion, write to WM. J. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Wilmington N. C Ioig&Ili~Lg K E .CO UH ANDCURE wEH.LUNCS Have your tinning done by an expe- rienced workman. I I cut and thread all sizes of pipe and am always ready to do the right thing by those who bring me their work. I make a specialty of doing all kinds ]NOW wWVWY of soldering, such as coffee pots, ket- ONSUMPTION Price ties, stew pans, sauce pans, dish pans, FOR OUGHS and SOc & $1.00 milk pans or anything that nee re- OLDS Free Trial. pairing. I will do it in a workmanlike Burestnd Quickest Cure for aRl i'OVES.-I repair, put up and buyJ TEOAT and LUNG .TROU- your old stoves. I have had the best' lais, or MONEY BAK experience with hardware men and will give you satisfaction.- The Arant Co. Drug Store. If your lamp is out of <order let meI see it before yo trow itawy Digests what you eat. Shop near Bradham's stable. ,ru youevar ionhWorddo:The Times tffIlOL j 9msse

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Page 1: C n h s Thedford's High olothing us 'BackDraught ischroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1907-01-30/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · i Z/ 6~ V0.CG n of..'nssho i s h ni~on for this superio,"ity


6~ V0

.C G n of ..'ns sho is


n i~on for this superio,"ity is

C verson and for every purpose.- us to gra:, our leather--e wearer. -Z get 100

- a:y fcr Diamond -:nd shoes.

SWa'a ;KLRSw w mg FiE SHOES THANaNAlE .Arl37N7iE Wes K.

lion Stimultedand the IMuscles and Jointsiubricated by using

' Price 25c 50c, & $1.00--So!d by all Dealers

"STocn'Te), O:i he Hotrse"Sent Free--a.:Adress D.r S.Slo-n, oston,Mass.

Pr CoIvenience and Safety,oui should deposit yo,,r money i a good balk. As for safety. we have Burglary aud

Fire Insurance. Time Locz. Bonded Officers and Reigular Examinations, and our con-

t:nued growth is evidence o tie contidence reposed in us by the people of Manningand the surroundingr country.

D osits October 1. 1914, $38,154,82.Deposits October 1. 1905. $72,559.67.

11 you~r patronatne has in any way contbutcd to our success. we thank you for samin,if yon are not already our patron, you are invited to become one.

Rank of Clarendon. mumic


$10,000 $10,000Stock to be Sold this

IW month regardless of Cost1, Prices to suit the hard

times. Nothing will beheld back or for fancyprice, butwe propose toseli out our entire stock.

Ie Need the Money,You Need the Goods.We must have the moneyand you cannot go with-

iWout Clothes and Shoes.

REMEMBER,We have no goods to

I= give away and to payyou to haul them off, butwe have a

$10,000 Stockof nice. clean, new, de-sirable goods to be soldout during this month.

' and if you will come andsee Ls before you buy.we will sell you what youwant.


YellowThe trouble is, your liver's

sick. One of its products,"bile," is overflowing intoyour blood.You can't digest your food,

your appetite is poor, yousuffer dreadfully from head-ache, stomach ache, dizzi-ness, malaria, constipation,etc. What you need is notadose of salts, cathartic wateror pills-but a liver tonic


This great medicine acts gently onthe sick liver. It purifies the blood,renews the appetite, feeds the nerves,clears the brain and cures consti-pation.

it is a true medicine for sick liver' and kidneys, and regulates all the

eCgestive functions. Try it.t At all dealers in medicines in

2c packages.

THE TYPICAL AMERICANis familiar with Webster's Diction-ary as his gui.7e and authority fromhis earliest school days until hereaches the highest rnk of oficialpower, business responsibility, or

literary eminence.The New and Enlarged Edition

of Webster's International Diction-ary, with its 23,O0 addcd words,completely revized Gazetteor, andcompletely revised BiographicnlDictionary, h:s standing and au-

thority wvhcrevcr hEi2inglizh la::-guage is spolr-e. IT h 2333quarto pages Winl 00 ii Arv-tions. The International received

THE ORAN PRE'the HIGHEST AvARD at the Word s-

Fair, St. Louis.

