camden times - · page 2 thj:...

. . .... , ... ;; , T"h,'c:e" ' A LEGAL 'WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Camden Times NOW IN ITS 67TH YEAR VOLUME 67,No. I THURSOAY,APRIL 13, 1961 PRICE 5 CENTS NINE OOMPANIESBATTLE FEED FIIRM FIRE,.ll lAY DRS New Fro.:lier Democrals Sel Forl'h 'ENDQRSEIITCH'ELL 'heir Policies The mayors of seventeen com: The 11 candidates of the New sician to safeguard : munities in Camden County, rep- Frontier ticket in Column 5 of health. Care of the aged must " resenting nearly 90 percent of the 'DemO<lratic primary April 18 be improved and added to the the Republican mlmiCipaJities joined today in issuing what they hospital plan at Lakeland. Edu- there; today announced, endorse- termed "a statement of public cational facilities for handi- : ment of James P. Mitchell as the and t "t"" a d h ·ld . 'Republican candidate for Gov: par y pOSl Ion. c ppe c I ren are needed; The two-part statement was there are none .. A county ernor in the April 18 primary supplemented by a' forecast of' renment workshop must be set ; electiOD. victory: "We are so heartened by up freeholders meeting with Mayor Albert ·Boyd ShaJ'p, of the. quantity and quality of vol- mUlliClpal-mayors and engineers. 'Haddonfield, campaign manager unteers joining. our crusade Voting machine education should • for Mitchell in Camden County, against bossism," they said, "that bE; given .in the schools; and said the endorsements "are in- we know now our campaign will stImulus gIven to non..partisan dicative of the grOwing support tJe successful. We admit to some encuoragement to train for pub- for Mitchell across the state." . misgivings at the start. But the lic life. "The support of these seven-, enthusiasm and courage with "And above all, good, sound teen mayors," Mll.yor SharP said, Which workers old and new have businesslike practice's 'must "added to the support of, Senator been r8.Ilying to the bli.nnerof introduced into county govern- . Clifford Case, Senll.tor H. President Kennedy's New Fron- ment. Expensive favoritism must , and Congress.,- tier .assur.e a glorious Victory end; savings must and can be 'man WIlham Cahill, and many April 18" effected in purchasing SUPP'I;es others, speaks for itselfih be- .... ; half: of the, candidacy of. Jim .. In forth their and materials, economy must be Firemen shown battling flames and smoke in doorway of Mitchell. . The whole nation is on public matters, the 11 saId: effected along with efficiency so B. Goodman & Son Feed and Grain Company. 'watching New Jersey to see' "We shall bring to. public office that the skyrocketing tax trend . . B rt ' whether. advantage of the same youthful VIgor, the same will be halted and every citizen .. Photos by Bob a osz: this outStanding opportunity to apd appliCation to truth of Cmaden County will know he reVitalize the RepUblican Party." and JUstIce that has character- is getting real value for his tax HUGHES T 'O' REPORT; Of the four Republican mayors ized President Kenned'Y'svibrant dollars." who have not yet endorsed administration. . In the section dealing with Mitchetll, ShaJ'p said, two arE) "OUr roles in the legislative party policy, the statement said: ON CAIDEN ' leaning. toward the former Sec- hails of TrentOn will not be those "Because we belieVe sincerely retary of Labor, while the other of petty politicians handing 'out that a strong but responsive two have been away from home favors to- the preferred few while I?emocratic Party moulded on COUNTY CAMPAIGN and unaVailable for an expres- ignoring or opposing the .of the Kennedy ,New Frop.- sion of opinion. interests of the masses. We will 18 the best hope for repre- "These mayors," Sharp said, riot, for .example, as certain ,government, we have Richard J. Hughes, "Regular "recognize the close relationship' Camden bounty legislators have Jomed to revitalize our. Democratic Organization" candi- between the problems of munici- done,introduce bills to grant 50 party so lt may be worthy of the date for. Governor, will present pal government arid the problems: percent salary increases to poli., challenge and the opportunity. a first-hand report 'oncampaign of state government. . ticians holding. sinecures while "The aim of the New Frontier progress to C.amden County . If· to h I th . Democrats tonight (April 13). "Mitchell is the only candidate voting down sa ary increases or IS e p e individual develop of either party who recognizes teaChers on the plea that there himself completely, and this can o. V. Swisher, county campaign the need for a complebeover- isn't enough money! If money come only when each shares up mariager, said that delegations hauling of the tax system, and isn't available for underpaid to his capacity in determining from aU county municipalities not just another new tax." tecahers, how can it be available the policy and destiny of the are expected to attend the rally The seventeen mayors who for overpaid political rewards? party; at Knights of Columbus Hall, have endorsed Mitchell are: Rich- "Instead of playing games With "We believe strongly that the 27th and Sauncters sts.; Camden, ard A. Park, Audubon; Earl G. census flgure's, pre- function of a political party 11n- at 9 P.M. DuBois, Barrington; Otto 1960 levels in order to play poli- der a democratic form of gov- Other speakers will include migli,. Berlin; Edward H. Mur- tics with county jobs, we shall ernment is to express public Hughes' running-mates: Assem- phY,Brooklawn; Albert Finger" move vigorouslY to help the pub- opinion land translate it into ac- blymenFralik E. Meloni and Chesilhurst; Arthur lic, to provide more opportuni- tion in the best interests of the Brooklawn Fire Chief John Francis J. Werner; Gloucester. Collingswood; .. G. Rohrer, ties to public." McKinney looking. over. fire Township May.or Robert Yost Haddon TownshIP, . Albert Boyd faclhtles-, to raIse Joining in the statement were scaneas firemen bring under and Donald BIgley, for Assem-, Sharp, .Haddonfield , Edward Bi- hvingstandards of our great la- Joseph C. Nettleton, Ralph J. control general alarm fire at B. bly; Freeholders. OScar Moore. ben, HI-Nella. .: bar force, to. lnove forward to Kmiec, Edward F.Menneti, and Goodman & Son Feed and Grain and Joseph M. Sandone and Carl C .. Caldwell, Laurel new social galDS. Joseph A. Williams, candidates Company, on New Broadway, in Frank A. Abbott, for. Freeholder; Spnngs;Francls J. Scott,. Mag- "At, the county level we shall for Assembly; Patrick To' Corbett, Brooklawn, N. J., on April 8. Coroner Howard W. Creran and nolia; J. Weer Chew, Merchant- move resolutely to lift this area AJ.pert J. Oarino and James W. Jules Schaffhauser, for Coroner, Rayz.nond, ·m, by its bootstraps, providing le\td- McCracken, for Freeholders; Dr. and Alexander Feinberg and Mrs. Town(IDip; . Robert ership and planning so sorely Burton K. -Weiser and Thomas E. Brooklawn firemen were joined Cecelia L. Jackson, for State B. Garn.son, R: missed during the past two Casey, Jr., for Coroners; and by 8 fire companies from sur- Committee. Scott TaVlStock; decades. Anthony F. Marino and Rose D. communities last Sa: tur- . Feinberg, State Committeeman, J. Kayatl, .. Waterford "Roads must be improved, re- Ricciardi for State Committee. day m .lI:n attempt to contam a will preside at the ralry and in- and Reuben D. Heggan, WInslow paired; widened and safety- .which . threatened several troduce Hughes. All of the can- To.wnship. treated with white lines .in cen- , buildmgs on New Broadway. didates are serving on the ar-' ter and on shoulders. Warning School Band To EntertalD The fire broke/oUt shortay after rangements committee. Harry. C. Sharp School PTA are at cross-county Davis PTA 11 A.M. at the B. Goodman and Hu hes the art's standard . '. . . '.' . . Publi.c transport routes Son Feed and Grain CO., New U; the Iprit 18 primary' Parents of preschool' children must crlSS-cross our coubunt y for On April 20, at 8 P.M., there Broadway. Within a half hour, election, is a former Superior are to a Parent who prefer to use ses or will be a short business meeting the fire destroyed the one-story, Court Judge. He resigned from EducatIOn meeting of the Harry trams. of the Henry H.Davis PTA and frame storage aoo warenouse the bench in 1957 to resume the C. Sharp Parent "There is vast room for im- it will be followed by nomlna- room and spread to the oifice of practice of law. Association on Wed?-esdaY, APr.ll provement at Lakeland and in tion of officers. The school band' the company. . - .' 19, at 1:30 ·P.M., m the audi- the operation of our other insti- will .entertain under the direc- Several small buildings at the rear of the ):nain building were !Uso destroyed. The office is brick. Tlle fire spread to the front of the . building and toppled a high tension wire· which knockect·· out all telephone: service on one· side of the street.: One of the owners, Charles Goodman, theorized that the fire started when a paSSlng autots't flicked away a cigaret and Jt blew inside the flrst building. The feed company is located in the center of the municipality. Prior to his elevation to the torium. Mrs." Robert Harrigan, tutions. Too lorig we have shirked tion of Mr. Anthony Ciccarellt SUpierior Court, served as chairman, has announced a pub- humane considerations, neglect- Mr. Rykaczewski will lead the a County Court Judge and as an lic discussion will follow the ing the health, comfort and wel- seventh grade children in sing- assistant United Attorney a fiII.n entitled "Gm- fore of our citizenry: Do our peo- ing "Come To The Fair" to pub- for NeW Jersey. A natIve of New tmg Your .Chlld Ready Fa!' .ple realize Camden of oruy licize our coming attraction THE Jersey, he was graduated. School." , ...• two counties iJ;l the. whole state COUNTRY FAIR, to be' held Rutger,s IA1,w School and llves m names. of Mrs. Myrtle I::S. that do not avail themselves of April 29. Trenton. J;..ewls,a fourth grade teacher, the coopreative plan of matching and Miss Birgitte,prillcipal,were fUnds for adequate mosquito Easy To Get "I won't get ma.iTied until I find a girl like the one who married grandpa." "Huh! They don't make women like that today." "That's funny. Grandpa only married her' yesterday." erroneously omitted from our control? .. Pity the TeaCher Parent Teacher Association meet- is so much to be done As the class had been told to ing program in the April 6 for the development. of our coun:- write an essl\oy on Lincoln - one tion. . ty and' the improvement of its of the pupils wrote - "Abraham facilities. A uniform school- Lincoln was born on' a bright One of the easiest things to health program must be devel:- summer day, the 12th of Feb- do is to start an argument and oped, with a standard, modern ruary, 1800. He was born in a log one of the hardest· things to do and enforceable code that ex- cabin that he had helped his is to stop one; pands the role of the family phy- father to build." -_.------- -------- ---------- .. - --- ............ .. 1, ..... __ .. · •. ' .... ""'1IlIioI- _alil&' ____ .·.·.' .5ii1".' •• . - ; Tn TI

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, T"h,'c:e" ' A LEGAL






NINE OOMPANIESBATTLE FEED FIIRM FIRE,.ll lAY DRS New Fro.:lier Democrals Sel Forl'h 'ENDQRSEIITCH'ELL 'heir Policies

The mayors of seventeen com: The 11 candidates of the New sician to safeguard jUvenil~ : munities in Camden County, rep- Frontier ticket in Column 5 of health. Care of the aged must

" resenting nearly 90 percent of the 'DemO<lratic primary April 18 be improved and added to the • the Republican mlmiCipaJities joined today in issuing what they hospital plan at Lakeland. Edu­

there; today announced, endorse- termed "a statement of public cational facilities for handi-: ment of James P. Mitchell as the and t "t"" a d h ·ld . 'Republican candidate for Gov: par y pOSl Ion. c ppe c I ren are needed;

The two-part statement was there are none .. A county gov~ ernor in the April 18 primary supplemented by a' forecast of' renment workshop must be set

; electiOD. victory: "We are so heartened by up ~i~ freeholders meeting with Mayor Albert ·Boyd ShaJ'p, of the. quantity and quality of vol- mUlliClpal-mayors and engineers.

