california state lands commission · • ~ , r " (r • (/ " " \\ :

, r <> " (r (/ " " \\ : ' <(;!. ""'-;;1::- ,,_ {' I \' i , "1°• .:. J, "'" ¥' , ........ . , APPLICANT: ,, ' :CAL:=ENDAR ITi::M ·co GENERAL LEASE - RIGHT-OF-WAY USE MCI Telecommunications Cor.P-oraHon •Attn: Mr< Dean R. John's on: 601 12th Arlington., Virginia. 22202 05/2lJ/85 W 23!;79 PRC 6034 Mari tile ! '•' AREA, TYPE l!AND ANO· LOCAT,ION: .River., ·(·Sacramento· "c«iurit.Y ):i. River (Sacramento/San· Joaquin Counties), ./San Joaqufrl River <(San .·Joaqui'n Co,un·ty. .)1,. arid Al'alneda: Creek LAND .·.USE: , •(Al'am'e'da· tco·unty;)1, •It ·i•s· ·e·s'timated, tha·t each'• •of :thei four.: cr.os'sin'gs is an ·o_f v• x, ·1·50 1 , ·,or· 1·21. 5·, ·t:.eet per s'ing. Ins tall a ti on: and: use• .of. :a V' idiameter fiber ·,op.ti,c cable· to; be .attached• ·rai'lroa,d TERMS OF PROPOSED LEASE: ' ; 1Ini tia'1· pt\r.i.o.d·: -:Indefini.te. -term beginning June 1, 11905, :Exempt :by· Law, iSecti 1 on 790•l,, <Public Utilities. ·Code .. APPL:ICA'NT STATUS: · · ·Applicant. is: ·of upland. PREREQ{!I,SITE 1 f:EES •EXPENSES: · Fi·ling fee :and pr-ocessing: cos t-s have been. -'I'-

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Page 1: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

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,, ' :CAL:=ENDAR ITi::M

·co 7·


MCI Telecommunications Cor.P-oraHon •Attn: Mr< Dean R. John's on: 601 ~o~th 12th Str~~t Arlington., Virginia. 22202

05/2lJ/85 W 23!;79 PRC 6034 Mari tile

! '•'

AREA, TYPE l!AND ANO· LOCAT,ION: Undete~mined .ac~eage,, •Consumn¢~ .River., ·(·Sacramento· "c«iurit.Y ):i. r.teil<~iu-mne River (Sacramento/San· Joaquin Counties), ./San Joaqufrl River <(San .·Joaqui'n Co,un·ty . .)1,. arid Al'alneda: Creek


, •(Al'am'e'da· tco·unty;)1, •It ·i•s· ·e·s'timated, how~'Jer', tha·t each'• •of :thei four.: cr.os'sin'gs is an ~average

·o_f v• x, ·1·501

, ·,or· 1·21. 5·, sf)ua~e1 ·t:.eet per '~ros s'ing.

Ins tall a ti on: and: use• .of. :a V' idiameter fiber ·,op.ti,c cable· to; be .attached• ~(),~existing ·rai'lroa,d bridge·~tru;tu~es.


1Ini tia'1· pt\r.i.o.d·: -:Indefini.te. -term beginning June 1, 11905,

~QN.SJ:QE.~ATION: :Exempt :by· Law, iSecti1on 790•l,, <Public Utilities. ·Code ..


· · ·Applicant. is: .per..mi.,~tee 1 ·of upland.

PREREQ{!I,SITE CO~DITIONS,,, 1f:EES .'A~io, •EXPENSES: · Fi·ling fee :and pr-ocessing: cos t-s have been. rec~_ived.


Page 2: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

CALENDAR IT-EM,. 'NO :0 q) ,,JCC~T 10}

AND· OTHER REFERENCES: A. ,p,'R.c·:: '.Ofv. 61, .. 1 'and' 2; Div.~. 13.

' . v 4

e ..



cal. Adm. rode:· Div. 6. . .

public utY!i ti'E!s Cpde: section 7901

P~~TINENT .INFORMATION: 1. The ·annu~l rental ~alua of .each.·of ~he· four !lites is ~ ioo, for ~ .total: of ~400. ·


\ J • t ·~ J ~'' '

,3'1. f) ~: '~ "!- ;


The applicant plans to install' a. 130 mi-le ·fibre optic cable from, JiayuJal"d to· the· ' ·sacr.amento v-i'c.i·ni·tj' :as 'par,t,'i'of a ... long.::dis,t.ance .telephone· 1,sy.ste11'·

. .

'.Pursuant: ,t;:o" tihe• Commirs sd:on ···s delegatio'n 'Of'·oritY 1and -.t.he ·?t~·~e .e·EQA. :qu:l;deiines (1'l·Ca1'. AtJm. ~o·de !l"S02·S,)', 'the staff ha~

·preRar.ed· a: Pr.opo·sec· Negatj:,tle"Declar.a .. tion· iden't-i.f·ied· as EIR ND 381, state ·cl.ea·ringnou!le No1 .. 850402~9,. · ·such Propos'iid·: .. : ·Neg a l:ivei ·1Ye cl(.l.ra t,i"on .was ppepared and ci.'rcula ted fo'r. ,publ1lc r.evieW ·pursuaf.t to the t::l~ovisions of CEQA .. . -. . . ... ,... ' ,,

:eased .. upon ·t'he Irli tia1 stuci'y·, •the Proposed: Negjti~e ·Declaration, and the co~ment~ recei•Jed. in. response theretc», .. there is no

. .,sub,5,tantial ·evidencQ that :the :j:>roj~c·t ,'UiiD.11~ ,have a sigr;_:lfic.~i:i~ effect. o,n• :t:he .. environmerlt. 1,)4 Cal. Adm. Cod? 1 SO?ll:(~.)I)• ' . . . . . l ('' ~: ).

Thfs· activity, :i:1vol.v·es ~a·ncis -:Ldentifie~~ 6.s p~~sesiing sig~ificant ~nyironmen~al ual~es . t 4- I{} R c i:370 . t •"' . " ,~,, pursuan ... o,:· ;r ,' .,, • .,, · '!" "~ .s·eq«; · ' Bas ea· ·,':' 1

'upon· the· ·i:·C.aff hs <consulta.tion• tA:i't.IJ the­per~ons · such· )!a'nds·: .and' thr'ough. the· .. CEQ'\ review pro cos s, it is the· staff


s ~pinion that the pr6j~ft. as ~r6p6se~; ±~· CClllS ~S tf! tlt wi t:h its US e C la SS i fi.t.

1a tj•;jn·.


1,\ I

Page 3: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

'. !r: "· APPR6VAt~· ~ENbiNG~ · · · unrted stah?"s ·corps of"Eng1rfe·erL United: 's, 'kf~J,

'DeP.~f·~.m.ery·t: · 9,f' ,'t~~ ·,.~n£~fr.,i9.r·,:, ~.~~·f~ :"~e~.i~~~~~o~, ,,' Board, Sti:d:e· fi'.sh aijq p,~111~ •. '·~p:un~1~~ .. 9f . sac·ramento, 1fbimeda ,and sa·n Joaquin, .and' · ... commyn~~i~s 9t 1s~~ra~~~~t2 .•. "h~~·~r~or.~,, ::~~qp.~t,on .• , " erea$'antqh, Fr~mont .• ·tJnj,'qn, ~i~~·. a~d· 11~Y"'!afp:. -·,

EXHIBITS:, A. Land Des cript:i.on,, B. Loe a ti on r1.aR.· , -c. Propos.ed" Negat:ive ·De·c·1~~ation.

tr ·rs RECOMMENDED THAT TH;· CQ.t.·iM+s.s:tqr.r:.







r _:... - · ~· · ·-:-· · -- ·.--·.-2. · o. ~··· I .>i;• • • ·.~- ~ .... ·~ ·-

·;~ .. ~ •• :: :: : r:·<~ ,, .·~:~ij·~?,;9~~- I ·--"~- ',, ". < .;. ~~· '-•"' ......

, "v•- ,,.. ' ,.-•<"'• ~ <"04 ......... ::t.~ .... ,. ~ --. '' "· 'I< •

Page 4: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :




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I "

EXHIBIT 11~ 11

• < ~ ·~ ~ i > '

• • j • ~ J" i ' ~ • I ' ) /~ ; ~ ~,-,J. }

i:l:ANo~·DESCRIPTIOW" .. · :w··23579

Four "HriP~ of ~~;lifor~ia S~ate sovereign land lying i,!liin~4.i.H~·JY. b,en.~_!i.t.~1 a . n b,ef optJ.~ .. ~~Jn e J 9.~~-~I~~: ~i Fhtfl, .thJ.,pp,er~J.i n~ :fi,_gb~-,qp,wa,Y' of t~e ~e~t~f.~r· ~~~JfJ ~ · ~~ i' ~<?;a_q; b~1~~1e11. ~~.Y.war~ .1anp,; S~c.~~f!le~t:,qt,'"~a li.forni a~ sa fd strips·. b~i nef~ Joi:.~~!!~:. in::.~h~: ,~;~g-~of.:M a~e~a1 C.f:~~~ ~::Al a.~.~~~;;coiint.Y ,. at _"~a i 1-rqad. M1le P.~.~t. 2~/~4;·.:1 ... ~; tVI~ :.tle.:(of t.~~q~~~· ;J~~qy1,n,1:~l"'.(a£:~ San Joaquin Couri~Y? .a,~·~~ i 1 r.~~~WJJi l;~. P,ps~ .?.q .. ,g~,;. 'jn\,~h~~ .. b~d. :of, -~~.~ril·!9~el umne River, Sa~ram~n;}?' :~-~~ 1 S~,.ti,,, ~o·~Jq·~; tj,:,. ~.~¥r"ti:es. ~~ .~b.RaH r~M J1H ~·:B?~t 116 ·9?' and in· the bed;·of) t~~· Consumnes ~.lVer·, Sacramento Co1;1ntyi; at :Ra1 l road M1 le Post J 16. 28·. ;.~ :·

, < I

'" ·: , '' r I '• I t ! '~


1 '


> : l

; . END OF .DESCRfP,.TioN •, ,..t \ ~ I•\ ~ ·~• ~ ·~ '

;•t ,'; '. ....

,, '.


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Page 5: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :


'W '2JS79'

Page 6: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

" ,,,. I. 'I



·" --ft

I (

i,EfR'~ND 31H I

SCfili.·! .85040219

Her· Fiber .c}p,tic. ,ii'eiecommunirad.'on Systemdnstallation r, • ,""' ' • •. ' • :. ,' " .. - .f :" • ' ,.,. _..,.,~._..... • t

\} B~scd. upo~· the -~d: ti\)c'hcif'.'l11i~t fa·l .st-·ti<l~·;, ·it -h·a~ b~c.n "f9un(J; t!n).t.: ~ /'. I

• . ,. . 1r 0

[£_7 th c p i"Q'.j:'g F·t ·w i / '1· P.Clt •. 1111.v . .; ·-~ ·~·/,g n f f{c 11 nJ. 'i' n C c-l• :o ri t ~. o: en v hon m on t .

·.'I (/

·-· . . 1,


Page 7: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :




Name, addr!.;s, and telephone number: ,, ~ . ,,, ..

,•a; ~pplicant / b.

MCI Telecommunications Corp.

1Arlington, ·Va.• .. 22202

R ?~C'.~·Hef~:~-,,.,.,..."'""'....,.,...,.... ..... .., • .,, __ ,_


. i 1.,

Contact per'son if other than applicant: ~· " ... , f'" -: ' • ,,.. " ' " ' ' '

Deari R ... Johnson

. '601' s. 'f2ch ·serirec. · · ,.

'Ari'ington, va. 22202

Project location: (Please reiereric·e to nearest ·t~Wri or i:omm~nity and lncl.ud~ county~ ' : .

k linear projec:." running al?ng and with'in •the wa.~tet'n p~~'i'f:fc 'kn'ilroad' ri'ght-of-wa)· •,

·f~om ·Sacr·~mento, Ca.' sotitil' and~ wil'si:'e·riv 'to a :poiri't wi:t'h:tn ... :~~-~~.~-Y .. ~f Hawatd. Ca •

• See Exhibi.t ~.'A".. . .. --------~------------------~-------~. ~---------.-.. -.. -.. -.~-----~--.. -.-.-.----.-.-"-.-.-.. -.------

~ ~~~m~~~cl~mbm: _______________ ~-.~~~~~~-~:-.~.-~~~~--~ .. ~ .. --~.-.--.~--.-...... ~----~-~

--~. ~x~t~g~on~gof~rojei:t~~:. ______ ~-.-.. -.. -~-.-.. -.s-.e-,e-.-.a~.-t._t_~-~-~-~-~~.-c-?-~----e-~~.~-~~~---.--.-.-.. -.-.-.-.-. ------~-~--~

4. Existing land use of project site: Mainline track & facili_ties of the· Wes'tei"fr,,Pac~'f.ic Ra'iiroaCl.

, ·iii; J>roposed·use of site: For the placeme~t 2 "oberadon, and' inal~i:enahce of a fl'ber opti.c telecom­

inunic«ii:fo~·:\syst£im - a ·telepnone. sys'te'm. ..;mi's system wili: 'be ar. fote~rai pa ft of ~iCI Is v ~

·network. Additionallv, .. it will ,ser've a·s. part. of the 'r?--liroads icing 'd:ist:ance i:elepho"ne i:c~riicef tion ·system·:

6, permits required: __________ ~s,..e.,.e_.,a""t ... ·t:_..a.,,c.,.b..,e.~d,,_.... c'"'o""m"".m""e,.,1 ... 1""t""s.._. ------------------(,•

¥~)' ~;

·---,--.,.,.-------------,,...----------,-------------------;.;...---;__--), f '· .

PROilECJiDESCRi PTION ~ ~ .~ .,_ ..... . .. "' . ·~ . . ....

~'-'~~-... ~ - ,;,,.._

, 11

. ::·, .'~, ~-. ,L iFgr building construction proj~c.t.~. comj)lf!_te "A'ITACl·frv1'ENT'A".

· .. J •. G ~~r non-building construction projects: Describe fully, the proposed activit_y, its purp<!se and intended us!l. e.g. for P.ropose<J ,, . >·., ~- ..• : _1)1.!Q~!!?f!Tl•.ts •. include· the number of'test holes; size of holes, amount of material to !,le excavated, maximum

·· .,. _U ·surf~ce area 9f q!s.tµ,r~~ncf!, hple locations, depth of holes, etc. Attach plans or other drawings as necessary. ·-;" ... 'k, .. ,. ,,·.. . . . ... . r------:7").n--·1 ' . , ·11· . {" ~ ' ""' I .• I' ( I ~· ) 'I t;' -:J . ';_;... ..... " .. : HC!C att'CIC'J(\U cornmC!nts C.\LENCiA~PJ.r,~ --...!__:...

·.:·,,.."'·-··· ; MINUTEFAGE ~4 8_3 ,~ l ' . ~ ::--J

Page 8: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

' ' I ' ' i .,,: ,~Ctr"ENVIRONMENTALSETTING ·~ : ·',;:d\Pc,, .... . '.~~ · 0 ·:--:·u··-~·[).e~cribe 'the' P.'C>ie~ si~e ~~ it exis~s before the pr~j(r'c.t, inc!u.di~g inf~rmation on iopofl~a~hy, soil s'tabilitY, plants and animals,· , L :•.·, ,,, · ,and any.cultural, h1storacal, or scenic as~cu. Describe any tJx1st1ng structures on tho site, and thc·use of the structures. ,'. q, ' " . ' . " •' "' ' ' ' ..

