campus pack tool blog journal wiki › media › 2083529 › tscampus-pack-booklet.… · wiki,...

Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki What is it? Modelled on web site blogs – online journal Website updated frequently with entries Post entries by author Readers/viewers can comment Focus on particular topic (as opposed to discussion board to facilitate discussion) Specialised blog site – private blog Creates one entry point, students see only their own entries plus teaching staff A collaborative space where multiple authors can contributes to pages Eg Wikipedia Can create, edit and link basic web pages History of page changes are maintained Can view individual’s contribution to site Comments, reflections, responses Comments, reflections, responses Building content, pool information Knowledge management Planning space Entries are ordered by reverse-chronological date in linear order – most recent at top Can be sorted by author Entries are ordered by chronological date in linear order Can be sorted by author Can be single page or mulitple pages linked by hyperlinks Mimics a web site Media Can add text, pictures, files, links, embedded audio and video Can add text, pictures, files, links, embedded audio and video Can add text, pictures, files, links, embedded audio and video Response by others Teaching staff and students can comment on entry Teaching staff can comment on entry Other users can edit and contribute to pages (can restrict to only edit own page) Teaching staff and students can comment on page Examples in teaching Learning journal – eg students reflect on discussions from tutorials Placement report/reflection Research students – record of readings and relevance to project Post of current events relevant to discipline Peer review – students make posting and others comment As for blogs, but below would be private, just for student author and teaching staff Learning journal – eg students reflect on discussions from tutorials Placement report/reflection Research students – record of readings and relevance to project Post of current events relevant to discipline Collaboratively write info resources for a product for example Share research literature for group project eg annotated biography Share documents in group work projects Glossary of terms Build a knowledge base on a course eg resources, readings Respond to sample questions Collaborative tutorial or lab summary Build lecture notes from bullet point USC Examples Feedback area Critique blog Weekly reflections – learning, prac, readings Assessment task help Booking system Provide contact details Build knowledge – one topic per page Showcase concept map Class reflections on readings Project proposals Post comments into table Tagging Available Available Available

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Page 1: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki What is it? Modelled on web site blogs – online journal

Website updated frequently with entries Post entries by author Readers/viewers can comment Focus on particular topic (as opposed to discussion board to facilitate discussion)

Specialised blog site – private blog Creates one entry point, students see only their own entries plus teaching staff

A collaborative space where multiple authors can contributes to pages Eg Wikipedia Can create, edit and link basic web pages History of page changes are maintained Can view individual’s contribution to site

Comments, reflections, responses Comments, reflections, responses Building content, pool information Knowledge management Planning space

Entries are ordered by reverse-chronological date in linear order – most recent at top Can be sorted by author

Entries are ordered by chronological date in linear order Can be sorted by author

Can be single page or mulitple pages linked by hyperlinks Mimics a web site

Media Can add text, pictures, files, links, embedded audio and video

Can add text, pictures, files, links, embedded audio and video

Can add text, pictures, files, links, embedded audio and video

Response by others Teaching staff and students can comment on entry

Teaching staff can comment on entry Other users can edit and contribute to pages (can restrict to only edit own page) Teaching staff and students can comment on page

Examples in teaching Learning journal – eg students reflect on discussions from tutorials Placement report/reflection Research students – record of readings and relevance to project Post of current events relevant to discipline Peer review – students make posting and others comment

As for blogs, but below would be private, just for student author and teaching staff Learning journal – eg students reflect on discussions from tutorials Placement report/reflection Research students – record of readings and relevance to project Post of current events relevant to discipline

Collaboratively write info resources for a product for example Share research literature for group project eg annotated biography Share documents in group work projects Glossary of terms Build a knowledge base on a course eg resources, readings Respond to sample questions Collaborative tutorial or lab summary Build lecture notes from bullet point

USC Examples Feedback area Critique blog Weekly reflections – learning, prac, readings

Assessment task help Booking system Provide contact details Build knowledge – one topic per page Showcase concept map Class reflections on readings Project proposals Post comments into table

Tagging Available Available Available

Page 2: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Questions – Blog/Journal Answer the questions below indicating yes or no in the second column. Align the yes responses with the remaining columns to find the type of blog or journal that best suits your purposes. Yes



Course blog Single copy blog

Single copy blog – changed permissions

One copy per group

(Must make groups first)

One copy per person

Group tool blog


Do I want to link to the blog directly from the side menu?

Do I want to add the link to a content area?

Do I want everyone in the class to see each other’s work?

Do I want students to see only their own entries and the instructors?

Do I want a group or individual blog where students to see an initial template page/s from teaching staff?

Do I want teaching staff to be able to add new entries or pages and be seen by class during the semester?

Do I want to link the task to the grade centre?

Will the students be completing the task in groups?

Do I want to enter the sites via an overview page showing who has and has not started the task?

Do I want to be able to easily change permissions after the task has started?

Page 3: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Questions - Wiki Answer the questions below indicating yes or no in the second column. Align the yes responses with the remaining columns to find the type of wiki that best suits your purposes. Yes



Course wiki Single copy wiki

Single copy wiki – changed permissions

One copy per group

(Must make groups first)

One copy per person

Group tool wiki

Do I want to link to the wiki directly from the side menu?

Do I want to add the link to a content area?

Do I want everyone in the class to see each other’s work?

Do I want a group or individual wiki where students to see an initial template page/s from teaching staff?

Do I want teaching staff to be able to add new entries or pages and be seen by class during the semester?

Do I want to link the task to the grade centre?

Will the students be completing the task in groups?

Do I want to be able to enter the wikis via an overview page showing who has and has not started the task?

Do I want to be able to easily change the wiki permissions after the task has started?

Page 4: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 1 of 1 Updated 4 November 2011

Campus Pack:

Synchronising your course/site

Blackboard 9.1

The current version of Campus Pack is now hosted off site – this means that content created for any

wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally. Before you can begin to use the

Campus Pack tools, you will firstly need to synchronise your course or organisation with the campus

pack site to enable communication between your course or site and the hosting site. This must be

done in each new course or organization.

If you have not synchronized your site, you will see the error message below.

To synchronise your course to the Campus Pack hosting site:

1. Go to your Control Panel, click on Course Tools to expand

2. Choose Manage Campus Pack

3. Click on the link Synchronise Course

4. The synchronisation process occurs – while you will see a message saying that you can navigate

away from the page, it may be useful to wait, and to confirm that the three areas have the

message: Done written next to them.

Hosted sites:

Each time you enter a campus pack tool, it will be connecting with the off site hosted area. It may take

a little time to connect, particularly the first time you enter a course and the tool. There also can

sometimes be a delay, between when you have created a link to a tool, and when you can access the

tool. At times you may receive an error, saying unknown content item. In these cases, you may need

to wait and then refresh your screen a few times.




Page 5: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 1 of 2 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Course Blog

Blackboard 9.1

A course blog is accessed from the side menu – this is the only way to create the course blog and is

what distinguishes it from the single copy blog. Also, there can only be one instance of the course

blog – if you try and create another link on your menu, it will open the originally created course blog.

To enable the course blog feature:

1. Firstly ensure your course has been synchronised with the Campus Pack site (see separate tip

sheet Synchronising your course_site) – otherwise you will see the message below.

2. Go to your Control Panel, click on Customisation to expand.

3. Choose Tool Availability.

4. Tick the box beside Blog Tool if empty, then click on Submit.

Page 6: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 2 of 2 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Course Blog

Blackboard 9.1

Adding the course blog menu link:

1. Make sure Edit Mode is ON

2. Move your mouse to the plus sign in the top left hand corner of the side menu.

3. Choose Create Tool Link.

4. In the box that opens, type in a Name for the blog.

5. From the drop down box, select Blog Tool.

6. Tick Available to user if ready to open the blog to students.

7. Click on the Submit button.

8. The page below appears – the default name is Course Blog – this can be changed in Settings.

9. For assistance using the site, see the tip sheet Using Blogs.

By default, student permissions will be to:

View Any Entry Create Entries Edit own Entries Delete Own Entries View History of Any Entry

All teaching staff – course coordinators, course support and tutors will have owner rights and will have

full permissions in the blog.






