cambodian black friday 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 Cambodian Black Friday 2011




    Mordecais Courage Orphanage TheLopez family has taken in two Cambodian teenagers and two

    Cambodian baby boys and are raising them as their own. They are

    rearing them in a God centered home where the love of Christ is being

    demonstrated to them daily. The purpose is for Gods glory and the prayer is

    that these young people will become a light to the next generation of Khmer.

    Additional support needed: $1000 per month

    Account Number: 79052

    Adopt a Pastor Cambodian Christians desire to reachtheir own people with the gospel. We have a great opportunity to

    support them in their initial training and commission to plant new

    churches. We are currently praying towards planting two new churches

    each year. Would you consider supporting a local Khmer pastor/churchplanter?

    Total Support needed: $200 per month/per pastor

    Account Number 79036

    Orphan Education Fund There are 10,000 orphans in Cambodia! You canparticipate in helping to give some of them the best private Christian education and training

    possible in Cambodia, by becoming their sponsor. Youll be able to track the student and

    pray together as God equips them as a disciple of Jesus, with the hope that they will be

    used mightily by God in this nation.

    Total Support Needed: $300 per year/per student

    Account Number 79047

    Click here todonate...

    Click here to donate...(put accountnumber 79047 in the additional information box)

    Click here to


    Cambodian BlackFriday2011 The day after Thanksgivingis traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. Its called

    Black Friday because it is usually the first day of the year that stores turn

    a profit. This holiday season, we wanted to present you with some

    alternatives to the deals you might find at the mall - alternatives

    that will reap divendends in eternity.,CAD,CAD,CAD,CAD,CAD,CAD,CAD
  • 8/3/2019 Cambodian Black Friday 2011



    Thank you for yourconsideration.May the

    Lord bless you this holiday


    Provide Biblical Books There are very fewbiblical resources available to Christian Cambodians in their own

    language, and even fewer tools are available to pastors in their study.

    You can participate in providing God-centered resources to our brothers

    and sisters in Cambodia in the following ways:

    Print: The Eight Book Navigators Series Design for Descipleship$1 per copy

    Print: True Discipleshipby William MacDonald $1.50 per copy

    Translate and Print: Confessionsby Saint Augustine $5,000

    Sponsor and Print: Learning New Testament Greek for Khmer $10,000

    Cambodia Relief Fund When disasters andtragedies occur in Cambodia, there is an opportunity for us to be

    able to show the love of Christ in a tangible way to those affected.

    Would you prayerfully consider making a donation to our relief fund, so

    that when these calamities do arise we will be ready to respond immediately.

    Total Support Needed: Unlimited

    Account Number 45601M

    Church Building Project As churches are planted through Shalom Mission Cam-bodia, there is a need to help build simple structures which allows for new congregations to

    have places of worship. We currently have needs to build two such churches in Battam-

    bang Province.

    Total Cost: $5000 ($2500 per structure)

    Account Number 79050

    Click here to donate...

    Click here to


    Click here to donate...(put accountnumber 79050 in the additional information box),CAD,CAD