cambodian chess games

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  • 8/10/2019 Cambodian Chess Games


    Cambodian Chess Games


    Ouk Chatrang: Cambodian Chess

    Play Setting and Object of GameChessboard and Forces

    Initial Position or Arrangement

    Power of Move

    Promotion of Fish

    Order of Individual Relative Values

    Draws of Game

    Another Style of Game

    Rek: A Variant of Chess

    Settings and Rules

    Another Style of Game, Too

    Glossary of Cambodian Chess GamesBibliography



    This page is particularly concerned with "Cambodian chess games". "Cambodian" because they have been

    played by Cambodians or Khmers throughout the country. "Chess games" in the plural form because an

    attempt is made to cover the two different types of game on the sixty-four-square board and each has two

    distinctive styles of play, which are probably unique to Cambodian players. This is more a reading than an

    instructional work. Moreover, the readers are also assumed to be familiar with the basics of international orF.I.D.E chess.

    The histories of Cambodian chess games have not been studied and known as it deserves. My literature

    research on this topic in English reveals very little information. Turning to the local sources in Cambodian

    language does not help much either. However, with a bingo surprise, I found a site on the Internet that

    contains a brief yet amazing account of Cambodian Chess for Blind Players. This unsatisfyingly short story of

    Cambodian chess is probably one of the clues for its deep historical connection to the ancient Khmer

    Civilization of Angkor Wat. A telling picture of these ancient and beautiful Cambodian chessmen made of

    bronze is also available at that location. Check it out!

    The first type of Cambodian chess game is known to the Cambodians as Ouk, Chhoeu trang, Chatrang[1,

    p.183], Chaturang or jointly as Ouk chatrang. The name "Ouk" was believed to come from imitating the

    sound made between the chessman and the chessboard while checking. As terminology and rule are

    concerned, the word "Ouk" means check, and it is required to say out loud by the player who checks the

    enemy King [2, p.1778]. The game is also named "Chhoeu Trang" perhaps because of the fact that most of

    the game equipment are made of wood which is Chhoeu in Cambodian [3]. And Trang is shortened from

    Chatrang [4, p.285]. These two names are informal and colloquial. The name Chatrang is formal and derived

    from Sanskrit Chaturanga. In literature, the word "Chaturang" in pronunciation and "Chaturanga" in writing

    are retained [5, p.101].

    The second type of Cambodian chess game is Rek, pronounced like 'Rake' without K ending sound. Actually

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    this is a totally different game from the Ouk or Chatrang. There are no other pieces besides the Kings in this

    game, and all of the units, including the Kings, moves like the Rook. We will describe it in detail later,

    including its extra style of play. Whether it is of Chatrang or Rek, the extra style of play is truly more

    challenging than the normal style, as we shall see. Let's turn to Chatrang first.

    Ouk Chatrang: Today's Most Popular Cambodian Chess Game

    Play Settings and Object of the Game

    Like the international chess, Chatrang requires two people to play against each other, but in Cambodia there

    are always two teams of people participating in the game. This does make every game played even more

    exciting and entertaining. People, I mean Cambodian men, usually gather to play at a barbershop for men in

    their town or village. Perhaps, it is very hard to find a barbershop in Cambodia that is not associated with

    Chatrang. However, I have never heard of any chess tournament or competition in Cambodia. There has

    never been one, perhaps.

    The object of Chatrang is also to checkmate the opponent's King. In the beginning, who should move first is

    simply a matter of agreement between the players. However, for the next game, the loser usually has a

    privilege to move first. If the first game was drawn for some reason, once again the mutual agreement decides

    for the matter in question.

    The Chessboard and the Forces or Chessmen

    The Cambodian chessboard resembles the international one except that the color code is not necessary. It is a

    board of eight by eight squares. There are 32 chessmen in total and are similar to those of the international

    chess. In the game, each side or player starts with a force of sixteen units: eight pawns and eight pieces. These

    eight pieces include two Rooks, two Knights, two Bishops, one Queen and one King. The Cambodian names

    for the Pawn, Bishop, Knight, Rook, Queen and King are Trey (Fish), Koul (General[6, p.183], also see

    Glossary), Ses (Horse), Tuuk (Boat), Neang (Queen) and Ang or Sdaach (King) respectively.