Page 7: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 1 of 2 Updated 4 November 2011

Campus Pack:

Creating a Group tool blog

Blackboard 9.1

The group tool blog can be enabled to be accessed from a group homepage. You therefore need to

have groups already created in your course/site. Tutorial groups should now be automatically created

in your course site at the beginning of the semester/session. To make alternate groups, see the tip

sheets from the Groups section.

You can leave the blog blank and give your students instructions for how to begin and use the blog.

PLEASE NOTE: if you wish to provide instructions in the blog itself, you would need to set this up in

each group tool blog one by one. You can also alter the blog’s permission but again you would need to

do this one by one to each group’s site (see default permissions at end of tip sheet).

To add a group tool blog:

1. Firstly ensure your course has been synchronised with the Campus Pack site (see separate tip

sheet Synchronising your course_site) – otherwise you will see the message below.

2. Create your groups if not using tutorial groups.

3. For existing tutorial groups, you need to enable the blog tool.

4. Make sure Edit Mode is ON.

5. Go to your Control Panel, open Users and Groups link then choose Groups.

6. One by one, click on the double arrow icon next to the group name and choose Edit.



Page 8: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 2 of 2 Updated 4 November 2011

Campus Pack:

Creating a Group tool blog

Blackboard 9.1

7. In Section 2 Tool Availability, make sure Campus Pack Blog is ticked, then click Submit.

8. At any time to review or contribute to the blog, click the double arrow icon adjacent to the

group name and choose Open.

9. From the group homepage, now click the link Campus Pack Blog.

10. The page below will appear. You can now contribute or review the blog from here. See the tip

sheet on Using Blogs.

Default permissions - Group members are authors and can:

View any entry (group members only) Create entries Edit own entries

Edit any entry

Each automatically created tutorial group will need to have the relevant campus pack tool enabled.


Page 9: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 1 of 3 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Blog - Single Copy

Blackboard 9.1

Creating a blog – single copy, is a blog by default open to the whole course/site and can be added to

any content area in your course/site. It cannot be added as a side menu link to open directly on the

blog page (see the tip sheet Creating a Course Blog for this purpose). You will be able to add more

than one single class blog with completely different content (unlike a course blog).

To add a single copy class blog:

1. Firstly ensure your course has been synchronised with the Campus Pack site (see separate tip

sheet Synchronising your course_site) – otherwise you will see the message below.

2. Make sure Edit Mode is ON.

3. Go to the content area in your course site where you wish to place the blog.

4. Move your mouse over the Add Interactive Tool button.

5. Choose Campus Pack Blog.



Page 10: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 2 of 3 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Blog - Single Copy

Blackboard 9.1

6. Notice your have the option to:

a. Copy From Existing – copy a blog from any course or organisation you can access

b. Add Shortcut – link to a blog created elsewhere in the current course only

c. Import an Archive – if you have exported a blog, you can import back into a site

7. In most cases, you will be starting a new blog, fill in the title, then description if needed.

8. Leave the Deployment options set to Single Copy.

9. Create a column in the grade centre by ticking the Create Grade Book Entry box if needed –

you must decide at this point – it cannot be changed later. (If ticked, you will also be able to go

to the Grade Centre via the Assessment link once on a blog page.)

10. Indicate Points Possible.

11. Ticking Display Grade to Students means the task columns shows in the student’s My Grades.

12. Click Add.







Page 11: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 3 of 3 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Blog - Single Copy

Blackboard 9.1

13. The page below appears. You or the students/participants can now start posting to the blog

site - see the tip sheet Using Blogs. For more information on each of the functions written in

blue at the top of the page, see the separate tip sheets on each.

14. NOTE: The Settings option in the very top right hand corner is for a personal home page

settings – this feature is not used so ignore this link.

15. Once you have finished setting up the blog, a link will appear in the content area you had

chosen as shown below. By default, this type of blog will be available.

16. To enter the blog, click on the View link.

Default permissions for students/participants:

View Blog View Own Entries View Any Entry Create Entries Edit Own Entries Delete Own Entries View History of Entry Teaching staff will have owner permissions in addition and full access to the blog functions.




Page 12: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 1 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a blog – one copy per group

Blackboard 9.1

A blog - one copy per group option – has the following characteristics:

• can be added to any content area in your course/site.

• can create a template just once for the blog - each group will see this template then continue to

build their own group blog.

• BUT NOTE: any template changes will not be visible after a group has begun to use their blog.

Any questions or sample entry must be entered prior to making the blog available.

• groups cannot see the other groups’ blog sites using this feature easily (to enable this, you

would need to change the permissions of each group individually).

It is geared towards assessment because when teaching staff first enter the blog, they will see a list of

the group names, separated into tables for those that have started and are not yet started. It will also

show the most recent activity in each group’s blog. From here, staff click on the group of interest to

view their blog once they appear in the started table.

PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you have created your groups and finalised your group names before

adding the blog link – changing a group’s name at a later date may cause an error.

To add a group blog:

1. Firstly ensure your course has been synchronised with the Campus Pack site (see separate tip

sheet Synchronising your course_site) – otherwise you will see the message below.

2. Make sure Edit Mode is ON.

3. Go to the content area in your course site where you wish to place the blog.

4. Move your mouse over the Add Interactive Tool button.

5. Choose Campus Pack Blog.



Page 13: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 2 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a blog – one copy per group

Blackboard 9.1

6. Notice your have the option to:

a. Copy From Existing – copy a blog from any course or organisation you can access

b. Add Shortcut – link to a blog created elsewhere in the current course only

c. Import an Archive – if you have exported a blog, you can import back into a site

7. In most cases, you will be starting a new blog, fill in the title, then description if needed.

8. Under Deployment, choose One Per Group.

9. When you tick this option, the page will expand showing your groups. Notice that you can

allocate the blog to every group, or once expanded; select the groups able to view the blog.

Above there are study groups as well as tutorial groups. As the group blog is for tutorial groups

only, All Groups has been unticked, allowing for the study groups to be also unticked.

10. Create a column in the grade centre by ticking the Create Grade Book Entry box if needed -

you must decide at this point – it cannot be changed later. (If ticked, you will also be able to go

to the Grade Centre via the Assessment link once on a group’s blog page.)

11. Indicate Points Possible.

12. Ticking Display Grade to Students means the task columns shows in the student’s My Grades.

13. Click Add.








Page 14: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 3 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a blog – one copy per group

Blackboard 9.1

14. The page below will appear – this is the page that will open each time you enter the blog link.

Notice it has created a blog site for each of the groups listed in the Un-Started Assignments

table. (Once a group has started working on their blog site, their name will move up to the

Active Assignment area. Click on their name to view their site).

15. On the entry page example below, you will see a warning saying that the assignment is not yet

available. When ready to open it to students, click on the blue link Click here to make it

available. You may wish firstly to set up instructions (see step 16) or template (see step 19).

16. Students will have access to an instructions link in the top right hand corner of their blog. To

set up initial instructions – click on the Assignment Settings link.




Page 15: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 4 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a blog – one copy per group

Blackboard 9.1

17. A new page will open which includes an Instructions text entry box. You can edit the text at

any time and it will update on the student’s page (unlike the Assignment Template). Click Save

when complete.

18. The students’ page will look like the image below – with the Instructions link in the top right.

19. Notice on the example group page above, the blog is empty and has no pages entered. Before

the students commence the task, you can set up an entry that all groups will see. This is called

the Assignment Template. For example, you may post an initial question for the groups to

answer. PLEASE NOTE: you must set up the template before students start to access the blog.