. c,"' (', . .<~ec ,a,..t,f-a,<;.h~-~:;~~~':,~-f,~).:. _, .. ,~:· ·.:i. ,.,,;: .. ! ., .. ,_ .::.,,,;·~·> ... . ~}}~'· (~e~cribe the surrounding prol)drties, including information o~ Pl.~n.ts :lt:ld;_a~1mals "d any ~lt.':Jf.~'·· '1~~~r!~~l: ~r s.~.~~·-c asp.~~~s.

;-. v.. ·1.~~·~·,~.e- the type of land use'(residential, comr~mclat, etc.), !1'.'ten11tv of !~n~ ~s~ (one·f~mlly, apartment hou_s,~! sJ10J?S! ~·~wt· , · .menutores, etc.), and scale of.development (height,· frontage; set·baek,.r~ar.yard, etc,;).

; ' ::.,<.;. '~ • ,, ' ' ' . . (sea attache.d· co~nets) ~· -,1 ·.<e~"·;._ENVIRONMENTAL ~MPACT A~SE_SSMENT ' '~ t> \ ; / '" · ·f:\hs~er the folfowing q_u'estions by.placing a ch1:ck in the ap!)ropriate bo~~ Oiscusb·e!Lit~'1"~ ~he~J<_e9,."y!s:'!)r.~'!11!Y.t?!:'. : ,;'Y ''.(Attach atiditional sheets as necessary) {\:.' '' 1 Q,.. ,,. ,, .• - . ~ ' ' ' •ilfJ -?,(... ,, ' ' •• ._i:1, '

: '~HI the~P!'Oject i~volve: YESi MAYBE NO

. --, .. _{).,. .... ~- -~ (;.,r1-; a· cha:igeJn existing features of ahv biys, tidelands, beich81, I aim, or hills, or subitintial ilt~rati0n • ~ • • .... • • 0 , [J []

fL_.:::.:::.,~~~~u'nd contour~? , , " .

:"''~IJ';2,; --:ai change in scen•.c; yiews or vi~-tas 1ro111 ~xisifog·res1dentia1·are·.1 ·ar public·!i1nas •jr toidi? ... """i"f~··,, ... .... t .. ·r! '.d' ri .51 • ~..,...,'('!".,,1•><~~-~,_,.._,,, ,, ·- "-¥ ...,,,..,_. _, --·~ ' 0 " : ·" 3. ·I change in.p.-mern, scale, cir.character .of the general area of project? •••. ; .......... -. •• "" ......... , ... , .... ~n ~; .. , """,,"'""',;... ..... . . , " . . , .. . ,: . : "' , . , > - " . . . . , I .... '. .. ·.. . :

_., .,. , • "'f' ff I ' 1 l'f " , •, 0 .9~., , ,~ s1gn1 1cant e ect on p a11t O( ?n•m.a 1 ~,~ .... • ••• • •.••.•••• ·~··•, ,• •.•••••••••• ··~ • .., ..... ~i.;r'•-\•,~:.• •,"' r • ~>-;

d ;[N

Gl 0 1, ., "' ... ' • • .... ~ .... r • .. • • .... ' ·~· -~

~t..!. -~- L>l:

, ~·61 'h • d · h " k f --' 'I .-h ' ' ' 1 , ,:;,.,} _;., .,} c;; ~n~ in, ust1 as , smo e, ~mei, .or uuor~ n t .,e v1~11;i1~ • ~ •• ·-~ • ~-" .... , ••.•.• . "'f,' ...... ._.,. : .. :·;·~,,, •• ,, • _ •. " ~-t't ~, -- ---·· .,.,.,,_ .......

'):j~· 1 ! ;h!l)ge \n ()<:e'ari, bay, l~~e, 1str•~rn. or gr~und wa.t~.r ql!alitY. ~r.q!'an~i~y. ~r1~l~~.r~ti<?O ·: •• '''", ""~"· ··~ • ~-..

",;r~' ·;~f ~xisting drainage patiil~~s?' · · · ,I/ ~ I •

; ' .. 8,efia·,~ange·in ~xisting noise or·vibr;e~i~n·leveis in the-vlcln,itv.?:. ;·, ..••.••••••••• .. ~: • • : • : •. • :; ~ :.·. : ••. · ; f' ~~ ,f'/ I' ;-~'-/~;,.....c<_>q~,truction on·filied lar1d or.on slope·of'10'percent•or·more7: ..... ,., •. : . "·; ••.•• 1 ••• · ............ .

~,, lo

";10;. Aise·or disposal of potentially· hazardous materiais;·sucfras·toxic"o~·radio~tiYe • : : .•. ;.:'. .•. -; '• •• ,j • ', ••••••

sl1bstances, flammables, or explosives? ' ' ' . '"' "'" ~. -~.-~ ' . - ' "' - .. ' .

"-~11. a:change in demand for munii:ipal services (police, fire, water, sewage,,.!tc.)7 ........ , ••• .- ••. .,. ; '" ., •••• ·-·---'·"·" '.. • ' •• - "" >q• ,"" .. " ·:·."'" "'. '.." ., ....







~fa. ,a;_farger project or a series 1Jf projects? ". " , ~ , 1 '~ ,.a ,.. , , • • • "" •

• '" ..... ~ •• ! ~'"',',i ".,.,._i:' !•'.'•';; .... ::·· "'·t-.:'• ·~ "' :·\."' •.: ,g '"' ,'S" "'' ' " ...


d- ~

GJ ·o .\











I hereby certify .t~at the staie'ments furni5hed above .the am'ichtd exhibits present the data and inform.-tion re· ---g_uired -.for- t~is·mitiol·evaluation·to•the'best"of my: abiiitv: ancqh'at'the'fa~ts, siiti'r!!~n~. a'nd info~riiatiori"'i:>res-.;,t~cr;;e true

/·. ·and correct to tn~ best of my knowledge arid belief. ·

'""' 'Oaui: _ ___;..· _1..;;__-.:'Z:..:.1....:-8:::::.:~:::.....-------__;_

o ~•'11;;.~ > 'H'

' "' + \11(,' '"' ,,

Sigri¥d'~~"'- _ ,'>• ~-·

Page 9: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :



ENVIROtffNTAL. lt-f>ACT' ASsESSMENT FORM _, Part .! Form'69~3 c111a2) · ·· ·

I I ' \ t ~ I ,~ l ,I: \ .~, ' I


~ "' ,,

3"' Exist~~g zoning of proj~c.t ~ite: ' ", ' ,,.

Zoning varies along .the ·railroad corridor. At iho !placfe,- 1 or•';time; is t_hc ·placement of the fiber optic teleconmunihation cable affected by zoning. What is affecte(f~·are:·six ('6) 's1gnal relay .stations :(repeater or regenerator sites) ~lo6ate!d and regularly ·spaced alcmg, the ;proje'ct· route. All s'ites« · 'tia~/e been loeate'C~ discuss.~d with .apprgprfa~e ,gove.rnnienfal .unns,(, anrf-'cO"ntofin-w~~h local zoning :reguiremenfs·. - · - · :i · · ·

.Location :z<5h1rig· '. ~ -' A t

S29-T7N-R5E AR-10


Point ·?1easant SE.-corner. a·t~»WPRR/· :Ag'r1cuitUta11·'s Road intersect~on Residentiial 1

' ~ .. :~ ~:'~11~t'

yes ( condi ~.ional I ' t .; "•' j .:. use)




Sl7;:.T3N-R6f. GA-40 SE corner of WPRR/ · ·General · 'i· qe Vries Rd. intersection AgF!~u~tur~

S25.~Jl5-R6E t'-E corner of WP.RR/

.Louise Ave. inte~ser.ti9n·

S7-T·J5-R5E St'/ Corner of .,WPM/ )Corral·HollowiRoad: intersection,

S9-T35;,.R2E NE cornifr.•.of·1WPRR/lst: intersection Clst st. now dea'd-ends ·at ~PAA)

S21-T ti5-RIW N. off\of,,·Shinn..:Road, within; the·iWPRR: .. Depot at'.rF,f'e1J10nt.


'1-PA 1nteHiin«:1 prpt!:9~eg! Agricultufre·

1GA:.:40; General Agr~cu~ t~,~~, -

-CG ca.meri~i~il\ Ge11eral.- ·<-


CG caw.reiai, denera1· ".

·~· J ;vi,,~·') j t I,> ~ 'l, ;~,


' ~ l ~' ' l , ... "


•,,-, . ,.,, '-;

'· -~} ' ' -~ - jl ,- '


~approved· ' '·~

Page 10: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

' . (

i"J;:/} . . ' '' . f'~; }~ ;" ~ ~fN~~Olf.ENTAL Ir.PACT ASSF.SSMENT FORM - Part I

:p· ·<~11;~l~;:~~UON ' 1

: , ,'i6. Other <P .. ermlts .tequired: t •' . ' ' " •{ ~ <Y ~. .Road crossings: cable placement,beneath roads in€er~ectin~ · 'c .,. the WP~ .(it ,91'..~de :,~eve+.· . ·



"' 0 . ' ~ ,,

" .'.o' ~ ' •' ~~


·AGENCY "\,.'I

Sac~~mento g~~Y.· , '

Sacramento county COOT .. (Cal. Tr~n),.


San Joaquin County· ·

Status ' . . ~ ·' . ( ' ' "

.PernU:~(.'~), te_ntatAy~l~· ~PP,J;OY'.~fl

Permit Cs) tentatively . ._approye_~~ ·

Agenqy_ .. qon.tacted,_ re_qu~~re~nJ;_s_, . ". ·obtained~ r~ql.iest(s) submitted'. .. ·

. :>

Pe.~mlJ• \)- conditionally·:app_ro.v.ed: ,r , I

9 0 Alameda Cou11~Y

Permit(s) approved

Per111i:t.(~) approved

'pe.~ml t ( s) approved •l






~\ '









Union City

Per! _approved

P~.:rllli~(s)· approved

Permit~s) 1 approved

II~ Reoeater ~: Consists··of two small steel sheltf~rs (ll 1xi81 & .. 81 x 101 > which will , re.o.rganize and ielay telephone


signals • ., Each·slte requires,tte, pla!l approyal' andrbu~,lding~1 ·

·permits. ·. · , · ii'

Status ,1,,

0 Sacramento cauntr " · · (1 ·site-P'ci.;nt ~Pleasant)

ag~f)Cy;·.cootacted 71 requirem~11ts obt§~r}~.dr. 1civiJ. engin~edn~7 ·1 r

drawings prepared, filing;·for: corrpliance & permit by March 1985.

o· San Joaquin County ·(3 sites-kingdon,

Manteca, Tracy)

sam\:! as above 13xcept filing f 9r permit by March 1985.


' .•. x ll ,, ....... I ,, •

ii I <it j

' i ' '

,lr-c-,\i.-~-N-D.-'l.H_J......;'.'-.~j~j!:. ~---.3~ L...... 14. 486 ~TE,P~GE~ ..

Page 11: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

'I' ~i li ,I'

\\ 8' ;t'

' ¢

' . . I " '" -' ' . .



6. Other permits required (cont.)r

o Li vermo1·e (1 site-Liverinore)

~· ,, ~ ~

o Fremont (1. site-Nile~;)

have obtalned, piary. ~pp:r;ov~; · t:~ha·i; .aP!l~ovS,~ expeeti?d. in. March '198!?

- ' ' 1~ ' ,.,. .. .. '

Approvea :2.:.1'4-85' l\'

. ,· ' t ~

j •


III. water/Enviror-~ .. ~ntal cr~ssings: cabJJ? p~~ce~nt -~~rpugh streams, ~reeKs, rivers,, .ani:j. q~h~r <iffect.ed watei:way~.:~

.'·-·· : °' ' ' ' " 4 .... ,.



ianas. · · · .. · · --I-..;_., :f' '

" AGENCY. status·

.. . .~l

H "' > : i: ' ' ' -.

us·:Army Corps of Engineers

Agency con1:acted, :req/'' :, . ·· . " obt~lned~ tl~rmit'tln;~f KJro~es'S', • - ,"'- 1

""' ~:~ · .,, underway. · ' ' ' · · .,,

> I ; ' <- ; ~ '

US·-Department of. , .. Interior Reclamation· Board · ·· '

St:?te of California Water 'Ag·eocy,.c6nfadeci, .tei.'li.Jftemef:its. ·. · Resourc. es D. epa~.t .. me .. r:1.t.. . . · obtain'ed ' e.fini ttin . :1 'roc'ess .. . . . .. .. , P ......... 9 .• P ...... ., . Reclamation Board uqr;J'.ef°way' - · ··

' ,,

o State of California same as abdVe Department o'f Wate~

··· Resources


Division of Land a~q R/W

o State of Cali fern.fa' ~t~~- ·a~ a~pxe Dep~rtmef1t of f ~~~ ·k Qam¢



State of California state Lands Commfss'.i:on

... - ... 1-t

San Joaquin Conservat1bn District · · ... · ·

s'firr.e· as above . · · . :~i.~a~ '.~g~~qy·,.raE:.·tE~A ~q~i-~~n:c·eJ

,sent"copies· of: :plans .a·s. :sU6~iHea .. r ·\!·'" \ , ·~ "1'' • i'' ·' ·~. - 1 ·r-t'·~ ,, ·~··

·~p· 'anc;i r.,~qu,es~~ip. b.~ t11·~~. ·p~P.?ttm.§!n~ ,of· Fi'sh ·ana· Game. · · ·

0 0 ~ L ,,, ' '" > '

.. ' j ' ~.

11 4_ I ' ,,_


'1 i! ' ' ( ( ..

! '11' I

Page 12: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :


:'1 4 : ' l! ' ':q ~1' I ' //

, ~ENvIROrf.ENTAL It-PACT ASSESSMENT FORM - Part I · 7r~··:r· ~69.3 (11/82)


• 0 :"0 · '~\ 2. .Describe fully the proposed activity p.

\o 0 1,

:. \'? /, , Ttiis project involyes the .jonstruc·f torr ot' a· .f;~.~er ~ptic 1 "' b" t~lecorrmunication system; a 10[19 d,istaric~ tel~phon~ syst~m. ·By· ; if. ·"'" so doing MCI will provide direct state..; telephone. ' ·service to and 'between the sacramen~o, St_ockton/M9pest_o,, •and Sari-

., Fraqcisco Bay areas. ~) '

.. . · ·~ Once in operation, the system wpl. pr~vid~ the seJ;"v~c-~

'C~?~city,needed to better handle. the Rre~ent and·articiea~e,9 ' us~r demands ~~sulting from equal access; a process ~hereby

:c··~-=....,,i'."""""res1dents of specified areas o('.the country, .. at predetermi11ed ; 0 : . ,£imes can select the long, distance telephqfle C:Ofll)ahy (coovnori1

carrier) they wlsh to use. These ,arens afld .. tiines l:tave been· ·. 1• identified and set through FeL~ral action re~ultint} from .the!

<\ divestiture of AT&T.~ .The StocktOn·area ..Jill receiVe equal · ,,,.~,ii'" acC:~ss this spring. ·· · · · ·, · ' '. · ·

.1" J

I • '

-t~I', I ~ (' 'I 11

:·r·· .. ' ' ' Geographically I. ~.h~ ~pu~~ w~H ryn e~~t. am~ obrth from . ' . :· :· ,: .. ~' '} \.'

