ca12 assessing online courses howard university november 2013

CA12 Assessing Online Courses Howard University November 2013

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Page 1: CA12 Assessing Online Courses Howard University November 2013

CA12 Assessing Online Courses

Howard UniversityNovember 2013

Page 2: CA12 Assessing Online Courses Howard University November 2013

Workshop ObjectivesUpon completing this workshop, you will be able to do the following:

1. Explain how the assessment of online courses differs from that of face-to-face courses.

2. List the benefits of assessing online courses.3. Access an online course on Blackboard.4. Assess the design of an online course, using the Quality

Matters rubric.5. Assess course delivery in an online course.6. Introduce colleagues to CETLA’s resources for online


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Workshop Resources

CETLA’s DL Assessment Webpage

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Definitions• F2F (face-to-face)• Hybrid* (30-79% online and

reduced classroom time)• DL (80-100% online)• Online (Hybrid* and DL)

• How many of you have taught an online course?

• How many of you have taught with Blackboard?

*aka “Blended”

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Why Assess Online Courses?

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How Does Assessment Differ for F2F vs. Online Courses?

F2F• Students

– Student evaluations– Student performance

• Peers– Review of course materials– Classroom observation

• Administrators+ Implementation of policies

Online• Students

– Student evaluations (online with additional questions)

– Student performance

• Peers– Review of course materials– Course site visit

• Administrators+ Implementation of policies,

including HU Distance Ed Policy

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Why Should Peer Reviewers Visit the Coursesite?

• The syllabus alone cannot reveal enough about the course design and delivery.

• Poor course design or delivery can lead to high student attrition rates and low student achievement.

• Careful peer reviews of coursesites help faculty improve their online courses.

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Who Should Visit the Course?

IDEALLY• A team of three reviewers• All experienced QM-

certified online instructors• One Master Reviewer• One subject-matter expert

(SME)• One external reviewer

REALISTICALLY• A team of three reviewers• At least one DL-certified

online instructor• ?• At least one subject-matter

expert (SME)• ?

Note: Visitors should request background information from the instructor (see the QM Instructor’s Worksheet) prior to the visit.

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How Can You Visit a Course?

• Ask the instructor to add you as a student.

• Ask the instructor to make all assignments and tests available—password-protected if necessary.

• Log into

• If you can’t log in, contact ETS’s Blackboard System Administrator, Umesh Giri ([email protected]).

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What Affects the Quality of Online Courses?

• Technology• Administrative

infrastructure• Faculty training• Student readiness

• Course content• Course design• Course delivery

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Why Is Assessing Course Design So Important in an Online Course?

“When learners can’t find what they need or are confused about where to go and what to do, it is harder for them to learn. Being an online learner is challenging enough without these additional barriers. Plus, frustrated learners tend to either drop out or drive the instructor crazy….”Patti Shank

Watch this video:

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How Can You Assess Course Design?

Use the Quality Matters (QM) rubric!• Based on research, best practices, and instructional design

principles• Aligned with national standards (e.g., Sloan Consortium

Pillars)• Aligned with accreditation standards for distance-learning

(e.g., Middle States)• Consistent with HU Provost’s syllabus guidelines

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How Do You Rate a Course?

• If at least two reviewers agree that a course meets a standard, award full points.

• If at least two reviewers agree that a course does not meet a standard, do not award any points.

• A course must meet all 3-point standards.• The instructor may make minor changes during the

review.• An effective course will earn 81 of the 95 points (85%).

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Standard 1.1 “Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components.”

1 point

2 points

3 points

0% 0%0%

0 points3 points

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Standard 5.2 “Learning activities provide opportunities for interaction that support active learning.”

1 point

2 points

3 points

0% 0%0%

0 points3 points

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Standard 6.3 “Navigation throughout the online components of the course is logical, consistent, and


1 point

2 points

3 points

0% 0%0%

0 points3 points

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Why Is Assessing Course Delivery So Important in an Online Course?

Watch this video:

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How Can You Assess Course Delivery?

• Ask the instructor to generate two Blackboard course reports:– “Overall Summary of User Activity” for all

students– “Overall Summary of User Activity” for the

instructor • Visit the coursesite.

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What Should You Look for in the Site?

What to Assess*1. Social Presence &

Availability2. Instructor Feedback

3. Student Retention

What to Check1. Announcements, Contacts,

Syllabus2. Discussion Board and other

social media (but no access to Grade Center)

3. Course activity report (especially statistics for Early Warning System, Performance Dashboard, and day-by-day student “hits”)

© The Learning House, 2013

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What Should You Look for in the Site?

What to Assess*4. Instructor Forum (or

Chatroom) Participation

5. Communication of University and/or Course Policies

6. Pacing

What to Check4. Discussion Board and/or

Chatroom (“Collaboration”)

5. Syllabus, Announcements, and Content Areas

6. Announcements, Content Areas, and External Links (or “Resources”)

© The Learning House, 2013

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What DL resources does CETLA offer?

• Faculty can upload CETLA’s template to facilitate course development and assessment.

• Faculty can earn Blackboard certification via seven workshops, one three-day seminar, a previous certificate, or a demo.

• Faculty can earn DL certification via a 5-day online seminar, a certificate, or a demo.

• Faculty can find other resources on CETLA’s Distance-Learning Resource webpage.