c3 richard beavan pearson and louise round

Using Customer Insight to Understand Complex issues 10 th March 2010 Herefordshire Council’s Signposting Project Review Richard Beavan-Pearson – Assistant Director of Customer Services and Communications Louise Round – Corporate Project Manager

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Using Customer Insight to Understand Complex issues10th March 2010

Herefordshire Council’s Signposting Project Review

Richard Beavan-Pearson – Assistant Director of Customer Services and Communications

Louise Round – Corporate Project Manager

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Herefordshire……… Herefordshire is situated on the western edge of the West Midlands on

the border with Wales and covers approximately 842 square miles.

Geographically, Herefordshire is the 2nd largest unitary authority in England; in terms of population, it ranks 26th of these 46 unitary authorities.

The population is approximately 179,000 and is the 4th lowest population density of the 150 'top tier'* authorities in England.

About one-third of the population lives in Hereford City, a third in one of the 5 market towns and a third in rural areas.

We are the first authority in the country to bring the Council, Primary Care Trust & Hospital Trust under one Chief Executive in order to deliver more cost effective and efficient services to our citizens

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The Challenge

Population Forecasts (2006 based)

Age Group 2011 2016 2026

0-14 28,100 27,200 27,000

15-59 98,600 97,100 89,900

60+ 55,700 62,100 76,700

Total 182,400 186,400 193,600

The County’s population has a considerably older age profile than that of England and Wales - 22.7% of the population is retired, compared with 18.5% nationally and there are fewer people of working age in comparison (58% compared to 61%).

This all puts a huge strain on the finance & resources required by Adult Social Care to support older and vulnerable people in the County

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About the Signposting Scheme

Connects vulnerable people to services that they need to remain independent and living in their own homes.

Reaches vulnerable people in rural areas as well as those in the more populated areas (some villages have village wardens who are sponsored by the scheme).

Cost effective as it maximises resources & engages many voluntary sector organisations that can provide high quality and relatively low cost services (50 partner agencies currently involved).

Based around a simple assessment form, which is processed by the signposting team and forwarded to the appropriate agencies for action.

Allows Herefordshire to focus on prevention services, through good co-ordination and partnership, and without huge additional expenditure.

Forms part of a local approach to person-centered services, which include intermediate care, extra care housing and home support services.

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Top Ten Signposting Services Used

Where people have been signposted to







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Top Ten Referral Agencies

Which services people have been signposted from



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The Project Objectives

The project aimed to build on the success of the existing signposting scheme by:

Improving the data capture & processing aspects in order to streamline the referral process and to provide more detailed & meaningful information in a more timely manner.

Sharing this information more fully with other internal & external organisations to provide a wider view of the needs of the service user.

Analyse the data captured, together with service user characteristics, to help us better understand the needs of the various service user groups.

Use this information to help anticipate and target resident’s needs for services, which will in turn improve service delivery and inform service planning and Herefordshire “Tell us once” project.

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Localised segmentation

Herefordshire engaged with Experian Local Government team to create customised local segmentation of local population

35 local authority and PCT datasets used, including local SUS data

12 segments created

All datasets UPRN coded

and will be uploaded into

Herefordshire’s GIS system

to maximise benefits

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Localised segmentation – Group 10 County

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Localised segmentation – Group 10 Locality

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Localised segmentation – Group 10 Village

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Localised segmentation – Group 10 Household

Street Number Postcode Herefordshire Group

1 HR 4 8BP 18 HR 4 8BP 1

13 HR 4 8BP 17 HR 4 8BP 19 HR 4 8BP 6

14 HR 4 8BP 62 HR 4 8BP 6

11 HR 4 8BP 116 HR 4 8BP 13 HR 4 8BP 15 HR 4 8BP 16 HR 4 8BP 1

10 HR 4 8BP 112 HR 4 8BP 54 HR 4 8BP 5

15 HR 4 8BP 10

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E-referral + Localised segmentation = Better outcomes for all

Signposting referral received by Police officer via SMS Prior to visit Police Officer searches property’s UPRN to identify which segment they

are aligned to.+

HR2 6EYLocalised segmentation

• Single pensioners• Low property value

• Council tax discount• On housing benefits

• Low household income

• Blue Badges, People helped in home, People contacted in relation to sign posting, Housing benefits, Single person discount, All benefits, Transfer payers, Leisure: Bowls, Leisure: LIFT Chronic lower respiratory diseases, FracturesInfluenza & pneumonia

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Link e-referral to segment profiles

Reduction in time taken to signpost older vulnerable adults into local

authority services

Predict future service users to assist with better targeting of resources

Enable partner organisations to understand what potential services “localised segmented” households are likely to want to access

Maximising independence

Informing local plans for local people, joint corporate plan for Herefordshire council and Herefordshire primary care trust

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How are we measuring the success of the project?

Expect to see a reduction in A&E admissions through falls and older related incidents

Increase take up of Signposted services through the E-referral solution

Reduced cost of signposting service

Higher volume of service requests being made via the Signposting team

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Link e-referral to segment profiles

Reduction in time taken to signpost older vulnerable adults into local

authority services

Predict future service users to assist with better targeting of resources

Enable partner organisations to understand what potential services “localised segmented” households are likely to want to access

Maximising independence

Informing local plans for local people, joint corporate plan for Herefordshire council and Herefordshire primary care trust

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How are we measuring the success of the project?

Expect to see a reduction in A&E admissions through falls and older related incidents

Increase take up of Signposted services through the E-referral solution

Reduced cost of signposting service

Higher volume of service requests being made via the Signposting team

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Lessons Learnt

Sharing data across organisations - data sharing protocols should not be seen as a blockage to joined up working

Things will take longer than you expect

Establish a good working relationship with your supplier early on and maintain it

Expand the scope of your project as opportunities present themselves, sometimes you only get one opportunity to get it right!

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Any Questions?

For further information please contact: -

Richard Beavan-Pearson

Email: [email protected]

Louise Round

Email: [email protected]