calvary talk - winter 2015

calvarytalk Volume 2, Issue 1 Winter 2015 Naturalism: Worldview The World as We See It 06. True Religion Before God 04. Do You Want to be a Star? 12 Ways to be a Star That Lights the Way to Jesus 10.

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Living in community at Calvary Community or Lessons for Valentines Day, this issue is filled with helpful ideas on worship, fellowship and community.


calvarytalkVolume 2, Issue 1

Winter 2015

Naturalism: WorldviewThe World as We See It


True Religion Before God04.

Do You Want to be a Star?12 Ways to be a Star That Lights the Way to Jesus


Do You Want to be a Star? 12 Ways to be a Star that Lights the Way to Jesus


If you would like to contribute, please contact

Alan Smith.706-322-1491alansmith@



talk Communication

Arts Pastor, Chief EditorAlan Smith

Art DirectorLaura Atterbury

Graphic EditorBecky Smith

Contributing Writers

June WilhiteChris Sharpe

Dr. Ricky SmithFred MarshallNick BrunerAlan Smith

Cassie WaltersSteve Pate

Beth Britton

PhotographersKen BrantleyAlan Smith

Cassie Walters

If you would like to contribute contact Alan Smith.


[email protected]


Naturalism WorldviewCBC Staff

Upcoming EventsDecember, January,February


Families on a MissionBeth Britton


New MembersLast Quarter’s



Member HighlightRobert Papenfuss


04.True Religion Before GodNick Bruner

Dad, You Have a Partner12.

BaptismsLast Quarter’s



16.Galatians 4:6 DevotionDr. Ricky Smith

Working Toward a New BeginningFred Marshall

Valentine’s DayTips for MenAlan Smith

08. 17.

True Community13.


Written byNick BrunerDescipleship Pastor

True Religion Before God

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction,

and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27 (ESV)

James is addressing a fundamental call of Christ’s people: we are to visit orphans and widows in their affliction. There is so much more here than English can address. We are called to reach out to those that are without a home and in need. We are to care for those that do not have the ability to care for themselves.

To that end, we feel led to be a part of caring for the children in our city that do not currently have a place to call home. At this moment, there are over 500 children in Muscogee County that are

in Child Protective Services. All of these children have been taken out of their homes for a variety of reasons, ranging from abuse and neglect, to the criminal offenses of their parents. These childrenhave suffered traumas that put the State in a position to remove them and place them in foster care. However, we have a capacity problem. There are too few homes, beds and families that can accommodate these children in their time of need. So, these children that cannot be housed in Columbus are sent to all parts of the state of Georgia.

Faithbridge Foster Care is a Christ-centered non-profit that is changing the way America does foster care by mobilizing, organizing and equipping local churches to solve their community's foster care crisis.Faithbridge endeavors to equip the church to stand in the gap with children and families. Through Christian foster care ministries and the FaithBridge Community of CareSM, they provide unparalleled support to foster and birth families as they share God's life-changing love in the midst of crisis.

We want to blaze the trail for Faithbridge to establishthemselves in Columbus and the ChattahoocheeValley. This is a God-sized goal, but we feel this is where God is directing us to serve Columbusand help be a force for change in the city.

Faithbridge Foster Care not only serves childrenbut can ultimately grow the Body of Christ. We want to see children come to Christ. We have the opportunity to change their future and their eternity and reach their families as well.

As James wrote 2,000 years, so also I write today, this is fundamental to who we are as Christ’s people. God is calling us to act and love these children with the same sacrificial love that led Christ to pay the ultimateprize, so that we can have life to the full in Him.

So how can you get involved? First, pray; ask God if this is an area that He wants to you to serve. Secondly,volunteer your time to help the Foster Families that we will be recruiting in the coming days. Foster familiescould not do what they do without a fleet of volunteerssupporting them in this journey that is truly a community effort. To that end, there are many avenues where you can plug in. Thirdly, consider being a foster family. It is an incredible privilege to be in the life of a child who is in a place where he or she needs such love and care! You truly could be a blessing to vulnerable children needing care and help change the way that America does foster care.

If you would like more information, contact me at [email protected] or go to the Faithbridge website

Written byThe CBC Staff

A worldview is one’s view of the world. It is our bias. It is the philosophical framework around which we base all decisions upon. We all have one and make all decision consistent with our worldview perspective.

