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CALDES Technical Interchange Meeting at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, 24 April 2007 Dr. George S. Nitschke, P.E. The California Design (CALDES) A Geopressured-Geothermal System-of-Systems Renewable Energy Solution to the Impending Water Shortage Crisis in the West Disclaimer This briefing is for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as an endorsement of the concept or contents by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

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Page 1: CALDES Technical Interchange Meeting Technical Interchange Meeting.pdfCALDES Technical Interchange Meeting. at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, ... (Dr. Fawzi Karajeh, et

CALDESCALDES - a proposed solution for the impending water shortage crisis in the West

CALDES Technical Interchange Meetingat the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, 24 April 2007

Dr. George S. Nitschke, P.E.

The California Design (CALDES)A Geopressured-Geothermal System-of-Systems Renewable Energy

Solution to the Impending Water Shortage Crisis in the West

DisclaimerThis briefing is for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as an

endorsement of the concept or contents by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Page 2: CALDES Technical Interchange Meeting Technical Interchange Meeting.pdfCALDES Technical Interchange Meeting. at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, ... (Dr. Fawzi Karajeh, et

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Purpose of Briefing

Thank You USBR & Attendees!

INVITED ATTENDEES:Reclamation Staff (Kevin Price, et al)California Department of Water Resources (Dr. Fawzi Karajeh, et al)Texas Water Development Board (Jorge Arroyo)National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Chuck Kutscher)Idaho National Laboratory (Joel Renner)Sandia National Laboratory (Pat Brady)

The primary purpose of this briefing is to raise awareness within state and federal agencies regarding the potential for the CALDES concept to help solve the water and energy challenges in the West.

Page 3: CALDES Technical Interchange Meeting Technical Interchange Meeting.pdfCALDES Technical Interchange Meeting. at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, ... (Dr. Fawzi Karajeh, et

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CALDES Synopsis

The California Design (CALDES): A Geopressured-Geothermal System-of-Systems Renewable Energy Solution to the

Impending Water Shortage Crisis in the West The CALDES systems concept is expected to provide a long term, profitable solution to thewater shortage crisis in the West while reducing U.S. reliance on foreign oil. The systems design utilizes desalination of geopressured brine reservoirs (short-term) and renewably powered coastal desalination (long-term). The CALDES systems essentially recover a non-renewable resource (geopressured brine) and convert it into a renewable energy resource(solar ponds), which is then utilized to produce potable water via large scale seawaterdesalination. A byproduct of the design is cost-effective recovery of collocated heavy oil (halves the cost of conventional recovery processes), which provides a near-term increase in domestic oil availability while greatly enhancing the overall project economics. The CALDES systems solution, deployed in California and/or Texas, is modularly extensible, from a single system, to tens of systems, etc.; it is estimated that California’s capacity is1000+ CALDES systems, and roughly 2000+ such systems in the Texas Gulf coast region. A feasibility study of the CALDES systems concept has been formally vetted/approved and published as George Nitschke’s doctoral dissertation (Renwable Energy, Oct.2006).

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CALDES Introduction-

The Need: Impending U.S. Water & Energy Crisis


The Resource: Geopressured-Geothermal Energy


The Solution: California Design Concept

Pilot Project Overview

Pilot Project Startup Status

Open Discussion on Way Ahead

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The Need: Water

Water shortages in the western states are increasing to crisis levels-

Cyclic drought, e.g., 2003 Colorado River Basin rainfall lowest in recorded history-

Compounded by population growth (CA increase from 33M to 50M by 2025)-

Depleting economies (enviro-restoration bonds, crop fallowing, escalating water prices)-

Deleterious environmental impact (e.g., Bay-Delta, CO River, Salton Sea)-

Similar water crisis issues evolving in other western states (e.g., Texas)

Source: Department of the Interior Water 2025 initiative (June 2003)



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The Need: Energy

U.S. energy posture is increasingly vulnerable-

Reliance on foreign oil inadvertently funds entities hostile to U.S. security-

Need economically viable transition to alternate energy (e.g., solar-hydrogen)-

Water-Power coupled in CA (16% hydro-e; water uses 19% elec., 32% gas)-

Brittle infrastructure vulnerabilities (e.g., recent California blackouts, Alaska pipeline failure)