Students will not see any changes made to the template after they have assessed the blog.

20. To set up an initial template blog entry – click on the Assignment Template link.




Page 16: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 5 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a blog – one copy per group

Blackboard 9.1

21. The page below appears. For more details, see the tip sheet Using Blogs.

22. Once you have finished setting up the blog, a link will appear in the content area you had

chosen as shown below. Notice this blog has not been made availabile yet.

23. To make the blog available, choose the View (23a) button and enter the blog, and click the

Click here to make it available blue link. You can also open the Settings (23b) link (circled in

the assignment template image) and then tick the Availability box.

Default Permissions for Students in a blog – one per group:

View any entry (group members only) View instructor entry from initial template

Create entry Edit own entry Delete own entry

View history of any entry

All Course coordinators, course support and tutor roles should have owner’s permissions and full access

of the blog. (for more information on permissions, see the tip sheet Changing blog permissions)



Page 17: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 1 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Blog – one copy per person

Blackboard 9.1

A blog - one copy per person option –has the following characteristics:

• can be added to any content area in your course site.

• can create a template just once for the blog - each student/participant will see this template

then continue to build their own blog.

• BUT NOTE: any template changes will not be visible after a student/participant has begun to

use their blog. Any questions or sample entry must be entered prior to making the blog


• it is not easy to allow students to see one anothers blog pages (to enable this, you would need

to change the permissions of each person’s blog individually).

It is geared towards assessment because when teaching staff first enter the blog, they will see a list of

the student/participant names, separated into tables for those that have started and are not yet

started. It will also show the most recent activity in each person’s blog. From here, staff click on the

person of interest to view the individual blog once they appear in the started table.

To add a single blog per person:

1. Firstly ensure your course has been synchronised with the Campus Pack site (see separate tip

sheet Synchronising your course_site) – otherwise you will see the message below.

2. Make sure Edit Mode is ON.

3. Go to the content area in your course site where you wish to place the blog.

4. Move your mouse over the Add Interactive Tool button.

5. Choose Campus Pack Blog.



Page 18: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 2 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Blog – one copy per person

Blackboard 9.1

6. Notice your have the option to:

a. Copy From Existing – copy a blog from any course or organisation you can access

b. Add Shortcut – link to a blog created elsewhere in the current course only

c. Import an Archive – if you have exported a blog, you can import back into a site

7. In most cases, you will be starting a new blog, fill in the title, then description if needed.

8. Under Deployment, choose One per Person.

9. Once this option is ticked, you will see a new row appear. Untick All Roles – USC does not use

the Guest Role and Course Builder so untick these options.

10. Create a column in the grade centre by ticking the Create Grade Book Entry box if needed -

you must decide at this point – it cannot be changed later. (If ticked, you will also be able to go

to the Grade Centre via the Assessment link once on a group’s blog page.)

11. Indicate Points Possible.

12. Ticking Display Grade to Students means the task columns shows in the student’s My Grades.

13. Click Add.








Page 19: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 3 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Blog – one copy per person

Blackboard 9.1

14. The page below will appear – this is the page that will open each time you enter the blog link.

Notice it has created a blog site for each student listed in the Un-Started Assignments table.

(Once a student has started working on their blog site, their name will move up to the Active

Assignment area. Click on their name to view their site).

15. On the entry page example below, you will see a warning saying that the assignment is not yet

available. Click on the blue link Click here to make it available when ready to open it to

students. You may wish firstly to set up instructions (see step 16) or template (see step 19).

16. Students will have access to an instructions link in the top right hand corner of their wiki. To

add your instructions to this area, you will need to click on the Assignment Settings link.


When a student has started an assignment, their name will appear here. Click on the name to enter the blog site.



Page 20: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 4 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Blog – one copy per person

Blackboard 9.1

17. A new page will open which includes an Instructions text entry box. You can edit the text at

any time and it will update on the student’s page (unlike the Assignment Template). Click Save

when complete.

18. The students’ page will look like the image below – with the Instructions link in the top right.

19. Notice on the example page above, the blog is empty and has no pages entered. Before the

students commence the task, you can set up an entry that all students will see. This is called

the Assignment Template. For example, you may wish to make an initial entry that is an

exemplar for students to follow. PLEASE NOTE: you must set up the template before students

start to access the blog. Students will not see any changes that are made to the template after

they have assessed the blog.

20. To set up an initial template blog entry – click on the Assignment Template link.




Page 21: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 5 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Blog – one copy per person

Blackboard 9.1

21. The page below appears. For more detail, see the tip sheet Using Blogs.

22. Once you have finished setting up the blog, a link will appear in the content area you had

chosen as shown below. Notice this blog has not been made availabile yet.

23. To make the blog available, choose the View button and enter the blog, and click the Click here

to make it available blue link. You can also open the Settings link (circled in the assignment

template image) and then tick the Availability box.

Default Permissions available to students/participants.

View own entries View instructors template entry Create entries

Edit own entries Delete own entries View history of own blog entries

All Course coorinators, course support and tutor roles should have owner’s permissions and full access

of the blog. (for more information on permissions, see the tip sheet Changing blog permissions)



Page 22: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 1 of 3 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Journal

Blackboard 9.1

The journal tool uses the exact same functionality as the blog tool. This means that a user posts entries

which will be organised in chronological order, with the most recent at the top. The campus pack

journal is by default set up to be a private blog.

This means it has customised permissions to allow:

Students see only their own posts *

AND Students can see teaching staff posts, as well as comments

There is only one type of journal tool in the Campus Pack suite.

*It is possible to change the default permissions. For example, at the end of the semester, you are able

to change the permissions so that when the task is complete, you can then allow students to see one

another’s posts.

To add a journal:

1. Firstly ensure your course has been synchronised with the Campus Pack site (see separate tip

sheet Synchronising your course_site) – otherwise you will see the message below.

2. Make sure Edit Mode is ON.

3. Go to the content area in your course site where you wish to place the blog.

4. Move your mouse over the Add Interactive Tool button.

5. Choose Campus Pack Journal.



Page 23: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 2 of 3 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Journal

Blackboard 9.1

6. Notice your have the option to:

a. Copy From Existing – copy a journal from any course or organisation you can access

b. Add Shortcut – link to a journal created elsewhere in the current course only

c. Import an Archive – if you have exported a journal, you can import back into a site

7. In most cases, you will be starting a new journal, fill in the title, then description if needed.

8. Create a column in the grade centre by ticking the Create Grade Book Entry box if needed –

you must decide at this point – it cannot be changed later. (If ticked, you will also be able to go

to the Grade Centre via the Assessment link once on a group’s blog page.)

9. Indicate Points Possible.

10. Ticking Display Grade to Students means the task columns shows in the student’s My Grades.

11. Click Add.







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Page 3 of 3 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Journal

Blackboard 9.1

13. The page below appears. You or the students/participants can now start posting to the journal

site. See the tip sheet Using Journals for more information. To use any of the functions

written in blue at the top of the page, see the separate tip sheets on each.

14. Once you have finished setting up the journal, a link will appear in your chosen content area.

15. To enter the journal, click on the View link. . By default, the journal will be available (enter the

site and use the Settings link to change this).

Default permissions for students/participants:

Create Entries Edit Own Entries View Instructor entries Delete Own Entries

Teaching staff will have owner permissions in addition and full access to the journal functions.


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Page 1 of 2 Updated 13 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Course Wiki

Blackboard 9.1

A course wiki is accessed from the side menu – this is the only way to create the course wiki and is what

distinguishes it from the single copy wiki. Also, there can only be one instance of the course wiki – if

you try and create another link on your menu, it will open the originally created course wiki.

To enable the course wiki feature:

1. Firstly ensure your course has been synchronised with the Campus Pack site (see separate tip

sheet Synchronising your course_site) – otherwise you will see the message below.

