cabrillo high school single plan for student achievement ......the single plan for student...

Cabrillo High School Single Plan for Student Achievement 2014-2015 A Resource for the School Site Council The Single Plan for Student Achievement

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Page 1: Cabrillo High School Single Plan for Student Achievement ......The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a plan of actions to raise the academic performance of all students

Cabrillo High School

Single Plan for Student Achievement


A Resource for the School Site Council

The Single Plan for Student Achievement

Page 2: Cabrillo High School Single Plan for Student Achievement ......The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a plan of actions to raise the academic performance of all students

School: Cabrillo High School District: Lompoc Unified School District County-District School (CDS) Code: 42692294230454 Principal: Jeffrey T. Wagonseller

Date of this revision: October 24, 2014

The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a plan of actions to raise the academic performance of all students. California Education Code sections 41507, 41572, and 64001 and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) require each school to consolidate all school plans for programs funded through the ConApp and ESEA Program Improvement into the SPSA. For additional information on school programs and how you may become involved locally, please contact the following person:

Contact Person: Jeffrey T. Wagonseller Position: Principal Telephone Number: (805) 742-2892 Address: 4350 Constellation Rd. E-mail Address: [email protected]

The District Governing Board approved this revision of the SPSA on November 18, 2014.

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Cabrillo High School’s Single Plan for Student Achievement

Table of Contents

Cabrillo High School Narrative…………………………………………………………………..1

Planned Improvements in Student Performance……………………………………………….3

Budget Plan and Funding Sources …………………………………………………………….30

School Site Council Membership……………………………………………………………… 32

Recommendations and Assurances……………………………………………………………33

Data Appendix…………………………………………………………………………………….34

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Cabrillo High School Narrative:

The vision of Cabrillo High School’s family of students, teachers, staff, parents and community members is to develop the

mind, character and physical well-being of every student and provide them with the capability to become adaptive,

productive citizens. Our students will strengthen their ability to communicate, establish a pathway for future growth and

practice positive citizenship by pursuing a rigorous standards-based education. Our mission is to lead, support and

motivate the Cabrillo community to maximize individual potential.

The student population is fairly diverse; currently the racial/ethnic enrollment represents 49% White, 41% Hispanic, 4% African-American, 5% Asian-American, and 1% American Indian students. Over the past several years, the school has seen a steady increase in the percentage of Hispanic students with a corresponding decrease in White (non-Hispanic) pupils.

Facilities, for both students and staff, are free from safety hazards, are clean and well maintained, and present a well-kept

appearance. The horticultural classes have planted and maintain flowers and drought-resistant shrubs around the

campus. This creates a park-like atmosphere for students and staff. During the summer of 2013, the entire school was

painted, the gym received new lights, and the gym floor was stripped and repainted. The summer of 2014 brought new

technology (wireless capability) to the campus in preparation of the SBAC testing and the new programs to support all of

our classes. This year, all teachers received laptops; some also received LCD projectors and document cameras. The

district has outfitted three computer labs to date and is working on a fourth, as well as supplying the school with a rolling

cart to ensure maximum flexibility of use in classrooms.

Cabrillo High School is not designated a Title I Program Improvement or under-performing school and is not under the

guidance of any reform program related to such designation.

The Cabrillo staff analyzed the data from multiple sources. The goals and action steps that were established are the result

of this analysis of the data and the review of our WASC report. In the transition to the Common Core Standards, each

ELA, ELD and math teacher is working with the other members of their departments to revise the pacing and key

standards needed to increase student achievement. Science, social sciences and elective teachers are participating in the

implementation of the California Common Core ELA Anchor Standards to satisfy the demand for more technical reading

and writing in support of the literacy skills that will be required of the class of 2016 aligning to SBAC/ Common Core

testing. Weekly administrative walk–through observations and periodic debriefings keep the focus on questioning

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techniques and expanding the students’ opportunities to develop critical thinking. Twice during the school year, CHS

dedicates a one-week period for teachers to visit other classes during their prep periods.

Although Cabrillo does not have an official collaboration schedule, departments still meet, collaborate using data and

submit summaries of discussions and actions taken to Administration. Staff meetings are devoted to professional

development and strategies for implementing the Common Core. This year’s school wide focus is on integrating Webb’s

“Depth of Knowledge Levels” through enhanced questioning techniques.

The success of the entering Freshmen (class 2018), serves as another unifying focus on Cabrillo’s campus. Staff has

identified students who in middle school performed below their ability, as determined by grades, teacher input and testing

scores. Cabrillo High School is implementing its second year of the Freshman Academy. Up to 75 ninth grade students

participate in their core subjects (Algebra 1, English 9 and Earth Science) and one additional "Success" elective class

together. At Cabrillo, all freshmen will take Career and College Readiness (CCR) in the first semester. Curriculum

resources, as well as staff training, are being provided by Santa Barbara City College in coordination with Allan Hancock

College. To advance the social emotional growth of the Freshmen class, the school has adopted the high school

extension program to “WEB” and has instituted “LINK”. Select Juniors and Seniors are trained and matched up as

mentors with groups of Freshmen for orientation and multiple activities throughout the year.

School-wide tutoring is provided on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in the Library, staffed by teachers, peer tutors and

other volunteers.

A substantial number of students and staff engage in a wide variety of intervention, specialized and enrichment programs.

Each environment is rigorous and many are supported by outside grants, ROP and other resources. Efforts are being

made to connect more students and staff to the community through exploration and activities. Our desire is to create a

link for all students to employment or further educational pathways.

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Planned Improvements in Student Performance

The School Site Council has analyzed the academic performance of all student groups and has considered the effectiveness of key elements of the instructional program for students failing to meet academic performance index and adequate yearly progress growth targets. As a result, it has adopted the following school goals, related actions, and expenditures to raise the academic performance of students not yet meeting state standards:

LCAP GOAL #1: Maximize academic achievement of all students as evidenced by assessment data corresponding to programs that have been implemented; reduce disparity levels of achievement among subgroups. SCHOOL GOAL # 1A: Provide a variety of interventions and support, to include a focus on Freshmen with continued support for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors.

