ca_assignment.doc · web viewcreate business table by using design wizard with year own data...

AGGARWAL COLLEGE BALLABGARH Class-B.COM.(CA)-1st sem DOS, MS-WORD, MS- Excel DOS Assignment Week-1:- Create a file containing your name and address. Change the name of the above file as self.txt. Create a copy of the above file as bio.txt. Display the contents of the file self.txt. Display the file content pagewise if it goes more than named a.txt the page. Week-2:- Create a file named a.txt containing the college details. Display the contents of the file course.txt. Display the attributes of the file course.txt. Change the file attribute to read only. Change the file attribute to hidden. Week-3:- Display the files which have the extension txt. Rename the extension from txt to doc. Display the current path and Set a new search path. Change the default path to instruct DOS to look in the root directory, the DOS directory, and the Checkit directory. [path c:\;c:\dos;c:\checkit]. Check a disk and display a status report. Week-4:- Display the current system date and set the date to 02-30-13. Display the current time of system and set it to 10:10AM. Display the MS-DOS version (VER).

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Class-B.COM.(CA)-1st sem


DOS Assignment


Create a file containing your name and address. Change the name of the above file as self.txt. Create a copy of the above file as bio.txt. Display the contents of the file self.txt. Display the file content pagewise if it goes more than named a.txt the page.


Create a file named a.txt containing the college details. Display the contents of the file course.txt. Display the attributes of the file course.txt. Change the file attribute to read only. Change the file attribute to hidden.


Display the files which have the extension txt. Rename the extension from txt to doc. Display the current path and Set a new search path. Change the default path to instruct DOS to look in the root directory, the DOS directory, and

the Checkit directory. [path c:\;c:\dos;c:\checkit]. Check a disk and display a status report.


Display the current system date and set the date to 02-30-13. Display the current time of system and set it to 10:10AM. Display the MS-DOS version (VER). Display a disk volume label and serial number(VOL). Display the amount of used and free memory in your system(MEM).


Make a new directory named ABC Make the following Directory tree:

Graphically display the directory structure of a drive or path using TREE command.Week-6:-

Move a Student_Detail.txt to Student.txt present in different directory. Rename a file abc.txt to self.txt. Rename a directory abc to aaa. Compare the files abc.doc and self.doc and displays the differences between them.


Delete a file. Remove all the files created starting with the name a. Delete the directory College and all the files and subdirectories in it. Restore files previously deleted with the DEL command using UNDELETE command.. Display a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.


Change the MS-DOS command prompt with PROMPT command. Change the prompt to show the date instead of the local directory. Change the prompt to show the current time. Change the prompt back to the original. Move into one of the other directories and obtain a directory listing of all the files in it. Move back to the root directory.


Search for a text string “java” in a file code.txt. Search for a text string “java” in several files. Create a directory tree and Copy entire directory tree. Back up file abc.txt in D:/ drive to E:/ drive. Restore files that were backed up by using the BACKUP command.


Sort input and writes results to the screen. Sort input and write the results in a file. Clean the command prompt window from the previous command lines(CLS). Print a text file while you are using other MS-DOS commands.

Redirect the output of the command DIR to a file dir.txt. Append the data of file self.txt to the file dir.txt(Data in the file dir.txt must not be erased).


Type in the following set of commands to create a batch file named mydir.bat Copy con mydir.bat Echo *** Batch file for creating directories **** Pause Mkdir fy sy ty Chdir fy @echo off Mkdir morning evening Cd ..\ty Mkdir batch1 batch2 Cd .. ^Z Execute the batch file mydir.bat by typing mydir at the prompt. Use dir and cd command to view the directory structure created.

Create a batch file sort.bat which prompts the user to enter data and then store that data after sorting it in descending order to a file.

Create batch files to perform the following tasks: Accepts two file names as parameters.

(i) If the first file exists, then: Display its contents. If second exists, then copy contents of first to second otherwise rename first to second. (iii) If first does not exist, then: Create it. If second does not exist, copy contents of first to second otherwise delete second file.


Create a batch file Time.bat that display the current date and time. Display help on all DOS commands or a specific command. Generate the calendar of the month January 2014. Store the calendar of 2014 in a file calendar.txt.



Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. It was first released in 1983 under the name Multi-Tool Word for Xenix systems. MS Word is a popular word-processing program used primarily for creating documents such as letters, brochures, learning activities, tests, quizzes and students' homework assignments. There are many simple but useful features available in Microsoft Word to make it easier for study and work. That's why so many people would prefer to convert the read-only PDF to editable Word and edit PDF in Word.

Create a new file using new option.

Save this file as ms-word.doc in “my documents” folder using save as option.

Edit some part of your document and save again using save option .

Close the file.

Open this file again using open option from office button.

View the file you have created using print preview option.

Take a print out of this document through print option.


Select some part of your document and copy it on another place.

Use shortcut keys for copy and paste.

Highlight “Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft.”

Search for word “document” using find option.

Replace the word “Microsoft” with “MS”.


Select your document by using select all option and change the font size of your document.

Underline the “Microsoft –word” using underline option.

Draw a line through the middle of the selected text using strikethrough option.

Create small letters below the text baseline using subscript ( ctrl+=).

Create small letters above the text baseline using superscript ( ctrl+shift++).


View your document in portrait and landscape view using orientation option in page layout menu.

Change the color of the text using font color option.

Create a bulleted list like :




Give alignment to your selected text either right ,left ,center or justify.


Using the insert > break option insert a page break in your document.

Insert page number at the bottom of the page using page number option.

Insert a table like this:

Roll no. Name Course Language

1. Kapil BCA HTML

2. Suresh MCA ASP.NET

3. Shushma B.COM. TALLY

4. Sandy B.COM. C

Draw the borders of the table using draw table option.

Select the last row of the table and delete the entire row.

Insert some more columns to the right in the table.


Insert a picture in the file like this:

Place the picture into the center of the page.

Add a thick red border around the picture.

Crop the picture 0.5 inches from the left.

Change the size of the picture by pressing right click of the mouse on the picture .

Insert caption to the picture.


Insert a clip art of computer in the file using clip art option .

Draw a star using shapes option .

Draw a figure like this using smartart option and add some text in the figure.


Insert date & time and symbol date option &symbol option.

Using wordart ,write the following “THANK YOU” .Use any style you wish and give it a font size of 20 points.


Insert header &footer using the header and footer option.

Draw a text box and insert the following text in the textbox:

“Computer is an electronic device that performs complex calculations easily.”

Insert Excel worksheet using object option in insert menu.

Create a hyperlink & attach a file to the hyperlink.

Insert Bookmark using bookmark option in insert menu.


Choose the paper size for the document using size option.

Split the text in three columns by using columns option.

Type the following lines and give numbers to that lines using line numbers option:

Computer is a device.

Computer is a machine

Computer is an electronic device

Computer is very useful.


Make the word “MS-WORD” as the watermark of the document.

Set the background color of the document as RED using page color option.

Change the border of the page using page border option.

Choose the indents tab.

Change the spacing between paragraphs by adding space above the paragraph.


Add a table of contents to the document.

Update the table of contents.

Insert footnote to the document.

Insert an endnote to the document.

Insert an index into the document.

Create labels to the document.


Type this paragraph &checks the spelling &grammer using spelling &grammar tool.

Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. It was first released in 1983 under the name Multi-Tool Word for Xenix systems. MS Word is a popular word-processing program used primarily for creating documents such as letters, brochures, learning activities, tests, quizzes and students' homework assignments. There are many simple but useful features available in Microsoft Word to make it easier for study and work. That's why so many people would prefer to convert the read-only PDF to editable Word and edit PDF in Word.

View the document in full screen using full screen reading option.

View the document as draft using draft tool.

View the screen in full mode and zoom mode.

Add a bibliography of the document.

MS Excel-Assignment


Create a database Club and table Member. The following are the details of the table.

