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    MEC 202

    TOPIC: Study the cam prof!e" u"ed # ma#ufactur#$ mach#e"

    Date of allotment: 14/10/2010

    Date of Submission: 15/11/2010

    Submitted to: Submitted by:

    Mr. Kamlesh Mishra Name: Sachin ana

    !De"tt. #f Mechanical$ e%. No: 10&04&'(

    Section: K4&01

    oll No: K 4&01 )*5

  • 8/12/2019 Cam Profile Details



    +o many indi,iduals - am indebted %ood counsel and assistance in

    ,arious ays in this res"ect one of my sincerest thans toMr. Kamlesh

    Sir of o,ely rofessional 3ni,ersity ha%ara for their ind

    coo"eration and able %uidance.

    - oe a dee" sense of ine"tness of my "ureness that has been source of

    ins"iration in e,ery or of my life.

    - dee"ly e"ress our ine"tness and thans to all my faculty member and

    friends for there in ,aluable %uidance hich enable me to brin% out this

    "roect in a "resentable manner.


  • 8/12/2019 Cam Profile Details



    +he term "a"er "resents the analysis of ,arious cam "rofiles used in

    manufacturin% machines. -t focuses mainly on the ty"es of cam and its

    folloers and ho are they classified accordin% to their sha"e manner

    of mo,ement and motion. -t also focuses on the %ra"hical re"resentation

    of the cam "rofile i.e. ho are they constructed and hat are the

    "rocedure to construct a cam "rofile and ho they can be used in a


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    6 cam is a mechanical member used to

    im"art desired motion to a folloer by direct

    contact. 6 cam is a rotatin% or slidin% "iece

    in a mechanical lina%e used es"ecially in

    transformin% rotary motion into linear

    motion or ,ice7,ersa. +he cam may be

    rotatin% or reci"rocatin% hereas the

    folloers may be rotatin% reci"rocatin% or

    oscillatin%. -t is often a "art of a rotatin%

    heel !e.%. an eccentric heel$ or shaft !e.%.

    a cylinder ith an irre%ular sha"e$ that

    stries a le,er at one or more "oints on its

    circular "ath. +he cam can be a sim"le tooth

    as is used to deli,er "ulses of "oer to a

    steam hammer for eam"le or an eccentric

    disc or other sha"e that "roduces a smooth

    reci"rocatin% !bac and forth$ motion in the

    folloer hich is a le,er main% contact

    ith the cam.

    +he cam can be seen as a de,ice that

    translates from circular to reci"rocatin% !or

    sometimes oscillatin%$ motion. 6 common

    eam"le is the camshaft of an automobile

    hich taes the rotary motion of the en%ineand translates it into the reci"rocatin%

    motion necessary to o"erate the intae and

    ehaust ,al,es of the cylinders. +he

    o""osite o"eration translation of

    reci"rocatin% motion to circular motion is

    done by a cran. 6n eam"le is the

    cranshaft of a car hich taes the

    reci"rocatin% motion of the "istons and

    translates it into the rotary motion necessary

    to o"erate the heels. 8ams can also be

    ,ieed as information7storin% and

    7transmittin% de,ices.

    6 cam 9 the folloer combination belon%

    to the cate%ory of hi%her "airs. Necessary

    elements of a cam mechanism are

    6 dri,er member non as the cam

    6 dri,en member called the folloer

    6 frame hich su""orts the cam 9 %uides

    the folloer

    6n early cam as built into ;ellenistic

    ater7dri,en automata from the *rd century

    )8. +he use of cams as later em"loyed by


  • 8/12/2019 Cam Profile Details


    automata. +he cam and camshaft a""eared

    in >uro"ean mechanisms from the 14th


    +he binary cam is a desi%n for the "ulley

    system of a com"ound bo. 8rai% ?ehle

    director of research and de,elo"ment at

    )otech 6rchery recei,ed a "atent for the

    desi%n on December 11 200'. )otech

    started e@ui""in% its bos ith the ne cam

    desi%n in the 2005 model year.

    +he binary cam is described as a modified

    tin cam setu" here each cam is sla,ed to

    the other ,ia a loo" of strin% connectin% the

    to cams. +his is contrasted ith a ty"ical

    tin cam setu" here the ends of the

    bostrin% are "hysically anchored onto each

    of the bo limbs.