What data did you use to form this goal? Grade analysis for 2012-13 and 2013-14 List of credit deficient students. 10

th grade CAHSEE passing and proficiency.

Core grades in 8

th grade year.

WASC Mid Cycle Progress Report (p.24) Freshman Academy Results 2nd Semester 2013-14

What were the findings from the analysis of this data? Focus on the Freshman Majority of the students needing to repeat classes occurred in the transition year (9


grade) 50% of all semester F’s given in 2013-14 were received by the Freshman class.

How will the school evaluate the progress of this goal? Reduce the number of freshmen receiving D’s and F’s by 10%. Verify by analyzing progress report data.

Breakout analysis of students in the Freshman Academy. Improve 10

th grade CAHSEE proficiency rate

to 70% and passing rate to 90%. Decrease number of students enrolling in Maple or in need of APEX.

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STRATEGY #1A: Develop and enhance Freshman Academy for identified under-achieving freshmen and incorporate all freshmen into Career and College Readiness course (CCR). Incorporate the “LINK” program into the school structure to assist all incoming freshmen in belonging and seeking help.

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

1. All Freshman students

will be invited to “CONQ Camp” led by the school’s LINK Crew. / August 2014

LINK Crew Activities Director Faculty Advisors

● Training for the upper classmen to become LINK crew leaders.

● Freshman Orientation done in small groups managed by Link Crew.

● Ongoing LINK and freshmen activities / throughout the year.

$5,000 from S.B. Foundation Grant and Community Donations

2. Freshman Academy

Freshmen Success Teachers Administrative Team Counselors

● Identify 75 incoming freshman who are not working to their ability in core classes but have indicated through testing that they are able to achieve / May 2014

● Teachers collaborate/team, during common shared prep period, to coordinate efforts in building communication with students.

● Success class will reinforce core subject learning, provide tutoring, as well as working on organizational and study skills.

● Provide access to regular use of Power Reading for those students needing to improve reading skills by level.

● Use adult volunteers and Honor Society students to tutor the students struggling.

Three Sections for (Success) tutorial during 7th period Allow release time for team to collaborate. / $1,500 Field Trip to Santa Barbara Colleges/ Universities. / $2,000

3. CCR (Career and College Readiness) Class

CCR Teachers Admin Team

● Professional Development for CCR teachers / March 2014, May 2014, July 2014 and Aug 2014

● Scheduling all freshmen to have CCR first semester / Aug 2014

● Materials, workbooks, computer software / Aug. 2014 ● Dedicate computer lab time for CCR students to

complete their 10 year plan. ● Survey students for insights into class learning / every

four weeks ● Line up Community Guests for class presentations ● Share outcomes with all staff / Jan 2015 ● Secure materials for the Sophomore, Junior, and

Senior components. ● Collaborate with Santa Barbara City College and Allan

Hancock College for articulation and support.

Professional Development /Training $ 1,000 Site Funds. Materials and Training from “Get Focus, Stay Focused” Grant in conjunction with SBCC / ~$10,000. Materials / $500 Speakers: SB North County Volunteers Release time to coordinate pacing

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4. After School Student Tutor Program

ACE Team Afterschool Tutors / Teachers

● Training for the student tutors. ● Communication and staff awareness. ● Parent communication via progress reports. ● Open program to all students ● Develop monitoring and rewarding systems ● Evaluate program effectiveness each semester.

$31.68 per hour per teacher tutor / $5,000 yearly COLT bus passes for students who rely on District transportation / $500 yearly Incentives and Rewards Program / $500

5. Offer APEX as a credit recovery program

Teachers Counselors Administrators

Identify students needing credit recovery

Train identified staff to manage credit recovery (APEX) students.

Develop a calendar for program usage and monitor student time in various programs.

Collect program success data and time spent on courses, as well as student program survey.

Analysis to revise program for 2015-16

Sections / District Funded

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LCAP GOAL #1: Maximize academic achievement of all students as evidenced by assessment data corresponding to programs that have been implemented; reduce disparity levels of achievement among subgroups. SCHOOL GOAL: #1B The CHS teachers will collaborate within departments and create differentiated lessons to accommodate ELD and Special Education students. Teachers will emphasize the use of academic language within and across all courses.

What data did you use to form this goal? CELDT Data for 2012-2014 ELD Student Grades in Core Curriculum Milestones End of Level Placement Scores STAR Reading Assessment Previous CST Scores Classroom grade data.

What were the findings from the analysis of this data? Students in the ELD program have consistently exceeded the targets set by AMAO for ELD progress and EL proficiency in English. Students struggle in the mainstream of ELA and other academic classes. Students did not meet targeted goals in CST and other summative assessments. Students receiving Special Education support were struggling to meet academic goals as seen in testing results.

How will the school evaluate the progress of this goal? Reports of growth and successful completion of Reading Plus or Renaissance Levels. Increase in student grade percentages in core classes / 6 week Progress Reports Increase in student achievement on school-wide English formative assessments. /Oct, Feb and Mar Increase ELD progress and proficiency in English on 2014-15 AMO by 10%.

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STRATEGY# 1B: ELD Advanced classes will be aligned with ELA grade level curriculum to support transitioning of students. Special Education classes will differentiate but reflect more closely current general education course offerings.

