california state sheriffs association

Officers Preside/II Ma n i n R ya n Sheri}]: Amador Coum . 1  I r Vice Preside/II D o nn y Y o u ngb l ood Sheriff. Kem Cnunry 2nd Vice Preside/I/ B i ll B rown She r iff. Sanw Barbara County Secrerary Steve Moo r e She r if . San Joaquin Ct y T reasurer D avid Livi n gsto n Sheriff Contra Costa Cnunty Sergea111-at·A.rms D av id R obinso n Sheriff K ing> · Co u nty l mmedime Past Preside/I/ Ad am Christi an so n She r iff. Stanislaus County Directors T o m A llm an Sheriff. M endocino Counr.r T o m B osen k o Sheriff S h a ~ r a Ct u y Geo ff D ean Sheriff. Vent u ra Co  y Mik e D owney Sheriff. Humboldt County S t eve Durf o r Sheriff Yuba Co u  y T o m Ferrara Sheriff Salano County S t eve Frei t as She r iff. So n o m a Cou n ty Dean Gro w d o n Sheriff L assen Co u nty S andr a Hu tc h e n s Sheriff. Orange Co u  y Ma r garet M ims She r (lf. Fresno Cn y Ian P ar ki nso n Sheriff. San Luis Obispo Co u nty Ed Prieto ~ 1 1 e r i f f . Yolo County Presidents Counsel G rego r y J. Ah e m Sheriff. Alameda Co u llly Ed Bonn e r Sheriff. Placer Co u nty R obe n D oy l e Sheriff. Mari n County Ke i th R oy al Sheriff. Nevada Cn u  y La uri e S mi th Sheriff. Sa n ta Clara Co u nty M . Carme n Gr een Execut ive Director N ic k W arn er P olicy Director M artin J. Maye r Genera l Counsel i i Reeeivea & \n pe,ted California State Sheriffs Association Organiza t ion Founded by t he S heriffs in 1894 January 19 , 2016 M s . Marlene H . Dort c h , Secretary Federal Communication s Commi ss ion 445 12th Street, SW Room TW - A325 Wa s hington , DC 20554 DOCKET FILE COPY ORIGIN L Re : Second Report and Order and Third Further Notice o f Proposed Rulemaking, WC Docket No. 12-375; Inmate Calling Services FEB O c l ~ j F Mallroo~ I Dear Ms. Dortch: l The California State Sheriffs As s oci a tion hereby provide s comment · on t h ~ ~ ~ o v - referenced proceeding regarding inma t e calling · s ervice s (ICS) . Specifically , we provid ~ comment on question s relative to exci~ ~ i V e . I ~ . · contracts in  facilitie s , . video calling ari r vi s itation , and international calling by inmates . · · · · · · . Exclusive ICS Contracts I · . 1 Under the theory o f promoting · competition within the ICS market , the Commis s ion s ee l<f comment relati v e to the notion of whether exclu s ive ICS contract s s hould be banned. W f would urge the Commis s ion to refrain from undertaking · s uch an action. While faciliti I s hould retain the ability t o pro v ide ICS in the manner in which they deem appropriat , removing the ability o f a correctional facility to utilize an exclu s i v e contract will creat , s ecurity concern s , impo s e logi s tical burden s, increase cost s o f providing ICS , and p e r h a p ~ diminish the quality o f ICS that are provided. f a fa c ility i s forced to allow multiple ICS provider s , sheriff s s taff will be required to be trained to deal with the monitorin , admini s trative , and logi s tical i ss ue s of each sy s tem. Furthermore , jail s may lack th infra s tructure t o s upport the phy s ical plant that could be required to s upport multiple IC provider s y s tem s. The s e challenge s would almo s t as s uredly increase facility co s t s an u n n e c e ~ sarily  c o m p l i c ~ t e the bureaucratic regime connected to the provision o f IC without the guarantee that eliminating exclusivity will lower inmate calling rate s. Video Calling and Visitation As technology 1 has progre s sed , jail f a c  i l i i r ~ s have begun adopting s y s tem s that perm t communication via video and they have complim e nted and/or replaced tra ditional vis 1ta tio with video vi s itation. Both o f the s e ad v a n c ement s provide jail facilitie s with flexibil ity . . how they offer important s ervice s to inm a t es . Video · calling may provide even forth . benefit than audio-only call s a s video permits the vi s ualization of communicati on part ers. No. of Cop i es rec d. ..._--+ - 1 23 1  I Stree t , Ste200 * Sacra m e nt o , Ca l i fo rnia 95814 Tel eph o n e 9 1 6/3 7 5-8000 * Fax 9 i 6/3 75 -80 1 7 * W ebsi t ewww . cals h e ri ffs.o r g ~ m r r l  : : a i s l r e r i . f S : U 1 1 r  1

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Page 1: California State Sheriffs Association

