calculus chapter breakdown and worked trig problems

3.1 and 3.2 only ally need the formulas... 3.3 (1 problem) find derivative of a function involving log 3.5 inverse funct ..trig...easy problems 3.6 hyperbolic proofs 3.7 l'hospital's rule 4.1 on a closed interval, findable max, min and critical points 4.2 prove only one real root.... 4.3 asymptotes (horiz,vertical) critical pts, global min/max, convex up and down, and inflection, etc. On quiz: a)

Upload: djpsychoscientz

Post on 18-Dec-2015




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This breaks down the chapters in easy to understand terms. There are also worked problems. I used this for studying and it really helped immensely.


  • 3.1 and 3.2 only ally need the formulas...

    3.3 (1 problem) find derivative of a function involving log

    3.5 inverse funct ..trig...easy problems

    3.6 hyperbolic proofs

    3.7 l'hospital's rule

    4.1 on a closed interval, findable max, min and critical points

    4.2 prove only one real root....

    4.3 asymptotes (horiz,vertical) critical pts, global min/max, convex up and down, and inflection, etc.

    On quiz:a)

  • b)


  • d)

  • e)

    ** I want cofunctions to keep them from being zero....

    we think of it as lim as a goes to arctan y...

  • You can show that there's no root or one root

    It's either incresing or decreasing, not both...

    Are ther eany zeroes btwn -2, 2?

  • If we have this condition, there is a c btwn f(a) and f(b) such that f(c)=0....

    Kind of IVT cast for this particular problem.


    Easy point..