Number Fname Lname Address Home phone Joining date

S1465T Jone Johnson 1234 Country Club Texas

(713)-555-7890 01-02-04

J1050S Bill Smith 1112 Peter Avenue Texas

(713)-556-6556 30-11-04

S1300T Lisa Stanley 985 Venton Circle Texas

(713)-558-1227 11-11-04

Do the following:1) Create Business table by using Design Wizard with year own data (atleast 6 fields

and 10 records)2) Create Personal table by using Design Wizard with your own data (atleast 6 fields and

10 records)

Create a employee database and table ‘emp’.

Emp.No Ename Job DOJ Basic Deptno Sex Due prom

101 Ajya Clerk 17-12-01 6000 20 Male

102 Arvind Salesmen 20-02-02 5000 30 Male

103 Rahul Salesmen 22-03-01 5500 20 Male

104 Rehman Manager 01-04-01 12000 40 Male

105 Sahil Manager 20-09-02 11500 10 Male

Create a database ‘Library’ and create a table as ‘Books’ and execute the queries given below:

Author Lname Author Fname Book title Book type Year of publication

Gupta Sharma Management Accounting

Accounting 2002

Nain Patel Financial Accounting 2000

Reddy Ram Corporate accounting

Accounting 1990

a) Display Book title, Book type, author name where author = Ram and book type = Accounting.

b) Display Author Fname, Book type year of publication where year above 2000


Create a database ‘Student’. Also Create table ‘stdtable’& execute the following.

Sroll no Sname Class State DOB Marks Grade

101 Raj BCA AP 21-09-82 80 A

105 Ram BCA MP 31-08-81 70 B

104 Rakesh BCA UP 30-06-80 90 A

103 Ramesh BCA AP 25-07-82 38 C

105 Rajesh BCA MP 02-02-83 45 C

a) Sort the data by sroll no.b) Display sroll no., Sname, State and Marks where marks > 80.c) Display sroll no., Sname, State and Marks where Grade = A.

Create ‘employee database and table ‘emp’ create a Report.

Emp.No Ename Job DOJ Basic Deptno Sex

101 Ajya Clerk 17-12-01 6000 20 Male

102 Arvind Salesmen 20-02-02 5000 30 Male

103 Rahul Salesmen 22-03-01 5500 20 Male

104 Rehman Manager 01-04-01 12000 40 Male

105 Sahil Manager 20-09-02 11500 10 Male

Create ‘Student database table ‘and also create a Report .

Sroll no Sname Class State DOB Marks Grade

101 Raj B.Com-I AP 21-09-82 80 A

105 Ram B.Com-II MP 31-08-81 70 B

104 Rakesh B.Com-III UP 30-06-80 90 A

103 Ramesh B.Com-II AP 25-07-82 38 C

105 Rajesh B.Com-I MP 02-02-83 45 C


Create a employee database and Create a Report .

Emp.No Ename Job DOJ Basic Deptno Sex

101 Ajya Clerk 17-12-01 6000 20 Male

102 Arvind Salesmen 20-02-02 5000 30 Male

103 Rahul Salesmen 22-03-01 5500 20 Male

104 Rehman Manager 01-04-01 12000 40 Male

105 Sahil Manager 20-09-02 11500 10 Male

Apply Auto formatting for the following Table and find total by using Auto Sum option


101 Radhika 50 90 80

102 Sarika 60 80 60

103 Geethika 50 70 75

104 Bhoomika 80 60 80

105 Karthika 84 57 84

The following are the marks obtained by the students in three subjects


101 Pravalika 50 90 80

102 Aryaman 40 80 60

103 Akosh 38 70 75

104 Prajaktha 80 60 80

105 Trisha 84 57 84

Using Conditional Formatting list out students who secured

( a) Less than 50 in QT, ( b ) More than 65 in FIT, ( c ) Between 60 and 80 in Accounts .


The following are the marks obtained by the students in three subjectsDraw a Bar Diagram.


101 Pravalika 50 90 80

102 Aryaman 40 80 60

103 Akosh 38 70 75

104 Prajaktha 80 60 80

105 Trisha 84 57 84

Type the following table and find out the total marks average obtained by each student.


1 Ajay 50 90 80

2 Vijay 40 80 60

3 Arnay 38 70 75

4 Prathista 80 60 80

5 Bhoomi 84 57 84

From the table given below reduce the total expenditure to RS.16000 by reducing sales department’s Expenditure by applying Goal Seek .

Department Expenditure Rs.

Production 4000

Sales 6000

Marketing 3000

Finance` 5000

Total Expenditure 18000

Principal Amount 2,00,000Rate of Interest 5%

Time Period 10 Years

Amount to be Paid ?

From the above , Calculate the amount payable per annum and also show the effect on amount by changing :

a) Rate of Interest to 3% and 8%b) Time Period to 5 Years and 3 Years.


Employee Name Department Salary Rs.

A Sales 3000

B Accounts 4000

C Marketing 5000

D Sales 6000

E Accounts 4000

F Marketing 8000

Obtain Department wise Sub Totals .

Employee Name Department Salary Rs.

A Sales 3000

B Accounts 4000

C Marketing 5000

D Sales 6000

E Accounts 4000

F Marketing 8000

Prepare Pivot Table .

Create the following table:

Pay ROLLNO Name Salary Rs . Part Time Rs. Accounts

1011 Prasanna 12000 900 1800

1012 Anitha 14000 800 1600

1013 Ravi 18000 700 1700

1014 Saritha 15000 600 1600

1015 Mallika 17000 500 1800

Using Conditional Formatting list out employees who got

(a ) Less than Rs. 15000 as Salary

( b ) More than Rs. 700 as Part Time

( c ) Between Rs.1600 and Rs.1800 as Arrears .


The following are the marks obtained by the students in three different subjectsDraw a Pie Diagram.


101 Radhika 50 90 80

102 Sarika 60 80 60

103 Geethika 50 70 75

104 Bhoomika 80 60 80

105 Karthika 84 57 84

Create a pie graph for the following data of sales of XYZ co.

YEAR 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

SALES 5000 10000 25000 3000 20000

Show a Pie graph for the following data with different colors for each category

Total Population Distribution (in crores)

0 – 5 20

6 – 12 10

13 – 20 15

21 – 35 25

36 – 60 15

60 & above 15

Total 100

Draw a multiple bar diagram from the following data:


(‘000 Rs.) (‘000 Rs.) (‘000 Rs.)

2005 120 40 20

2006 135 45 30

2007 140 55 35

2008 150 60 40


Create a file in Excel that describes a grading system for a class.

1) One Excel workbook file with 3 separate, appropriately labeled worksheets.

2) Tables, a graph, and a list of descriptive statistics.

3) For this exercise, the correct values in each cell are important and will be graded.

4) The graph will be graded on appropriate content, appropriate axis scaling, and clear labeling.


You should form a table on a worksheet titled “class list” that includes the names and test scores of

your students. You have 7 students in your class, their names are: Allen, Borlin, Catlin, Dorsey,

Eugene, Finneran, and Greco. Their scores on the first 3 tests are as follows:

  Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

Allen Test 89 Test 78 Test 89

Borlin Test 67 Test 56 Test 66

Catlin Test 78 Test 76 Test 76

Dorsey Test 56 Test 34 Test 45

Eugene Test 26 Test 100 Test 99

Finerran Test 99 Test 98 Test 97

Greco Test 78 Test 87 Test 88

I. Using an Excel function, show each student’s average in an additional column labeled “Average”

II. Using an Excel function, show each student’s rounded average in an additional column labeled “Rounded Average”

III. If a student’s rounded average is above “95”, he/she has received “honors” in the class. In an additional column titled “Honors”, insert a function that will return the word “Yes” if they have received honors, otherwise would return the word “No”

IV. If a student’s rounded average is 90 or greater, they receive an “A”. Between 80 and 90 is a “B”, between 70 and 80 is a “C”, between 60 and 70 is a “D”, and lower than 60 is an “F”. Somewhere on your sheet, enter this information in cells. Create an additional column titled “Grade” and insert a nested IF function that returns the appropriate grade for each student. Use an absolute cell references in your nested IF function to indicate cut-off points between grades. Hint: You will need to place the “cut-off grade” values in cells somewhere on your worksheet…

V. Below your table, create a graph showing the students’ rounded averages. Be sure to include appropriate labeling and spacing, so that the graph is non-repetitive and the scale is appropriate. Hint: A score of 100 is the highest possible…

VI. Insert a new worksheet. Use the Goal Seek feature to find the value that Eugene needed on Test 1 in order to earn honors for the course. Show your work by displaying an updated table. Title the worksheet “Eugene’s dream.” Hint: Do not worry about rounding Eugene’s new “score” for Test 1. If done properly, the rest of your table should update accordingly.