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

1. Teacher Selection:

ELD Beginning and Intermediate will be anchored by highly qualified teachers trained in a variety of ELD programs and strategies / June 2014

Principal H.R. English DC EL Counselor ELD Intro, A, B, C, and Advanced ELD Teachers

Recruit ELA/ELD staff members with experience and training in Milestones, and other district sponsored curriculum including: Inside, Highpoint, Systematic ELD, Constructing Meaning, ADEPT, Kate Kinsella's Academic Toolkit and English 3-D who utilize best practices and planning strategies. / May- June 2014


2. Identify student placement in Milestones and Advanced ELD courses/Aug-Sept 2014

Teachers EL Counselor Administrators

● CELDT testing, scheduling / Aug 2014 ● Review student data from previous ELD programs. ● Review and adjustment of placement / Aug 2014


3. Staff Collaboration / Monthly


● ELD/ELA teachers collaborate to discuss data and address issues related to interventions and student success / monthly

● Implement student data and work samples for planning lessons and assessments.

● Report findings to the Core Teachers and solicit input/data regarding ELD students current work in other classes / Once every Semester (~week 12)

● Identify students who could best benefit from the programs available to the school.

● Arrange time to orient and work with students. Adjust instruction in class as necessary to meet student needs

ELD PD in conjunction with SBCEO / $1,500 PD with site and district experts - Release time and supplies / $1,000.

4. Utilize Support Technology Resources.

ELD Teachers – Particularly Beginning and Intermediate, Core English Teachers

● Utilize Imagine Learning, Power Reading, Renaissance (STAR), Milestones Interactive CD’s and other computer based support to individualize learning.

● Identify specific literacy goals for long-term English learners.

● Support and enhance learning by pairing ELD and grade level ELA classes.


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5. Supplemental Curriculum Design and Materials. Special Education Teachers Scheduled Students schedules / Summer 2014

District Administration Special Education Dept. Special Education DC Administrative Team Counselors

● Curriculum Supplements and Teacher Binders created to support instruction within the Special Ed Dept.

● Courses assigned and materials distributed/ Aug 2014 ● IEP’s and schedules aligned. ● Electives and general education classes

scheduled./Aug 2014 ● Parent /student communication / Aug-Sept 2014

District Special Education Dept.

6. Review Curriculum for students mainstreamed into General Education Establish copies of course syllabi and guides in Directed Study Room.

Special Education Teachers with aligned General Education Dept.

● Collaborate regarding units, types of assessments, strategies and necessary modifications and accommodations, e.g. adjusted pace.

● Review assessment options and data. ● Integrate Academic Vocabulary and Study Skills to

assist in student success. ● Utilize “Illuminate” to test students. ● Use Renaissance (STAR) for ELA and Math


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LCAP GOAL #1: Maximize academic achievement of all students as evidenced by assessment data corresponding to programs that have been implemented; reduce disparity levels of achievement among subgroups. SCHOOL GOAL # 1C: Provide enhanced course offerings for students in all disciplines, maximizing academic achievement. What data did you use to form this goal? Grade analysis for 2012-13 and 2013-14 Advanced Placement Scores 2014 Annual Board Report of Scholarships earned by Seniors. WASC Mid Cycle Progress Report (p.24) Student Interest Survey/Scheduling

What were the findings from the analysis of this data? Students have improved in AP passing rates. Students in Graphic Design and other ROP programs continue to excel and receive scholarships and job offerings. A wider array of students is interested in advanced courses.

How will the school evaluate the progress of this goal? Highlight course offerings for Advanced classes. Evaluate updated syllabi for AP and Honors courses, ROP offerings and special academies or programs. Increase number of students participating/graduating on “A-G” track.

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STRATEGY# 1C: The CHS teachers will collaborate within departments and create differentiated lessons for all honors and Advanced Placement classes. Structuring of syllabi is to include Common Core language and practices, with developed entry pathways for students and support structures for student achievement. ROP Programs will evaluate and enhance offerings as the students’ skills progress. Interest in integrating Entrepreneurship and other 21st Century skills should drive new offerings.

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

1. Review the Courses

offered for Honors, Advanced Placement, College and ROP / Oct–Nov 2014

Teachers Counselors Administrators

Update Student Course Offering Books

Hold Parent Meetings with Teachers

Explore options of expansion and revision of programs.

Expand articulation agreement with AHC.

Horizontally articulate with ROP programs in the state.


2. Build pathways and create new enhanced offerings.

Teachers Counselors Administrators

Collaboration time for Honors/GATE, Special programs and ROP partners and staff.

Attend Workshops for updating practices and information.

Revision of syllabi and course information for students and public awareness.

Explore AHC teaching college courses as dual enrollment courses at CHS.

3. Update Equipment and Resources.

Administrators Teachers

Examine science, engineering, technology, design needs, art, business, foreign languages, social sciences resources.

Structure a 3 year plan for enhancing and expanding program resources.

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Planned Improvements in Student Performance

LCAP GOAL #2: Promote effective communication among students, staff, community, and stakeholders. SCHOOL GOAL #2: Cabrillo High School will continue system of communication that is accessible to CHS students, parents and staff including but not limited to the CHS website, Parent Link, Student Portal (Q-ZangleConnect), Staff, Student Weekly Bulletins and Principals Bulletins.

What data did you use to form this goal? Parent Survey Teacher Survey ASB/Leadership Report Parent Communication Logs

What were the findings from the analysis of this data? Information needs updating more consistently. Protocols need to be reinforced. Training for parents and staff is valued and needed.

How will the school evaluate the progress of this goal? Review data from website visits. Q grade checks / Every six weeks Committee will evaluate school website and calendar / Monthly Conduct parent survey / March of 2015 Attendance at school events

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STRATEGY #2A: Provide multiple opportunities for Parent – Counselor –Teacher interaction

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

1. Schedule Parent

Group Informational Meetings

Counselors Administration DC’s Teachers Parents

● Freshman Parent Q and A workshop / Aug ● Senior Project Parent Night / Aug ● Counseling: Freshman Parent Night / Sept ● Counseling: Senior Parent Night / Sept ● Counseling: Junior Parent Night / Nov ● Counseling: Sophomore Parent Night / February ● AP/GATE Parent /Teacher Night / Oct ● Eight Grade Parent Orientation ● Back to School Night/Open House / Aug/May ● Parent/Coach Athletic Meetings / Fall & Spring ● FASFA Night / January ● Cash for College / February

Parent Connect Mailings Meeting Supplies / $2,000 School Site funds

2. ELAC meetings

Asst. Principal ELD Teachers Parents EL Counselor

● Regular Meetings of the ELAC Committee to develop methods of outreach.

