california state library spartan :pushcart plans i nchanged relays … · 2020. 2. 21. ·...

.. California State Library Secranento 9, California Spartan SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE ol 42 sk \ I ALM/BM %. 1-1111)11. \IA) 13. 1955 SJS $4,467,613 Budget Has Assembly Approval r sterday mot e one step to being solvent next year ! as the State Assembly passed the scioir: S4 467.613 hudzet. The tour million dollar ap- propriation is part 01 Gm enter timodviin J. Knight’s one and houses to come to a final de - a halt billion dollar state bud- cision. get for the coming fiscal year. iho time -equivalent students. 1100 even ee bud, :t allows for is. -410 full- /1 S Sk mor 44 e than originally planned. to . I Bll Is’ enrnlled in fall semester. It 1 1 I urv a now goes to the Senate floor for which. the 8516 might Ased or deer, ! .% Si..15.000 hike wa ;Wiled to the budget by the Assembly Was.. and Means Committee to pa) r instruction, maiden- anee and other costs of the 1100 Simpson Against Rtiard of Regents For State Schools A I.H1 to form a state ...liege board similar to the Uni- versity of California Boaid of Re- gents was passed by the Assembly Education Committee Wednesday night by a vote of 13 to 4. This n4=w set-up would take the state colleges out of the juris- diction of the State Board of Ed- iication which has voiced licarty disapproval of the bill as has State Director of Education Dr Roy E Sitnpson. Because the proposed set-up will require appropriation of funds, the bill now goes to the Assembly Ways and Means Committee for approval before it is presented for a full tote of the Assmtbly. Sen- ate committees and then the Sen- ate. The proposed board wild of nine members. Ir. Lovell Held students mer the gm e,rnor’s reconunended 7100 FTE. The Senate expected to turn out its own VerSiCel 01 the budget, thus making it necessary to hold a conference between the t w o ueen Title tomort (Ai night’s annual Military Ball is the colon - at ion of the queen, who will s. lected from the ranks of the set, finalists in the contest . Sandy Ke4mey. A n n Whitten. Trish Meyers, Joan I )eser. Nadine Shirley. Richardson and Jane DiekSOrl VUI’Ve ChOtken as It- nalists by a boaid of cadet offi- cers April 27. and honored at a dinra r at Moffett Field last Wed- nesday evening. The dance is at Saba’s in Capi- tola, with music for the evening provided by Gale Smiley and his orchestra from nine to one. Ca- dets will be in uniform and -ci- vilians attending the dance will :Pushcart Plans I nchanged Relays Get Okay \ I After Date Clash Proposed LXA Push Cart Relay Route i plans receiNt,. , %, , Larrdid., ’111 Alpha lit.?:.: .11 ed of a traffic. sabot ioeh 5 A 5 7’ 5Aw FeRNAM DO s) Sit 14 Ipt4ToN tO riming 1.041c A- S AK CARLOS 9TX SACO(’ .1==11 Delta Phi l’ psilon Convention II ill Be Held Here Sfiturdnv A It twice a %Aelconting . limn I: S44e114 . % ’mon of teacher 4.41.1...t loihne Dosha Gerki; 1 , at the tinish lute . .-. course I io%%.%er. Jet ry (latody chairman. learned tit the I. clash and nurnedi.o, .led ...Oh saki) off.. uceided to inove back cheek one lia,S and t!,. id ins as si \ ithough the Cit, Coo. \ I 9 olcted the spitinsolii. ternit:% selectbm nit a pi cipt. !.-. the 1. inn! r% hien f 11 .:. .1 lo Chu I el .1 retptirein. . tio t he 1 I int. lit alai th. t.i it II ......ii plan, luo) hi , Nth St lb, race’ h.": en ,. ’Mat this i Ct.! 1.11 V.. :it Silt (%ii 41, hir to pra.ision in the I Art % 111,11f Allier 10.114 S. 1,1111111g of the roors. of to.: all. r Ili SS elllif 11101.iiiie I ’1014 Ilk’ him tOsi Ill’’ art - 2 I. alll1 Sall IL I t I th., Lambda Chi be in formal evening clothes. Registration. beginning at 9 ternity, also will speak tattled in the ROTC office. Bids for the dance may be oh- o’clock tomorrim morning in the -creatie Experiences wide; ) Im the rdleetorship ot John kit . alley I onirolii Women’s Gym, vs il be followed by . Debate Teams 10 Meet Here ! North- ern California coll. will be on campus tomorrow to particulate ill a Parliamentary Assembly sponsored by the Northern Cali- fornia Forensic Association Five students from each of 11 member colleges will discuss res- olutions on the question of juvenile eon- delinquency, according to lir. Lawrence Mott, director of for- ensics and chairman of the as- sociation. Purpose of the event is to stimulate interest it, public adi’- For Frat Theft Taking part front SJS will be Edith Aleock, Ariel Davis, Bever- (h. - n Lut, U. 24, an SJS 4raduate ly Catenhy, Hal Holloway and student majoring in psychology. JOhn Morrison Was arrested early yesterday Forensics directors from each morning on a charge of burglary of the schools will meet during after he allegedly took 4516 from the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity house, according to Sall Jose Po- lice 1.0,, ell was captured by Louie (hantiells and Bob Hickelluer, fra- termi% members, as he tried to in his car They held him prqief Offierrs tived. 