VII. From the data on your “class list” worksheet, provide the Descriptive Statistics of your students’ rounded averages. For the output, create a new worksheet and choose to display “summary statistics”. Rename this worksheet “Descriptive Statistics”.


Type the following data in excel worksheet and save it as first.xlsType the following data in excel worksheet and save it as first.xls

A                     B                 C                  D                  E513501504513511516532504432501510517479494498Do the following(a) Highlight column A and copy it to column C(b) Sort the data in column C in ascending order(c) What is the lowest number in the list (use a function)(d) Copy the data in column A to column E and sort it in descending order(e) What is the highest number in the list (use a function)(f) How many numbers in this list are bigger than 500 (use a database function)(g) How many numbers in column A are between 520 and 540 inclusive(use a database function)


Type the following data in excel worksheet and save it as second.xls.A                                            B                                     C                                 DPeople per physician                Life Expectancy 

X                                            Y                                      X * Y 370                                         70.5 6166                                       53.5 684                                         65 449                                         76.5 643                                          70 1551                                        71 616                                         60.5 403                                         51.5 Do the following(a) Complete column C for finding product x * y(b) Find sum of x column at the end of data(c) Find sum of y column at the end of data(d) Find sum of x * y column at the end of data(e) Find sum of x^2(f) Find sum of y^2

Week-10 Enter the following data and save it in grade .xls

Name       Marks1        Marks2            Marks3       Total              Percentage         GradeAmit         80                70                     80Renu        70                60                      90Rajeev     60                50                      80Manish     50               30                      90Sanjeev    40               40                      80Anita         70               70                     90Do the following(a) Compute the total marks and percentage of each student by entering appropriate formula.(b) Compute the grades based on following criteriaIf percentage >= 90 then grade = AIf percentage >= 80 and <90 then grade = BIf percentage >= 70 and <80 then grade = CIf percentage >= 60 and <70 then grade = DIf percentage < 60 then grade = E

Using grade.xls to perform the following formatting operations(a) Draw a border around the worksheet(b) Change the font size of heading to 14 points and underline it and hide column c(c) Increase the width of column A to 15 characters(d) Right Align the values in column B, C, F


A university maintains a year wise result for four courses and then generates an average report as given below

Sr no.      Year            Course1         Course2         Course3           Course4             Average1             2002            356                300                300                  4002             2003            200                400                200                  4503             2004            256                500                400                  6004             2005            400                600                500                  5505             2006            456                450                550                  4506             Total(a) Complete the report to calculate the course wise average in row 6(b) Provide formula to calculate year wise average in column G(c) Generate a column chart to compare data


A person wants to start a business and he has four schemes to invest money according to profit and years. Find out which scheme is the most profitable.Investment Amount               Percentage for Profit              No of years20000                                  10%                                      6 years40000                                  20%                                      5 years14000                                  30%                                     4 years12000                                  15%                                     5 years

2) A company records the details of total sales (in Rs. ) sector wise and month wise in the following format                          Jan             Feb              March                       AprilSector 30          12000        17000          14000                       15000Sector 22          14000       18000           15000                       16000Sector 23          15000       19000           16000                       17000Sector 15          16000       12000           17000                       18000(a) Enter the data in a worksheet and save it as sector.xls(b) Using appropriate formula, calculate total sale for each sector(c) Create a 3-D column chart to show sector wise data for all four months(d) Create a 3-D pie chart to show sales in Jan in all sectors

Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh

Class-B.Com.(CA) 2nd sem

Subject- MS-Access, MS- Excel

MS Access Lab Assignment


Create a blank database named student.accdb. Create a Student_detail Table in datasheet View, i.e. Enter data directly as given below:


S_No Roll No Student_Name Class DOB Contact_no

1 101John BCA-I 9/1/1992 99889895532 102Roy BBA-I 10/11/1993 89045453423 103Jane BCA-I 8/8/1992 35555522454 104Laura BCA-I 3/15/1992 66634452235 105Michael BCA-I 10/23/1992 6735366664

Create another table Marks_Detail in the same database:

Create a table Contact_Detail in Student.accdb database:


S_No Roll_no E-mail Address Home Phone Address City

1101 [email protected] 234455 Hno-32 Faridabad2102 [email protected] 45656 Hno-45a Delhi3103 [email protected] 354466 Hno-


4104 [email protected] 523566 Hno-234 Faridabad5105 [email protected] 325666 Hno-56 Delhi

Marks_DetailRoll No Subject1 Subject2 Subject3 Subject4 Subject5

101 77 56 78 89 67102 67 78 45 55 65103 77 76 78 76 57104 89 67 76 98 88105 67 56 89 77 77


Create a employee database and table ‘emp’ using templates.

Emp.No Ename Job DOJ Basic Deptno Sex

101 Ajya Clerk 17-12-01 6000 20 Male

102 Arvind Salesmen 20-02-02 5000 30 Male

103 Rahul Salesmen 22-03-01 5500 20 Male

104 Rehman Manager 01-04-01 12000 40 Male

105 Sahil Manager 20-09-02 11500 10 Male

Create a database ‘Student’. Also Create table ‘stdtable’& execute the following.

Sroll no Sname Class State DOB Marks Grade

101 Raj B.Com-I AP 21-09-82 80 A

105 Ram B.Com-II MP 31-08-81 70 B

104 Rakesh B.Com-III UP 30-06-80 90 A

103 Ramesh B.Com-II AP 25-07-82 38 C

105 Rajesh B.Com-I MP 02-02-83 45 C

d) Sort the data by sroll no.

e) Display sroll no., Sname, State and Marks where marks > 80.

f) Display sroll no., Sname, State and Marks where Grade = A.

Create ‘employee database and table ‘emp’ create a Report.

Emp.No Ename Job DOJ Basic Deptno Sex

101 Ajya Clerk 17-12-01 6000 20 Male

102 Arvind Salesmen 20-02-02 5000 30 Male

103 Rahul Salesmen 22-03-01 5500 20 Male

104 Rehman Manager 01-04-01 12000 40 Male

105 Sahil Manager 20-09-02 11500 10 Male

Create a database ‘Library’ and create a table as ‘Books’ and execute the queries given below:

Author Lname Author Fname Book title Book type Year of publication

Gupta Sharma Management Accounting

Accounting 2002

Nain Patel Financial Accounting 2000

Reddy Ram Corporate accounting

Accounting 1990

c) Display Book title, Book type, author name where author = Ram and book type = Accounting.

d) Display Author Fname, Book type year of publication where year above 2000.