● EL Parent Night / Sept. & May ● Monthly Newsletter (120 copies) ● Mail home flyer with this information in Progress

Report #1 to each household.

Meeting Supplies Outreach Materials in Spanish / $1,000 EIA/LEP funds

3. Teacher Communication Sheet

Teachers Counselors Administration

● Create contact information sheet with teachers’ email, voicemail, and time available for extra help outside of classroom hours.

● Distribute to parents / with first progress report / Sept.

Mailing / $250 School Site funds

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STRATEGY #2B: Development of a Public Relations/Information Committee, involving staff, students and parents actively interested in refining CHS communication electronically. (Collective Impact Practices)

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

(Itemize for Each Source)

1. Staff outreach and communication survey / Nov 2014

Principal Assistant Principal Computer Teacher Administrative Assistant AP’s Secretary Activities Director PTSA, ELAC and SSC Representatives

● Create a committee to design a survey. ● Review current communiqués and website /Dec 2014 ● Sketch out goals for improved communication and


Printing and Mailing / $1,000

2. Form committee to review forms of communication and establish follow-up protocols / Nov 2014

Committee ● Present at faculty meeting ● Provide training for staff on Parent Link, Q and other

ongoing communication systems


3. Establish monthly calendared meetings to review website and suggest revisions / Nov 2014

Committee Principal Site Webmaster

● Set up a method to receive communication and suggestions from stakeholders.

● Identify leads for the CHS Webpage and Media/ Print Stories


4. Inform staff of progress and request resources, information and help / Dec 2,2014

Committee Principal Site Webmaster

● Establish a partnership with committee and staff to write and review for media exposure.

● Suggest positive upcoming articles for the Vision and other media outlets and monthly articles in the Lompoc Record and link to website / Dec. – June 2014


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Planned Improvements in Student Performance

LCAP GOAL #3: Implement Common Core Standards to ensure 21st Century skills. SCHOOL GOAL #3: Cabrillo teachers will integrate new lesson activities aligned with the Common Core.

What data did you use to form this goal? Department Common Assessments Three-year API Average CAHSEE Collaboration Summaries Walk Through Observational Data Senior Project Research Papers Other Research Papers Computer Lab Usage Logs STAR Test Reading Assessment Grade Analysis Illuminate Assessments

What were the findings from the analysis of this data? Teachers are working towards integrating more Common Core Math Practices and Literacy Standards into lessons and curriculum. Reading comprehension and writing continue to be stumbling blocks for subgroups. Need for more training in the use of Illuminate and its reports. Need for follow-up training for Renaissance (STAR) Assessments.

How will the school evaluate the progress of this goal? Review of Assessments and Data Admininistration will observe new lesson activities and assessments. Analyze District/Site Benchmark assessment data in English and math. Assess writing samples for Common Core strategies. Review of Senior Project proposals by teachers and administrators. Review of Senior Paper research drafts / Sept Follow-up with a Faculty survey.

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STRATEGY #3A : During the 2014-15 school year, the school will administer three benchmark assessments utilizing “Illuminate” that are modeled after the SBAC testing format to all 9th–11th students in English Language Arts and Mathematics.

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

1. Determine concepts and skills to be assessed; Create tests; Publish test administration timeline / Sept. 1, 2014

ELA/ELD/English Dept DC English Dept Math Dept DC Math Dept District coaches Principal Asst Principals District Administrators

● Subject area teams meet with district administrator and coaches to finalize concepts and skills to be assessed / August 2014

● District Admin. creates the assessments ● Timeline is published on school website

Professional Development: 4 English Teachers and 4 Math Teachers for 2 days / Site Funds - not to exceed $4,000

2. Develop common writing rubrics for specific tasks across the core disciplines / Oct. 1, 2014

Core DC’s District Coach Core and Elective Teachers

● Core DCs review the rubrics with department members and refine.

● Core DCs publish rubric and train department teachers in their use.

● Departments will have individualized rubrics depending on assignment and use.

● Departments will receive training on the expectations to be met on the SBAC ELA/Literacy writing assessment.

School Business: 4 participants, 3 hours / $250 School Site funds School Business Time / $800.

3. Administer common benchmark assessments during the established testing window / late Oct 2014, Feb. 2015 and May 2015.

All English and Math teachers ELA & Math DC’s Principal

● Establish number of computers available during the window of test. Organize groups and order any necessary supplies for testing from Ed. Center.

● Schedule classes for computer lab time. ● Train teachers on proctoring and signing in of

students in computer-based testing and paper-and-pencil test format.

● Inform staff and students of testing window.

Illuminate afterschool training / $800 Additional computers and technology equipment and printers for Computer Labs / $3,000

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4. Score Assessments and provide analysis of results to stakeholders / Oct 2014, Feb 2015, May 2015

DC’s Teachers

● DC’s determine time and logistics for scoring and analysis. / Sept. /Oct. 2014

● Teachers score assessments / Oct. 2014, Feb. 2015, May 2015

● Teachers conduct analysis of results and indicate next steps.

● DC’s submit results and reports via Illuminate software to Principal.

● Principal presents to Leadership Team, SSC, ELAC / Nov 2014, Mar 2015, June 2015

Professional Development for 18 participants, (full day subs) Oct. and ( ½ day subs) Feb, May / $2,322

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STRATEGY #3B: During the 2014-2015 school year, the school will implement a school-wide writing program to address the needs of all students as measured by district ELA benchmark assessments in October 2014, January 2015 and March 2015.