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The GPGT Resource

Geopressured-Geothermal energy (GPGT) is an immense energy resource that remains relatively untapped throughout the world

• High pressure, high temperature, gas cut, brine reservoirs– wellhead pressure: 1000−4000 psi– brine temperature: 250−400°F– GPGT brines contain 20−100 scf/bbl natural gas – normally found at depths greater than 10,000 feet– can be produced at high flow rates: 20,000−40,000 bbl/day– GPGT brines contain 15,000−200,000 ppm dissolved solids, typically 85% NaCl– outstanding flow longevity (Dept. of Energy flow tests, Gulf Coast region)

• The recoverable GPGT energies are– thermal (heat exchange with brine)– mechanical (flowing pressure at wellhead)– chemical (natural gas)

• U.S. GPGT regions are strategically collocated– California/Gulf Coast GPGT collocation with crisis regions (following figures)– GPGT collocation with medium-to-heavy U.S. oil reserves (key for CALDES)

Not to be confused with “hot-rock” geothermal energy

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The GPGT Resource

U.S. GPGT Regions

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The GPGT Resource

U.S. GPGT Collocational Aspects

Heavy Oil Region

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The CALDES Solution

CALDES Systems Solution-

GPGT Conversion Segment

Recover GPGT raw brine

Promote enhanced oil recovery

Produce saturated brine


Solar Energy Segment

Use sat. brine to build solar ponds

Solar powered coastal desalination


Integrated Water & EnergySegment-synergy is essential (salt!)

California, Texas deployment

Flexible configurations (1 of 7 shown)

Modularly extensible

Environmentally sustainable

Economically profitable

Spray-Evap/Settling Pond

GPGT WellSurgeTank

Separator --Pelton Wheel










Lift Pwr

Site Pwr









decreasing temperature

transparent,insulating,gradient region

ground zone

storage zone

gradient zone

upper convecting zoneincreasingsalinity andtemperature profile

make up






main HX




Coastal RO Desalination






U.S. Patent Re. 36,282; Other Patents In-Work



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CALDES Fully Deployed in California

Install GPGT Conversion Systems• Recover Heavy Oil• Produce H20 Distillate• Provide SP Salt

Install Solar Energy Systems• Solar Pond Power• Renewable Desalination• Release CO Upstream

Fully Integrated Solution• 5+ MAF/y• 45%+ blended ROR• CA Water Remediation

• Colorado River• Bay-Delta• Salton Sea• Groundwater

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CALDES Summary

Fully deployed in California, CALDES has the potential to resolve that state’s municipal water shortfalls in an environmentally and economically sound manner-

5+ MAF/y renewably powered seawater desalination-

45% blended enterprise ROR (combined oil & water revenues)-

Modularly extensible (from single to multiple systems)Fully deployed in California and Texas, a CALDES (and TEXDES) implementation would largely resolve the U.S. “Water 2025” crisis-

Municipal demands met with renewable seawater desalination-

Enabling environmental restoration (surface and ground water, etc.)

CALDES will strengthen the short/long-term U.S. energy posture-

Reduced reliance on foreign oil (increase in domestic availability)-

Distributed, renewable power instantiation (solar pond systems)


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CALDES Introduction

Pilot Project Overview-





Launch Schedule


Candidate Site Locations

Pilot Project Startup Status

Open Discussion on Way Ahead

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CALDES Pilot Configuration

CALDES Pilot ConfigurationRecover/sell collocated heavy oil

• circumvents conventional problems

• halves TEOR recovery costsOther products for sale

• bulk salt (for piloting only)• distilled water / irrigation water

Produce for site-use• recovered gas• generated electricity

High-Profit• 1000+ bpd oil, 125 ton/d salt,

500 kgal/d distilled H2O• ~75% ROR (e.g., for piloting)

U.S. Patent Re. 36,282; Other Patents In-Work


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Pilot Project Costs/Revenues Projections

System costs:• $8M - $12M (dependent on re-entry,

in-place EOR wells)

Projected Pre-Tax Annual Revenues:• $15M+ per year (5 yr project life) for a

projected 75%+ ROR• 20k bpd GPGT flowrate,

nominal characteristics• 1000 bpd recovered oil

(SOR=5, x=0.40 steam at 5k bpd CWE)

