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  • 8/7/2019 Cbles diplomatiques rvls par WikiLeaks sur le Canada


    C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 OTTAWA 000001


    E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/02/2019



    REF: A. 08 OTTAWA 1495

    B. 08 OTTAWA 1574

    C. 08 OTTAWA 1586

    D. 08 OTTAWA 1577

    Classified By: DCM Terry Breese, reason 1.4 (d)

    1. (C) Summary: Prime Minister Stephen Harper's reputation

    as a master political strategist is somewhat tattered in the

    wake of November's stunning near-fatal mis-step to abolish

    public financing for all political parties. However, at

    least on the surface, he remains unbowed and unapologetic.

    Relying on an extremely small circle of advisors and his own

    instincts, he has played the game of high-stakes, partisan

    politics well, but his reputation for decisiveness and

    shrewdness has been tarnished by a sometimes vindictive

    pettiness. With only a few exceptions, he has not built the

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    bridges to the opposition typical of a minority PM. Moving

    from surpluses to deficits, he will face new imperatives in

    the changed economic and political landscape of 2009 to adopt

    a more conciliatory and inclusive approach. However, this

    will go against the grain for such an instinctively combative

    Prime Minister. End summary.

    Blow to reputation


    2. (C) Canadians have had fifteen years to get to know

    Stephen Harper as Reform Party MP (1993-1997), head of the

    free enterprise National Citizens Coalition (1997-2001),

    leader of the Canadian Alliance (2002- 2003), Conservative

    opposition leader (2004-6), and Prime Minister

    (2006-present), but he remains an enigma to most Canadians

    (including many Conservatives). Supporters and detractors

    alike have labeled him a master strategist and cunning

    tactician, as well as an extremely partisan but paradoxically

    pragmatic ideologue. He calls himself a realist. However,

    his reputation as a peerless political chess-master is now

    somewhat in tatters, following what most perceive as an

    atypical near-fatal miscalculation over a Fall Economic and

    Fiscal Statement (ref a) that lacked economic credibility and

    proposed the elimination of per vote public subsidies for

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    political parties. Faced with an opposition revolt, Harper

    first unusually retreated on the latter proposal, and then

    bought time by proroguing Parliament on December 4 to avoid a

    loss of a confidence vote on December 8.

    Party first


    3. (C) As Conservative leader, Harper has pursued two key

    objectives: welding the fractured Canadian conservative

    movement into one cohesive Conservative Party of Canada

    (CPC); and, positioning the CPC to replace the Liberals as

    Canada's "natural governing party." He succeeded in the

    first goal by imposing discipline and coherence, dangling the

    prospect of a majority government, and centralizing power to

    an unprecedented degree in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).

    He has made no secret of his desire to win a majority

    government, or of his determination to occupy and redefine

    the political center. As he recently told reporters, "if

    you're really serious about making transformation, you have

    to pull the center of the political spectrum toward

    conservatism . . . we're building the country towards a

    definition of itself that is more in line with conservatism."

    In a separate year-end interview, he underscored that his

    goal since becoming leader has been to create a strong party

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    "that can not just win the odd election but can govern on an

    ongoing basis." Until now, that strategy has rested on

    winning additional seats in Quebec, but the setbacks in the

    province during the October election and Harper's

    denunciations of Quebec separatists during the early December

    mini-crisis may necessitate a change in direction.

    4. (SBU) In 2007, former Harper strategist Tom Flanagan set

    Q4. (SBU) In 2007, former Harper strategist Tom Flanagan set

    out his "Ten Commandments of Conservative Campaigning" that

    read like a prescription for Harper's governing style: party

    unity; discipline; inclusion (reach out to ethnic

    minorities); toughness; grassroots politics; persistence;

    and, technology (fundraising and grassroots motivation). On

    the policy side, moderation, "incrementalism," and

    communication. Conservatives, Flanagan noted, "must be

    willing to make progress in small, practical steps . . .

    sweeping visions . . . are toxic in practical politics."

    Moreover, with five parties on the field, he warned there was

    little room for niceties; elections would "not be just street

    fights, but all-out brawls."