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

1. Planning literacy and

integrating writing across the curriculum / Sept - Dec. 2014

DC's Principal Teachers

● List types of writing to be mastered by grade level and distribute lists to DC's.

● Teachers collaborate on how to teach each type of writing in their subject area using the concepts of the writing methods determined by their discipline and departments.

● Teachers review the specific rubrics to be used and collaborate with the English Department for support as needed.

● Teachers create prompts to commonly assess their students' progress toward meeting the benchmark goals.

School Business Time to support District wide Literacy Goals. $2,000.

2. Provide Professional Development for Social Science and Science on Literacy Common Core Standards for Informational and Technical Reading and Writing.

Social Science and Science Teachers

● Social Science and Science department representatives to attend Professional Development on implementation of Common Core in High School structure.

● Articulate with Lompoc High School and other high schools in Santa Barbara County.

● Course alike teams collaborating once a week on “Common Core” instruction, curriculum and assessment.

Workshop/Professional Development for Social Science and Science / $2,000 School Site Funds

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STRATEGY #3C The Math Department will integrate the eight “Standards for Mathematical Practice” into lessons and assessments for all levels of math course work.

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

1. Review of pacing

guides, course syllabi and current assessments / Aug 2014

Math Teachers Math DC Assistant Principal

Review and Assess CCSS standards currently visible in the structure of each course.

2. Explore the eight Mathematical Practices outlined by Common Core and outline how to teach and assess them throughout the course.

Math Teachers Assistant Principal Instructional Coach Students

● Attend Professional Development on mathematical practices / Oct / Nov

● Explore sample lessons, and artifacts of student work. ● Review the assessments from “Illuminate” ● Explore and utilize online resources ● Post practices clearly in classroom ● Create lessons and units that integrate content

standards and standards for mathematical practice.

Professional Development & Santa Barbara County Education Office Workshops / $2500 Site funds

3. Review quarterly use of Math Practices and student proficiency.

Math Dept. ● Review specifically Math Practices in use. ● Analyze how to assess the practice. ● Discuss results found in student assessment during


Posters Printing $250

4. Share out with Science and Special Education Department members for applicable crossover applications and support.

Math, Science & Special Education DC’s

Summary Collaboration Report

Share best practices at faculty meetings


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LCAP GOAL #4: Develop the capacity of all staff to meet the academic needs of all students. SCHOOL GOAL #4: Cabrillo High School teachers will be prepared and confident in the implementation of the CCSS. They will be assigned to teach in their credential areas and use district approved textbooks as well as appropriate supplemental materials, including digital/online resources, in their instruction.

What data did you use to form this goal? CALPADS staff data Admin. “Walk through” Observations Faculty “Walk Through” Observations / Oct 2014 and March 2015 Staff Surveys Leadership Meetings

What were the findings from the analysis of this data? Staff requests additional PD training in the CCSS. Staff agrees and understands the need for collaboration time.

How will the school evaluate the progress of this goal? Review of student grade analysis each period will show continued or impaired success. Review of site assessments will find depth of thinking and variety of tasks. Administrative “Walk-through” data will reflect use of “Depth of Knowledge levels and use of Common Core practices.

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STRATEGY #4A: Cabrillo will restructure its collaboration agreements and design its professional development time to develop Common Core aligned activities, lessons, assessments, and interventions.

Action/Date Task/Date Cost and Funding


1. Establish Collaboration times and Professional development opportunities

Jeff Wagonseller (Principal) Leadership Team Asst. Principals Selected staff members Coaches

● Determine and publish dates/times/topics for collaboration and staff development meetings. / Aug 15, 2014

● Deliver professional development and follow-up opportunities to faculty during regularly-scheduled faculty meetings. / August 2014 - May 2015

● Provide Workshop and /or Professional Development on the implementation of Common Core / Sept 2014 - April 2015


2. Build in collaboration time for staff work day

Leadership Team Administrators District Transportation Asst. Supt. Ed. Services LFT

● Work on possible collaboration schedule options with site and district leaders.

● Present options to staff for vote / Dec 2014 ● Inform all stakeholders of results and any need for a

modified schedule.


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STRATEGY #4B: Cabrillo High school will incorporate researched-based instructional and curricular strategies to meet the needs of struggling as well as high-performing students.

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

1. Planning and PD

Administrators DC’s District Instructional Coaches Teachers

● Train teachers and implement strong instructional strategies in all classrooms in increase classroom engagement.

● Review/revise classroom management strategies and best pedagogical practices to address diverse and larger class sizes.

2. Revise course syllabi to reflect Common Core.

Teachers DCs

● Course meetings to analyze old syllabi and annotate the changes to be made.

● Dept. review of content and vertical articulation. ● DC’s review of curriculum changes ● Add or revise courses per student needs for

intervention & advancement.

DC’s release time / $500 School Site funds

3. Continue to revise the AP and Honors syllabi to reflect best practices and current College Board Standards and changes.

Advanced Placement Teachers Assistant Principal/AP Coordinator Counselors

● Submit revisions to Assistant Principal for review. / Aug/Sept

● Submit electronically the changes to College Board / Oct

● Request AP Course Audit. / Oct ● Teacher AP Workshop for US History / Oct 2014 ● AP Coordinator Workshop / Oct 2014

Workshop / $300

4. Implement additional reading and math support programs, including Success classes for struggling learners and CAHSEE classes for those students who have not passed one or more parts of the exam.

Admin Team Counselors Teachers

● Screen students for Reading Plus, Imagine and STAR/AR placement as well as Accelerated Math and

● Enroll students into CAHSEE math and/or CAHSEE English if they are a junior or senior and haven’t passed CAHSEE.

● Screen sophomore struggling students for academic support in World History. Enroll in Success for elective course.

● Screen freshman students for academic support. Enroll these students in an elective called Success.

