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CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide Version 2013 R1 (6.10) November 2012 DICAS-PE-200103D

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CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide

Version 2013 R1 (6.10)

November 2012


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Copyright © 1985-2012 Intergraph® Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Intergraph is part of Hexagon.

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Use of this software product is subject to the End User License Agreement ("EULA") delivered with this software product unless the licensee has a valid signed license for this software product with Intergraph Corporation. If the licensee has a valid signed license for this software product with Intergraph Corporation, the valid signed license shall take precedence and govern the use of this software product. Subject to the terms contained within the applicable license agreement, Intergraph Corporation gives licensee permission to print a reasonable number of copies of the documentation as defined in the applicable license agreement and delivered with the software product for licensee's internal, non-commercial use. The documentation may not be printed for resale or redistribution.

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All warranties given by Intergraph Corporation about equipment or software are set forth in the EULA provided with the software or applicable license for the software product signed by Intergraph Corporation, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. Intergraph believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date.

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CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide 3

Contents What's New in CAESAR II ........................................................................................................................... 5

Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 9

Software and Hardware Requirements ................................................................................................... 9 Seminars ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Additional Intergraph CAS Software ..................................................................................................... 10 Technical Support and Sales ................................................................................................................ 10

Licensing .................................................................................................................................................... 11

ESL Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Install a local lock ........................................................................................................................... 12 Install a network lock ...................................................................................................................... 12

SmartPlant License Manager Installation ............................................................................................. 14 Quick Installation Workflow ............................................................................................................ 16 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ............................................................................................... 17

Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 21

Install CAESAR II .................................................................................................................................. 22 Install in Silent Mode ............................................................................................................................. 25

Technical Information ............................................................................................................................... 27

External Interfaces ................................................................................................................................ 27 Piping Codes ......................................................................................................................................... 28 Configuration Options ........................................................................................................................... 29

Computational Control .................................................................................................................... 29 Database Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 30 FRP Properties ............................................................................................................................... 31 Geometry Directives ....................................................................................................................... 31 Graphic Settings ............................................................................................................................. 32 Miscellaneous Options ................................................................................................................... 33 SIFs and STRESSES ..................................................................................................................... 33

List of Materials ..................................................................................................................................... 34 Restraints .............................................................................................................................................. 35 Intersection Types ................................................................................................................................. 36 Node Locations on Bends ..................................................................................................................... 37

Code Stresses ............................................................................................................................................ 39

Nomenclature ........................................................................................................................................ 39 US Code Stresses ................................................................................................................................ 40 International Code Stresses .................................................................................................................. 43 CAESAR II Verification and Validation Manual ..................................................................................... 50

Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 51

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CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide 5

The latest CAESAR II release delivers a number of significant new and extended capabilities in response to current market requirements, as well as direct feedback from the growing CAESAR II user community. The following changes have been made to CAESAR II:

CAESAR II 2013 R1, Version 6.10

Updated piping code information for ASME B31.1, B31.3, B31.8, B31.9, and Z662 codes.

Enhanced and improved the Smart 3D to CAESAR II interface (PCF). (This is also available in Version 5.31.)

Introduced a faster, interactive, on-demand and flexible PCF interface, called Advanced PCF (APCF) Import, into the Piping Input processor. From the APCF Import dialog box, you can quickly import the model from design software, such as Intergraph's SmartPlant 3D, saving time while reducing errors. (APCF Import is also available in Version 5.31.)

What's New in CAESAR II

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What's New in CAESAR II

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Added the import of the SmartPlant 3D (S3D)/SmartPlant Review (SPR) graphic environment (VUE file), along with filtering capabilities within CAESAR II input to provide context to the pipe stress analyst. You can also generate this VUE file from SmartPlant Review.

Updated the CAESAR II Data Export Wizard to support ODBC Microsoft Access format, which facilitates round-trip results to S3D and SPR.

Added an option to store a revision number and line numbers.

Added a new Restraint Summary output report.

Included new functionality so you can send a user Load Case name, if specified.

Implemented other enhancements to simplify the process for generating the database.

Added new element order commands for block operations: invert and change sequence.

Invert reverses the order of one or more elements in a selected group, as well as the node numbering.

Change Sequence moves (or rearranges) the sequence of one or more blocks of elements to another location in the CAESAR II model.

Added usability improvements to reduce the input and editing time.

Enhanced line numbers with a Renumber operation that lets you select a group of nodes on which to perform block operations.

Added functionality that lets you renumber when you select elements on the graphical model.

Added functionality that lets you renumber boundary nodes after using the Renumber operation.

Enhanced the graphical model with an option to retain the colors for line numbers across user sessions on a per-job basis.

Included the ability to deselect a window by using the SHIFT + CLICK window selection.

Added ability to edit or delete annotations on the input and output graphics.

Increased performance and functionality with enhancements.

Updated the personal Isogen module to Personal ISOGEN 2012 R1 (8.1).

Updated the CAESAR II 3D Graphics engine.

Continued standardization for development using ASME NQA-1.

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What's New in CAESAR II

CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide 7

Implemented Japanese localization in the following areas:

Translated the user interface (Static Analysis module) and selected documentation in Japanese.

Added Japanese seismic code, KHK Level 1.

Added spring hanger databases for Mitsubishi, Yamashita, Sanwa Tekki, and Techno.

Updated and enhanced documentation to include more context-sensitive (F1) help and additional task-oriented information.

Updated the CAESAR II main menu to use the Office 2010 ribbon interface.

Technical Changes

The following list details changes to CAESAR II 2013 R1 (Version 6.10), which may affect the numeric results:

Rewrote the methodology used by the Piping Error checker (PIERCK.EXE) in determining duplicated allowable stress data for the elements. (Distributed in CAESAR II 2011 R1 Version 5.30.02, 110830 build.)

Corrected the calculation of the bending stress at the From end of elements for PD 8010-2 (to use the SIF for the From end instead of the To end). (Distributed in CAESAR II 2011 R1 Version 5.30.02, 110830 build.)

Corrected the usage of the in-plane/out-of-plane SIF configuration setting for CODETI bends. (Distributed in CAESAR II 2011 R1 Version 5.30.04, 120525 build.)

Corrected the PD 8010-2 equivalent stress calculation to consider both positive and negative bending effects. (Distributed in CAESAR II 2011 R1 Version 5.30.04, 120525 build.)

Implemented additional changes to how the software duplicates the Wc and Sy material values to succeeding elements.

Corrected the calculation of the NC/ND branch stress index for reduced intersections of reinforced tees.

Corrected the calculation of the (dynamic) mass matrix for elements with refractory lining.

Added corrosion consideration in the SIF computation for the CODETI piping code.

Implemented the piping code updates for B31.9 2011 Edition.

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What's New in CAESAR II

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Implemented the piping code updates for B31.8 2010 Edition, including the hoops stress change for Chapter VIII.

Implemented the piping code updates for B31.3 2010 Edition, including the following revisions:

Modified the calculation of longitudinal stress for Sustained loads (SUS). This previously optional calculation was referred to as ASME Code Case 178.

Added input values for two new stress indexes (It, Ia). The software uses the index values in the new computation of Sustained and Occasional stresses.

Added the ability to calculate the allowable stress for Sustained and Occasional cases at the temperature of the corresponding operating case. The software defaults the value to the minimum Sh value; however, you can select a corresponding Sh.

Revised the allowable that CAESAR II uses for Appendix P Operating range cases to include a new reduction option based on the ratio of yield versus tensile strength (Sy/St).

Updated the material properties in accordance with Appendix A.

Updated the SIF determination of Fillet or Socket welds.

Modified how the software determines the Sc value to use with range load cases.

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S E C T I O N 1


Quick Reference Guide helps you quickly identify needed information, answer common questions, and resolve common problems. You can copy it as needed.

CAESAR II is an advanced tool for designing and analyzing piping systems using input forms, on-line help, graphics, and extensive error detection.

CAESAR II statically and dynamically analyzes large piping models, structural steel models, or combined models. ASME, B31, WRC, and rotating equipment reports are created to provide a complete description of piping system behavior under applied loading conditions. Additional capabilities, such as out-of-core solvers, force spectrum analysis (for water hammer and relief valve solutions), time history, and large rotation rod hangers provide you with the most advanced computer-based piping program available today.

CAESAR II is continuously enhanced to add new functionality and to modify existing procedures as piping codes are updated. For more information on the most recent changes to CAESAR II, see What's New in CAESAR II (on page 5).

In This Section Software and Hardware Requirements ......................................... 9 Seminars ........................................................................................ 10 Additional Intergraph CAS Software .............................................. 10 Technical Support and Sales ......................................................... 10

Software and Hardware Requirements


Intel Pentium IV or higher AMD Athlon dual-core processor or higher

3.0 GHz or higher


2 GB RAM or higher for Windows XP

4 GB RAM or higher for Windows 7/8


Video card with at least 256MB video RAM

Video card support for OpenGL 1.1 or later

Video card support DirectX 9.0 or later

Video card drivers updated with the latest manufacturer's drivers

1280 x 1024 minimum resolution or better with TrueColor

Motherboard-integrated video cards are not recommended for desktop systems.