7/24/2019 California State Sheriffs Association 1/2

nin Ryan

Amador Coum.1 

r Vice Preside/II

onny Youngblood







riff. Sanw Barbara County


rif . San Joaquin Ct y

avid Livingston

avid Robinson

King>· County







riff. Stanislaus County

om Allman

Mendocino Counr.r

om Bosenko

S h a ~ r a Ct u y




ura Co  y

e Downey


eve Durfor

Yuba Cou  y

om Ferrara

Salano County

teve Freit








Lassen County

andra Hutchens

u  y

rgaret Mims




Cn y



Luis Obispo




i f f . Yolo


regory J. Ahem

Alameda Coullly



oben Doyle

n County

ith Royal









Clara County

. Carmen



ive Director

ick Warner

artin J. Mayer

l Counsel



Reeeivea &

\n pe,ted

California State Sheriffs Association

Organization Founded by the Sheriffs in 1894

January 19, 2016

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary

Federal Communications Commission

445 12th Street, SW

Room TW-A325

Washington, DC 20554




Re : Second Report and Order and


Further Notice of Proposed



Docket No. 12-375;


Calling Services



c ~


F M a l l r o o ~


Dear Ms. Dortch: l

The California State Sheriffs Association hereby provides comment ·on

referenced proceeding regarding inmate calling ·services (ICS). Specifically, we p r o v i d

comment on questions relative to

e x c i ~ V e

~ contracts in  facilities, .video calling arir

visitation, and international calling by inmates. · · · · · ·


Exclusive ICS Contracts I


. 1

Under the theory


promoting·competition within the ICS market, the Commission see


comment relative to the notion of whether exclusive ICS contracts should be banned. Wf

would urge the Commission to refrain from undertaking ·such an action. While facilitiI

should retain the ability to provide ICS in the manner in which they deem appropriat ,

removing the ability

of a correctional facility to utilize an exclusive contract will creat,

security concerns, impose logistical burdens, increase costs of providing ICS, and p e r h a p

diminish the quality of ICS that are provided. f a facility is forced to allow multiple ICS

providers, sheriffs staff will be required to be trained to deal with the monitorin ,

administrative, and logistical issues of each system. Furthermore, jails may lack th

infrastructure to support the physical plant that could be required to support multiple IC

provider systems. These challenges would almost assuredly increase facility costs an

u n n e c e

s a r i l y c o m p l i c ~ t e

the bureaucratic regime connected to the provision



without the guarantee that eliminating exclusivity will lower inmate calling rates.

Video Calling and Visitation

As technology


has progressed, jail

  i l i i r ~

have begun adopting systems that perm t

communication via video and they have

complimented and/or replaced traditional vis1tatio

with video visitation. Both




vancements provide jail facilities with flexibility ..

how they offer important services to inmates. Video·calling may provide even forth .

benefit than audio-only calls as video permits the visualization of communication part ers.


of Copi

es rec d. ..._--+-

123 1 I Street,


* Sacrame




lifornia 95814

Telephone9 16/375-8000 * Fax 9 i6/375-8017 * Websit


~ m r r l


: : a i s l r e r i . f S : U 1 1 r



Page 2: California State Sheriffs Association

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January 19, 2016



Video visitation offers security enhancements over in-person visiting and often increases the

frequency with which inmates may enjoy visitation privileges. Given the massive changes to ICS

just implemented by the Second Report and Order, we urge the Commission to refrain from

regulating these media. This new technology should not be impeded or disadvantaged by

unwieldy regulation and facilities should be given a meaningful chance to adjust to pending orders.

Capping rates on video calling services could stop this promising new technology in its tracks to

the detriment of facilities and inmates.

International alling

The frequency with which international calls are made likely varies among California jails based

upon a number of factors.


such, the costs and requirements of providing international ICS

potentially vary by facility. Just as we have previously argued that facilities need flexibility to

recover costs surrounding intrastate and interstate calling, imposing across-the-board rates on

international calling could unnecessarily impose burdens on facilities. Again, given all the

pending changes relative to JCS rates and regulation, we would urge the Commission to let

facilities and providers settle into the new system before considering significant changes again.

e appreciate the ongoing opportunity to comment on these important matters. e urge the

Commission s caution


it relates to the above. Facilities are about to face once-in-a-generation

difficulties as a result of the Second Report and Order capping rates and discouraging site


Please do not exacerbate the coming challenges with additional regulation that will

likely harm, not help, inmate access to quality and affordable calling services.

Respectfully submitted,

Martin Ryan, CSSA President

Sheriff, Amador County


cc: The Honorable Dianne Feinstein, United States Senator

The Honorable Barbara Boxer, United States Senator

California Congressional Delegation

All California Sheriffs

Carmen Green, CSSA Executive Director

Martin Mayer, CSSA General Counsel

Nick Warner, CSSA Policy Director

Cory Salzillo, CSSA Legislative Director

Aaron Maguire, CSSA Legislative Counsel Representative

National Sheriffs Association

Major County Sheriffs Association