The r-IH liG :4 ;Lo.don, Englan'd,-"-Ia: .n totalis the -roucticoc d : w bookwhich h.. no cj--Al i-i t:.*: .r."llisalanguage.FP.2-E Tct17c.-zc

structive:-for the wh-e-illustrate-i :

G. & 0. MERRiAM -C.


COTTON.nreaseYou OTO Values!LleIdsler.iAcce Akiove Par

-It is awenl known 'faet that cotton.,or any other crop, produced with Mir--

gii-arolina Fertilizers will bringtehighest possible price on the mar-

ket. Make healthy, strong well-de--veloped, early cotton, withfl rwbollson the fruit limbs ai. the basawell as all the way up to the very top-and tip ends of the branches of the-cotton plants, by liberally using

Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers.-They contain all the materials neces-sary to. supply to your land the ele-ments whichi have been taken from it-byrepeatedcutivtionyearatteryear.-youryieldsper acre.' ccept no sub-stitute from your dealer.

Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.Richmond. Va. Atlanta, Ga.Norfolk. Va. Savannah, Ga.Durham. N. C. Montgomery, Ala.Charleston, S.C. Memphis, Tenn..Baltimore, Md. Shreveport, La.

Reward.$250.00 reward will be paid for the:onviction of the party who placedarosstie on the Tarecoate Trestleoi the night of January 5th, to

wreck our passenger train. And$100.03 reward for the conviction ofthe party who cut both telephonewires near Sardinia on Friday night,January 4th.ALCOLU RAILROAD COMPAN{Y.

Notice of Discharge.I will apply to the Judge of ProbateforClarendon County~on the 16th dayofFebruary, 1907, for Letters of Dis-charge as administrator of the estate ofJames M. Richardson, deceased.

THOMAS C. RICHARDSON.Silver. S. C., January 15, 1907.

Notice of Discharge.We will apply to the Judge of Pro-bate for Clarendon County on the 7thdayof February.1907, for ietters of dis-charge as executrixes of the estate ofWilliam T. Francis, deceased.


Manning, S. C., January 7. 1907.

Woodmen of the World.Meets on fourth Monday nights as

Visiting Sovereigns invited.

Make Eidneys and Bladdele Bight

Kennedy's Laxative Honey and TarCures all Coughs, a.nd expels Colds fromthesystem by gently moving the -bowels.

Btops the coOV.L and eas1tangS

odol Dyspopsia Ouremigests what yon eat.


It Lost For the Empress Eugenie theFrench Empire.

Even Emile de Girardin, whom Eu-genie welcomed as "the gravedigger ofdynasties" because he had gone toLouis Philippe on the eve of his flightin IS48 to warn him as he came towarn her now. said to her very serious-ly that night:"Should your majesty appear brave-

ly on horseback in the midst of thepeople your majesty can still count on

their enthusiasm and devotion."Eugenie resolved to show herself on

horseback. She ordered that the rid-::- habit be chosen. It must be allblack, of the severest simplicity. An1she would just pin the red ribbon <fthe Legion of Honor on her left breasz.Often the slightest causes brirg

about the gravest results. The tragedyof the empire's last chance, therefore,must be sought along with the blackriding skirt and corsage.By incredible ill luck they could not

find it. There had been one, but it haddisappeared, "doubtless stolen." Oth-ers were at Compiegne and Fontaine-bleau. They found a riding habit ofdark green with heavy gold braid, thecostume of the imperial stag hunts."It will not do," Eugenie sobbed; "It

will not do!"And so for lack of a black skirt and

corsage the empress of the French was

forced to flee her capital and lost an

empire.-Sterling Heilig in Metropol-itan Magazine.

Builds up waste tissue, promotes ap-petite, improves digestion. induces re-

freshing Uleep, gives renewed strengthand health. That's what HllIster'sMountain Tea does. 35 cents, Tea orTablets. Dr. W. E. Brown & Co.

The Last Word."Having the last word," said a naval

officer, "reminds me of a story I heardnot long ago. A certain man died, anda clergyman was engaged to offer a

eulogy. This worthy minister prepareda sermon of exceeding length andstrength, but just before he entered theparlor to deliver it he thought that itmight be advisable to learn what thedead man's last words had been. Sohe turned to one of the weeping young-er sons and asked:"'My boy, can you tell me your fa-

ther's last words?'"'He didn't have none,' the boy re-

plied. 'Ma was with him to the end.'"