    Governing the country, closely


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    5. (C) In office, Harper has rarely made the compromises

    typical of a minority PM, nor built the bridges and informal

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    channels that usually get things done in a minority

    Parliament. In his first term, he practiced confrontation

    over cooperation, governing in a kind of faux

    majority-minority style that humiliated the already weakened

    official opposition Liberals (a task made easier by the often

    hapless performance of then-Opposition leader Stephane Dion).

    He reached across the floor only twice: in March 2008 to

    achieve bipartisan consensus on the extension of Canada's

    military mission in Afghanistan through 2011; and, in June

    2008 to resolve the Indian Residential Schools issue. More

    typical was his free use of confidence votes on a series of

    legislation to force passage of his agenda under threat of an

    election, and his fait accompli in 2006 recognizing the

    Quebecois (i.e. not Quebec province) as a nation within a

    united Canada, a step that took both his own party as well as

    the opposition by surprise.

    6. (C) Tight focus on the leader and close-hold of

    information have been the hallmarks of Harper's governing

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    style. Initially, strict discipline and scripting made sense

    for a new government on probation, whose members had almost

    no experience in power. However, Harper has centralized

    communications and decision-making within the PMO (an ongoing

    trend since the 1970s) to an unprecedented degree, according

    to commentators familiar with the public service and

    Conservative insiders. "The Center" (PMO and Privy Council

    Office) is clearly the arbiter of even the most routine


    7. (C) For their part, cabinet ministers have mostly kept

    on message and in the prime minister's shadow. Since July,

    under new Chief of Staff Guy Giorno and communications

    director Kory Teneycke, media access to ministers has been

    loosened, but ministers are still on a short leash. At a

    December conference, one Minister of State confessed

    privately that he did not "dare" to deviate from his

    pre-approved text, even though fast-moving events had already

    overtaken his speech. Discussions with Conservative caucus

    members over the past year have also made it clear that they

    are often out of the loop on the Prime Minister's plans,

    including key committee chairmen in the House of Commons.

    Many senior Conservatives admitted that they were stunned to

    hear about the ban on public financing of political parties

    in the Fall Economic Statement; neither the Cabinet nor the

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    caucus apparently had any clue this was even part of the

    long-range agenda, much less subject to an immediate

    confidence vote.

    Inner, inner circle


    8. (C) Harper's inner circle appears extremely small.

    Notoriously hard on staff (Harper burned through a series of

    communications directors as opposition leader, and once

    reportedly told an aide that he liked to see the "fear" in

    the eyes of prospective employees), Harper seems to operate

    largely as his own strategist, tactician, and advisor. Often

    described by observers as self-consciously the "smartest guy

    in the room," he has tended to surround himself with

    like-minded people. As a result, some insiders say he lacks

    staff willing or able to act as an effective sounding-board

    or check his partisan instincts. Following the departure in

    July of long-term advisor and chief of staff Ian Brodie and

    communications director Sandra Buckler, their replacements

    Giorno and Teneycke are known as highly partisan veterans of

    two controversial majority Ontario provincial governments

    that polarized public opinion.

    9. (C) In cabinet, pundits consider Environment Minister

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    Jim Prentice, Transport Minister John Baird, and Foreign

    QJim Prentice, Transport Minister John Baird, and Foreign

    Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon to have Harper's confidence.

    However, few, if any, ministers appear to be genuine

    confidantes. Unlike former Conservative PM Brian Mulroney,

    who famously called his MPs when their kids were sick and

    kept their loyalty even when his personal popularity plunged

    to historic lows, Harper lacks the personal touch. He

    appears to keep his caucus in line more through respect for

    what he has accomplished and with the power and authority

    that comes with the position of Prime Minister -- and as the

    party's best hope for a future majority -- than through

    affection or loyalty. He has worked to quiet the party's

    socially conservative rank and file, and to marginalize

    contentious issues, such as same-sex marriage and abortion,

    notably at the party's November policy conference in

    Winnipeg. He will next have to win their acquiescence to

    upcoming deficit spending -- anathema for western Canadian

    conservatives -- for a new stimulus package. Realistically,

    however, they have no credible alternative to Harper or the

    CPC at this point, which will help to keep the party base


    Expect surprises


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    10. (C) After almost three years in power and facing a