Naturalism – The world as we see itThe worldview that dominates the scientific community and most of the modern culture is Naturalism. The Naturalistic worldview is based on our senses. It is the world as we see it. The Naturalist holds to the idea that the only thing that exists is what can be observed, measured or quantified. Reality is defined as what you can touch, taste, feel, hear, smell, or see.

View of God:The Naturalist tends to fall into two camps when it comes to the question of God. The first view says that since I can’t see God, I don’t know if He is real. They operate under a philosophical framework known as Agnosticism. It is a lack of personal knowledge. They soft agnostic says that “I don’t know if there is a God,” while the hard agnostic says “No-one can know if there is a God.”

The second view is one that denies the existence of a Deity altogether. This is referred to as Atheist. The Atheist generally believes that the idea of God is an invention of man to either keep the lower class in check and under control, or to explain away the puzzling questions of their world. Since science is now able to reveal the answers to these mysteries, there is no longer a need for God.

This philosophy is characterized by the writings of many philosophers, but it is the writings of Nietzsche who articulated it most clearly in “Thus Spoke Zarathustra.” Zarathustra descends from his mountain top where he has spent his time understanding the natural evolution of man from ape to “Overman.” As he descends into the world again, enlightened with this new reality, he sorrows for those who have not realized that “God is dead.” The need to hold to a higher power is no longer needed when man finally achieves his evolutionary end. The Naturalist are either Agnostic or Atheist.

View of Man:To the Naturalist, human beings are a by-product of evolutionary process. We are an evolutionary stage of the animal world. We evolved through the primate lineage and have developed the ability to think and reason as evolutionary tools to survive.

Natural selection is why we exist. Since we are the by-product of evolution we cannot or should not consider ourselves any more valuable or special than any other animal that has evolved. We are, after all, nothing more than a primate.

Naturalism Worldview The World As We See It


The Naturalist also tend to view man as essentially good. It is the nature of man to do good, but nature and our environments have caused us to act in ways that are contrary to our nature. If we can provide an environment that is healthy enough and controlled enough, it is reasonable to assume that the evil of this world would reduce significantly. Since mankind is subject to their environment, control the environment, you effect mankind.

View of Nature:The Naturalist views the physical universe as eternal. It has no beginning or ending. It is in an eternal state of flux. Natural processes control the behavior of the universe and it can be understood through science. Our current universebegan with a Big Bang and has expanded and created countless galaxies and planets. The universe will continue to expand until it reaches its limits, at which point it will collapse on itself and another Big Bang will start the process over again.

Life on this planet and/or others is the result of natural selection and survival of the fittest. As environments change, organisms that are adapted to the environment survive to pass on their genetics and others die out and go extinct. This is the natural process.

RECOMMENDED READING:Making Sense of Your World: A Biblical Worldview By Gary Phillips, William Brown, and John Stonestreet.Think Biblically!: Recovering a Christian Worldview By John MacArthur, Patricia A. Ennis, Clyde P., Jr. Greer, and Grant Horner

Examples of Naturalism:











Rather than losing potentially half of you reading this article by introducing it as being primarily for the men (and more specificallyhusbands and fathers), I encourage the ladies to share it with the men in their lives, because it is meant to benefit each of you.

If you have a job of some sort, I shouldn't have to tell you that you are blessed. If you have a job that you actually enjoy doing, you are doubly blessed. Men were created, among other things, to work, to produce, to provide. We get our sense of self-worth from what we do. When men meet at social gatherings, their conversations predictably revolve around their work. After introducing themselves, the first question

Working Toward a New Beginning Every DayWritten byFred Marshall


they usually ask each other is "so, what do you do for a living?"

Our jobs and professions are what we do, but not solely who we are. We are more than what we do for a living. Still, this is why it can be devastating for a man to lose a job, and depressing until he finds work again and recovers his self-esteem.

Let's deal with the case of the working man with a family(or at least a wife) that he comes home to after a day at the job. Suppose that's you.When you see your home, what do you think? Is it a refuge from the world? Is it a sort of sanctuarythat offers protection from outside evils? Does the sadly seldom heard expression "a man's home is his castle" mean anything to you? When you pass through the threshold of the front door into your domain, does your mind shift gears to focus on what (and more importantly, who) is there, then?Hopefully you answered all ofthese questions with a resounding (or at least contented)"yes!"

