call overview

CALL CALL Overview Overview Porntip Bodeepongse Porntip Bodeepongse

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CALL CALL OverviewOverview

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Page 2: Call overview

What is CALL?What is CALL?is the acronym for Computer Assisted Language Learning and it is related to the use of computers for language teaching and learning.

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CALL CALL Typology (1)Typology (1)the type of CALL packages that were available at the time (Davies & Higgins, 1982 and Davies & Higgins 1985):

Gap-filling exercises

Multiple-choice exercises

Free-format exercises

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CALL CALL Typology (2)Typology (2)Re-ordering exercises



Action mazes


Total Cloze: text manipulation

Exploratory programs

Writing - word-processing

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Phases of CALL Phases of CALL Warschauer (1996) distinguishes 3 phases of CALL:

Behaviouristic CALL

Communicative CALL

Integrative CALL

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Behaviouristic Behaviouristic CALLCALL

late 70s, early 80s

computer as a mechanical tutor, serving mainly as a vehicle for delivering instructional materials to the learner

computer as a tutor which never grew tired or judgmental and allowed students to work at an individual pace

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Communicative CALL Communicative CALL (1)(1)

emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s

used for skill practice, but in a non-drill format and with a greater degree of student choice, control and interaction.

focus more on using forms, teaching grammar implicitly, allowing and encouraging students to generate original utterances, and using the target language predominantly or even exclusively (Jones & Fortescue, 1987; Phillips, 1987; Underwood, 1984).

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Communicative CALL Communicative CALL (2)(2)

This phase also includes

(a) using the computer to stimulate discussion, writing or critical thinking (e.g. using programs such as Sim City, reading mazes, etc.)

(b) using the computer as a tool or workhorse - examples include word-processors, spelling and grammar checkers, and concordancers.

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Integrative CALLIntegrative CALL seeks both to integrate various skills (e.g., listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and also integrate technology more fully into the language learning process

This phase is marked by the introduction

of two important innovations: (a) Multimedia (b) The Internet

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ApproachesApproaches to to CALLCALL

Bax (2003) prefers to talk about approaches rather than phases.

Restricted CALL


Integrated CALL

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Restricted CALLRestricted CALL"I call the first approach 'Restricted CALL’…since it allows us to refer not only to a supposed underlying theory of learning but also to the actual software and activity types in use at the time, to the teachers' role, to the feedback offered to students and to other dimensions - all were relatively 'restricted', but not all were 'behaviourist'. The term is more comprehensive, more flexible and therefore more satisfactory as a descriptor." (Bax 2003:20)

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Open CALLOpen CALLAccording to Bax, this variety of CALL is more open in terms of feedback given to students, software types and the role of the teacher. It includes simulations and games. Bax argues that we are still using the Open CALL approach.

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Integrated CALLIntegrated CALL"This concept is relevant to any kind of technological innovation and refers to the stage when the technology becomes invisible, embedded in everyday practice and hence 'normalised'. To take some commonplace examples, a wristwatch, a pen, shoes, writing - these are all technologies which have become normalised to the extent that we hardly even recognise them as technologies." (Bax 2003:24)

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Benefits of CALL (1)Benefits of CALL (1)multimodal practice with feedback

individualization in a large class

pair and small group work on projects, either collaboratively or competitively

Motivation because of the fun factor

variety in the resources available and learning styles used

real-life skill-building in computer use

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Benefits of CALL (2)Benefits of CALL (2)exploratory learning with large amounts of language data

Interest and Motivation

Compatible Learning Style

Immediate Feedback

Optimal Use of ALT: Academic Learning Time (ALT) is the amount of time a student spends attending to relevant academic tasks while performing those tasks with a high rate of success.