Operating System

Windows 7/8 Ultimate, Enterprise, or Professional (32-bit/64-bit)


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Windows XP Professional with SP3 (32-bit)

Windows Vista, Starter, and Home editions are not supported.

Windows Server versions are only supported for the installation of network licensing systems.

CAESAR II is a native 32-bit application that runs with Windows 64-bit. CAESAR II does not take advantage of any Windows 64-bit specific features.

Seminars Intergraph CAS periodically offers seminars to augment your knowledge of CAESAR II™ and of pipe stress analysis. The general seminar is held in our Houston office and covers five days of statics. Twice a year, we also cover five days of statics and three days of dynamics. These seminars emphasize the piping codes, static analysis, dynamic analysis, and problem solving.

Custom seminars held at client locations are also available. For additional seminar details, please contact the support staff at: [email protected].

Additional Intergraph CAS Software CADWorx Plant is AutoCAD-based plant design/drafting software with a bi-directional data transfer link to CAESAR II. CADWorx allows models to be created in orthographic, isometric, 2D, or 3D modes. CADWorx template specifications contain built-in auto routing, auto iso, stress iso, auto dimensioning, complete libraries, center of gravity calculations, and bill of materials.

PV Elite is comprehensive software for the design or analysis of vertical and horizontal vessels. Pressure vessel codes include ASME VIII-1 and VIII-2, PD: 5500, and EN-13445. PVElite includes CodeCalc. CodeCalc is software for the design or analysis of pressure vessel components. CodeCalc capabilities include: analysis of tubesheets, rectangular vessels, flanges, nozzles; Zick Analysis; and standard internal/external thickness and pressure calculations on heads, shells, and cones. API 579 calculations are also included.

PV Fabricator automates the production of pressure vessel fabrication deliverables. When linked to PV Elite, PV Fabricator improves the workflow and reduces errors.

TANK is software for the design or rerating of API-650/653 storage tanks. The program includes API 650 Appendices A, E, F, M, P, R, S, and V, and API 653 Appendix B. Calculations address winds girders, conical roof design, allowed fluid heights, and remaining corrosion allowance.

Technical Support and Sales You can contact Intergraph CAS Technical Support or Sales:

ICAS Dealer Support ( ) or ICAS General Support (

Technical Support E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 1-800-766-7701 (CAESAR II Direct), 280-890-4566 (General)

Fax: 281-890-3301

Sales E-mail: [email protected]

Knowledge-based Articles/Tutorials (US and Canada only):

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S E C T I O N 2

CAESAR II supports three types of licensing:

Local External Software Lock (ESL) - Hardware-based licensing using a green USB dongle. A local ESL can be moved between computers (such as between desktops and laptops).

Network External Software Lock (ESL) - Hardware-based licensing using a red USB dongle. A network ESL is installed on a computer that is network accessible from the computer, or multiple computers, running CAESAR II.

License Manager - Software-based licensing using SmartPlant License Manager (SPLM). For more information, see SmartPlant License Manager Installation (on page 14). Refer to the SmartPlant License Manager documentation for complete installation and configuration instructions.

External Software Lock (ESL) Keys

The External Software Lock (ESL) is the security protection method used by Intergraph The software cannot execute unless an appropriate ESL (green or red USB key) is connected locally to the computer, or to another computer in the network (red USB key).

The ESL contains the CAESAR II licensing data, and other client-specific information. This information includes the client company name and user ID number. Additional data may be stored on the ESL depending on the specific program and the specific client.

There are two different ESL types, local and network. Both types of ESLs are intended to be attached to the USB ports of the applicable computers. The appropriate ESL(s) are shipped with your product according to the licensing type purchase.

Local ESLs provide the maximum flexibility in using the software in that they can be moved between computers (for example, between desktops and laptops).

Network ESLs must be attached to a computer on the network, either a computer or the server. In order for the network to respond to software requests for the ESL, the NetHASP License Manager utility must also be running on the computer where the network ESL is attached.

The HASP drivers for ESL usage can be found in the sub-directory ASSIDRV beneath the CAESAR II program directory. The documentation files in this sub-directory contain instructions for a variety of networks and operating systems. Note that there are periodic updates to these ESL drivers and they can be downloaded from the Intergraph eCustomer website.

Do not connect two locks to the same computer. The software finds the first lock and returns its code. For example, you have a lock for CAESAR II and CADWorx and plug both into the same computer. You start CAESAR II, but the software might find the CADWorx lock first and return an error. If the same computer is going to run more than one Intergraph product, then contact Intergraph CAS by sending an email to [email protected] to request that both products be licensed from the same lock.


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ESL Installation The following topics explain how to install the different hardware locks supported by CAESAR II.

What do you want to do?

Install a local lock (on page 12)

Install a network lock (on page 12)

Install a local lock 1. Open Windows Explorer.

2. If you are installing CAESAR II, PV Elite, or TANK, navigate to c:\Program Files\Intergraph CAS\Product\Assidrv and double-click HASPUserSetup.exe.


If you are installing CADWorx, navigate to c:\CADWorx Version\Product\Assidrv and double-click HaspHLDriverSetup.exe

3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the driver.

Install a network lock The following list details general information about red network ESLs.

The red network ESL should be set up by a Network Administrator or someone familiar with Windows-based networks. If you are not familiar with concepts such as network protocols, broadcast, IP addresses, TCP, UDP, and Windows Services, please do not attempt to setup the red network ESL.

The red network ESL does not have to be attached to the network server. We recommend attaching the red network ESL to a computer that is always up and running, can be re-booted without impact to users, and is not the primary computer for any user on the network.

If you install an Intergraph CAS product on a network drive for multiple users to access, assign read/write privileges for all users to the [Product Folder]\System folder. Intergraph CAS applications write temporary files to the [Product Folder]\System folder that pertains to the installation. The [Product Folder]\System folder also needs to have read/write privileges for all users.

If you are using other network protocols, such as NetBIOS or IPX, check the SafeNet web site for instructions. The only protocol tested with Intergraph CAS products is TCP/IP.

The information provided in CAESAR II Help file is a supplement to the NetHasp User's Guide, which is delivered as a PDF(_NETHASP.pdf) in Assidrv folder. Review the PDF file for any issues not addressed in the Help file.

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Notes on Network ESLs

A network ESL has advantages and disadvantages. One big advantage is that many client computers can access the software from a single server. Additional points for consideration are listed below.

Depending on the number of licenses allowed by the network ESL, some users may receive error messages when attempting to access the software. For example, if the ESL has been configured to allow four simultaneous users, an error message stating that no licenses are available when the fifth user attempts to access the software. Consequently, the fifth user is not able to access the software until one of the first four users exits the software and releases a license.

Because of the communication procedures between the client computer and the file server, memory access to the network ESL is much slower than to a local ESL. This access time delay only occurs when the software is first started after installation.

Because there is no network specific version of the software, the software looks first for a local ESL, and then for a network ESL. This allows both a network ESL and several local ESLs to be used on the same system. This transparent ESL access procedure allows a single version of the software to be used on the network and on remote computers.

We recommend that only 70 to 80 percent of the required licenses be assigned to a network ESL, with the remaining 20 to 30 percent assigned to local ESLs. This enables the local ESL to be moved between computers. If all of the licenses are on the network ESL, a user must be logged into the network to access the software. As such, a few local ESLs provide much greater operating flexibility.

NetHASP License Manager / NETHASP.INI Instructions

You must have Administrator privileges to perform the following procedure.

1. Attach the red network hardware lock to the parallel port or USB port of the computer.

2. On the computer where the hardware lock is attached, navigate to the [Product Folder]\Assidrv folder and double click Lmsetup.exe. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the NetHASP License Manager as a service.

3. The NetHasp License Manager starts automatically each time you re-boot the computer. This occurs because the NetHasp License Manager is set up as a start up service inside Windows XP/Vista/7. To verify that the service is running, click Start > Control Manager > Administrative Services, and then double-click Services. In the Services dialog box, locate HASP Loader in the Name list. The HASP Loader Service starts even if no one logs into the computer.

4. Determine what protocols the NetHasp License Manager is listening to. The NetHasp License Manager displays a message similar to those list below:

Server is listening to IPX : Loaded

Server is listening to TCP/IP : Loaded

Server is listening to NetBIOS : Loaded

Loaded means that this protocol is active on the computer.

5. Open the Activity Log menu. This displays the activity log that confirms which protocols are loaded. Do not be alarmed if the activity log reports that the NHSRV.ini file is not found.

6. Use the box in the top-left corner of the activity log to display only the information specific to each protocol. Open the activity log for the protocol you want to use, and verify that it contains no error messages.

7. For TCP/IP protocol, the activity log should report something similar to the following:

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Server IP address:

Server Host Name: PDC_NT01

8. To speed up response time to the network key, use the Remove menu to unload any protocols that you are not planning to use with the NetHasp License Manager.