For some men the insideof that house or apartment is not a home, but merely a seamless continuation of

I missed eating dinner with my family, which I would give almostanything to do over again, but can't. There is no telling how much my relationship with them would have benefited from the simple act of being home for dinner more often.

How much more critical, then, is it that we love our wives and children when we get home, even if we just had the worst day we've ever had at work? Any reaction you have to whatever they say or do when you get home that is less than loving, kind and compassionate cannot beundone. Their smiles, hugs andlaughter ought to make you completely forget (at least untilthe morning) whatever miseryyou might have endured earlier that day.

As men, we are responsible forhow we treat our families, and can't use excuses to explain irrational outburst weunleash on them. Providing forthem includes the intangiblethings like comfort, security,and encouragement...not tirades,complaints, and diatribes thatare triggered by being denieda pay-raise.

There is probably a reason why marriage transcends this life, but our earthly jobs don't. Work as unto the Lord, and "love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it" (Ephesians 5:25)...regardless of what kind of stress you had at work today. Make every day a new beginning by separating your work and your home. Your family will certainly appreciate it.Bring home harmony, not stress. Be a man.

whatever happened at work.Maybe when you see your wife, you're still thinking about what the boss criticized you for, but she doesn't know that. Can she help it? Your son wants to play catch with you in the yard, and you're still dwelling on how a co-worker embarrassed you in front of colleagues this morning.But he has no clue about that. Is that his fault? Then there's your daughter who needs your help with some homework she's having trouble with, but you can't stop obsessing about the deadline you won't make for tomorrow morning's meeting with your manager. She didn't get the memo about your deadline, she just wants you to know she's doing her best in algebra class.

When we don't give our families the love and respect they deserve, just because we had a rough day on the job, it says that our work is more important than they are. One of the most poignant things I recall our Pastor Emeritus, Brother Don Wilhite, ever sayingis that no one ever said on their deathbed "I should have spent more time at the office."

This really hit home with me a few years ago when I recalled the times when my wife would call me at work around dinner time, then give the phone to our then two year old daughter and coach her from the kitchen on what to say to me. Our daughter is twenty-five now, but the words she spoke in her innocent, yet insistentlittle voice still haunt me to this day..."daddy, come home".

Whatever project I happened to be working on at the time paled in comparison to the time

“Regardless of what kind of stress you had at work today. Make every day a new beginning by separating your work and your home.”


Written byJune Wilhite

Do You Want to Be a Star? 12 Ways to Be a Star That Lights the Way to Jesus

Most children want to grow up to be a ‘star.’ Well they can and so can we. Albert Einstein said, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” This Christmas let’s set our minds and spirits on be-ing shining stars, beaming out the love of God in our attitudes, words, and actions. Let go of self-mindedness, ego feeding, or seeking to “do it my way.” Let’s petition the Father to be the light in us, beaming so brightly that others cannot help but see His light through our eyes. Seek to be God’s shining star through whom His heavenly rays pierce straight through the world’s darkness. I challenge you each (and my own self) to BE A STAR that lights the way to King Jesus, who sits at the right hand of God!

Here are twelve ways to be a shining star for our Savior.

1. PRAY daily. (Communicate with God.) Begin with PRAISE for who He is. CONFESS your sins and ask for forgiveness. THANK Him for _____________. SEEK answers and PETITION Him regarding your own concerns and those of others.

2. STUDY God’s words daily. They are a light to our paths.

3. SHARE your salvation testimony with someone who needs to hear the Good News! Invite them to your church.

4. WORSHIP Him – at home and with your church family.

5. GIVE generously. Begin with tithing to your church. Then consider giving offerings for special missions and needs of others.

6. FORGIVE immediately and always. Make peace with a family member or someone else for whom you hold bitterness (or they hold bitterness toward you.)

7. VOLUNTEER in whatever ways God leads you.

8. SERVICE Develop and use the Spiritual gifts, talents,and passions with which God has shaped you forservice.

9. SHARE GOD”S JOY with the world out there and smile.

10. DEVELOP A GREETING LINE that indicates your love for Jesus. When someone says, “Have a good day,” I reply with a bright smile, “Every day’s good with Jesus.” You’ll be surprised at the positive responses you’ll receive!

11. SHOW LOVE TO YOUR FAMILY and spend time with them. Pray together.

12. THINK GOOD THOUGHTS. Enjoy the peace He gives you in your heart.

Merry Christmas!