1111(1 News Brief, the afternoon to select a new as- sociation chairman. as Dr Mouat is ref hing this ,year. Colleges which will 1PP on cam- pus are Ilumbolt State College, CSF, S. F. City College. SFS. Un- iversity of Santa Clara Stanford. Stockton College, COP. St. Mary ’s land the University of California. Senators Criticize Ike \1 %:-.111.N4 ;TI \I m’ 1.2 President Eisenhower’s foreign policy came under attack :.ester- da three Republican sena- tors who urged tougher stands iezainst Russia and Rest China S..n Joseph R. ?McCarthy charged t h.. presittint with "consciously misleading the country." into a "41. -al with the communists" to gm’in up the Quemoy and :Matsu Islands. Senate Republican leader Wil- liam F. Knowlanr1 demanded that the United States insist Russia Its,’ up to its previous agreements be:ore accepting Russia’s word at the proposed Big Four Conference. Anil Chairman Styles ed the president to the Russians that hetter to talk than ready to fight if we PLANE ’PENH AGEN , h’rmark. May. 1’1’1 Communist MIG-type 11,1 lighters invaded Danish ter- ritory and started to intercept a IrS. Air Force training plane to- day. but failed to open fire. The American plane was a two- ’tplaee jet trainer being deli\ end to Denmark’s air force from a U S ’base in West l’ermany. soVIPTS TO SIGN TREATY ; VIENNA. Austria May 12 ’UP The Soviet Union agreed today Ito sign an Austrian State Treaty on western terms in one of the biggest breaks of the long cold - w . I The East-West agreement paved Mitt, thin 21111 is’ situ’’’. peeted to he oh campus : orrow and Sunday to attend the 2’..’nd national convention of Delta Phi htmorat fraternity of early chiliihmal a short business meeting., Selii4WS Or Not Craduate Todav is the lat da% for sen- iors to fill toot ...aids to ha.e their nam. s .1 1111 I tvmns in- cluded in the ’senior Booklet, according to Pat Waddell. NMI, let chairman. I seeds can he filled out in the Information Office. Mianita is the last din to pay graduation fer in the heaths:Ile Slanager’s Office, aecording to Janie., Jacobs, senior ad%iser. Br . r airness rout) Discusses Surrey College Faille ss Committee met yesterday altermsin to 11041’11S:4 a siir\ of the C111111110 tat i,.11 at the college and mak, t,,,in- ntendations for ilesirahle h.,I, in prisent arrangenusnts. htembers agiis-.1 that the com- mittee should lie a lairely :1.151s - t -try group which in the Bailie will meet "oil call- lather than at ii ’g interx als Closer e,winti- nation ’is tilt the examination com- mittee also was stufgested. areord- int: to Miss Francis Ghliand. chair- man The case of a student V1 ho rip- peareil Is ’for.’ the committee in re- gard to what he isle’, "ii I. F.,. an unfair grad. 5%... Student Casts Present PlaNs Three more one-aets du..., led 1 students will lie presented N1.0 day in the Stialio Theater at 311 pm tiecordiru: to Miss Miii- etta, Speech .41141 It itima Depart- ment s.ecretaty The Ilia 11 has., all -stu- dent Casts, are "Summer Conies to Diamond directed by Leslie Robinson. "I tance Ramona Pureinell, nil "Wlir7el-Flum mery Mary Campbell These are the last in a series of en this quail.. Six *VT gi tl1 1;10 anrf are open to srwiate professor ot dramatics will highlight the afternoon s art kale*: The cieative literature voorkshop will be undei the dlr, rtiui. of ’Wal- lace Mill 1..5 .11,1. 111141 %%01 of speech PH:- l’i ’11 "Children al, feature a talk 1,. A ...1 I Corev execut 1\ 41 CSTA :41 the eveliii.;_ . s., Th.. will at Siinda)’s atm breakfast at Mont tilt. talk on "Research Commie i ,,11* masa.. lcf. and a box luncheon I., .,,1 ,;, the affair Ho- i are the ’/,et.. at 5., th. 5.15 Alum! and 5 State \VII" it la One of the ll1111/11 ale Ss. (elan In II PS., Of 111e I .ilfal/d.1 I Ss Ill he !wive I. . rent tonight It, , nest isk’s Pinlitart Ft. i.i5s 191:i Cres.s.iii i* 11 44 s, :01410.110s to aid hri o .4,!irs 1Iw ;,- 5.....ndra King Delta Gaiiiiii . , .L Ratibenheimee. Isidt a I’m. ion Chris Griffetts. Kappa Aiiii . 1 Theta. Barbara Dale. Phi :-., l-i KaPPa. Airlha Try Ili Kappa I’s- l’ 1 pa Gamma, and Ram tiara Lar Silf,Ma Alpli:o Upsilloti sr, ti, , \ eohletuiet This yeiti . o inni r will I. ..,, nounced tonight at Its it it.: , ii,seent Iiit I Ball al I I mii, I,. ,. Path Alt0 Johnny %%night’ . :!. IVIPS lde th music at tto et eht , tt hich 1. 1.atia.da 41, . 1 pi ing tonna] Card Chosen Head Song Girl By Bally Executive Committee "0- the Kali.. .-nonitt I onait, rad thr will,/ iittiti 4.144, !i tt.r f’11111111.: e. There will be a nu, .! Execoic... Comm . .,.. .; T - S11,111.11 In. It,’ I k Chet I I II n 1,11)..Peet . SOng (; I rIS on All eirls into csted el trying 19 at 7 30 pm ti’ :e+ for Song Gills must sign op ell ;irk will ti I Or more on A..., ,. CAROL CARD . . . sew song leader ,,, 1.-141.1 San-alert, ai... 0)011111 he V1111T1 Nrott.tlat um, fol kall Corer. lee off WV, %elf held Of res., meeting Those’ nominated aer. follows and Jan , I , II lot 0,1(1.111 Al Behr Ted Ti kis lust ice chairman "1 MITI Valcanir, ()Ube Guinn Ra and /ton 1%..rEor. second 5,. hairrnan Jan 11e14.4. Joan (*set- Jan 11, shear and Mary Pat f Crbottn. recording. keel war. Itdanlii I Jins Rhode.. Joan Freno \I.-Kini. correspontime ret.ii% Pam 1%erson and Iti..;. cirroolino treasurer. Glenda So..., ...% le Grishan JoAnn Wright Rita Ifollenbetg Ted Teriakis alit Mauro Valea/ar r pr. sentatr.e at larg. Llection of officers will be M 5 Pk at )tall Committee tneetim