'Haddonfield, campaign manager unteers joining. our crusade Voting machine education should • for Mitchell in Camden County, against bossism," they said, "that bE; given .in the schools; and

said the endorsements "are in- we know now our campaign will stImulus gIven to non..partisan dicative of the grOwing support tJe successful. We admit to some encuoragement to train for pub­for Mitchell across the state." . misgivings at the start. But the lic life.

"The support of these seven-, enthusiasm and courage with "And above all, good, sound teen mayors," Mll.yor SharP said, Which workers old and new have businesslike practice's 'must ~ "added to the support of, Senator been r8.Ilying to the bli.nnerof introduced into county govern­

. Clifford Case, ~ormer Senll.tor H. President Kennedy's New Fron- ment. Expensive favoritism must , Alexand~r.Smlth and Congress.,- tier .assur.e a glorious Victory end; savings must and can be 'man WIlham Cahill, and many April 18" effected in purchasing SUPP'I;es others, speaks for itselfih be- .... •

; half: of the, candidacy of. Jim .. In set~ing forth their polic~es and materials, economy must be Firemen shown battling flames and smoke in doorway of Mitchell. . The whole nation is on public matters, the 11 saId: effected along with efficiency so

B. Goodman & Son Feed and Grain Company. 'watching New Jersey to see' "We shall bring to. public office that the skyrocketing tax trend . . B rt ' whether. ~take advantage of the same youthful VIgor, the same will be halted and every citizen

.. Photos by Bob a osz: this outStanding opportunity to cand~r apd appliCation to truth of Cmaden County will know he reVitalize the RepUblican Party." and JUstIce that has character- is getting real value for his tax

HUGHES T'O' REPORT; Of the four Republican mayors ized President Kenned'Y'svibrant dollars." who have not yet endorsed administration. . In the section dealing with Mitchetll, ShaJ'p said, two arE) "OUr roles in the legislative party policy, the statement said:

ON CAIDEN ' leaning. toward the former Sec- hails of TrentOn will not be those "Because we belieVe sincerely retary of Labor, while the other of petty politicians handing 'out that a strong but responsive two have been away from home favors to- the preferred few while I?emocratic Party moulded on COUNTY CAMPAIGN and unaVailable for an expres- ignoring or .activ~ly opposing the l~ .of the Kennedy ,New Frop.-sion of opinion. interests of the masses. We will tl~r 18 the best hope for repre-

"These mayors," Sharp said, riot, for . example, as certain ~tative ,government, we have Richard J. Hughes, "Regular "recognize the close relationship' Camden bounty legislators have Jomed to~ether to revitalize our.

Democratic Organization" candi- between the problems of munici- done,introduce bills to grant 50 party so lt may be worthy of the date for. Governor, will present pal government arid the problems: percent salary increases to poli., challenge and the opportunity. a first-hand report 'oncampaign of state government. . ticians holding. sinecures while "The aim of the New Frontier progress to C.amden County . If· to h I th . Democrats tonight (April 13). "Mitchell is the only candidate voting down sa ary increases or IS e p e individual develop

of either party who recognizes teaChers on the plea that there himself completely, and this can o. V. Swisher, county campaign the need for a complebeover- isn't enough money! If money come only when each shares up

mariager, said that delegations hauling of the tax system, and isn't available for underpaid to his capacity in determining from aU county municipalities not just another new tax." tecahers, how can it be available the policy and destiny of the are expected to attend the rally The seventeen mayors who for overpaid political rewards? party; at Knights of Columbus Hall, have endorsed Mitchell are: Rich- "Instead of playing games With "We believe strongly that the 27th and Sauncters sts.; Camden, ard A. Park, Audubon; Earl G. census flgure's, freeznigt~e pre- function of a political party 11n­at 9 P.M. DuBois, Barrington; Otto L.Jror~: 1960 levels in order to play poli- der a democratic form of gov-

Other speakers will include migli,. Berlin; Edward H. Mur- tics with county jobs, we shall ernment is to express public Hughes' running-mates: Assem- phY,Brooklawn; Albert Finger" move vigorouslY to help the pub- opinion land translate it into ac­blymenFralik E. Meloni and Chesilhurst; Arthur ~. ~tage, lic, to provide more opportuni- tion in the best interests of the

Brooklawn Fire Chief John Francis J. Werner; Gloucester. Collingswood; VI!~ .. G. Rohrer, ties fo~ employ~~~t, to imP~ve public." McKinney looking. over. fire Township May.or Robert Yost Haddon TownshIP, . Albert Boyd ~ucatlOnal faclhtles-, to raIse Joining in the statement were scaneas firemen bring under and Donald BIgley, for Assem-, Sharp, . Haddonfield , Edward Bi- hvingstandards of our great la- Joseph C. Nettleton, Ralph J. control general alarm fire at B. bly; Freeholders. OScar Moore. ben, HI-Nella. .: bar force, to. lnove forward to Kmiec, Edward F.Menneti, and Goodman & Son Feed and Grain and Joseph M. Sandone and ~so, Carl C .. Caldwell, Laurel new social galDS. Joseph A. Williams, candidates Company, on New Broadway, in Frank A. Abbott, for. Freeholder; Spnngs;Francls J. Scott,. Mag- "At, the county level we shall for Assembly; Patrick To' Corbett, Brooklawn, N. J., on April 8. Coroner Howard W. Creran and nolia; J. Weer Chew, Merchant- move resolutely to lift this area AJ.pert J. Oarino and James W.

Jules Schaffhauser, for Coroner, ville;Euge~e Rayz.nond, ·m, by its bootstraps, providing le\td- McCracken, for Freeholders; Dr. and Alexander Feinberg and Mrs. Pennsauk~ Town(IDip; . Robert ership and planning so sorely Burton K. -Weiser and Thomas E.

Brooklawn firemen were joined Cecelia L. Jackson, for State B. Garn.son, .R~nnelIl.ede; R: missed during the past two Casey, Jr., for Coroners; and by 8 fire companies from sur- Committee. Scott ~th, TaVlStock; Geo~ge decades. Anthony F. Marino and Rose D. rou~ng communities last Sa:tur- . Feinberg, State Committeeman, J. Kayatl, .. Waterford TO~p; "Roads must be improved, re- Ricciardi for State Committee. day m .lI:n attempt to contam a will preside at the ralry and in- and Reuben D. Heggan, WInslow paired; widened and safety-fir~ . which . threatened several troduce Hughes. All of the can- To.wnship. treated with white lines .in cen- , • buildmgs on New Broadway. didates are serving on the ar-' ter and on shoulders. Warning School Band To EntertalD

The fire broke/oUt shortay after rangements committee. Harry. C. Sharp School PTA li~hts are need~ at cross-county Davis PTA 11 A.M. at the B. Goodman and Hu hes the art's standard . '. . . '.' . . higl;1way~. Publi.c transport routes Son Feed and Grain CO., New 'OOare~ U; the Iprit 18 primary' Parents of preschool' children must crlSS-cross our coubunty for On April 20, at 8 P.M., there Broadway. Within a half hour, election, is a former Superior are ur~ to ~ttend a Parent th~se who prefer to use ses or will be a short business meeting the fire destroyed the one-story, Court Judge. He resigned from EducatIOn meeting of the Harry trams. of the Henry H.Davis PTA and frame storage aoo warenouse the bench in 1957 to resume the C. Sharp ~chool Parent Teach~ "There is vast room for im- it will be followed by nomlna-room and spread to the oifice of practice of law. Association on Wed?-esdaY, APr.ll provement at Lakeland and in tion of officers. The school band' the company. . - .' 19, at 1:30 ·P.M., m the audi- the operation of our other insti- will .entertain under the direc-

Several small buildings at the rear of the ):nain building were !Uso destroyed. The office is brick.

Tlle fire spread to the front of the . building and toppled a high tension wire· which knockect·· out all telephone: service on one· side of the street.:

One of the owners, Charles Goodman, theorized that the fire started when a paSSlng autots't flicked away a cigaret and Jt blew inside the flrst building.

The feed company is located in the center of the municipality.

Prior to his elevation to the torium. Mrs." Robert Harrigan, tutions. Too lorig we have shirked tion of Mr. Anthony Ciccarellt SUpierior Court, ~ughes served as chairman, has announced a pub- humane considerations, neglect- Mr. Rykaczewski will lead the a County Court Judge and as an lic discussion will follow the ing the health, comfort and wel- seventh grade children in sing­assistant United State~ Attorney ~oWingof a fiII.n entitled "Gm- fore of our citizenry: Do our peo- ing "Come To The Fair" to pub­for NeW Jersey. A natIve of New tmg Your .Chlld Ready Fa!' .ple realize Camden of oruy licize our coming attraction THE Jersey, he was graduated. fro~ School." , ...• two counties iJ;l the. whole state COUNTRY FAIR, to be' held Rutger,s IA1,w School and llves m ~e names. of Mrs. Myrtle I::S. that do not avail themselves of April 29. Trenton. J;..ewls,a fourth grade teacher, the coopreative plan of matching

and Miss Birgitte,prillcipal,were fUnds for adequate mosquito

Easy To Get

"I won't get ma.iTied until I find a girl like the one who married grandpa."