    For ordinary-people players, the pieces and board are scultured and made of wood. The Fishes or Pawns are

    usually represented by the two different kinds of cowrie shells. It is not uncommon to see people use the small

    bottle caps. (Budwiser bottle caps and the like would resemble and work as well.) For each side, two pieces of

    wooden low cylinder would make the Boats or Rooks. The Horses look exactly like the Knights. The King,

    the Koul and the Neang have almost the same shape, a sort of pointed dome, but they are differentiated by

    sizes: Small for the Neang; midium for the Koul; and large for the King, so to speak. Two different types of

    wood or two colors usually do the job of identifying the two sides. Note that the specimens of Cambodian

    chess for blind players mentioned above were colored green vs. black and scultured with different shapes

    from the ordinary chessmen.

    The Initial Position or Arrangement

    The opening setup of Cambodian chess or Chatrang is like that of the international one except for three

    features. First, the Pawns or Fishes are set up on the third and sixth ranks, not the first and eighth ones.

    Second, the Kings are placed crosswise, not opposite each other. And third, each Queen is on the right-hand

    side of its corresponding King. Click Picture 1to view the chessmen and initial position. Their powers of

    move are not all like those of the international chess. We are turning to this matter in the following


    The Powers of Move

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    The King moves like that of the international chess except that for the first move it has an option to move a

    leap like the Knight, usually to the left or to right. However, if it is in check by the opponent's unit, that option

    is no longer valid and it has to move only one square as usual. Also, the Horse moves like the Knight; the

    Boat like the Rook, but there is no castling move in Cambodian chess or Chatrang.

    The Koul moves only one square per turn along the diagonals or straight ahead. The Neang moves one square

    per turn and only diagonally, but for the first move it has an option to move two squares straight ahead

    provided that that square is not occupied by other friendly unit. It may capture the enemy unit if the latter

    occupies that square. All the units may capture the enemy units situated in their legal moves. However, thereare two exceptions for this rule. First, the King cannot capture the enemy units that are under protection of

    others. Second, the not-yet-promoted Fishes move one square straight ahead, but they take the enemy units

    diagonally ahead, just like the Pawns in the international chess.

    The Promotion of Fish

    The Fishes are the only units that may be promoted upon reaching the enemy's front row, i.e., the sixth rank.

    Without limit of number, the Fishes are in general promoted to become promoted Fishes, called Trey Bak,

    which have the same power of move to the Neang. That is to say, each party may in theory have eight

    promoted Fishes in the course of play.

    An Order of Individual Relative Values

    The conventional value system of Cambodian individual chessmen is as follows: The Boat is more valuable

    than the Knight than the Koul than the Neang than the Fish. The Neang is as valuable as the promoted Fish.

    The King is not placed in the value system. It is the all-important and weakest unit. This conventional value

    system may not be without controversy and subjectivity. Some player have no problem at all to trade the Boat

    with the Knight or the Knight with the Koul. The phases of the game and the mobility characteristics of the

    units all seem to be important in their values. This is not to even mention the talents and skills of the players.

    The Draws of Game

    The game is drawn when there is neither winner nor loser. In practice, for Cambodian players, every game

    played always ends up having a win-lose result or drawn game. No scores are given and recorded for each

    player in the latter situation. The draw can take place under four possible ways: (1) mutual agreement of the

    players; (2) apparent insufficiency of material to checkmate the opponent; (3) stalemate under which the

    alone King does not have a legal move and is not in check either; (4) application of predetermined rules of

    move counting (explained in the following paragraphs). The repetition of move is not considered; usually one

    party is determined to play for a win!

    When a player has only the King left and all the Fishes currently available on the board were promoted, he

    can claim the game drawn after the applicable rule or condition of move counting is met. The rule of movecounting is determined according to the presence of the most valuable unit left on the board regardless of the

    other units available. If there are two most valuable units left, then a separate rule is determined. However,

    there is some inconsistency in all this matter. I will point it out later.

    The rule of 8 moves is applied if the player who is chasing to capture, i.e., doing the King hunt, has two Boats

    or Rooks; the rule of 16 moves if there is one Boat; the rule of 22 for two Koul or Bishops; the rule of 44 for

    one Koul; the rule of 32 for two Knights and of 64 for one Knight; also the rule of 64 for three or more "side-

    by-side" promoted Fishes (trey bak tim) or in combination with the Neang. By side-by-side promoted Fishes

    means that two of them must occupy any two adjacent squares either in the rank or file, but not the diagonal.