“Where is He that is born King of the Jews?

For we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him.”


Robert Papenfuss comes across as the type of guy you want to hang out and go fishing with. Easy to talk to, he is singularly focused on living his life for Christ and leading his family. He comes from a quiet conservative family, and describes himself as a “homebody” growing up, never really straying too far, but admits that he had a bad attitude at times and a mouth to match. Robert was never really exposed to Christ or the church growing up, but had started going to church around the age of 13 after his mom got saved one morning while working out on a treadmill. The familystarted looking for a church shortly thereafter, but it wasn’t until he was 14 years old and attending a church youth camp in Toccoa Falls, Georgia, that he accepted Christ into his life. He recalls the time wellas he was there with his best friend at the time, who (during the nightly service) looked at Robert and told him “I don’t want you to go to hell.” Those words impacted Robert immediately, and he prayed for Christ to come into his life. The conviction was instant. The next day, Robert saw opportunities to change his life for the better. He noticed “teens being teens” using some of the same language and attitude that he had used, but his new life in Christ gave him the strength to turn away from that.

The desire to change his life continued and grew and he found a mentor in a new addition to the church, Ricky Smith. He credits Ricky for showing him what mentorship, discipleship, and leadership in Christ looks like, and he continues to get mentored today by Ricky. I asked him if he’s had an opportunity to mentor, and he said no, not really. Yet, he’s heavily involved in youth ministry and working with married adults at Calvary. I think that he’s had a lot more opportunity to mentor than he truly knows, and I told him so. He may never know the impact that God has had through his volunteer work, and that’s fine…God does.

I asked him how his faith directs his life, and he says that he couldn’t have a life without his faith. He admits that when he tries to take over, it’s impossible (I can relate, I’ve been there too and got that t-shirt). He firmly believes that his wife and kids are God’s, and he is just the shepherd. His decision to lead his family in a Christ centered home has had drastic effects. His reliance on Christ allows his wife to have trust in his leadership for the home and the disciplined raising of his children. Robert implements a nightly Bible study to his girls as part of his discipleship and education on what Christ means and what they should be looking for in a future husband (even though as a father of a daughter also, we don’t like to talk about our daughters getting married).

All in all, Robert is a true example of a Christ filled man; approachable, convicted, and a leader of his family.

Written byChris Sharpe

Member Highlight:

Robert Papenfuss


Written bySteve Pate, Elementary Pastor

Written byBeth Britton

75% of all families attending church on Sunday morning rarely or NEVER do any other teaching about God during the rest of the week. Is that because we are too busy? Is that because we don’t care? Is that because we got such a good dose of religion on Sunday, we won’t need anymore till the next Sunday? Probably no to all of these.

I want to think it is because we simply don’t know how to do it effectively, andwe don’t want to mess anything up. It may be because we are relying on the“professionals” to do the job of pastoring and shepherding our familiesfor us…totally. Pastors are shepherds. A shepherd cares for, protects, feeds, andwatches over his flock. Dads care for, protect, feed and watch overtheir families. NEWSFLASH!!!!!!! Dads are Pastors! Dads certainly have to makesure the business side of the family is in order. The budget has to bebalanced, the bills have to be paid, the yard has to be presentable, the car has to run, the tricycle has to be repaired, the list goes on and on. And now, here comes someone telling me that I now have to pastor them too.

As dads, the first flock that we’ve been given is our own families. Andpastoring our family means feeding them spiritually, caring for themspiritually, and shooting the wolves who come to attack. A dad’s role in thehome is of utmost importance. They need to view their family as thelittle church that they shepherd. Jesus gives us the command to go andmake disciples. Yes, that includes the mission fields of the globe, but it also includes our living rooms. Jesus gives us instructions on howthis is to happen. By baptizing and teaching.

Dads teach formal lessons, and informallessons, both of which are important.Informal instruction happens as you goabout your daily routine. You may bedriving down the road, or sitting in your recliner when some teachable moment arises. There are plenty of opportunities to teach as you are out in public, and in your home.

At Calvary, we understand how important a Dad’s job/role is. We arehere to partner with you in this journey. We don’t want you to do it alone. We WANT to help. We have many opportunities during the week forteaching. We have Children’s Church, Life Groups, AWANA, Fellowships,and Sunday Worship. These are great springboards for instructions in your home that happen on a regular basis. Be on the lookout in the upcomingmonths for more opportunities and ways to equip Dads to be the best pastor possible. Together, we can make a difference. Let us partner with you and change that 75%!