Three extra sections / District funded

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LCAP GOAL #5: Provide a safe and respectful learning environment for students and staff. SCHOOL GOAL #5: Cabrillo High School will provide a safe physical and social environment for students and staff.

What data did you use to form this goal? Student bullying survey 2013-2014 California Healthy Kids Survey School data Safe School Staff Survey Safety Team suggestions

What were the findings from the analysis of this data? 27% of 9

th graders experience hate-crime

harassment at school; 22% of 11th graders

experience hate-crime harassment. 26% of 9

th graders and 16% of 11

th graders

have seen someone with a weapon on school property. 31% of 9

th graders and 39% of 11

th graders

report a low-level of opportunities for meaningful participation in school. Staff request additional training in areas related to safety (safety drills, bullying). Continue to have safety liaisons visible and present between classes. Work closely with the SB Deputies Continue supporting the Big 3 posters

How will the school evaluate the progress of this goal? Reduce the number of Referrals, tardies and suspensions by 10 %. CHKS survey results: Decrease number of students experiencing hate-crime harassment. Decrease the number of students reporting a “low-level of opportunities for meaning participation in school. Positive, constructive safety team feedback

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STRATEGY #5A: Cabrillo High School will empower students to be responsible and effective members of the CHS community.

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

1. Students will be

trained in conflict management to be student mediators.

Assistant Principal Counselor Teachers

● Decide on a format for school conflict resolution. ● Create a school-wide process for conflict

resolution/Anti-bullying. ● Train counselor and staff on conflict resolution/ Anti-

bullying techniques. ● Teach students to implement conflict resolution/ Anti--

bullying strategies with peers.

Training for Counselor and Staff member / $ 1,000 One Section / District funded Printing costs / $200

2. Implement student groups to collect information from students and involve students on campus safety issues.

Assistant Principal Teachers

● Organize student leadership group and encourage student clubs to address campus safety (anti-bullying, tolerance, etc.)

● Elicit student feedback on key issues and include students in the process of finding solutions.

Printing costs and supplies / $200

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STRATEGY #5B: Cabrillo High School will empower staff to be responsible and effective members of the CHS community.

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

1. Staff will be involved

in identifying safety concerns and resolving those concerns.

Assistant Principal Safety Team School Resource Officer

● Safety committee will identify key safety issues that are a concern (i.e. bullying, cultural equity, mediation, emergency drills, fighting, and drugs).

● Examine and update security cameras and equipment.

● Resources will be identified in each area of concern. ● Trainings will be planned and given to staff members.

Security Camera and Equipment / $3,000 School Site funds Training: District Safety Meetings

2. Safe Schools Survey Assistant Principal Safety team

● Safe Schools survey will be given / at the beginning of the year.

● Teachers will provide feedback during trainings. ● Safety Committee will make decisions based on staff



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STRATEGY #5C: Cabrillo High School will continue to promote a safe campus that is ready for different kinds of emergency situations.

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

1. Prepare staff and

students for emergency situations

Assistant Principal Safety Team School Resource Officer Activities Director

● Hold monthly safety drills. ● Monthly site safety meetings. ● Check for/fix safety issues on campus. ● Host “Every 15 Minutes Program” / April 2015

Printing costs / $200 School Site funds

2. Communicate campus rules and safety to students.

Assistant Principals Counselors Teachers Community Safety Liaisons

● APs present campus safety to freshman in “ Zero Tolerance” Presentations/ Aug 2014 ● Big 3 posters are placed in prominent areas of the

campus and classrooms ● Student/Parent Handbook given to each student.

Printing costs / $200 School Site funds

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LCAP GOAL #6: Apply best practices in teaching and learning, including effective implementation of Common Core State Standards. SCHOOL GOAL #6: Cabrillo will restructure its collaboration agreements and design its professional development time commitment utilizing PD 360, DVD’s, journals and a variety of district, county and Advanced Placement resources.

What data did you use to form this goal? Staff Surveys WASC Mid-Cycle Report pg.

What were the findings from the analysis of this data? Staff needs to re-establish a time and commitment to meet during school week to collaborate. PD needs are diverse and require multiple sources.

How will the school evaluate the progress of this goal? Staff Goals Summary Sheet and PDR will reflect more personal commitment to professional growth.

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STRATEGY #6A: Develop Collaboration and Staff Development time

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

1. PD trainings on

Common Core, NGSS, teaching strategies to help students’ performance.

Principal Assistant Principals Core DC's Selected staff members Coaches

● Research and select content to meet CCSS implementation needs (e.g. PD360, professional journals, books, online publications, classroom observations etc.) / August 2014 - May 2015)

● Observe and call on teachers to present successful strategies. / August 2014 - May 2015

● Prepare materials: PowerPoint, hand-outs, etc. / August 2014 - May 2015)

District Title II LEP

2. Deliver PD during regularly scheduled faculty meetings / Aug. 2014 - May 2015

Administrators NC

3. PLC training for collaboration models

Leadership Team Site Administrators District Transportation Asst. Supt. Education Services LFT

● Leadership team will research schedules / Dec. 1, 2014

● Present possible schedules to District Transportation and Assistant Superintendent of Education Services

● Communicate with staff ● Schedule and conduct vote ● Notify stakeholders. (staff, students, parents, DO,

community) / May 15, 2015

District Title II LEP

4. Determine and publish dates/ times/topics for collaboration and staff development meetings / Aug 2015

Principal DC/Leadership Team Admin Assistant

● Principal creates/conducts teacher survey to establish professional development needs / May 2015

● Collect and tally surveys / before June 2015 ● Present survey results to Leadership Team and

determine topic for staff development meetings / June 12, 2015

● Present list of professional development topics to staff / Opening School Meeting 2015


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LCAP GOAL #6: Apply best practices in teaching and learning, including effective implementation of Common Core State Standards. STRATEGY #6B: Integrate the use of multiple Internet resources in lessons and activities through the use of classroom LCD projectors, document cameras, clickers, calculators as well as the scheduled rotational use of the computer labs.