• $60/bbl, $10/bbl knock with 1/8 lease fee

• $10/kgal distilled H2O, $25/ton bulk salt

• 330 day operating yr, $2M/yr O&M

Dissertation models can be utilized to coordinate with suppliers and develop final equipment specifications

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Pilot Project Notional Launch Schedule

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Pilot Project Candidate Location

South Texas GPGT fairways will also provide candidate locations for a Texas Pilot Project

Survey of Potential GPGT in CA, Mar.1993, GeothermExEnhanced Oil Recovery Scoping Study, Oct.1999, EPRIEnhanced Oil Recovery Scoping Study, Oct.1999, EPRI

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CALDES Introduction

Pilot Project Overview

Pilot Project Startup Status-






Open Discussion on Way Ahead

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Strategies for Organizing Pilot Project

Startup strategies considered1. Oil company direct

• limited / private agreement directly with oil company2. Combination approach

• beneficiary agencies enter into chartered agreement3. Government operated

• government agencies operate startup per TBD agreement 4. “Zealot / Champion” model

• sole investor (s) provides funding support to launch Pilot Project5. Acquire venture capital to launch startup company

• assemble team, develop business plan, seek venture funding6. Other??

Efforts thus far-

First attempt at No.1, second attempt in queue-

Developing framework for attempt at No.2-

Engaging with agencies for consideration of No.3 (e.g., this TIM)

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Challenges / Dialogue Thus Far

Limiting type responses / reactions to the CALDES Pilot Project


CALDES Credibility• “If it’s such a good idea, how come no one has thought of this before?”• “You want us to believe we can solve the problem AND make more money???”


Confusion regarding Geopressured-Geothermal resource• Mistaken as hot-rock geothermal (i.e., magma proximity, hydro-/petro-thermal)• “We know all about geothermal energy.” – GPGT NOT THE SAME!


Institutional inertia• Natural resistance to new ideas• Budget limitations (e.g., funding realities Re renewables)• Wheels-in-motion, funding allocated for other proposed solutions


Lack of interest and/or knowledge of the U.S. water/energy problem• “What water problem? What environment problem?”• “Why care about California?”

Currently working to inform, help raise awareness


One-on-one with individual agencies (e.g., USBR, DWR, etc.)-

Top-down encouragement would help support this grassroots effort

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CALDES Introduction

Pilot Project Overview

Pilot Project Startup Status

Open Discussion on Way-Ahead

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Way-Ahead Discussion

Overarching systems engineering / management function to solve the complex water & energy crisis in the West does not currently exist.-

The individual stakeholder agencies have their own viewpoints, but an oversight management function across the entire enterprise does not exist.


The lack of this systems engineering oversight function is a key impediment to achieving a truly integrated solution.


The CALDES systems concept presents a construct on which this critical oversight and management function could take shape (e.g., Pilot Charter)


What entity can / will take on this crucial integration role?• Facilitate dialogue and collaboration amongst stakeholder agencies• Provide the systems engineering oversight• Lead the multi-faceted project planning and coordination

“Other” strategies for promoting a CALDES Pilot Project-

Engage politicians for support, media for awareness-

Engage municipal water agencies, e.g., MWD, Las Vegas-



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Backup Material

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Southwest U.S. Water Systems

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California Drought History

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Current Drought Picture


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CALDES Dissertation: CALDES Enterprise Value (Sect.4)


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World Energy Consumption

World energy consumption, 1970-2025.Source: International Energy Outlook 2004.

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Peak Oil Measured

This graph indicates that oil production has already peaked in non-OPEC, non-former Soviet Union countries.

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Peak Oil Projection

Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO)

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Peak Gas Measured/Projected

by Asher Imam, Richard A. Startzman and Maria A. Barrufet Oil & Gas Journal, August 16, 2004 6

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The CALDES Solution

GPGT Conversion Segment-

Recover/sell collocated heavy oil• via CALDES TEOR method• halves TEOR recovery costs• circumvents conventional problems

Distillate-quality TEOR waterSupplied by GPGT conversion systemGas supplied by GPGT brine


Other products for sale• bulk salt (for piloting only)• distilled water / return irrigation water


Produce for site-use• gas (optional sale)• electricity


High-Profit• 1000-3000 bpd, 125-250 ton/d, 600 kgal/d• ~75% ROR (e.g., for piloting)• ~65% ROR without salt sale