Dad, You Have a Partner

“Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly---not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God.” 1 Peter 5:2

How can small groups and familiesminister to their communities outsideof events planned by Calvary BaptistChurch? Here are some ways that wecan prepare and act upon God'sinstruction to …

1. Begin at HomeMinistering in the community beginsby ministering in our homes, whetherwe are single, married with orwithout children. We cannot begin to bring the Gospel to the communityunless we have brought it to our own hearts and within our walls. While we mustn't wait until we feel we have reached the pinnacle of spiritual living, since part of that ascentinvolves the outreach itself, we mustn't try to fill the cups of others out of empty pitchers.

-Singles and Childless Couples: Check your spiritual disciplines - prayer and private worship, Godly living, continualforgiveness and service to those around you.

-Families: Prepare yourself and your children with regular family worship. These times can be used to work on behavior and character, as well as equipping children in age-appropriateevangelism. Our children don't automatically know what to do or how to speak to others about Christ. We must teach them. If we don't know ourselves, we can learn alongsidethem. Remember, as parents, we don't have to have all the answers, we just need to be willing to find them. "Just stay one step ahead" has been a motto in our home for a long time.

2. Consider Where to GoWhat areas of the community do you have relationships or interest in? Are you moved by the crisis of abortion? Is your heart stirred by orphans or singlemothers? Do you have a soft spot for addicts? Use these longings to beginyour search for a place to serve.

3. Invite OthersIt can be easier to minister in a group. Get a few others involved and work together. Look around to your friends and life group members.

Families on Mission

Check out these helpful parent resources:



Calvary Community was started in 1989 by Pastor Emeritus Dr. Don Wilhite because of a growingneed for subsidized housing for senior adults and mobility impaired individuals in our area. The Community is a section 8 HUD development which means that seniors on a fixed income can receive government assistance with their rent when it exceeds thirty percent of their monthly income. Calvary Community has 108 one-bedroom units which are available to those age 62 and older.The first 50 units were built in

Written byCassi Walters

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines beginning as “a starting point or the first part of something.” There are many times in our lives when we have New Beginnings. When we are born we are at the very starting point of our lives. When we graduate high school we begin lives outside the care and protection of our par-ents’ home. When we get married start building a new life with the person we love. Having a child rockets us over the start line to raising a beautiful little gift from God into adulthood. When our children leave home we find ourselves at the “empty nest” phase of our life. When the time comes to retire life is suddenly without a daily commitment of going to an office, classroom, or job site. Life is full of new beginnings! The new beginnings offered to the people who move into Calvary Community are no exception.

1989 and the additional 58 units were completed in 1992. Each unit is about 500 square feet and offers an electric stove and refrigerator, and 1 bedroom and bathroom. Nine of the 108 units are mobility accessible as well as the sidewalks, entrances, common rooms and laundry facilities on site. Calvary Community is located on the east side of the Calvary Baptist Church property and is managed by SPM property management out of Birmingham, Alabama. In Februaryof this year, SPM management and Calvary Community received

national recognition as a Community of Quality™ by the National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA). Calvary Community was “certified as having achieved a high standardof excellence in the way they are maintained and managed, the services they provide residents,the experience and training of personnel…” Calvary Community Manager Sara Ketcham said “We have been blessed in so many ways over the last 26 years, but in particular the relationship between the church staff and



SPM Property Management has continued to strengthen for the betterment of the residents.” Calvary Community was also awarded the Ledger-Enquirer Reader’s Choice Award in the Retirement Community categorythis year.

The grounds of the Community have beautiful gardens and also offer residents multiple amenities such as; a beauty shop, emergency maintenance, picnic areas, laundryfacility and a community center with a kitchen. The Community also offers its residents weekly and monthly activities including library trips, grocery and shoppingtrips, lunch outings and game nights. Shirley Jones has lived in the Calvary Community for ten years and she said “I love anytime we get together. It's like one big happy family. We have lots of good times together: day trips, 2-3 day trips, shopping trips, bingo, Bunco, birthday parties, luncheons, goingout to eat, fundraisers, yard sales, etc.” There are monthly birthday parties thrown by Life Groups in

the church throughout the year. Our Life Group hosts the June birthday party every year and this was the first year that my children were old enough to participate. They loved being able to hand out dessert to everyone and help call out numbers for Bingo. I loved that my children were ministering to senior members of our communityand being loved on by the residentsall at the same time! Many of the residents I spoke with said that the monthly birthday partiesled by Calvary Baptist Life Groupsare one of their favorite activitiesat the Community.