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Page 1: California State Library Spartan :Pushcart Plans I nchanged Relays … · 2020. 2. 21. · sociation. Purpose of the Jacobs,event is adi'-tostimulate interest it, ..,,public For Frat

�.. California State Library

Secranento 9, California


ol 42 sk \ I ALM/BM %. 1-1111)11. \IA) 13. 1955

SJS $4,467,613 Budget Has Assembly Approval

r sterday mot e one step

to being solvent next year !

as the State Assembly passed the sci�o�ir: S�4 467.613 hudzet.

The tour million dollar ap-propriation is part 01 Gm enter timodviin J. Knight’s one and houses to come to a final de-a halt billion dollar state bud- cision. get for the coming fiscal year. iho

time-equivalent students. 1100 even ee bud,� :t allows for is. -410 full-


S Sk mor 44 e than originally planned. to .�

I Bll Is’ enrnlled in fall semester. It 1 1 I urv a now goes to the Senate floor for

which. the 8516 might � � � Ased or deer, !

.% Si..15.000 hike wa� ;Wiled to the budget by the Assembly Was.. and Means Committee to pa) r instruction, maiden-anee and other costs of the 1100

Simpson Against Rtiard of Regents For State Schools

A I.H1 to form a state ...liege

board similar to the Uni-

versity of California Boaid of Re-gents was passed by the Assembly Education Committee Wednesday night by a vote of 13 to 4.

This n4=w set-up would take

the state colleges out of the juris-diction of the State Board of Ed-iication which has voiced licarty

disapproval of the bill as has State

Director of Education Dr Roy E Sitnpson.

Because the proposed set-up will require appropriation of funds, the bill now goes to the Assembly Ways and Means Committee for approval before it is presented for a full tote of the Assmtbly. Sen-ate committees and then the Sen-ate.

The proposed board wild of nine members.

Ir. Lovell Held

students mer the gm e,rnor’s reconunended 7100 FTE. The Senate expected to turn

out its own VerSiCel 01 the budget, thus making it necessary to hold a conference between the t w o

ueen Title tomort (Ai night’s

annual Military Ball is the colon -at ion of the queen, who will s. lected from the ranks of the set, finalists in the contest .

Sandy Ke4mey. A n n Whitten. Trish Meyers, Joan I )eser. Nadine

Shirley. Richardson and Jane DiekSOrl VUI’Ve ChOtken as It-nalists by a boaid of cadet offi-cers April 27. and honored at a dinra r at Moffett Field last Wed-nesday evening.

The dance is at Saba’s in Capi-tola, with music for the evening provided by Gale Smiley and his orchestra from nine to one. Ca-dets will be in uniform and -ci-vilians� attending the dance will

:Pushcart Plans I nchanged

Relays Get Okay \ I After Date Clash

Proposed LXA Push Cart Relay


i� plans receiNt,��.

, %, � , � Larrdid., ’111 Alpha lit.?:.: � .11

ed of a traffic. sabot ioeh



5 7’


s) Sit 14

Ipt4ToN tO


1.041c A-S AK CARLOS


SACO(’ .1=�����=11

Delta Phi l’ psilon Convention II ill Be Held Here Sfiturdnv

A It twice � � a %Aelconting . limn I: S��44e114� .

% ’mon of teacher 4.41.1...t loihne Dosha Gerki; �

1 , at the tinish lute . �.-.� course

I io%%.�%er. Jet ry (latody chairman. learned tit the I.

clash and nurnedi.o, .led ...Oh saki) off..

�u�ceided to inove back � cheek one lia,S and t!,. id ins proceed.�il as si � �

\ ithough the Cit, Coo. \ I 9 olcted the spitinsolii. ternit:% selectbm nit a pi cipt.� � ����!.-. the 1. inn! r% hien f

�11 �.:. � .1 lo Chu I el � �������.1 retptirein. � .

tio� t he 1 � I int. lit alai th.

t.i it II ......ii plan, luo)�� hi ,

Nth St lb, race’ h.": en ���� ,.� �� ’Mat this �i Ct.! 1.11 V..

:it Silt (%ii 41,

hir to pra.ision� in the I Art % � 111,11f Allier 10.114 S.

1,1111111g of the roors.� of to.: all. r Ili SS elllif 11101���.�iiiie

I ’1014 Ilk’ him tOsi Ill’’

’ art -

2 ’ ’ I. � alll1 Sall IL I t


th., Lambda Chi be in formal evening clothes. Registration. beginning at 9 ternity, also will speak

tattled in the ROTC office. Bids for the dance may be oh- o’clock tomorrim morning in the -creati�e Experiences wide; )


the rdleetorship ot John kit . alley I onirolii Women’s Gym, vs il be followed by �.

