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Homunculus A A Perfect Servant A Lonely Existence Homunculus Names

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Page 1: C r e d i ts - swordglowsbluehomebrewstayinn.swordglowsblue.com/.../races/Homunculus.pdf · 2019-04-13 · c r e d i ts 6wdwvdqgoruhe\vzrugjorzveoxh %dodqfhfkhfnlqje\7dwvx; ,pdjhve\2ojd'uhedvdqg,1vwrfnhh


A— A blood-spattered page from an alchemist's journal

fter many years, I have finally done it. I have

achieved my ultimate goal as an alchemist! My

foolish colleagues strive endlessly after a simple

stone that will turn lead into gold and grant

them immortality. Fools! What use is

immortality to the lonely scientist? No, far

better is what I have searched for. I have toiled

endlessly for one goal - the creation of life through alchemy

alone. And at last, I have achieved it. I have created a being,

alive in it's own right, born not of woman but of an

alchemist's workshop. The perfect servant, the perfect

companion, unerringly loyal to it's creator! Truly I have

achieved what no other alchemist can claim to have

discovered, and what no other alchemist can claim to have


The homunculus is the ultimate construct, an artificial

being created through the darkest forms of alchemy. Unlike

the run-of-the-mill construct that relies on it's master's magic

and instructions to exist and continue to function, or on a

simple spell that serves to animate and drive them, the

homunculus can truly claim sentience and individuality.

Despite the unnatural circumstances of it's birth, a

homunculus is a being all it's own, with it's own desires,

emotions, and motivations, all too often ignored by the very

alchemists that created them. And in the dark of the night,

this hubris becomes their doom.

A Perfect ServantHomunculi vary greatly in their construction, with a stature

and appearance ranging from that of a small child to a large

adult. They appear roughly human, but depending on the

quality of their construction may appear deformed or to have

unnatural hair or eye colors. They typically have very pale

skin, light-colored hair, and lack facial hair, though variations

are not unheard of. Homunculi also vary greatly in their

lifespans, with the worst-constructed of them lasting only a

few short months, and the best-constructed rivaling even the


When it comes to physical abilities, however, homunculi

quickly differentiate themselves from their human

counterparts. Homunculi are typically fairly strong and agile,

displaying much more physical prowess than a human of a

similar size. However, they tend to be less clever and

inventive; they are designed for manual labor, not for high-

level tactical planning. Be warned, though; many an alchemist

has underestimated the intelligence of a homunculus and

fallen prey to their own creations when they least expected.

A Lonely ExistenceHomunculi are, by the nature of their creation, extremely

rare. They are typically found either serving under their

creator or wandering throughout the world after having

overthrown them. They have no communities or kingdoms;

even should a homunculus meet another of it's kind, they

rarely stay as a group for long. While it is not unheard of for

homunculi created by the same alchemist to continue

working as a group after their creator's death, it is

uncommon for an alchemist to risk the creation of multiple

such creatures, even if they can afford to do so.The only

loyalty a homunculus has is to it's creator; should it's creator

prove unworthy, a homunculus will go to any lengths to be

beholden only unto itself.

Homunculus NamesHomunculi are typically either given names by their creators

or their creators' family members, or left nameless by a

master that sees them only as mindless servants. Thus, they

tend to have very human-like names, should they have names

at all. Due to their nature, their names tend towards the two

extremes of being guttural and demeaning or ephemeral and

mysterious. Homunculi usually take the surname of their

creator, or forego a surname altogether.

Should a nameless homunculus become a wanderer, they

will often take up a name along their travels in order to relate

better to the creatures they encounter. These names are often

either given to them by acquaintances or borrowed from a

mish-mash of names that they have heard along their travels,

and thus can come from any race, culture, and region, or a

mix thereof.

Deformed Names: (Male) Igor, Balthaz, Gron, Kuzal;

(female) Akala, Nerest, Kallena

Ephemeral Names: (Male) Erevas, Renard, Solomon;

(female) Retanna, Perennia, Sorah

Wanderer Names: Nearly anything

Page 2: C r e d i ts - swordglowsbluehomebrewstayinn.swordglowsblue.com/.../races/Homunculus.pdf · 2019-04-13 · c r e d i ts 6wdwvdqgoruhe\vzrugjorzveoxh %dodqfhfkhfnlqje\7dwvx; ,pdjhve\2ojd'uhedvdqg,1vwrfnhh

CreditsStats and lore by swordglowsblue

Balance checking by TatsuX21

Images by Olga Drebas and INstockee

Based on the Fate/stay night series by Type-Moon

Homunculus TraitsHomunculi draw most of their traits from their human

models; however, they are less adaptable, and tend more

towards physical strength than towards the might of the


Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Dexterity each

increase by 2.

Age. Homunculi reach physical maturity within a few days

of their creation. Homunculi do not age, in the normal sense

of the word; however, their bodies will begin to deteriorate

over time as they go longer and longer without maintenance.

Depending on the quality of their construction and the life

expectancy of their creator to maintain them, they can live

anywhere between a few months and several centuries. It is

possible for an alchemist to lengthen the lifespan of another

alchemist's homunculus, but only the homunculus's creator

can preserve it indefinitely.

Alignment. Homunculi are typically either completely

servile or strongly self-interested, with no particular care for

the safety or discomfort of others. They tend towards neutral


Size. Homunculi can range in size and build from that of a

small child to that of a large man. Assuming good

construction, they are about 5'5" and 130lb on average,

roughly the same as humans. Regardless of your position in

that range, your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can speak Common and one other

language of your choice. Depending on your background, you

may or may not be able to read and write; homunculi are

typically educated by their creators or resort to self-teaching,

if they are educated at all.

Artificial Origin. As an artificial being created by human

hands, the method of your creation brings with it some

inherent advantages:

While you are aware of pain, you cannot be incapacitated

by it. You can function normally and think clearly even

when under the most excruciating of pain.

Your body can be fully reconstructed over the course of a

long rest so long as you have all of the original parts,

regardless of how gruesome the damage is.

It is extremely difficult for you to become intoxicated or

charmed. You have advantage on Constitution saving

throws related to your mental state.

Through sheer willpower, you can power through

exhaustion and pain if necessary to achieve your goals.

When your hit points are reduced to 0 from at least 5 in

one blow, you may make a Constitution saving throw. On a

success, your hit points are reduced to 1 instead of 0. This

does not apply if you would be instantly killed.