"Huh! They don't make women like that today."

"That's funny. Grandpa only married her' yesterday."

erroneously omitted from our control? .. Pity the TeaCher Parent Teacher Association meet- "T~e is so much to be done As the class had been told to ing program in the April 6 ed1~ for the development. of our coun:- write an essl\oy on Lincoln - one tion. . ty and' the improvement of its of the pupils wrote - "Abraham

facilities. A uniform school- Lincoln was born on' a bright One of the easiest things to health program must be devel:- summer day, the 12th of Feb­

do is to start an argument and oped, with a standard, modern ruary, 1800. He was born in a log one of the hardest· things to do and enforceable code that ex- cabin that he had helped his is to stop one; pands the role of the family phy- father to build."

-_.------- -------- .----.-------------.-.~--.---- ---------.:......-~----~------~-~-.--.- ---------- .. ---- ~-.~-,~" ............ ~, .. 1, ..... __ .. · •. ' .... ""'1IlIioI-~'1ii11' _alil&' ____ .·.·.' .5ii1".' •• . - ; Tn TI


"Mr."S,ortsman of The Camden Times ESTABLISHED 18~

Name It and We Can Do It rine Offic~r finds she is, in .effeCt, Name it and we can do it _ entl;l~ng two careers. qne as a

'. ... . is the theme of American women ~a:me. and the ~ecoilid as a spe-.. 1,81" D..inner.. today, as indicated by their role Cl~lSt .m the asslgnmen:t ~he re-

:> in the military service of our celves m the Corps .. Women Offi-'"'One of:tai;e la~geSt.Jocal :.gath- , . . cers serve not only In the super-

Published Every 'Thursd~y omce: 3514-16 West1leldAvenue . C~l!lN5,·N'J.

Phone . WOodlawn ··3-0353 :*rings of-~por,~;figul'es:;~ver to cO:~~~ung .to Captain Duncan vision of W0!llen M.arine, but in ~embleJmder.':QXle ~ofWilLtake D. Chaplin, local Inspector~ g~ner~l adml~~stratIOn aerology,

. ..... . place at the . Haw.aultIl Cottage, Instructor United states Marine hlstoncal ":Vntmg, law, recrea-.PUB~ISHE~ AND :EDITOR ............................. : ... ~INCOLN H. MARRYOTT DelQ,ware. ?l~\VIlSl?P':?1J :~lUrs- Corps ~erve, the position .of. tional ~~rVlces and many other ASSOCIATEEDITOR ........................................ .JOHNJ. TlSCHNER, SR. day everung,.Apn120,:wlien the Women Officers in the United occupatlOnal fields. SOCIAL EDITOR ....................................................... ANNETTA PYE New Jers~ Spo~s Alllance .. will States Marine Corps is well A limited number of college ADVERTISING AND CI.RCULATION MANAGER ........................ L. 'J. MARRYOTT name Nell ;:D~;han .. as Mr. established. women are currently being· con-

~m Sportsman of'j19Ql." . During the" 18-year existence sidered for the Marine Corps ':'Jim~r' :~~rr~", of ,Uaddon of Women Marines, their role Woman O~cer Training C~ass.

The CAMDEN TI M ES is a LEGAL NEWSPAPER for. the publication : of:legal ~e~hM'· and ."Lol1 . M.'~~f.~lane, has been recognized and care- The course lB offered to juruors, Notice: of the City, County and State. . '.. . "bf"C:amden,dlnner ~lrman ~d fully defined by the Congress. seniors and graduates o~ all. ~c-

Re-entered as Second·Class Matter August 22: 1908. at post Office at c;a~den, J?~esldentc of th,e·.Alh:ance, saId The Woman Marine who was credited colleges and uruverSltles. ,N.J., underAct of March,1879. ..' w.em,bers of ,tl?:e :~I>0rtiIll?;i,:frltter- called in first to "free a Marine Upon completion. of the 12 weeks

'. - "I am not bo.undto win; but I am.bound to be true; I, am not .u~ce.ed, rutY5l1l~ as,J~,~E)y,JOE;- W:a~co,tt, to Fight" has also proved herself training course gIven at the ~a­·but I am bound to live up to what light I. have. I will .stand with anybody w,ho ,JoseppChubbY,,;f:lta:t:l'ord, Har- as a valuable member of the 'rine Corps Schools, QuantICO, 'stands right, keep with him while he is right, and part with him when he is wrong." old. J:ohru;oll' "MAck~" Wf!,lker, peacetime team Virginia, these young women are ~ Abraham Lincoln. . . . .' ';1;'ete" _<Lat~, .'. "Lew" Tendle;r, Because of th~ relatively small commissioned as ~econd Lieuten-

.'. ;, .... ·R· E' H'I' GH' W·· IY ·.FATALI·TIE.S AVOI"D.A··8· ·L'EA.•. membe~s Qf .. "theEagles .fopti;)all number of Women Officers in the .anJ;s in the Ma~ne Corps l'!-e-• team, , mcluding Bobby Wa.lsto:p., Marine Corps their jobs are serve and are assIgned to actIve . . '. . , '. Peter Retzlaff!, Bob Pell~gr:ini, eSpecially dive~sified. The college duty. at Marine Corps P.ostB and

'. . .. ., qhuckBe'dllarlk., !1p.!i SCQl'es of g~ir~I,~W~h~o~beC~o~m~es~~a_w~o~m~an~.~.::Ma::::.::-~s::ta=t=lo::ns=-..::th::r:.,:o..::u::;:gh_O_u_t_th.'-e--::-w_o_r_ld_._ You can pIck up a 'newspaper anywhere' in the United' States, other . well~kIlQwn personalities ~ . . any day in the week,andyou will read about fatal highwayacCi- ~~ ~por:ts:wQuld DEMOCR'ATS'

.dents.:Theaccidents you read about will be mostly local, unless thebe presen~" . ... .. " ;victims are of wide importance and even the local deaths Will get .. Frclj.PkM, . Lario, af\,toa§t-small 'space unless the people are especially prominent; .. . ' master, will r-eviewDeighan's T d

In a l'ecent.studyof drivers involved in fataI highway a.cci- sporthistory.which .. b~gani:p.the Vote Column 5 ues ay ~ dents, bighway officials found that onlY,a very small percent. grade~chOO!ls,in' Oamclen, and .' .

served .time in jail and not all involved paid fines. And, inanyof cauied him torenown.i:p.pasket- K' d the·drivers were not penalized by the courts in any way. .. ball an.d 'baseba1l, not only.10- 5 port Prese.dent enne Y

In regard to many of the highway fatafities, the public takes cally but in the :AIneriC!1n4sS0-'UP.'· . .. . the:view that they are the result of· the hazards of therqe.d. While ci!!otionas !1;m,em.ber:.of the LQuis- . 'e

' basis for such a conclusion, in regard to some accidents, ville:.C1ub;~and.theNorfolk Club and he.s New Frontier . the fact is that many are caused byfiillure to follow regl.Jlations set of the Vil'giI).ia;League. Neil ,also up for bighway safety. ~ played with.-:-.the Madiso:p.yUle

The time to avoid many fatal accidents is before they occur. team, of .the· Kitty Les.gue and ,Afterwards, it is too late to do the victims any good. later,.lIlanaged that,.clul:) .. :to a

. pennant ,win; .. " .' . .

'ON FAM'ILY LIVING .RIilt;irlJ.}g'from.a,ctive oortic~pa-tion in .l929be'.,has continued to \ ..' . kee~ ... in close touch wit;hgll;mes : ,One of the amazing facts of modern·life is the failure of many and. plaYers, the , people-men, women and even children - to . take a personalin~' an~the ~ters,culm,~atl:p.g terestin development of a happy, safe and intelligent family. . thlB. month WIth his selectIOn. as ; Men who are wizards· in the business world often makemisei'.. "Mr. Sportsman of'196l."

---. abl!1 failures as husbands and fathers. Mothers, who are attractive ~"-";"-,---in looks and intelligent in activities, also often fail dismaUy in .. making their homes dUPlicate these attributes. Children who amazeBo,Scouts Collect. strangers by their good qualities rarely eXhibit these' virtues' wheil' .' • ." within the family. circle. . '. 20,000 Goodwill lags

~et us make it plain that we are not taJIting about dissolute, . '. ,,;. .. ,.;...., . proflIgate or worthless people. We are referring to the' people who Over 20,000 bags . of '. clotbing are considered the backbone of local SOCiety and the pace-setters of werecQIlected by the Boy Scouts .local affairs in the communities. . '. durmgtheir recent "Good Turn

There will be some people who' read this and' realize that theii" Day" drive :.for Goodwill·. Indus­familY, as a social unit, is happy, hannonious, cooper!1tive and tries, according' to. Jas. D., Fraser, eminently successful by any standard. Their families are to be Goodwill's Executive . Director. admired. Whether they kI).oW it or not, they are Ii great deal more' Fr ..... 'd "nlatthiS material fortunate than. many others. .,' ase1', saa ." .. "

There will be other men and women who will instantly!admit WlUsupply. GoodwiUs: seventy to ~emselves .that ~he~ own ho~e life ailid. its development, of' handicllopped :iw~rkersd Wlth .~-admrrable family tra).ts lB. not. as It might have been or coUld' be. PlQyment,~a ~~g,~n .' wages, or the reason? '. , m,a,ny In,Qnths.: Wlth911t the

Boiled down, let's call it plain selfishness; and then think tlie h~p of the ;I;loyscouts,:ef problems through on tbis basis. The solution of many a family Balc;l,' we~ou,ld,ha~e. to· tie­feud an<;l th~ end Of. m~llY a bloody battle will be the result, of ~lly curtaIl the t~~Ull~ .pr()gr~ such solId, Slncere tbinkmg,and a detennination to dosomethin .. m o~work$op .. ThlS IS Whic? about it. . , .. consists of reston:ng ·.all . -eontJ:i~

Stamp Out Bossism ••• Bring Progress to the Party -• •



Column & of Ihe Voting Machine Primary Ellction Day

TuesdaYJ'Apdl 18, 1961.







butions. . (Vote for Four) IENNET'I


~ ~. ' .. ~. ~ ..

"When you care enougb. to send the very best"


3514·16 Westfield Ave.