2. Go to your Control Panel, click on Customisation to expand.

3. Choose Tool Availability.

4. Tick the box beside Wiki Tool if empty, then click on Submit.

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Campus Pack:

Creating a Course Wiki

Blackboard 9.1

Adding the course wiki menu link:

1. Make sure Edit Mode is ON

2. Move your mouse to the plus sign in the top left hand corner of the side menu.

3. Choose Create Tool Link.

4. In the box that opens, type in a Name for the wiki.

5. From the drop down box, select Wiki Tool.

6. Tick Available to user if ready to open the wiki to students.

7. Click on the Submit button.

The page below appears – notice it is called a Course Wiki – this name can be changed in Settings.

By default, student permissions will be to:

View Wiki View Pages I've Created View Any Page Create Pages Edit Wiki (Any Page) View History of Any Page Delete Own Page All teaching staff – course coordinators, course support and tutors will have owner rights and will have

full permissions in the blog. (for more information, see the tip sheet Changing wiki permissions). For

assistance using the site, see the tip sheet Using Wikis.






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Page 1 of 2 Updated 4 November 2011

Campus Pack:

Creating a Group tool wiki

Blackboard 9.1

The group tool wiki can be enabled to be accessed from a group homepage. You therefore need to

have groups already created in your course/site. Tutorial groups should now be automatically created

in your course site at the beginning of the semester/session. To make alternate groups, see the tip

sheets from the Groups section.

You can leave the wiki blank and give your students instructions for how to begin and use the wiki.

PLEASE NOTE: if you wish to provide instructions in the wiki itself, you would need to set this up in

each group tool wiki one by one. You can also alter the wiki’s permission but again you would need to

do this one by one to each group’s site (see default permissions at end of tip sheet).

To add a group tool wiki:

1. Firstly ensure your course has been synchronised with the Campus Pack site (see separate tip

sheet) – otherwise you will see the message below.

2. Create your groups if not using tutorial groups.

3. For existing tutorial groups, you need to make sure the wiki tool is enabled.

4. Make sure Edit Mode is ON.

5. Go to your Control Panel, open Users and Groups link then choose Groups.

6. One by one, click on the double arrow icon next to the group name and choose Edit.



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Campus Pack:

Creating a Group tool wiki

Blackboard 9.1

7. In Section 2 Tool Availability, make sure Campus Pack Wiki is ticked, then click Submit.

8. At any time to review or contribute to the blog, click the double arrow icon adjacent to the

group name and choose Open.

9. From the group homepage, now click the link Campus Pack Wiki.

10. The page below will appear. You can now contribute or review the blog from here. See the tip

sheets on Using Wikis.

Default permissions:

Group members are authors and can:

View wiki View any page (group members only)

Create pages Edit wiki (any page)

Each automatically created tutorial group will need to have the relevant campus pack tool enabled.


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Page 1 of 3 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Wiki – Single Copy

Blackboard 9.1

Creating a wiki – single copy, is a wiki by default open to the whole course/site and can be added to any

content area in your course/site. It cannot be added as a side menu link to open directly on the wiki

page (see the tip sheet Creating a Course Wiki for this purpose). You will be able to add more than one

single class wiki with completely different content (unlike a course wiki).

To add a single copy class wiki:

1. Firstly ensure your course has been synchronised with the Campus Pack site (see separate tip

sheet Synchronising your course_site) – otherwise you will see the message below.

2. Make sure Edit Mode is ON.

3. Go to the content area in your course site where you wish to place the wiki.

4. Move your mouse over the Add Interactive Tool button.

5. Choose Campus Pack Wiki.



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Campus Pack:

Creating a Wiki – Single Copy

Blackboard 9.1

6. Notice your have the option to:

a. Copy From Existing – copy a wiki from any course or organisation you can access

b. Add Shortcut – link to a wiki created elsewhere in the current course only

c. Import an Archive – if you have exported a wiki, you can import back into a site

7. In most cases, you will be starting a new wiki, fill in the title, then description if needed.

8. Leave the Deployment options set to Single Copy.

9. Create a column in the grade centre by ticking the Create Grade Book Entry box if needed -

you must decide at this point – it cannot be changed later. (If ticked, you will also be able to go

to the Grade Centre via the Assessment link once on a wiki page.)

10. Indicate Points Possible.

11. Ticking Display Grade to Students means the task columns shows in the student’s My Grades.

12. Click Add.







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Campus Pack:

Creating a Wiki – Single Copy

Blackboard 9.1

13. The page below appears. You or the students/participants can now start posting to the wiki

site - see the tip sheet Using Wikis. For more information on each of the functions written in

blue at the top of the page, see the separate tip sheets on each.

14. NOTE: The Settings option in the very top right hand corner is for a personal home page

settings – this feature is not used so ignore this link.

15. Once you have finished setting up the wiki, a link will appear in the content area you had

chosen as shown below. By default, this type of wiki will be available.

16. To enter the wiki, click on the View link.

Default permissions for students/participants:

View Wiki View Any Page Create Pages Edit Wiki (Any Page) View History of Any Page Delete Own Pages

Teaching staff will have owner permissions in addition and full access to the wiki functions.




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Page 1 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Wiki – one copy per group

Blackboard 9.1

A wiki - one copy per group option – has the following characteristics:

• can be added to any content area in your course site.

• can create a template just once for the wiki - each group will see this template then continue to

build their own group wiki.

• BUT NOTE: any template changes will not be visible after a group has begun using their wiki.

Any pages with questions or examples must be entered prior to making the wiki available.

• groups cannot see the other groups’ wiki sites using this feature easily (to enable this, you

would need to change the permissions of each group individually).

It is geared towards assessment because when teaching staff first enter the wiki, they will see a list of

the group names, separated into tables for those that have started and are not yet started. It will also

show the most recent activity in each group’s wiki. From here, staff click on the group of interest to

view their wiki once they appear in the started table.

PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you have created your groups and finalised your group names before

adding the wiki link – changing a group’s name at a later date may cause an error.

To add a group wiki:

1. Firstly ensure your course has been synchronised with the Campus Pack site (see separate tip

sheet Synchronising your course_site) – otherwise you will see the message below.

2. Make sure Edit Mode is ON.

3. Go to the content area in your course site where you wish to place the wiki.

4. Move your mouse over the Add Interactive Tool button.

5. Choose Campus Pack Wiki.



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Campus Pack:

Creating a Wiki – one copy per group

Blackboard 9.1

6. Notice your have the option to:

a. Copy From Existing – copy a wiki from any course or organisation you can access

b. Add Shortcut – link to a wiki created elsewhere in the current course only

c. Import an Archive – if you have exported a wiki, you can import back into a site

7. In most cases, you will be starting a new wiki, fill in the title, then description if needed.

8. Under Deployment, choose One Per Group.

9. When you tick this option, the page will expand showing your groups. Notice that you can

allocate the wiki to each group, or once expanded; select the groups able to view the wiki.

Above there are study groups as well as tutorial groups. As the group wiki is for study groups

only, All Groups has been unticked, allowing for the tutorials groups to be also unticked.

10. Create a column in the grade centre by ticking the Create Grade Book Entry box if needed -

you must decide at this point – it cannot be changed later. (If ticked, you will also be able to go

to the Grade Centre via the Assessment link once on a group’s wiki page)

11. Indicate Points Possible.

12. Ticking Display Grade to Students means the task columns shows in the student’s My Grades.

13. Click Add.




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Campus Pack:

Creating a Wiki – one copy per group

Blackboard 9.1

14. The page below will appear – this is the page that will open each time you enter the wiki link.

Notice it has created a wiki site for each of the groups listed in the Un-Started Assignments

table. (Once a group has started working on their wiki site, their name will move up to the

Active Assignment area. Click on their name to view their site).

15. On the entry page example below, you will see a warning saying that the assignment is not yet

available. Click on the blue link Click here to make it available when ready to open it to

students. You may wish firstly to set up instructions (see step 16) or template (see step 19).