Create a database Sales.accdb with following tables using Design View:

Customer table







C101 Brown Sally S

C102 Hayes Carol F

C103 Chu Eric S

C104 Brownsville Community College


Customer table







Inventory table








(Number -Single)


(Number -Single)

P100 Macromedia Dreamweaver /Fireworks Studio Win CD

Web 150 600

P101 Adobe Web Collection Win CD Web 300 500

P102 Microsoft frontpage Win CD Web 92 1000

P103 Savant Interactive websavant Mac CD

Web 130 800

P104 Corel wordperfect Office Professional Edition

Bus 99.98 500

P105 Adobe Acrobat Win CD Bus 59.95 600

P106 Microsoft Office Win CD BUS 169.99 1200

P107 Microsoft Project CD BUS 162.5 400

Order table






(text -- with look-up)

1 9/13/06C101

2 9/18/06C103

Order table






(text -- with look-up)

3 9/18/06C102

4 9/18/06C104

Order_Detail table




(text-- with lookup)


(Number -- long integer)


(Number --- single)

1 P102 1 92

1 P106 1 169.99

2 P101 1 300

2 P105 1 59.95

3 P105 1 59.95

4 P100 10 150

4 P107 10 162.5

Use appropriate data types and Primary Key Constraints .


Open the Customer table. Enter information for a new record in the Customer table with Customer_id C102.

Open Order_Detail table and apply a validation rule (Quantity>0) Quantity of the product ordered must be greater than 0.

Add two new records to the Inventory table. At least one product should be in a new category not already included in the Inventory table. Make the quantity on hand = 99 for each new product.

Add four new fields to the Customer table: Address, City, Zip, and Telephone. Modify each record in the Customer table by making up and entering address and telephone information.

Carol Hayes ordered a copy of Microsoft Office Win CD on 10/28/2006. Add this order to the database.


Create a Shipment table with the following attributes: Shipment_id, Order_id, and Shipment_Date. The Order_id is the number of the order for which the shipment is being made. Make sure that the Order_id field in the Shipment table has the same design as the Order_id field in the Order table. Set up an appropriate primary key for the Shipment table.

Create a Shipment_Detail table with the following attributes: Shipment_id, productcode, Quantity_Shipped, Shipment_Date, saleprice. The design of the Price field should be the same as the Price field in the order table.

Assume that orders with Order_id 1, 2 and 3 (in the Order and Order_Detail tables) were completely filled (i.e. Each of the items ordered was shipped). Record the shipments by adding records to the Shipment and Shipment_Detail tables that you created above.

Sort the Shipment_Detail data according to date. Create the relationships between the following tables for the shipment data:

a. Customerdetail and Orderb. Order and Order_Detailc. Shipment and Shipment_Detail tablesd. Order and Shipment tablese. Inventory and Shipment_Detail tables


Create a query to view all the customers detail who have ordered for Windows 7 CD. Create a query to view all the orders of the customer c101. Create a query to Arrange the shipment data according to shipment date and list Customer

name, Address, Phone No, Product name, Quantity, Price and Shipment date. Create a query to view all the customers who ordered a product quantity more than 50. Create a query to view all the customers who have ordered the same product more than 3

times. Create a query to generate list of all products whose price > $100. Create a query to delete all the invoices made by c1o3.


Generate following reports on the sales.accdb database . a. Customer List: This report should list all the customers, Include customer name, type,

and address only. b. Customer List by Type: This report should group the customers by type (student,

faculty, or educational institution). Include customer name, type, and address only.c. Customer Orders: A list of orders placed by customer. The report should include the

customer number, order number and date of each order only. Group by customer.

d. Inventory Shipments: A list of items shipped, grouped by Product_Code. The quantity and selling price of the item shipped on each shipment of that product should also be shown. The subtotal of quantity shipped must be shown for each product. (Don’t forget to click on the “summary option” button to generate totals when creating the form.)

e. Customer Orders with Name: Same as “c” above, except that also include customer name. [Hint: this will require creation of query design that joins two tables.]

f. Inventory Shipments with Description: Same as “d” above, except that also include product description. [Hint: this will require creation of query design that joins two tables.]


Your new job is assistant to the manager of the Noiseworks Music Agency. The agency books bands for various functions and the manager has asked you to maintain the list of bands for which the company handles bookings. This is a sample of the information to be kept:




Weddings, balls, dances preferred



Prefers C&W gigs and concerts suitable for weddings,


4 400 JAZZ Jazz festivals, dances. Prefers smaller gigs.


5 750 ROCK & ROLL

Young band, suits concerts and school functions


3 750 ROCK & ROLL

A young band, prefers gigs with a

younger audience

CRUISING 5 500 JAZZ Suitable for older audiences, has a good repertoire of older dance numbers


4 750 ROCK & ROLL

Suits an older audience, plays older rock songs



A good all round band with a preference for C&W

1. Create a database file called Bands and a table called NOISEWRKS within the file, to contain the information above.

2. Enter the data for the bands.

3. Add one more band to your file:

o Flying Colours, 5 members costing $800. The band plays jazz and the notes in the fileindicate that the band is suitable for dances and mature audiences.

4. Make these changes to the data in your file:

o Blue Sox Quartet has increased its price to $550.

o Cruising has increased its price to $700.

5. Matthew and Son has split up.Remove details of this band from the file.

6. List only the band names and the notes.

7. List all the bands that play jazz.

8. List all the Rock & Roll bands that cost less than $700.

9. List all the band names and the price for bands which play Country & Western.

10. List all the bands which play either Rock & Roll or jazz.

11. How many bands cost more than $650?

12. What is the average number of members in the jazz bands?

13. Create and print a report for your file. Include in your report the band name, the price and the notes kept on each band, grouped by music type. Add your name, the assignment number, question number and date to the bottom right corner of the report. Format the report professionally on the page.

14. Print the report above for only those bands which have five members.


Create the following tables:

Product Table

Attribute Name Data Type Description

Prodno Number The primary key - used to uniquely identify each product

Desc Text Product name or description

Price Number (or currency if supported by the DBMS system)

Current price of the product

Customer Table

Attribute Name Data Type Description

Custno Number The primary key - a unique customer number to identify each customer

Custname Text Customer' s name - including first and last name

Addr Text Customer's street address

Custcity Text Customer' s city

Custstate Text Customer' s state or province

Custzip Text Customer' s zip or postal code

Country Text Country name

Wphone Text Work phone number

Hphone Text Home phone number

Email Text Customer' s email address

 Order Table

Attribute Name Data Type Description

Ordno Number The primary key - a unique number for each order

Custno Number A foreign key - custno is the primary key in the customer table. It will be used to link the order table with the customer table.

Prodno Number A foreign key - prodno is the primary key in the product table. It will be used to link the order table with the product table

Saleamt Number (or currency if supported by the DBMS)

The price of the snowboard purchased by the customer (only one board can be ordered per transaction)

Orddate Date The date the order was placed

Saletype Text The type of sale made: Internet, Phone, or Direct

Payment Text Type of payment. May be credit card, cash, or COD

Crdtype Text Name of the customer' s credit card. May be Passport, miserycard, Discovery, American

Indebtedness, or Diver' s Club

Crdno Text Card number

Expdate Date Expiration date of credit card

  Enter sample Data In to Tables:

Data For Product Table

Prodno Desc Price

2101 Freeform 395.00

3120 Halfpipe 350.00

4290 Crossbow 295.00

5435 Sidecut 250.00

Data For Customer Table

Custno Custname Addr Custcity Custstate Custzip Country Wphone Hphone Email

1Gloria Simon

404 Prairie Rd

Sycamore IL 60178 US815-123-4567

[email protected]

2Roger Gibbons

109 Hagen Dr

Burbank CA 91501 US818-457-8989


[email protected]

3Walter Stein

494 Crane Cir

Boise ID 83703 US208-145-9898

[email protected]

4Jennie Henderson

9003 Lincoln Hwy

Portsmouth NH 00215 US603-898-7412


[email protected]

5 Satya Patel 124 Timber

Denver CO 80201 US 303-589- 303-589-

[email protected]

Ln 9865 5554

6Susan Porter

33 Kimberly Dr

Stonington ME 04681 US207-874-2356

[email protected]

7 Alvin Poe981 Ridge Rd

Cheyenne WY 82001 US307-986-5879

[email protected]

8Tammy King

4 Spring St

Madison WI 53701 US608-154-5698


[email protected]