Wages 'for .. their' han~pped . elilploy~ C!1na.ls1'l .be affectedi John'C. Nettleton, 016,

Dies in Merchantville

fo~they 3te.clerived .from 'the sales. of the:nnlshedprpdticts in ;,;;.;;-...;..;.-...;...--...;..;.­OI).e ofGQoclWill~ budget stores.,

John. G~ Nettletop.,. 76; .·died .. Fraser .•. stated, "'Th~tWi~out 1B:Bt Thursday in his ho~, 107 the help .of the many lOcal' truck'; Lmderman ave.," MerchaIitvUi.&. ing firms and the Truck ·DriverS He was a retired sillesman' for & Helpers' Union,Local No. 676, the Hurley stdre and a member the drive would not be possible.': of Camden Counllil .439,K.of C., TruCkS ·belongirtg to T-ose; 'Inc.; and· Court . Pride Of StOCkton 15, MQOrt)~s TmckiJ)g, Moon Carrier; Forestt:rs of America. .... . ' st. J9hnsbury'Express, andRan4

. SurvIVing are his wife, Hlir~Expl!es~. broUght. aU . rle't; two sonoS, Joseph C., of froDl numerous collection.centers Camden, and John. W., of Abse.; thioUghout.Camden County to con; a daughter,' Mr!l. Harry GoOdwiU~s 'workshop iIi. Ca:nidim. Headly, of Mount Royal; a The.union soliCited.~he truck. brother, William, of Camc:ten; two ingfirms for their assistance in sisters, Mrs. Agnes McCracken, this suecessfuldrive. .


(Vote for .Three)


(Vote fo~ Two) of Camden, and Mrs. Walter' ' ... Peel, of NewbUrgh,N.·Y.; seven ,,'ADY.&RTISEMENT Male Membet

.::~~~=:tandtwOgreat-Zell.Great fai'.. . State'Colilmittee . Mr. Nettleton for. mJtnY. years . . ....., .... ,.., ..... " (Vote fOl: One)

resided in the·Z700 blocto(CaJ."- 'M-' .' 'r' .. ' '8u' " '·'I·S·· ... CU· Is" -:--=F;...:.emal~e.:.M.;.-e-m-i-1Ii~r­man st., East Camden, before •... II ',. .' ,'...... .' State Committee moving to Mer~hantvil1e~ . .'~' ZemO, • a doctor's fonnulat liqUid (Vote for One)









RICCIARDI Funeral servJ.ces were held orointinent,' soothes, helps heal

Monday from a Pennsaukenfu- minor burns, cuts, bruises. Fa,mUy neral home. ReqUiem High Mass rashantisePtic,_ e~ ... ~~ of ~1ece was oolebrated- at 9'30 A.M' .' ell, eczema, teeil-age~p s,

. '." In athlete's foot. Stops$Cl'a '., so St. Peter's Church, Merchant- aids faster healing.' For stub om

V,oteFor Young, Vigorous, Quali'fied Candidates


ville. Burial was in st. Mary's cases, . get Enra. ~trength Zemo. Cemetery, Belmawr, N. J. Vote Column &

Paid for QY Nicholas A. Lacovara, Campaign Mgr.


K. of C •. MellIbers.To d'a Retreat',

By: JAMES T:nUFFIErD" Members6f Immaculate Don­

ception Council 3512, ~ghtsof By JOBN J. TISOIIND, SB. Columbus. East C:amdeIi;wm' at­

tend a R.etrOOtat 'St. Pius X Retreat. 1I0use,B1ackWQQd, . on

Soon Time To residing at Cape May, also oper- Friday, April 14. Dominic Ca­ated. in the ruso, Retre.atGa~tllln. announced

Change Clocks andoparated trucks for hauling the motorcade will reave st. Jo-It won't be long now before contracts . . . a great many seph's Church parkiDg lot at 6:00 , .' it will be time to change Philadelphia residents also used P.M.

to Daylight Saving Time . . . the ferry boats, which were really "A Night in Italy," honoring Sunday, April 30 '. when you a small steamboat ... to come Past Grand Knight Carmine will be asked to set your clocks to Hoosey's Park . . . located Di Pompo, will be sponsored by one hour ahead . . . to last at 27th st. and Harrison ave., the C?uncil and Coluinbiettes, until next October. where . there 'was danc1I!g on women s unit. on Saturday ,

. Saturday nights ... theooats 15, beginniilg at 9:00P.M. Prayer Holds Good For All as a whole were Well patronized At the Council meeting on

With the whole world in a tur- . . . the Delaware River ... Monday, April 17, Thomas .F'itz­moil, .with revolutions and near which had deep water between gerald, Lecturer, announces the

Petty's Island and the North guest speaker will be William wars, the follQwing prayer is Cramer Hill shore • . . has Pascoe, Muni~ipal Judge of Dela-good today for all. Here it is: . ware Townshi All be "Lord make me an instrument of greatly filled lIP, causing shallow 'po mem rs are water. urged to att.end.

Thy Peace! -----'-Where there is hatr~d . . . let More Squeeze on

,me sow love. '. Where there is injury . . . P 0

pardon; roperty wners Where there is doubt ... faith; Playing for votes . . . it is Where there is despair . . . planned to· "put the' squeeze" on

hope; 0 f ert h"sh to Where there is sadness .. joy! wners 0 ~rop y w 0 Wl o Divine Master, grant that I sell . . . to sell that property,

· may not so much seek anyone, no matter what the con-To be consoled . . . as to con- sequences. to have the

sole' State LegIslature pass a measure To ,be~nderstood . . . as to to take awa~ the ~ights of pri-

understand' vate owners m sellmg. the prop-T be 1 ed , to 1 erty . . . by adding the' so-

o ov .,. as ove, lIed' 1 b' .' act to i 1 d For ca. raC18 1M , nc u e It i in giving ... that we re- pnvate .pro~erty 0~ll6rl? . '.'

sceive' the actIOn IS playmg mto the It is in pardoning . that we ha~ds of the Comm~ . . .

are pardoned; to mcr~ase bad feeling between It is in dying. . . that we are th~ whIte and col?red races . . .

born. to eternal life." WhICh even~ually 15 going to lead -A prayer by st. Francis to tr~uble In the country

of Assisi It's tIme to call a halt on the .1' . .'. • . action of "Puddle JJlDlping" poli-

Do Vou Remember,'l . :!~~ng to ge~~~~il~ .s~:ri~ Some~e;:u"S ago ... there was your state Senator or Assenibly­

a grove along. the Delawat~ man . . . and ask them to 'River at the foOt Of. Nb1"t!~ 29th pose . . . any lI10re of. such st., in the Cramer Hill section of tactics . . . before it is too late East Camden, where camp meet- . . . or eventually we may have

· iUgs were held.. . . and on Sun- the civil war all over again. days . a. group froIl). a colored . church in Philadelphia '. . . heldbaptisin of .. their conve IIDIET AUTO along the shores of the Delaware . ' River . . . followed by camp ,

~s~~e!:r~~~ big ire~ s~~ RACES SCHEDULED ca~ght fish in the river at'that AT UIIRORIE · POI~ '. . . . .When the nets were hlluled in residents· would be on

.hp,Ud to~y shad fish ... and Langhorne, Pa. _ Twenty-four al~ herrmg fish . . ~ the latter of the top-flight midget auto being sold as low as a dozen for drivers in the nation will go' to 25 cents . . . a long wharf ex- j;he post in the lOG-mile National tended out to deep water, from championship. midget auto clas-' which ferry boats landed and sic, scheduled for. the· i.a.nghorne broug~t passengers from Phila- Speedway,, April 30. delphIa .. , The 0'. S. G~vern- The 1961 curtain-raiser, at the ,ment had also just put m use 'HQ1"I1e, Will mark. the first ap­a dynamite cruiser . . . the; pearance of the popuIllr midget was deep water between Pettys auto division around the circular I~and and the North CraI?Etr mile since 1958 Th A '1 30' Hill shore . . . and the crUIser.' .. e pn would anchor opposite the old tItle race Wlll be one of only Pavonia Water Works, at the three major cla~i.Cl!' listed. for

. foot of North 25th st. .' . ; and the small car diVISIon, natlOn~ for the long shells up tl1.e river ally, throughout the 1961 cam-

it proved a sort. of annoy~ Pllign. .. ance to the fishermen as some Co-promoters Irv FrIed and AI of the' shells landed wha"e the Q:erber, of the Lang~rne Speed­'fishermen cast their nets and way, have the sanctIon and sup­they would get caught and torn. po:t or the American, Racing . , . The small ferry boats were Drl~ers C~ub (AROO) for. the operated between the wharf at NatIonal title race. In a:<iciltion, 29th st., North Cramer Hill, to the local promoters Will also Penn Treaty Park, Philadelphia, dra:w on the resources of the and many people took the ride Umted States Auto Club n. JSJ\C) for pleasure in the'summer time and the. great tal~n~ ProVlI:\E!C;i by . . . one of the boats was oper- ~hat racmg assoclat~on. A. work­ated by Morgan & Son. . . mg agreement . eX15tsbetween

,who also had a boat yard at the ARne a.nd USAC, considered to .. foot of North 25th st., and oper:.. b:Btru;two top racing oi"ga,ni~­

ated several boats . . . as. did tions In the spe!edway sport. the Peter Hagan & sOns The Langhorne promoters pre­August Oswald Jr. a f~r~ei- dict a field of better than forty-­East Camden r~sid~t and con- five ~or. the N~tional title claSSic. tractor who resided at 29th and Quahfym,g, to determihe Buren ave. also operated a boat the starting field of twenty-four, to take m~n to the Cramp ship- will. be staged ~~telY .p;",­yards . . . Oswald, who now IS ceding the 100-mlle title grInd

on Apr.iJ. 30.

Hainy J. AnsHnger, Chief of UiS. Narcotics Bureau: ":'., .'.: "But we must not relax;,"rtiueh

remains to be done insta;rnping out the drug tramc." .... \ "

Gas heat is is so clean that you" will find big " savings in. cleaning :bHls -your housework vJiII be . lightened. A unn in­stalled in your furnace might be all that you need to enjoy quiet, de­pendable,' economical gas .heat.·

Prompt, efficient service ORgas burning part~ and controls of. yOUJ gas heating, equipment is given, 'wit~out;· charge; by Public Service •

Call Publi.c ServIce, Dr your plumbing contractir; orgas heatilig installer, to gett, the facts on the.adYaI-·· tages of las fill' heating; and atreesuryey of your home.