16. Students will have access to an instructions link in the top right hand corner of their wiki. To

add your instructions to this area, you will need to click on the Assignment Settings link.




When a group has started an assignment, the group name will appear here. Click on the name to enter the wiki site.

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Campus Pack:

Creating a Wiki – one copy per group

Blackboard 9.1

17. A new page will open which includes an Instructions text entry box. You can edit the text at

any time and it will update on the student’s page (unlike the Assignment Template). Click Save

when complete.

18. The students’ page will look like the image below – with the Instructions link in the top right.

19. Notice on the example group page above, the wiki is empty and has no pages entered. Before

the students commence the task, you can set up a page or pages that all groups will see. This is

called the Assignment Template. For example, you may have already set up 5 wiki pages in the

site, each with a different question on it for the groups to answer. PLEASE NOTE: you must set

up the template before students start to access the wiki. Students will not see any changes

that are made to the template after they have assessed the wiki.

20. To set up an initial template wiki page/s – click on the Assignment Template link.





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Campus Pack:

Creating a Wiki – one copy per group

Blackboard 9.1

21. The page below appears. For more details, see the tip sheet Using Wikis.

22. Once you have finished setting up the wiki, a link will appear in the content area you had

chosen as shown below. Notice this wiki has not been made available yet.

23. To make the wiki available, choose the View (23a) button and enter the wiki, and click the Click

here to make it available blue link. You can also open the Settings (23b) link (circled in the

assignment template image) and then tick the Availability box.

Default Permissions for Students in a wiki – one per group:

View Wiki (own group only) View instructor entry from template Create pages

View Any Page (own group only) Edit any page (own group only) Delete own pages

View History of any page (own group only)

All Course coordinators, course support and tutor roles should have owner’s permissions and full

access of the wiki.



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Page 1 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Wiki – one copy per person

Blackboard 9.1

A wiki - one copy per person option –has the following characteristics.

• can be added to any content area in your course site.

• can create a template just once for the wiki - each student/participant will see this template

then continue to build their own wiki.

• BUT NOTE: any template changes will not be visible after a student/participant has begun to

use their wiki. Any pages with questions or examples must be entered prior to making the wiki


• it is not easy to allow students to see one anothers wiki pages (to enable this, you would need

to change the permissions of each person’s wiki individually).

It is geared towards assessment because when teaching staff first enter the wiki, they will see a list of

the student/participant names, separated into tables for those that have started and are not yet

started. It will also show the most recent activity in each person’s wiki. From here, staff click on the

person of interest to view the individual wiki.

To add a wiki - one copy per person:

1. Firstly ensure your course has been synchronised with the Campus Pack site (see separate tip

sheet Synchronising your course_site) – otherwise you will see the message below.

2. Make sure Edit Mode is ON.

3. Go to the content area in your course site where you wish to place the wiki.

4. Move your mouse over the Add Interactive Tool button.

5. Choose Campus Pack Wiki.



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Page 2 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Creating a Wiki – one copy per person

Blackboard 9.1

6. Notice your have the option to:

a. Copy From Existing – copy a wiki from any course or organisation you can access

b. Add Shortcut – link to a wiki created elsewhere in the current course only

c. Import an Archive – if you have exported a wiki, you can import back into a site

7. In most cases, you will be starting a new wiki, fill in the title, then description if needed.

8. Under Deployment, choose One per Person.

9. Once this option is ticked, you will see a new row appear. Untick the All Roles box – USC does

not use the Guest Role or Course Builder so untick these options.

10. Create a column in the grade centre by ticking the Create Grade Book Entry box if needed -

you must decide at this point – it cannot be changed later. (If ticked, you will also be able to go

to the Grade Centre via the Assessment link once on a group’s wiki page.)

11. Indicate Points Possible.

12. Ticking Display Grade to Students means the task columns shows in the student’s My Grades.

13. Click Add.








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Campus Pack:

Creating a Wiki – one copy per person

Blackboard 9.1

14. The page below will appear – this is the page that will open each time you enter the wiki link.

Notice it has created a wiki site for each student listed in the Un-Started Assignments table.

(Once a student has started working on their wiki site, their name will move up to the Active

Assignment area. Click on their name to view their site).

15. On the entry page example below, you will see a warning saying that the assignment is not yet

available. Click on the blue link Click here to make it available when ready to open it to

students. You may wish firstly to set up instructions (see step 16) or template (see step 19).

16. Students will have access to an instructions link in the top right hand corner of their wiki. To

add your instructions to this area, you will need to click on the Assignment Settings link.




When a student has started an assignment, their name will appear here. Click on the name to enter the wiki site.

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Campus Pack:

Creating a Wiki – one copy per person

Blackboard 9.1

17. A new page will open which includes an Instructions text entry box. You can edit the text at

any time and it will update on the student’s page (unlike the Assignment Template). Click Save

when complete.

18. The students’ page will look like the image below – with the Instructions link in the top right.

19. Notice on the example page above, the wiki is empty and has no pages entered. Before the

students commence the task, you can set up a page or pages that all students will see. This is

called the Assignment Template. For example, you may have already set up 5 wiki pages in the

site, each with a different topic and outline of responses required. PLEASE NOTE: you must set

up the template before students start to access the wiki. Students will not see any changes

that are made to the template after they have assessed the wiki.

20. To set up an initial template wiki page/s – click on the Assignment Template link.




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Campus Pack:

Creating a Wiki – one copy per person

Blackboard 9.1

21. The page below appears. For more details on how to create wiki pages, see the tip sheet Using


22. Once you have finished setting up the wiki, a link will appear in the content area you had

chosen as shown below. Notice this wiki has not been made available yet.

23. To make the wiki available, choose the View (23a) button and enter the wiki, and click the Click

here to make it available blue link. You can also open the Settings (23b) link (circled in the

assignment template image) and then tick the Availability box.

Default Permissions available to students/participants:

View instructor entry from template View any of own pages Create pages

Edit Wiki (Own Pages) Delete (Own Pages) View history (Own pages)

All Course coordinators, course support and tutor roles should have owner’s permissions and full access

of the wiki. (for more information on permissions, see the tip sheet Changing wiki permissions)



Page 42: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 1 of 4 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Changing Blog permissions

Blackboard 9.1

There are a number of different blog types that can be added to a course site, each with its own default

set of permissions. This defines who can: view the blog, create entries, edit entries, delete entries etc.

You can change the permissions of a blog to customise it to suit your purposes. You can also use the

permissions to change how a blog is used mid way or at the end of the semester.

You can most easily change permissions to:

• A course blog

• A single copy blog

Making changes to the following blogs is possible, but it will involve making the changes multiple

times, ie. to each person’s blog or each group blog. If you have a small number of groups or students,

you may wish to consider this option, but in many cases it may not be viable.

Types of blogs where permissions are more difficult to change:

• One copy per group blog

• One copy per person blog

• A group tool blog

To change permissions:

1. Enter the blog.

2. NOTE - you can firstly check who can view the blog, by looking under the title. In this case,

everyone in the course can view this blog.

3. Click on the link Permissions.

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Campus Pack:

Changing Blog permissions

Blackboard 9.1

4. The Permissions page opens as shown below – showing a tab for each role.

a. Viewers – typically a read only equivalent access.

b. Authors – typically allowing adding to, editing and deleting some/all posts.

c. Owners – typically only given to teaching staff to fully manage the site.

To view or make changes to a role, click on the relevant role name.

5. To check what permissions have been allocated, or to change the default permissions, click on

the Customise link of the relevant role.



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Campus Pack:

Changing Blog permissions

Blackboard 9.1

6. The image below shows the author role and its default permission for a single copy blog.

7. Notice the default is to view any entry but edit and delete only their own entries. You may wish

to change the permissions so authors cannot delete their own entries – to do this untick the

relevant box, then click on the Save button that you will find at the bottom of the page.

