c* summit eu 2013: being closer to cassandra at ok.ru

Oleg Anastasyev lead platform developer Odnoklassniki.ru Being Closer to Cassandra

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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Speaker: Oleg Anastasyev, Lead Platform Developer at Odnoklassniki.ru Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ThzjoWJsaQ&list=PLqcm6qE9lgKLoYaakl3YwIWP4hmGsHm5e Odnoklassniki uses Cassandra for its business data, which doesn't fit into RAM. This data is typically fast growing, frequently accessed by our users and must be always available, because it constitute our primary business as a social network. The way we use cassandra is somewhat unusual - we don't use thrift or netty based native protocol to communicate with cassandra nodes remotely. Instead, we co-locate Cassandra nodes in the same JVM with business service logic, exposing not generic data manipulation, but business level interface remotely. This way, we avoid extra network roundtrips within a single business transaction and use internal calls to Cassandra classes to get information faster. Also, this helps us to create many small hacks on Cassandra's internals, making huge gains on efficiency and ease of distributed server development.


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Oleg Anastasyevlead platform developerOdnoklassniki.ru

Being Closer to Cassandra

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Top 10 of World’s social networks40M DAU, 80M MAU, 7M peak

~ 300 000 www req/sec, 20 ms render latency

>240 Gbit out

> 5 800 iron servers in 5 DCs99.9% java

* Odnoklassniki means “classmates” in english

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Cassandra @ * Since 2010

-branched 0.6-aiming at:

full operation on DC failure, scalability, ease of operations

*Now-23 clusters-418 nodes in total-240 TB of stored data

-survived several DC failures

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Case #1. The fast

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Like! 103 927 You and 103 927

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Like! widget* Its everywhere

-Have it on every page, dozen-On feeds (AKA timeline)-3rd party websites elsewhere on internet

* Its on everything-Pictures and Albums-Videos-Posts and comments-3rd party shared URLs

Like! 103 927

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Like! widget*High load

-1 000 000 reads/sec, 3 000 writes/sec

*Hard load profile-Read most -Long tail (40% of reads are random)-Sensitive to latency variations-3TB total dataset (9TB with RF) and growing-~ 60 billion likes for ~6bi entities

Like! 103 927

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RefId:long RefType:byte UserId:long Created

9999999999 PICTURE(2) 11111111111 11:00

Classic solution

= N >=1

= M>N

= N*140

You and 4256

SQL table

to render

SELECT TOP 1 WHERE RefId,RefType,UserId=?,?,? (98% are NONE)

SELECT COUNT (*) WHERE RefId,RefType=?,? (80% are 0)

SELECT TOP N * RefId,RefType=? WHERE IsFriend(?,UserId)

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Cassandra solutionLikeByRef (

refType byte,refId bigint,userId bigint,

PRIMARY KEY ( (RefType,RefId), UserId)

LikeCount (refType byte,refId bigint,likers counter,

PRIMARY KEY ( (RefType,RefId))

= N*20%

so, to render

SELECT FROM LikeCount WHERE RefId,RefType=?,? (80% are 0)

SELECT * FROM LikeByRef WHERE RefId,RefType,UserId=?,?,? (98% are NONE)

You and 4256

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>11 M iops

LikeByRef (refType byte,refId bigint,userId bigint,

PRIMARY KEY ( (RefType,RefId, UserId) )

*Quick workaround ?

SELECT TOP N * RefId,RefType=? WHERE IsFriend(?,UserId)

-Forces Order Pres Partitioner (random not scales)

-Key range scans-More network overhead-Partitions count >10x, Dataset size > x2

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*What is does- Includes pairs of (PartKey, ColumnKey) in

SSTable *-Filter.db

*The good-Eliminated 98 % of reads -Less false positives

*The bad-They become too large

GC Promotion Failures.. but fixable (CASSANDRA-2466)

By column bloom filter

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Are we there yet ?