Mitchell will ease farm burdens

, N. J. farmers carry a heavy property tax. burden. . One way to relieve this burden, without imposing new taxes, is to provide new sources of tax :te.venue •. This Mitchell will do, by bringing in new industry and expanding present plants. If:you want fliir play for the farmer, pick a big man ior:tibigjob.' In. the Republican primary,

::ApjaH18· Vote James P. Mitchell


'DlDI.lliate Reli.f! .

tJ.ew 'ckqpa. 01 OUTGR04Il bring biesaed

.o~~~~o:..'=:"tb"~.; nail,. allows tIia nail to be eat and thus pre­vema.furtherpain and cIIaeomfC!l't. OUTGRO

,I Is available at all d .... eoanterB.

Relieve aches and pains of colds with STANBACK Tablets or Powders. Also use as gargle for sore throat due to colds. STANBACK'S S. A. (Synergistic' Action) reduces fever, brings faster, more complete relief. Remember ... Snap back with STANBACK!

Freedom of speech is a valua- As we have said' before, trad­ble posseSsion of every mi'n but ing at home is'one way to keep it is a foolish individual who some money circulating here in speaks too freely. Camden.



Set the Thermostat ••• and the Job Is Done!


Up To 5 Vears To Pay No Money Down

First Paymenf in September

Phone: Day-Nile WO 4-6102


Magnolia Avenue Off Pa,rk Boulevard

Camden, N. J.

, I


Mother's Day Gift "By Thermos®"

;~iS Mother's ,Day surprise her with a gift ~he'l1 appreci~te the year round-the new "Thermos" brand Pltcher Set Wlth tray and covered c,!p hold~r. When Mother a~akens, her favorite beverage 'wlll be rIght at her finger tips for her leisurely enjoyment in bed. Available in decorator colors of pink, blue, brown or gray with. wh~te lid and ba~e. tp.e .ha~d. ~ome plastic pitcher keeps liqUIds Iced or steammg m Its. m­terior of durable Stronglas (T.M.). It can be filled the mgbdt before, placed on its matching. tray at Mother's bed~ide an will keep any beverage at the rIght temperature all mght.

The. complete set including 20-ounce· capacity pitcher, cup «:over, and tray sells ~or ·about $9.95 at neighborhood stores.

--WOodlawn 3-3217


Rags-Scrap Iroll-Paper Stock Heaters.- Pipe -Metal

2194 FEDERAL STREET Office:· 32 Marlton A venue

c:·::,::ot::.::.::.:: .. ::.:: .. ::.:~.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.: :·::·::,,::·:: .. ::·::·::·::·::·::·::·:: .. :: .. ::·:: .. ::·:t::.:: .. ::.::'.


SINCE 1907

711 N. 27th Street, Camden Phone WOodlawn 3-0007

»~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~ :~: :.: :.::.: :.: :.: :.:-:;: :.: :.: :.: :.: }f!.::.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.:-~: i·: Great for Children . . .


Vitamin D Milk SERVED BY THE

MJllside Farms u. S Highway 130, Riverside

Phone HO 1-0046 or Drop a Postal Card

Distributors of Golden Guernsey Milk







EMerson 5-1994 . "" ........

HARRY LEONARD Funeral Director

Funeral Home - 2850 Federal St. Phone WOodlawn 3-2569



,'thing makes a child t. ( than going to bed, it's imowing that you've gone to bed too."

Happy Life Life was· a Int more relaxed

when we heard more abnut the cnnga and less about the CongO'.

- The Chicago Tribune



S~~ Fr°'iheBi&~ If ye loved me, ye would

have rejoiced, because I go unto the Father; for the Father is greater than 1.

-(John 14:28). On this Good Friday, let

your soul be lifted by the re­membrance of the assurances of Jesus, by the knowledge that the Father'.s love is infi­niteand unfailing

















ANO SHE'S GfjOlf% TO j!:~ Y. TOO!



Men and Women Needed Work in Civil Service

No experience necessary, gram­mar school education usually sufficient. Train now for perma,. nent jobs with security. Send name, address, phone number to:


Box C-10 Camden. Times


Call us for Prompt and Courteous' Service

A & D REALTY 1724 Federal SI; WO 6-2683

Daily 9~9. Sat. 9-5. Sun. 10-3.


BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECU­nON, to medire~ted, issued out of the Supe,rior Court of New Jersey, Chancery Divisio'n, Camden County, Docket No. F-1599-60. Will be sold at Public Ven­due o.n


at 2 o'clock, Local Time, in the ';ofter­noon of said day, at the Sheriff's Office in the Court House, in the City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey:

All the following tract or parcel of land and the premises herein.after par­ticula,rly described, situate, lying and be­ing in the City of Camden, in the County ~f C.mden and State of New Jersey:

Beginning at a point in the North­easterly line of Cambridge Street, at the distance of One Hundred eighty feet Northwestwardly from the Northwesterly corner of Cambridge Street and Wayne Avenue, formerly called Third Street, and thence extending Northwestwardly in said Northeasterly line Twenty feet in front or width and having a depth North­eastwardly of that same width between parallel lines at right angles with Cam­bridge Street OnlO Hundred feet.

Being Lot No. 21, in Block M, as num­bered on a Map or Plan Pavonia, on file in the Register of Deeds Office of Camden County. ,

Beling known as No. 1122 Cambridge Street,Camden, New Jersey.

The app.rcximate amount of the Judg­ment sought to 'be satisfied by this sale is $6,336,99.

The right to adjourn this sale is spe­cifically reserved by ·the undersigned;

Seized as the property of Dominko Simio'ne, et .UX, et al , _ taken in execution at the suit· of First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Philadelphia, etc., and to be sold by

MARTlN SEGAL, Sheriff.

BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECIJ­TlON, to· me directed, issued out of the Superior Court of New Jersey, Chancery Divisio,n, Camden County, Docket No. F-1297-60_ Will be sold 'It Public Ven-d~ ~ ,

VIRTUE OF .i,a;,2NRIT OF EXECIJ-to me direCt~; issued out of the

Court of llielVi, Jersey, Chaneery Camden Courity, Docket No. Will be sold at Public Ven-

due on



~I.etters to the Editor •••

at 2 o'clock, Local Time, in the after- at.2 o'clock, LocafJ:irine,ln the after-I,=:;::::==================::;:============ noon of said day, .at the Sheriff's Office nOOI\· of said day, at the Sheriff's Office in the Court House, inl the City and In'·the Court Hous., In. the City.and. . ·.····.,'.·o··t.·.e For New··.······F· ront,·e· rs ber of terms in those offices. In County of Camden and State of County of Camden and State ofNe'w Jersey: ' Jersey: addition, 'they have refused to

All that tract or parcel of land,situate, All that. certain lot, tractor parcel of I wisl:':l to advise .all of my give up their County Committee lying and being in the City of Camden, land and .. premises, situate, lying ,and f' d P t th hf·l d to in the County of Camden, in the State being In ,the City of Camden, in the nen s and the rank and file of os s; . ey ave al e recog-of New Jersey; with the buildings and County oI. C"mden, in the St"te of New the Democratic Party in Cam- nize the age-worn adage that improvements thereon erected: Jersey, bounded and describet./ as follo)"s: den City and Camden, County "Youth Must Be Served;' and the

Beginn,ing at a point in the Westerly Beqlnning at a point in' the North- that I am going to'VO'. tefor and. record speaks for itself. line of Patton Street distant one hundred easterly line. of Greenwood avenue dis- . ninety-five feet· Southwardly from the tant 295.42 feet Southeanardly from th... JOs. C. Nettleton, Ralph 5. The stockhoLders of the Southwesterly corner of Patton and Fair- Southeasterly line of •. Euc,lid Avenue, Edward Me:ru1~ti and Jos. Democratic Party in Camden vhiw Streets, said point being in the ex- point being in the middle lin. of a party Williams for the General As- City and County, which happens tended middle line of party Wall between wall between premises #1534 and 1536 bl' th··l P premises No.. 2417 and 2419 Patton Greenwooej Avenue, and extending; thence sem y m e.Apn 18, 1961, ri- to be you, the rank and file of Street; thence South one degree,no min- (I) Southeastwardly along the North- mary Election. t am also 'going the Democratic Party, have utes, thirty-one seconds West, along the easterly line 01 Greenwood Avenue 26.42 to vote for and support Patrick "been sold down the river" by Westerly line of Patton Street, twenty feet toa point; thence (2) N.orth~ast- T. Corbett, Albert J. Carino and the so-called leadership of the feet in front or width to a point in the wardly at right'anglestoiGreenwood Ave' extended middle lifJ8.9 .. f party wall be- lIue· 80 feet toa. P(QintJn the North- W. McCraclten for Free- now defunct Regular Democratic

- N 2419 d 2421 line of aIO'fC>otwide driveway; and also Dr.;,n ... ,urto· n and.· .. , Or· ganlZ' a·tion. tween premISes •.. os ... 'an N th··~-L... dl I h ~ Street; thence North eighty-eight degrees, . or "'P'.war . ya ong ; t. e Casey for Coroners. In 6. The· leade'rs of the d""'unct fifty-nine minutes, twenty-nine seconds I North""ot."I. line ·of said 'driveway 26.42 . t t ,,~ West, betweenparalleillne5 of that front to a point in the. extended middle I am gomg. 0 suPP?r Regular, Democratic Organiza-or width at right angles to Patton Street ot first·mentioned party wall; thence vo,te fOrA'Ilph~ny !", Manno tion have remained in power and thro~g'h the middle line of s.aid party (4) South)"Bstwardly along thii. middle and Reise D .• RlCClardl as male over· a long pe. rl'od .of years vI·a line of, ffrst men.tioned party wall and walls and along their extensions, ninety- the extension thereof at right angles to and female~embers ,on the discrimination against any merp.­five feet in length or depth. . ,GreenwoGd ·Avenue 80 feet toa point in State De. m ... ocratlc. Co.mmlttee. In ber possessed Wl·th the l·ntestl-n·al

.Bei'ng Lot #48 on Survey of Properties th N th t I I' f G d A in the 14th Ward,· City of. Camden for nut a~d ;~c:r ~f ~:g~nin~~enwoo ve- ~hort, I am gomg. to v<?.te a~d fortitud~ to speak out against Joseph J. Kelly made by Reeder and Being premises known as #1536 Green- support ,every candId_ate liste~ m the . leadership. Good examples Magarity, Professional Engineers, dated wood Avenue. Colu~ 5 o~ the Votmg Ma?hme, are the cases of myself, Patrick May 24, 1956. And 'being known as No. Together with the, followln9 removable and lllC.ludmg the .CaDI, didates T .. 'Corbett and a number of oth-2419 Patton Street. items: ~O" rallge, 8· al comb ssls t ... _-

The approximate amount of the. Judg- windows, ssls drs. seeking county comml """ posts ers that have suffered due to ment sought to besalisfied by this sale Th. amo.untofthe.Judg- on the NEW FRONTIER DEMO- discrimination on the part of the Is $9,974.56. , be satisfled by this sale CR .. ,A. TIC, ORG. ANIZATION in leade··rs· hl'p of the Regular Demo-

The right to adjourn this sale is cifically reserved by the undersigned. to adjourn this sale is spe- q~Tden Count.y. cratic Organization_

Seized as the property· of Michael R. reserv.ed by the undersigned·:Records. ,will verify that for There ar'e···l:nany other thl-ngS Lamen,to, et ux, taken in execution at. the as. the. property of Ira Hutton et '" suit of Greater Delaware Valley Savings ux taken in execution at the suit ·01 South the past lIve years I have been' that I am in position to mention, & Loan Association, a corporation of the Jersey Mortgage Co., a corporation of an Independent Democ.r~t. I have which would require a lot of ~~~~~n~;alth of Pennsylvania, qnd to ~ye State of New Jersey, and to b,e .sold been an outspoken. CrItlc of .the space, and I am only citing the

MARTIN SEGAL, , Sheriff.