8. In addition to changing the permissions, you can also add people or groups to a role. On the

Permissions page, you will find the people in the course allocated to the role. In the example

below, a blog has been allocated to one group, and so that groups name appears in the Authors



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Campus Pack:

Changing Blog permissions

Blackboard 9.1

9. If you wanted another group to start working with them, you could add the other group’s name

to the Author box. To do this, go to the Add Authors area.

10. Click on the course name.

11. A list will appear of groups, roles and people in the course. Click on the relevant group name.

12. Then click the Add button at the bottom of the third column. You should then see the groups

name moved up to the Author box.

13. Make sure you click on the Save button at the bottom of the page to register any changes.





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Page 1 of 3 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Changing Journal permissions

Blackboard 9.1

There is only one type of journal that can be added to your course site. By default, this will allow

students to see only their own posts, plus posts made by teaching staff.

Most commonly there would be only one permission change that would be made to a journal. This is to

allow students to see one another’s posts. (thus turning it into a single copy blog).

The way this would most likely be used would be to use the default permissions at the start of the

semester/session (students only seeing their own plus teaching staff posts), and then if required,

change the permissions so that students can see one another’s posts at the end of the

semester/session. This will be demonstrated below.

To change permissions:

1. Enter the journal.

2. Click on the link Permissions.

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Campus Pack:

Changing Journal permissions

Blackboard 9.1

3. The Permissions page opens as shown below – showing a tab for each role. By default for a

journal there are only two rolesl

a. Authors – typically allowing adding to, editing and deleting some/all posts.

b. Owners – typically only given to teaching staff to fully manage the site.

4. To check what permissions have been allocated, or to change the default permissions, click on

the Customise link of the relevant role.



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Campus Pack:

Changing Journal permissions

Blackboard 9.1

5. The image below shows the author role and its default permissions for a journal.

6. Notice the default is to edit their own entry, to view the instructor entries, but not to view any

entry. This means students can see their own entry, the teaching staff entries, but not other

students. Here is where you could change the options at the end of the semester. At the

relevant time, you could open this area, and then tick the box to View Any Entry. Students

would then be able to see each other’s posts.


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Page 1 of 3 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Changing Wiki permissions

Blackboard 9.1

There are a number of different wiki types that can be added to a course site, each with its own default

set of permissions. This defines who can: view the wiki, create entries, edit entries, delete entries etc.

You can change the permissions of a wiki to customise it to suit your purposes. For example, while

wikis are designed for collaboration, you could changes the permissions to students can see each

other’s work, but only edit their own. You can also use the permissions to change how a wiki is used

mid way or at the end of the semester.

You can most easily change permissions to:

• A course wiki

• A single copy wiki

Making changes to the following wikis is possible, but it will involve making the changes multiple times,

ie. to each person’s wiki or each group wiki. If you have a small number of groups or students, you may

wish to consider this option, but in many cases it may not be viable.

Types of wikis where permissions are more difficult to change:

• One copy per group wiki

• One copy per person wiki

• A group tool wiki

To change permissions:

1. Enter the wiki site

2. NOTE - you can firstly check who can view the wiki, by looking under the title. In this case,

everyone in the course can view this wiki.

3. Choose Permissions from the list of options at the top of the page.

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Campus Pack:

Changing Wiki permissions

Blackboard 9.1

4. The Permissions page opens as shown below – showing a tab for each role.

a. Viewers – typically a read only equivalent access.

b. Authors – typically allowing adding to, editing and deleting pages.

c. Owners – typically only given to teaching staff to fully manage the site.

Click on the relevant role name in the tab to view its details.

5. To check what permissions have been allocated, or to change the default permissions, click on

the customise link of the relevant role.

6. The image below shows the author role and its default permission for a single copy wiki.

7. Notice the default is to view any page but also to edit any page. Here is where you could

change the option to edit any page, and instead choose Edit Pages I’ve Created so students

can see each other’s work, but only make changes to their own.




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Campus Pack:

Changing Wiki permissions

Blackboard 9.1

8. In addition to changing the permissions, you can also add people or groups to a role. On the

Permissions page, you will find the people in the course allocated to the role. In the example

below, a wiki has been allocated to one group, and so that groups name appears in the Authors


9. If you wanted another group to start working with them, you could add the other group’s name

to the Author box. To do this, go to the Add Authors area.

10. Click on the course name.

11. A list will appear of groups, roles and people in the course. Click on the relevant group name.

12. Then click the Add button at the bottom of the third column. You should then see the groups

name moved up to the Author box.

13. Make sure you click on the Save button at the bottom of the page to register any changes.






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Page 1 of 5 Updated 23 January 2012

Campus Pack:

Using a blog

Blackboard 9.1

There are many different ways a Campus Pack blog can be used, depending on the permissions set and

how you use the tools available. A range of scenarios will be provided in the future to demonstrate

possible uses of a blog. Also, over time a bank of examples will be built demonstrating how USC staff

are using the blog tool. These will be provided in the Blended Learning organisation launched in 2012.

The ‘typical’ blog is similar to blogs that appear on the web. Generally these are like journal entries that

people post and make public. Posts are arranged by date with the most recent at the top. There is

usually a calendar or search function that allows you to go back by date.

By default, a campus pack blog simulates a blog website and allows all members to add entries. It also

allows comments to be made on each page also. The idea of a blog in an LMS was originally to allow

students to post reflections.

The following instructions provide information on a class blog that will demonstrate its basic functions.

To create the blog, firstly see the relevant tip sheet.

Once created:

1. Enter the blog via the View link.

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Using a blog

Blackboard 9.1

2. The new blog appears. Notice as a course coordinator, course support or tutor, you will see

blue links at the top of the page. Most of these will not be available to students. For

information on each of these, see the separate tip sheets.

3. The white box gives instructions that to commence, you will need to click the button Add New

Entry. In many cases, you will start off the blog by adding a new page and entering instructions

on this page. Alternatively, you may have provided instructions in the description of the blog

when setting up. Note that the message says the blog is shared by No one. This does not

mean students can’t see the page. It means that it is not shared with anyone outside of the


4. Click on Add New Entry to make a posting.

5. By default the title will be the current date, otherwise you can type in a new name, then click on





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Using a blog

Blackboard 9.1

6. A WYSIWYG editor appears. Type in the content of the page here. Click on Save & Exit when


7. The entry is now added, you can see the title listed on the right hand menu under Recent

Entries (7a). Also you have 2 links at the top of the entry – you can Edit or Delete the entry (7b).




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Using a blog

Blackboard 9.1

8. If it is a class blog, each student can also post to the site. You will see the entries in the main

content window, with the most recent at the top. Their name is found under the title.

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Campus Pack:

Using a blog

Blackboard 9.1

Looking at the right hand side menu:

A. Each blog will have a Search function –

enter the keyword and click Go.

B. To be able to view just one person’s post,

click on the Author Filter drop down box and

select the relevant person.

C. The most recent posts will be listed.

D. Each post can have a tag applied to it – if

used; you would be able to sort the posts by

clicking on the relevant tag.

E. You can jump to specific posts by date.

F. Finally a list of recent activity will be listed –

this will include updates and comments, as

opposed to the recent post list

Notice in the default class blog, users will be able to comment on one another’s entry, via the View

Comments area – click on this to expand.

Enter a Subject then type in the comment in the text box. Click on Post when complete.







Click to expand section below

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Page 1 of 5 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Using a journal

Blackboard 9.1

The campus pack journal is simply the blog tool with adjusted permissions to allow specific

functionality. That is:

• To enable one link to the journal site

• To enable students to see teaching staff posts

• To restrict students to see only their posts and not their peers

• But to allow the permissions to be changed at the end to enable students to view one

another’s posts in addition to the teaching staff posts

The ‘typical’ journal is similar to blogs or journals that appear on the web. Generally these are like

journal entries that people post and make public. Posts are arranged by date with the most recent at

the top. There is usually a calendar or search function that allows you to go back by date.

