calculation of atmospheric stability used for wake …€¦ · calculation of atmospheric stability...

DTU Wind Energy Department of Wind Energy Calculation of atmospheric stability used for wake analysis Kurt S. Hansen & Søren Ott DTU Wind Energy [email protected]

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DTU Wind Energy Department of Wind Energy

Calculation of atmospheric stability used for wake analysis

Kurt S. Hansen & Søren Ott

DTU Wind Energy

[email protected]

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

2 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark


1. Background & motivation;

2. Models and required signals;

3. Introduction to AMOK;

4. Examples based on Horns Rev and Lillgrund WF;

5. Horns Rev park efficiency;

6. Conclusion and future work;

7. Acknowledgement.

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

3 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Short background (ksh)

• Wind & load measurements (;

• Far wake analysis; 3 – 70D (WF SCADA data & Load measurements);

• Near wake analysis; 1 – 3D; (Horiz. Lidar measurements)

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

4 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark


Detailed wind farm analysis need a quantification of

Wind direction/spacing;

Wind speed;



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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

5 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Models used to determine the atmosperic stratification

Richardson number Ri(h,Δu, Δθ,Ta) Reference: IEA Rec. #3, 1990;

Gradient method (Δu), not completed;

Sonic 3-D+Ta;

Stability based on Froude number, Reference: Javier Sanz Rodrigo/CENER;

Bulk-Ri(h,Δu, Δθ, Ta) method & zref/L = f(Rib); Reference: B.Lange, PhD Thesis;

Monin-Obukov theory (AMOK) zref/L≈g(Rib); Reference: Søren Ott;

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

6 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Method: Bulk-Ri (B.Lange

















Ref. The impact of turbulence intensity and atmospheric stability on power deficits due to wind turbine wakes at Horns Rev wind farm; Kurt S. Hansen WIND ENERGY 2011, we510

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

7 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Method: Bulk-Ri (B.Lange

Conclusion: Result was not robust, (Søren was not satified)!

Input: HR-M2 1999-2002

Ta: Absolute air temperature, h=55 m

Tw: Sea surface temperature, h=-4 m

Uh: Wind speed, h=62,


Monin-Obukhov length scale(zref/L)

Input: HR-M7 2005-2007

Ta: Absolute air temperature, h=55 m

Tw: Sea surface temperature, h=-4 m

Uh: Wind speed, h=20,


Monin-Obukhov length scale(zref/L)

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

8 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

3-D sonic anemometer

• Input signals from one 3-D sonic anemometer;

• Stab=zref/L

• Comment: Applicable for onshore sites – but not verified for offshore locations

''4.081.9/)273(L3* twuTa

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

9 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Determination of offshore stratification - AMOK

• Theory: Monin – Obukhov

Characteristic temperature:

Friction velocity:

MO-length L:

AMOK is a tool for analysing of offshore met data


<U> <Dir> < Tair > < Twater > <time>

Output: 1/L, θ*, u* (S.Ott)

)/(/1 2

** uTgL a

** /´´ uw ½

* ´´ wuu

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

10 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark


AMOK version 1.0.3 Output

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

11 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Classification of atmosperic stability (offshore)

Class Obukhov length [m] Atmospheric stability class

cL=-3 -100 <=L <= -50 Very unstable (vu)

cL=-2 -200 <=L <= -100 Unstable (u)

cL=-1 -500 <= L <= -200 Near unstable (nu)

cL=0 |L|>500 Neutral (n)

cL=1 200 <= L <= 500 Near stable (ns)

cL=2 50 <= L <= 200 Stable (s)

cL=3 10<= L <= 50 Very stable (vs)

Method: AMOK

Input: - Absolute air temperature, h=13m

- Water temperature, h=-4m - Wind speed, h=15m


- Monin-Obukhov length (1/L)

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

12 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Classification of stratification

Horns Rev- sectorwise atmospherie stability; 7 - 9 m/s (AMOK)







0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330

Flow sector - deg.


F -










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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

13 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Stratification at Horns Rev 1999-2002

Wind speed (m/s), h= 62 m

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

14 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

15 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Preliminary results

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

16 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Distribution of turbulence intensity

Fitted with a LogNormal Distribution


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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

17 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Example: Lillgrund offshore wind farm



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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

18 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Classification of stratification at Lillgrund WF

Input signals: 0-360 deg

• Inflow wind speed, h=70m (derived from wt power/pitch values);

• Inflow wind direction, h=70m (derived from wind turbine yaw position);

• Air temperature, h=8 m;

• Water temperature measured at Drogden fyr (hourly), Δd>10km;

• AMOK version 1.03;

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

19 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Classification of stratification at Lillgrund WF

Stratification@Lillgrund: U = 8 - 10 m/s (2000 hours)








-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Stability classification


f [%


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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

20 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark



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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

21 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Input: HR-M6 ta: Air temperatur at height, h= 16m; U: Wind speed at height, h= 20m; ts: Sea surface temperature, h=-4m;

Output: Monin-Obukhov length scale

length(1/L); U*, θ*;

Mean turbulence intensity

HR-M7: 2005-2009

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

22 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Quantification of power deficit – caused by stratification

• Extract power deficit for 0 – 360°

All observations - reference

Stable stratification (vs,s)

Neutral stratification (ns,n,nu)

Unstable stratification (u,vu)

• Demostration wind farm: Horns Rev (80x2 MW)

• Results for wind speed 8±1 m/s

• Reference wind speed ≈ ”free” wind turbines ~ 100%

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

23 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Example: Horns Rev offshore wind farm: 80 x 2 MW, D=80m

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

24 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Example of power deficit along wind turbine rows with 7D internal spacing.



sector = 5 deg Narrow sector, Δ=5o

Large sector, Δ =30o

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

25 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Efficiency polar


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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

26 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Park efficiency (Δ AEP):

μi = AEP160MW/80*AEP2MW ; for vi=4±0.5, 5±0.5,..24±0.5 m/s



nnual Energ

y P



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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

27 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark


• Robust classification of stratification for offshore locations has been established and demonstrated;

There is a lack of high quality measurement:

1) Meteorological flow reference measurements (speed & direction);

2) Wind Farm SCADA data;

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

28 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Future work

• Validate and implement the AMOK classification for other offshore sites;

• Determine the dependence of structural loads due to atmospheric stability;

• Results from Horns Rev and other sites will be used in future IEA Wakebench model validations.

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VindkraftNet meeting, DONG Energy January 15, 2014 Kurt S. Hansen

29 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark


The research has been performed in part by EUDP 64010-0462 which is funded by the Danish Energy Agency.

We acknowledge Vattenfall AB and DONG Energy A/S for using the SCADA data from the Horns Rev offshore wind farm.

We acknowledge Vattenfall AB for using the SCADA data from the Lillgrund offshore wind farm.