Debate Teams 10 Meet Here

! North-ern California coll. will be on campus tomorrow to particulate ill a Parliamentary Assembly sponsored by the Northern Cali-fornia Forensic Association

Five students from each of 11 member colleges will discuss res-olutions on the question of juvenile

eon- delinquency, according to lir. Lawrence Mott, director of for-ensics and chairman of the as-sociation. Purpose of the event is

� to stimulate interest it, public adi’-

For Frat Theft Taking part front SJS will be Edith Aleock, Ariel Davis, Bever-


n Lut, U. 24, an SJS 4raduate ly Catenhy, Hal Holloway and student majoring in psychology. JOhn Morrison Was arrested early yesterday Forensics directors from each morning on a charge of burglary of the schools will meet during after he allegedly took 4516 from the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity house, according to Sall Jose Po-lice

1.0,, ell was captured by Louie (hantiells and Bob Hickelluer, fra-termi% members, as he tried to

in his car They held him prqief Offierrs � tived.

1111(1 News Brief,

the afternoon to select a new as-sociation chairman. as Dr Mouat is ref h�ing this ,year.

Colleges which will 1PP on cam-pus are Ilumbolt State College, CSF, S. F. City College. SFS. Un-iversity of Santa Clara Stanford. Stockton College, COP. St. Mary ’s

land the University of California.

Senators Criticize Ike \1 %:-.111.N4 ;TI \I m’ 1.2

President Eisenhower’s foreign

policy came under attack :.ester-da three Republican sena-

tors who urged tougher stands iezainst Russia and Rest China S..n Joseph R. ?McCarthy charged t h.. presittint with "consciously misleading the country." into a "41. -al with the communists" to gm’in up the Quemoy and :Matsu Islands.

Senate Republican leader Wil-liam F. Knowlanr1 demanded that the United States insist Russia Its,’ up to its previous agreements be:ore accepting Russia’s word at the proposed Big Four Conference. Anil Chairman Styles ed the president to the Russians that hetter to talk than ready to fight if we

PLANE ’PENH AGEN , h’rmark. May. 1’1’1 Communist MIG-type

11,1 lighters invaded Danish ter-ritory and started to intercept a

IrS. Air Force training plane to-day. but failed to open fire.

The American plane was a two-’tplaee jet trainer being deli\ end to Denmark’s air force from a U S

’base in West l’e�rmany. soVIPTS TO SIGN TREATY

; VIENNA. Austria May 12 ’UP The Soviet Union agreed today

Ito sign an Austrian State Treaty on western terms in one of the biggest breaks of the long cold -w .

I The East-West agreement paved

Mitt, thin 21111 is’ situ’’’. peeted to he oh campus : �orrow and Sunday to attend the 2’..’nd national convention of Delta Phi

htmorat� fraternity of

early chiliihmal

a short business meeting.,

� �


Or Not Craduate Todav is the la�t da% for sen-

iors to fill toot ...aids to ha.e their nam. s .1 1111 I tvmns in-cluded in the ’senior Booklet,

according to Pat Waddell. NMI,

let chairman. I seeds can he filled out in the

Information Office. Mianita is the last din to pay

graduation fer� in the heaths:Ile Slanager’s Office, aecording to Janie., Jacobs, senior ad%iser. � � Br � � .

r airness rout) Discusses Surrey

College Faille ss Committee met yesterday altermsin to 11041’11S:4 a siir\ of the C111111110 tat i,.11 at the college and mak, t,,,�in-ntendations for ilesirahle h.,I, in pri�sent arrangenusnts.

htembers agiis-.1 that the com-mittee should lie a lairely :1.151s -t-try group which in the Bailie will meet "oil call- lather than at ii ’g interx als Closer e,winti-nation ’is tilt the examination com-mittee also was stufgested. areord-int: to Miss Francis Ghliand. chair-man

The case of a student V1 ho rip-peareil Is ’for.’ the committee in re-gard to what he isle’, "ii I. F.,. an

unfair grad.� 5%...

Student Casts Present PlaNs

Three more one-aets du..., led 1 students will lie presented N1.0 day in the Stialio Theater at 311 pm tiecordiru: to Miss Miii-etta, Speech .41141 It itima Depart-ment s.ecretaty

The Ilia 11 has., all -stu-dent Casts, are "Summer Conies to Diamond directed by Leslie Robinson. "I tance Ramona Pureinell, nil "Wlir7el-Flum mery Mary Campbell

These are the last in a series of en this quail.. Six *VT gi tl��1 1;10

anrf are open to

srwiate professor ot dramatics will highlight the afternoon s art kale*: The cieative literature voorkshop will be undei the dlr, rtiui. of ’Wal-lace Mill 1..5 � .11,1. 111141 %%01 of speech

PH:- �

l’i� ’11

"Children al, feature a talk 1,. A �...1 I Corev execut 1\ � � 4�1

CSTA :41 the eveliii.;_ .� � s., Th.. will at �

Siinda)’s atm breakfast at Mont tilt. talk on "Research Commie �i ,,��1�1*

masa.. lcf. and a box luncheon I., � .�,,1 ,;,

the affair Ho- i� are the ’/,et..

at 5., th.� 5.15 Alum! and 5 State

� �

\VII" it la One of the ’

ll1111/11 ale Ss. (elan In II PS., Of 111e I .ilfal/d.1 I

Ss Ill he !wive I. . rent tonight It, � , nest ��is�k’s Pinlit�art Ft. i.i5s 191:i Cres.s.iii i* 11 44 �’ s, � �

:01410.110s to aid hri �

o .4,�!�irs 1Iw ;,��-

5.....ndra King Delta Gaiiiiii . , .�L Ratibenheimee. Isidt a I’m. � ion Chris Griffetts. Kappa Aiiii .