By default, a campus pack journal simulates a journal website and allows all members to add entries,

however, they can only view their own posts and posts made by teaching staff. It also allows

comments to be made on each page also. Typically journals are used in learning management systems

such as Blackboard to allow students to post reflections. It can ben used for other purposes however.

The following instructions provide information on a class journal that will demonstrate its basic

functions. To create the journal, firstly see the relevant tip sheet.

Once created:

1. Enter the journal via the View link.

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Campus Pack:

Using a journal

Blackboard 9.1

2. The new journal appears. Notice as a course coordinator, course support or tutor, you will see

blue links at the top of the page. Most of these will not be available to students. For

information on each of these, see the separate tip sheets.

3. The white box gives instructions that to commence, you will need to click the button Add New

Entry. In many cases, you will start off the journal by adding a new entry and entering

instructions on this page. Alternatively, you may have provided instructions in the description

of the journal when setting up. Note that the message says the journal is shared by No one.

This does not mean students can’t see the page. It means that it is not shared with anyone

outside of the course.

4. Click on Add New Entry to make a posting.

5. A pop up will appear first. By default the title will be entered as the current date - you can type

in a new name if desired, then click on Continue.




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Using a journal

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6. A WYSIWYG editor appears. Type in the content of the page here. Click on Save & Exit when


7. The entry is now added, you can see the title listed on the right hand menu under Recent

Entries (7a). Also you have 2 links at the top of the entry – you can Edit or Delete the entry. If

you have made a change to an entry, you will see a third option History (7b).




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Campus Pack:

Using a journal

Blackboard 9.1

8. Once students have posted to the site, you will see their entries in the main content window,

with the most recent at the top. Their name is found under the title.


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Campus Pack:

Using a journal

Blackboard 9.1

9. Notice in the default journal, teaching staff can comment on student’s entries by clicking and

expanding the Author Discussion tab. Teaching staff can communicate just to each other,

using the Owner Discussion tab.

10. Enter a Subject then type in the text box. Click on Post when complete.

11. Other options that are accessed on the right hand side menu are:

A. Each journal will have a Search function –

enter the keyword and click Go.

B. To be able to view just one person’s post/s,

click on the Author Filter drop down box and

select the relevant person.

C. The most recent posts will be listed.

D. Each post can have a tag applied to it – if

used; you would be able to sort the posts by

clicking on the relevant tag.

E. You can jump to specific posts by date.

F. Finally a list of recent activity will be listed –

this will include updates and comments, as

opposed to the recent post list







Click to expand the relevant section below


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Page 1 of 7 Updated 23 January 2012

Campus Pack:

Using a wiki

Blackboard 9.1

There are many different ways a Campus Pack wiki can be used, depending on the permissions set and

how you use the tools available. A range of scenarios will be provided in the future to demonstrate

possible uses of a wiki. Also, over time a bank of examples will be built demonstrating how USC staff

are using the wiki tool. These will be provided in the Blended Learning organisation launched in 2012.

The ‘typical’ wiki is designed to be used in a similar fashion to the website Wikipedia. It is meant to be a

collaborative area where knowledge can be built. In this situation, all users have access to each page in

the wiki and can edit the content. The history is recorded so all changes can be tracked.

By default, a campus pack wiki simulates a website and allows all members to add pages and edit any

page. It also allows comments to be made on each page. The idea of a wiki in an LMS was originally to

allow students to work on a collaborative assignment, without the need to physically meet and

exchange content.

The following instructions provide information on a group assignment that will demonstrate the basic

functions of a wiki. To create the wiki, firstly see the relevant tip sheet.

Once created:

1. The wiki can be accessed at any time via the View link (a group tool wiki will be found on the

group homepage under Tools).

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Campus Pack:

Using a wiki

Blackboard 9.1

2. The new wiki appears. Notice as a course coordinator, course support or tutor, you will see blue

links at the top of the page. Most of these will not be available to students. For information on

each of these, see the separate tip sheets.

3. The white box gives instructions that to commence, you will need to click the button Add New

Page. In many cases, you will start off the wiki by adding a new page and entering instructions

on this page. Note that the message says the wiki is shared by No one. This does not mean

students can’t see the page. It means that it is not shared with anyone outside of the course.

4. Clicking on the Add New Page button allows you to firstly name the page, and if there were

pages already existing, decide if it will set as a page or sub-page (this will be demonstrated


5. Click on the Continue button once you have added a title.




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Campus Pack:

Using a wiki

Blackboard 9.1

6. A WYSIWYG editor appears. Type in the content of the page here. Click on Save & Exit when


7. The page is now added, you can see the title listed on the right hand menu under Pages (7a).

Notice you have 3 links at the top of the page – you can Edit, Lock or Delete the page (7b). You

may wish to Lock a page such as the instruction page, so that no further changes can be made

to it.




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Using a wiki

Blackboard 9.1

8. The default settings will allow students to Add New Pages as well to the site. As they add pages, you will see them listed on the right hand side menu.

9. Two students have now added pages to the wiki (9a). Notice that Carrie’s Page has a triangle

next to it (9b). This means that there is a sub-page added. The sub-page can’t be seen on the

main menu, but will become visible when you click on the link Carrie’s Page.

10. Now that you are on Carrie’s page, the sub-page appears and is available to enter.

9b 9a


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Campus Pack:

Using a wiki

Blackboard 9.1

11. To create a sub-page, click on the Add New Page button. Enter a title, but make sure you

select a page for it to sit under – below a sub-page is going to be created under the Instructions


We will now focus on other options on the right

hand side menu.

A. Firstly, there is a Search function to allow

you to search for a word within the wiki pages.

B. The Pages area is one way to navigate

around the wiki.

C. By default, Tags are turned on, allowing you

to apply tags to a page, which will then appear

listed here.

D. A list of Page Contributors will be viewable

for each separate page.

E. You will also see an activity history. Note

there is the option to View all activity at the

bottom (obscured here).







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Using a wiki

Blackboard 9.1

Creating links to other pages

Like a web site, you can embed hyperlinks in the text of a wiki page that will link to another page in the

wiki site. This is similar to embedding a URL hyperlink in other WYSIWYG editors.

To add a link:

1. Open the relevant page where the link will be placed.

2. Highlight the words that will be clicked to go to the new page.

3. Select the small link icon.



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Campus Pack:

Using a wiki

Blackboard 9.1

4. A new window will appear. Click on the option to Link to an existing page. Note that you can

also create a link to an external URL here, or to a new page.

5. Highlight the existing page you wish to link to.

6. Click on Insert.

7. The hyperlink to the new page will now be added.





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Page 1 of 4 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Reviewing or assessing blogs

Blackboard 9.1

Once a blog has been completed, there are two ways to review or assess it (if applicable):

A. Either enter the blog, read the contents as a whole

B. Or access the Assessment function, which will display content based on student/user/group,

(can also access the history link to view entry changes if needed). As well, you can enter marks

and grade from this area is you had linked the blog to the grade centre in the initial set up.

Option A – viewing blog site itself

1. In many cases, this may be sufficient to review the blog site, especially if you have not linked

the blog to the grade centre.

2. Enter the tool from the View link.

3. The page will appear. You will be able to view the individual authors from the side Filters drop

down box.

4. On any particular page, if it has been edited you will find a History button. Click on this to

reveal the changes made to the page if necessary/relevant (the history page is more applicable

to wiki’s however).



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Campus Pack:

Reviewing or assessing blogs

Blackboard 9.1

5. If you do click the History link, a list will appear of the versions for that entry – in the example

below there have just been two.

6. Click and use Shift to highlight both pages – this will make the Compare button active - you can

click on this to reveal the changes made.

7. Both entries now appear. You can see the changes highlighted in green on the most recent


8. Use the Go Back buttons at the bottom of end page to return to the main area of the blog.

Option B – using the Assessment function.

