cae informal letter corrections & suggestios

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  • 8/12/2019 Cae Informal Letter Corrections & Suggestios


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  • 8/12/2019 Cae Informal Letter Corrections & Suggestios


    Due to this

    WORD CHOICE: owing to, due to, because of, thanks to

    Owing to and due to are slightly formal. They are often usedin official notices and public statements

    Owing to bad weather, this morning's flight will be delayed. Heis retiring due to ill health.!!

    Owing to and due to are prepositions (they come immediatelybefore a noun). They are not conjunctions (they cannotconnect two arts of a sentence

    I had to wait hours because the plane was delayed (NOT I had towait hours owing to the plane was delayed.

    In spoken nglish! it is more usual to use because of thanowing to or due to !ll my clothes got wet because of the storm (NOT owing to the

    storm. Thanks to is used to e"plain why something good has

    happened Than"s to the success of his first album, he is now a wealthy



  • 8/12/2019 Cae Informal Letter Corrections & Suggestios


    I'e been thinking in a lot of indoor and

    outdoor acti#ities you can do to enjoy. I'e been thinking about

    ots of things you can do

    o en oy yourse both outside in the the fresh air!

    and also inside in case there are any showers orit is a bit cool.

    I'e been thinking about lots of things you cando to enjoy yourself both outside in the freshair! and also inside in case there are any

    showers or it is a bit cool.

  • 8/12/2019 Cae Informal Letter Corrections & Suggestios


    Itll be awesome to seeing you.

    Itll be awesome to see you. part from pro'ide you **** a perfect


    part from pro'iding you with a+ Im sure you wont regret to study here

    Im sure you wont regret studying here

  • 8/12/2019 Cae Informal Letter Corrections & Suggestios


    I suggest you se'eral outdoor and indooracti'ities.

    I recommend you the guided tours around

    the town I strongly recommend you the local cuisine

    and tapas

    I suggest you doing

  • 8/12/2019 Cae Informal Letter Corrections & Suggestios


    WO = Word OrderWO = Word Order


    IdId suggestsuggest youyou toto buybuy

    II recommendrecommend youyou a Della Dell


  • 8/12/2019 Cae Informal Letter Corrections & Suggestios


    HowHow toto constructconstruct sentssents withwith::

    SuggestSuggest && RecommendRecommend [ + ( that) subject (should) do[ + ( that) subject (should) do sthsth]]

    The doctor recommended/suggestedThe doctor recommended/suggested thatthat II shouldshould

    take more exercise.take more exercise. The doctor recommended/suggestedThe doctor recommended/suggested thatthat I take moreI take more


    The doctor recommended/suggestedThe doctor recommended/suggested I take moreI take moreexercise.exercise.

    [ +[ + --inging verb ]verb ] The doctor recommended/suggestedThe doctor recommended/suggested ________________ moremore


    I recommend writI recommend writinging your feelings down on paper.your feelings down on paper.

  • 8/12/2019 Cae Informal Letter Corrections & Suggestios


    HowHow toto constructconstruct sentssents withwith::


    [ Recommend + ( object +[ Recommend + ( object +

    infinitive with to ]infinitive with to ] The doctor recommendedThe doctor recommended me to takeme to take

    more exercise.more exercise.

    [ Recommend + something + to[ Recommend + something + tosomeone]someone]

    Id recommend the AppleId recommend the Apple macbookmacbook (to(toyou).you).

  • 8/12/2019 Cae Informal Letter Corrections & Suggestios


    CorrectionsCorrections -- RecommendationsRecommendations

    IdId recommendrecommendyouyou toto buybuy thethe AppleApple

    macbookmacbook. (. (VbVb ++ obob++ toto infinf))IdId recommendrecommendbuyingbuying thethe AppleApple


    IdId recommendrecommendyouyou buybuy thethe AppleApplemacbookmacbook..

    IdId recommendrecommend ((thatthat)) youyou ((shouldshould))buybuy

    thethe AppleApple macbookmacbook..IdId recommendrecommendyouyou//toto youyouthethe AppleApple


  • 8/12/2019 Cae Informal Letter Corrections & Suggestios


    WO = Word OrderWO = Word Order


    IdId suggestsuggest youyou toto buybuy

    CorrectCorrect I dI d suggestsuggest youyou buybuy a Della Dell

    IdId suggestsuggest buyingbuying a Della Dell

  • 8/12/2019 Cae Informal Letter Corrections & Suggestios


    WO = Word OrderWO = Word Order


    II recommendrecommend youyou a Della Dell

    I dI d recommendrecommend youyou buybuy a Della Dell

    I dI d recommendrecommend buyingbuying a Della Dell

    I dI d recommendrecommend youyou toto buybuy aaDellDell

    IdId recommendrecommend a Della Dell oneone..

  • 8/12/2019 Cae Informal Letter Corrections & Suggestios


    VP =VP = VerbVerb PatternPattern

    suggestsuggest vsvs RecommendRecommend

    CanCan youyou correctcorrect themthem nownow??

    II suggestsuggest youyou severalseveral outdooroutdoorandand indoorindoor activitiesactivities..

    recommenrecommen youyou t et e gu egu etourstours aroundaround thethe towntown

    II stronglystrongly recommendrecommend youyou thethe

    locallocal cuisinecuisine and tapasand tapas

    II suggestsuggest youyou doingdoing