9 Sun Kim99 Charles Pl

Dekalb IL 60115 US815-554-5568

[email protected]

10 Peter Hall199 16th St

Denver CO 80201 US303-558-9865


[email protected]

Data For Order Table

Ordno Custno Prodno Saleamt Orddate Saletype Payment Crdtype Crdno Expdate

1 1 2101 395 12/08/98 Internet Card Passport 154-45-78 12/31/2001

2 3 3120 350 12/05/98 Phone COD      

3 2 2101 395 12/09/98 Internet Card Passport 225-56-74 09/30/2005

4 5 4290 295 12/12/98 Direct Cash      

5 4 3120 350 12/15/98 Direct Card Miserycard 565-65-98 07/31/2002

6 6 2101 395 12/15/98 Phone CardAmerican Indeptedness

555-55-41 12/31/1999

7 8 5435 250 12/16/98 Internet Card Diver's Club 233-45-87 10/31/2001

8 7 2101 395 12/17/98 Phone Card Discovery 233-65-88 09/30/2002

9 9 4290 295 12/18/98 Direct Cash      

10 10 3120 350 12/19/98 Internet Card Passport 444-77-77 12/31/2001

After you have entered the data into the three tables, create three reports for displaying the table data. The Sales and Maketing Departments would like to use the data in these tables for the purpose of

querying the database in order to get answers to specific questions. Construct the following queries and print the results. You will need to link the tables together by using the primary keys. Print the queries results that answer the following questions.

List the customer information (all fields) for all customers in Colorado (CO).

List the customer information (all fields) for customers who purchased a Halfpipe snowboard.

List the customer information (all fields) for customers who purchased a snowboard using a Passport or miserycard credit card.


Open the Sales.accdb database and perform the following tasks:

Use the form wizard to create a single record form (a form that is used to add a single record to a data table) to enter Customer data. Use the Customer form to add one more record to the Customer table.

Add a look up capability to the Shipment table. The user should be able to look up Order_id from the Order table.

Add a look up capability to the Shipment_Detail table. The user should be able to look up productcode from the Inventory Table.

Implement a form based on multiple tables (a form that adds data to more than one table. These tables usually have a form/subform design) for entering shipments.

Enter three shipment records using the Shipment form created.Week-11

Create a query joining the following tables: Shipment, Order, and Customer. This query will provide the data for the main form. (a) From Shipment Table: Shipment_Id, Ship_Date, Order_id. (b) From Order Table: Customer_Id. From Customer Table: Customer_Name, Address, City, Zip, and Telephone should be included in the query. (You may wonder why the Order table is needed. The Shipment table has no Customer_id, so the Order table is needed to identify the customer.) When the design is completed, name the query, “Shipment_Customer.”

Create a query joining the following tables: Shipment_Detail and Inventory. From the Shipment_Detail Table: include the Shipment_Id, productcode, saleprice, Quantity_Shipped. From the Inventory Table: include Description. When the query design is complete, name the query, “shipmentdetail_Inventory.”

Create a calculated field in the shipmentdetail_Inventory query for the Extended Price. Use the form wizard to create a Shipment form. Shipment_Customer query should be the

basis for the mainform and shipmentdetail_Inventory query should be the basis for the subform. The form should show all of the fields required for the above queries. Name the form, “ Enter Shipment_Customer.”

Now use the Enter Shipment_Customer form that you created above to record shipment of three more orders (seventh, eighth and ninth orders in Order Table).

Create another form named Order_Customer by developing queries that you need as in Enter_Shipment_Customer form.


Modify the design of entershipment_Customer form to view Total amount of shipment.

Create a databases named Library Database which containing catalog number, title, author and copyright date of each of the new books using Microsoft Access . In order to complete the task, please follow instructions below:

Create a blank Access database and save as Library Database. Create a new table named Catalog that contains these fields and its attributes:

Field Name Data Type

ID Autonumber

Title Text

Description Text

Acquired Date Date/Time

ISBN Number

Location Text

Condition Memo

Tip: Use Design View to create this table.

Change Primary Key field’s name as Catalog ID. Enter these data into Notebook table:

Field Name Record 1 Record 2 Record 3

Title Outstanding books for the college bound

Freak the Mighty

Best Books for Students

Description Paperback Hardcover Paperback

Acquired Date 10/11/2011 11/11/2011 18/11/2011

ISBN 0652358974 0439286069 0838935699

Location Building Bookmobile Bookmobile

Condition Binding loose Good Dust

Create a New Book Form to able insert new data into Catalog table. Enter five catalog data using New Book Form. Create a Quick Book Info query that able to retrieve these information: Title, ISBN,


Create a Book Inventory report that will show all fields and sort the records according to Title.

MS-EXCEL As Previous


Class-B.COM.(CA)-3rd semORACLE, C , DTP


Create a table

Table name—Table 1

Column name- Emp_no, Emp_name, Salary, Address

No. Of rows-10


1.Show al record in table 1

2. Find al employee number,emp_name from Table1

3. Select all employees whose salary >10000

4. Select emp_no. Emp_name who are living in Faridabad


1. Add new column in table 1 having column name -Designation2. Fill all records in designation column


1. Show al typoe of Designations in Table 1( Distinct)2. Show all records according to name in ascending and descending order(A-Z)


1. Creating a new Table from Table12. Inserting data into a new table from table1


1. Delete Record from Table1 whose employee number is 00102. Change the address in Table1 from FBD to Faridabad3. Change the table name from Table1 to Employee .4. Draw new table.


1. Use primary, foreign, Unique, Not nul constraint in Employee table


1. Use Arithmetic and Logical in Employee table


1. Select all employees name whose name start by A in Employee table (Like, , %, _)


1. Use all aggregate functions in Employee table2. Use all Scalar Functions with dual table

Week- 11 to 14

Create a mini Project based on oracle




1.Type the following program in C Editor and execute it. Mention the Error.

Void main(void){Printf(“ This is my first program in C ”);}

2.Add the following line at the beginning of the above program. Recompile the

Program. What is the output?


3. Write a program that display a message ‘hello world’ on the output screen.

4. Save the program in your own directory.


1. Write a program which shows the function of each escape sequence character.

Eg printf(“alert ring bell rings like \a\a”);

Printf(“the tab is inserted like \t this”);

2. Write down C statements to perform the following operations:

Z = 4.2(x+y)5/z – 0.52x/(y+z)

3. What will be the out put of the mix mode use of integers and float.





1. What will be the output if a=5,



2. Write some simple statements to check the working of logical and relational


3. Point out the Errors, if any, in the following C statements:

(a). 3.14 * r * r * h = vol_of_cyl ;

(b). Volume = 3.14 * r ^ 2 * h ;


1. Write a program to generate a series of first 50 even numbers.2. Write a program to generate a FIBONACCI series .

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 213. Write a program to generate tables from 2 to 20 with first 10 terms .


1. Write down the output of the following program statements

I. For (i=1; i<=10;i++)

Printf(“%d \n”,i);

Ii. Int a = 10, b = 10;


{ a++;


Printf(“a = %d,b=%d\t”,a,b);


2. Write a program to find the greastest among three numbers.

3. Write a program to find the average of n natural numbers using for loop.


1. Write a program to enter the numbers till the user wants and at the end it should display

The count of positive, negative and zeros entered.

2. Write a program to find the range of a set of numbers. Range is the difference between

The smallest and biggest number in the list.


1. Write a program which Prints the following pattern up to 10 lines 0 111 22222 3333333

2. Write a program to produce the following output: A B C D E F G F E D C B A A B C D E F F E D C B A A B C D E E D C B A A B C D D C B A A B C C B A A B B A A A


1. Write a program that inputs an integer – determine if it is even or odd (USING IF ELSE STATEMENT).

2. Write a program to find the given year is a leap year or not.3. Write a program to find the area of a triangle using

Area= sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)), where s=(a+b+c)/2


1. Write a program to make a simple calculator which should be able to do +,-,*,/,%

Operations.( using case statement)

3. Write a program which takes 10 integers as input and prints the largest one.


1. Write a program to print the find the sum of the given series, take first 8 terms

A=1! +2! +3! +4! +…….. (USING FACT FUNCTION)

2. Write a program to find

A. Surface area (A=4pr 2 )

B. Volume(v=4/3 p 3 )

Of a sphere using functions make a function for finding powers of radius.