Hayward, through Stockton arid Sacramento· to a P.!'.i~nt.\ just nor:th · . , .·· ,., ,,.: . '· 'Of the Sai::;:-a[iiento county line; a dis tahce ·o'f approx~tmately 1130 ',,'·,.

•' l?iiles. The .exact route will lie within the Of?eratir)g right-· of.;.way of the Western ~acific Railroad (WPRR). agreement with the Uni~1n ·Pa!#hc Rai;lr

1oa.d' CyPRR) ·.?rid ~.!ts· :.j ..

subsidiaries, which inC!udes the. WPRR, MCI a~qu~r.e~ the righ~ .1.~ri . ~ ,construct, cipe':"'ate, and maintain the referenced project. upon1 ·· " railroad right-of-way. (See ~xhi~it "A") • . ,

Two components will esseri'tially co'ffiprise t.he fiber op't.ic: system: ·a cable and ·repeater sites. The cable;. having .a1 •

· • 0 (' diameter of approximately 5/8 inch, contain,s a r1umber o'f :gl'ass •

0 • f.i~ers· through which telephone mess~ges are t~ansm..~,tted 1in ~Q~ .

· ·Jform cf light impulses or lightwaves. The repeater sites.; signal re.fay or regenerator stations. As transmitted ·telepholfe

'' r:· ._:signals we.~ken over distance' these sit~~. ".'i~~ ~e9_~gar,:ize, . ,, . 1 · \. re?fllllify ~nd. trans:mi~. tre· s~Fe,ng~her:i79 Jiign~1.a+qn,g .the .c~~~~·

'" " " to the next', site.. A· site· consists· of two small steel shelters ·-", · (11'xl8' ar;\d S'xlO') an~ ':l buFied s.qo gallor:i "\JL'.' .ap'pr9y~ct , .

,, ~ '.di~,sel taril<~. all. b.eing: la11p~9~ed. ~h· a 24 'x~~' c;:p~dn. aink fenqe9 -·Coinpound. On~ shelter 1contain~i' eleqtronic; eqL1,ipinefit1, the second

•; ';$ \ contains a di,!Jsel fuelf~d generator to' ,power th¢ eqt.iipmeht during· .

0 \\ periods of lcical power· outages. (See Exhibit 11811

1). · ; . ·.,, ~ ' , '

\ Cable will be ~ '1,i·~.ed"within the #ght-of-way paralle),ing 'tl)e · \\ WPRR track at varyi,'.9 distance~. off the its centerline. In .

" , \general, th1~ cable will be located at the toe of slope off the ' Ir

~.. 9 \\

~r) \'

r' "I"- ,' ~ ' ' ,";::

. ;


f.; {~:· \' ,, ft,,~" ~ CALE'"DI\. q p~ "-c: l~', ·} '\;) 4 , " •• ·"-.'- .... ~ I.

1 ,,.~,

_ .. 4 B'a~ i c· 'I

. . '·~ l'

Page 13: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :


2v d~~cribe' fully- the> proposed activiJy (cont.) •••

~levated track bed. J.\n'approxJmate depth of forty~two (42) inc~s·· wip· ;IJe maintaineQ alof)ii ~h~~- ;.!?_!Jte.· witti: varl'ati,on~· a.s r.6cessary to .either avoid ,burie'd .obstacl~S Or to CQnl)ly .with .. permit requirements for road~,, .levee;1~nd, wat~r crossihg's~. R~p,eater site~ will be spaced appf:P'<'~-~~l?ly .every :twerity.,:<~p>_ .... miles. System construction wi.11,.:i.nvolve the placer.tent •of, cable along· the ti~ck, ben.~ath, :through, ,.oi ov~r'..i:oa'ds, wat~iw~ys·~··!in9 levees;,.·and the placement ·of six (6) repeater sites.·. 'All. associated. materials 'and' ccinstruetion activities will .take pl'ace. 'W~thlf>, t~e· 'railroad· ·!:ight-of-w~y •. . . . ' . . . . '


. l.

•'' I

1•'l - ., '

f~ere are·: ·three !f11et;.hod~ f'?r plu,9iAg, .th~ .cap~.e b!:!~~tt).:~~:, ' · · · . 1; 1 , •. "

:ground; ·direct P.ur.~a~;. -~;~r~~!ri~:·C!f..~~c!<.ho~~..rg;, -~~ J?~i:~~~f'lt'.J'.·. . _._ · 1 ~, :.::._,::._:..._"'·:.. 'bore. 'The first ·t:wo methbds ,are'.,primarUy. used-.for placing1 . " , .

cable, tracks and for crc>' waterways'.' Levee "crossfngs " . · ,, :: ·" · ~ . ' . ' . usually involve only the second method. While the lest. method '' :is ·~sed for road and rall/c,;ossings,: .at grade, level.. This, method .is also somet1meS used,: Jot: stream aoo .leve·e ,crosslngs·~ ·~· .. ; ·1

:" •. ' '

fourth-method, jetting·; wig· ~e .JJ~~<fJri'.'~hJY, ohl ~n#~{~c~~·. ·~~. -~ .. {: ,· 1.;~ ,·I·'' ' ' '

bp!'.i~l of c~.t,>le a9;.o.s.s. t.~e. ·p¥; :C~~ ri~er .c~os~~hg ~ .;>:<tt~9~ ~-. · . ; ":. , . ·'~C" describes these. ,various;· construction methods. .

. " ' ' ' ' • • • ... ' ~ l

Two additional' metnods, are effi;:>lOyed .wne'ri" 'the cable is· abov~ ". :.. 'I' ,, ''

:gr·3un~: att~~c~ment. fo. 'brldg~~.;i and a~t~~c~en~ t9."P.~.~es~ · '$#~~9e: · _., , : , att~chments are used, where p·~ssible, to· cross \rater~ay-;s,. ·roa·qs, , and· rail lines_. Pole attahcments can also be· use9. 'for'· water, .. r..~ilr, and road crossing!); a~ ·.we~l ap for. pla17iQg \Cab~e la.~.eF~lly. along ~ailroaq lracks. Of 1311 th~ meth.Oa,;;·,. 'this qfl"~ ~s .th·e, . least desi~~.b!e, ~nd on~y u~~d'"1h,e~ ~~s~lut~I;:.ri~c.~s~afY·•; J~~ this project ·~!)ere is one· Sl./('.h n~c17s~.~ty. 9ccl!rl(ig .~rh1~r,e WP.BJ' , ..

I •



-.· ·track crcss~s over both Altamont Pass .Roaa and ·southern. Pacific . , Railroi:i~ (SPRR>" traci<s 'Catiancioned) ;. 1oc·ated .east''o't: Livermore: at, i •

the.- western ~dge of the 'Alt~on~: ~9!-J.nt~~h ·~re·a •. ' ' . . '' ' .. ' ".'.'I J' I -, , ' ~ ". l ' l '•'

' ~.


Page 14: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :


,i. ·Describe ·project. site (~ont.) •••

. _'Within the Altamcnt. :ir\9 N .. qes Canyon a.I'eas ~h~i:e i~. a .... , ... :i' .greater diversity of e~evationEtl ·differences within .the i·ailroad·•

v ·: ' :t:l_ght-of-way. The Alt~~~.p'nt '~1qdi'1tains are ch~rac~edzed QY '"c4t. I,

' ~nd· fill" areas (photf,~ '~'·'~ 7)';: C:i.Jts through h.~lls, fip~ ·in 1

.,u .depr~ssions. This pr:a~t.ic.e of''"gut· ana ·fill" ·pro.d~q~~ a· , .. ''relatively level. and wprkabl~ .grade! fqr th~ rail syst,~: q'p~·· ·:right-of-way through the Nile.s Canyo.n· varies from tflaj:· of th~' Altamont regiorl in the're .ap~ no cut an_d 'fil;~' A.l.~_o, .

. .. .this area runs along the canyon floor, essentiall)t . · . . paralleling the· Niles Canyon Road, it is more, uniformry· level~

. ' , I

. . " ·~.~n ·the Altamont are~i though n,ot .a~. le~~.l. ~s ~Ji~. P.t~vi~-~~.· : ~- , ~~==·~ .. :~-. ... A.gain most f! differenc=e!=i qc~ll,:,· ~~- ·.r~aJl;-pflq ' ' .,_;·i

. ()\'.erpasses· '(strear.;,~f!nd .. ~~?dh ln.ep~ .~;:~ twc;> ,'I:.9~~-r9ap"~un11~1~· ,, . , : , '·' (. · ~ithin ~~e,..canyon.'.thr;:>ygh:Wf'.';ch ,~ti~ ·f~ber -op,tic-~c~.t?-~~r.w1ll J~~:., ,-_:,:- ! •-,u 1 ,. ,~:·;·

placed. ' · · ' .. ·-·--;- - , ;"""'----, '''., 1.: (],~.;,4,,.,

· • ,, 9 A iliajor not.lcaqle d~ffer·erice ·bet.~~~rl' th_~,'t'{i\1,e~ t:.a~y~n ·~·n:q· ,~· . '• ' 1 f ~"'"> ;';'/; 1. ~:1 ,,

'?.} vAltamcint areas is the vegetation.. Sc'rub"bushes 'and' tree: · ; ' ' i. ' vadeties are found ,~l~ng"ttie ca,H~on, Wtip~ )ip~ ·gi:~s~f)'i'~~: ' ,', '' .. " : '

't'.~geta.tion is found'· the ~l~?!J!.On~ ~e~~on~ :I,n ~~-e; ~,~?f:· . .., . :" ,Bay portion of the route, little vegetation exists ·ottier"t~ff

.,, . ~Som(!.11ow weedy type bushes .an_d. gras~ coyer.. P~,s.slng ~f"!~O }ln,d, , , : · " th:i;-,Ough the Sar) Joaquin and sacram¢ntp ·van.eY.~, ~h~' v~9~M.~~oJt " ·' · " ,_,. · 1

w}.thin· the right-of-'VfaY is again· c_oirpii_sed ·p.rimar~ly ·pf- -~~r~· ' · " bushes and grass wl th occasional' trees. · ·

k /;· While the. right•of-way does. support cLcommunity of :plants," · .i r / ,as well as animals, they are of a' nature' w,hich per!il'.i.ts~ their' . o''. ~r ·,. 'SL!i'Vival W:ithin an environ;reh~ pf·.~n 9per~t:f1~g\ F~~~~q~~::sx~Sffiil)J:i

, 1;,. , one requiring constant us.e·, ·insp~ct~'ori, in,aint~hance,, a11i:t.. .. · i1! ·;~· ,repai~. In such an ehvirqhment tliey ar~ sl-!!JJe.ct tq~.P~i'!Cigip ' i .; '

; · 1; 0 ·alterations and eliminations. It· iS con1non pragt·~c.e'. f_~J.".',ttie. . , , '

: 1l rnilroad to control the growth of vegetation within tne ·r1ght~· ~ ··1; 'Of-way primarHy for fire ·prevention, to avoid the foulin.g oti' : lt ra_pfoad equipment and to main~aJ_n. functioning drainage syst~ms~ ~ li ' r: .It No cultui'al or historical features were noted within the1


1 pr,oject site. Its scenic aspects 'are that of an operat!ng ,, railroad. ~

J '

~ .. , '

' " l ',. ,;."'

~ ..

Page 15: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

'Ii),~ ... ,'

; ··.-· . .-"'., 6. ; ., . . ' .,,

ENVIRC»ENTAL If.PACT .ASSESsMENT FORM. ~ Part 11 fC~IJ1·6~i!~ (lI/82) .


2., Describe sur~~unding, prOf:,·erti~s. ~ ••

G~v~n the. P,roject length, .. the typ,~s o·r )imp U$e, ,1Vt!geta~i~;" -'and scenic. aspects displayed by adjacent propertfos .are many.and variedl. From the rice 'f'.ields,,:noith· cl\ Sac;r,ameoto,. ,toi:.tbe ~e~.iden~.ial hou.s~.f19: .~·p _.;~#P.~.n~q, :~.g i'afa~p~d,· Y~.~ps. i!:l . , :, Sacramento. iJnp ~~~k~(>fl,::to1~J~. y.~.r:i~Y~9s.:~n ~.t)e{'V~lley ·.west ~f L:~di, to the P.rc~~p~ed ~eH!f19~ .. a.t ~h~, ;j~~ure·.Pf "tbe,!~!lkell.mne ani:f Cosurine?' River~,. ~9 t~: g~q~gr.a.ziflQ ·Jat)d~ 'ini ~he".~lt~t. MOuntain~, 'to the conwnerc;ial_,build,~~9~·1!?f, ~.iy.e~;:~ ary:f' ' . Pleasanton, to the densly treed' narrow area of the Niles Canyorl,

, ~ : 1 I


' . ' ,)

in~o tne, citi~ .. of ~r=r~!P.9f1t, '.Uhi~Ofl :q~y, ao~H·~y~a;dr .a;:,wioo. · , . ·n range. or ,urb~n,, .. ~~~rp,a~ ang·:r~t:~•'lJ~e,s 1~;-e·;f~q.. . . i . ' ' - ) ;, ·,~ .f.• . .1,<},,;i 1

C~t~gorically, there:·~~.E!Andy~tr,i,al;, ~c9~;rc~a~,1. r!?si9efl~~aL-,et. · , 1 . ,·, 1;,1 ,.