Thomas J. Shusted i Att'y; Dated: March ~O, 1961. Pt'rs fee (30, 6, 13, 20)

Finn,aild Rimm, AIi'ys, Dahld:March 23, 1961;·'

(C-T) (23, 3D, 2, 9)


Camden, N.J., April 10, 1961 Estate of SAMIJEL C. LEVIN, deceased,

Pursuant to the order of JOHN T. BEAL, 'Surrogate 01 the County of Camden, this day made, on the application of the undersigned Rubin Levin a/kJa Rube Levi'n 'altd Louis Meyerson a/kJa Lewis Myerson, Executors of said deceased. notice is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased, to exhiibit to the sub­scribers, under oath or affirmaHon, their claims and demainds' against the estate, of said de:ceased, within six months from this date, or they .will be forever barred from prosecuting or. recovering the same against the subscribers.

Rubin Levin a/k/a Rube Levin, and

Louis Meyerson alkla Lewis . Myerson, 'Executors.

Aiken and Lake, Attorneys.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Camden, N. J., .March 28, 1961

Estate of FRANK WANDEL, deceased. Pursuant to .the order of JOHN T. BEAL,

Surrogate of the County of Camden, this daY made, on the applicatmn of the un,­dersigned Camden Trust Company, Execu­tor of said deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased, to exhibit to the subscriber, under oath or affirmation, their claims and demands against the estate of said deceased,. with­in six months from this dale, or they will be fOrever barred from prosecuting or recovering the same against the subscriber.

Camden Trust Company, . Executor.

David F_ Greenberg,' Attorney. (3~, 6, 13, 20) (C-T)

~egu~ar.. De~ocratlc, Org~mz!j.- major reasons as 'to Why I am tlon ,m . .practlCaly ~very. Pl'm:~ary going to support thE! candidates and General Election held smce in Column 5 and am going to March 1956. It was, just two y~rs vote against those oftheRegu-

that I served .as·the CIty J. ,.....,. .. - ti f the Independent lat"' DemocratlC Orgamza on_ Democrats ~at opposed the Reg- I wiSh: to conclude by soliciti~g ular Organization undertheban- an? askm.g all of my De~ocratlc ner of "Regufar· Democrats. For Fnends m Camden CIty. and Democratic PartyPriI:lCiples." Camden County to be certam to

, go to the polls on April 18 and The issues in thIs campaign vote for the entire slate of the

thlillosame as they have been NEW FRONTIER candidates a long period of time. It is listed in Column 5. You will bE!

this point that I shall enu- voting for yourself, you will be merate' the major issues. doing your part to save what is

1. The of the ~eg- left of the Democratic Party in ular Democratic Organization, Camden County, you will pro­which has passed "ad defunc- vide what I term as giving the torium," were selected by. a half Democratic Party a blood trans­doze'll members of the Demo- fusion, and you will place a num­cratic Party. ber of chronic public office hold-

Charles L. Rudd, Att'y_ Dated: April 13, 1961. (13, 20, 27, 4)

Ptr's fe" $28.05 (13, 20, 27, 4) , (C-T)



Camden; N. J., March 16, 1961 Estate of Mary E. Perna, deceased.

Pursuant to the Of'der of JOHN T. BEAL, Surrogate of the County of Camden, this day made, on the application of the undersigned Dominic A. Pema, Executor of said- deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased, to ex­hibit to the subscriber, under oath or affirmation, their. claims .and

'2. You Will note· that' a num- ers in moth balls. In addition,' ber of the candidates ha,ve held you will be doing your pa;t"t in public office over a long period order that youth must be served, of time. Therefore, you will note which is so badly needed by the that it is once again a case of Democratic Party, and you will "the same old face's in the same be aiding the Kennedy Adminis­old places." tration that took office last Jan-

3. The candidates put forth by uary,Let's go to the polls on the now defunct Regular Demo- Apt-Ii 18 and vote for all of the' cratic Organization plainly evi- candidates of t~e NEW FRON­dence government for just a se- TIER TICKET m Column 5 on


The following is the order in which the names will appear upon the Ballot for the Camden City Municipal Election to be held o,n Tuesday, May 9,·1961 between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.

MAYOR Vote for One


Vote for Seven

P. O. A-901.

"Progress With-out Deals" GEORGE EWING


Youth for Progress


Government Energetic, Efficie,nt

Independent WILLIAM F.




. "Progress With Pierce II


.. Progress With: "A Better Pierce" Camden"


" Progress With ·"A Better Pierce" Camden" ELIJAH RALPH S. PERRY JiOBBINS

.. Progress With JOHN L. Piercel'- LEWIS ELIZABETH B, HAWK

"Progressive .. Progress With Government

Piercell With Hospitality MARIO R_ - in Camden"


PierceJl A'Pledgeto MAITHEW R. Your Needs


Pierce" Labor Candidate ANDREW A. COREA LEROY J.

"Progress With .' KNETTLE, JR.

Pierce" j "<'~: Non-Partisan HARRY A. ' WALTER R_


JOHN 1. ODORISIO,City Clerk_

against the estpte of said deceased, six, months from this date, or

be forever barred from or recovering the· same against the sub­scriber_



Samuel A. Donio, Attorney.

(23,30, £, 13) (C-T)

The Frau's Footwork

"Somehow I more kick out of bridge when I play opposite my wife_"

"So do I," said the other man as he rubbed his shins_

~~1~~f,~~~fN~KV~{H~~~~~~ SPUHLER'S GRILL



PACKAGE GOODS ' Phone: Free Delivery WO 3"9853 4~~~~X~K~~~~~~~~~x~~~at

lect few. the Voting Machine. 4. Seve'ral of the Freeholder STANLEY E. SLUZALIS,

candidates, seeking re-election Independent Democrat, on April 18, have served a num- "Whitman Park."

BOB BARTOSZ Commercial Photography

Insurance Advertising

Industrial Photography

118 N. 35TH STREET

Camden 5, N. J.

EM 5·5871

Just So They Don't Fali The Air Force reveals plans for

manned maintenance bases in outer space. EVery congressman will demand that one be located over his district.

- The Hartford Courant


In 1000 lots Only




Officers of Mathews-Purneu Post 518, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and their Ladies' Auxili,. ary, were installed in a joint in,. stallation, Thursday, April 6.

Charles Worrell, Past Com­mander . Post 1270, and John Morgandale were, the, installing officers for theWSt.

To Install Offiers, Dinner,- Dance East Camden Post,No. 705' VFW The', Camden Tavern Owners

will install ofticers of .1961-62 on AsSoCiation will' hold its :f1fth Saturday. AprU15, at9 PM. annual dinner and dance on Sun­. 'To be instaJledare;WUliam .J. <18.y at 6 P.M. at Kenney's Sub­ri-.. . ' C -<.:.,.;.;,:.... • 'r!:~ .... G urban House, Delaware Town-vvnway, .' ouu:~.LU~r, ~ra.,,:-, . Ship... . . Bauman~ Semor Vic~. Commap.- 'il highlight of . the affair, ac­der; DlI:mon Gaunt., Junior, ,:vl(~e corliing to 'John Bogacki, pr~­Commander; Fred,. Schmidt, deritwUl' be the announcement Quartermaste.ri.liarol~ W. Be;n- of the selection Of the "Tavern

Those installed were: . Fred nett" ~., :1lldge Adv~ate;, Ed- OWner of the Year." Basis for Hall, Commander; James Dooley, ward. S', ReIlley, Chaplam,;. 'l'h(),s., 'award wUl be the winner's senior Vice Commander; Wm. Dayton,. su:r;g~n;', J;robett . Sny- "contributions to the tavern in-

, Th,ird Year Trustee' .... ~try d h' i' . t t " Collins JuniOr Vice, Comman- . .' .' d' y.,. ''''-.~ .. ..;.......... ,an IS c VIC In eres , .' ..' "'. '" secoll .. ear U~""'" Bogacki said. " '

~r , Ray stltch~r, Quartermas- PatSWllvan/First'rear Trustee; Invited guests include Repre~ tel'; George Wnght,Adjutant; James Ca~, omc~r of the Day; William T. Cahill,State ~rt Doll, Chaplain. How.ard~m~g;er, Gqard; 'Sam.- . W. Cowgill, As-

. . uel ,A .. DIckSon, Adjutant;A.R. Frank. E. Meloni and Dlstnct Commander Jolul Mor- Leuat1ies Legislation Ofticer' . . J W Ma Alf d

gandale spoke of the National Samuel A. Dickson, Service Oftl~ p'et Sh~r~t·:r 1 ;.~ Cemetery at Beverly, N. J. He cE!l"William Patriotic ci'~' J im T ~~ . ~a, 1 ~ said that at the rate the older Instructor; Daniel'LO~do, His- C~~ t ~l k ~ank. ~n~lOtti~n veterans are dying off, the ceme- torian.. . __ n y .' er ..u. tery wUl be filled up by 1963. ".'. .." ' . '.. ThoIpas K~nney, Jr., WIll serve There is a bill before Congress Samuel A. Diclq;on will be the as toastmaster and .introduce HR 5752 It is up to th.e vetera~ Installing Qftlneranii will be;as- George Buckwald, president of to ~rlte' to their Congressman sisted l;!iyA" R. Leqartes· the United Ta~ OWners, of