3. Write a program using functions to evaluate up to 8 terms

Sin(x)= x - x 3/3! + x5/5! - x7/7! + x9/9! - …….


1. Write a program which calculates and returns the area and volume of a sphere using define

Directive .

2. Write a program that takes input for array int a[5] and array int b[5] and exchanges

Their values.

3. Write a program that takes 10 integers as input and prints the largest integer and its

Location in the array.


1. Write a program which takes a string as input and counts total number of vowels in that.2. Write a program to copy the contents of one array into another in the reverse order.3. Write a program to sort an integer array in descending order.


1. Write a program that adds up two 3x3 arrays and stores the sum in third array.2. Write a program which takes names of five countries as input and prints them in

alphabetical order. 3. Write a program to maintain the library record for 100 books with book name, author’s

name, and edition, year of publishing and price of the book.

4. Determine the output of the following program:

Void main(void)


Int x=3,y=4,z=6; Int *p1,*p2,*p3; P1=&x; P2=&y; P3=&z; *p1=*p2+*p3; *p1++; *p2--; *p1=(*p2)*(*p3); *p2=(*p2)*(*p1); X=y+z; Printf(“%d”,x); Printf(“%d”,y); Printf(“%d”,z); Printf(“%d”,*p1); Printf(“%d”,*p2); Printf(“%d”,*p3); }


1. Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using recursion.2. Write a program for swapping of two numbers using

Call by valueCall by reference


1. Starting a Pagemaker Documents.2. Looking at the Pagemaker screen.3. Toolbox

Unit2:1. Entering your first page layout.2. Inserting the column guide.3. Placing Rules Guides.

Unit3:4. Entering your first page layout.5. Inserting the column guide.6. Placing Rules Guides.

Unit4:1. Entering the Headings2. Setting a text Block.3. Saving the document.4. Entering the text.5. Formatting the text.6. Separating the Headings.

Unit5:1. Adding the graphics2. Inserting a prepare Graphic.

3. Resizing the graphic.4. Running text around the graphic.5. Inserting second graphics.

Unit6:1. Printing pages.2. Assignment 1: CREATE A GREETING CARD FOR NEW YEAR.

Unit7:1. Assignment 2: CREATE A VISITING CARD.


Unit8:1. Assignment 4: CREATE A NEWPAPER REPORT.

2. Assignment 5: CREATE AN ATM CARD.

Unit9:1. Assignment 6: TYPE A DOC USING STORY EDITOR.





*CORELDRAW   ASSIGNMENT* Section 1, Introduction

What is CorelDRAW 12Course ObjectivesHow to Use the ManualHow to Install the Exercise Files

Section 2, Getting Started

Exploring the CorelDRAW ScreenGetting AssistanceFile ManagementSetting Up the Page

Section 3, Moving Around and Viewing Drawings

Moving Around the Current PageViewing ModesInserting and Deleting PagesChanging Pages

Section 4, Selecting & Manipulating Objects

Selecting and Deselecting ObjectsMoving ObjectsCopying and Deleting ObjectsDeleting ObjectsSizing Objects

Section 5, Drawing and Shaping Objects

Drawing and Shaping ToolsUsing the Freehand ToolDrawing Lines and PolylinesDrawing Freehand PolygonsDrawing Perfect ShapesReshaping Lines and PolylinesDrawing CurvesReshaping Curves

Section 8, Outlining & Filling Objects

The Outline ToolChoosing Outline ThicknessesChoosing Outline ColorsUsing Fill ToolCopying AttributesSetting Outline and Fill Defaults

Section 9, Using Symbols and Clipart

Inserting Text SymbolsAdding ClipartModifying ClipartUsing the Scrapbook to Search for Clipart

Section 10, Transforming Objects

Mirroring ObjectsRotating and Skewing ObjectsUsing Transform Docker

Section 11, Special Effects

Fitting Text to a PathDrawing With the Artistic Media ToolShaping an Object with an EnvelopeExtruding an ObjectBlending Two ObjectsUsing the Lens EffectAdding PerspectivesUsing PowerClipsApplying ContoursApplying Drop Shadows

Section 12, Exporting Drawings

Exporting to Graphic Formats

Drawing RectanglesDrawing Circles

Section 6, Arranging Objects

Arranging ObjectsGrouping and Ungrouping ObjectsUsing GuidelinesUsing Dynamic GuidesUsing Snap ToAligning Objects

Section 7, Working with Text

The Text ToolCreating Artistic TextEditing TextFormatting TextSetting Text OptionsCreating Paragraph TextChoosing Paragraph OptionsSetting Indents Using the RulerImporting TextUsing the Spell Checker

Copy and Pasting Into Other Applications

Section 13, Printing

Print OptionsPrint Previewing

Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh

Class- B.Com(CA) 4th sem

Subject-VB, MS-Access, C, Pagemaker



Use the properties window to set

– M a i n f r am a s t h e f o r m n a m e .

– M y p r o g r a m s a st h e c a p t i o n .

– B a c k C o l o r t o W h i t e .

– B o r d e r S t y l e t o F i x e d S i n g l e .

– W i n d o w S t a t e t o M a x i m i s e d .

Find the Menu icon and click on it to select it. Enter the following menu headings: Quit Introduction with indented subheadings of

Example 1

Click on Quit menu heading and enter the following code. This procedure is used to exit from running the project display and return to the design screens.

Private Sub Quit_Click()

Unload me

End Sub

Week 2

Use the <F5> function key to run the application to verify that the Menu structure is correct and that the Quit procedure is free from error.

Set the following form properties:

1. Form name as Welcome caption to Example1 2. Backcolor to White 3. Borderstyle to Fixed Single4. Windowstate to Maximised

Click on the Example 1 main menu heading and enter the following code:

Private Sub Example1_Click()


End Sub

Save your work and run <F5> to ensure that it is free of errors. Add two labels, an image and a command button to create a welcome screen. Select label icon from the toolbox. Click towards the centre-top of your form and position

and resize your label as required.

With the label selected, use the properties window to 1. Change the caption to WELCOME TO VISUAL BASIC 2. Choose a bright back colour 3. Set the font (Arial, underline, alignment centred, size 24 point, forecolour blue) 4. Repeat to add the Enjoy label. 5. Use the image icon on your toolbox to add the image to your form. Use the 6. Properties window of the image to select a picture.

Use the file menu to save your work and use <F5> to run the application. DON’T FORGET TO SAVE (AND BACK UP TO FLOPPY) ALL YOUR WORK.

Week 3

Op e n a n e w f o r m a n d c h a n g e i t sn a m e t o C o l o u r C h a n g e r . P l a c e t h e f o l l o w i n g o b j e c t s on this form.

1. A heading label2 (Caption = Colour Changer) 2. 3 horizontal scroll bars (Set the max value property of all three to 255)3. 3 other labels (2red, 3Green, 4Blue) 4. A command button to quit the form (Caption = Return) 5. Another small label5 under the button with its visible property set to false.

D o u b l e c l i c k e a c h s c r o l l b a r a n d a d d t h e f o l l o w i n g c o d e t o i t s _ o n

C h a n g e ( ) e v e n t . U s e

Cut and paste to make the task easier.