    6s a tin cam system relies on each cam

    rotatin% inde"endently based solely on the

    force of the strin% and the resistance of the

    bo limbs bein% absolutely symmetrical

    there is room for a tin cam system to Alose

    tuneA throu%h ear and tear strin% stretch

    or ust %eneral a%e. +he effect of a detuned

    tin cam bo is that the to cams rotate out

    of sync ith each other causin% the

    bostrin% to accelerate in to alternatin%

    directions u"on release. +his causes a

    number of ad,erse conse@uences the most

    ob,ious bein% unsteady arro fli%ht.

    +he binary cam o,ercomes this by Bsla,in%B

    each cam to the otherC as one cam is unable

    to rotate ithout the direct e@ui,alent action

    of the other the to rotate in near "erfect

    synchroni=ation ith any "ossible

    differences in rotation automatically

    correctin% themsel,es as the shot cycle is



    8ams are classified accordin% to

    1$ Sha"e

    2$ olloer mo,ement 9

    *$ Manner of constraint of the folloer.

    Accord#$ to Shape:,

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    -. %ed$e / F!at Cam": 6 ed%e

    %enerally has a translational motion. +he

    folloer can either translate or oscillate.

    S"rin% is used to maintain the contact

    beteen the cam 9 the folloer. +he

    cam is stationary 9 the folloer causes

    the relati,e motion of the cam.

    2. Rada! / '"c Cam": 6 cam in hich

    the folloer mo,es radially from the

    centre of rotation of the cam is non as

    a radial or a disc cam.

    . Spra! Cam": 6 s"iral cam is a face cam

    in hich a %roo,e is cut in the form of a

    s"iral. +he s"iral %roo,e consists of teeth

    hich mesh ith a "in %ear folloer.

    4. Cy!#drca! Cam": 6 cylinder hich

    has a circumferential contour cut in the

    surface rotates about its ais.

    5. Co#1u$ate Cam": 8onu%ate cams are a

    double7disc cam the to discs bein%

    eyed to%ether 9 are in constant touch

    ith the to rollers of a folloer.

    6. (!ooda! Cam": 6 %loboidal cam can

    ha,e to ty"es of surfaces con,e or


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    7. Spherca! Cam": -n a s"herical the

    folloer oscillates about an ais

    "er"endicular to the ais of rotation of

    the cam.

    Accord#$ to fo!!o3er mo4eme#t

    1. R"e,Retur#,R"e 5R,R,R6: -n this

    there is alternate rise 9 return of the

    folloer ith no "eriods of dells.

    +he folloer has a linear or an

    an%ular dis"lacement.

    2. '3e!!,R"e,Retur#,'3e!! 5',R,R,

    '6: -n such a ty"e of cam there is

    rise 9 return of the folloer after a


    3. '3e!!,R"e,'3e!!,Retur#,'3e!!

    5',R,',R,'6: -t is the most idely

    used ty"e of cam. +he dellin% of

    the cam is folloed by rise 9 dell

    9 subse@uently by return 9 dell.

    Accord#$ to Ma##er of Co#"tra#t of the


    1. Pre,!oaded "pr#$ cam: -s used for

    the "ur"ose of ee"in% the contactbeteen the cam 9 the folloer.

    2. Po"t4e,dr4e cam: 8onstant touch

    beteen the cam 9 the folloer is

    maintained by a roller folloer

    o"eratin% the %roo,e of cam.

    3. (ra4ty cam: -f the rise of the cam

    is achie,ed by the risin% surface ofthe cam 9 the return by the force of

    %ra,ity or due to the ei%ht of the

    cam the cam is non as the %ra,ity



    8am folloers are classified accordin% to


    1. Sha"e

    2. Mo,ement 9

    *. ocation of line of mo,ement.

    Accord#$ to "hape

    1. K#fe,ed$e Fo!!o3er: Sim"le in

    construction. ;oe,er its use is

    limited as it "roduces a %reat ear of

    the surface at the "oint of contact.