Modify NetHASP.ini for TCP/IP Protocol

If you still cannot access the network ESL you need to configure this NetHASP.ini file. You must know the IP address of the computer where the red network hardware lock is attached. All lines with a semi-colon at the start are considered not used.

1. Modify the NetHASP.ini file, located at in the [Product Folder]\Assidrv folder under [NH_COMMON], as follows:

a. NH_TCPIP = Enabled

AND under [NH_TCPIP]


c. NH_USE_BROADCAST = Disabled

You may also have to modify other entries in the [NH_TCPIP] section depending on your network setup. The most common entry to modify is NH_TCPIP_METHOD.

2. Copy the NetHASP.ini file to the AutoCAD folder.

Example: C:\Program Files\AutoCAD

Example: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD

3. For CADWorx Design, copy the NetHASP.ini file to the [Product Folder]\Intergraph CAS\CADWorx Design folder.

4. Start CAESAR II .

Troubleshooting Network Locks

1. Verify that the NetHasp License Manager is running on the computer where the red network ESL is attached.

2. Verify the protocols that NetHasp License Manager is broadcasting. Make sure that these protocols are installed on the client computers.

3. Install and run the Monitor Utility. This file, NetHASPMonitorSetup.exe, is located in the [Product Folder]Assidrv folder. If NetHASP Monitor cannot find the red network ESL, then CAESAR II cannot find the red network ESL.

SmartPlant License Manager Installation Before beginning the product installation, refer to the delivered SmartPlant License Manager readme file for the latest product installation updates. The readme file is delivered in the top level product folder of the product media. Be sure you have the latest version of the SmartPlant License Manager software before beginning the installation. If you do not have the latest version of the software, you can install it using (

SmartPlant License Manager 2010 (v11) can be upgraded to SmartPlant License Manager 2012 (v12). Any existing license key will be invalidated after the upgrade to SmartPlant License Manager 2012 (v12). You will also need to generate a new computer ID and request a new key. If you upgrade the SmartPlant License Manager 2010 (v11) license computer to a SmartPlant License Manager 2012 (v12) client by mistake, you will have to un-install the

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SmartPlant License Manager client and reinstall SmartPlant License Manager 2012 (v12) license computer.

Hardware Configurations

The SmartPlant License Manager licensing computer software should be installed on a stable, single node, hardware configuration (such as a simple PC), with a static IP address, because license key installation and license seat usage authentication depends on the information gathered from the physical hardware. Any automated changes that cause the hardware information not to match with the information used to generate the license key will result in a failure of the authentication process.

Virtual (including VMware®), shadowed, mirrored, dynamic, or distributed hardware configurations cannot be used as a SmartPlant License Manager licensing computer. This includes terminal (application) servers, networked and distributed storage management systems, and so forth. When these specialized systems occur in the user's network, the SmartPlant License Manager Server licensing computer should be installed on a separate dedicated hardware configuration system. The SmartPlant License Manager licensing computer should be situated on the user's network where it can be accessed by all systems that are running application software that relies on the SmartPlant License Manager licensing computer for license management.

Multiple SmartPlant License Manager licensing computers can be used in the user's network as long as each system is a unique hardware system/installation. If SmartPlant License Manager licensing computers are cloned after the license key has been installed, then the license management will fail on the cloned system. Each SmartPlant License Manager licensing computer requires its own unique license key.

RAID (redundant array of independent disks) and SAN (storage area networks) are not supported on a SmartPlant License Manager license computer.

The license computer must have the same version (or later) of SmartPlant License Manager installed as any client computers. In other words, you cannot use a newer version on a client computer to retrieve a license from an older version of SmartPlant License Manager on the licensing computer. The license computer must have the same version (or a newer version) installed than the clients.

You must log in as Administrator to install this software.

1. Insert the Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager media. If the media does not start automatically, double-click Setup.exe in the root folder of the media.

During SmartPlant License Manager installation automatically turns on a product

usage log file in C:\Win32App\Ingr\SPLM\bin\loggingfileV12.txt. You can

change this location and name of this file as it can grow to be a large file. If you stop and restart logging, you need to define the output location.

This file can grow very large and users can redefine the location and name of this file.

2. Select SmartPlant License Manager Installation.

3. Click Next on the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for SmartPlant License Manager page.

4. Enter your name and company name in the User Name and Company Name fields on the Customer Information page. Click Next.

5. On the Software License Agreement page, select your country from the list and click Display to view the license agreement.

The license agreement is delivered as a PDF file.

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6. Carefully read the license agreement. Close the PDF document, and click Yes on the License Agreement page to accept the terms.

7. Select either License Client or License Machine.

8. On the Choose Destination Location page, click Next to install SmartPlant License Manager in the default location. If you want to install the software in another location, click Change and select the new location.

It is recommended that you install SmartPlant License Manager using a path that

contains no spaces, such as c:\win32app\Ingr (the default path).

9. Click Install on the Ready to Install the Program page. A status bar displays the progress of the installation on the Status Setup page.

10. Click Finish on the InstallShield Wizard Complete page to complete installation of SmartPlant License Manager.

Do not delete any files that are created during installation or as a result of using SmartPlant License Manager. Removal of any files causes the license system to fail and can require install, repair, or possibly removal and re-install of SmartPlant License Manager.

11. Add pdlice.exe to both the license computer and the client computer after installing of

SPLM. You may need to remove pdlice.exe and re-add it if you uninstall and reinstall

SPLM to upgrade SPLM from previous version to a current version. Otherwise, you may receive a Connection timed out error message when you start your application. You may also see the same error in your scavenging log file.

Silent Mode and SmartPlant License Manager Installation

Quick Installation Workflow Use this workflow for all products that require SmartPlant License Manager concurrent licensing. The System Administrator completes or gives guidance about most of these steps. Administrator rights are required to install and setup SmartPlant License Manager. If you need more information, follow the detailed procedures in the other sections. For more information, refer to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Functions of SmartPlant License Manager, and Troubleshooting and Error Messages.

Please refer to the delivered SmartPlant License Manager Readme for all the latest product installation updates.

1. Designate a computer as the SmartPlant License Manager license computer. This computer must be on the network and have a name with no spaces and a static IP address.

2. Install SmartPlant License Manager on the license computer and generate a computer ID.

3. Request a license key from the Intergraph Order Desk or generate a license key using eLicense.

4. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager > SmartPlant License Manager.

5. Click Install and Remove and Install License Key commands.

6. Click License Machine and enter the license key you received. If the license key installs correctly, SmartPlant License Manager software automatically closes.

7. Next, install SmartPlant License Manager on each client computer.

8. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager > SmartPlant License Manager.

9. Click Configure and Test and Select License Machine for Client.

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10. Enter the SmartPlant License Manager computer name. Exit SmartPlant License Manager.

11. Install the software that requires licensing. For example, SmartPlant Review, PDS or SmartPlant P&ID. Use that product's installation and configuration guides to install each product.

12. Use the Test Seat Reservation and Test Seat Release commands to ensure that communication is working between the license computer and the client. Successful messages show appropriate communication.

13. Click Test Seat Reservation. Select the license computer name and Batch or Interactive mode. Note the seat number in the SmartPlant License Manager Information dialog box to enter.

14. Click Test Seat Release and enter the seat designated in the SmartPlant License Manager Information dialog box.

15. Start the software product that requires SmartPlant License Manager licensing.

16. For information about firewalls, please refer to Appendix E: Microsoft Windows Firewall and SmartPlant License Manager.

See Also General Topics FAQ (on page 18)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Refer to the SmartPlant License Manager FAQ on the Web in the eCustomer system for the most current FAQ. It is continually updated. Click and select Services > Download Software Updates > Products > SPLM.

Will providing the Machine ID make my computer less secure?

No. The Machine ID allows the license manager to uniquely identify your computer from a collection of hardware and software identifiers without explicitly publishing your computer's TCPIP address. Because the computer identifier cannot be used like a TCPIP address, it is actually more secure than publishing your computer's TCPIP address.

Where can I find SmartPlant License Manager and other products to download?

SmartPlant License Manager is available from the following web page:

Select Services > Download Software Updates > Products > SPLM.

You do not need a serial number to install SmartPlant License Manager.

Can I divide the licenses for one LAN into several license computers for the purpose of managing project access, for example, or as coverage in the event that my license computer goes down?

Yes, you can divide the licenses.

What happens if I install the new license key prior to expiration of the old license key?

The new license will overwrite the existing key independent of the expiration date.

Is my existing key still running if I regenerate the Machine ID?

Yes, but you will not be able to reinstall the old key. You will need to request a new key for the new machine identifier.

See Also

Purchasing Licenses FAQ (on page 18) General Topics FAQ (on page 18) PDS, FrameWorks Plus, and ISOGEN FAQ

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Purchasing Licenses FAQ

Do I have to request a software upgrade from my local office before requesting a license?

No, you can request licenses without upgrading the software. If you are upgrading software, you must request the upgrade before you request licenses. A license request does not include a software upgrade and a software upgrade does not include a license request.

See Also General Topics FAQ (on page 18)

General Topics FAQ

What is a license machine?