LATE .. I)A.YDBE~A musl and senators to back this bUl. lunch will New Jer~y, .of ~lch the Cam-for any vacation ~drobe is Get all your friends to write also, denassoclatlOn IS a component a prett)' late-day dress which I Morgandale urged. This .bill is to member. The Don-EI-G.o ~ombo ean, go.·to both formal, and In· purchase ground adjoining the provide the musIc for formal parties. This fashion cemetery that 1s now available.. . ' from the tS-piece, all-cotton BIRTH NOTICES wardrobe of LInda. Lackey, Carrie Bean and Teresa Mun~, . '., .' ..' " 1981H8ld of Cotton, .features gioli, Past Presldents, DeiJart- "I"" ' the 'sophisticated draping ,ofment of New JerSey,LadillS'AUX-Cherry HII Hospital Cell Chapman. FUll-blown r~ I iliary, were ~e iristalling ofticers .' William.. David. to Mr. • and Mrs. • Mrs; Martha Phillips, =-te .~, ,~_~:erl~', co"wn for the Auxihary. . David Wood,. 2216. 40th st., Penp,';' , VaJ.lUas and Miss

The following were iIlSt:aJ.Ied: . N. J. " , Margaret Williams. Catherine WrIght·, President; Helen Teresa, to.¥r. andMfs. Bertha Gustavson, Ben10r Vice Robert Adams 7528. Romeo ave;' '. Fault Is In The Contributor

Boy's Dog Best Friend President; Mildred Pettit, Junior " N. J. ' . ,., .. There's something wrong with Every boy feels he should have Vice President. Joseph wiliis to Mr and atnotor or a man who is always

a dog - and also a mother to se.; uh" +...... . k !r;..... . that it gets fed regularly. Lunch 'and rfereshments were Joseph,Farq ar,.lU, 636 Ferry noc......,..

_ The Hartford Courant served following 'the Installation. ave.,- Camden, N.A· - 'l'he Algona Uowa) Advance

GOOD TRAVELER - Striking cotton knit separates worn by Linda Lackey, 1961 Maid of Cotton, salute our newest' state, Hawaii .. Red, white and blue are the colors dramatically com­bined here by designer Steph,. anie Koret. Linda finds cotton knits' pre~ty and practical trav­eling companions. She will fly via Pan American World Air­ways to. Honolulu in late March and to Europe next summer. I'

It is astonishing how many wise words of smart men have been forgotten by the so-called human race.


HOLY BIBLE. King James version. Printed from new plates on fine Bible-paper. Gilt stamped with amber edges. Color frontispiece and Presentation Page. Contains Farrtily Register .and Calendar fOT read­ing of the Holy Scriptures. In gift box.

THE NEW AMERICAN GARDEN BOOK. 832 pages. Complete information on outdoor and indoor flowers, landscaping, vegetables, trees.

THE AMERICAN FAMilY COOKBOOK. 832 pages. 50,000 ways to prepare food. Balanced menus. Tested recipes.

, THE NEW AMERICAN HOME FIX-IT BOOK. Do-It-Yourself guide covering "I ,000 home repair jobs. Over 650 pages - 300 illustrations.

WEBSTER'S ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY.e32 pages, bold raaa.ble type,comilletely new,over 1,000 illustrations. .

. . '. .

, THE NEW AMERleAN BABY BOOK. By Dorothy Sara and lueUI.' Gidseg, R.N. Over 600 pages. Complete" information .on pr.-natal care through age of six. Wen illustrated.

----~-~7~-~-~~·--~-- -~--~-~------~--~---~--------------------------------

o Subscription for one year (no free gift).

O·SUbscr1ption for two years. $3.00 and I have checked my ~ree g~ below.

o Holy Bible

o The New American Garden Book

o The Amer,iCan Family. CoOkbook

o The New Amer1ean Home'li'1x-It :Book

o Webster's Illustrated Dictionary

o 'l'he New American Baby Book

o 50-Star Flag

NAME ................•.................... .- ..................... ' ........................ . , .

STB.EE.T .•........ ;, ... : ..................................... :, ............................ .

OITY ....... ' .. " ... : ................. ' .......... ZONE ....... :' .. 8'l'A'ti:., ....... -.........•...

THE CAMDEN TIMES' ·,;:311,4.1&Westtleld AYln". Camden 5, N. Ji

- - -- -- -- - - - - ~ - ------=-

1.,.~.· ' .• rj

r··.~!~f ... I .... ! PA6E8


ftemsO"ttterest The SlorkArrives. Ii" W,ddings:an.d-8irtbdaJ .. ' •

ti\a:/ ap.d(Mis . .:lJarold Hill, of Police Patrolmlj.ll and" l\IIrsl Anniversaries" ~87 N, 35thst., East Camden; had George Doughty, of 308 GardEmi . as. their recent guests Mr.' and ave., are being 'congratulated on·",Mark J.oseph Del Duke, son.

<l\!frs. Albert J. Butler, Mr. Edward the birth of a son, GleIln Scott, Mrs. J.ohn V. D~lDuke,of 178 J.c, Butler, of Woodlyrine; .Mr. and on March 28, at ,the Cooper Cedarcl'oft .' ave., Aud~bon;on; 1W's .. Alber~ J.Butler,a,tldsons Hospital; ." ..,., ~e~ll~y,. AP,ril.5,. Ce}ebrated[ Denrus, BJ,'lan .and Stephen, of. ". '. ., .. ". his first blrthaay anruversarY,


.' ,." 301 10th ave., 'Haddon Heights; CongratulatlOns are .b~mg "tell'~ He 'is ~he gpindson of Ml\~~ Miss Carrie. Hill, ... of EMtClitm- der,ed Mr. and Mrs. 'Yl1h~lll13er~ M'fs.Jo;hnJ. Tisclln~r, Jr.,,·o~

den, and ,Mrs. lWber,ta Fowler b~n, of 2406Ho~~lst., on l;p~ 3706 Terrace ave.,Penfis~uken; "'M' ." .. " ' ............ t" , ., '. J " .. ··'·11·'······· " ...... , .. , ..... ··t···· '1':; and son Mark Fowler, of Glou- blrth of a son,WllhamJ:ohn!.~ and Mr~ and Mrs. Jopil,Dell:)uke!1 '. . .. ' .. cester City. .. .' . M;arch 28, at the Cooper Ho~pltal. of 209 N; 27th st., audgteat~ " ....

Mr .. and Mrs; Joseph J.Jab- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin In- gra~dson 6fMr:'and ¥rs..John; . ...... ,. 0'" S···· ' .. , ~:~~e! 0:h:2!~g:~!:!~~ ~i" t~~; ;:~i;; ~~~gr;~~:fr=' :;::: ~;Ztlsd~~~~~:' ~!~6~~~;h:!! "'" ' .,' '.' .:' " ...... ', . ',,<.' ..... ". . ........ .... '.' .. ' ." . .... . ........... '.', •... daughter, Miss ':Roberta Dorothy b~th of a daughter; Sarah Lynn; turns ()fth~ qa~~(); '.. . '. Jablonski, toiV,[r. H~nry Walter on March 30, at the Qooper . ;Mr. andMr~,Wiliiain:J3l>wepS; ..~,,' '. . '. '1"': '., ""6 ,', :~O~~~=k~~:r·I~d:e~~ H~::~:~;;ulationsare being ten- ~~d~;',~~;i,3~~~;;i ~~ie~t:J WI,,' ,'Win in~: .'ovem .,1' wood ave. dered Mr. and Mrs; Robert'Bor~ their 14th \Veqdi~an;niV'~rsaryi ' .,' .' '.',:. : .... ". .... ....• .....

Miss Jablonski is a semor at lng, 'of 2839 Shelrman ave.,ontne Many happy .returnsof PMd,aYtNewJerseys,Yotersknow:tIJS(Olltstat-e governm$111 Glassboro . ~ta £e Col1~ge. Mr. birth of a son Scott warren,. on 1;,0 a .fine<;o.uple: '. ". .,! '(Ieeils abreatkof fresba/l'f--8 mail w.ith neW.ideas, Drozdowski,a gi'aduate of The March 31, at the. C~oper HOSPltaL ..... M~. and MX:S..JOhn"l.Wlls\iln,: 'tonadmiriistrat!ve aol/illl alidaoove,all . the stature Citadel, .Charleston, S.C., will Mr. and Mrs. MIChitel Hurley;: of,19S. S4th st., on MonQay,,1'" '.' .. ' . . • ""I, I.. .. ,

enter Fairlfyigh Dickinson Uni- of 620N. 34th st., are bei,ugcon-,: April. 17, will.celebrate their 13~hi;to, attract (1ewlRdustryto,()Y.r:sfat., • .That's why .... ven;ity School of Dentistry in gratulated on 'the .. birth of a: wed<;ting anmve:r,saJ::Y: Mrs. Wll-:Jiffl. Mitchell is,'fhe Repliblicancand!(Jate who '; the fall. daughter Jan Elizabeth on son IS the former MISS BettyLoe-, '." I . ;, ... ~&,,_/. .I ""'~" '··d·' • . AI . I '

Mr .. and Mrs. Melvin O'Hara, March 3'I,at the cooper~ H05~rber, daU~l1~r of Mr,B:~d M~.t appeals '~O'/~fJ,nUepenuen~vo,'eian., In new uersey of 2713 High st., have had with pita!, ..' ' . . Joseph LOeber, of ()Qklyn. Many:' nocal1r1itfate-Democrat orRepublJcan-can win " them !or 10 days their qaugh- CongratulatiQns. are bein~ ten-'. happYl'etur~s of the ·Mr.; . without thisvote.'fowin in November, . pick a ter, MISS Carole M. O'Hara, who dereld Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Vip-" andMrs."W~lson. .' '.. . .~ '.': •. • .' .• ,. .'. has returned to Philippi, W; Va.,nacome,of 3037 'Stevens st., on; Mrs. Albert J. Butler, of 30I:,~/g mal1 /oJ: a blg]ob. In the,Republlcan prImary, where she isa freshman at· the birth of a daughter, M/trY:' lotI:} ave., Haddon Heights, on, 'A' '. .' ~'1'B'II'" J" p.' ". .... h' II Ald~son-Broaddus Col~ege. Louise, on Aprill, ~t ~e.Cooper TuesdB:Y, April?!>,.;wifl celebrate: pr/. ". -rO,e ames..",/,r; ell,