What data did you use to form this goal? Informal “Walk Through” Data Staff dialogs Collaboration Notes

What were the findings from the analysis of this data? Technology is not consistently available in classrooms or in use enhancing the learning.

How will the school evaluate the progress of this goal? Observe greater use of technology during “Walk-through” observations Increased use of technology noted in teacher evaluations. Discussion of integration of technology seen in collaboration notes

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STRATEGY #6B: Put all current inventory into daily use. Enhance Current inventory to include appropriate computer aided systems, doc cameras, screens, mounted projectors, digital resources.

Action/Date Person(s)

Responsible Task/Date

Cost and Funding Source

1. Access current

equipment not in use.

Administrators DC’s ITS Teachers

Connect, mount, stabilize, and test all current equipment. Train teachers to use.

Equipment installation / $1,000.

2. Add to inventory to complete system of resources

Administrators DC’s ITS Teachers

Starting with Core Classes, map each department with necessary and appropriate technology to deliver the curriculum.

Equipment / $2,000

3. Internet resources for lessons and activities and corresponding implementation strategies will be shared with teachers.

Administrators DC’s Teachers

Administrators and DC’s will identify “best practices,” internet resources, and implementation strategies used by CHS teachers.

Teachers will collect “best practices” from district trainings and workshops.

Teachers will share “best practices” at faculty meetings and department collaboration.


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CHS Site Budget for State and Federal Programs

Last Year’s Site Allocations 2013-2014

Current Year Projected Budget Amount 2014-2015

Federal Programs

Title I, Part A 0 0

IDEA 0 0

Total Federal Programs 0 0

State Programs

EIA- Limited English Proficient $55,299 $34,253.


GATE $8,675 $8,675

Total State Programs $63,974 $42,928

Site Discretionary $166,400 $207,000

Total Program Allocation $230,374 $249,928

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Lompoc Unified School District 2014-2015 Preliminary Budget Cabrillo High School

Proposed Expenditure Title I SLIBG GATE EIA/LEP OTHER Include Fixed Costs where applicable.


Part Time Support Teacher (6 Hr) 130 Days

$0 $0

Tech Mentor $0 $0

Testing Proctors $0 $1,000 Bilingual Liaison (3 hours) 2910 $0 $14,000 Total Staffing Expenditures $0 $0 $ 1,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $0 $15,000


Parent Involvement $0 $100 $500

Prof Development (10% of Total Budget)

$0 $2,575 $10,000

Library Funds $0

Technology $0 $2,000 $2,153

Materials & Supplies $0 $3,000 $7,600

Totals for this section $0 $0 $7,675 $20,253 $0 $27,928

Total planned expenditures: $42,928

Allocation FOR 2014-2015 $0 $0 8,675.00 $34,253.00 $42,928

Remainder after expenditures $0 9/30/2014

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Form D: School Site Council Membership

California Education Code describes the required composition of the School Site Council (SSC). The SSC shall be composed of the principal and representatives of: teachers selected by teachers at the school; other school personnel selected by other school personnel at the school; parents of pupils attending the school selected by such parents; and, in secondary schools, pupils selected by pupils attending the school.1 The current make-up of the SSC is as follows:

Names of Members Principal

Classroom Teacher

Other School Staff

Parent or Community


Secondary Student

Chatterley, Carley X

Stacey Gray X

Harrington, Tim X

Kwon, Laurel X

Mason, Jennifer X

Morse, Kathi X

Murray, Vicki X

Peterson, Jennifer X

Rosson, Kari X

Wagonseller, Jeffrey X

Wynne, Angela X


Numbers of members of each category 1 4 1 3 3

1 EC Section 52852

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Form E: Recommendations and Assurances The school site council (SSC) recommends this school plan and proposed expenditures to the district governing board for approval and assures the board of the following: 1. The SSC is correctly constituted and was formed in accordance with district governing board policy and state law. 2. The SSC reviewed its responsibilities under state law and district governing board policies, including those board policies relating to material

changes in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) requiring board approval. 3. The SSC sought and considered all recommendations from the following groups or committees before adopting this plan (Check those that apply):

▢ State Compensatory Education Advisory Committee Signature ______________________________

X English Learner Advisory Committee Signature ______________________________

▢ Special Education Advisory Committee Signature ______________________________

X Gifted and Talented Education Advisory Committee Signature ______________________________

▢ District/School Liaison Team for schools in Program Improvement Signature ______________________________

▢ Compensatory Education Advisory Committee Signature ______________________________

X Departmental Advisory Committee (secondary) Signature ______________________________

▢ Other committees established by the school or district (list) Signature ______________________________ 4. The SSC reviewed the content requirements for school plans of programs included in this SPSA and believes all such content requirements

have been met, including those found in district governing board policies and in the local educational agency plan. 5. This SPSA is based on a thorough analysis of student academic performance. The actions proposed herein form a sound, comprehensive,

coordinated plan to reach stated school goals to improve student academic performance. 6. This SPSA was adopted by the SSC at a public meeting on: Attested: Jeffrey T. Wagonseller, Principal _______________________ ________ Signature Date Kari Rosson, SSC Chairperson _______________________ ________ Signature Date

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DATA APPENDIX CAHSEE Gr10 Census - Cabrillo High School


2012 February

2013 February

2014 # tested # passing % # tested # passing % # tested # passing % Math 348 288 82.8% 319 272 85.3% 360 311 86.4% English 343 313 91.3% 315 280 88.9% 365 322 88.2%