The license machine is the computer where the license key is loaded; it can be a standard computer or a server. The license key tells the license machine how many licenses it can issue. Clients of a license machine are computers where SmartPlant License Manager is installed and pointing to the license machine. The computer where you start the software (for example, PDS or SmartPlant P&ID) asks the license machine for a license. If a license is available, the license machine provides it. If all licenses are in use, the client is not granted a license.

How can I tell what version of SPLM was used in the Machine ID or license key file?

Please check the starting number in your Machine ID or license key. See the table below.

Version Machine ID starts with License key starts with

2012 (v12) 5 3

2010 (v11)

6 2

2008 (v10) 7 1

Do I have to have one license computer for each LAN?

No, your configuration is entirely up to you. A persistent network connection is required if you want to connect to a license server that belongs to a different LAN.

Can I make an educated guess at my installation date?

Yes. Intergraph provides a key within 48 hours of receipt of your request (via mail or phone). Please ensure that the date you request is the actual date that you install the key, making sure that all necessary software is available and loaded before that date. We request that you notify us as early as possible.

What happens if my license machine goes down?

You are unable to check out licenses from this machine until it is back in use. Processes that already have licenses checked out are not affected by the fact that the license computer is unavailable.

It is possible in critical situations to request emergency licenses from Intergraph. They are installed on the client computer rather than a licensing machine. Contact Intergraph Support at 1-800-766-7701 or your local Intergraph office for more information.

What happens if the license machine is rebooted in the middle of my design session?

Nothing. Licensing does not depend on maintaining a continuous communication link to the license computer.

What happens if my local computer goes down after I've obtained a license?

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If the scavenger cannot contact the client computer during scavenging, the license is marked for a 16-hour hold before it is released. The scavenger periodically advances this 16-hour timer for each license. It is important to schedule the scavenger to run regularly, at least every hour or two. If the client is in contact sooner, the hold is voided and normal scavenging takes over.

I am running out of licenses earlier than I believe I should be. How can I troubleshoot to understand what is happening?

Have your users click Scavenge for Keys on the Scavenge Options dialog box or you can type pdlice -n in a Command Prompt window.

If you think that client nodes are improperly holding onto licenses, examine the results of the pdlice -M command. This shows you which client nodes have licenses checked out. If a client computer has no plant design-related activity and it is still holding licenses, rebooting that client and then scavenging from the license computer may free some licenses.

If possible, find out what was processing when the job stopped. This information can help you and/or Intergraph determine the underlying cause of the termination. Save the output of any scavenging process that returns a license. This information provides the reasons why the license was returned. The output of the scavenger includes the following information: nodename, product tag, batch mode (Yes/No), process ID, and checkout time.

What do I type to see the number of licenses?

Click Show Key Status from the Display Options dialog box to show the status of your keys.

How can I tell who is using a license?

Click Display Status of Reserved License on the Display Options dialog box or in the license log file.

We installed a key for three licenses, but we can operate only two licenses at the same time. Why?

There can be several reasons.

Click Display Status of Reserved License on the Display Options dialog box to determine the number of licenses that your key contains.

Click Scavenge for Keys on the Scavenge Options dialog box to scavenge for the third license that you are unable to use.

Verify that clients and servers can telnet to each other. Look for anomalies such as two nodes on the network with the same name or the reuse of an old name for a new computer, but with some traces of the old computer still existing in files on the network.

When an application is on a computer that is disconnected from the network without exiting the product, how long is the license held?

16 hours.

How long would a daily license last?

Daily license expires after 12 hours.

See Also Purchasing Licenses FAQ (on page 18)

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S E C T I O N 3

Prior to installing CAESAR II, verify that your computer meets the required hardware and software requirements. For more information, see Software and Hardware Requirements (on page 9).

The CAESAR II installation DVD contains the following options:

Install CAESAR II - Launches the main installation process, which installs CAESAR II, the HASP drivers, and all associated documentation.

CAESAR II Information - Opens the CAESAR II Product Details page on the Intergraph CAS web site.

Release Notes - Opens a PDF file detailing the recent changes made to this new version of CAESAR II.

ReadMe File - Opens a text file discussing the installation steps, the system requirements, and the DVD contents.

License Agreement - Opens an RTF file containing the CAESAR II License Agreement.

Installation Instructions - Opens the CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide, a PDF file containing these instructions. This guide can be opened directly from the DVD without installing the software.

HASP Network Licensing Overview - Opens a DOC file containing a summary of the Aladdin (SafeNet) HASP Licensing System.

HASP Trouble Shooting - Opens a DOC file containing troubleshooting procedures for issues with HASP licensing.

DVD Content:

Additional Installs - Displays options for installing HASP drivers and the Autodesk TrueView application.

Browse the DVD - Displays the DVD contents in Windows Explorer.

Additional Products - Displays additional Intergraph CAS products.

Contact Intergraph - Displays contact information for Intergraph CAS Support.


Training - Opens the CAESAR II Course Details page on the Intergraph CAS web site.

Support Forum - Opens the CAESAR II Discussion Forum on the Intergraph CAS web site.

In This Section Install CAESAR II ........................................................................... 22 Install in Silent Mode ...................................................................... 25


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Close all other software before running the CAESAR II installer. Most unsuccessful installations are caused by other software running at the same time as the installer.

The installation DVD is not readable in a CD drive.

1. Insert the Intergraph CAESAR II DVD. If the DVD does not start automatically, double-click CDSpawn.exe in the root folder of the DVD.

The CAESAR II Setup page opens in your default internet browser.

2. Click Install CAESAR II.

3. Click Next on the Welcome to the Installation Wizard for CAESAR II page.

4. On the License Agreement page, carefully read the license agreement.

5. Click I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next.

6. On the Customer Information page, enter information in the User Name, Organization, and Serial number boxes. The serial number is provided to you by Intergraph CAS.

7. Click Next to continue.

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The Setup Type dialog box displays.

8. Select the appropriate setup type, and click Next. In most cases, you want to select Complete.

9. On the Destination Folder page, review the default folder path. If needed, click Change and select the folder location. Click Next.

10. On the Select Language page, click the needed language, and then click Next.

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24 CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide

11. On the Select License Type page, select the needed license type: network ESL, local ESL, or SPLM license. For more information, see Licensing (on page 11).

12. On the Ready to Install the Application page, click\- Install to begin installing the client software.

As the installation progresses, the status displays in a series of progress bars. The CAESAR II Configuration Editor dialog box then displays.

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13. Review the configuration options and make any needed changes.

14. Click Save and Exit to close the CAESAR II Configuration Editor and continue with the installation.

For more information on the configuration options, see "Configuration and Environment" in the CAESAR II User's Guide.

15. If an ESL license type was selected, the Aladdin device driver installation begins. Click OK on each dialog box.

16. On the InstallShield Wizard Completed page, click Show the readme file to view the Readme.doc file.

17. Click Finish to exit the installer.

18. In the CAESAR II Installer Information dialog box, click OK to restart the computer and complete the installation.

Install in Silent Mode You can use the Windows Installer to install and uninstall CAESAR II using a command line instead of the normal installer interface. You can then perform an unattended installation without dialog boxes, such as when performing a network installation or a corporate repackaging. Use the following command-line arguments and parameters with Windows Installer (msiexec.exe) and the CAESAR II setup (setup.exe) to perform a silent installation of the product.

1. Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.

The Command Prompt window opens.

2. Type the drive letter where the CAESAR II DVD is located. For example, type: E:

3. Change the path to the CAESAR II folder where Setup.exe is located on the DVD. For example, type: cd CAESARII_2013R1

4. Type the installation command:

For silent installation with English language and green ESL color, type:

Setup.exe /v"/qn INSTALL_SILENT="Yes" LANG="Eng" ESL_COLOR="Green"

SERIALNUMBER="<serial number>""

For silent installation with Red ESL color and ESL installed locally, type:

Setup.exe /v"/qn INSTALL_SILENT="Yes" LANG="Eng" ESL_COLOR="Red"

ESL_ON_MACHINE="Yes" SERIALNUMBER="<serial number>""

For silent installation with SPLM, type:

Setup.exe /v"/qn INSTALL_SILENT="Yes" LANG="Eng" ESL_COLOR="SPLM"

SERIALNUMBER="<serial number>""


/v - Pass MSI commands

/qn - Perform silent installation with no user interface

Parameters for Setup.exe

INSTALL_SILENT - Sets silent installation.

Yes - Installation is silent.

No - Normal installation dialog boxes appear.

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LANG - Indicates the language to install.

Eng - English

Span - Spanish

Ger - German

Fren - French

SERIALNUMBER - Specifies the product serial number provided to you by Intergraph CAS.

ESL_COLOR - Sets the ESL license type.

Red - Network ESL

Green - Local ESL

SPLM - SmartPlant License Manager (no ESL)

ESL_ON_MACHINE - Identifies the ESL location.

Only use this parameter when the ESL_COLOR is Red.

Yes - ESL is on the local machine.

No - ESL is on the server.

INSTALLDIR - Sets the path from which to load the installation files.

