called and gifted to serve in higher education student... · we are gifted to serve “there are...

Called and Gifted to Serve in Higher Education Sister Gerard Wald University of Mary Bismarck, ND

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Page 1: Called and Gifted to Serve in Higher Education Student... · We are Gifted to Serve “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; different forms of service

Called and Gifted to Serve in Higher


Sister Gerard Wald

University of Mary

Bismarck, ND

Page 2: Called and Gifted to Serve in Higher Education Student... · We are Gifted to Serve “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; different forms of service

We are Gifted to Serve

“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; different forms of service but the same Lord who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good . . . For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, so it is with Christ. . .”

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Baptismal Call We become part of the Christian community

Baptismal Call is to embrace Christ’s Mission to serve and celebrate the reign of God

To go forth and proclaim the gospel in our lives

To transform our own lives

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Ex Corde EcclesiaFrom the Heart of the Church Students. With due regard for the

principles of religious liberty and freedom of conscience, students in Catholic colleges and universities should have the opportunity to be educated in:

the Church’s moral and religious principles and social teachings and

to participate in the life of faith.

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Jesus as a true model of Servant Leadership

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Mission of Jesus

Our ministry is to be understood as service, and is the means for accomplishing the mission of Jesus in the church

We are called to give leadership as we live our baptismal call to serve

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Jesus as Servant LeaderOrdained and lay ministers follow

Jesus’ example of Servant Leadership:

I came not to be served but to serve

I was hungry and you gave me to eat…

I am among you as one who serves

Washing of the feet-Holy Thursday Liturgy

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Radical Ministry of Servanthood

The servant leader is servant first.

There are times when incarnating servant leadership involves radical centering on the needs of others

“Whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and

Whoever wishes to be first among us must be slave of all. For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life for the ransom of many. Mark10:42-45

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Mother Teresa, model of service to the poor

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Ministry of Justice In Catholic Higher Education We read in the Song of Isaiah that justice

is central to the work of the servant:

Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights: I have put my spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations. . .

We need to reach out to students who have special need

Who do we accept and who do we scholarship?

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Servant-Leadership in Community Servant Leadership a prime force for

transformation and is reflective of the differing gifts and skills present in community. It evokes mutual empowerment

Identification of Gifts

I Corinthians 12:1-11

There are a variety of gifts but the same Spirit and there are a variety of services, but the same Lord

There are varieties of activities but is is the same God who activates all of them for everyone

What gifts do you bring to your position?

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Ministry of CompassionTo recognize the gifts that each

brings to our ministry for the common good

We need to draw out the wisdom and capability in others as well as direct action

We join with the community and learn how to work together

This is the miracle of the loaves and fishes Mark 6:34-44

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Ministry of Love

All ministry starts out because of God’s love for us.

God so loved the world that we gave us his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:15

I Corinthians 13:1-13

Love is patient, love is kind, love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude

It does insist on its own way, it is not irritable or resentful. . .

Love rejoices in the truth, it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. . . Love never ends. . .

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Our Call to Justice

Dignity of the Human Person

All People are created equal

All human life, at all stages, from conception through death is sacred

Basic dignity of the human person comes from God

All discrimination is wrong

People take precedence over things

and structures

Systems are meant to serve people

What does dignity of the human person mean to you?

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Option for the Poor The gospel calls Christians to put the needs

of the poor first. “Whatever you do to the least of my sisters and brothers that you do unto me.” Mt 25

A test of a society’s moral understanding is how it treats its poor. How do we treat the poor?

Wherever there is structural injustice, Christians are called to oppose it and change it

Those with the greatest need require the greatest response

When did I take an opposing stand on an issue that affected the poor and facilitated a change?

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Rights and Responsibilities

People have basic rights and responsibilities because of their dignity that reflects the fact that they have been created by God, in God’s image

People have a right to life and to the basic necessities that provide quality of life:

Food, shelter, Health care

Education and employment

How do I promote the rights and responsibilities of others?

Am I accountable for my rights and responsibilities

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Serving Students

In the Classroom

In Residence Halls



Sports fields and complexes

On Stage


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Benedictine ValuesBased on the

Rule of St. Benedict

Respect for persons and environment






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Hospitality is the gift of one

human being to another

Inviting the poor, colleagues, co-workers, students, patients, clients, the oppressed, the abused, the marginalized in society

This is how we connect to gospel values, gospel living

Benedictine hospitality is not simply bed and bath; it is home and family.

Hospitality means getting involved in daily acts of hospitality in our homes, workplaces, communities, to bring Christ to all we serve.

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Is giving the other full


Respect is reverence for others





Social status

Economic status

Political status

Shown by






Openness to ideas

Fair and just treatment


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Respecting the developmental

needs of each person

Adapt to variety of characters

Calling forth each persons gifts for the common good

Open to divergent ways of thinking

Attend to personal growth needs

Embrace the personal gifts of leadership, scholarship, relational skills of each person and

Affirm and support them in these gifts

Respect means affirming gifts vs. jealousy and competition of gifts

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Implementing Respect

How do I embrace the personal gifts of leadership, scholarship and talent and relational skills of others?

How do I adapt to the variety of characters that enter my life on a daily basis

How do I affirm and empower others.?

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The Value of Community is

Central to Benedictine Life

Community is the basis of human relationships

Support of one another

Bearing each others burdens

Sharing our joys, sorrows, illnesses, celebrations, love

Benedictines believe in community over the long haul


Long Term Relationships

Foundation is in scripture. Christ establsihed his mission to last forever. “I will be with you always.”

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Life events


Common good: “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” JFK

Community demands that

we share our lives

How do I help build and share commuity?

What do I contribute toward the common good?

How do I affirm the gifts, talents and experiences of others?

Am I there for them

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A blend of harmony, wholeness and


Finding harmony in who we are and what we do

Finding balance in work, prayer, leisure, food, drink, exercise

Living a healthy lifestyle

Ridding ourselves of addictions

Taking time for others

Finding time for prayer, relaxation, holy leisure

Living a simple lifestyle

Respecting the rhythm the nature of things

Finding a balance between needs and wants

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Moderation implies

stewardship of gifts

What are our essential needs?

What in my life is extravagant and takes away from the lives of others?

How can I reduce needless desire for food, drink, material goods etc. …?

How Can I simplify my lifestyle so as to reduce some of my stressors of “wanting vs. needing?”

How can I show care for the earth and its resources?

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Conversation with God

Prayer for Benedictines is regular and is in common

Personal prayer is essential to balance

Praying with others is why it is essential to pray with family

Worshipping with your church community is essential to the human spirit

Belonging to a worshipping was the ideal set out by Jesus and the early disciples

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Pentecost: Continued Presence of the Holy Spirit in our Ministries

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Mat 28:16-20

I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you

The Advocate, the Holy spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. John 14:18-27

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Called and gifted to Serve in Higher Education:Response questions for panel?

Give examples of how you feel called to serve in Catholic higher education?

What gifts do you bring to the University of Mary that help you to serve students?

When you think of being a servant leader

how do you apply this concept in your service to students?