    Otherwise, all of them are simply like a Fish which is not capable of capturing the solitary enemy King, even

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    Another Style of Play, Too

    The Rek also has its own special style of play. It is named "Min Rek Chanh" (Not Rek Lose). The object of

    the game is still the same, capturing the opponent's King. But, there is only one legal way to capture the

    enemy units, including the King: "Rek" them two at a time. The Kings may not move at all, not even a square.

    They are "palace kings"! Other setting features and opening setup are the same as those of the regular Rek.

    The unique characteristic of this style of play is that a player's order of Rek to the other must be honored,

    otherwise the latter loses and the game is over. So, strategic and deliberate sacrifices are the mind set behind

    winning the game.

    Usually the game is over when one player orders a "right" series of the opponent's consecutive moves to 'Rek'

    his units which ultimately will lead to the capture or Rek of the opponent's King in return. BUT, if he orders

    the wrong series of the opponent's moves, he ends up losing his force without any desirable consequence.

    Thus the game demands a long-term and coherent strategic planning to get the right orders of move. In this

    kind of play, you are in a more dangerous situation for preserving too many own units, but if you do not have

    enough of them to design your scheme of making a right series of the opponent's moves, it is not good either.

    Personally I find this the most challenging of all the Cambodian chess games.

    A Glossary of Cambodian Chess or Chaktrang


    Stalemate. A situation in which the running, alone King has no legal move and is not in check.


    King, also called 'Sdaach'.


    Block the checking enemy unit, especially the Boat, by the friendly unit; literally means (l.m.) 'close'.

    Bet Ouk

    Bet and at the same time check back in return, usually done by the Kningt or other protected unit.


    Promote; promoted; it is done by turning or flipping the Fish unit over; l.m. 'peel, turn over or double

    the betting amount'.

    Bak Ruk

    Promote and check at the same time; see 'Ruk'.

    Bak Denh

    Promote and at the same time be in a position to take a more valuable enemy unit; l.m. 'Bak and chase'.


    Protection, noun of 'Chang'; see below.


    Protect or guard; protected; l.m. 'tie'.


    Lose.Cheub Ang

    A situation under which the King is taken or in check by the enemy Boat when the blocked unit,

    whether friendly or enemy, is removed; l.m. 'trapped King'.



    Daak Ang

    Place one's Boat in the position of checking the enemy King while there is a unit, friendly or enemy,

    between the two. This is done to gain 'Cheub Ang' advantage.


    Be in a position to take a more valuable enemy unit; King hunt for the end game; l.m. 'chase'.

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    Move; l.m. 'walk'.


    Trade off.


    Double, e.g. Dub Tuuk; a loaned word from French; also called 'Truot'.

    Kar Ouk

    Prevent from or prepare to counter a check; a extra style of play for Chatrang.

    Khos CheungFor the end game, a situation in which the friendly unit that is supposed to checkmate is not in the right

    square or turn to do so; l.m. 'wrong foot'; c.f. 'Trouv Cheung' which is 'correct foot'.

    Khos Chrung

    For the end game or King hunt, esp. by one Horse or Koul and a promoted Fishes or by a combination

    of three side-by-side promoted Fishes, a situation in which the running King cannot be checkemated at

    a trapped corner because the promoted Fish is not in the right diagonal to the corner square; l.m. 'wrong

    corner'; c.f. 'Trouv Chrung'.


    Commit error or mistake.


    A name of Chatrang's piece taken to represent military generals, but the word "Koul" is closer torepresent boundary pillar or mark in meaning; there are four of them and two for each player; usually

    analogous to the Bishops.

    Min Rek Chanh

    A special style of play in the Rek game; l.m. 'not Rek los' in the sese that 'if not rek, lose the game'.


    A name of Chatrang's piece; there are two and one for each side; usually analogous to the Queen. l.m.

    'a word for politely addressing the title to the young, esp. female'.


    Chess or Chatrang; a check, also see 'Ruk'.

    Ouk Baek

    A check on the enemy King while at the same time other enemy unit(s), esp. the more valuable such as

    the Boat and Horse, could also be taken although "not free"; c.f. 'Ruk Baek'; l.m. 'check and split'.