The general format of the command is:

setup.exe /v"/qn PROPERTY_NAME="value" PROPERTY_NAME2="Value""

For a complete list of command line arguments for msiexec.exe, type the following in a

Command Prompt window: msiexec.exe /?

For a complete list of command-line arguments for the CAESAR II setup.exe, type the

following in a Command Prompt window: setup.exe /?

You must type this command from the drive and path in which the program setup.exe is located.

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S E C T I O N 4

The following technical information and standards are delivered in CAESAR II.

In This Section External Interfaces ......................................................................... 27 Piping Codes ................................................................................. 28 Configuration Options .................................................................... 29 List of Materials .............................................................................. 34 Restraints ....................................................................................... 35 Intersection Types ......................................................................... 36 Node Locations on Bends .............................................................. 37

External Interfaces Tools > External Interfaces transfers data between CAESAR II and other software packages. The following interfaces are available:

CAESAR II Data Interfaces Notes

CAESAR II Neutral File Bi-directional

CAESAR II Data Matrix Import geometry only

Batch Output File Create an ASCII text or binary output file for further processing

Data Export Wizard MDB (Microsoft Access), TXT (Microsoft Excel compatible), and XML

CAD Interfaces Notes

Intergraph CADWorx Plant Bi-directional


CADPIPE Import CADPIPE neutral .UDE file

Computervision Import ComputerVision neutral .CV file

Intergraph Smart3D PCF Import Intergraph Smart3D PCF file

Intergraph PDS Import Intergraph PDS neutral .N file

ISOMET Import ISOMET neutral file

PCF Import PCF file in Alias format

PRO-ISO Import PRO-ISO neutral file

Technical Information

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28 CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide

Analysis Interfaces Notes

LIQT Import dynamic pipe forces from LIQT (.frc)

AFT Impulse Import dynamic pipe forces from AFT Impulse (.frc)

PipeNet Import dynamic pipe forces from PipeNet (.frc)

PipePlus Import PipePlus neutral .PNF file

Flowmaster Import dynamic pipe forces from Flowmaster (.frc)

For more information, see "External Interfaces" in the CAESAR II User's Guide.

Piping Codes CAESAR II supports the following piping codes:

Code Publication Date Revision Date

ANSI B31.1 2010 December 31, 2010

ANSI B31.3 2010 March 31, 2011

ANSI B31.4 & B31.4 Chapter IX 2006 October 20, 2006

ANSI B31.5 2001 May 30, 2005

ANSI B31.8 & Chapter VIII 2010 June 1, 2010

B31.9 2011 May 31, 2011

ANSI B31.11 2002 May 30, 2003

ASME Sect III, Class 2 & 3 2007 July 1, 2009

U.S. Navy 505 1984 N/A

Canadian Z662 2011 June 2011

Canadian Z662, Chapter 11 2011 June 2011

BS 806 Issue 1, September 1993 N/A

Swedish Method 1 & 2 2nd Edition, Stockholm 1979


ANSI B31.1 1967 N/A

Stoomwezen 1989 N/A

RCC-M C & RCC-M D 2007 N/A

CODETI 2001 June 2004

Norwegian 1999 N/A

FDBR 1995 N/A

BS 7159 1989 N/A

UKOOA 1994 N/A

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Code Publication Date Revision Date

IGE/TD/12 2003 N/A

Det Norske Veritas (DNV) 1996 N/A

EN-13480 2010 Draft

GPTC/Z380 2009 January 2009

PD 8010, Part 1 & 2 2004 N/A

ISO-14692 2005 N/A

JPI 2002 August 18, 2004

HPGSL 2005 N/A

Configuration Options Configure or Tools > Configure/Setup opens the Configuration Editor dialog box where

you set options in CAESAR II that control how analysis is performed. The options are saved in the CAESAR.CFG file.

Computational Control

Convergence Tolerances Value Internal Index #

Decomposition Singularity Tolerance 1.00e+10 50

Friction Angle Variation 15.000 48

Friction Normal Force Variation 0.150 47

Friction Slide Multiplier 1.000 46

Friction Stiffness 1.00e+6 45

Rod Increment 2.000 58

Rod Tolerance 1.000 59

Input Spreadsheet Defaults Values Internal Index #

Alpha Tolerance 0.050 33

Coefficient of Friction 0.000 140

Default Rotational Restraint Stiffness 1.00e+12 99

Default Translational Restraint Stiffness

1.00e+12 98

Hanger Default Restraint Stiffness 1.00e+12 49

Minimum Wall Tolerance (%) 12.500 107

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New Job Ambient Temperature 70 135

New Job Bourdon Pressure None 136

Miscellaneous Value Internal Index #

Bend Axial Shape True 51

Ignore Spring Hanger Stiffness False 100

Include Insulation in Hydrotest False 147

Include Spring Hanger Stiffness in Hanger OPE Travel Cases

False 141

Incore Numerical Check False 60

Missing Mass ZPA Extracted 101

Use Pressure Stiffening on Bends Default 65

WRC-107 Interpolation Method Last Value 120

WRC-107 Version Mar '79 1B1/2B1 119

Database Definitions

Databases Value Internal Index #

Alternate CAESAR II Distributed Data Path <none> 123

Default Spring Hanger Table Anvil 112

Expansion Joints FLEXPATH.JHD


Load Case Template LOAD.TPL 142

Piping Size Specification ANSI 88

Structural Database AISC89 70

Units File Name ENGLISH.FIL 124

User Material Database Filename UMAT1.UMD 150

Valve/Flange Files Location Specs in CII, Data in CW


Valves and Flanges CADWORX.VHD


ODBC Settings Value Internal Index #

Append re-runs to existing data False 126

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Enable data export to ODBC compliant databases False 125

ODBC Database File Name <none> 127

FRP Properties

Material Properties Value Internal Index #

Axial Modulus of Elasticity 3200000.000 113

Axial Strain: Hoop Stress (Ea/Eh*Vh/a) 0.153 115

FRP Alpha 12.000 117

FRP Density 0.060 118

FRP Laminate Type CSM and Multi-filament 116

FRP Property Data File CAESAR.FRP 122

Ratio Shear Modulus: Elastic Modulus 0.250 114

Settings Value Internal Index #

BS 7159 Pressure Stiffening Design_Strain 121

Exclude F2 from UKOOA Bending Stress

False 134

Use FRP Flexibilities True 111

Use FRP Sif True 110

Geometry Directives

Bends Values Internal Index #

Bend Length Attachment Percent 1.000 38

Maximum Allowable Bend Angle 95.000 37

Minimum Allowable Bend Angle 5.000 36

Minimum Angle to Adjacent Bend Point 5.00 39

Input Items Value Internal Index #

Auto Node Number Increment 10 109

Connect Geometry Through CNodes True 34

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Horizontal Thermal Bowing Tolerance 0.0001 92

Loop Closure Tolerance 1.0000 in. 42

Z-Axis Vertical False 129

Graphic Settings The following are examples of default graphic color settings:

Background Colors

Bottom Dark Gray (95, 95, 95)

Top Gray (150,150, 150)

Component Colors

Hangers Light Magenta (128, 0, 128)

Nozzles Magenta (255, 0 ,255)

Pipes Light Blue (166, 202, 240)

Rigids Green (0, 255, 0)

Steel Light Gray (192, 192, 192)

Output Colors

Displaced Shape Olive (128, 128, 0))

Stress Level 1 Light Blue (166, 202, 240)

Stress Level 2 Light Cyan (192, 220, 192)

Stress Level 3 Green (0, 128, 0)

Stress Level 4 Yellow (255, 255, 0)

Stress Level 5 Red (255, 0, 0)

Output Colors

Annotation Text Red (255,0,0)

Node Text Red (255, 0, 0)

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Miscellaneous Options The following are examples of miscellaneous settings:

Input Items Value Internal Index #

Disable Undo/Redo Ability False 128

Dynamic Example Input Text Max 94

Output Items Value Internal Index #

Displacement Reports Sorted by Nodes True 89

Output Reports by Load Case True 87

Output Table of Contents True 105

Time History Animation True 104

System Level Items Value Internal Index #

Memory Allocated (Mb) 12

User ID <none>


Advanced Settings Value Internal Index #

Class 1 Branch Flexibility False 55

Use Schneider False 63

Use WRC 329 False 62

B31.3 Code-Specific Settings Value Internal Index #

Apply Para 319.2.3c Saxial No 146

Implement Appendix P True 144

Set Sustained SIF Multiplier 1.0000 40

Use SL Formulation Para 320 (2010) True 145

Code-Specific Settings Value Internal Index #

B31.1 Reduced Z Fix True 54

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B31.1/B31.3 Verified Welding/Contour Tees False 139