U.S. Patent Re. 36,282; Other Patents In-Work

Spray-Evap/Settling Pond

GPGT WellSurgeTank

Separator --Pelton Wheel










Seawater ROD

Solar Ponds

Lift Pwr

Site Pwr









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The CALDES Solution

Solar Energy Segment-

Instantiate solar pond systems• use bulk salt (sat.brine, vs. sell)• modularly optimized installation• Mojave desert, west Texas


Renewably power desalination• solar/ocean hydrological loop• ~5+ MAF/y fully deployed in CA• 45%+ blended ROR (enterprise ROR)

Use saturated brine to build solar ponds

Use solar heat to produce electricity


ably power

coastal desalination


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CALDES Dissertation: CALDES Systems Description (Sect.2)

Spray-Evap/Settling Pond

GPGT WellSurgeTank

Separator --Pelton Wheel










Lift Pwr

Site Pwr









decreasing temperature

transparent,insulating,gradient region

ground zone

storage zone

gradient zone

upper convecting zoneincreasingsalinity andtemperature profile

make up






main HX




Coastal RO Desalination

















So, BHP, BHT, GWR(DOE Test Dataor other brine)

Brine Composition Zi

Calculation 1GPGT Well


Pelton Turbine DataBPD, PFLOW, Dwheel,


Wgas, Zgas, Pgas

Calculation 2Tank/Pelton/Gas.Sep.


Wb, Pb, Tb, Sb, Zb

Pelton EPWR

etaburner, Hgas,

Wb, Pb, Tb, Sb, Zb

Calculation 3Pre-Heater

Hand Calc., adjust input file EVAPINTO

OTS Watt-hr/gal

MAF/yr Potable

OTS PerformanceRO DesalinationHand Calculation

Tflash, HXarea, SN(N=f{Tf,area})

Design: Nt,di,Li,materials

Calculation 4Multi-Effect (MED)FORTRAN Model


WH2On, TH2On


WbN, TbN, PbN

WVent Gas



Calculation 5Condenser

Hand Calc., adjust heat rate into SEP

S, Area, N/1000, gpm/N, height, Cw, Ta,

RH, Wind, Qsol(vendor nozzle data)

Calculation 6Spray Evap (SEP)

Excel ModelSEP-X-Y

WSolid Salt (ton/day)

Wbrine (pps to SP)

Qsol, T, RH, Wind, Area, Dzones, S


Appendix BSolar Pond

FORTRAN ModelSolpond-3

Area, h, hT, time, Soi, Sors, , Bo,

Gomaa Data

Oil bpd

Calculation 8CALDES TEORExcel/Handcalc

Gomaa’s Method

Di, Li, , f

Calculation 9Pipelines

Excel ModelPipeline-07

Wbrine (pps to SP)

Cost ¦ EPWR per well

MODE, GWRnet, Hgas, PTEOR, bpd loss,

Wrecirc, Trecirc, Xbest, Liftpwr, burner, pumps,

comp, turb, brayton, Pth, Ptl, Ts, Uo

Calculation 7TEOR FCS







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CALDES Dissertation: CALDES Implementation (Sect.3)

Multiple, Extensible Configurations

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CALDES Dissertation: CALDES Launch (Sect.5)

ConductGPGT Test


TEOR TestAssessment

Order CMxEquipment


Order x EquipInterim

Produce CM3


Convert to CM2

Produce as CM3

Sell Salt,Gas?

Produce as CM5


Produce as CM4

Cap forLater?

Wait for used equipment

Plug &Abandon

CM1 utilized by GEM for GPGT source proofing





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CALDES Dissertation: CALDES Implementation (Sect.3)

Off-Baseline Considerations


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CALDES & TEXDES for the U.S.

CALDES-TEXDES “Water 2025” Solution• Technology transfer, design sharing• Very similar water-stress crises• Some unique CA v. TX aspects:

• CA GPGT lower TDS, higher gas (heavier oil)• Well suited for TEOR in CA and TX (lighter oil)


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Pilot Project Configuration Mode 2

Enables TEOR fluid recirc/regen v. release/dispose; for use in sensitive areas.


U.S. Patent Re. 36,282; Other Patents In-Work

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Governor Schwarzenegger / DWR Director Snow Letter