    2. Ro!!er Fo!!o3er: Eidely used cam

    folloer 9 has a cylindrical roller

    free to rotate about a "in oint. 6t

  • 8/12/2019 Cam Profile Details


    lo s"eed the folloer has a "ure

    rollin% action but at hi%h s"eeds

    some slidin% also occurs.

    Accord#$ to Mo4eme#t

    1. Recprocat#$ Fo!!o3er: 6s the

    cam rotates the folloer

    reci"rocates or translates in the


    2. O"c!!at#$ Fo!!o3er: +he folloer

    is "i,oted at a suitable "oint on the

    frame 9 oscillates as the cam maesthe rotary motion.

    Accord#$ to &ocato# of e of


    1. Rada! Fo!!o3er: +he folloer is

    non as a radial folloer if the line

    of mo,ement of the folloer "asses

    throu%h the center of rotation of the


    2. Off"et Fo!!o3er: -f the line of

    mo,ement of the roller folloer is

    offset from the center of rotation of

    the cam the folloer is non as

    offset folloer.



    +he method termed inematic in,ersions is

    commonly used in cam "rofile desi%n. or

    eam"le in a dis cam ith translatin%

    folloer mechanism the folloer translates

    hen the cam turns. +his means that the

    relati,e motion beteen them is a

    combination of a relati,e turnin% motion and

    a relati,e translatin% motion. Eithout

    chan%in% this feature of their relati,e

    motion ima%ine that the cam remains fied.

    No the folloer "erforms both the relati,e

    turnin% and translatin% motions. Ee ha,e

    in,erted the mechanism

    Cam Nomenclature

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    F )a"e crc!e: -t is the smallest circle

    tan%ent to the cam "rofile !contour$

    dran from the center of rotation of

    a radial cam.

    F Trace po#t:-t is the reference "oint

    on the folloer to trace the cam

    "rofile such as the nife7ed%e

    folloer and the center of the roller

    of a roller folloer.

    Ptch cur4e: -t is the cur,e dranbythe trace "oint assumin% that the cam

    is fied and the trace "oint of the

    folloer rotates around the cam.

    F Pre""ure a#$!e: -t re"resents the

    stee"ness of the cam "rofile it is the

    an%le beteen the normal to the

    "itch cur,e at a "oint and the

    direction of folloer motion. -t

    ,aries in ma%nitude at all instants of

    folloer motion.

    F Ptch po#t: -t is the "oint on the

    "itch cur,e at hich "ressure an%le

    is maimum.

    F Ptch crc!e: -t is the circle "assin%

    throu%h the "itch "oint and

    concentric ith the base circle.

    F Prme crc!e: +he smallest circle

    dran tan%ent to "itch cur,e is

    non as the "rime circle.

    F A#$!e of A"ce#t 5out"tro7e6: -t is

    the an%le turned by cam durin% the

    time of rise of folloer.

    F A#$!e of '3e!!: -t is the an%le

    turned by cam hile the folloer

    remains stationary at the hi%hest or

    loest "osition.

    F A#$!e of de"ce#t 5Retur# "tro7e$:

    -t is the an%le turned by cam hen

    folloer returns to its initial "osition.

    F A#$!e of acto#: -t is the an%le

    turned by cam durin% be%innin% of

    rise and the end of return of the



    6 real folloer alays has some mass 9

    hen multi"lied by acceleration inertia

    force of the folloer is obtained. +his force

    is alays felt at the contact "oint of the

    folloer ith the cam surface 9 at the

    bearin%s. 6n acceleration cur,e ith abru"t

  • 8/12/2019 Cam Profile Details


    chan%es eerts abru"t stresses on the cam

    surfaces 9 at the bearin%s accom"anied by

    detrimental effects such as surface ear 9

    noise. 6ll this may lead to an early failure

    of the cam system. +hus it is ,ery im"ortant

    to %i,e due consideration to ,elocity 9

    acceleration cur,es hile choosin% a

    dis"lacement dia%ram.

    -n lo7s"eed a""lications cam ith

    discontinuous acceleration characteristics

    may not sho any undesirable characteristic

    but at hi%her s"eeds such cams are certainly

    bound to sho the same. +he hi%her the

    s"eed the hi%her is the need for smooth

    cur,es. 6t ,ery hi%h s"eeds e,en the er is

    made continuous as ell.