EN-13480/CODETI use In-Plane/Out-Plane SIF False 133

Ignore B31.1/B31.3 Wc Factor True 148

No Rft/Wlt in Reduced Fitting SIFs False 53

Occasional Load Factor 0.000 41

Pressure Variation in EXP Case Default 143

Reduced Intersection B31.1 (Post 1980) 32

General Settings Value Internal Index #

Add F/A in Stresses Default 67

Add Torsion in SL Stress Default 66

All Cases Corroded False 35

Allow User's SIF at Bend False 52

Base Hoop Stress On ID 57

Default Piping Code B31.3 43

New Job Liberal Expansion Stress Allowable True 137

Use PD/4t False 64

Yield Stress Criterion Max3DShear 108

List of Materials The CAESAR II Material Table contains the following isotropic materials:

Material No. Material Name Elastic Modulus

Poisson's Ratio

Pipe Density lb./

Temp. Range ºF

1 Low Carbon Steel 29.5 E6 0.292 0.28993 -325 to 1400

2 High Carbon Steel 29.3 E6 0.289 0.28009 -325 to 1400

3 Carbon Moly Steel 29.2 E6 0.289 0.28935 -325 to 1400

4 Low Chrome Moly Steel 29.7 E6 0.289 0.28935 -325 to 1400

5 Med Chrome Moly Steel 30.9 E6 0.289 0.28935 -325 to 1400

6 Austenitic Stainless 28.3 E6 0.292 0.28930 -325 to 1400

7 Straight Chromium 29.2 E6 0.305 0.28010 -325 to 1400

8 Type 310 Stainless 28.3 E6 0.305 0.28990 -325 to 1400

9 Wrought Iron 29.5 E6 0.300 0.28070 -325 to 1400

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Material No. Material Name Elastic Modulus

Poisson's Ratio

Pipe Density lb./

Temp. Range ºF

10 Grey Cast Iron 13.4 E6 0.211 0.25580 70 to 1000

11 Monel 67% Ni/30% Cu 26.0 E6 0.315 0.31870 -325 to 1400

12 K-Monel 26.0 E6 0.315 0.30610 -325 to 1400

13 Copper Nickel 22.0 E6 0.330 0.33850 -325 to 1400

14 Aluminum 10.2 E6 0.330 0.10130 -325 to 600

15 Copper 99.8% Cu 16.0 E6 0.355 0.32270 70 to 400

16 Commercial Brass 17.0 E6 0.331 0.30610 -325 to 1200

17 Leaded Tin Bronze 1 14.0 E6 0.330 0.31890 -325 to 1200

18 Cut short cold spring elements

19 Cut long cold spring elements

20 CAESAR II orthotropic material model (fiberglass-reinforced plastic pipe)

Default coefficient of expansion = 12.0 E-6 in./in./ºF

21 User-defined properties

100 and above

From the Material Database and include the allowable stress and other piping code data.

Restraints CAESAR II stores information on the following restraints:

Restraint Type Abbreviation

Anchor A

Translational Double Acting X,Y, or Z

Rotational Double Acting RX, RY, or RZ

Guide, Double Acting GUI

Double Acting Limit Stop LIM

Translational Double Acting Snubber XSNB, YSNB, ZSNB

Translational Directional +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z

Rotational Directional +RX, -RX, +RY, -RY, +RZ, -RZ

Directional Limit Stop +LIM, -LIM

Large Rotation Rod XROD, YROD, ZROD

Translational Double Acting Bilinear X2, Y2, Z2

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Restraint Type Abbreviation

Rotational Double Acting Bilinear RX2, RY2, RZ2

Translational Directional Bilinear +X2, -X2, +Y2, -Y2, +Z2, -Z2

Rotational Directional Bilinear -RX2, +RY2, - RY2, etc.

Bottom Out Spring XSPR, YSPR, ZSPR

Directional Snubber +XSNB, -XSNB, +YSNB, etc.

Intersection Types CAESAR II uses the following intersection types:

Type B31.3 Type Notes Sketch

1 Reinforced Reinforced Fabricated Tee

Used to lower SIFs

Not a fitting

Modified pipe

2 Unreinforced Unreinforced Fabricated Tee

Routine intersection

Not a fitting

Modified pipe

Usually the cheapest

3 Welded Tee Welding Tee Usually size-on-size

Governed by B16.9

Usually the lowest SIF

Usually expensive

4 Sweepolet Welded-in Contour Insert

"Sit-in" fitting

Forged fittings on a pipe

5 Weldolet Branch Welded on Fitting

"Sit-on" fitting

Forged fittings on a pipe

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Technical Information

CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide 37

Type B31.3 Type Notes Sketch

6 Extruded Extruded Welding Tee

Seldom used

Used for thick wall manifolds

Extruded from straight pipe

Node Locations on Bends Bends are defined by the element entering the bend and the element leaving the bend. The actual bend curvature is always physically at the TO end of the element entering the bend.

The element leaving a bend must appear immediately after the element defining (entering) the bend.

The default bend radius is 1.5 times the pipe nominal OD.

For stress and displacement output, the TO node of the element entering the bend is located geometrically at the FAR point on the bend. The FAR point is at the weld line of the bend and adjacent to the straight element leaving the bend.

The NEAR point on the bend is at the weld line of the bend and adjacent to the straight element entering the bend.

The FROM point on the element is located at the NEAR point of the bend if the total length of the element as specified in the DX, DY and DZ fields is equal to:

Radius tan( Beta / 2 )

where Beta is the bend angle and Radius is the bend radius of curvature to the bend centerline.

Nodes defined in the Angle # and Node # fields are placed at the given angle on the bend curvature. The angle starts with zero degrees at the NEAR point on the bend and goes to “Beta” degrees at the FAR point of the bend.

Angles are always entered in degrees.

By default, nodes on the bend curvature cannot be specified within five (5) degrees of one another or within five degrees of the nearest end point. This and other bend settings may be

changed in the Configuration Editor. Click Configure or Tools > Configure/Setup. For more information, see Configuration Options (on page 29) and Geometry Directives (on page 31).

When the FROM node on the element entering the bend is not at the bend NEAR point, a node may be placed at the NEAR point of the bend by entering an Angle # equal to 0.0 degrees. For more information, see the graphic below.

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Technical Information

38 CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide

When defining a bend element for the first time in the pipe spreadsheet, nodes are automatically placed at the near and midpoint of the bend. The generated midpoint node number is one less than the TO node number on the element, and the generated near point node number is two less than the TO node number on the element. A near point should always be included in the model in tight, highly formed piping systems. The top-left figure below shows the points on the bend as they would be input. The top-right figure shows the actual geometric location of the points on the bend. The bottom-left figure shows the same geometry except that two nodes are defined on the bend curvature at angles of zero and forty-five degrees.

For an animated tutorial on modeling bends, click Help > Animated Tutorials in the main CAESAR II window.

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CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide 39

S E C T I O N 5

The following code stress values are supported by CAESAR II.

In This Section Nomenclature ................................................................................ 39 US Code Stresses ......................................................................... 40 International Code Stresses .......................................................... 43 CAESAR II Verification and Validation Manual ............................. 50

Nomenclature Use the nomenclature definitions below throughout CAESAR II unless a code section specifically provides a different definition.

Am - Cross-sectional metal area in the pipe.

B1 - Primary stress index (component specific)

B2 - Primary stress index (component specific)

Di - Internal diameter

Dm - Mean diameter

Do - Outer diameter

dT - Change in temperature

E - Elastic modulus

f - Cyclic reduction factor

F1 - Hoop stress design factor

Fax - Axial force

FAC - A unitless factor used for a number of purposes depending on the piping code. For more information, see the CAESAR II User's Guide.

i - Stress intensification factor

ii - In-plane stress intensification factor

io - Out-of-plane stress intensification factor

k - Occasional load factor

Ma - Resultant moment due to weight and other sustained loadings

Mb - Resultant moment due to occasional loadings

Mc - Range of resultant moments due to expansion and displacement loadings

Mi - In-plane moment

Mo - Out-of-plane moment

Pi - Internal pressure

Pe - External pressure

R - Radius of pipe or bend

Sa - Axial stress

Code Stresses

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Code Stresses

40 CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide

Sb - Bending stress

Sc - Cold allowable stress (ambient or reference temperature)

Se - Equivalent stress (von Mises or Tresca)

Sh - Hot allowable stress

Shoop - Hoop stress

Sl - Longitudinal stress

Slp - Longitudinal pressure stress

Ss - Tangential shear stress

St - Torsion stress

SU - Ultimate tensile strength

Sy - Yield stress

T - Temperature derating factor

tn - Nominal wall thickness

Z - Pipe section modulus

- Coefficient of thermal expansion

- Poisson’s ratio

US Code Stresses The US code-based stress equations and load case labels used by CAESAR II for actual and allowable stresses are shown below.

The load case recommendations made by CAESAR II are usually sufficient for code compliance. CAESAR II does not recommend occasional load cases. Occasional loads are unknown in origin and you must specify them.