1 Theta. Barbara Dale. Phi :-., l�-i

KaPPa. Airlha Try Ili Kappa I’s- l’

1 pa Gamma, and Ram tiara Lar�

Silf,Ma Alpli:o Upsilloti sr, ti, � , \ eohletuiet �

This yeiti . o inni r will I. ..,, nounced tonight at Its it it.:

, ii,seent Iiit I Ball al I I mii, I,. ,. Path Alt0 Johnny %%night’ �.� :!.

IVIPS lde th music at tto� et eht , tt hich 1. 1.atia.da 41, .

1 pi ing tonna]

Card Chosen Head Song Girl By Bally Executive Committee

"0- the Kali.. .-nonitt� I onait,� rad thr will,/ iittiti 4.144, !i � tt.r f’11111111.: � e. There will be a nu, .�! Execoic... Comm .� � .,.. .; � � T -

S11,111.11 In. It,’ I k Chet I I II n �

1,11)..Peet .� SOng (; I rIS on

All eirls into csted el trying 19 at 7 30 pm ti’ :e+

for Song Gills must sign op ell ;irk will ti I

Or more on A..., ,.

CAROL CARD . . . sew song leader

� ,,, 1.-14�1.1 San-alert, ai...

0)011111 he V1111T1

Nrott.tlat um, fol kall Corer. � lee off WV, %elf held Of res., meeting Those’ nominated aer. follows and Jan �, I � , II lot 0,1(1.111 Al Behr Ted Ti

kis lust ice chairman "1 MITI Valcanir, ()Ube Guinn Ra�

and /ton 1%..r�Eor. second 5,.

hairrnan Jan 11e14.4. Joan (*set- Jan 11,

shear and Mary Pat f Crbottn. �� recording. keel war. Itdanlii I

Jins Rhode.. Joan Freno \I.-Kini. correspontime

ret.ii% Pam 1%erson and Iti..;�.� cirroolino treasurer. Glenda So...,

...% le Grishan JoAnn Wright

Rita Ifollenbetg Ted Teriakis alit Mauro Valea/ar r� pr. sentatr.e at

larg.� Llection of officers will be M �5

Pk at )tall Committee tneetim

Page 2: California State Library Spartan :Pushcart Plans I nchanged Relays … · 2020. 2. 21. · sociation. Purpose of the Jacobs,event is adi'-tostimulate interest it, ..,,public For Frat

1)4. \ To 1.1a(1.


. ..�

I ,�� addrew i�� hi I di. �Iii

,pon,:bilit, and , � t . ("sir Farruty: hi a talk vt�ell-sp,

I, .11)4., /it 1iVal I... 111,

years ,-srienC ii. liiuii..fl r. h�� reminded thr vivoip 04

many -.elm’ Iran, re,ponsi, ::�.�-with which it V. tU soon be

lforn..s without regulate, t ,* St delintinec

w tr�ied perm,: p�opori. I., hi

� 011% . �

Closed-1.1mill it(ippa 41pha -Rebels’ Plan -Dixie Ball’ , ,,� � � i-...plia Alpha haternit.:. �’- Hhoiii part:. will he held toLowed by toe

(IIIS I S (.111()rs ,Tt riy ii()sil(11. �, 11th annual -Dixiela! ! flan- "Dixieland Ball- that evening. Sun -a

tomorrow at the (’alifornia Conn- day. festivities will be climaxed : . :, di Tv try Club. The danceis held each with an informal g,t-together at

Rfasi)()Iisi )1 1 N, r ’, : j I ,’ � ,:. � r � : i "A q..Sda � Ye a i. v i t I 1 lb.. Kappa Alpha chap- the beach.

� : �,...1 loo� .1 people and see t!...t:. ’ ’’‘nrnI"’"’


0���1 �i 1o.:0�4 deo re��� a� 74

1734 a� Ss, Jass Cat I s-1�� ��� sy:t t.. .r 3 Si.t t.4.-%�� C. hs,- �

t"... II 30, PAOLIA,11,3 .�

I I. r 64,41 Aoo--4�41 Jsio Sias* CsI4�1�

��4 tlur -4 t4.4. co"�18

ssar o-� ��:.", final oior� � 40 .40 in,���

T�I�o�o�� CYr�ss 4 44.4

’Mere’ Er 2 0 Acfr�ei, Aq DO,. 2 ; S’.tso,4s1.3�1 actirotoil only si� a ��Hii�4�� sckeol sow. basis:

1. 4a4...s.4��� $3 is w’r��� $2 i� spot.’ iusrte�

P�oli of this Globs Prj����g Co. 144; S. 1st 54.. San Jose Co1i4

EINTOR-G. Engoll BUSINESS MGR.-Dick filaustein DAY EDITOR-Gloria Alexander

--.-t Delicious home-made

Mexican Food Soup or Salad

Tamale and Enchilada Rice and Beans

Coffee - Dessert S1.25

t. I - I? p Daily

I I - 2 /CM, F-’ S,. Sr.