Absentminded.La Fontaine, the famous fable poet,

was a most absentminded man. Meet-ing one day in a saloon a young man,he was so favorably impressed by hisconversation that he expressed his ad-miration for him in the most flatteringterms. "But he is your own son'" ex-claimed a guest in astonishment. "Isit so?" replied the poet. "Then I amthe more delighted to make his ac-


A nemedy."For some time past 1've been buy-

ing a dozen eggs every week at thisstore, and I invariably find two badones in every dozen. Somethings gotto be done about it," said an iratehousekeeper.'Well," said the new clerk naively

and with a quiet smile, "mebbe if youonly bought half a dozen you'd only'get one bad one."--Grocer's Literaryazette. _______________________________________________

,it Lasts.When a man writes a proposal of

marriage to a woman he has writtensomething that will last forever. A

woman never destroys a letter thatcontains an offer of marriage.-Atchi-son Globe.

To live long it is riecessary to liveslowly.--Cicero.

How Avoid Pneumonia.You c~in avoid pneumniai and othe!

serious results fr-om a cold by takin;-Foley's Honey aud Tar-. It stopsS thwcough and expels the cold from thesystem as it is mildly laxative. Rlefaany but the genuine in the yellowpackage. The Ar-ant Drug Co.

- Convieted by Sleep.A Paris woman who was arrested

for picking pockets and who pretendedto speak an unknown language be-trayed herself In her sleep. Whenbrought before the magistrate she wasinterrogated by Turkish, Russian, Pol-ish and Hungarian interpreters, butnone could understand her, althoughone believed she spoke a little knowndialect of Persia. The magistrate wasnot convinced- and ordered her to bekept in the prison infirmary understrict surveillance. In her sleep thewoman talked fluent French, with thetrue Parisian accent.

Practical fIustration."My dear," said the caller, with a

winning smile, to the little girl whooccupied the study while her father,an eminent literary man, was at hisdinner, "I suppose you assist your papaby entertaining the bores?""Yes, sir," replied the little girl

gravely. '-Please be seated~.."-Wash-ington Journal.

The Wise Man."This popular fiction is all rot. In

real life the girl's father seldom ob-jects to the man of her choice.""You're wrong there. He often ob-

jects, but he's usually too wise to sayanything."-Louisville Courier-Jouznal.

Any time is the proper time for say-ing what is just.-Greek Proverb.

IPossesses wonderful medicinal pow-er over the human body, removing alldisorder's from your system. is whatHollister's Rocky Mountain Tea willdo. Makes you well, keeps you wvell.35c, Tea or Tablets. Dr. W. E. Brown& Co.

ingratitude."Were you ever really glad to hang

a man?""Only once," answered the sheriff.

"I had prepared him a hearty break-fast of steak, eggs, potatoes, avafflesand coffee."'"Yes?""And the infernal ingrate demanded

stewed oats insteadI." Louisville Cour-fer-Journal.

An Insidioun Danger.One of the worst features of kidney

trouble is that it is an i'-sidious diseaseand before the victim r-ealizes hisdanger he may have a fata! malady.Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the liastsign of trouble ac it corrects ir-regual-rities and prevents Bright's diseasea dmaes. Tern Aant Drug Co.

The Missin- Note.One of the leading tenors in Moscow

was called upon to sing an opera inwhich one note was much too high forhim. but he got a man in the orchestrato come in just at the right time andsupply the note. In exchange thetenor was to take him to supper. Theplan answered Well, the applause wasloud. but the tenor forgot all about thesupper. Next time he sang the operahe went to the front of the stage, puthis hand on his heart and opened hismnouth as wide as he could. Iis dis-comfiture was great when the expect-ant hush was broken by a voice fromthe orchestra saying, "Where's my sup-per?"-From Iskra.