- min 2 roundtrips per render (COUNT+RR) - THRIFT is slow, esp having lot of connections- EXISTS() is 200 Gbit/sec (140*8*1Mps*20%)



application server> 400

1. COUNT()


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- one-nio remoting (faster than java nio)- topology aware clients



get() : LikeSummary

Remote Business Intf

Counters Cache

Social Graph Cache

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* Fast TOP N friend likers query1. Take friends from graph cache2. Check it with memory bloom filter3. Read some until N friends found

*Custom caches-Tuned for application

*Custom data merge logic- ... so you can detect and resolve conflicts

co-location wins

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Listen for mutations// Implement itinterface StoreApplyListener { boolean preapply(String key, ColumnFamily data); }

*Register itbetween commit logs replay and gossip

*RowMutation.apply()extend original mutation+ Replica, hints, ReadRepairs

// and register with CFSstore=Table.open(..) .getColumnFamilyStore(..);store.setListener(myListener);

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Like! optimized countersLikeCount (

refType byte,refId bigint,ip inet,counter intPRIMARY KEY ( (RefType,RefId), ip)

*Counters cache-Off heap (sun.misc.Unsafe)-Compact (30M in 1G RAM)-Read cached local node only

*Replicated cache state- cold replica cache problem- making (NOP) mutations

less reads- long tail aware

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Read latency variations*CS read behavior

1. Choose 1 node for data and N for digest2. Wait for data and digest3. Compare and return (or RR)

*Nodes suddenly slowdown-SEDA hiccup, commit log rotation, sudden IO

saturation, Network hiccup or partition, page cache miss

*The bad-You have spikes.-You have to wait (and timeout)

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Read Latency leveling* “Parallel” read handler

1. Ask all replicas for data in parallel2. Wait for CL responses and return

*The good-Minimal latency response-Constant load when DC fails

*The (not so) bad- “Additional” work and traffic

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More tiny tricks*On SSD io

-Deadline IO elevator-64k -> 4k read request size

*HintLog-Commit log for hints-Wait for all hints on startup

* Selective compaction-Compacts most read CFs more often

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Case #2. The fat

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*Messages in chats-Last page is accessed on open- long tail (80%) for rest

-150 billion, 100 TB in storage-Read most (120k reads/sec, 8k writes/sec)

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Messages have structure

-All chat’s messages in single partition-Single blob for message data

to reduce overhead

-The badConflicting modifications can happen

(users, anti-spam, etc..)

Message (chatId, msgId,

created, type,userIndex,deletedBy,...text)

MessageCF (chatId, msgId,

data blob,

PRIMARY KEY ( chatId, msgId )

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LW conflict resolution

Messages (chatId, msgId,version timestamp,data blobPRIMARY KEY ( chatId, msgId, version )


(version:ts1, data:d1)

write( ts1, data2 )


(version:ts1, data:d1)

write( ts1, data3 )

(ts2, data2)(ts3, data3)

delete(version:ts1)insert(version: ts3=now(), data3)

- merged on read

delete(version:ts1)insert(version: ts2=now(), data2)

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Specialized cache*Again. Because we can

-Off-heap (Unsafe)-Caches only freshest chat page-Saves its state to local (AKA system) CF

keys AND values seq read, much faster startup

- In memory compression2x more memory almost free

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Disk mgmt*4U HDDx24, up to 4TB/node

-Size tiered compaction = 4 TB sstable file-RAID10 ? LCS ?

* Split CF to 256 pieces*The good

-Smaller, more frequent memtable flushes-Same compaction work

in smaller sets

-Can distribute across disks

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Disk Allocation Policies*Default is

- “Take disk with most free space”

* Some disks have-Too much read iops

*Generational policy-Each disk has same # of same gen files

work better for HDD

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Case #3. The uglyfeed my Frankenstein

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*Chats overview-small dataset (230GB)-has hot set, short tail (5%)- list reorders often-130k read/s, 21k write/s

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Conflicting updates* List<Overview> is single blob

.. or you’ll have a lot of tombstones

* Lot of conflictsupdates of single column

*Need conflict detection*Has merge algoritm

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Vector clocks*Voldemort-byte[] key -> byte[] value + VC-Coordination logic on clients-Pluggable storage engines

* Plugged-CS 0.6 SSTables persistance -Fronted by specialized cache

we love caches

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Performance*3 node cluster, RF = 3

- Intel Xeon CPU E5506 2.13GHz RAM: 48Gb, 1x HDD, 1x SSD

*8 byte key -> 1 KB byte value

*Results-75 k /sec reads, 15 k/ sec writes

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Why cassandra ?*Reusable distributed DB components

fast persistance, gossip, Reliable Async Messaging, Fail detectors,Topology, Seq scans, ...

*Has structurebeyond byte[] key -> byte[] value

*Delivered promises* Implemented in Java

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one-niormi faster than java nio with fast and compact automagic java serialization

shared-memory-cachejava Off-Heap cache using shared memory

Oleg [email protected]/oa@m0nstermind