Longitudinal Pressure Stress - Slp

Slp = PDo / 4tn Code approximation

Slp = PD2i / (Do

2 - Di

2) Code exact equation,


Operating Stress – unless otherwise specified

S = Slp + Fax/Am + Sb < N/A


Sl = Slp + 0.75iMa/Z < Sh SUS

iMc/Z < f[1.25(Sc + Sh) - Sl] EXP

Slp + 0.75iMa / Z + 0.75iMb / Z < kSh OCC


S = Slp + Fax/Am + Sb < Sh SUS

(Sb2 + 4St


< f[1.25(Sc + Sh) - Sl] EXP

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Code Stresses

CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide 41

Fax/Am + Sb + Slp < kSh OCC

Sb = {[(iiMi)2 + (ioMo)


} / Z


[B1PmaxDo + B2Ma / Z] / 2tn < 1.5Sh SUS

iMc/Z < f(1.25Sc + 0.25Sh) + Sh - Sl EXP

B1Slpmax + B2(Ma + Mb) / Z < 1.8Sh and < 1.5Sy OCC

B31.1 (1967) and Navy Section 505

Sl = Slp + (Sb2 + 4St


< Sh SUS

(Sb2 + 4St


< f[1.25Sc + 0.25Sh +(Sh – Sl)] EXP

Slp + (Sb2 + 4St


< kSh OCC


Fully Restrained Pipe (FAC = 1.0):

FAC|EdT – Shoop| + Shoop < 0.9 Sy OPE

Buried w/soil restraints modeled (FAC = 0.001):

Only applies to OPE case if Slp + Fax/Am is compressive.

Fax/Am – Shoop + Sb + Shoop < 0.9 Sy OPE

Fully Above Ground (FAC = 0):

Only applies to OPE case if Slp + Fax/Am is compressive.

Slp + Fax/Am + Sb + Shoop < 0.9Sy OPE

(Slp + Sb + Fax/Am)(1.0 – FAC) < .75(.72)Sy SUS

(Sb2 + 4St


< 0.72Sy EXP

(Slp + Sb + Fax/Am)(1.0 – FAC) < 0.8Sy OCC

B31.4 Chapter IX

Hoop: Shoop < F1Sy OPE, SUS, OCC

Longitudinal: |Slp| < 0.8Sy OPE, SUS, OCC

Equivalent: Se < 0.9Sy OPE, SUS, OCC


Se = 2{[(Slp – Shoop)/2]2 + St


Shoop = (Pi – Pe)D/2t

Slp = Sa + Sb or Sa – Sb

CAESAR II only reports the controlling stress the largest percentage of its allowable for each load case.

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Code Stresses

42 CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide


Sl = Slp + Fax/Am +Sb < Sh SUS

(Sb2 + 4St


< f[1.25(Sc + Sh) – Sl] EXP

Fax/Am + Sb + Slp < kSh OCC

Sb = {[(iiMi)2 + (ioMo)


} / Z


Restrained Pipe: As defined in section 833.1

Straight Pipe:

Max(SL, SC) < 0.9SyT OPE, SUS

SL < 0.9SyT OCC


All other components:


Unrestrained Pipe: As defined in section 833.1

SL < 0.75SyT SUS, OCC

SE < f[1.25(Sc + Sh)] – SL EXP


SL = SP + Sx + SB

SP = 0.3Shoop

SP = 0.5Shoop

Sx = R / A

SB = MB / Z

SB = MR / Z

MR = [(.75iiMi)2 +(0.75ioMo)

2 + Mt


MB = (Mi2 + Mo


Sc = Maximum of |Shoop – SL|


[SL2 – SLShoop + Shoop


SE = ME / Z

ME = [(0.75iiMi)2+(0.75ioMo)

2 + Mt]


Where Continued:

Sc = 0.33SU (In the allowables)

Sh = 0.33SUT (In the allowables)

Restrained Pipe

Unrestrained Pipe

Straight pipe

All other components

B31.8 Ch VIII

Hoop Stress: Shoop < F1SyT OPE, SUS, OCC

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Code Stresses

CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide 43

Longitudinal: |SL| < 0.8Sy OPE, SUS, OCC

Equivalent: Se < 0.9Sy OPE, SUS, OCC




Shoop = (Pi – Pe)D/2t

Se = 2{[(SL – Shoop)/2]2 + Ss


Hoop Stress Design Factor

Temp. Derating Factor

Table A842.22

Table 841.116A

The Temperature Derating Factor (T) value must be entered in the SH field in the CAESAR II Input.


Fully restrained pipe (FAC = 1.0):

FAC|EdT – Shoop| + Shoop < 0.9 Sy OPE

Buried w/ soil restraints (FAC = 0.001) Only applies to OPE case if in axial compression

Fax/Am – Shoop + Sb + Shoop < 0.9Sy OPE

Fully above ground (FAC = 0.0): Only applies to OPE case if in axial compression

|Slp + Fax/Am| + Sb + Shoop < 0.9Sy OPE

(Slp + Sb + Fax/Am)(1.0 – FAC) < 0.75(.72)Sy SUS

(Sb2 + 4St


< 0.75Sy EXP

(Slp + Sb + Fax/Am)(1.0 – FAC) < 0.88Sy OCC


Slp + 0.75iMa / Z < Sy OPE

Slp + Sb < 0.75SyFt SUS

(Sb2 + 4St


< 0.72Sy EXP

International Code Stresses The international code-based stress equations and load case labels used by CAESAR II for actual and allowable stresses are shown below.

The load case recommendations made by CAESAR II are usually sufficient for code compliance. CAESAR II does not recommend occasional load cases. Occasional loads are unknown in origin and you must specify them.


Slp + 0.75iMa / Z < f SUS

iMC / Z < fe EXP

Slp + 0.75i(Ma + Mb) / Z < 1.2f OCC

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Code Stresses

44 CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide


Sl = Slp + Fax/Am + Sb < Sh SUS

(Sb2 + 4St


< f[1.25(Sl + Sh) – Sl EXP

Slp + Fax/Am + iMA / Z + iMB / Z < kSh OCC

Sb = {[(iiMi)2 + (ioMo)


} / Z

Alternate Method: Config switch set to TRUE.

Sl = PDo/4t + 0.75iMA / Z < Sh SUS

iMC / Z < f[1.25Sc + 0.25Sh]Eh/Ec EXP

PDo/4t + 0.75iMA / Z + 0.75iMB / Z < kSh OCC

Click Configure or Tools > Configure/Setup to select the method.

Canadian Z662

Fully restrained pipe (FAC = 1.0):

|EdT – Shoop| + Shoop < 0.9SyT OPE

Buried w/ soil restraints (FAC = 0.001): Only if Fax/Am – Shoop is compressive

|Fax/Am – Shoop| + Sb + Shoop < SyT OPE

Fully above ground (FAC = 0.0): For OPE case only if Slp+Fax/Am is compressive

|Slp + Fax/Am| + Sb + Shoop < SyT OPE

0.5Shoop + Sb < SyFLT SUS, OCC

[Sb2 +4St


< 0.72SyT EXP


F = Design Factor (clause

L = Location Factor (clause

T = Temperature Factor (

Canadian Z662 Ch 11

Sh = (Pi – Pe)D/2tmin if (D/t >20) < FTSy OPE, SUS, OCC

Sh = (Pi–Pe)(Do2+Di




if(D/t < 20), use tnominal < FTSy OPE, SUS, OCC

Seq = (Sh2+Sl



use tnominal



F = Design Factor (Table 11.1)

T = Temperature Factor (Table 4.4)

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Code Stresses

CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide 45


SI = PDi2/Eff(Do

2 – Di

2) + 0.75Ma/Z < Sh SUS

iMC / Z < Sh + Sr - Sl EXP


2 – Di

2) + 0.75i(Ma + Mb) / Z < 1.2Sh OCC


Sr = min(1.25Sc + .25Sh, FrRs – F2)


Fr(1.25R1 + 0.25R2)

Fr = Cyclic Reduction Factor

Rs = Permissible stress for 7000 cycles

R1 = Min(Sc, 0.267Rm)

R2 = Min(Sh, 0.367Rm)

Rm = Ultimate tensile strength at room temp

The latter applies to temps > 370 C; 425 C for Austenitic stainless steel


Sl = Slp + 0.75iMA / Z < Sh SUS

iMC / Z < f[1.25(Sc + Sh) – Sl] EXP

Slp + 0.75iMA / Z + 0.75iMB / Z < kSh OCC

BS 7159

If Sx is tensile:

(Sx2 + 4Ss


< Sh OPE

(S2+ 4Ss


< EffSh OPE

If Sx is compressive:

< EffSh OPE

|Sx| < 1.25Sh OPE


Sx = PDm / 4t + [(ixiMi)2 + (ixoMo)


/ Z

Ss = Sx – Fx / A

If Fx / A > PDm / 4t, and it is compressive:

S= MPDm / 2t

S = MPDm / 2t + [(iiMi)2 +(ioMo)


/ Z

S= MPDm / 2t + [(ixiMi)2 + (ixoMo)


/ Z

Dm and t are always for the run pipe

Eff = E/ Ex ff

For Straight Pipe

For Bends

For Tees

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Code Stresses

46 CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide


ab(f2/r) + PDm / 4t < f1f2LTHS / 2.0 OPE


ab = Axial Bending Stress due to mechanical loads

f1 = Factor of Safety for 97.5% confidence limit, usually 0.85

f2 = System factor of safety, usually 0.67

r = a(0:1) / a(2:1)

a(0:1) = Long-term Axial Tensile Strength in absence of pressure load

a(2:1) = Long-term Axial Strength under only pressure loading

LTHS = Long-term Hydrostatic Strength (hoop stress allowable)

Det Norske Veritas (DNV)

Hoop Stress: Sh < nsSMYS OPE, SUS, OCC

Hoop Stress: Sh < nuSMTS OPE, SUS, OCC

Longitudinal Stress: SL < nSMYS OPE, SUS, OCC

Equivalent Stress: Se < nSMYS OPE, SUS, OCC


Sh = (Pi – Pe)(D-t)/2t

ns = Hoop Stress Usage Factor (Tables C1 and C2)

nu = Hoop Stress Bursting Factor (Tables C1 and C2)

SMYS = Specified Minimum Yield Stress at Operating Temp.

