call for translators-interpreters - rise


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RISE 201682nd IntERnatIonal SESSIonBRIttany - 14 to 24 JUly 2016

Call foR tRanSlatoRS - IntERpREtERS


The International Session in Rennes p.3

Message from the Head Translators-Interpreters p.4

Information on the Selection p.6

Application Questions p.7


25th anniversary of the European Youth Parliament in Fontainebleau.

mUltIlIngUalISm82nd IntERnatIonal SESSIon In REnnES, BRIttany - 14 to 24 JUly 2016

Photo credits:Cover, pp. 4, 6, 7, 9: European ParliamentPp. 2-3: Marko KazicP. 5: Parlement Européen des Jeunes - FranceP. 10: European Youth Parliament


mUltIlIngUalISm82nd IntERnatIonal SESSIon In REnnES, BRIttany - 14 to 24 JUly 2016

The 82nd International Session of the European Youth Parliament will be held in Rennes, France between 14th and 24th July 2016, under the topic of Diversity in Europe.

A new officials’ team will join the Session on an experimental basis: under the leadership of Thomas Goujat-Gouttequillet (FR) and Mathilde Pascal (FR), translators-interpreters will contribute to making outreach and cultural diversity a reality in Rennes, through multilingualism.

We are looking for 15 translators-interpreters (5 English - French, 5 English - German and 5 French - German) and 3 coordinators (1 English - French, 1 English – German and 1 French - German).

The translators-interpreters will be involved in all stages of the Session and will start their work almost a year before the Session, to ensure that they receive proper training and sufficient support to face the challenges ahead. All members of the Team of Translators-

Interpreters are required to arrive in Rennes on Tuesday, 12th July to participate in pre-session teambuilding and training. Departures are on Sunday, 24rd July. Additionally, two mandatory training weekends will be organised during the year, the expenses of which will be covered by the National Organising Committee.

Translators are like ninjas. If you notice them, they’re no good.- Etgar Keret

82nd international SeSSion


The European Youth Parliament is a strong advocate of cultural diversity and intercultural exchange. Yet, these values have not always been implemented in terms of language diversi-ty. The 82nd International Session in Rennes will provide a stage to experiment with a radically new setup that will make it possible for partic-ipants to choose among English, German and French to express themselves.

thE phIloSophy

The use of multiple official languages of the EYP will emphasise a core value that the EYP is built on, cultural diversity. It will also represent a major step towards a core objective of the EYP in recent years - outreach.

Language is an essential component of culture. We want to give young people the possibility to exchange in not only one, but at least three lan-guages, and not only in their spare time but also during the official moments of the Session. In-stead of emphasising cultural diversity at given moments (EuroVillage, EuroConcert), it will be-come a tangible reality throughout the Session.

Multilingualism is not only an initiative for cul-tural diversity, but also for outreach. Too often do we forget that the exclusive use of English, although a universal language, is what prevents many young people from participating in our activities. More and more National Committees organise outreach events in their national lan-

guages; we believe that this can be done at our flagship events too. Rennes will be an experi-mentation field of unprecedented scope in this regard and will set a cornerstone for the new language policy of the EYP.


While most committees will work in English, a few will have the opportunity to work entirely in French or in German. This will apply not only to the committees’ own work, but also to the Gener-al Assembly, where English, German and French will be the working languages. The speeches of all the official parts of the programme (opening and closing ceremony) will also be translated into these three languages.

Written materials such as the session website, pre-session information booklets and resolutions will be available in English, German and French. We also aim to translate the media team’s output.

thE tEam

The introduction of a new officials’ team at an International Session offers a truly unique op-portunity to explore new territories within the EYP and to make a significant contribution to-wards the aims of our organisation. We have a chance to set a milestone for the EYP and to demonstrate the feasibility of multilingualism at our flagship events.

The Team of Translators-Interpreters will be structured in 3 language groups: Eng-lish-French, English-German and French-Ger-man. Each group will have a Coordinator and 5 Translators-Interpreters.

As Head Translators-Interpreters, we will pro-vide a strong framework for the Team, offering support, training and advice based on our own experience as Translators-Interpreters at the D-Day Youth Forum that took place in Caen in 2014, and as translation coordinators of previ-ous International Sessions from 2012 to 2014. We will also ensure that the Team works well with the other teams and finds its place in the Session.

