caching your rails application

Rails Need short bursts of speed?

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Post on 06-May-2015




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Bernard from Openminds talks about caching your Rails appication.


Page 1: Caching your rails application

RailsNeed short bursts of speed?

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I’m a thief


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Communication: Two parts

• Server speed

• Browser speed

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Browser speed

• Firebug / Safari developer

• YSlow

• Different parts of a site

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Webpage parts

• Page itself (<html> ... )

• Additional files (CSS, JavaScript)

• Images

• ... generating dynamic content

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• 10 requests:10 times slower as one request

• stylesheet_tag :defaults, ‘screen’, :cache => ‘all’

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• asset hosts

• Content Delivery Network

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Page Caching

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• Code parsing: 20 to 50 req/second

• Webserver: easily > 100 req/sec

• Webserver stresses less, less database queries

• Why not, it is easy (with rails)...

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conclusion: page cache

• very simple

• limited scope to apply

• cache invalidation! Important!

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Cache Expiry

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Why not expire_page in the action?

• Not DRY (update, create, destroy,...)

• after_filter possible, but other controllers might need to expire the cache

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after_filter• PostsController (clear_posts_cache)

• CommentsController (clear_posts_cache)

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• observer on controller and model

• if saved, call clear_posts_cache

• if deleted, call clear_posts_cache

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Page caching - part 2

• Ajax Callbacks for dynamic data

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• pain!

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Action Caching

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Action cache

• Cached output stored

• Filters are processed before the cached version is returned to the browser

• Example: authenticatie

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action cache

• Filter is executed before sending the reply

• Output is the same for everyone!

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Welcome <username>

• content is cached

• layout is rendered

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Warning! Attention!

• fetch needed data with a before_filter

• action is not executed!

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Conditional AC

• caching only on certain conditions

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Action Caching

• when?

• execute code on each hit (authentication)

• result remains the same

• very easy to implement

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Fragment Caching

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Fragment caching

• Cache part of a page

• Logical blocks are candidates

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Fragment Caching

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No useless actions

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Fragment Cache expiry

• expire_fragment

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PC/AC Storage

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Page cache storage

• on disk

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Storage: action / fragment cache

• memory (default) or syncronised memory

• file on disk

• drb

• memcache (normal or compressed)

• custom_store (not hard to impelement!)

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DYI caching

• Caching hard parts in the code

• Only spend cycles when really needed

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Client-side caching

• The cloud is there, use it

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Three tags

• max-age

• etag

• last_modified

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• rails has this embedded

• MD5(body) => etag

• 304 Not Modified

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• Beware, the complete parsing is done!

• Less bandwidth / traffic

• Client load time faster

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Scary technology?

• memcached

• reverse proxy’s

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• Daemon

• Is a big hash in memory

• Rails has default routines for this

• Hoster / setup should support this

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Reverse Proxy’s

• a proxy, but on the server side

• controle over expiry: max_age + etag

• expiry remains a pain

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• gem install rack-cache

• rails 2.3 needed!

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Need for speed?

• Database (n+1, joins / includes)

• Disk IO

• Implementing caching

• Browser caching

• External components (CDN, memcached, ...)