    Ouk Daach

    A same case of 'Ouk Baek' except that while the King runs or escapes, the other unit can be taken free;

    c.f. 'Ruk daach'.

    Ouk Ngeub

    Checkmate, a situation in which the enemy King is checked and has no legal move; the end point of the


    Ouk Ta

    A check on the enemy King done in an attempt to trade off that checking unit with its enemy

    counterpart, i.e., the enemy unit that has the same value.


    A checking situation in which a player removes his unit away from the legal move of his Boat that

    checks the enemy King as a result. This is the purpose of 'Daak Ang' and done in the situation of 'Cheup

    Ang'; see 'Si Paay'; l.m. 'gallop'.

    Paay Ouk

    A 'Paay' situation that the removed unit also checks the enemy King; it is a double check: by the Boat

    and remomed, friendly unit.


    A name of Cambodian chess game; a way to capture two enemy units at a time in the Rek game.


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    Run or retreat.


    Another word for check usually done by the Fish, the Neang and promoted Fish; l.m. 'push'.


    Take or capture; l.m. 'eat'.

    Si Bak

    Only for the Fish, take an enemy unit and at the same time becomes a promoted.

    Si Brateanh

    The captures of two enemy units that are under the protection of the same single unit. Take the first onefirst and then the second can be captured "free".

    Si Denh

    Take an enemy unit and be in a position to take an more valuable enemy unit at the same time.

    Si Ouk

    Capture an enemy unit and at the same time check as well; c.f. 'Si Ruk'.

    Si Paay

    Take an enemy unit by using the removed unit to make a 'Paay'; this is very powerful tactic.

    Si Pir

    Take two enemy units by sacrifying one friendly unit; l.m. 'eat two'.


    Even or equal in the play; a draw.Ta

    Resist an enemy attack by a friendly unit that is equivalent the attacking enemy unit.


    Cambodian name of the pawn; the Fish; l.m. 'fish'.

    Trey Bak

    Promoted Fish.

    Trey Chang

    The two mutually protected promoted Fishes that are always in the diagonals when placed adjacently.

    Trey Tim

    The two promoted Fishes that cannot protect each other and both are always in a rank or file when

    located adjacently; referred to as 'side-by-side promoted Fishes' in this article.

    Trouv Chrung

    A right corner for a checkmate at the end game.


    Buddhist Institute. (1967). Vachnanukrom Khmer Pheak Mouy[Khmer Dictionary

    Volume 1]. Phnom Penh: Buddhist Institute.

    Buddhist Institute. (1967). Vachnanukrom Khmer Pheak Pir[Khmer Dictionary

    Volume 2]. Phnom Penh: Buddhist Institute.

    Huffman, F.E. and Im Proum. (1978).English-Khmer Dictionary. Westford, MA:Yale University.

    Jacob, J.M. (1974).A Concise Cambodian-English Dictionary. New York:

    Oxford University Press.

    Murray, H.J.R. (1986).A History of Chess. Northampton, MA: Benjamin Press

    pp. 113-118. Originally published by Oxford University Press in 1913.

    Pandolfini, B. (1993).Beginning Chess. New York: Fireside pp. 15-50.

    A Footnote: Remember Thminh Chey's Horse?

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    One part of the most popular tale in Cambodia, especially among children, that is associated with Ouk

    Chatrang is Thmenh Chey's Horse. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Thmenh Chey and born to an

    ordinary family.... He was a very brilliant boy and later on known to the King. This fame did not make the

    King restful because the famous and believing norm was that only the King was the most brilliant and entitled

    to that fame of intelligence!

    The King thus set forth to challenge Thmenh Chey's lofty IQ popularity. At one point, the King declared to

    the population that he would go for a sightseeing deep into the large forest tomorrow and forbid any sale, rent

    or loan of a horse to Thmenh Chey who was in the King' order to go, too, with a horse! However, like theprevious cases of challenge, Thmenh Chey could always get over the King's power and attack: He took the

    Chatrang's Horse with him.... The children who listen to the story proudly laugh to share their hero's victory


    After going on with a life of continual challenges and serving the country by solving the enigmas of the

    Chinese smartest men, his life came to a fulfilling end. Before he died, he got the King to kneel down by him

    so that the latter could hear this whisper:

    boeu soay trey pruol kom choal sraka; boeu soay trey pra kom choal srakey; and boeu sla mchu kbal trey

    kom choal mchu sandan.

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