1. Label1.backcolor = RGB(hscroll1.Value, hscroll2.Value, hscroll3.Value)2. Label5.backcolor = RGB(hscroll1.Value, hscroll2.Value, hscroll3.Value)3. Label1.forecolor = RGB(255 - hscroll1.Value, 255 - hscroll2.Value, 255 -

hscroll3.Value)4. Label5.forecolor = RGB(255 - hscroll1.Value, 255 - hscroll2.Value, 255 -

hscroll3.Value)5. Label5.Visible = True Label5.Caption = “WOW!”6. Label2.backcolor = RGB(hscroll1.Value, 0, 0) Label3.backcolor = RGB(0,

hscroll2.Value, 0)7. Label4.backcolor = RGB)0, 0, hscroll3.Value)

D o u b l ec l i c k t h er e t u r n b u t to n a n d a d d t h e f o l l o w i n g c o d e t o i t s _ o n C l i c k ( ) e v e n t

Unload Me


Function is a segment of code that accepts zero, one or more arguments and returns a single result. Visual Basic includes many built-in functions (intrinsic functions). Some perform basic mathematical tasks. Others manipulate string data such as converting text to upper Case or lower Case letters. An argument is a value you pass to a function so the function has data to work with. Function names have parentheses at the end to hold the function arguments. Even if a function has no arguments, the parenthesis are required.

Two intrinsic functions include message boxes and input boxes.

Message and input boxes Message and input boxes are intrinsic functions in Visual Basic 6.0 which allow the end user to interact with the program. Follow the instructions Add new form to menu at the end of Week 1 to create a new form with a menu heading on the main form. Call this “Message and Input Boxes”

Make the Form.Caption = “Message and Input Boxes” Put a label on the top of the form “Computer Conversation”. Underneath have a

Command button with the caption “Talk to me!” Name the command button cmdtalk. Double click the command button to add the following code sequence.

Private Sub cmdtalk_Click() Dim strquestion As String Dim intanswer As Integer‘First you must declare your variables’‘Then use the input and message box functions’Strquestion = inputbox(“Type in your name!”, “Ebeneezer”) intanswer = msgbox(“Hello there” &strquestion, vbokcancel, “Chat”)End Sub

Add a return button, called cmdback as you did in the colourchanger, using the code

Private Sub cmdback_Click() Form1.Show End Sub

Run your program using <F5>. Don’t forget to save your work. Here are some handy literals (values that don’t change). You don’t have to learn them as the help prompt supplies a drop down list as you start to type.


Create a calculator that can add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers given by the user.


Write a program to convert inches to centimetres OR centimetres to inches (using the conversion 1 inch = 2.54 centimetres).

Use option buttons (from the toolbox) for the user to indicate whether the conversion is inches to centimetres or centimetres to inches.

Use IF statements to determine which formula to use based on which option button is selected. Option buttons are mutually exclusive, i.e. Only one can be selected at a time.


Design a project that allows a user to enter the weight in a text box and calculate the postage. Use Case statements in your code. Link this as caseweights under the Multiway menu heading in your main form.


Create a program to generate the first 20 Fibonacci numbers. This time use a counter to control the number of iterations. By using For Loop, Do While Loop, While Loop.


Writean event procedure to perform the following in vb:

Reverse a string Determine whether the given string is palindrome Change the case of a string to upper or lower.


Create a menu with the following menu optins:

Style(which includes bold, italic and underline) Colour (which includes blue, green and red) Change Case (which includes uppercase, lowercase).

WEEK 11-12

Write a VB program to create a product table and to perform the following database operation :

Insert the records Delete the records Update the records




1.Type the following program in C Editor and execute it. Mention the Error.

Void main(void){Printf(“ This is my first program in C ”);


2.Add the following line at the beginning of the above program. Recompile the

Program. What is the output?


3. Write a program that display a message ‘hello world’ on the output screen.

4. Save the program in your own directory.


1. Write a program which shows the function of each escape sequence character.

Eg printf(“alert ring bell rings like \a\a”);

Printf(“the tab is inserted like \t this”);

2. Write down C statements to perform the following operations:

Z = 4.2(x+y)5/z – 0.52x/(y+z)

3. What will be the out put of the mix mode use of integers and float.





1. What will be the output if a=5,



2. Write some simple statements to check the working of logical and relational


3. Point out the Errors, if any, in the following C statements:

(a). 3.14 * r * r * h = vol_of_cyl ;

(b). Volume = 3.14 * r ^ 2 * h ;


4. Write a program to generate a series of first 50 even numbers.

5. Write a program to generate a FIBONACCI series .0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21

6. Write a program to generate tables from 2 to 20 with first 10 terms .


1. Write down the output of the following program statements

I. For (i=1; i<=10;i++)

Printf(“%d \n”,i);

Ii. Int a = 10, b = 10;


{ a++;


Printf(“a = %d,b=%d\t”,a,b);


2. Write a program to find the greastest among three numbers.

3. Write a program to find the average of n natural numbers using for loop.


1. Write a program to enter the numbers till the user wants and at the end it should display

The count of positive, negative and zeros entered.

2. Write a program to find the range of a set of numbers. Range is the difference between

The smallest and biggest number in the list.


4. Write a program which Prints the following pattern up to 10 lines 0 111 22222 3333333

5. Write a program to produce the following output: A B C D E F G F E D C B A



4. Write a program that inputs an integer – determine if it is even or odd (USING IF ELSE STATEMENT).

5. Write a program to find the given year is a leap year or not.6. Write a program to find the area of a triangle using

Area= sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)), where s=(a+b+c)/2


1. Write a program to make a simple calculator which should be able to do +,-,*,/,%

Operations.( using case statement)

6. Write a program which takes 10 integers as input and prints the largest one.


1. Write a program to print the find the sum of the given series, take first 8 terms

A=1! +2! +3! +4! +…….. (USING FACT FUNCTION)

2. Write a program to find

A. Surface area (A=4pr 2 )

B. Volume(v=4/3 p 3 )

Of a sphere using functions make a function for finding powers of radius.

3. Write a program using functions to evaluate up to 8 terms

Sin(x)= x - x 3/3! + x5/5! - x7/7! + x9/9! - …….


1. Write a program which calculates and returns the area and volume of a sphere using define

Directive .

2. Write a program that takes input for array int a[5] and array int b[5] and exchanges

Their values.

3. Write a program that takes 10 integers as input and prints the largest integer and its

Location in the array.


4. Write a program which takes a string as input and counts total number of vowels in that.5. Write a program to copy the contents of one array into another in the reverse order.6. Write a program to sort an integer array in descending order.


5. Write a program that adds up two 3x3 arrays and stores the sum in third array.6. Write a program which takes names of five countries as input and prints them in

alphabetical order. 7. Write a program to maintain the library record for 100 books with book name, author’s

name, and edition, year of publishing and price of the book.

8. Determine the output of the following program:

Void main(void)


Int x=3,y=4,z=6; Int *p1,*p2,*p3; P1=&x; P2=&y; P3=&z; *p1=*p2+*p3; *p1++; *p2--; *p1=(*p2)*(*p3); *p2=(*p2)*(*p1); X=y+z; Printf(“%d”,x); Printf(“%d”,y); Printf(“%d”,z);

Printf(“%d”,*p1); Printf(“%d”,*p2); Printf(“%d”,*p3); }


3. Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using recursion.4. Write a program for swapping of two numbers using

Call by valueCall by reference

MS-ACCESS as previous

Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh

Class- B.COM. 5th sem

Subject- Autocad, Tally




1. Open the Tally ERP 9 2. Create a Company In accounts only. Shut The Company.

Week -2

1. Show the display of Predefined Ledgers and disscuss it.2. Create the following ledgers in different groups

Accounts Group

Capital Capital

Purchase Purchase

Sales Sales

Purchase Return Purchase

Sales return Sales

Rent Indirect expenses

Commission received Indirect Income


1.Show the display of predefined groups and discuss it among class.

2.Discuss the right hand side Voucher displayed in the screen in the class.

We have started a new busienss in the name Nagpur Garments, of trading in readymade garments. Following are the trasactions entered during 2008-09.