    changing economic and political landscape for 2009 (ref b),

    Harper's new agenda is probably also still evolving. The

    2008 Conservative election platform, the November policy

    convention, and the 2008 Speech from the Throne provided few

    insights, obliging Harper-watchers to parse his comments and

    actions for clues about his future direction. Harper has

    typically concentrated almost exclusively on short-term

    election planning horizons, giving his government a sometimes

    improvisational air. Some commitments (such as revisions to

    the Anti-terrorism Act and new copyright legislation) have

    languished, while others (notably his about-face on his

    election pledge not to run a deficit, and his current

    proposal to inject up to C$30 billion in fiscal stimulus in

    FY 2009-2010) have been surprise reverses. Harper has also

    not been bound by party orthodoxy. On December 22, he filled

    the Senate with 18 unelected Conservatives and directly named

    a Supreme Court justice, contradicting long-standing

    commitments to an elected Senate and parliamentary review of

    Supreme Court appointments (refs c and d).

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    11. (C) According to one insider, Harper "likes surprises,"

    not least to keep the opposition off balance. For the

    opposition, Harper's unpredictability has been more dangerous

    due to his fierce partisanship and his willingness to take

    risks. Harper and senior Conservatives prefaced the 40th

    Parliament with calls for greater conciliation, a new "tone,"

    and a common resolve to work together to tackle the economic

    crisis. However, the government's provocative Economic and

    Fiscal Statement immediately revived the bitterness and

    threat of an election that had hung over the parliament until

    the prorogation. Opposition leaders claimed that the PM had

    "poisoned the well" and broken their trust. As one national

    columnist noted, the Statement "amounted to a declaration of


    12. (C) The opposition's ability to turn the tables with a

    proposed coalition in turn apparently caught the PM by

    surprise, as was perhaps the rumored unwillingness of the

    Governor General to rule out this option against his advice.

    His ensuing passionate attacks on the "separatist" coalition

    undid much of the progress the Conservative party had made in

    Quebec. Harper was able to retake the initiative by seeking,

    and gaining, a prorogation until January 26, but in year-end

    media interviews he remained unapologetic. He denied that he

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    had acted like a "bully" in provoking the crisis, adding

    "it's our job . . . to put forward things we think are in the

    public interest."

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    C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 OTTAWA 000795


    E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/15/2019



    REF: A. 08 OTTAWA 1543

    B. OTTAWA 341

    C. OTTAWA 766

    D. OTTAWA 735

    E. OTTAWA 569

    Classified By: PolMinCouns Scott Bellard, reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)

    1. (C) Summary. Liberal Party poll numbers continue to

    decline, while the Conservatives appear in their strongest

    position in at least a year. Fundraising has also slowed

    down noticeably. Leader Michael Ignatieff is clearly on the

    defensive, but has vowed to do a better job in shaping the

    political landscape and his own image. Some insiders are

    skeptical that he can do so, at least before a next election,

    but see no real alternative right now for the Liberal Party.

    End Summary.

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    2. (C) Michael Ignatieff was widely seen as the savior of

    the Liberal Party of Canada, the "Official Opposition," when

    he took over as interim leader from the discredited

    then-leader Stephane Dion in dramatic fashion in December

    2008 (ref a), and was subsequently voted official leader in

    early May 2009 (ref b). Urban, articulate, bilingual, and

    with an impressive rolodex of contacts around the world --

    including in the new Obama Administration -- Ignatieff

    represented the Liberals' newest and best hope that they

    could reverse their several years-long slide and emerge in

    the next election -- probably, they thought, in summer or

    fall 2009 -- at least with enough seats to form a minority

    government and finally drive the Conservative Party of Canada

    out of office. The worldwide recession, Canada's mounting

    recession, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper's seeming

    inability to connect viscerally with the voters -- especially

    among women and in vote-rich Ontario and Quebec -- fueled the

    Liberals' dream of once again serving as "Canada's natural

    governing party." (This was, of course, before Harper's now

    famous -- at least in Canada -- surprise performance of the

    Beatles' "I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends" at the

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    National Arts Centre, along with Yo-Yo Ma, on October 3.)