,Sed We " I f

El Charro Cafe FIRST and VIRGINIA

CYpress 3-9779

Cc-cp --Today’s Sugges+,ans


r gat

Saw. ’O..;

Ff POI Cl or

Shrimp Salad

Veletable Salad

Iced Tea

Ro,It Boor Float






OPEN 7 A 4 P.M.

Fine Food in a Friendly Atmosphere

� Breakfast � Lynch

� Dinner

-Homemade Pastries-

Soda Fountain

Open 7 m to 8 p.m.

HOEFLER’S 2$ N. lit St.

Monis CY 2.s:

P,"(110-TV ters from Stanford and California. I. Guy s

4, 1 tie�:, are � � TV loetion. Wednesday. members in

Next v�ceek s;waker will be Dr ’ ’ have he�-li Confederate uniforms distributed %On a "I V I loaned to

( � -’0"..!1’ G Brunt/. pmfessor of pc,-; "1’14, bids to their dates, Thursday night and .ittieutum. the se xyl by a San Diego corn - the fraternity held a coffee party

Ja�ries senior ad- Pat’Y’ Writking in pans. each stu-

at the chapter house at which they � le

dent Utes and directs

� derstandm;.;

RN an ill Present �I�

�11�1, . /j., 1 � I

colott� tio� . � _

FOR 111.1011LET Girls who would like to usher

for performances of -Hamlet.-

V. ()Uri TV chains ��tli�It all de- may sign up in SD-100, aCcording

I irtments on campus will use Miss Helen Minetta, SD. secre-: 11.4.. � I ol idtr�

Pol will be guest artist I tary Al IN.,. this weekend in R.

iff)biliS(Pil EleCled

?he Bay Area He will paiticipate in a 1�1�� � �


t for the Child Health 1 i-rpxv 1)f N4’11’111(111 EDGEWATER CAFE tom,’ �� .1 CAPITOLA

- II) in the Palo Alto High man

held Wednesday. according to Bob- ! Spanish Plate

. tii F:xeorsions, by Sam Enchiladas - Taco

Guy said. The mmmereial 1... .ceded from the Union

is po�ked up by a (-antes a and tor four days j shown over a TV set The protect Tomorrow al ternoon a pre-dance I gives the students experience in 1 working with TV equip-


eekend lieeitals ’11 ted next fall when SJS gets �

Included in tong the works

�-�,inday, ;it 23(1 pm Ryan will �,�� guest artist at Montalto. where

� will pet form fle.�thc% an’s Ap-ionatta Sonata A brass choir

� will pressent a pi osp am during I I tPrnrsm

Fun. Business

Work similar to this will b�� du-

bie Snaitli, publicity chairman. I Other ollicers selected were:

Grace Richardson, vice prident: Nfarilyn Barth. recording %Pere-tars Vi t Ian 1.azzaio. ticasurer; Sylt Nfagnani, historian; and Al 1..1 Plante, sergeant -at -at ms. There

no candidates for the office

� � entarian.

1"i) :lt-."e" do j -N tf 0-1)4 )0" Offers P.1 km

rat/1/111;t1 tort, rr! ;in,’

� n the ..�� .1 hir the ISI1

A barbecued dinner, swimming and fishing are on the al�enda for

,.� ��-i will include planning the ..voo_ra0.0.� Fish, sponsored st year and itistall.ition of by t.. Journalism Is-partnient. to-

newly elected Office’ s Swimming. night beginning at 4 o’clock at ,�1 � .f owirlit, and teereation at.� Cliff Palk Beach.

. I for the aeekettit ’Hukets may lie purchased he rittiet’s of the Journalism I’.’-

(’1 fulfill T1111111(1 ,trip�rit for 75 cents in the Gi�id-, iiate Manager’s ’Thee :111(1 the 11(is.s, 1?re(iki(isi Orient Office.

1. , ...I, a ill ’111 Sur,

n .0 �-���� ick � :1 Air/n.1:114 1:�,111.,

� � � 1/Utllilit) 111.11111, cit llllllll enrol breakt � ritari (*Int, I

Ili114.1 Plan. Picnic Fofi. !�+4.a(liff

I I: ill he II.e ’

lw he; ple 1..o. ton I I .. �

’.6%11(Pis ff)t*

I l’i�

dation, to; rtst NO, I

� ’ � ir.1

.01 -loileet I,. 415111 11,1�1,...n the hour. ot

il It 30 a in .inut 2 ,ind I Sit p t I inaminization sh,

11110 1%01..0 as Ill 1.�gti

41 11111 111/1 I 1/1./C11111 Ion 1111411 / 1.1 S01 Iii- .1mi �

i )14 11.1 S1uak


11,15. it I 311 I) 111 Iii oa It II,- a It 1111111 .� �.1 I ....?

III% 1,1011 4,1 flit. .5,11.,

51.Ntilrfn .


to NANCY McDANIEL A new winner each day!

DIERKS where Sos,t.srs meet for the

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PIZZA PIE It’s Ready

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Why not dine in San Jose’s finest atmosphere?

TOWN HOUSE RESTAURANT � Breakfast - 40c and up � Luncheons - 75e

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and PIZZA Also Pizza

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Drama of Teenage Terror

They turned the school info a Jungle

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United Artists CY 31553

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"Cattle Queen of Montana" BARBARA STANWYCK


8 B.




Page 3: California State Library Spartan :Pushcart Plans I nchanged Relays … · 2020. 2. 21. · sociation. Purpose of the Jacobs,event is adi'-tostimulate interest it, ..,,public For Frat


SJS Tracknten Compete May 13 SrARTAN DAII.1

Novice TellIliS TOUNICS In Relay Meet Toittotyrott, entries in the Co-Rec s Annual All- the halls w ill 1:.e m�� de d.