Chinese Similes.Some of the ordinary expressions of

the Chinese are pointedly sarcasticenough. A blustering, harmless fellowthey call "a paper tiger." When aman values himself overmuch theycompare him to "a rat falling into ascale and weighing itself." Overdoinga thing they call "a huachback makinga bow." A spendthrift they compareto "a rocket" which goes off at once.Those who expend their charity on re-mote objects, but neglect their fam-ilies, are said to "hang a lantern on a

pole, which is seen afar, but gives no

light below."

A Great Outside Remedy..Most pains are of leeal origion-a

"crick" in the back, twinge of rheu-matism, soreness all over arising fromcold-are all cured by outside applica-tions. The quickest. safest and mostcertain method is Alicock's Plaster,known the world over as a universalremedy for pain. They never fail, theyact promptly, they are clean and cheapYou can go right ahead with yourwork while the healing process goes onSixty years' use has given them a greatreputation.

THE MEXIOA-' OCELOT.A Great Jrmnper Is This Strange Lit-

tie Spotted Jun;;1e Cat.

One of the most interesting animalsof the new world and yet one of whichlittle seems to be written, even bysportsmen who have spent much timein lexico and the Central Americanstates, is the ocelot. the strange little

spotted cat of the dense jungles oftropical parts of the two Americas.They are not nearly so heavy as the

average lynx of the eastern woods andare infinitely lighter. on their feet.They run with the greatest agility upand down the almost perpendiculartrunks of trees and follow a crippledbird out on limbs too slender, it wouldseem, to bear the weight of the par-rot, let alone the caf. Parrots~are theocelot's principal food, and their hunt-ing is done almost altogether by day,though, like all the cat tribe, they are

thoroughly at home in the blackestnightThe parrots which they hunt fre-

quent the thickest of forests, comingto the ground only in the rare opeuspaces and along the banks of themany small streams where they drink.In order to follow them it is necessarythat the ocelots be great jumpers, andso they are. When I was followingthe hounds through the southern Cali-fornia hills after wildcats and an oc-casional mountain lion I was wont tosay that the latter was the greatestjumper on earth. The ocelot has anymountain lion that ever walked beatena block. length for length and welghtCor weight.-F~orest anid Streami.

Bears the , Th KidYli ': Ahais 89ightSigrnature



The 'Tay :a Tiny Spider Imnprisoned

"One morin:: wvhen busy in myworkshop." salys a naturalist, "a largefly, double the size of a bluebottle, was

caught in a spider's web in the win-dow close to where I was at work. Itw~as held by twvo of its legs only. andfor some time the spider, which ,wasabout the size of the fly's head, pro-ceeded to strengthen its hold by at-taching numerous extra lines to thetwo captive limbs, carefully keepingout of reach of the others, which wereletting out in all directions in franticefforts to escape."During a short respite in the cap-

tive's struggles the spider cautiouslyapproached and with its hind legs gotseveral turns of its tiny rope roundone of the limbs that were free. Thesetactics were carried on till all the legswere firmly bound- It then injectedpoison into one of the legs. This soonshowed itself, for its deadening effectsreduced the victim's struggles in amarked degree. The poison paralyzes,but does not kill.-"Shortly after a second bite resist-

ance ceased, and the victor settleddown to suck the juices of its fallenprey.' The struggles lasted quite anhour. Next morning the fly was alive,and tihe spider was still sucking out itslifeblood."-Chicalgo News.

A Card.This is to certify that all druggists

are authorized to refund your moneIif Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cureyour couzh or cold. It stops- the coughheals the lungs and prevents seriousresults from a cold. Cures in grippe.coughs and prevents pnueumonia andiconsumption. Contains no opiates. Thegenuine is in a yellew package. R~efusesubstitutes. The Arant Drug Ce.

The Soft Answer."Johnny," said the stern parent, "my

father used to whip me when I be-haed at the table as badly as you aredoing.""Well," rejoined the precocious

youngster, "I hope I'll never have tomake a confession like that to my littleboys."-Chicago Nesvs.

Effect of High Living. -

Goodman Gonrong--Wake up, pard.Wot ye groanin' about? Tuffold Knutt(rubbing his eyes)-Gosh, but I've hada horrible dream! I thought I'd got ajob o' work an' wuz doin' the mani-curin' fur a octopus.-Chicago Tribune.