Mrs. Rinaldo Roselli, of 3732 Hospital. . ~ her birthday aruuversary.' She:. ' ,.... COI~·. IITTII.

prexel ave., Pennsauken Tciwn- Mr. and M:t;s. Harry Durbor- has writ~eln a n~ber of poems, ship, entertained Thursday eve- row; of 2820 High st" are receiv-;. and. artIcles !"hichhave.been ning in honor of Miss Marie ing congratulationsoJ,l the ... birthi pUbllShed and lSa past presldent, --'-........ .,......~_.-:.-._--.,.-___ ~_-'--'-~_-'--'-___ -..:... __ T. V~rdiglione, pf HaddonfieLd, of.a daughter, Maryann, ono ! theCreatlveWorkshop. of: .., __ ._4'1A_..:. .. wp,Qsemarriage to Mr. Anthony April 3, at the COOPelr HosmtaJ. : Camden C~'ty~ She' has written, I ft,~. . . .' '~4 ley,' one of the richest and most L: Tortu of this city·. will· take C tul. t' . b' te several lyncs, ofW. h.lCh' productive agricultw'al areas in .. '. ' ongra a Ions 'are emg n-: h" .,,~ 1 "d .. ·th .'radi . place Apn122. d ed M . d M J hn S h·t ave~. paye over. e 0 the United states.

Additional guests. were Mrs. ~s., o:f \~~4 H~es~' rd. \:~r=; stations. She. is the da~hter of: . By BILL MORRIS * COLOR * James M, Tortu! Mrs. Arthur chantville, on the birth ot"asOn, Mr. and Mrs. JohnJ. T1SChner,. .,' 'Color photographs throughout T~rtu, Mrs, Loms T?rtu, Mrs. Lincoln William, on April 3, at Sr., of 416 N.' .27th st., East Cam-AfizonaHlghways the magazine are devoted to the DmoTortu, Mrs. Dmo Tortu, th C . H ·t 1 > den. Many, happy. returns of th!l Th . Fift· th A' of theme 'of' water and irrigation. . V' t T t . Mr' e ooper OSPl a . ' '. day to Florence" e.,le,. . nruversarY Jr., Mrs. meen. or u, s. Mr d MrCh 1 W k ff..· Roosevelt Dam is celebrated in One of.·the striking and .unusual

"InnMemo 'Tort~, Miss Leda of P~ Gard!'uA;~S~ pe~~u: ,Walter Robertson, of 547 W. the April issue of the! interesting is the center panel. It shows Tortu, Mrs. Wllliam Cinelli" ken' ' ing tul ti Plne st., Audubon,on Sunday, and colorful magazine Arizona Roosevelt Dam when it OVelr-Mrs. Anthony Marino, Mrs. John 'thare br~tehlv f congra Ch·a °lns April 23, will ce~ebrate his birth- Hl'ghw~"s . ' flowed in 1941.

J h Lt·· on e 11' 0 a ·,son ares· . M h <>". •

cMampaV~t e'A Mrs. °Mn pah~l~pl, William, on April I, a't Cooper dtay anruf vterh sa dry. toany aWPPYltx;e'- The entire magazine is devoted By the way, if you are not ,rs.. 10 raunno,. rs. 11 . Hos ital. . urns 0 e a~ yo~, a. to the theme "Water and the familiar with Ari7,ona, Highways,

DIGlaco~o and ~ss. Theresa p . '_ Satur~ay, April 22, .wlll, be the Thirsty Land," stressing' the ini- I feel reasonably certam that you Ro~antino, of this Clty; :tyrrs. CongratulatlOns are bemg tenSSth buthda.'Y anmvelrsarY, of partance oLthe construction of will be most interested, . once you MarlO Fumo, of Merchan~vllle; de:ed Mr. and M:s. Ralph Mar~ JohnJ.,Tisc~er,Sr.~ of .416 N. Roose"elt Dam in harne,ssing the . SeEm and read a coup~~ of Mrs. Salvatore Avena, of Clnna- c~llone, of 3776 King; ave., c;>n t.he .27th $t.,pubhsher and.edltor of Salt Rival'.to store water for the issues. Its December or Hohday minson Township;, Mrs. James bITt? of a son, JeffreyRalph~ ~ theCamde~Times'·for 63.years, ordetIy development of. the great issue is all~color,and will serve

. ~lvatore, of COIWICk, and. Mrs. Apnl 3, at the Cooper H~PltaJ. and w~o m November of last agricultural achievemelnts in the as a fine Christmas gift for a Richard VanBrunt, Mrs. M~chael Mr. and ~s. Wm. Blelecof, y~ar dlSPos~ of the' Camden Salt River Vllilley. - friend. Tomasetto and Mrs. MlChael oLI901 Browmng· rd., PEmnsau- Times to Lmcoln' H.Marryott, Thillead feature in the cur-Tortu, of Pennsauken TownShip. ken, ~re being congratulated on and with tPi~ i~ue starts its 67th rent 'issue of the state-sponsored * LQVELY *

Miss VeOOiglione was also guest the birth of a son, Stephen Allen, year of pUbhca~lon" He l1!tS, beell magaZine, liberally illustrated,'· Your writer visited Arizona a of honor at a party Friday eve- O? April 3,at the Cooper Hos- a residep.t of ~~ Camde~ !ot Wlls " of the organization and few years back, and found it ning given by Mrs. Barnard J. PltaI. ?ver 73 y~s, orlgmally'res~ding, ftinctiorung of the Salt RiV'er most delightful. I spent. a welek Carr, Miss KathrYn. Carr, Miss m the 11th Ward and a reSIdent Project. in the area between Tucson and Jeanne J. Carr and Miss MarY . of the 12th Ward for. over 45 Phoenix, with a stopover at Ann Carr, of 6428 Browning rd., R:obert C. Robson; of 228 Hop- years,He was a jus~ce of the *. ADDRESS * Chandler. It was In the month Pennsauken Township. kms ave .. Haddo~field. . peace for.fiV'e! year~ In the l1~h 'Another Ieaturegives an ac- of November, the temperature

Miss Lucille Carmella Bal~ Pfc. Robson IS statloneda.t Ward,and a former Democratic cOunt 01 the actual construction iIi the! high 70's during the day­zano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarksville, Tenn. , committee member for a.number of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. time, and a lovely 45 degrees at Joseph Balzano, of 546 Mechanic ,Mr, and Mrs. William E. Ra~- of yelarS in the 12th Ward. He This feature is illustrated with night. My sinus condition while st., became the bride relcently of mond, of 624 Market st., 'Glou- was also a deputy reven~e 001- photographs of great historic in- there' was "cast to the four Mr. Gustavus Kerber Wilhelm, ce!ster City, have annou~ced the lector for three year~ durmg the terelSt,Another feature is de~ winds." son of Mrs. Alberta Skokowski, engagement of their daughter, second term~f Presldent Wood- voted to Teddy Roosevelt's dedi- Should your traI¥>portation to of 1016 Haddon ave., at an 11 Miss ;Virginia M. Raymond, to row Wilson. Happy returns of cation address at Roosevelt Dam, Arizona favor flying, may I rec­o'clock Mass in Our Lady of Mt. Mr. Ronald V. Tornari, son of the day to him; March 18, 1911. ommend, from experience, that Carmel Church. Rev. A. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tornari, Miss Dorothy Immendorf,,O~ The· {}onoluding feature ,in the you fly Ammcan Airliiles. The Gerbino officiated. of 3305 Hig~land ave., Pennsau- 2914~b, .. st., on Mond~, April April issue, . gives a detailed ac- service "above the clouds" is the

The marriage of Miss Gina ken TownshIp. 24, will celebrate her birthday count. of the variety of crop "bestest," when you go the Amer-Theresa Vasile, daughter of Mr. The. wedding is planned for anp,iverslitrY.Many happy returns produced'iri the salt River Val- ican way. . and· Mrs. Salvatore Vasile, of October. of the day to her; . 440 Line st., to Lt. B. Paul . '. -------.,;.-----.-:..-------------

=r~i'~~~n~f ~::6 J~~~: :~ 11111111111111111111 Camden's .No. l'Showplacellllllllllllllllllll1 t:nnnHHaHH.·AHHHHN~H~I~:c~ne:cnHp~HlnaHcHe:~HHtHoHnnD:~:~1·nn·HeHHHH:~HHnHt4 crest, of Corpus. Christi, Tex., .. . ,

/of Mt. Carmel Church. Rev. SaJ- • -' took placerOOenl1y ill Our Lady J I M.MY'·S> N 28th St. ,oHRlver Ave. -, vatore Olivero officiated,. . ,Whe~e No~ih TweDiy.elghth si;DeUcious Sea Food and Hot Platters

st. Cecilia's Church, Pennsau- . ken Township, provided the set- Me.t."t};,. Delawue RiTe~. ting for: the wedding Saturday, April 8, at which Miss Phylis Marie Quaid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Quaid, of 1865 45th st., Pennsauken, became the

Music Friday, Saturday and Monday' Nights

Oysters in Season

Hot and Cold Sandwiches

bride of Airman 2.C. Francis C • A 'I 21 d 28 James Kenney, USA1i', grandsonOmmg. prl ail .. '. ·a"o"· "U'" ;L·E'V··.· ARD ·G··· R"I,LLE' of Mr. Frank J. McCabe, Jr., of ", LIT' T L E JIM M Y Die KEN' ·s Brooklyn, alld the late Mrs. Mc-Cabe. Rev. Joseph VonHartleben -----'-______ -:. __ '--_________ :--_

officiated at the 11 o'clock Mass. Working Men's Luncheons _ Quick Served Mr. and Mrs. John L. Loschin, ON IT' '-'UARTERS

. of 3097 S. GongrelSs rd., an- M DAY N E HEAD~. . nounce the engagement of their daughter,. Mi~s Cannen Maria Loschin,to Pfc. Stephen Rob­son, USMC, son of Mr. and Mrs.


Musicians .• "Entertainers, ,W.,itress8S, Bartenders, Owners I Plenty of Free Parking


Cor. 27tlt·&·Federal Sh • East Camden. N. J.

Paokaga aoods Phona EMerson 5·9819