'al,, land, uses •. ;Tl.:~ d.~er,i~i;x~ ,,gf>~;p;:r.;.,g~s; :frc.'l}:'~ir.,:qe:-:t:ami-~)'~~t9fr .--·; 1 ·~;~ 1 .-\ ,-- ..

apartment resident~a~1t .f;:qin 1!gli~. ·~~~tf!Odera~t!l· :ir:KJustrxJ;J f~rori} ;.lo~ t· 1 ~ 't:f ,.Jt~\ t ·

to high .agricultur~.~;, ~Q2.ll:JgiQ9tY.~.~.Bl1~ ~~ds,·ofr''.al:l'. types'~n~y.lngn::'·, . ; "·:··h , · · va~ying deg~1les 9f .,gey!!JOP,~~.'f~~J'..~> ~,· ,,·:·,· ). 1 ;· 1 ,~ :,,.:.<, ,,. ·\

. ~ l • ' ' ; : ' l If. ' ' \ i.} ~ ¥.l ~ I ( ) ' l J I \ : '

. Except i('llJ• ·:i:tit~~~·~-~~v~JC>;;~d ·.p.t t,·;~; ar.~.~.s ,. J.fier~.~are, iv~ry,',lfew. · ,· r ', .. 'I, .;,,_

s~.r1:JCture~. a.f1. ali>~:.tYP,,~ ~.~J.~.~~ht1 iGo: .. .tne.··pr~Je.c .. t .. site.· ·?l~ghtlyr 1 · · .1;; 1" more ttlan s~.i~ty .~§~Q>1:pe~~~/1~· 'qfr 'it.~~· PrRJ~q,~:,.lrqut,~ pa_~s_cs~ throu,gh, '.. 11

rur~l, sp,ar!jely ··~t1~9 .~gr,~~;,1:1J~ty·+°~l,;.g~a.~~g.·and·•uf:)de_veloped . , '' 1: lands.~ ·



... ~/

',,.• <".;···''- 'l't

; . .,r ,, .;r


I, • 'l/t,,.:~--1), ; h"'

Page 16: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

0 I f~'

1," ,'\ ,,

,j' i u .o ,,,, ' ' ·, e

• ~. ,,Q • "' i· ' t. ' " I'

1 "~\ ,,, '.'.' .~1 ;~y~~ri£NTAL IWACT ·ASSESSMENT FORM - Part 1 ,, J .:i:;o~;lll/l5?·3 ~111a2> l1 v .: ~ ..... '

t' '} ·.,,, J • :·\

· ~ r.::i ·


; ,,~;)11,q}Cf«· ,,\,ENVIRONMENTAL .SETTING l tl.~ •1\(~ 1\ ~\ I "

'{' "'"'

,,, 1 • ,, • l. Describe project· site .• • •. /I ." (; ' .. ' '

The project site; 1beln!,l cOfll)ietely upon and wJ.thin tne :· OJ)'erating rioht-of~way of the western Pacific Railroad·cons1s1;s·

'' ',o( the railroad's :mainline, track; spur tx·acks·, ran· yards, ·anff~· . \'al1 items. needed and"assoCiated:·with faHroac:F·u!:·e.'(;i.;e; signal


,,\SWit!Zh boxes, ccirrtwnication •pules and )Lines' .g:tossir.g· gates' I •


. "''rr·""

work crew stations, off~c~ bu~ldings, 1et6.')~. • '

The topoaraphy of the· :r-Oute running fr6rri west· to east 1

tia$' 'a ' I '

. " gfadual and·"cont'inuoiJs ·rise, ·peaking iat:·Altarilorit p'ass and~1 tnefi " ' ·'' ~-~_,,_ ___ · .... desce'nding info1°the san .. Joaquin Valley wnere 1 tnete>are· few:··:/


..,.,, • "··

' ·-(T' ·,. 0,elevation changes. :rhe ·l:30~'mile· route •. :.rLinnihg:(east',fo,,west~ is' ,, uniformly flat .through both· the Sacramento .. andPSan"Jouquln: >: ·.-.':" :. :: .-~ "'""~"'--' ,,,,,,.J,.

' 'Valleys; ascendirigi:s'ever~r tiurldred;;'feet t6 1iAltafn6nt ·Pass anif~'.1 "" ·' · ~ ,·; '': • I) ~descending a like amount through the Livermore:\lairei·a~a:'ithiF' · ! ·• ,: "' '· · · · .,.,\,

>Niles Canyon; then into :thel middle portion of ~he Eas~ Bay.·wh~r~ again the route is .. fairly"• level; .(See·:Exfiibit ""D"Y• •Ificluaeani~n · d I- : .


. ,•l/ ·E~h.ibit "E" 3Ie phcitoQt0phic<:61aniplt\~ .qr·tHe·'~oP09f.8PhY ('Ol'Sq :'''" "'C "'' 1


0<" vegetation) alohg the· rout:e• Tl)ff '1ocatfci)i»1of1·the'se·ph6t6graR'tis: '." ·


• .1 t · ··,ry,. -are referenced to·Exhibit 11C11 ':as1 <' ,, , i::,.··i··

\) ~;;-·".A". .. .. ·:·'. ,




As exarrpled in photographs i-6 the route from the northern ~· termi~9us t'o ~he California Acqueduct is level with min.or· exq~ptions occuring at some river crossings. P.s graphical~y indicated~ the tracks will ·ris2 and fall approximately. 600~·700 "feet between :the San Joaquin.'Valley .and the East B~y; Ttlis elevati6nal change is fairly constant with grades never ~~ceed~ng 1.00 percent; usuBllY varying between .40 and ~80. ,,

., F?~rcentag'es for grades along 'the rema~ndei: of the ;·oute a·ie: o ·a)proxill)atel~ ,;4Q for the East" Bay and • 01 for the· ':s·an,,.Joaquio

\' .a.ncf~S~cram_~nto vall.eys. · ·

" Tne. elevation. w' the railr·aad right-of-way will haye


,some yaita.nccs as few areas are. li~el·~lly 1flat. Through all , ·areas but· ~he Altamoflt Mounta~ns arid Niles Canyon, there ~re few , and only mlnor irregular'itfes. These p:dmarily res.t,Jlt from d~ainage dHches or swale.s, grade sepaf,ations a,t road !=·r'ossings, and river crossings (See photos a, 91 and 10).


Page 17: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

L. :0: I) ENYIROtff:NTAL It-PACT ASSESSMENT F'ORM - P::irt I· ;? , .:It·,, form ~f].3 (11/82) ,;

'.. 5• :·:· \{f D. ENVIRONttNTAL It-FAQT ·AssEsSME~T f' '• '-: i} ','





4 •. A significant effec~ on. plant or anjmal life?' ' .. , \ \

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It is felt that the· nature of the ·fjber optic project wi.ii• .not have a sig:iificant effect 'Cm ·plant or animal 'life. rwhile there will be some effect it will be ver.Y minor and t.t:;rW::i~a~y .~.t worst. :'Along the rail system,., :only vegetation able to survive w.Hhin the railroad envii-o'.,incnt,

.mostly grasses and low,,bushes, wHl 'be affected. ciit>l~ placement through water crossings will .c)f. course ··effe;Ct indigenous acquatic .. vegetation. ·Here too, the ·effect 1s'ti~41d #~· minimal, and tesqJorary.. . . · · -· · · "-

.,... ;, J'

I 'j

The ·nature of thfs project and. construction technjques"wi1l'i: "-eliminate anY,. significant·.effects ·.to .tf'le .. vegetation• Where"·--- 1";. Cable ·'Nill, be -bUried··:aCXOSS Streamiib·e·Cfs· '(water·: CrOSSfogs}:·a, "'' •' · · 1·:' r '''

trench approximat~ly, .. 2.'. :x;:s •· wi'l1 be, q~.1t ~tnro_~h ·the· ba~~:·.~.fid "·: · , .. : ~ ~ :: ' :. ; · bottoms. A backhoe,, located: atop·.:the"errbanklnents, wiH· scoop , " out the trench and place the reinoveo:·'matedal; on ah ·i.4)la~~: ·,v •. ' · 1L -'· ,;t · site. Cable wHl then be laid within the tr~nch· and the removed . material replaced,, returning J;;•area; ii's neady"as:•"' I j' ,• '' ,l ', .;' '!'

possible, to its original condition. 'Disturbed eriibahkmerit areas·· ' " - '·fl"' I

shall be restored, and s:~atJili1·.'ze; through the use of seeded-=mats~:- ·' ' '. (' ', r.ip rap, or other ·materials a:s: m1ght ·be· ·required) by perm~.tHng\:' C•I' ''. '. '/ ·:

agenc~es. The construction.time. for a typical- crossing :tai<es" from one· to two hours·. All crossing :wprk i~ co~leted' daH'y~ '' 'I ;'I'

-~_ab~e .P_l~c~m.ent along ·rai(i.road. lines, aside fror. watrn:·· crossings, Is primarily· acconii;!Hsfied through the use·.·v;:··a vibratory plow yeh,ic~e. ThisJ;machihe ·automatically cr~_ates ah 9pening in the sofl', Rlaces tt·\e»cable, and clOses thebsoil . -opening. .This opening is created by a vibrating plow·~blade which mer~ly loosens and separates the soll·e.nough ~o allow ·for the direct burial of the cable. This .area of diSturbarice is .. . from 6-12 inches in width and ·should visual d~sappaar within ,~:-.3 days. . . · ·

As tlie.~ vehicle, 'has: tracks: versus· :wheels,- there will 'be· additional ground disturbance. oni.either' side •'of: :flie· cablea area;. this too is minimal and usually. :disappears. within 2 .. ~H~eeks·: ,.As···. th·e speed of the v,e_hicle· wiH not e.xc'eed"4 n'Ph during"any · ·- · - · _ cabling. work, th~·:p_otentfal for increased soil disturbance fS further reduced. · ·


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Page 18: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

" () J, ' ·.o. ;,ENVIRONMENTAL. IWACT ASSESSMENT (cont.) •••.• o·

, For those areas where i!ll'ediments are encountei'ed. (i.e.,, ,gas; "o' lI.nes, utility lines, culverts, etc.) either hand trenching·.'

p 6. ,,fl and/or backhoe operations will ·be used. ~t ·.is hopeft'.1lly.' evt .. ~nt~ ., : 0 ' • ~toat the referenced construction techniques, wh~n viewed in · 0 aig!'lt of the condition. and nature .. of .tt\I?:! project site, .. " , ~ .\') . cr)Ot significantly u'ff~c.t a~~Ocia;e(!· plf;int ·O~ animal ,life.. · '·

<:> ¢ 7~ . a change in ••• water. qyai~_ty. ~.

The project will neither produce changes in water"quan.tity nor alter·:.existing drainage patterns before, .during, .. or) etter ~oristructbn. Water q~ali ty, will be effected very ·rniflitnally. ,and only concerns i¢reased turbidity •

1 This incre~se wo~ld .

. '&cur: at streani·crossings where, as previously mentioned,. a

• ".1..,1,'.,,'"'

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,, narfow trench would be dug and refiHed· upon. placement .. cf ·the ~ ... ~"''"~'~·-·9..~l>J~~ _. Tht: increases }n ~urbid~ty sti~uld .b~. ·slight' ·due ·to·.~c:ittr ,, · · , · . ~· ~ . tf:ie· small amount ·of mar.~~l:a.J. t.e1~.porai:1ly :removed) .and.:pp_l~Q_,~Q1, ) · .,, fl "·"

~ :~ "".and the shortness of t_ime, ·~~quireq ·to, c~lete .thej procejure~t . ' "• ·"7'i-;--: 1-;~>7;_,~..,.~ · For all such. war~, ~u~qid~ty: c~n~r?l .sc_reens or· other .. acceptab!e•.'.. 1

'. , · ,.1 ,i,,. t'.",

I"?. a.

·and/required devices a,n.d mett10,c1~ ,w1~.l pe: .employ~d. r :_: :· ; .. :~. · 1 .',:' _.;· ·I·: , : :.'.' 10nly one other Hem might; t:taye. c}ny· .et:f.ect, this .involv~s• ttie\'. i. · : 1.· · i. ~ .. _;,;

.repeater sites (r~lf\lY. ~t~~ii:l.~~) .and .yround .W,ater· quality~. Bt:u ': 1 ·: , ' 1111 ·" •.'1 :

each sit_e, a "Ul 11 ~ ~pproved 5QQ, ga,llon .dies.~l •fuel tank :< ":: • .'. : l ,·: .

containing No. 2 1:flesel .fuel, will be bur.!~d•. This fuel !serves«· ... ·: · as a backup power sciurce, .. all6wii1g, for ,continuous operatiomof,• '.' ,i'

the re.lay. equipment in the· everit of a·. focal powei".loss.. The' .. · · · · • - " taiik and all constructior1 and ''installation methods will meet California codes. auilding permits will ·be approved;:and.: . " ·· · ob~~~ned from the local 'regulatory'.agenCies. rt ls aga~n.·,felt< ~nat the expressed changes ~hich will occur do.·not pose· ariy

.dangers to the environrii~nt of the.P:;'.Oject site·or surrounding ar_e~s·~ · ·

a q~~rige in existing no~·se or vibration ••• .·)

"' : ; 1,. '', ' ~

:rhe 1project will not create a change in the levels of .existing noise or vibration presently experienced within the ·area. The· present use of t~e p_rpjec.ti corridor, 1a· railro~d. : . · , . · .,. ·

, ,,

'•I I,

system,, produces noisl? .and. yibr~ti.on«~tiich:.exc·eed. all.'sueh: · · "' ':. ·;;i · r .levels attributed to th~ cable construction,- process.. .The ' ·: -~·: · · duration of c·anstruction noise wih increifae over thatt.typlcally -.. experienced alono most of 'the railroad' corridor.. However,. 'tnes'eV · "' no~'ses will be fieeting as work" is not c&1fined to any one area •\ for 'long~r thaf'I a day or two except at repeater sit(?S where cqnstruct'ion usually take about 1 wee_k.


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Page 19: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

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"·' 9. ENVIR.Of'l.fENTAL If.PACT dtSSESSMENT (coot. Y.;.,~-·

"I , ~ ' I , i ~""


construction on filled land or on. slope.,of lO· percent or more?

Constiuctjon •ithiQ 'these types of .areas.,are ass09Ja·tec1,.w.utt: " stream and leVee Crossings. The method of stream crossings has

:been descdbed previously. Tlie permitting for and method ·of construct~on,through levees is presently being handled ~ith·~he Water Resource•s RecJamatlon Board. Any .moJification«to• · , .. · intended• Co~strucuon ~Ochniques will be handled in c~iirt •Wiflj' · ' " ·' · the regulati>ry agencies. " ''·"'

... : J ·l2. an increase in fossil fuol consunption ....

' ~ J

', ','I -

. Two type"- of increases will result. .The.,first is tl!f]porary ·•nd COncems. the use 'Of f uel:S needed" to,,pilwer· :construcntiil: . .. " ''. •$,. "",. equipment~ •As•:the type 'Of. COnsttu2tion' 1$. reia't.l v;;).y, •ilQht•) "\ . .' ' " .' :. '.' '. ' the proJect 'Sho~ld •not cause ·any« •iiotiCOab1e· 1ncr'l;lsjig: .9~ii .. 'rtjf ',~ : ... : \t':: ~: '. fuels wi thin><the · erea, · ' ' . ., " 1,' J, ._ .. , .. · • -

. .... '"''i .... ",,,,, '"l •· '«

1~ .. • 'A hrger: P;oject ·or a"SOdeS ·of PibJeCfri ; '"' .-~ .• '

The referenced projeCt ~s an independent project designed ·tO meet the.user demands of ·the Stockton/Modesto area. This

, ·"o

,:it .. '"\..)'-'

Se? vice area:• lii1l ·b0. tied· fot o f'll! • s · nat~Oniii~''t~i~pAoiif · ' ·: : · ' network··via, Sacramento and :Hayward, · ,.. " '

·As«i«:I continues tci eXpSrid its natiOnWide· fib<if Optic · networ1',. to meet increasing user demands, at least .one other

project . •oulf! ne into· 'this ·one: EilCh Priiject "iii ·,Iiio'ei:!ebdei\t and does nil~ Wt\µld· nOt; preSe,;t any ·cumUia'tiVe·:e(,Vi'&riiientO'.r inpacts~ , ·

, '· ' -- ~' ,,

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Page 20: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

l\CPLY TO .. TTl:tn;10H O'·



-~arch 11, :1985·

.MCI Telecomruunications Corporation Route DevelopmeJ?~:·,qs~/0.8~ · 601 South 12th Street Arlington, ·Virginia 22202



You ·are hereby a~~,b!)~i~i!d .. by- t~e .. S~c.ret_:iry.oof :the· Amy ,to;an~ ~p.den.~ter t~lepho!le1.c;.a~;t.e,, ~!1· ?.~qugh' .(Hi-le· 1· .. 70) ,. 1 ~t' Section ~·3_'; . , , : "' Towns~ip 1 Nor.t~"''-'~~g_e:.6-.1 Ea.;t,,, !'f~D.B. & ~··· Th~ ·projec:~ s,~own :o?;·~he': '

""''-'""'-''~'-'-'.,<-. "•enc:lcE.ed -dra-;.:ing:;; .. :::irked. 'UCl. Telecoramuni::ations-Walker. :.Slou11:h: Crossing1':9 "" dated February 27, 1985, and scbject to the enclosed conditlDns:· ·

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Your atte~t~?R-·. ~s., oH.~c.~~a .. ~p· C9n?J.~t9n· ·(Ji;). i.r.e..!lues,ting the1 D:f:sttic:~: 11 'f> ' '

.~~ginee:: ~o be n~~~H~~- .o!f · ~D~· ~Pl?D.'~n.~~m~!l~· ~nfti compl~tiou: .of 1~he; cgn"s'tru.c.t'ion . work. T"!'o franked post Cllrds are enclo!!ed to f~~i.l.~tat.e y,our.· compl~ance".V£thi this requiremenc. Please fill out. and mail 'one of -the cards when yi)ur ·

:c9nstruction work begins. When the wor~- ~.!i' C!?'!!Pleted, fil.~ o~t and!. mail>.t.~e. second card. Also encl~oed is a notice: .of authorization"t9 be displayed .at r.h_e work site.