T.sia th, &Ahoy lor 7,0 � !, � is! s:

C011ege Mixed Doubles Tennis ourn ’1. . � � !I.e.

tournament which will he held .111:bie ’;.. 1,, ;10,1,011.,

May 21. acc�a�dint.: to Don Gale, i tam to the Spartan couits 1,1

Coach Bud Winter sends an in-jury riddled 19-man squad to Fres-no’s Rateliffe Stadium tomorrow to represent SJS in the 29th annual running of the West Coast Re-lays. The Spartans have had a two week lay-off from competition,

j was rained out. The meet will get ; under way at 7 p.m.

IThis is one of the coast’s big track events, and 1300 athletes, including ’23 assorted champions, are scheduled to compete. There will bp two divkion� collegiate

since last week’s All-Comers meet :int’. 0.1,-n

Bill Rahming Captures Spartan Batting Crown

Jtalita shOtslop Bill Rahming captured the Spartan halting cham-pionship, according to the final sta!J.Ijcs released today. Rahming belted the ball at a .354 clip.

PLAYER G P:erce I Little 1 Wilson 3 Rahming 13 ClifEord 22 Borg’sani 9 Beasley 14 K rig 18 Halsey 25 Reynolds 26 B�ady 26 Boehner Willet 11 Richards 14 Cerruti 23 Anderson 5 Johnson 5 Walters 15 Rosa 3 Teresa 12 13 I(I,ne 6 Cor;sco 2 Colombo 2

AB R H 0


12 12


4 82 70 14 46 53 81 93 96 28 27 44 83 12 6

37 7

19 22 77

3 2

3 29 22 4

13 7 15

16 22 17 25 18 25 0 7 1 6 2 9 8 15 3 2 1 1 5 6 1 1 6 2

1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0

BATTING TB 28 3B HR 58 SH BB SO Hpb Rb; Pct

2 I 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 000 2 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1.000 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I .750

39 7 0 1 I 4 I I 7 1 17 354 39 4 2 3 6 0 7 17 0 17 314

5 I 0 0 0 I 1 I 0 2 286 16 I 1 0 3 0 2 6 0 3 283 21 3 0 I 0 1 4 8 0 9 30 4 2 0 19 0 24 13 0 9 37 I 2 5 3 11 15 0 11 34 3 0 2 2 I 12 6 0 14

8 I 0 0 0 0 2 7 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 0 3

10 I 0 0 2 0 8 4 0 4 22 I 3 0 3 2 9 17 0 7

2 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

13 2 0 0 0 1 2 I 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 4 3 1 2 I 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 I

C 0 0 0 0 I 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0001

Totals 26 838 123 210 289 34 9 9 43 13 110 128 Oppon’ts 26 456 134 236 313 25 14 8 30 18 90 Ill

tuleettn&s, (-banning (lob: � .nitarians

Ask- will the topic for discus-sion Sunda., at 7:30 p.m. in Fire side Room of Unitarian Church,

Freshman Class: Meet Mond:o at 3:30 p.m. in Room 117. 1-’111,1 plans for Frosh-Suph Mixer cussed.

Annual picnic at Seacliff State Park. Car pool leaves Stu-dent Y. at 12:45 p.m. No meeting; Monday.

Junior Class: Meet in SD-116 Monday at 330 p.m.

Senior (’Is..: Meet Monday at 3:311 p.m. in Room 127.

li. and Carroll Williams, high

Hurdler Ed Kreyenhagen, bmaa jumper Ray Goodwin, shot putter . Billy Wright, and javelin act’ nn Greene all ale on the injuii�d list 1 and may be withheld trout compe. Minn. 1

Competing in the sprint relays! will be the team of Mickey Mara-monte, Jack Alhiani, Art Hiatt and Hai ’r Wade. Albiani. Val Dentels., Charles Hushaw and Gcne Antone , will represent the Spartans in -i’ special College Class nub’ relay.

Leading the indwidual pertorm-ers for SJS will he Don Hubbard

1 who will he out to deli�nd the 5000-meter title he won at the re-lays last year. Don Berry also will

!compete in the 5000-meter nip. : Other Spartan entries are Ed I Kreyenhagen, high hurdles and ’ hop, step and jump; Chuck High-tower, D. W. Rhodes and Roger Lippa.jadeo vault; Lynn Greene, Javelin; Billy J110 Wright, shot put;

e .282

i D m Don Malinolf, discuss; John ()a-

; jump: and Ray 272 � jump

.269 _ 260


.222 205

.181 167 167

.162, 143 105 I

.0451 000; 000:

3 .253i 5 115 .2761

PHOTOSTAT PRINTS Plastic laminating, prompt

and economical serviee THE: ANTE:RICAN

PHOTO PRINT CO. urns 311’2, Commei eta’

2S No. First St. CV 2-4221

Goodwin, broadj


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� Delicious Hamburgers

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Dry Cleaning by ARTS That’s 6 times Cleaner � One Hour Service


WHAT IS PIZZA’ Pizza is a piece of dough flattened to a circular form to the

thickness of 1 16 OF AN INCH, and then garnished with a mildly seasoned tomato sauce.

Next to be added is the fines+ of Pizza cheeses,’ which is topped with olive oil. The Pizza is put into the

oven or a 3 MINUTE BAKE.