Not only does the Community offerample activities and amenities for their residents they also have a full time service coordinator on staff, Cathy May. Cathy’s job as service coordinator is “to link residents to supportive or medical services provided by public agencies or private practitioners within the localcommunity to enable them to improve their living independentlywhile at Calvary Community. These services range from transportation,

benefits and insurance tomonitoring services and home management. Calvary Communityis not licensed by the state to provide any assisted or personal care services. We are considered an elderly residential living communitywithout supportive services.” So Cathy makes the overwhelming process of a new beginning, livingin a new place, possibly even a new city, easier by helping residentsfind all the extra services they need to get settled. Cathy has worked at the community for the past ten years, and this year she was awarded the Excellence in Service Coordination Award by the Southeastern Affordable Housing Management Association (SAHMA).

While one of the biggest ways that Calvary Baptist Church membersminister to members of the Community is through the monthlybirthday parties, but there are so many other opportunities and needs. Sara says that in the past “we have had members lead Bible studies, visit with residents and complete projects like yard work


days.” Not only are there opportunities to minister to the residents through specialevents, but there are also opportunities to serve residentsin everyday life. Sara shared with me that “from time to time we do identify needs with residents and look for a way to fill these needs. Each resident’s needs are different.Some residents have troublemaking daily meals, others need transportation support, [and] some need help cleaning their apartments.” These are just a few ways for us as members of the body of Christ to walk alongside a senior Community member and serve. In Galatians5:13 the Bible calls us to “…serve one another in love” and this is just such an opportunity. If any person or Life Group is interested in serving or volunteering time inany way they can contact theCalvary Community manager,Sara Ketcham, or the servicecoordinator, Cathy May.

New beginnings can happen at any stage in life! Resident Gertie Paschal shared with me that moving into the Community was her first time living alone. She was so thankful that Dr. Don Wilhite had followed the leadingof God and created such a wonderful and necessary place as Calvary Community. For many new residents moving from a house to a one bedroom apartment is a new beginning and opportunity to downsize. For resident Shirley Jones it was her first time living in a communitysetting and she “dearly loves it!” Sara said that one of their goals is to “create a welcoming atmosphere and provide commonrooms residents can enjoyany time. The Communitybecomes more than just a place to live, it is a place to belong.” And according to the residents I spoke with, the staff at Calvary Community and the members of Calvary BaptistChurch are doing just that!


Written byDr. Ricky Smith, Calvary Christian School Headmaster

Since my family welcomed a newly adopted cousin from China, I can’t help the fact that adoption is on my mind. It seems like more of my friends are considering adoption now than ever before. According to the U.S. State Department, U.S. families adopted more than 9,000 children in 2011. Last year, Americans adopted the highest number of children from Chinafollowed by Ethiopia, Russia, South Korea, and Ukraine. The beauty of adoption is that it clearly depicts the love of God for us. A beautifulmoment occurs when an adopted child finally mouths the words, “mommy,”to the adopted parent. In that moment, the child has acknowledged the love of the parent and accepted their love as mom, or dad.

In Galatians 4:6, Paul continues his theological discourse on sonship,salvation, and adoption. Beginning with, “and because you are sons”is a declarative statement of position. Our position in Christ and sonshipof God also has relationship with the Holy Spirit. Understanding theTrinity is at work in justification and sanctification, in 4:6 we seerecognition of the Spirit to develop the emotional dependency of a child to the Father. Galatians 4:6 is strikingly similar to Romans 8:15-26,

where we read of sonship, the Spirit, adoption, and “Abba Father.” “Abba” is much more than its oftentranslated meaning of “daddy.” Although that symbolism of dependency is valuable, there is deeper meaning.

“The word Abba appears in certain legal texts of the Mishna as a designation used by grown children in claimingthe inheritance of their deceased father. As a word of address Abba is not so much associated with infancy as it is with intimacy.” George, T. (1994). Galatians (Vol. 30, p. 307). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.Living in intimacy with the Godhead, as His sons and daughters, should bring confidence. As adopted children, we must learn to see ourselves as He see us. In that moment of identity realization, we can boldly approach His throne!