' The State. Departme~~ i>!'.~·1~h ~ng,.G.~l!'~ .has .. a~k~ci· 1:1!;· ~~ inf~rlll; YOU:>Of othe,- " cec~ssity to ootain a Streambl!d Alteration Agp~e111~i;i;. ,fpr tJ:i!! project. For· further. information, you should .contact Fish and Game at 1701 Nimbus Road, Rancho Cordova, Califo~~a ?5670, te~cpho??-e -~916) ~55~Q~78• '.>

thank you for you; c9.ope,~aHo~ ~n~. i.£ Y~t.1 have . .,a?Y· :ques~ipns·; pleas~· contact our .Regulatc:iry ".5e~t~~1:1~ ... R9.9~ .~~4Q.,,, .. oi; ~e~ep}l~i:i~ ~n~».440-2_32{+ ..


Art Champ :c!lief, Regulatory Secd.,,,,n


Copies FurrUshed: without Enclosi~res

Mr. Bob Mapes,, Environ.mental Services, Regio~ II, Department of Fish and, 1701 Nimbus ·Road, Rancho Cordova, Californj.a 95670 ·

'Ms. Pe~gy Kohl., U.S •. :Fish· and W1ildl.ife Service, 2~p0 c~;i:ta"ge \.~y, Room F.-2!27,

·Sa9,ramento, Califo1;niai 95825· )1s. Paget: L'eh, N.O~~'oA., 3150 ·Paradis~ Drive, Tiburon, California 94920 11r. Don Hirschennoffjr, 726 Buckskin .Trail, Arlington, Texas 76015

Page 21: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

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Regulatory Section (8921)

March ii, 'i985

MCI Telecommunications Corporation Rouce Development 059/081 601 South 12th 'street · Arlington, Virg~nia 22202.




·.,, .. ·~ ~ ..

·You are hereby· ~uthodied by: th'e Secretary of i:he }.rmy to· .inst~l.i' .. ·~h · undefrwa ter tel'~phcne, ca t>re·, iii' Fr.en:ch cam?· 1s16ugh: ·y(Mffe: 2 ;,9·0 > ; .. ~!t:·;sect:i~hs·j'.3\

, , . • . . ~ .,. •· - , • .. .. - '_.. . ,, • ,· ,. '.. •. '• ,,., 'Jw> ~ct_Wiiship~ l Nortfr; ·R.lnge'-'6'-·.~~fi'i:, .M.:J?~B·. ·&"·M. 'T~~ .'~t:oj~gt, :is,. as sh0i:n1

.on ,~ne', OnCloiliid · drZ.wfn!s •iirk"ed, ') x:r Tel'eCo¥t!iiiC:'t W'!.~" ~OiJ,C)1 ,c;,iiiP, '~W~~!i: ~~~· ~l!i~~, dated February 27, .1:985., and subje\:t· to the enclosed conditions •.

Your .:ii:ten;':fon .. ~. ·direct:ed1 'to· condition '(ri)"reqt.1~·supg tJte .. ~~~t:;-:!l;i., ~ ·Engineerto 'be n6'tifUd cff the ·co~enc~meht ,_nd' e:·gm,)ilith\,n :of· #1~. :c~oµ·lH:ru~'tion worh TWo-:ft\inke'd•,post 'cards·:are···eilclc>'sed' to 'facilitate ynur··cohipli'ahi:,~··wtth this requirement. ;pl'ease' frll: fout· •an(i·'MaiJ.' One "cJf' the C:~rdl;; Wften·! yoUf4 "" ,j'"''r

COOStrtictt'on' Wo'rk 'begins• .~en· ftile',,T,,ork j:S' COMpleted,t. "#1~ \~-~~I aii~·,~([lf~ Jti~'. 1econd


card:.; Al'sn"encl1

osed· ls· ·a" o'f' at.i'thorization to lie dispia}·~d'1a.·t:· the 'work site. · " ·: · · .,.~ ..

The State :Department of' Fish anci::Game 'has· asked us to in.form· you ~f; the ,·necessity t6. obtaiii a .streamhed)~Al.teratfon A&rP.e!nent:·-for tt1e:_?~?je"_ct:;. ·r9f·. 'further, information, you should· contact· Fish and·Game at· 1701' Nil:ibus'IRoa'd', Rancho Cordova, C~lHornia .. 95·570•, tel~p~'cfoe ·(9~6f 355..:()978~ · .. · · · ..

Thank• you for«your·ocooperil ti on ai\~ lf 1jqu" have any·,q~.estib.ris ~; pieii~e contact our. Regula't'ory. Section·,,•Rooin 6540~ t>r 'telephone {916} ·440:..23~4;; ·



Art Chaml! Chief, Rfaula'tory Section

;Copies Furnished: without ·Enclosures

~r~. Bob. M,apes, .~n:viroilEJ~nt~l; Region I~I• Department of' Fish an~ .Game, '1701 Nimbus Road, Ranc.Q.p Cordo~a·,. Califo!-"nia· !~5670: · · r

Ms. Peggy,. Kohl,· U!S •. ·f~~h .anc;f J'lildlife Service; i?800 :cottage 'Way; 'Ro0'1!1"E.::.~?i7, Sacramento, California 95825

ii If j• ,I

11 ,,

,~' .... .ii 11

Ms: Pci~~t 'Leh, ·t'~O~"~A •. ,..n50.-i>a~a·dise 'Driv~, Tii~ufon; Ca:lifornfa 94920: · · fi, ;-.. _:?-Mr •. Don .. ffirschenho;er, 726 Ducktikin Trail, Arl!nj~ton, Texas 76012_ ________ _,,,:lj'--·!

CAt~i'iu.~;, r.i.G::; • .:._1. A?~'?-~ -;

MINUTE ?J\uE · · · ~ ~. · · ·


Page 22: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

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"£1'1.'' TO AT,TllHTiOH 01"

DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY •A.CRAMENTO DllTHICT, COftN,01"' &NOINEER• . ". , 'eeo cA..tToL. MA~1:.' ' . ,

'li-'c·""Mt:NTC>. c"i;i"6)Ni.\· iisiu•

I '' 11 0 ~ ' J.egul.atory Secticm 1(692~) "'I.' •, lj. c 1":h •

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: /1 ' " ' ' •,I ~!fa• ·lf~~.I. 'lelecomun.ications Corporation '\. • ...

' . :.:""· ~.,. ,, .~"1te .'i>t!~l~t D.59/061 \

. ~ J " ·601' South l2t.h Street ./

) . , ,\• I 'f / "

AJ;~ton, Tirginia 12202 1

·,., Centletoenr ' """'»I :.~"~· ,. You .a'I'.e authol"iz.ed l'!Y. the;:-~t~ry of. 't~ ,>:crY,. ·~~ Jutttill, .an ~1~!iirate.r. }-#,~~:.::::·::.:::: •. ~: -.:-~~~I>}i,~~.:A':!?le~, -~ -~ai.:.~~iae .CU~.<~~' 6.!65)', ~!? ~·c.~~,cni }~ 11

• • 't~1thip 2.,~~r:~b~ ·~J:P 6 ·F:a.•t;,, H.~P·B~· !a rl! p.~ ·:projec::t· ~a··~, ~~"1:1;· I?~ -t.P~ .. ;'~~lQR~-<U~!!'.,P,n~!:. l "'


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···-,Qt~~. ·~. c·~ I •. : :f~~~c:~.~ti#, ;. .:,~~~·d.~•~ cu~ · ~~oa~ilig~·· · ~t:ed :• ~eli~U&1:j1,27~ " 1985, arid 1ub~~ct;· ~q .,;h~· .~.c;~o~~d c;op~~,~10?11'~ • . , .' ,

Your attention ii directed •to, C09;1didon. :(u) .. requesting,,the ,District .. ~r.~~t: to.'~ u~##.~ .... ~~ .. ,~tjl~ -~~~c~~t.,~d, s'~i~;s::'?"l-.~f, t~e,-cao~;;uc;t1on

" '.~~· - ·~ ,r~~ .. P'>~~ .Cf.~~- ar.~ ~~;~.s~d. t!' ,f~q;t~~·' .ro':"-r::',~p~nce ~th ·thir.· t'~qt1~r~~n~"..·, p;_~n~~·,• f.11~ oµt .a.nd J'f1~ .~n~ ,of, t.'lc .c.srd,; ,vhee iJ,Ot!T· '~ffilpt~ct~~ ucp:;~ ~;.:ttV~.'!· ~1}~~-ri .Yori~ i~ -~~P,~£:.t~d·! ~ill o:c.\t ,~f,d .aai·l -~he seccnr- ,cart!. ~pC,•!?nc~~~c~ .. g ~ .. no.~~c~ of. 1 £.U~l\Orl:zo~io~ to,~ di~p.ln.yed: ·at, ,


the wri: sit~· . , . t~~c .~r.11.;e ~pAr~F ~f F~sh ,snd ~tie has. ·.wked \ll' to if~~on. ·yon ··of' the

ne~~~sity t~ ob~~ a S~r~~bed ~;~raticryi·At:;reet~t ~or thc:project~ ·For ~f~'~J:f!8t~9fl'. yo~1 ~ould cont.llct F~~~' f'.nd, Ga.-.e, a.t 1701 ;HiTlbtis Ro.'lc}i i Ran.Cho Coi;don, Cal.iF.~rni& 9.5970, t~!!p~·~ .(9.l:f>)i 35~78., . ~ j'uil 'iof ;yo,ur ~oope,rat.~Otl !flld ,if :101.'' hav~"any.;~uen,ttons, pleuf'. write

'.to. our ~RuJ:atory S~c;Jo?t· ~oora ~540, or ·telep,tione (91~~ ,~40-~324.,

BY ~.E AlT!HOi'.ITY OF' 'Il!E SF.cJ'.E'IAR.Y: OF Tiffi ·APJ1Y z:

Art Ch.up Chief,, Be8'Jlatory 6ect;.!.on ·.

I •

· 'o· 'Enclosure• '> I

Copiei:; Furnishedt without Encloi.uref'

:>Hr. Don Hir&chenhofer, 726 Buckskin Trc.11, Arlfoeton, Tex1\~ 76015 ·~,~: Bob J1!lrer;,_ f~yir.orir:?<;:nte.l S~rviccr~,;, Rer.~;i5n' II, Dcparmer~t o~ :F!'r:h .. ,~;1' ~!:ii>;

1701 N1mbu8 Road, Rancho .corcova,. ·Cb..l.ifo·~-Uia· 95679', , ' .

I, I'

~·~· Pcr.r,y, ~r.i •.. •U. s. FiRh.:nn<! HilC!lif~ $crv.kc; 2000 ·cottl~gc ~~Y, F.ocb ·

F.-2727, SncrliJTll:'!ltO, California 95625 · Ks. P.aret ,IR.~···· ~,~o~~.~~· ~·"~150 Parartir.C: JtriVc~ Tihuron, Cttli·!i::;~.:::.~f' :: AA

,-1 ~ A. 9.o•I ..

f ~t!NUTt: ~·~·~\; --1-l:t- .LI---~~'--~~--~~·

Page 23: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

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·150 .CA~TOL<MALL. •-'c.firAMr:Nro. cALifl'6HN1~-, '•~111.-.

Ma.rch .. ll, 198.5·

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M.c.1. Telee~cati°"•·Co~ratiOll ' · :10ute ·Dev~l ~ ..Ut· 0.59/081

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. ·iw are· iluth'?~I:~ by' th~ Secretary ol t.he ·Ar1nfcto. ~~tjiU. ~"''.':"l·~·~c'1r;·," · t~ephone •cable, in 'Tot1 ~aine S~ouch (Hile µ..~2), ·at. ~e~t~~: 16,i .. ~~~P/::2, North, Rance 6 Eui:,.-n.I>~!. ' M. ·'11W:f··pt'oject"b····u ·ehow' .. 0n the ·en,ctoled~,, "' d_ra1dnge urked,. •if.~C.I. Tele~otimun!c~tio_n.~ ~ T~~ Paine ·~U~gh ci:~H~g!" t ·d~~~~d'. ·February· 27- -!'985'... and subject··to the encloeed' coad:1.tion1·.; " " ······ :rf• 1" · .. . ., . '

' : • ' , ~•' , ( , ,f ,, I\

"!four attent1'on ·i. directed· to ~dition (n) requec\:l'.ua:·the J)1ntrict~· ... mpneer to 'be notified"of th~ c~~ement and' coiiple1:!0n ofiti.t 'coitlstruC:tion· ·~rk~ , '.l\IQ. {~~~ ~ir ~nt•,.~r·~. ~c;lo•ed. tn ;f.11.c!i;li,t:.~~~.);~# ;c.~J>~.f~ce ·~th, th111 requirwent. Pleas~ u,µ. f?Ut .~ng l!MLil· ~~ of .t!i!!;"~r~~·\~~ ,your, " conntroction ·vort: be8.i11s. ~"hen "work ie conpleted, fill out antl 'MriiPtHr. · ·

:6·ccond· card. .Also .cncfosccr ls a notice of. autlioriuition .. ~to ·b~,.dis•,l'a)'e·a· ::\~t · the ·:work" ·s"i~~. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · ,

The State DcJ>artl!len'l of Piah arid Game ~·· aal:e~ 1u11 ·~o iuf'?·~ you f?f 'the nccesdty 'to obtain • Streau0e"d' Altefat1Cn Agt;eei;ei\t. for th.e. proje-~t.. ~or· further information you should' cO:n't4ct Filh aricr Ciiin·t, at -1701' H'!ObUs R'oacf, RAnc~o Cordova, Ci1lifc.rb.1a 95G7o·, tilephonc (915) .:ss-osi1a. .. ~

Thank you for )'our COoperatfon and if YOU have any questions, plea11e ~~i~e to our Re&ulatory Sect1ott, 'Root: 6540, or, telephone (916). 4.40-23'24. . .

