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crowdfutureItaly, Rome | Oct 2012

Crowdfuture, the first crowdfunding event in Italy, will showcase some of the best examples and the most successful cases in the brief history of crowdfunding.

It will highlight issues, solutions and provide an insight to the future of crowdfunding.

The web has already liberated talents and ideas. Now it’s time to liberate capital. And that’s where crowdfunding comes in, a democratisation of capital that is happening quickly all around the world.

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Crowdfunding is...

...a method of raising capital, or resources, by collecting together lots of small amounts from a large number of people generally using the Internet and Social Media.

What is crowdfunding?

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Crowdfunding Models

Donations in exchange of goods or rewards of various types.

P2P lending, often at a much lower interest rate than the banks’.


Purchase of shares in a startup from a wide group of investors.

Reward-basedMicro-Loan (Prestiti P2P)


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Crowdfunding in numbers

[Resource] CROWDFUNDING INDUSTRY REPORT Market Trends, Composition and Crowdfunding Platforms | May 2012 Research Report - Massolution



growth since 2007



North America



of the world

50%global capital


2011 2012

2.8 billion $expected

1.5 billion $invested

1 millionprojects funded

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The Conference

Get familiar with Reward-Based and Equity-based Crowdfunding, P2P and Social Lending, and the legal aspects of crowdfunding.

Learn from case studies from crowdfunding platforms in the world and get an insight into what crowdfunding really is from the people who are doing it.

The ConferenceDo you want to know what crowdfunding is, how it works, and how it is helping growth and innovation?Well, crowdfuture is the event for you!

8.45_9.30 Registration

9.30_9.40 Welcome

9.40_10.00 Opening Speech

10.05_10.25 Social Media & Social Innovation

10.30_10.50 Reward Based Crowdfunding

10.55_11.15 P2P & Social Lending

11.15_11.45 Networking Break

11.45_12.25 Panel: Legal aspects

12.30_12.50 Equity Based Crowdfunding

12.55_13.50 Round Table: The future of Crowdfunding

13.50_14.00 Closing Speech

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The Workshops

The afternoon will be co-created by you. Do you want to showcase your crowdfunding platform? Have you got a story to tell about your latest crowdfunding campaign?

Co-design workshops, platform presentations, crowdsourced discussions and networking opportunities will deepen your understanding and knowledge about crowdfunding and show-case business innovation.

Be part of the conversation and join one of the crowdfuture workshops.

The WorkshopsCrowdfunding is, before anything else, participation.Get involved in our afternoon workshops & co-design jams!

...more info coming soon!


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Entrance Fees

We tried to keep the entrance fees on a low in order to give access to a wide number of people.


early bird normal 20,00€

normal 40,00€

student 15,00€

normal 20,00€

*Fees could vary until the 27th of september 2012.

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Anna P.33 y/o

social innovator

Ocupation:university assistant

Used Tecnology:Mac + Android smartphone user

Interests & Commitment:• interested in talks and

workshops with a legal focus, and generally in the topics covered by the event, in order to understand the amount of innovation they can bring to the market

• She hopes she will meet interesting people from a professional point of view

Giovanni C.28 y/o


Ocupation:video games programmer

Used Tecnology:Windows + Android smartphone user

Interests & Commitment:• interested both in the

conference topics and in the workshops

• he hopes that it won’t be too expensive and that it will be easily accessible

• he hopes that he will be able to find some potential investors among sponsors and partners

Riccardo F.25 y/o



Used Tecnology:Mac user, and iEverything

Interests & Commitment:• interested in crowdfunding

as the new buzz word, this conference can be cool and it would feed his narcissism

• no matter how expensive it will be, he’s just interested in how much networking he’ll be able to do


Audience (1/2)

We designed the conference, the workshops and the communication strategy of crowdfuture in order to speak to a wide audience of startuppers, managers, lawyers, entrepreneurs & students.

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AudienceIvan G.38 y/obacker


Used Tecnology:Windows and nokia 3310 user

Interests & Commitment:• he sees crowdfunding

as a good opportunity to finance nice&interesting projects, making him feel socially useful

• he’s also interested in potentially benefiting from it

• crowdfunding campaign co-design workshops are one of the main reasons why he decided to attend the conference

Rupert S.55 anni



Used Tecnology:Windows, iPhone and iPad user

Interests & Commitment:• he wants to know more

about crowdfunding because it’s a very different way to finance projects in comparison to what he’s used to

• price is not a problem because he’s got plenty of money to spend :)

Pina P.44 y/olawyer

Ocupation:civil lawyer

Used Tecnology:Mac + iPhone user

Interests & Commitment:• interested in talks and

workshops with a legal focus, and generally in the topics covered by the event, in order to understand what this new phenomenon can bring to the scene.

• she thinks that lobbying on this issue can benefit the italian legislation and her activities as a lawyer

Audience (1/2)

We designed the conference, the workshops and the communication strategy of crowdfuture in order to speak to a wide audience of startuppers, managers, lawyers, entrepreneurs & students.

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twintangibles is a Social Media consultancy and research partner based in Glasgow offering a range of professional services focused on assisting organisations to understand, identify and create value from the opportunities presented by Social Media and the mindset that underpins it.

nois3lab is an All Media Agency focused on webdesign, communication and event organization based in Rome. The agency includes all the professional skills and means needed to develop products & services which are highly effective, creative and innovative.

Organiserscrowdfuture - The Future of Crowdfunding is powered by twintangibles from Glasgow & nois3lab from Rome.

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Event Experience

In the past twintangibles and nois3lab organised and co-designed different events with important Partners. Here some examples.

Drupal Day Roma, 2011

Social Media Week Glasgow 2011

Social Media Unleashed 2011

Codemotion 2012

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Why should you sponsor crowdfuture?

The engagement of the crowds pushes innovation, social cohesion and is putting down the basis for a shared and conscious economy.

crowdfuture - The Future of Crowdfunding is the first conference in Italy investigating the differente aspects of this new financing pratice in the international investment landscape and is designed in order to attract consumer, investors, VCs and social innovators.

Your advantageThe crowdfunding scene is highly dynamic, especially since the crowd-investing segment prospects a growth of more than 300% this year in Europe.

TopBrand Positioning

Content & ProductIntegration

Promotion & Marketing

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crowdfutureItaly, Rome | Oct 2012


Daniela [email protected]


Imke Bä[email protected]


If you want to engage with the Crowd, contact us and become part of crowdfuture - The Future of Crowfunding, the first crowdfunding convention in Italy ever.

foto by Kheel Center, Cornell University,«A large crowd gathers during the 1933 New York Dressmakers Strike.»