The Coordinators will support us in providing training to the team and will overview the work of their own group, both in written and oral translation. They will have a crucial role in pro-viding a friendly and stimulating environment for the Translators-Interpreters to perform at their best, and in shaping the identity of this new of-ficials’ team.

The Translators-Interpreters will be the field agents of multilingualism in Rennes. They will be involved in the translation of the written session documents (session website, invitation booklet, resolutions, media team products) in all three working languages, and will consecutively and simultaneously translate speeches during the official times of the Session (e.g. opening and closing ceremonies) as well as the GA debates.

82nd IntERnatIonal SESSIon

mESSagE fRom thE hEadtRanSlatoRS - IntERpREtERS

82nd international SeSSion



En - fR

1 COORDINATOR5 Translators - Interpreters

SUPPORT TEAMTranslators working remotely on the written documents, especially the resolutions.

The support team will be recruited closer to the session.

En - dE

1 COORDINATOR5 Translators - Interpreters

dE - fR

1 COORDINATOR5 Translators - Interpreters

StRUCtURE of thE tEam

The whole Team will furthermore stay available at all stages of the Session to facilitate com-munication and exchanges between all partic-ipants, regardless of their preferred language. Finally, the team will contribute to workshops on the themes of diversity and multilingualism, thus contributing to the general debate that this initiative will spark before, during and after the Session.

We are looking for individuals with excellent language skills who feel strongly about the phi-losophy of this project and who want to make a

major contribution to the work of the EYP. The full list of criteria is detailed further on the next page.

If you are a ninja at heart, do not hesitate a second and apply! Questions on the project can be addressed to [email protected] and [email protected].

Linguistically yours,Mathilde & Thomas

82nd IntERnatIonal SESSIon

82nd international SeSSion


how to apply?

The selection process includes written ques-tions as well as a Skype interview. The applica-tion form can be found under this link. Please select the role(s) you are applying for, and fill in all the required fields. If you are applying for more than one language group, please fill the form again.

The deadline to send your written application is Sunday, September 13th at 12:00 (noon) CEST.

Once we get your written application, you will receive an invitation to your Skype interview. All candidates will be invited to an interview. The interviews will last 15 to 20 minutes and take place on a rolling basis before September 20th.

The Selection Panel will meet only after all in-terviews have been conducted. The Selection panel will consider first the individuals who have applied for the position and thereby thoroughly go over all the applications. The Panel will con-sist of the Head Translators-Interpreters, Thom-as Goujat-Gouttequillet and Mathilde Pascal; one of the Head Organisers; a representative of EYP-France; and a representative of the inter-national bodies of the EYP.

All applicants will be personally informed of their application’s outcome. Unsuccessful applicants will be entitled to feedback upon request.


The Selection Panel is looking for candidates with the following qualities.

for translators-Interpreters

• Excellent language skills in at least two of the three working languages that will be used at the Session (English, French and German). Being a native speaker of one of these three languages is however not required;

• Potential to provide high-quality interpretation after receiving training. During the interview we will assess qualities such as your ability to fo-cus, your flexibility and your ability to cope with quickly changing environments;

• Commitment to the values of the EYP and the philosophy of the project;

• Previous experience of translation and inter-pretation will be an asset.

additionally for Coordinators

• Strong leadership skills. Group facilitation and/or training experience will be an asset;

• Long-term planning skills;

• Understanding of the challenges inherent in the Session and the set-up of a new role;

• Autonomy and initiative in leading a team.

The overall team will present a cohesive and suitable balance of nationality, gender and lev-els of experience. Applicants should be aware that failure to be selected is no reflection on their talent or ability to be part of an Internation-al Session.

A recommendation to cover an official role at an International Session is not required. All indi-viduals who meet the selection criteria outlined above are thus invited to apply for the position of Translator-Interpreter or Coordinator.

InfoRmatIon onthE SElECtIon

82nd international SeSSion


all applICantS

• What opportunities and threats do you see in the project?

• Why do we need you on the team? Please mention any experiences and skills that you have and that you think will help you perform for the role you are applying for.

• Translate the texts on the following pages from your language 1 into your language 2, and from your language 2 to your language one.For instance, if you are applying for the Engli-sh-French group, translate text 1 from English into French and text 2 from French to English.


• How do you see your role as a coordinator in Rennes? Please address how you would like to organise your team’s work in the year leading up to the IS, and how you plan to support your team during the Session.

