camera work

Camera work

Upload: jasmineculley

Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Camera work

Establishing shotsAll three films have establishing shots of the houses the characters are in, an establishing shot is usually used to show the audience where the movie/scene is going to take place, in all three trailers the shot was shown at the beginning to allow the audience to get an understanding of the location, houses are a typical location for the movie to be set in for horror films, by showing the location it makes the audience know the setting and makes them realise its isolated and gives the impression of vulnerability as there is nothing around them which makes it more likely for them to be in a dangerous situation. Each location shows how the location is a family house.

Close ups In all three trailers there are close ups of each characters showing each of their facial expressions, the close ups are used so the audience can focus on how the character is feeling in all three shots you can see the characters are distressed and anxious as they all have a concerned look on the face which makes the audience wonder what's about to happen to the characters, by their facial expressions it makes the audience feel anxious and afraid, a close up shot allows the audience to see their emotion of a scene that has just happened , the close up allows the audience know how the character is feeling on what they are about to see/do.

Over the shoulder Over the shoulder shot is used a lot as it allows the audience to see who the character is talking to, it helps add suspense, this shot is used to show a person/figure stood behind the character like in the bottom image which allows the audience to see the perspective from that character, over the shoulder shots are commonly used in horror films as it allows the audience to see the facial expression of the character and emotion when they are confronted by someone/thing, films often use this shot to reveal the antagonist. In the middle shot we can see the character is angry with the character you can see him gritting his teeth as though he is shouting and really distressed, this shot allows the audience to see the mans point of view, over the shoulder shots show realism as the audience can see the same shot of the character.

High angle By using high angle shots in horror films it shows the character as being weak and vulnerable against the antagonist, it lets the audience know who is the dominant character, in each of the images there is a character in the shot showing they are trapped and helpless, this shot is used a lot in horror films as it allows the audience to recognize the character and feel sorry for them as they are being defeated by the antagonist, there is usually no props in the background and is just focused on the character in the shot so the audience can see the characters body language and facial expression to get an understanding on how the character feels which makes the audience feel as though they are part of the film.