    3. (SBU) Instead, the Liberals as a party and Ignatieff as

    a leader are again sliding in the polls, while the

    Conservatives apparently are going from strength to strength.

    In an EKOS poll released on October 14, support for the

    Liberals nationwide ("if an election were held today") among

    decided voters had dropped to 25.5 pct, down from over 29 pct

    only a few weeks ago (ref c). The Conservatives in the same

    poll were up to 40.7 pct, which arguably could bring them a

    majority government in a new election any time soon, although

    the concentration of their support in the western provinces

    might mean that they would only win another, albeit perhaps

    stronger, minority government. In the poll, the

    Conservatives and the Liberals were neck-and-neck in Quebec

    at about 22 pct of support each, but -- ominously -- the

    Conservatives were far ahead of the Liberals in Ontario, at

    44.1 pct to 31 pct. Surprisingly, support for the

    Conservatives among women was 36.7 pct versus only 26 pct for

    the Liberals. Almost half of those in the EKOS poll felt

    that Canada was in only a "mild recession," with two-thirds

    expressing the hope that their own personal financial

    situation in a year's time will be "about the same" or

    "better." Poll after poll has shown that Canadians now put

    far more trust -- usually between 14 and 20 pct more -- in PM

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    Harper as a leader than they do in Ignatieff, contrary to

    Canadian conventional wisdom that the ruling party always

    takes a hit in bad economic times.



    4. (C) Many Liberal Party insiders have privately begun to

    Q4. (C) Many Liberal Party insiders have privately begun to

    express a feeling of "deja vu all over again" -- stuck with

    another leader who "just doesn't listen," the same flaw most

    attributed to Dion. Complaints have surfaced -- most

    publicly, by Liberal MP Denis Coderre (ref c) as he resigned

    as the Liberal Lieutenant for Quebec and as Defence Critic

    (shadow Defence Minister) -- about Ignatieff's reliance on a

    handful of Toronto-based advisors, to the exclusion of all

    other viewpoints, a charge that Ignatieff has rebuffed

    vigorously. Liberal National Director Rocco Rossi (who,

    incidentally or not, is from Toronto) admitted privately to

    PolMinCouns that Ignatieff's closest advisers, like Principal

    Secretary Ian Davey, do come from Toronto, but indicated that

    Ignatieff didn't really listen much to them, either. "He

    knows his own mind, and the only person whose opinion he

    really cares about is his wife Zsuzsanna," he commented.

    Others have also pointed to the close-knit nature of their

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    relationship, while insisting that the outgoing Zsuzsanna

    could be his "secret weapon" if ever let loose on the

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    campaign trail or among the Liberal Party loyalists -- which

    would, however, go against the Canadian political norm,

    according to most pundits. (People say exactly the same

    thing about Laureen Harper, the Prime Minister's vivacious


    5. (C) Liberal Party officials now confess that Ignatieff's

    long summer holiday mostly out of public sight (ref c) was,

    in retrospect, a tactical error, only compounding the minor

    bounce that the sitting government usually gets when

    Parliament is on recess. Another mistake, in hindsight, was

    canceling a highly touted trip by Ignatieff to China -- which

    PM Harper has yet to visit -- in early September after

    Ignatieff stunned a party gathering in Sudbury, Ontario with

    the sudden news that the Liberals had finally and truly lost

    "confidence" and "trust" in the Conservatives and would

    henceforth oppose the government. In what is now seen as yet

    again a tactical mis-step, Ignatieff in a CBC Radio interview

    that aired on October 10 backtracked by explaining that the

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    Liberals would only vote against the Conservatives on formal

    confidence votes, while making case-by-case decisions on all

    other legislative votes. The Liberals are apparently still

    wrestling with how to vote on pending legislation to extend

    Employment Insurance benefits, now in a Commons' committee,

    but have indicated that they may try to delay passage once it

    reaches the Liberal-dominated Senate -- mostly, to avoid

    letting the Conservatives and their new-found ally on this

    issue, the New Democratic Party, get the credit. They admit

    that there is some risk to this strategy if voters perceive

    the Liberals as standing in the way of better unemployment

    coverage, however.

