camel milk inhibits growth of colon cancer and other health potentials

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  • 7/28/2019 Camel Milk Inhibits Growth of Colon Cancer and Other Health Potentials


    Camel Milk Inhibits Growth of Colon Cancer and

    other Health Potentials

    If the idea of drinking camel milk seems strange to you, how about camel milk as medicine?

    Scientists have found that a component of camel milk may play a significant role in colon

    cancer, a disease that is diagnosed in more than 102,000 people per year in the United States


    Whats special about camel milk?Camels may not be plentiful in the United States (there are about 3,000, according to the

    American Camel Coalition), but in many parts of Africa and the Middle East, they are a common

    sight. Although they are a mode of transportation, camels also are a source of nutritious milk

    and, in recent years, that milk has been the subject of research for medicinal purposes.

    One such use came to light in a new study in which researchers found that a component of

    camel milk, called lactoferrin, may stop the growth of colon cancer cells. Lactoferrin has

    antioxidant properties and also binds with iron, which could prevent DNA damage associated

    with cancer development.

  • 7/28/2019 Camel Milk Inhibits Growth of Colon Cancer and Other Health Potentials


    Camels milk is lower in fat and cholesterol than cows milk, but contains five times as much

    vitamin C. Studies in India show it contains high levels of insulin and is helpful to people with

    type 2 diabetes. In India, it is used to treat a range of illnesses. Although it contains lactose, it

    has lower amounts than cows milk. As yet unavailable in Britain, but Harrods is said to be

    interested in stocking it.


    Rather watery and salty an acquired taste.

    Most people may not have been too familiar with camel milk. But it turns out this milk has

    many benefits for the body and have a better nutrient content that is known as a 'superfood'.

    Camel milk has been widely consumed in almost all Arab countries, this milk tastes slightly

    saltier than other milk and is often produced as cheese.

    UN organizations dealing with food (Food and Agriculture Organisation / FAO) said that camel

    milk is rich in vitamin B note, C and iron content 10 times faster than that of cow's milk.In addition to mineral and vitamin contents are high, research has shown that antibodies

    contained in the alleged camel milk could help fight cancer, HIV, AIDS, Alzheimer's and hepatitis


    "Camel milk could be a useful addition to food because it contains calcium and vitamin B and

    has a saturated fat content less than cow's milk," said a spokesman from the British Nutrition


    Another advantage of camel milk is not contain two powerful allergens that have been found in

    cow's milk, and has a component of the immune system that may provide benefits to children

    who are allergic to milk and other foods.Potential components of the immune system in camel milk is expected to help fight some

    diseases. The researchers speculate that the small size of immunoglobulin or antibodies found

    in camel milk is more easily allow it to target the disease-causing foreign substances (antigens)

    that damage a person's immune system.

  • 7/28/2019 Camel Milk Inhibits Growth of Colon Cancer and Other Health Potentials


    Dr. Reuven Yagil, an expert on the physiology of Israel who conducted the study for 5 years said

    that camel milk can be overcome autoimmune disorders that suppress the immune system of a


    But it still needed further research, because scientific evidence that there has not been enough

    to prove the effectiveness of camel milk in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

    Until recently, it was a felony to sell camel milk in the U.S. In April 2009, Dr. Hinkle introduced a

    proposal to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Committee on Interstate Milk Shipments

    in Orlando, Florida. The proposal was to change the law to allow the "camelids" to be included

    in the dairy laws governing the sale of milk. Dr. Hinkle gave an impassioned speech before the


    "How would you feel if your loved one was afflicted with diabetes and was very ill from thedrugs prescribed for the diabetes? (A high amount of individuals react negatively to the diabetic

    medication.) How would you feel seeing a loved one lose an arm or a leg and eventually their

    life to diabetes when just a small amount of camel milk could supply all the insulin they might

    need daily? (There are 52 units of insulin per liter of camel milk.)

    "What a joy it would be to see your autistic child act normally with just a little camel milk on a

    daily basis. The health benefits for diabetes, autism, cancer, and many more illnesses are

    endless. Please pass this proposal and allow us to begin the long road to getting camel milk

    here and to finally conducting medically supervised studies here in the U.S."

    The proposal was passed. Dr. Hinkle says that this will now open the door for the testing of

    camel samples so that it can meet the FDA standards and for camel dairies to be set up here in

    the U.S.

  • 7/28/2019 Camel Milk Inhibits Growth of Colon Cancer and Other Health Potentials


    Alzheimer's Study With Camel Milk

    Dr. Hinkle has just completed a six-month study with a small group of Alzheimer's patients and

    camel milk. Dr. Hinkle worked with nine patients who were all in early stages of Alzheimer's and

    the results "were very promising," states Dr. Hinkle.

    Dr. Hinkle used a specific protocol that she developed in combination with the camel milk. "The

    results were evident within a few weeks," states Dr. Hinkle. The following positive results were

    noted in all the patients:

    Sleep patterns improved.

    Eating habits improved.

    Patients became more vocal and interacted with others more and were able to participate in

    conversations as well as remember conversations from previous days.

    There was less confusion, less repetition, less aggression and less mood swings

    within the first month.

    Patients were able to complete tasks and remain on target until tasks were completed.

    Memory recall improved when patients were asked to remember specific dates or events.

    Physical activity improved.

    "I am very pleased with the results of the study," states Dr. Hinkle. "But we need to see what

    the long-term benefits will be with patients and we also need to work with specialists involving

    a long-term study with more patients so that we may track those patients for several years. We

    know from recent research completed that camel milk antibodies are able to cross the brain

    barrier and therefore we can piggyback specific supplements and medications, etc., with each

    patient to cross the brain barrier in order to work toward improving the symptoms and tohopefully stop the progression of Alzheimer's," says Dr. Hinkle.

    Lyme Disease Patients Experience Benefits of Camel Milk

    Dr. Hinkle has been working with Lyme disease patients for the last three years and the results

    have been impressive for many of the patients. Patients see joint pain decrease, sleep patterns

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    improve, gut issues improve, rashes disappear and the ability to think clearly improves as brain

    fog lifts. Lyme patients are on antibiotics, which destroy much of the good gut flora, and the

    camel milk helps in keeping it in balance. Camel milk is known for its antiviral, antifungal and

    antibacterial properties. Dr. Hinkle is studying the effects of the milk on the Lyme spirochetes.

    She utilizes a specific protocol with the milk to increase the opportunity for more favorable

    results. Dr. Hinkles approach works to weaken the spirochetes so that more positive results areexperienced by patients as the milk also provides support to the immune system. The results

    have been amazing.

    Hepatitis Patients See Normal Liver Enzyme Panels on Camel Milk

    Dr. Hinkle has been very pleased with the results she is seeing with hepatitis patients on the

    camel milk. She has witnessed case after case of hepatitis patients whose liver enzymes have

    been normal for the first time in years while on the milk. One 80-year-old patients test results

    were normal after 40 years of elevated liver enzymes after being on the milk for only two

    weeks. The story is the same over and over and I am looking forward to working with more

    hepatitis patients and their doctors to hopefully give them a brighter future for their health.

    Dr. Hinkle cautions that each case is different and that more studies need to be completed with

    larger groups of individuals. She is seeking funding for a long-term study on the effects of the

    camel milk in treating hepatitis and expects to see the same positive results she has noted so

    far. "The antiviral properties in the milk seem to dissipate the inflammation of the liver and the

    milk also provides many of the nutrients needed for healthy liver function, states Dr. Hinkle.