When taken out the dough is WELL BAKED and is ready

to serve to any Pizza Connoiseur.

*Mushroom, Salami, Sausage, Chicken and others can 6,- added

San Remo’s C Y 4 - 4 0 0 9

tournament chairman Entries ale licing acN�.pted at

the Co-Bee Desk in the Women’s Gym until 5 pm today.

The tournament is a nos ire event, VI ith any. member ot a col-lege varsity or tresho:,- aril in’

Corsages from

INGLI’S FLORISTS CV 2-2961 1335 So. First





� 1...c1mon �




Includes 1. Fried Jumbo Shrimps 2. Pork Chow Mein 3. Pork Fried Rice 4. Egg Foe Young 5. Vegetable Chow Yuk 6. Fortune Cookies


Chitie4e Dle417e:y

CY 24772 litiftepit 173 W. Santa Clara Street

Op,- Ds Iv 5 r to 3 a m --


Science of Mind Fellowship "F’.. Steps to 1-1�PP.,,e0-

This phi osopev ran Nice you to clirod

504, 0,�� I.,. 10, 11)CC11t,..,



") Ma I olirile I ittart h’ SUNDAY 9 IS � no - C �,..� � School

II 00 � m �Wl�sn 7 00 p -C�rnood’

G���14 hi Food hi o colcr



OS North Third Street as,PS W ildroopn, hair;

(0,1.g� cue,, 41110 Wo��� p Seer.c� .1 II N

Geo.. Club sr 6 WI

Trinity Episcopal Charch RI NORTH SECOND STRKI

Sunday S�I�. � CO a -Hot, COMM.-

9 " � ,�T S�’� � II Clann �11/1o.n.wq Provo and Soodor�

IN., Coorwiornon or Ito So.., 4. Lew 64.1’1 I ’.6.1 00 Recto,

IIRIsTI AN ty�t *!ndi I him, Ii cof I hriM.

THIRD AND SAN ANIONIc, ’S Sunday Sr Roo! and C�.’a"

lesson-’ Motto! and leen,cosa m..1..4. Wed e o

flea I ro loom INI I.’,.!. Aolon�m


To Tl,e

You’ll Find A

Cr.xch Wfle�e You (,ef St. ,net: .r.9 Genuinely Helpful

Live College Group That You Real). y




Two Youth Pastors To S...� You DR. CLARENCE SANDS - REV. MERLE ROARK


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Personal counseling by appointment - t’Y 5 WWI

Fellowship Inspiration

Bible Instruction



Ta,,gfit by the Pastor � THOMAS G. SUTTON


Page 4: California State Library Spartan :Pushcart Plans I nchanged Relays … · 2020. 2. 21. · sociation. Purpose of the Jacobs,event is adi'-tostimulate interest it, ..,,public For Frat

4 .4’ %RI %‘� D11/I 1- .I I 1’,.� �

President’s Council Appoints Demi II est Lecture Clutirmun

lierisomstas .isetsks io Nicked Ilmsse 10, %% 11. � 1.�1.

I.1��I I I. �� 1.� 41

’1 ’1’. 11...1011 111 I hr I �111. Ito 0.1 ��saI Kw

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11 ���ts.�

1,1 � .1 ;�’,10,1.

1 # Sir h 1�� �

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I /1i: \ I � 1..#1, ###� (m4111./111 (111111S1, �1

111, �1’.� bath allit # � 11 It �

1�111/11#��� paid 3 isr 1


3 k 1011_ 41 /1���� C��� 111 f���!���

��� iiiii 1 00 KM: ii t� II #rt, �-����. to,


I � �

and Romance


40 1 I 6111

Come to Proctor’s for best

selection, style and value!


./ C,coornc# weddingruog

$20 to $40


Special. broth rings

900 to ’SOO A...* on diessereal







Seietice Group To Hear Clark

Murr:o. Clink. professor . � .��� � v. -.peak on

d,. .� � r �..� at 330pm to-.1 o. in the I.ecttne flail of the

�;41tieering Budding Dr. Clarke . ;he retiring 1w-solely of the Na-tional Science Research group

Ife will ,!ode some of the re -

’’It myth,- � :���1�:��.! the of rad,- � . � � The. nor, ����,ting �-.0101.1t,��� #��,#ilit#,#�(10: �

arse% P. Heath. chairman, If:, 1,1:gwicht and Dr. Clara Ruth I, � �,.. will make its report Notnina-

� .r., will be made at todiq’s meet-...1th the elections held by mail

�� � Ii’.’ eek of May r.

Kfrfoil ELIO"

Senior Librarianship Majors To Visit School Library Association Meeting

All 4radiiating seniors majoring! bocker. Miss Jeanette. Vandel

in librarianship are plannin4 to ’ Ploeg, associate professON of Ii.

attendthe annual meeting of the. brarianship. and Miss Smith

School Library Assn. tomorrow at

Castlewood Country Club. accord-

ing to Miss Dora Smith, head of

the librarianship department.

lari be \larjori#. Lim-1 MI-Accompanyitst: tb�� fugue librar-

SPECIAL! 3 Sweaters Cleaned

for only Si

Edna’s Cleaning & Mending Shop 4;2 CYve,40,7

Said the shark.


to the swimner:

I like your taste

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A* .....-

Said the gwimmer

to the shark:

� Bouquets




� Corsages


ealanit4 and Santa Clara

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ing. They’ve got nylons or cottons in colors and patterns galore. 3.95 to 5.95

SWIM TRUNKS 3.95 to 5.95



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