    6. (C) To underscore worrying trends, Liberal fundraising

    has plateaued, fundraiser-in-chief Rossi admitted. In the

    first six months of 2009, the Liberals raised about as much

    as they had in all of 2008 -- about C$5 million -- and almost

    as much as the Conservatives had (C$7 million). Since then,

    however, they have picked up almost no new contributions or

    pledges, although they hold out hopes for some major

    fundraising events in the fourth quarter of 2009. New

    memberships were up by about 100,000 in 2009, according to an

    official of the Office of the Official Opposition, but were

    similarly concentrated in the first half of the year.

    Liberal officials have estimated that approximately one

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    million Liberal voters simply stayed home in the October 2008

    election, but are quick to note that many of them were not

    actually party members.



    7. (C) Many Liberals have been disappointed that

    Ignatieff's communication skills -- honed as a TV journalist

    in London and as a Harvard University professor -- have

    failed to ignite as a politician. According to National

    Director Rossi, Ignatieff himself laments his own lack of

    humor, claiming "I'm a Presbyterian with a Russian ancestry;

    I live in a humor-free zone." (Other Liberals have described

    that, in small, private gatherings, Ignatieff can be both

    warm and funny, and have even claimed that -- contrary to his

    egghead image -- his favorite TV shows are "Desperate

    Housewives" and "Sex and the City.") Rossi also commented on

    the intellectual Ignatieff's insistence on new substance in

    each speech, rather than perfecting a good stump speech for

    general use. As a result, he explained, Ignatieff actually

    thinks about what he is saying as he says it in each speech,

    resulting in him often looking up or at his feet as he

    pondered, rather than connecting with the crowd. Rossi

    Qpondered, rather than connecting with the crowd. Rossi

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    indicated some frustration that Ignatieff seemed unable to

    absorb helpful critiques on his delivery.

    8. (C) Ignatieff has admitted publicly that the

    Conservative Party had been entirely successful in "framing"

    who he is -- "Michael Ignatieff: Just Visiting" -- and

    insisted that he needed to do more to create his own "frame."

    Liberal Party officials are increasingly antsy for Ignatieff

    to champion some specific substantive policies, a step that

    the Liberals had previously avoided for fear of falling into

    Stephane Dion's "Green Shift" disaster, in which the

    Conservatives picked away relentlessly -- and successfully --

    at the Liberals' then-signature policy. Numerous Canadian

    columnists have noted that Canadian voters still do not know

    what Ignatieff and the Liberal Party now stand for, or how

    they would govern differently from the Conservatives. The

    Liberal National Director under Dion, Greg Fergus, wrote in

    an on-line "Globe and Mail" op ed article on October 6 that

    it was now "Deep Breath Time for the Liberals," requiring

    "hard work" and "near pitch-perfect delivery" by Ignatieff

    and the Liberals, as well as urging a new "thinkers'

    convention" to come up with some "freshly minted ideas."

    Fergus told PolMinCouns that Ignatieff quickly called him

    personally to praise the article and that the Liberals have

    subsequently hired him back as an advisor for the conference,

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    OTTAWA 00000795 003 OF 003

    which will take place in Montreal January 14-16. Other

    Liberals, however, are dismayed that the party has put off

    this event until January, leaving the real possibility of

    continued slump and slide during the fall. Fergus even

    expressed worries that the Liberals may have entered a period

    of up to as much as 6-8 years in the "political wilderness"

    of opposition.



    9. (C) For the foreseeable future, however, it is Ignatieff

    at the Liberal helm. Insiders say that there is no obvious

    person to replace him, should he do the unthinkable and

    resign before the next election -- which few now expect

    before spring 2010 at the earliest (although many remain

    suspicious that the Conservatives may surprise everyone by

    somehow triggering one this fall). The only name that still

    comes up is Bob Rae -- another 62 year old white male from

    Toronto -- who has now lost the leadership sweepstakes twice

    and who has privately insisted that his sole remaining

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    political ambition is to be Foreign Minister. Many Liberals

    are concerned that the "new blood" of the Liberal Party is

    apparently so anemic, with no real stars on the horizon --

    apart from Justin Trudeau, who most describe as eminently

    likeable but sadly prone to stray off script -- not the

    sure-fire leadership a successful Liberal Party will need.

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