A Restorative.Supplicant-I'm faint from lack of

food. Rich Lady (generously)-Howdreadful! Here, smell my vinaigrette.

For Infants and Children.

The Kind You Hare Always Bought

The new Laxativethat does not gripe

or nauseate.9leasant to talie. 14


THEN COME OR SEND TO US.We have the best equipped'Tailor-

ing Etablishment in the State.We handle

High Art olothingsolely and we carry the best lina ofHats and Gent's Furnishings in thecity.Ask your most prominent men who

we are, and they will commend youto us.,

i L DAVID& BRO ,Cor. King & Wentworth Sts.,



Doors, Sash, Blinds,Moulding and Building

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director ant undertaker. night or day.


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Office Over Levi's Store.




Upst:,.irs over Bank of Manning..1ANNING, S. C.




OR Stomach and Liver,troubleand

ative Fruit Syrup roeandThe Arant Co. Drug Store.

The Eind You Have Always Bought,-and which has bein use for over 3 years, has borne the signatnre o

and has beejnladegder his per-

jeo~ez. sonatlpervision-since its inenAnowno one-todeceive'yOnintbis.

AU Counterfeits, Imitations and "cjusas-.good"are lin

Experiments that trife with and endanger the health ofInfants and Children-Experience againstEEPer-unt.

What is CASTORICastoria is a harmless, substitte for Castor Oil, Pare-

goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Icontains neither Opium, -Morphine nor other _NarcotfOsubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wormsand allays Feverishness. It eures Diarrhoea and WindColie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Conostipatinand Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates.beStomach and Bowels, -giving healthy and natural sleeThe Children's Panacea-The other's Friend.

CENUNE CASTRA.WAYSBears the- ignature Of

The Kild You Havein 4Jse For Over Year


S. R. ENNING ri............Dealer in.

Watches, ClocksJewey, Spectacles,EGlasses and all Kinds of Facy

IiskeaspecialtyoWEDDINGand OIJDATPRSand always carry a handsome lineofSilverware, Hand-Painted hina G Ias

andunmerous otherartlcles suitable-for Gifta of all kind.COME AND SEE THEM-

All Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairmg done promptly andLevi Block.



Headquarters for Paints and Oils.

the public generally to come to Sumterand look in on our tremendous' stockof Hardware of all.kinds, tools of everydescription. When you need anythinin the Machinery supply'liTe, we can-,

) furnish just what you -want.We handle the best Beltings in .the

country.Our Paint and Oi Departments are

full. Try our fanous Japalac.Farmers, you can save money b. 2

Z~ buying your Wire Fencing from us.We are headquarters for all kinds

of Sporting Goods, and we can beatW them all in :Harness and Saddles.

Ladies, buy your new Stove or

Range from us. Let us show them toO you.

Our long experience gives us an

advantage, and we can safely say thatwe can please the tiade.

DuRant Hardware CoSUMTER, S. C.

Machinery Supplies, Belting, Etc..


NRTHASUTHFdi'ida-Cuba. 7

A passenger service unexcelled for luxuryand comfortequippedwiththe-latest PllmanDining, Sleeping and Thoroughfare Cars.

For rates,schedule, maps orany informa-tion, write to

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Wilmington N. C


Have your tinning done by an expe-rienced workman. I

I cut and thread all sizes of pipe andam always ready to do the right thingby those who bring me their work.

I make a specialty of doing all kinds ]NOW wWVWYof soldering, such as coffee pots, ket- ONSUMPTION Priceties, stew pans, sauce pans, dish pans, FOR OUGHS and SOc & $1.00milk pans or anything that nee re- OLDS Free Trial.pairing. I will do it in a workmanlike Burestnd Quickest Cure for aRl

i'OVES.-I repair, put up and buyJ TEOAT and LUNG .TROU-your old stoves. I have had the best' lais, orMONEY BAKexperience with hardware men andwill give you satisfaction.- The Arant Co. Drug Store.

If your lamp is out of <order let meIsee it before yo trow itawy

Digests what you eat.Shop near Bradham's stable.

,ruyouevar ionhWorddo:The Times tffIlOL j 9msse