    6 cam "rofile is constructed on the "rinci"le

    of inematic in,ersion i.e. considerin% the

    cam to be stationary 9 the folloer to be

    rotatin% about it in the o""osite direction of

    the cam rotation.


    (raphca! Repre"e#tato# of Cam Prof!e

    For the ca"e of recprocat#$ 7#fe,

    ed$e fo!!o3er

    Step-: di,ide the dis"lacement7dia%ram

    6bscissa into a number of se%ments.

    Step2: di,ide the "rime circle into

    8orres"ondin% se%ments.

    Step: transfer distances by means of

    di,iders from the dis"lacement dia%ram

    directly onto the cam layout to locate the

    corres"ondin% "ositions of the trace "oint.

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    Step8:dra a smooth cur,e throu%h these

    "oints. +he cur,e is ust the re@uired cam


    For the case of reciprocating

    offset roller follower

    6s shon in abo,e fi%ure the dis"lacement

    dia%ram of the folloer is %i,en sIs

    !J$.8onstruct the "late cam "rofile

    Step-:construct the "rime circle ith radius


  • 8/12/2019 Cam Profile Details


    Step2:construct the offset circle ith radius

    e@ual to the amount of offset e.

    Step: di,ide the dis"lacement7dia%ram

    abscissa into a number of se%ments.

    Step8: di,ide the offset circle into

    corres"ondin% se%ments and assi%n station

    numbers to the boundaries of these


    Step9:construct lines tan%ent to the offset

    circle from these station di,idin% the "rime

    circle into corres"ondin% se%ments.

    Ste"(: transfer distances by means of

    di,iders from the dis"lacement dia%ram

    directly onto the cam layout to locate the

    corres"ondin% "ositions of the trace "oint

    alays measurin% outard from the "rime


    Ste"': dra a smooth cur,e throu%h these

    "oints. +he cur,e is ust the re@uired cam



    Sometimes it may ha""en that the "rime

    circle of a cam is "ro"ortional to "ro,ide a

    satisfactory "ressure an%le still the folloer

    may not be com"letin% the desired motion.

    +his can ha""en if the cur,ature of the "itch

    cur,e is too shar".

    -t can easily be obser,ed that the

    cam cur,e loo"s o,er itself in order to

    reali=e the "rofile of the "itch cur,e. 6s it is

  • 8/12/2019 Cam Profile Details


    im"ossible to "roduce such a cam "rofile

    the result is that the cam ill be undercut 9

    become a "ointed cam. No hen the roller

    folloer ill be made to mo,e o,er this

    cam it ill not be "roducin% the desired


    -t may be obser,ed that the cam ill

    be "ointed if the radius of the roller is e@ual

    to the radius of cur,ature of the "itch cur,e.

    +hus to minimum radius of cur,ature of the

    cam "rofile the radius of cur,ature of the

    "rime circle must alays be %reater than that

    of the radius of the roller.


    +he 8am"ro en%ine is the first automoti,e

    en%ine e,er de,elo"ed to%ether ith otus

    by the Malaysian carmaer roton. +he

    name 8am"ro is short for 8am rofilin%.

    +his en%ine "oers the roton en72 the

    roton Satria Neo the roton Eaa 8am"ro

    the roton ersona as ell as rotonBs future

    models. +he 8am"ro en%ine is aimed to

    sho rotonBs ability to mae their on

    en%ines that "roduce %ood "oer out"ut and

    meet neer emission standards.

    6ll 8am"ro en%ines incor"orate

    dri,e7by7ire technolo%y !s"ecifically

    electronic throttle control$ for better

    res"onse eliminatin% the need for friction7

    %eneratin% mechanical lina%es and cables.


    1. htt"://







    2. htt"://


    *. htt"://


    4. htt"://.mar""roduct."h



    5. htt"://


    (. htt"://.ma"""licatio


    '. htt"://"id"roto/


    . htt"://


    &. htt"://mech"roects.blo%s"



  • 8/12/2019 Cam Profile Details

    14/14 T ...

    T camsT +y"es of 8ams U