• What kind of people do you like being around?


You can get in touch with the Head Transla-tors-Interpreters at [email protected] and [email protected]. Do not hesitate to write us if you have any questions on the project!


There are no word limits for the questions above. The panel will be looking for quality over quantity: your answers should be as long as necessary, but as short as possible!

lInK to thE applICatIon foRm

82nd international SeSSion



“Taking Aim at Student Debt”

When the class of 2015 graduated in May, they took more than a diploma and happy memories away from campus. They also left with an average student debt of $35,000 for a bachelor’s degree—earning the distinction of being the most indebted graduating class in history. Unfortunately, it’s a title they will probably concede to the class of 2016 next spring.

With numbers like these, it is becoming clear that innovative approaches are desperately needed. With their new book, The Real College Debt Cri-sis: How Student Borrowing Threatens Financial Well-Being and Erodes the American Dream, University of Kansas professors William Elliott III and Melinda Lewis offer one such paradigm shift. They argue that we’re missing the bigger picture when it comes to student debt. The skyrocket-ing rates of student indebtedness are, in their estimation, a symptom of an even more serious problem: that the reluctant acceptance of debt as a de facto method for paying for college reinforces social and financial inequality by saddling borrowers with excessive financial burdens at the beginning of their careers and hurting their chances to achieve economic mobility post-graduation.

Times189 words


« Les écoles d’ingénieurs peinent à s’ouvrir aux femmes »

Plus les écoles d’ingénieurs sont prestigieuses, moins elles comptent de femmes dans leurs rangs. C’est un des constats d’un rapport du Contrôle général économique et financier (CGEF) remis mi-juillet au ministère de l’éducation nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche et dévoilé le 21 par l’agence de presse spécialisée AEF info. Polytechnique, Ecole des mines, Centrale… les auteurs ont passé au crible les 59 écoles publiques françaises avec pour mission de mesurer « la diversité des étudiants par genre et par origine socioprofessionnelle ».

La conclusion est « sans surprise » expliquent les auteurs : qu’il s’agisse des origines sociales des étudiants ou de leur sexe, les élèves de ces établissements connaissent une « diversité limitée ». En effet, le taux de féminisation est de 28,2% parmi les élèves ingénieurs. Mais cette moy-enne cache des disparités : certains types d’écoles comptent moins d’un cinquième de femmes dans leurs rangs, comme les écoles nationales d’ingénieurs (ENI) ou l’Ecole nationale des arts et métiers (Ensam) où le taux de présence féminine s’écroule à 14%.

Le Monde177 words

82nd IntERnatIonal SESSIon

tExtS to tRanSlatE

82nd international SeSSion



“Merkel wünscht sich mehr Lehrer mit Migrationshintergrund”

An Deutschlands Schulen fehlen aus Sicht von Bundeskanzlerin An-gela Merkel Lehrer mit Migrationshintergrund. Ein Drittel der Kinder und Jugendlichen unter 15 Jahren in Deutschland habe ausländische Wurzeln, sagte Merkel am Mittwoch beim 80. Deutschen Fürsorgetag in Leipzig. Darauf müssten die Schulen reagieren.

Die Kanzlerin wies außerdem auf die Bedeutung der deutschen Sprache für die Integration hin. Deutschkenntnisse seien das A und O, damit jun-ge Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund teilhaben könnten. “Das leuchtet jedem ein. Denn wenn man sich nicht verständigen kann, dann ist es schwierig. Und wir wissen, dass gerade Deutschkenntnisse und Bil-dungsabschlüsse aufs engste zusammenhängen.” [...] Schnell dürfte sich durch Merkels Anliegen, mehr Lehrer mit Migration-shintergrund an Schulen zu beschäftigten, allerdings nichts ändern. Schulen sind in Deutschland Ländersache. Der Bundesregierung ist es per Verfassung verboten, sich in diesen Bereich einzumischen. Das sogenannte Kooperationsverbot im Grundgesetz, das die Zusammenar-beit von Bund und Ländern in Bildungsfragen ausschließt, wurde kürzlich lediglich für die Hochschulpolitik gelockert.

Der Spiegel158 words

82nd IntERnatIonal SESSIon

82nd IntERnatIonal SESSIon

BRIttany - 14 to 24 JUly 2016

Institutional partners of the European Youth Parliament - France :

[email protected]