  Date Particulars Amount Voucher Type

1 01.04.08 Capital Introduced in Business by proprietor in cash 100,000 Receipt

2 02.04.08 Cash deposited in Bank 5,000 Contra

3 01.05.08 Cash Deposited in Bank 80,000 Contra

4 02.05.08 Garments purchased from R.D. Distributors on credit 40,500 Purchase

5 02.05.08 Sold garments to Mr. J.N. Shah on cash 6,800 Sale

6 02.05.08 Purchased garments from Milton Dresses by paying cash 9,500 Purchase

7 01.06.08 Sold garments to S.M. Bakare on credit 26,800 Sale

8 02.06.08 Cash withdrawn from SBI 20,000 Contra

9 01.07.08 Paid to R.D. Distributors 21,000 Payment

10 02.07.08 Received cheque from S.M. Bakare 15,000 Receipt

11 01.08.08 Paid for purchase of files for office 540 Payment

12 02.08.08 Purchased furniture on credit from Vishal Furnitures 40,200 Journal

13 01.09.08 Paid to ICICI Life Insurance towards annual premium of proprietor by cheque 6,200 Payment

14 02.09.08 Office taken on rent, paid towards office deposit to Mr. M. C. Patel 25,000 Payment

15 02.10.08 Cash received from S.M. Bakre 5,000 Receipt

16 01.11.08 Rent paid 4,000 Payment

17 16.11.08 Paid cash to vishal furniture. 10,000 Payment

18 02.12.08 Sales made in cash 25,000 Sale

19 02.12.08 Loan taken from Mr. M.M. Joshi of Bank 100,000 Receipt

20 01.01.09 Salary paid by cheque 10,000 Payment

21 02.01.09 Octroi paid in cash 1,250 Payment

22 02.02.09 Advance tax paid 5,000 Payment

23 01.03.09 Amount deposited in savings account of proprietor 10,000 Payment

24 31.03.09 Provision to be made for telephone expenses 2,348 Journal

25 31.03.09 Interest @ 12% p.a. to be credited to M.M. Joshi Journal

26 31.03.09 Charge depreciation on furniture @ 10% p.a. for one year Journal

Week -4

1. Create a company of Nagpur Garments..2. Create the ledgers above mentioned entries.(By Short cut key)3. Record the transactions in the books


Create a Trial balance, Profit and loss a/c and balance Sheet


M/s Evergreen Traders is running a business from 1.4.2009 and keeps his books of accounts in tally with accounts are requested to record the following transactions in the books of M/s Evergreen traders : DATE PARTICULERS

1 1.4.2009 Received Cash as capital for Rs. 2,00,000

2 2.4.2009 Cash deposited in bank for Rs. 1,00,000

3 2.4.2009 Credit purchase from Charles Co. for Rs. 75,300

4 2.4.2009 Credit purchase from James Co. For Rs.50,500

5 3.4.2009 Credit purchase from Donald Co. for Rs.60,000

6 4.4.2009 Purchase return from Charles Co. for Rs.10,000

7 4.4.2009 Purchase return from Donald Co.for Rs.25,000

8 5.4.2009 Cash purchase from Victor Co.for Rs.35,600

9. 5.4.2009 Credit sales to James Traders for Rs. 1,25,000

10. 5.4.2009 Cash sales to Smith traders for Rs. 75,000

11 7.4.2009 Returns from Smith Tradres for Rs. 15,000

12 8.4.2009 Payment made by cash

Furniture Rs.25,000

Salaries Rs.50,000

Wages Rs. 30,000

Electricity deposit Rs.25,000

13 10.4.2009 Stationeries purchased from Wilson Co. for Rs. 2,000 on credit


1. Create a new company of M/S ABC Co. in the accounts with inventory

Enter opening stock in tally :

Name of Item Group Quantity Unit Rate Value                   Onida 21" Onida 7 No. 8,920 62,440.00 Onida 25" Onida 5 No. 13,440 67,200.00 Samsung 25" Samsung 9 No. 12,500 112,500.00 Samsung 29" Samsung 3 No. 24,500 73,500.00 Gold Gold & Silver 512.368 gm 1,280 655,831.04 Silver Gold & Silver 6.892 Kg. 19,240 132,602.08 Raymond Eleganza Cloth 540.22 mtr 467 252,282.74 Raymond Royal Cloth 890.88 mtr 612 545,218.56    Total   1,901,574.42            

Week -8

Enter following purchases and sales transactions in Tally In the same book

Date Type of Purchase/Sales Stock Item Quantity Unit Rate Value              Purchases : 01/04/2008 Onida Electronics Ltd. Onida 21" 10 no. 9,000 90,000 01/05/2008 Onida Electronics Ltd. Onida 25" 12 no. 15,500 186,000 02/06/2008 Samsung India Pvt. Ltd. Samsung 25" 8 no. 16,800 134,400 02/07/2008 Samsung India Pvt. Ltd. Samsung 29" 11 no. 22,400 246,400 01/08/2008 BPL Electronics Ltd . BPL 21" 23 no. 11,200 257,600 01/09/2008 Cash BPL 25" 32 no. 18,500 592,000

01/10/2008 Raymond Ltd. Raymond Eleganza 890 Mtr. 450 400,500

02/11/2008 Raymond Ltd. Raymond Royal 1,020 Mtr. 630 642,600

01/12/2008 Cash Gold 250 gm 1,390 347,500 01/01/2009 Cash Silver 2.380 kg 19,880 47,314

01/02/2009 Raymond Ltd. Raymond Star 650 Mtr. 730 474,500

01/03/2009 Cash Milk 120 ltr. 18.50 2,220 02/03/2009 LG India Ltd. LG 21" 25 no. 8,900 222,500


Sales : 01/04/2008 Pardesi Trading Co. Onida 21" 12 no. 9,500 114,000 02/05/2008 Quality Electronics Onida 25" 13 no. 16,500 214,500 02/06/2008 Quality Electronics Samsung 25" 10 no. 17,770 177,700 01/07/2008 Pardesi Trading Co. Samsung 29" 15 no. 24,580 368,700 01/08/2008 Vedoms BPL 21" 12 no. 13,500 162,000

01/09/2008 Vedoms BPL 25" 10 no. 21,000 210,000

01/10/2008 Milton Dresses Raymond Eleganza 250 Mtr. 510 127,500

01/11/2008 Milton Dresses Raymond Royal 150 Mtr. 680 102,000

02/12/2008 Cash Gold 150 gm 1,420 213,000 01/01/2009 Cash Silver 1.000 kg 20,500 20,500

01/02/2009 Milton Dresses Raymond Star 200 Mtr. 800 160,000

02/03/2009 Cash Milk 50 ltr. 21.00 1,050 02/03/2009 Cash LG 21" 10 no. 9,800 98,000


M/s Dennis Motors started a business from 1/4/2009 and entered in to following transactions which need to be recorded in its books: Date Particulars

1 1.4.2009 Received Capital by cash Rs.20,00,000

2 2.4.2009 Cash Deposited in bank Rs.12,00,000

3 5.4.2009 Purchase The stock From Raj Motors

Kinetic Honda 4 nos @Rs.35,000

TVS-Victor 3nos @ Rs.46,800

Yamaha 5nos @ Rs.42,900

4 10.4.2009 Purchase the stock from Naveen motors

Pulsur 5nos@ Rs.50000

Hero Honda 5 nos @Rs.48500

TVS Scooty 10 nos @ Rs 24000

5 11.4.2009 Credit Sales to KJ motors

Kinetic Honda 2 [email protected],000

Yamaha [email protected],000

6 15.4.2009 Received Cash from RS Motors Rs 1,25,000

7 20.4.2009 Paid Cheque Raj Motors Rs.2,25,0000

8 29.4.2009 Payment made by cash

Telephone charges Rs. 3,000

Furniture Rs.30,000

Electricity Charges Rs.2,500

Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh

Class- B.COM. 6th sem

Subject- Autocad, Photoshop