ADOPTIONGalatians 4:6 Devotion“And because you are sons,

God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”

Galatians 4:6 (ESV)

1. You know yourwife spends a lot of energy taking care of the world you live in. She may work 40+ hours a weekand then come home to take care of your socks and dinner. She rocks!

Giver her a night off! Arrange for her to have aday by herself or with her friends. Pick the childrenup from school and take them out. Allow her to have some quiet, some alone time, some time to just be. Itreally says a lot.

2. Yes. Do the dishes. When dinner is over, collect the dishes from the table and do the dishes. Load and unload thedishwasher. Put away the pots and pans. You’d be surprised at just how powerful this little act of service and kindness will be viewed by your wife.

3. There are two options here, both effective. Option one is to have some flowers delivered to her work. Call a local florist and have some seasonal flowers or roses sent to her office so that all her co-workers can see them. This will get her a lot of comments from her fellow workers and she will be beaming when she comes home. Option two is to pick up flowers on the way home. Swing by a local florist and pick up some flowers. When you walk in the door with them, she will smile.

Written byAlan Smith, Communication Arts Pastor

Ok men, Valentine's Day is an important day for the woman in your life. I know you may see it as a racket or just a Hallmark Holiday, but the day is important! Paul tells us in Ephesians to “love your wives. . . .” And love is an action, it is demonstrated by what we do, not just what we say. The illustration Scripture gives us of love is Jesus’ journey to the cross. It was the action of his sacrifice that stands as our example love demonstrated. So gentlemen, here are 5 ways you can show your wife that you love her and appreciate her this Hallmark Holiday.


4. A ‘BIG’ box of chocolate in a box

shaped like a heart not only tastes good, but it

tells her she is special. After all, it’s a box of chocolate! There

is something about that box. Attach to the box a note that you hand wrote.

This is what sends it over the edge. Take the time to write her a note telling her how

beautiful she is, how much you love her, and how proud you are of her.

5. I am a firm believer in having a marriage retreat. Schedule a short weekend or overnight trip somewhere. It

doesn’t have to be far away to be effective. Book a night or two in a hotel downtown and spend the time together. The intentional marriage retreat should be an opportunity for the two of you to reconnect away from the distractions of life. Don’t bring any of the ‘stuff’ from home or work and just spend time together. Talk about your dreams, your goals, your ministry opportunities, your passions and connect with each other.

Men, Valentine's Day is a great time of year to make sure you tell your wife that you love her and that she is special and important. She wants to be pursued by her man, even after you're married. Pursue her this Valentine’s Day and rekindle the love you shared on your wedding day.

Valentine’s DayTips for Men

1. Give her a night off 2. Do the dishes

3. Buy her flowers 4. Candy is sweet

5. Go on a marriage retreat


WELCOMEOur New Members




Al and Colleen Jones

Al Leth

Danny and Jennifer Gentry

Joshua Daniels

Joycelyn Lewis

Kevin and Shannon Probst

Matt and Brooke Greenwood Michael and Joanna Norton

Matthew Robinson

We believe that every member is a minister and every minister

should have a ministry. God has shaped each one of

us for ministry, and for you it may be in the creative arts.

We believe that God created each of us with gifts and talents to be used for His Glory and for His purpose and the creative arts is no exception.

If you are a copy editor, illustrator, artist, writer, designer,photographer, videographer, or anyother creative art form, we want you to use those skills to spread the Gospel, enrich the Church, and minister to others.

We are developing many platforms where your talents can be utilized to help Calvary Baptist Church carry out the Great Commission through healing hurts and meeting needs. Our website, app, magazine and other media platforms need men and women exercising their gifts for the Glory of King Jesus.

If you want to get involved or have questions, please contact Alan Smith at [email protected] orthrough the church office at (706) 322-1491.

Want to KnowHow You CanGet Involved?



talk Last Quarter Baptisms

Hunter TaylorDanny Gentry

Kameron Probst




02 Wednesday 6:30 PM Awana: Silent Night

05 Saturday 11:00 AM Ladies Christmas Tea: Join us in the Cafeteria and Hightower Hall for a kickoff to the Christmas season, ladies and girls are invited to a served lunch with tea, desserts, special guest speaker and music. Tickets are $8 for the tea and lunch. Childcare is available for $2 per child with advance registration. Buy tickets in Hightower Hall on Sundays or on our website.