' ' .j ~


Art ciwap 1Chie~, Regulatory ·SectiC?U·

"' ,, '

).Hr. Don 'ffirscheiihofert 726 Buckskin· Trail, ·J\rl1ngton, ·rebs ')6&' 5· · ' ,: ' .ur. ~b >'.arcs~ Eri~ir~.~e·1~tAl s2_ry~c£;s, I:I,, ~Ptift~n~"•>'i·»Fi'sh'. ·~·~.gee.~.,

170.LHimLue Road-, ·Rancho': Corclov'i, California 95670 · · Ks~ ~~r,ry Y;ohl, · u.s. Pi~!i. ~nd 4.i'i[~';ti~ .se;-v~ce, .2~c(c .. ~~ttage WaY,.-~oori £~2727, S&Ciame'ntO, CalJifOl:-riia 95825 , ,,.

;Mt.. Paget Leh~· ?;~oj/..~A. ~ ~i!;o ·Pa.rarlise Drive, Ti~uron, c_il~foi-nfa» 94'!1~0 ,,


:C.· .. -·i:·~. ~ .... , , ·.- 4 ~;~· • W•'\Lt,"J::>,,~ .... •11,\1... ·----..!. ...:....-~~...:._ (

I ' ""1, A ::, '~ 1 {MINl;liE ?.~:'~ :. -'· . ._, :,:;._ ,


Page 24: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

NollRcn!lon No. ll-43-85 THP No·----?: :


• < •

? . 0 · v THE~EFORE, the Department hereby proposes mensures !O protect fish and wildlife during the dperaior's

• · '?.~· "' p.,1,\\'0rli:1 ;I"he· op<;:·:here~y ,agrees to -~~~pt· the f91lowin;.;1 reco~~enqntio11s: :t~ .. pa_r! of,,_hJs.·~rgrk: 'Numbers ~(« • ;;•} ,•2, 3.4 c8 ;10·>19 I 21 I &22 •• • ' • " .. frorn the.list ofoecommendations on the' ... .,,..:"'---h,-. >< ---•--•-w-...... '"'' """~'~< ~>. -~~ ~- ...... ,.,,, ' .. , ~' '"~ < '<'~ ........ '•' "'""

j . ~-0 .. :-:.·. ·t~ck Of(!his:piigc~and:the-fol.l,o~,;ing'5~cf,aJ r~£0111m.e11q?-Hgns: · · · · . ., • ,..,

.. :"' .· f:).t ;~(·All work 1

in ~r n~i1r t~~ *~~J!I or l!lke,.sh~1J:~~!e P,~tjo4.~~l:· . . .. ·.1

•• .,., ~ .. Areas of Concerns:

3:. ·rn-:aJ1 areiis,' ·strearn·;bankS 5h6fil.Q..f,e''stafil:lizeg{'seea rrai:s·:~ ----""o=f ..... willows, etc. · · · · '" · ·"'-'


"(," •l


Page 25: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :


l. Distmha;1C'e or n•mo,·al of \'rgetntion shnll not e1::ced· .. .thl• . minimum .. nec:ess:ur to .complctl'- .oprrntions: .Tile

°' ' cll~turlwtl porhons of :111~ ~tn•am ch:mnel <?r lnke. mnr--· .. '"'-"~ ·~in~within the hi~h~wnter·mark ·of~the·slrenm· or ·lake

s!pll he restored ~to :is ne:tr their origin;tl condition as ...... ·"possible.

-:~. --- ·· .2.-R<'stor.itio11· ~hall include the .rc\'egetntion ·of. stripped i » or· expose~ nr~ns.. -

" ,.:l. 3. Rock, ripr:tp, or other erosion protec~ion sh"a11 be plncecl . -.. , . .. in areas wlwre vegetntion t·nnnot rensonablr be expected

1'1 become reestablished. -1. Instnll:ttion of bridges, cuh·crts, or other structures shall

• 1\bC .sucli:'thnf ,\·ater ·flow ·is· not impaired\ m1cl :upsti~am or d9wnstrl.'am passage of fish is qssu~~d: n~ ~.P~t!!TI~~·

.. Bottoms of ·tt>mpornry cuh-erts ·shall-·l.>t' 2lacedt at;·or· bl•low stm1m c:hamif.'1 ~racle. Bottoms of .1wrm:ment ·~t11\:,.r1s: slinll · bci plnced below· strc':nn · chnnn'~I :.g.i:iae:

.5.~Pl:lns. for, .clcsign .. ~f .concreti? .. sills arid· otlicfr~:fe:itiires· •that could potc·ntially impede: fish migrations must be ,;ippro\'ed h)"Dcpnrtment·engmeers.

.. 6 .. When nnr. dnm, .( anr .artiflcinLobstruction). ~1s. ·being chnstruct<'d. mnintnlnecl, or plilc:ed in opt>rntlon, suffi· .cient wnter .shall nt .all .tlmt>s·be-nllowed· to 1>nss· dO\\'n·· strt•nm to maintn!n fishllfc below,,_thc,dam. "

, .~ .. ~ , . ....~ ,,.,.,

;; An nde<1unte fish pnssnge focilitr must b~ !ncorporntecl, ia · ··into nn>··bnrrier that·obstructszfish·pnssnge. -,.,.: .S ... Any tempomr~· dnrn. (any. .:irtiflcfal;.obstructlon) -con­

: stru_cted sha,11 onlr be built from mnterial su~h ?S .cle:in · '6· • ·STn\'el· which-will· cause~littlc·or no·siltatfon;


' \\\) .• ,, .- -·~9•.='o equipment will bc .. li\·

\· · 10. E<1111rmcnt ~hall not br opernted in the stream channels '\~. • . '. . of fl(>,\.'ing lh;'c sfrc·ii1ns except :is. m:l\'"bc nccessan• t()

"·. ..... _construct' crossings .or .barriers .. nnd' fills .. ill· .channel chnnges.

;~··u: "\\"hen ,\•oi-k in .. n flowing stream is unavoidable, the -entire streamflow shall he di\'erted ar0tincl, .the ~\·ork.

' " ' ' - iirca 'b\' :I 'barrfor,' tl_;rnporary cuh·ert, and/or a new .•.• -· channel. capn,hlc. of .permitting upstream .. and .down­

strC'am ·fish m'J\'~ment. Construction of the barrier "' .: ... - ... -~and/or. thr nrm .chnnricl ·shalknormally--begindn· the· , , " downstream nrt>a nnd, continue in :in upstream 1 direc·

. 4i~:: ' ti~'l1 _and the ·ilow shn!l''he dh·crted onlr when con-

,, struction of tlw diversion is completed. Channehhank' .or harrier consfruction shnll he :1deo11:1te to prevent "sc-epitge inio or from the work nrea. Chnnn<>I hanks or harriers shall not he-.mnc!e of earth or o'thc·r substances su!1iec~do erosion unl<>ss",; fir!it t>nc:losed hv shcC't 'hilin'g; roc:k nprnp. or otlwr protc•cti\'c> mnterinl. The C'nclosure nmHh<' ~11m1ortivc· material shall he r~1no\·l>a '\\·h'en" tile' work i~ complet<·cl :md tht> rrmoval shnll normalh•

: }· · proc~C'd from clown,strrnm in an upstmam direction.

) '

~· ·12: Tcmpornr\' fills shall h<' co'il'~th1drcl;,c)f iioril'rociihlP . 111~t<'rial~ anti shall he rcmovrd immrclinlrl~: ,upon .work

'.:·... .·.'.·II.~~ (COmplrtion. . , .13. E'111ipnwnt ~h:ill · not he· op<'i':il<'cl in tlll' lhk~ or· it!i ·i:nargin cm·pt during (•xc::iva'tion ::Intl :\s runy li'r nr.ccs',.

.~\) (. ~·· -~(" '-' r

sary ·10 ('Oli!>lrucl harriers .or fills. If work in th::?d:iJa• r~· 1111a,·oiilahlr; .a .cuHnh1 -c'i1closurl." · to prt,·ent silt:ltion of H•C' ln~l'. ·hcro•!!l '.tl11.· ·i~n1ncdi:ltc working :ue:i sh~:I 111 .. ·m~tnllc:d. q"he'C'nclosurc·nnchiny !iupportw<.· mntcri:il' sh'!ll !i,c rclllO\'f<J .. wh<'.ll .the. wurk i~ completed.

J.I. Silt scttling hnsins shnll hi:> located :iw.i\•)fr:~rri ·the stream -or .In~<'· to prc,·ent ·di~colored, ·silt-b.t'~rii1g·:\\·t1for from. rcachmg th<.! str~nm or. Jake. · . .

15: Prcp~r:~ti<?_~l ·~),i~li l~e mad~ s,o ~hat p~r:i,off fr~m steep, l1rod1hll• snrfat·l.'S··'\'11l:U( .. d1\'l'rtt>il 'into stable nreas with little t.'rosi!),n potl•ntfol. .Frequl'nt w:iter checks shall be: plaC<'d' ori dirt" roads; ·c:iHracks. or other work trails to ~~1t!~t ~ro~ion .

16~ ~\·nsl! ~r;it,!!,r: ~~~:l!}),i.~S !1.'!u~d '?~ s_i!<?ri1.aggrcgnte wash· ·Ing. or .. othcr·opernt1ons·shnll •norbe· :illowed to enter n ln~.e ,or Ao,yin~

ft. a) -~ s~lt, c·~~C:hment ... bnsin ,slfall be constructed across :t:1c~:stT(!arrhim!11t>dfatal\1 :,bclo\\~-thc.:.proje~t, site. This ·~~tc~•ncnt qa~~IJ.' ~1!~ . .l! bs· .c,~nstn!ct!-!.~' o~ .·gra,·el whicl.

· ·1s-·free·from~muo·orsilt:· · · '.~ L!lP,glL C£'nl~~~iOJ!..oJ Jl,ic,-.p,rojcct.and.aftcr :ill flowing water Ill the area is clcnr of<turbidil\• the gnl\'el alon" ~:.~fu J!1~ ffi1ppg,cl,,s.e_dimentsha1Lbc.:;emo\·ed from th~ .s~re:i.ll'l·

is. "I( ~p~r/1H~s;is .r~q~irc. o:n9ying of equipment across ·a .fl~\o,:mg. ,stream, •. ~llch .. opcr:1tions. sh.111- ·be conducted ~r!tlaout ·~!;,.jncrt>asing strenm turbidit\'. For .repented.crossings; ·the ·oper:ltor~sha!Hnstall a 6ric!gc, cµh·crt,. or :_roc:k*fill> crossmg us sl)ccified in comments ·below;· ·

J9 .. .channel .h~s· been·nltcr~cl·during the opern· hons, its low· Aow c:hnnnel shall be returned as nearh·

.as.possible to·its J):lt\m1l·state·without·crc:1ting n possibfo future hrmk erosion problem, or n flat wide channel or

·sluice-like· aren: ·If n"ln~e·ifmnrgin "h:is hcen altered it sh:ill' be returned us neilrh• as pos~ible to its nat~rnl ·state "'·itl!o~t crc'atiilg ii 'future 'banf'eiosion problem. T!1e gr.n~•~!)t·gf ti~~ ~ti:~~m.b~d .. or;'.fak<: .. margin shall b'e ns nearlr as possiblt> the snme gr:fdient as existf?d prior t9 ~distu~ba.nce. ' ·

20. Structurt>s. nnd ;;5soc:intN.1' • mnteri:ils, not desi"ned to '\\'ithst:11id'~1ijl:Ji sc:ifonaJ' flows ,sJiiilftj(/rernO\'ed to nreas abO\'e thc»higl,1 wate.r m11r~·'before si1ch flows occur .

.21. '~o ~lc·llti~,!. SJ?il;, si,l!;; ~~!1,C1\· 'h,'~~·. s}ash;. !S.'!\~:dul:t, :rub­lllsh, C'emt>n~1>or concrete/or w~,,~hmg~ tnereofj ·oil or pt·irol<'U~J P,rod_ucts ·Or .ot~(>r, ~rgm 'W orfearthew1ifaterinl from .. :mr ~oggmg. cons:ruct1on. or associntcd nclivih·

'Of whnte\'t'r n01ture sh'illl he• allo\\:('(j to crjfor into or plncecl whC'r<' it mm"' he waslwd h\· rninf all or nmofi -into, \\'~tcrs o.f' tn~·;SfatC'. 'Wh<'n oiicri1\ions :ire com­,P}ft.c•d.1~f1Y .rxcrs~ ''!]:llcr,ial~. ~~,<!rhris ~ha II" be remo\'ed fr~m. ·.tlir wo.& ar<'a. No ruhh1sh shall ht! deposited ~''!t1~\~ 15.Q Jc~t..of the high.,wat<.'r, ,mar~,. of a)ly strc:im or n"e.

·22. tfw 91~rra1or '.will' nCitif~· th<· 'bt·i'>artin<'nt 'of fish :ind ~.;unc• ~f !)w ~l:)!_r .~.~ t·pn11~~~:1~«<·1.n_c·1~t ,pf· O{l<.'rall'ons ancl ~h,t' <fo,11• ~f-~orpplC'tun,1 qf opt·rallqns.nt.k·:ist fin· d:i\'S prior lo ~uc·h c:umplc:tion. ·

Page 26: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

r<- ,,,.,,. fi '" · · ' " ' , ; r,'',<" ''? ,. I

t1' ,\/ ~. ~.,' I, I



() (I'


File Ref.~-· ----------

lier_ Teice:·omriunicati'bns. C.:orp6raHon., .. ,. , . , ....... " .... ,,,,. , _ • ------------------,---------------------------------:-~~-----~·-~---------------·-------

6 U l south '12th:.stteet " ____ _... ____________ _.;. ______________ ..;.. ____ ...,. _________________ ~----...,,,-----------.~ .. ~.~--Ar ling ton; 'VA 22202

B. Checkli1t Date: __ 4__.l_ ... 2._'_./..__8 .... s __ ;;~i',· '·, -~~:·,,.~.~iai:~~Pcrs~.rP . ..;· .. Ted '· T. Fukushima'

,.',';: .;1:::',, .··Telephone: r:91'~ 1 322..:7813

to. Purpose: To provide di rcc't' "state-of-the-art". teleph;Jne_ se~~ice-,to"~d. b,,·1:·ue_g.~ ,the 1Sa'cramentci, Stockton/n6desto, and' San, Frands'co1 ,§a:v areas. ,i ... , '"'"" "

''~ "'""'"'.. ' • ~ • .,. • ... . '< " " • • - • ' • • ~. '' ' ' ' • ' I f j

E. Lq~~:ion: Eois t and north fr~m ~ha C~Fv of' J!.a.VV'i[C!.! Jh.~8~i!I! S_*65~.t:8n .. ~in~' :f:!~t.~xpe.n;q;., .. ) t .... o...__ ; ":v'-1:-i;; , :'a 9'·01'nt' ·~"u'st,n"orth of the.·s'ac''ramento·Count•y .. lfnc. ;....,:~£.,,.,.:, "':-;:;~·- ;".,,.,. ..... ~~· ~ . ~;;_:;-..;;;.;;.;:;..-.;._-.;;.....;--.,--.;~=-------~==.-...--""::.=--..r.. ________ ,_ .. _ .. _ .. _._ .. ._.._-............... ~~'-~'!.: .... · ---

-, '.,.<1,i-.•r '.·.'.F: 1 10.·. escrlntlori!. ·;Set?· ~·t.tacned' l:.>Jalit!".1'A". , 1 ·' • I hi, · , .:·:·r ~ .. -'~--------~----~-------·:-.-:---.~~-·:--,--_·--------

...... ,. ....... ~ ~--··"' 1,. ........ -~. -~:.:...".-~1-·.-.'·------;· i , I f I ~ ' ' \-...i ' ~ t I "' ' ' \ ' l ~.