SMTS = Specified Minimum Tensile Strength at Operating Temp.

SL = Max. Longitudinal Stress

n = Equiv. Stress Usage Factor (Table C4)

Se = [Sh2 + SL

2 – ShSL + 3t



Pcdo/4en + 0.75iMA/Z < kfn SUS

Pcdo/4en + 0.75iMA/Z + iMc/Z < fn+fa EXP

Pcdo/4en + 0.75iMA/Z + 0.75iMB/Z < kfn OCC

Alternate Option:

SbA = [(iiMi)2+(ioMo)


/ Z Due to Primary Loads

Sl = Pcdo/4en + SbA < kfn SUS

[Sb2 + 4St


+Sl < fn + fh EXP

SbB = [(iiMi)2 + (ioMo)


/ Z Due to Occasional Loads

Pcdo/4en + SbA + SbB < kfn OCC

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Code Stresses

CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide 47


Sl = Slp +Fax/Am + Sb < Sh SUS

[Sb2 + 4St


< f[1. 25(Sc + Sh) – Sl] EXP

Fax/Am + Sb + Slp < kSh OCC

Sb = [(iiMi)2 + (ioMo)


/ Z

S1 = [(iiMi)2 + (ioMo)


/ Z + |Fax/Am|

< S K1P

Se = 2[(iiMi)2 + (ioMo)

2 + (Mt)


/ Z < 2 Sy K1S


S = Minimum value of 0.6Su and 0.9Sy if material is aluminum type

= Minimum value of 0.6Suo, 0.6Su, 0.9Syo and Sy if material is austenite type

= Minimum value of 0.6Suo, 0.6Su, 0.9Syo and 0.9Sy if material is other type

Suo = Minimum tensile strength at room temperature

Sy = Yield point or 0.2% endurance strength at the design temperature

Syo = Minimum yield point or 0.2% endurance strength at room temperature


Sl = Slp + Fax/Am +Sb < Sh SUS

(Sb2 + 4St


< f[1.25(Sc + Sh) – Sl] EXP

Fax/Am + Sb + Slp < kSh OCC

S1 = [(iiMi)2 + (ioMo)


/ Z + |Fax/Am|

< S K1P

Se = 2[(iiMi)2 + (ioMo)

2 + (Mt)


/ Z < 2 Sy K1S


S = Minimum value of 0.6Su and 0.9Sy if material is aluminum type

= Minimum value of 0.6Suo, 0.6Su, 0.9Syo and Sy if material is austenite type

= Minimum value of 0.6Suo, 0.6Su, 0.9Syo and 0.9Sy if material is other type

Suo = Minimum tensile strength at room temperature

Sy = Yield point or 0.2% endurance strength at the design temperature

Syo = Minimum yield point or 0.2% endurance strength at room temperature

PD8010 Part 1

Hoop Stress: Sh < eSy OPE, SUS, OCC

Equivalent Stress: Se < 0.9Sy OPE, SUS, OCC


Sy = Specified min yield strength

e = Weld joint factor

Sh = P(Do2 + Di


2 - Di


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Code Stresses

48 CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide

Se = [Sh2 + SL

2 – ShSL + 3St


St = MT/2Z + 2Fs/A

MT= Torsional moment

Fs = Shear force


SL = Slp +iM/Z


FAC = 1.0 (fully restrained):

SL = Sh - EdT

FAC = 0.001 (Buried w/soil restraints):

SL = Fax/Am +Sh(1-) + Sb

PD8010 Part 2

Hoop Stress: Sh < fdhSy OPE, SUS, OCC

Equivalent Stress: Se < fdeSy OPE, SUS, OCC


fdh = Hoop stress design factor per Table 2.

fde = Equivalent stress design factor per Table 2.

Sh = (Pe-Pi)(Do2 + Di




Se = [Sh2 + SL

2 – ShSL + 3St


St = Mt/2Z + iM/Z

SL = Slp + iM/Z


Slp + 0.75iMa/Z < Sh SUS

iMC/Z < f[1.25(Sc+Sh) – Sl] EXP

Slpmax + 0.75i(Ma+Mb)/Z < 1.2Sh OCC

ISO 14692

ISO 14692 requires that the sum of all hoop stresses (h, sum) and the sum of all axial stresses (a,

sum) be evaluated for all states of the piping system. CAESAR II evaluates these stresses for stress types OPE, SUS, and OCC. If the hoop stress is exceeded, the axial stress is not reported.


Fully Measured Envelope:

(hl(1,1) and al(1,1) input)



and if:


then use:



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Code Stresses

CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide 49

a,sum f2A1A2A3al(0,1) + [(al(1,1) – al(0,1))/hl(1,1)] (h,sum )



then use:



f2A1A2A3al(1,1)+{[al(2,1) –


Simplified Envelope: (hl(1,1) and al(1,1) not input)





f2A1A2A3al(0,1) + [al(2,1) – al(0,1)]h,sum/hl(2,1)

Joints and Bends:

Simplified Envelope (r 1):





f2A1A2A3rqs / 2 + (1-r)h,sum / 2

Joints and Bends:

Rectangular Envelope (r 1):





f2A1A2A3rqs / 2


Rectangular Envelope (r = 1):





f2A1A2A3qs / 2


f2 =

A1 =

A2 =

A3 =

qs =

al(0,1) =

al(1,1) =

hl(1,1) =

al(2,1) =

hl(2,1) =

r =

Part Factor for Loading (default values listed from Table 3)

0.89 for Occasional Short-Term Loads

0.83 for Sustained Loads Including Thermal Loads

0.67 for Sustained Loads Excluding Thermal Loads

Partial Factor for Temperature

Partial Factor for Chemical Resistance

Partial Factor for Cyclic Service

Qualified Stress (entered for bends, fittings, and joints)

Long-Term Axial Strength at 0:1 Stress Ratio

Long-Term Axial Strength at 1:1 Stress Ratio

Long-Term Hoop Strength at 1:1 Stress Ratio

Long-Term Axial Strength at 2:1 Stress Ratio

Long-Term Hoop Strength at 2:1 Stress Ratio

Bi-Axial Stress Ratio 2al(0,1)/qs (for simplified and rectangular

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Code Stresses

50 CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide

a,sum =

h,sum =

ap =

ab =

h =


Sum of All Axial Stresses {(ap + ab)2 + 4


Sum of All Hoop Stresses [h2 + 4


Axial Pressure Stress

Axial Bending Stress

Torsion Stress

Hoop Stress

CAESAR II Verification and Validation Manual The CAESAR II Verification and Validation Manual is a publicly available verification document. This manual briefly discusses current industry QA standards, the Intergraph CAS QA standard, a series of benchmark tests, and instructions for implementing QA procedures on your own hardware.

The benchmark test compares analysis results to published data by ASME and the NRC. Additional tests compare CAESAR II results to other industry programs.

For additional information on the manual, contact the sales department at [email protected].

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CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide 51

A Additional Intergraph CAS Software • 10

C CAESAR II Verification and Validation

Manual • 50 Code Stresses • 39 Computational Control • 29 Configuration Options • 29

D Database Definitions • 30

E ESL Installation • 12 External Interfaces • 27

F Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) • 17 FRP Properties • 31

G General Topics FAQ • 18 Geometry Directives • 31 Graphic Settings • 32

I Install a local lock • 12 Install a network lock • 12 Install CAESAR II • 22 Install in Silent Mode • 25 Installation • 21 International Code Stresses • 43 Intersection Types • 36

L Licensing • 11 List of Materials • 34

M Miscellaneous Options • 33

N NetHASP License Manager / NETHASP.INI

Instructions • 13 Node Locations on Bends • 37 Nomenclature • 39 Notes on Network ESLs • 13

O Overview • 9

P Piping Codes • 28 Purchasing Licenses FAQ • 18

Q Quick Installation Workflow • 16

R Restraints • 35

S Seminars • 10 SIFs and STRESSES • 33 SmartPlant License Manager Installation •

14 Software and Hardware Requirements • 9

T Technical Information • 27 Technical Support and Sales • 10 Troubleshooting Network Locks • 14

U US Code Stresses • 40

W What's New in CAESAR II • 5