Graduation Rate - Cabrillo High School

February 2012 February 2013 February 2014

# students #

graduated % DropOut

Rate # students #

graduated % DropOut

Rate #

students #

graduated % DropOut


Cohort Grads

307 289 94.1% 3.6% 292 281 96.2% 2.1% 337 335 99.4%

Graduation Rate - Cabrillo High School

February 2012 February 2013 February 2014

"A-G" # students # A-G Grad % # students # A-G Grad % # students # A-G Grad %

287 120 41.8% 285 115 40.4% 335 138 41.2%

AP pass rate and enrollment - Cabrillo High School

Grade 12 Enrollment

Grades 11 + 12


Number of Exam Takers

Exams Scr=1

Exams Scr=2

Exams Scr=3

Exams Scr=4

Exams Scr=5

2010-11 354 680 166 31 83 91 56 12 2011-12 304 610 163 42 90 110 49 8 2012-13 299 650 179 52 110 123 64 13 2013-14 337 153

API 3 year average - Cabrillo High School




Growth 3-Year 3-Year


Average* Average*

802 797 797

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SED, EL, etc. - Cabrillo High School

Primary Enrollments

English Learners

Title III Eligible


Gifted and Talented


Title I Part C Migrant

Special Education


2011-12 1427 87 12 131 6 94 535

2012-13 1449 99 24 162 4 107 657

2013-14 1441 95 23 192 2 134 613

Suspension / Expulsion / Truancy - Cabrillo High School (only 2 yrs available)


Cumulative Enrollment

Students Suspended

Suspension Rate

Students Expelled

Expulsion Rate

Students Truant

Truancy Rate

2011-12 1,595 167 10.5% 0 0 238 14.9% 2012-13 1,554 104 6.7% 6 0.4

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Cabrillo High School Title III

AMAO #3-Proficient on CST


AMAO #1-ELD progress AMAO #2-EL Stud. Prof. in Eng ELA Math

Target %

Actual %

% different


# 1

Less than <5 years

as EL Target %

Actual %

% different

Met Target

% Actual

% %

different Met

Target %

Actual %

% different


#2 >5 years or more

as EL

06-07 48.7 56.8 8.1 Yes 27.2 31.3 4.1 Yes 22.3 17.9 -4.4 -- 20.9 23.9 3.0 --

07-08 50.1 58.3 8.2 Yes 28.9 38.8 9.9 Yes 33.4 12.3 -21.1 No 32.2 22.2 -10.0 No

08-09 51.6 50.7 -0.9 No 30.6 22.2 -8.4 No 44.5 25.9 -18.6 -- 43.5 29.6 -13.9 --

09-10 53.1 50.4 -2.7 No #1 17.4 10.7 -6.7 No

55.6 21.7 -33.9 -- 54.8 27.7 -27.1 -- #2 41.3 43.0 1.7 Yes

10-11 54.6 50.8 -3.8 No #1 18.7 4.4 -14.3 No

66.7 28.3 -38.4 Yes SH

66.1 34.0 -32.1 Yes SH #2 43.2 50.4 7.2 Yes

11-12 56.0 61.3 5.3 Yes #1 20.1 45.1 25.0 Yes

77.8 35.4 -42.4 --

77.4 18.8 -58.6 -- #2 45.1 51.0 51.0 Yes


57.5 59.0 1.5 Yes

#1 21.4 -- -- -- 88.9 -- -- -- 88.7 -- -- --

#2 47.0 52.1 5.1 Yes


59.0 62.8 3.8 Yes

#1 22.8 -- -- --

#2 49.0 60.2 11.2 Yes

-- = No data is reported if there are less than 30 in the cohort SH= Passed by Safe Harbor: The school, LEA, or subgroup met the criteria for Safe Harbor, which is an alternate method of meeting the AMO if a school, LEA or subgroup shows progress in moving students from scoring at the below proficient level to the proficient level or above on STAR, CAHSEE, and/or CAPA.

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7/1/2014 Cabrillo High School

Object Code Description

Site Discretionary

(Res 0000) 2014-15 Budget

Athletics (Res 0000)

2014-15 Adopted Budget

GATE (Res 0140)

2014-15 Adopted Budget

EIA/LEP (Res 0791)

2014-15 Adopted Budget

1120 Cert Salary, Hourly


1140 Substitute Tchr Salaries 4,300

1141 Teachers' Salaries, Subs 2,800



1160 Cert Salary, Extra 3,500


1960 Other Certificated, Extra Time


Certificated Salaries



- 10,180

2230 Class Sprt Extra/Overtime 1,600

2910 Other Classified


2925 Student Worker 500

2940 Other Class Substitute


Classified Salaries



- 11,196

3101 STRS, Certificated 1,216



3202 PERS, Classified 208


3302 OASDI, Classified 99


3303 Medicare, Certificated 186



3304 Medicare, Classified 23


3402 Hlth/Wlfr, Classified


3501 Unemployment,Certificated 6



3502 Unemployment, Classified 1


3601 Work Comp, Certificated 339



3602 Work Comp, Classified 29


Benefits 1,747


- 5,539

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4110 Textbooks 7,793

4210 Other Books 653

4310 Instructional Supplies 125,631


8,356 5,338

4317 Inst Supplies/Commencement


4350 Materials and Supplies 4,838


4400 Equip New <5000 Non-Cap 19,983


Supplies 161,393


8,356 5,338

5200 Travel And Conference 1,152


5601 Outside Rprs/Servicing 691


5602 Safety Repairs 1,000

5635 Rents And Leases 2,994

5650 Copier Maintenance Cntrct 3,955

5710 District Printing 4,991



5720 District Field Trip Transportation


5801 Instr Consultant Srvcs


5823 Fingerprinting 307

5835 Outside Transport Svcs 96

5841 Alarm/Security Services 3,705

5850 Other Services 3,320

5860 Other Srvcs-License Agreements



5920 Postage Services 9,003


Services 30,560


319 2,000

Total 207,000


8,675 34,253

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Freshman Academy Failure Rate 2013-14 2nd Semester Academy Students Non-Academy Students

English 9 3% 11%

Earth Science 1% 10%

Algebra 1 19% 10%