~t\{ J// ::

:.~;}".ri~ ji_, '

'.'Jh' -1;1'.:,~~ _ .. _~·-··-·-·-·_ .. _ ...... ..., .. _._,, __ ,._._._..~ __ ,,_,_ .. _,,_._._._._._. ________ .._ ____________ .._ __ .•.• ·-~·+--_..·1-·-·----··-'·~'·-'•'-.._.~ U .. ::.~ .. :.:...:.;.~"·-·-· _ .. _ ... _ .. _·---~

Persons Contacted: Earle· <.umminP,.~··i:,;:l>epar6nent' of. Fish);& ~Game'' , '\·:~:·~-··-----,G~

.. 'ciiadas D~ .. Vic r,r:~ .:: Caltrans- \ ' Art: ·F4~aclui:ci · .~_:_~-~-l_t_r_~_n_.s _________ ._ .. _' _., __ .. _, _· _ .. _-_ •. _ .. _._ ...... : ........ '.--...:..·~-· ..... ·..----·...-----·-~---.

,I\ < !-fc! ·Sclll.i.artz: ;... Reclamation Board·

" 't ,~~---:-~--~~----------------~·~----------,..-,_..----------~------------.. -·_·_· ... ·-·-·-·-·~·-".-" ... "-·.-· ... '--------·rf;.( ~ij' '

'~t~~. ~ "'! l ,._ . '~ " ...... "- j L -<';I

~,.~a '. c:,:i',: t{

; ' • ,, ',,; ~ ,~n <' --------------~r ' ~ t , ~ , f

Lio,': e,. !1 ·.-:·--·.-".-"•·-· -_, ... ..__-'-'---,---,-...;...----------------------.,....-·-----------------·-----------------, :~11.'f! )~·~fl '. ~. "" ... ~t

·l~ :.: f '' .~"-"-' --:.-----------------,.,.-~-----:.-----~-'""".~----......,----_,-....;.-..;:,;.;-....;.-....;. ___ _ ~ ~',>r,1,·1 '! •:'

' ·--·-------------------------------------------------·-"-'-"-·---·-·.-· ,.,........,..----..,,.------------(-f ~ 1-~i~ ~ ~> __ ;_ ....... _____________________________________ ~---------'-"-

r' ~~ :-1.:, I, ~ t ' ' 'J } j

· :, 1iCi1,;ENVIRONMENTAC IMPACTS. f£xplai'n all ''yes"'and"'maybe''.arisWt1rsJ t.r11~ .. :.~-~,,,,,r1 ,,,:.,fa . --- ., h· , ·; ,.1.-;. ;1A1.,, d;urt//;. rW1ll· 1he prcpo~afiresul 1 ·rn·: '(es .. Maybe N.o

Page 27: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

, yes Maybe Nu

~' ' .. ) lj

)- ,\

" ' '~

"' i. Suh,tmu,1,11 •1~· «:nHnM_•p!" .".', 1l,d'~11111.riru11 of ~mtir.~111 "" tt,11,r1h1y> •••••• ; :: ••• : • " •••• ',,', ~

.~ ,Jhe'C:rc.lliun ~t,ohject1on111Jle octo.1~>. • • • • , ~ .•. , . . • "·· .•• '.." • • •• ""''"·· • ', • • • •; • ,

'~· Ahe1.1t1c11 of ,au rf1rl.VP.ment. mois1U1.e Ollff!mpr.r;illJiei llVillly'chai1gr. ·1n·ctimau1;eithil,r·r~.i!!y}~rlrllgionally?·.

C:· ll~u1•r W1ll 1h1: propos:il resu11;i11:

,-l_ Chan1ws uqhe currants, onhe co1ir$i.\".01:chr~~tiun:of ~'at~i:in.tiyem1H,ts,:m crther:marine of'fresh waters?·. ,

2t·Chan!!t'S 111 ilhso1ptrun raws, !1ra1nay11 1•1.itterns, or the rate anct amoqnr of surface water runoff?1- , •• , •• , ,•

~; ·~lteri111011~ ti> !~11! r.uumi or flow ol l1t1ucl wa11:1~,, •••. , • .. •••• " ••• .ji ..... ,., •• ii j "' •••• '

4. Ch;i,t!Y,I! m 1he .amounto! surf;ice water rn any W8!cr body?. • . ••••••••••• , •••••••.•••••.••••

1,1 ; '

11 I ·~· I


,, . I l

•'> •

'' l'l(i" "l).i 5. Discli.11111! 11110.·su1face Haters, 01 ''" .• ar!y.altr1ar11111 o! S\lrfoC:e wat~r::quallty;•if1cluding hut~not;liiriited,to'. '}' J IP.rn1>c1:it1111•, rl1ssciJv1•rl r xvgcn or:turb1d11y? • . . • • • • • • • , • • , • • • • • • • • • 1 Ix

f I I


I• ' '

6, Alter~11011 •JI thl!,d111•1:t·:un 01 ra1.e of flow of wuuml v.;11ers> . .. .. ' ' .. _ ................. ,, " .... . \ ,,

7, ~hilll!lll 111 th.>·qua1111ty'.OI 9ro~i1i~L~~JJ~r.~~;..e11her thr<m4h d!ll.:Cl ,1dclrtio11S or Y!ilhdrawals, or,lhrough.rnfer~ Cl!J)llOll Of Jn il•IUlft:r by-~UIS Or •!XCJV<ltlO~S? , . , '• , , • ,': . . , ' •• .', , ': '. '.·. , , i

.e, :SulHto11111ill recluc11un 1n 1h~ dml\u111 ul waler othl!rwhii a11~1lahlr! for µt.1hf1c w'iiter supplies?' •••••• " J . ·kf:x1111\llll: ... 1 ·µi!ujll~'o1 prop1frlY, io wate1 •1elat~~l'h"aial<inucfl• as:ficfooirig ott:aai·wav~'si .. ; . ~ .... ', .. i


10 S111111tu::J11h!hailtjt>!Hn ilic lr!1i111eiai111I•. flow·qr i:hemiciil coniifrii"C>f:surfoce thermal spiiii'gs~. '.. '.":' . ... ". ' •'.}1 I 'J: 1 t 1 , t

t !'. ,m·, ·'.,

!'111111 "'''' VJ111 th_I! l'IUflOSJI t1•\Ult.111t ,/ '"

~'"•"!I" 111 rhi: 1hv1:is11y ul ,11cc1P.s, '6c: m11nlJ1:1 ,of any spec:es nf rilants (111clurliny 1rees, shrubs, grass. crops, aud ~u1u,~11r 1>li'uUs)> • . , . . . ~ • . • ••• ~ .••.•••• ~ ,.. ........ : , ... ~ • ~ ,. ~ ~ ~

2. fl1:1l11c111111 of till' 11111nlll'r' 111 illlY untiQUfl; rarn ur eridangere<f srwc1r.s of pl;irits? ............. . . f

3, ,l11troriuc11n11 or nr.w sper:1cs ot P,!a,nts into an 11rea, 01 111 ~ hamei;\to 1he normal reple'iiiShmenNWe>.csllng· " ' . '\pec1Ps . . + .... - .. T ••• t ., T ~ • • • • • • ~ ... ' ••••• ~ •••••• r .• • , • " 1 ... • • ... ,," ''.

o· E

'" (I '

4, ~educ11011 1n acrea9e:of any !ig1icul1ural cropi"

;111111.1111 l.1/c' Wsll lh•• p101iosal rc~lllt.m

• •••.•"•I I I I•'.• f • i - I .. I I •• "• I '• '

I Challtil! 11• 1111; ch11e1 slly CJI ~pe1:1es Of nun1.h1!1~ ol any ~r>ccres nl ~nimals (birds, !and .1n1mals rnclud!r.u r.ijil!lc~. h~h 11ncl sht!lll1~h;bcnth1c 01~cJ111sms, ur 111sr.cts)? , • • • • • . ' ••• , ••

3. lolrnChlc'Mn of:11cw· Sf>•!Cies o/ ilntniafi; 1ill0' an mea, or 11i~t1lt trl a l!Jrricr to ilie'mig'i,fti(in 'or 'moverllf?lll of ~illfn\11~' • • <I " • • f • • 1 , I ~ I • 11 • ~ 1 f 1 1 1 • " I I 1 • , 1 • ~ I ff I .. , f

· ~, Ol!t111lurai.or1 to exi~lintr fi~h ur wildhlt~ hab111117 • I l ' • • , ' r" I fl' I 'I I • ~ ~ I •

' ¥ • • ,~

' !, ,., I I

•.r .. ~



•X I,

?· ~· .. 1.111~1111: ril neu11l1• ru.S•!\'l.:ltl •1111se lc:11r:1~1

. G, (,f-.:/11 um/ c:l11m Wrll !ht: p11ipo~:il rn~ull 111

: '1 , I, J, ,.-

.... , , ,. ' .. ., ............ ' . ~ r, H. ·(.imlU "' l/f•i' llw ;uupus,1! 11·~1111111.

'' ,,

'J;·'·" '< • . ; ' ' ,, ' ~ ,.. .

i. A ~uhs1.i•111.1I :iltern11011 uf the p1e~1:111111 pli111111:1J lcincl u~c ol an 1111:~? . • , , • , • , • : .• , .• •. , •.• 1

Nluwu/ l«•,111111·1'.\. Wrll lhf! 1cm1l1 111 I !_ > - ~

, • ,• •,t> ..


.x r x. ;x
















, 'X



Page 28: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

~ ~t' ' ' I ' :'

,, :J; ·ll11I, 1•l l't'"''· TJ1h'i. thu i~sull in: '1:

,!-' ' : '. : , : ' ' . ' " " ',·, '•' "'' ""' "' , " ~ 'V' • 1. A 11~k of an explosion or 1he release of hazardous substances (tncluding;but not limitid·10, 011, pest1c1des,

.. K.

i:twn11cJls,01 rad1atio,n) in the even I of an ~cident or upset conditions.~ •• : •. ,,, r.{ •. ,o "'' , ..... ~;\. •-'»i1 .. \! ., •i ~·~ '

?• Plissil>le iriterf.urence)with.emerge1'~:\."rtsponse plan.~r1,an emergen,cy;~·v:~cua1i~ p!an? .• ; •. ,, .• ,, ... , ,., ~ ... ~ ~· •..•• ·•

'/1op11/111im1. 'Will the prapou.1result in:

'(~s ~aybe Ni>

1. Thu r1lrl'!Jt1on.-;~istribut1on, density~or grow't.~nle of·.1he.J!uman popul.uJcin.~f,!,he.area? .. ~ ....... .f· .. •• ; •. Q. (J 0 ~ • . L ·llr~11.1irlK. Will lht! P~<Jposal result in: ,, '

~· 1. 'Affecting exi,sung h<>u~ingn:ir cr~at.i a,demand for additional housing?·.,·,'" i,; • , : .••••••••• ·•·• ..... , •

"' '' M. './lr1111.~1111r1a1itln/Cirrulutin11. 'Will U1e proposal re$ult in:

~' '}), 1. Gem!I at ion of .substanual additional vehicular movement? ............... ;,'"" ...... ,, " •..••• , ...................... •· ••••• ,_,.,, ' ' ,, ' ' ' ' I

.fJ ,[J ~ '[]. [J l~


¢ • J,_,


2. Affocaing existing karking facilities, or create a di:mand for riew, parkin~? ~.: ••••.••••••• , ........... . i I I '

3. Suhst;intial •'1'pact upon ~J(isting transport.ition systems? ••••••• , ..................... .

1· A1te1 :.uons w pres.ent pattern~ o.f cir!!ula~ion or:mov~rrient cif people- a~~/ pr 99~ds.? ...... ~ •.•.•••.•

':~. Alll!r :i111>ns 10 wate1l>orn·~.,rail,_.()r; .. air .. 1ral,fi~l • " •• , ..... , • , ,1 •.•. , • • ••.•. • .• , .. "·:•• .,.. • "··: ·" • • • • • • • •

'Gi ·fn!=r1o;1i:e iiF11aff1c h·.iz~rds'io·.rJl~~oi·'-:ef~i.C,les,,~iC,v~!ift.s,§r·P.~~~~ii~nsJ' .... ,.., ............ 1., .... , •••• ••

Piifilk ,,.,.,,.,-,.,.,\, Will. thl! l?r9P?sal .~~Y.I! ran ~f.~e;.t. µR9.fld>r. re;uH:!r. ~ .:h_~!.~: fc~f !11!'!", !?f.,~lt{ire~ .go;~er.1}rr1qrt!~!. . servic~s rn any of ·ihe following areds: :,:

TJ LJ liJ ·M [/ IXl .L..I . _j --

.o tJ ~J I~ C' --1 ~ .J IBJ

'' "'ii '''"•I , ' ' ' d r-J 1. F1ru piotr.ct~On? • ,..•. ~ ....... ,,, , ••••••••••••••••••••••••.••. ~...... • •••• "',''' •••• , • , i •• , ,.,.. ; LJ

" ' ... ,~'\'' < , '' , : ll , , j, •I :j~J (:J

2. P9hce prorccuon? ............ , • _ •••.••••• , ••• , ........... • ••. • •••• •i,• ••• , ~"!' .J," , • ,,.,. ....... L... ·-'• ' "· 'J'9

.I • • ¥ • /1 oi • • , I I ,,,..:; 1 it I I • t •~•:i••'I I• I ... t OI ••1 I to' f I l•t'•1"••1 """'~I,·~ ,.ji,. ll ~t\ti,1, t,.,1•• ,.~, l>l I I I .r.;J [::.J ~l' 3, $chuol~? ..

4, · P~r ks il(ll!1c;>.1he1 recr~atiqria.f. f '!_c,il,iJJes7 ........ , .• , .... , •.•••••••.•.•••• " :' "' ~ • : ..... ,. ...... 1 ••• , ••• , •

'• Cl g ~-· 5. Main\r.nancc of public facilities, incloding road;?. • • •.• • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • ... . • • • • • • • • • • • f] L j ~ j 1;, 01111a ~uvcinm1in:iil services? ..••.•••••••••••••• (,_,1 1-. ·1 r~· 1 ~ I I • I it • I I I I I I I I I I I<• I I ••JO • • I I • • • I l'

Jj ,,


o. ·l:'i1t·r,:.r V;,lf 1he proposal ;esul1 111:



i. :lJs11 of suhstan:ial amounts oi fuel or ent:rgyi •••••••••. : ....................... ; •••••• .,, ••.•• . ' -~ ' '

2. Suh~tar111al mcrea\tl in demand upon ~xis~ing_ sourc~~ of.~111?rgy .. or r.~Ql!ire \he d,e)l~l.«?pm,en,t ~f.n~w S,9,lif.c;e~? •

fltiliii'I'.\, Will~the.µ,rqpos~l.resu.1~ in.a n~ed f<?!· !lew sysl.~!)"ls., qp_l!~~tant.i~!,al.ter~.ti.on~ 'p ;h.~J~.llq':"Jrrn "!,:

'r. Powtir OI "'~ti,,ral !IM?. • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• , ......... . ~ I ' , '11 ~ '

2. Cormnumcatti)n s•1stems? .••••••• , • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • • • • • • • • ·« .• • ~ .................... .