06 Sunday 5:00 PM Young Adult Bonfire & Cookout: Let’s get the Christmas celebrations underway with a party at the Browns’. Join us for a cook-out and bonfire.

09 Wednesday 6:30 PM Awana Store Night: Bring your shares to spend

12 Saturday 5:00 PM Finer Things Club: Young adult ladies meet for a girls only fun-filled evening learning about and experiencing the “Finer Things” of life.

13 Sunday 5:00 PM God With Us: A Nativity Play: Grades K-5 will be performing the Christmas story as told in Luke. Performance will be followed by a time of dessert and fellowship.

16 Wednesday 6:30 PM Awana Jesus’ Birthday Party

16 Wednesday 6:30 PM Church Conference: Join us in the High School Conference Room for a church conference. The purpose for this meeting is simply to approve the 2016 budget.

20 Wednesday 6:30 PM Awana Missions Post Office: Support our Awana kids’ efforts to raise funds for AWANA missionaries by letting the clubbers “mail” your Christmas cards to Calvary members this year. Simply drop your cards in the blue Awana mailbox in Hightower Hall November 29 – December 20. Consider donating the cost of the stamps you would have bought to mail your cards. We will sort them and have them available for pick up in Hightower Hall on the Sundays leading up to Christmas.

23 Wednesday 6:30 PM No Wednesday night activities

24 Thursday 6:30 PM Christmas Eve Service

30 Wednesday 6:30 PM No Wednesday night activities




02 Friday TBD Passion Conference: This is an amazing gathering of premiere speakers and awesome worship. The cost is $200 per person, which includes the ticket, transportation and parking, hotel, and food for all three days. See Ryan Pearse to sign up.

06 Wednesday 6:30 PM Awana Donut Night

13 Wednesday 6:30 PM Awana Nickles for Missions

20 Wednesday 6:30 PM Awana Bring a Friend Night

21 Thursday 7:00 PM Ultimate Date Night: Get ready for FUN (You’ll laugh until your sides hurt) CONNECTION (Rediscover your spouse in uncommon ways) and EDU-TAINMENT (Entertainment with Biblical truths throughout the program) This event will be held at Calvary Baptist Church and will be featuring special guests Jay and Laura Laffoon. Purchase your tickets online at or from 107.7 The Truth (

23 Saturday 7:00 PM PJ’s and Popcorn: We invite all ladies to join us in Hightower Hall to watch the movie, “Mom’s Night Out,”. This is planned to be a lead in to a Bible Study entitled, “A Beautiful Mess,” facilitated by Bonnie Britton. We request you to come in your pajamas to watch a movie.

27 Wednesday 6:30 PM Awana Crazy Hair NightJANU

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03 Wednesday 6:30 PM Awana Canned Food for Missions: Bring a canned food item

06 Saturday 6:00 PM Young Adults Coffee Hangout: Join us at Midtown Coffee for coffee, food, games and fun

06-7 Saturday 9:00 AM Calvary Forum: Dr. Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological SeminaryWill be here to teach the inaugural Calvary Forum. The seminary classes will be on the doctrine of Christ. Join us as we grow deeper in our understanding of Christ.

10 Wednesday 6:30 PM Cooking for the Ones You Love: This is a Valentine Dinner for all ladies and is sponsored by the Military Wives Mentoring Group. Bring your favorite family dish and a recipe of your dish to share. This time for food, fellowship and fun will be held in Hightower Hall.

10 Wednesday 6:30 PM Awana Store Night: Bring your shares to spend 13 Saturday 11:00 AM Finer Things Club: Young adult ladies meet for a girls only fun-filled morning learning about and experiencing the “Finer Things” of life. This will be held at Kelly Pearse’s Home.

17 Wednesday 6:30 PM Awana Parent Night: Parents come with clubbers

21 Sunday 12:00 PM Young Adult House Party: The party will be held at Mike and Cathy Brown’s Home after the service. Contact Mike for more information.

24 Wednesday 6:30 PM Awana Crazy Sock Night: Wear your crazy socks

28 Sunday 5:00 PM Singspiration: This will be an evening of worship music and testimonies. All women of the church and their guests are invited.

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