· '3. Walf'r? •....•. , • • • • • 1 • /1- f' _. ... I I I 1 .. ••#I I• 1 t,_, t •I I I• I I I., It I 1 I" I I I• I I II- I•"• 'I• I•• t I

.,, 4. Si:wr.1 or.sup11c t;in~s? •••••••••••••. 11- "' lt • • I I I • I • I t,'" I • tf • I # j f I# I • .. I '<' I 'II 11 I I 1 1 1 1 • 1 • • •

'I • ............... , ............ . : 5, Storm Vl~ter dra11101!Jt:? • • • . • • • •••.••••••••••••••• :

<:> ' • ·G. Sniirl waste. a111J chspos;il? .•• , ••••••••••••••••••••••.•. • •••.•••• '. ..... ; •••.•••.• '. .• .' v . ' "

"' 0; 'l/11ii1u11 /ll'u/tlt. Will Ille propp~al result in:

! .Crea\11111 of <111y h11al1h h~r.arl.l"or pot_ent1~! health hazard (excluding men~~I h~al~ii)? ............... .' ..

'J Expo~ure of pr:oplc 111 potential he<1lth hazards? • .' .•••.••.• .' ................... . ' ~ -;: ' ' '" i' . - ' ' ' ,

~" -. "," ·R; ,11~\f//,•tln. Will llm fl!OPosal rnsult in:

~~ . . . .. . .. '.

'" I. 1 h1: 1ths1ruc1ipn I'll :my S(''!lllC vista or VIP.VI open lo t~a pl1hlic. or v:ill, Inti propo\ill 'iesuii iidhe i:reafion of' :111 r11• ;1 hi:111;;all•,. • 1ll1m~1v1h111~ op1:n to putiiic view? · ...•.• , •.•••..•.• , . . • . • . . • • • • • • . , •.•.

" ·s. Jfra1•1iti1111 Will if.1: 111 OJIO~ill ri:~ul .. 1 Ill

:· ·, - -r::: •"" i,, "l .(\1111111 .. 1•.1upon1111: ll'!"hrv.or c111ant!ty of ~xi~1111~ 11:c:11:ill10t.!i\I oppor111m1ic~?,, .... I,!" ~11.;~~-.;·t- , ~ !, ,''\ .:_., -,~~~:. ;~ I :

~ 2~ ... --..--,.-·--· '"'"" ,.__~~-\ 3 ~~~,,...,,,.- .... ,~-iit ,.._, ~

' ''");" ·'·:.\.:' ~" ~~: ~· -~' f ',, ~:9 ~"

[] 1..·.1 rx-: , __ ; cl ' I IJ ~~ ..

L1 LJ ~.;

~] ·"1 LJ r: 'f]' 11 !'.

·x. . 'LJ I. I ~. f I il &.

'~ I

·f. l r-~ r • 'X

I. 'I ! I 'X ' r .. , . I i. I ;x


Page 29: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

.. '

ii, v




., .:;;,

T. 'c '11/11f;i1/ /( l',lll/lfl'C0.~, •I'•

·1, Will the p1uposal rtisult 111 the alteratron of o'r the demuction.of a prehistoric or historic .11cheologir41I she?, ' - " . '

2. Will thc-. p1oposal result in adverse physical Of ;iesthetic ci!ccu to a' prehistori~ or historic building, s~~1:.JCture. gr object? . .. ·-· . , ..•. ,, .. , ~ •..... , ............... •-• ..•.•.. • •. • ....•...

J; Doe~· rhe· proposal hijVC the potential 10 cause a pliysical cha'nge which would a ff eel unique ethnic cul.tural v~rucs?' . . . . . . , ........... , .............................................. ~ . • ~ ,o ' I

•4, Will the p1011osal restricr ex1stn19 iilligious or sacred uses within lh.! r.iotential 1impact area? •• '. •••• : , ••• fr ,.,. '

U. /tluntlu111~1· Fi111l(l1~., '"1 ,"i\1f,11lfiru11r~.

1. ~~~:the llfOje~I ha~c !h•; 11o~cn,t!a!'.~~ .dc9ta9f~he, qoa)ity ~.'.!~H'l'!i~21'.111?¥~~·f!dPf.ii.t~~;.~~1J!?~·.~~ s.1.}_!i~h Of' ' w1ldhfe species, cause :i· t1sh:or w1ldhfe drop below.self·susttunmg levels, 'ttlreaten;tn:ehmmate .:i ·or .,~nlmal .r.omn,i,1iriitv, r'~c(u?~ ~.ih!:nufii.~~£ ·,pX ,~~.hl~i; J~.e;:t~n·~: 9! ·~;rat_(Q,'t f~~.~n~f~<f i>1~nt 'ill'' animal or eliminate imp~rtant ~x~mpl~s·of the r:na1orpeo~s.~f ~~hforma ll1st.ory·~r prehistory?; •••..•

, ,

Yes· M~ybe No

t.I . I I ,x

LI I I I jX 1

l.J I I lx, tJ l I ' 1x

• :x 2. OOt?s the nroject have the l)Qtentia!,to achieve short term, to the u1sadv~'!tage of long·te1mfe.nvirooi;n~n~I· · I . , ,

goals? ...........•... *'•~· ........................... ·-············•·····•··· 1. 1 .1 iX

~· Does the project h~ve 1:npacts whicll·are ln~i.Jidiialli('.hmifea;lb'i)ticumul~tivel.\-,c:o·rrsrder;bre?' 1 • • , •• : •• -: fJ { ~ fx 4, Do~qh.1: oroj~ct ~3~e env111111~1e~i~I. ,ti!.~ct~ V!tii~h,rt1Jl cauj~~~tp_Han.ti,~! ~!~llJS~,_,eff~~~s.~~ ~J.!.m,ar·b;~~~:'. ·f: _ .. :

1· ,

!!!J!l•!r $1).re_qJy .o.t 1~1.d!;Jlv? • • , .•• , . ., '--~ •• .:,,. • .: .• .•.•. . •:.!.· •.. : •.• " ..... i ., ••.•• -.· .. ~ .t.:..• •• ___ J. 1 :x , - '., -~-.. '' , !' •' - . • --,, '";"I TT~' 1~..,~ ~-"', ,r,_.,:·-

,111, OlSCl!SSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL"'.EVAL4A11QNd~tt Corr:ui1~11fs;Artap!Jttf/Ji .' · , 1 "~, 'ii • · • ' '• :' j ~;,', '- ~.' '1 i ',,


F 'r,_'~ 1', J ~' '\f

, A2·~ A!J, A6, c,5, Fl : ll!lp.ict~ ,vi'l1 :9.ccur. in'l .theae·.,are·as~1,<furiiig•:;fne can's tructlrori· ·pl1u'e V ever,, they;twi'll'."be': very.•·nii'nTDia:l:.ani:l'.'o'f,~snort :ci~tlah\ofi\,1 1

• ~. •·•

'~ : q '• I 't


>, ' ; I > ~ t ~

; '

'! '' . r


I ~ _' I

, .. ~, " 'I, 'I

'\./ I ' ~,J

"' l'


'-~·.;_, .. ;, z-11~· 11·~·~11,1' ,~

~ ''


,Qn lhu l1J\i\ of th1nnilli1l evc.luatioll" . , . : .,, "'. , , r , , ~ , ' \ " ~ ~ f"" ,. ·~

~x I 1 find the p1011omJ nro1ec1 COULO~Not:.11a.ve1C1.siy11ih~;1111 efiect~ordfie e11viio1-imeni;:a~U:i!NEGATIVE.'bECt.:.t1R·A.lf]ON w. uc-,u~!;>i.recL 'f, ,., h1"' .1 . ' ' ' ~ ' ; ' 11 I f'~',,,' ! .. ' . . ·~~rt"1:,.,.i,,l~t

I· I. finll th:n altnouyh the p1opc1S1:~. pro1ect could hilv~·~ ug11il1c11ni Jui!ci ·oii 11ie·1:riviro11merit1: 'ih'~ic ~m· n6t litf,a si~~;,{u:a';'u:. 1!f f,-c;

in lh1\ ca~r: · hP.c:ause the mitigation measures de\cribed,on an attiiched sheet havi~ IJecn add~ to the pro1cr.1. ·;.. NEGATIVE OECLARA,TIONwiHhcprr.par'c'cJ, 1' •• • • .... ' • •

1: : • \: ~ : .. ,. ... -~- ••

1 j I 1111<1 !h•i 11ropoS'eil.pro1er.11MAY ~av!!.~ s1~ni(:~a!i1,cffi:c!c~il ~h,e c1\vir'~11rli,i;i11o,ar<! an ~f':IYIRQN'.J.E,NTAI:- IM)~~GT~~C?ORi 1s1e11u1erl ' · · · ·- ' ' ·

I l.

" . ~ ' ~ ,,

.. ,._ .... '


Page 30: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :


ATTACllHEN1 "A" ,:;1 I ·~ti 'I''



2. Describe' fuliy the proi)osed activity ~ .. .", This· project invqlves the, construc;it~ of a, .fibe~··~pHc· :a·y·

'(:, telec011Y11bnlcation system; a long distance telepfione 1sys.te1J1; ~.9 ~01n9":'1G1 wil~ prjJv~de ~,ir~9t st~t.e'.'"6r-th~-,~rF t~~.e#!llon~ '" ... , ·service to, and between the Sacramento,. Stockton/Modesto, at:ld San · f'.rancisco E!ay ar.'~jis. _" ,

,, '~;g;.:·" . , 9~e in. operatiota.,

1. the system will :pro'{iCc .the ,service·

·capacity needed. to better hanrlle the present ·and anticipated u~er ciem:nds resulting . from equal acces·s; a process .nereby·

1 ~,,.,~."C:':::':;.::.-.. "'residents= of ·specified- areas .of tr.e co-.JOtry, at.·predetermiried: ~ ; ,.,,~.~times.can select. the 1ong distar.ce· telephone corrpany :(common.

. :.. · .·carrier} they wish to 'lise. These at'eas and times have been !~n~if~~d .. and se~ tti~ough Feoeral,ac.~ion;1resulting Jrom .the: , 1

·divestiture .of. AT&T. .Jhe, Stockton area will. receive,,equal ' ' access this spring. ' ' '

0 <.·) \ ~ ' '

'' / . ·Geographically, the .rout~ .,.,~l!' run· eas~ and north· from ~ay~ard, through Stockton and SacFamento to a p~int ,just north

,~.~ 0 , pr ~he Sacra·merito county line; ·a distance of ~pproximately DO miles. ThP. exact route will lie within· the operating right-, dr~.way qr foe w-::sr,e,rn Pacifi<: R,ailroad (WPRR). Through a.n

. · ,, , ·agreement with tlie Uq~on. Pacific Railroad (Lf>RR) and its ' 'i:> ·) • st.bsldiaries, which ,includes the WPM, i-CI acquired the right to

construct, operate, and maintain the refereneed project upon ,, <• ·~ailroad ;-ighf-of-w~y. (See Exhibit "A").

Two components will essentially c01Tµrise the fiber,optic ·, system: a cable and repeater sites. The cable, having a

diameter of approximately 5/8 inch, contahs a number of·glass · o·v . fibers through which 'telephone messages are transmitted in the

form of light irrpulses or lightwaves. The .repeat~r sites· act as· <> sigrial r~lay or regene.rator stations. As transmitted telephone

:Signa~!:/ weaken ~yer distance, tliese sites will reorganize, ·re~lify and transmit the stre:agthened along the cable

. ;t,q, .the ne::t si,te~· A: site consi~ts l)f two small steel shelter~, ,I' (ll'xl8' and 8'xl0') and a buried 500 gallon "U." approved .diesel tank, aILbeing eneiosed in a 24 'x82 I chain 1ink fenced·" '

N. ':'iC~; .°'1e .shelter contains electronic 'equipment;, ·the, secon_d '(/{) -:; ·

7 .. ~8ntains a diesel fueled: generator ~o power the ._~quipment duFing

I .. '.~·> . ; :~~~~~ff~ of ~ocal .P9we:r;. 0(1~ages~ (See Ex.hibit "B"). . ~· "'~· f' ' ;: ' . •' "

" ,, . ,.,!=ab~e will be buried ~ithin the right-of-way parall.elirig ithe . . ,., WPRR': track at varying distances o'ff the it!: centerline:. In

1 ·~1,....1 '(' 0


, < ,., , ., ' • '< ' • • " l, ; ~ ., , _ ' , r "• , ··' •

. · ':g~i:ieral, the c~ble w1H be• located ~t the·'tde of sl'ope off' ·the

'" ".

•• I'

.,. . ...,52 i:c.;t~~:OAR ?::\~:!

'1" - ";41,· s o· _.s .: '1M1N1.n':; FA::i'.:£ __ L . " \?.. ;

V"f~, • '

Page 31: California State Lands Commission · • ~ , r  " (r • (/ " " \\ :

.. fl' \)

,: ~)' t• ',,'< '

',,..., · .. c, . , ~" PROJECT DES¢P.IPTION

,, 2. Describe~ fully the proi:fos.ed act.!vity (coht.). ••

'' · · ·~i~yated track bed. An approximate depth pf forty-two (42) 1,fnches will be ~aintained along thl~ rotJte with variations as necessary to either avoid buried obstacles or to cooply with,

··p~rmit. requirements for road, rail, levee and water 9rossings. ·Repeater sites w.ill be spaced approximately every twenty (20)



rpiles. System consbruction will involve the placement of cabl'e along the track, beneath, through, or over roads, watet~ays, and

. l~vees.; and the placement of six (6) repeater sites. ·All i' associated·:materials and constructi8n activities will take place

J:: .. , .. :". " the railroad right-of-way.

~ ·,. are three methods for placing the cable bem~ath the ~~:___:9!~q: .... ~iz:~st bu,rial; trenr.h~ng or backhocfog;- ·and .J~~~ ·an.9· '<''IJ..-"'-·r-sb-ore. The first two methods ·are primarily used for placing :' \:, • .. '19~b~e along track~ and for crossing waterways. Levee crossings

., USt!,ally involve only the second method .. While the last method ''


.!~ u.~ed 1 f9r road and rail cross~ngs, ~t grade level. This · .method' is also sotretimes used for stream and levee crossings. A

· 0:rourth method, jetting, will be u·sed 1'-1 only one ·,instance_, th~

:<> ;,.· .burial of cable across the Paradise .cut river crossing. Exhibit ' , ~ ./':::I~ fl' '. ' ' • ,, • ' •


1'<9· "C" descriges these various construction methods.

Two addltiCtial methods .are errployed when the cable is above ··


IJ: . ·~g·~aund: attachment .to bridges; :a);ld,.attachment to po~es'~, Br~dge ~ttachments are used, where pqs~s!bl~, tp cr9ss waterways, road~, ·and rail lines. Pole at tahcments caii also be used for water, ,railr and road crossings; a_s well 1as for placing cable laterally

,.a!ong. railroad tracks. Of ?>11 the. methods, this one is the,· desirable, and only t:.ised when .. ab~olutely necessary. For

. . .. ''.~.hi.~. project there is one ~uch::n~cessity occur ing where the WPRR i' .,,. · 1track crosses over both Altamont Pass Road and Southern, Pacific

.;> .~~~.Proacj (SPRR) tracks (abandoned), located ·east of Livermore at " the western e.dge of the Altamont Mountain area .



~-'LEN?1~1f#!\GE . fJINUTE·PAGE' , . ; ~ ~, ... ~ "'" . ..:; . \_,,