1. To access the assessment link, enter the tool from the View link.

2. The next page that appears will depend on the type of tool used. If a one per group, or one per

person option was chosen, a list of the groups or students shows, dividing them between

groups that have started (active) and not started (un-started). Click on one of the started

groups or people to view the blog, blog or journal (see over page).





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Campus Pack:

Reviewing or assessing blogs

Blackboard 9.1

3. After clicking on a student or group, the page below appears. For a course blog, single copy

blog or blog from the groups homepage, you will be taken directly to this page. The

Assessment link will appear in the top in blue – click on this link to review the task.

2. Started blogs appear in the top table – click on the group name to enter their blog


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Reviewing or assessing blogs

Blackboard 9.1

4. You will see firstly an activity summary listing all participants, and their contributions.

5. The Grade Centre button will be visible if you have linked to the Grade Centre in your initial set

up. Clicking this button opens the grade centre in a new window.

6. To look at an individual’s contribution, click on their name, and then you will see the Evaluate

Participant button becomes active – click on this.

7. Each participant or user is listed, showing both their Entries and Comments.

8. It will not show revisions or histories, only the final version of the post. Also note, if a teaching

staff member has edited an entry, these changes will be attributed to the student/user.

9. Notice there is also an Edit link – clicking this will open an area to place a mark and feedback

and notes that will automatically be updated in the Grade Centre when submitted.



6. After clicking on a name, this link will become active



PLEASE NOTE: Typed feedback only – no file attachments can be made

Page 73: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 1 of 4 Updated 9 February 2012

Campus Pack:

Reviewing or assessing a journal

Blackboard 9.1

Once a journal task has been completed, there are two ways to review or assess it (if applicable):

A. Either enter the journal and read the contents as a whole.

B. Or access the Assessment function, which will display content based on student/user. Also

from this area, you can enter marks and grade from this area is you have linked the journal to

the grade centre in the initial set up.

NOTE: Option A will give you access to the History link for an individual entry. This is more applicable to wikis

when 2 different people have edited a page, but is available if necessary.

Option A – entering a journal to review the contents.

1. In many cases this option will be sufficient to assess or review the journal, simply filtering the

journal by author ie student/user.

2. Enter the tool from the View link.

3. The page will appear. Open the Filters drop down box and you will be able to select an

individual author and view only their posts.

4. Notice on a particular entry, if it has been edited, you will find a History button. Click on this if

you wish to review the changes made to the page.



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Campus Pack:

Reviewing or assessing a journal

Blackboard 9.1

5. If you do click the history link, a list of the version entries will appear – in the example below

there have just been two.

6. Click and use Shift to highlight both pages – this will make the Compare button active – click to

reveal the changes.

7. Both entries now appear. You can see the changes highlighted in green on the most recent

version. Anything deleted appears highlighted in red.

8. Use the Go Back buttons at the bottom of end page to return to the main area of the journal.

Option B – using the Assessment function.

1. To access the assessment link, enter the tool from the View link.






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Campus Pack:

Reviewing or assessing a journal

Blackboard 9.1

2. The page below appears. The Assessment link will appear in the top in blue – click on this link

to review the task.

3. You will see firstly an activity summary listing all participants, and their contributions.

4. The Grade Centre button will be visible if you had linked to the Grade Centre in your initial set

up. Clicking this button opens the grade centre in a new window.

5. To look at an individual’s contribution, click on their name, and then you will see the Evaluate

Participant button becomes active – click on this.



6. After clicking on a name, this link will become activie

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Reviewing or assessing a journal

Blackboard 9.1

6. Each participant or user is listed, showing both their Entries and Comments.

7. Note, it will not show revisions or histories, only the final version of the post. Also note, if a

teaching staff member has edited an entry, these changes will not show up under their name.

The changes will appear on the student/users page, and be attributed to the student/user.

8. Notice there is also an Edit link – clicking this will open an area to place a mark and feedback

and notes that will automatically be updated in the Grade Centre when submitted (shown




PLEASE NOTE: Typed feedback only – no file attachments can be made

Page 77: Campus Pack Tool Blog Journal Wiki › media › 2083529 › TSCampus-Pack-Booklet.… · wiki, blog or journal will not be stored on a USC server but externally . Before you can

Page 1 of 6 Updated 4 November 2011

Campus Pack:

Reviewing or assessing wikis

Blackboard 9.1

Once a wiki has been completed, there are two ways to review or assess it (if applicable):

A. Either enter the wiki, read the contents and review using the History link if needed

B. Or access the Assessment function, which will display content based on student/user/group,

and allow you to view the history and compare pages. You can also enter marks and grade

from this area is you have linked the wiki to the grade centre in the initial set up.

Option A – entering a wiki and using the History link.

1. This would be applicable in a simple wiki with few edits expected or being used with one person

working on a single page within the wiki.

2. Enter the tool from the View link.

3. The page will appear. You will be able to view the individual pages from the side Pages list.

4. On any particular page, if it has been edited you will find a History button. Click on this to

reveal the changes made to the page.



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Campus Pack:

Reviewing or assessing wikis

Blackboard 9.1

5. A list will appear of the changes – in the example below there have just been two.

6. Notice that two pages have been highlighted – this makes the Compare button active and you

can click on this to see the changes made by the second student.

7. Both entries now appear. You can see the changes highlighted in green on the most recent


8. Use the Go Back buttons at the bottom of end page to get back to the wiki.

Option B – using the Assessment function.

1. To access the assessment link, enter the tool from the View link.

2. The next page that appears will depend on the type of tool used. If a one per group, or one per

person option was chosen, a list of the groups or students shows, dividing them between





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Campus Pack:

Reviewing or assessing wikis

Blackboard 9.1

groups that have started (active) and not started (un-started). Click on one of the started

groups or people to view the wiki, blog or journal.

3. The page below appears. For a course tool, single copy tool or tool from the groups’ homepage

the page will look similar to this as well. The Assessment link will appear in the top in blue –

click on this link to review the task.

4. You will see firstly an activity summary listing all participants, and summarising their

contributions (see over page).

2. Started wikis appear in the top table – click on the group name to enter their wiki

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Campus Pack:

Reviewing or assessing wikis

Blackboard 9.1

5. The Grade Centre button will be visible if you have linked to the Grade Centre in your initial set

up. Clicking this button opens the grade centre in a new window.

6. To look at an individual’s contribution, click on their name, and then you will see the Evaluate

Participant button becomes active – click on this.

7. The pages are listed and show the contribution by that particular student. Notice also, that

because the tool was linked to the grade centre, there is an Edit button which will open an

entry box to enter a mark or grade, and allow the feedback boxes to be active.

8. By highlighting a page, the Page History button becomes active – click on this to view an

individual page history. Please note, while it shows Jane has made a comment on the page

From USC1 – viewing this page will not show the comments here.



6. After clicking on a name, this link will become activie



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Reviewing or assessing wikis

Blackboard 9.1

9. The page below appears. You can see the individual page versions – in this case there have

been just two. To view a particular version, highlight it then click on the View link.

10. The version selected appears. Notice there is the option to compare it to the first version – click

on the Compare button.

11. The two versions now appear side by side. You can see the additional entry highlighted in

green. Any wording deleted would appear crossed out.

12. To return to the page history, click on the Go Back button.



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Campus Pack:

Reviewing or assessing wikis

Blackboard 9.1

13. The page history appears. This time, the first version is highlighted. Notice that this makes

active the Restore link. Click on this link will make the original version the live version – you will

be returned to the wiki and opened on the newly restored page.

14. If you re-enter the assessment area again, go to the same student and evaluate, click on the

relevant page and choose Page History.

15. An entry appears showing the course coordinator has changed the page as shown below.

16. At any time when you are ready to allocate a mark, click on the Go Back button to return to the

Activity Summary page.

17. Click on the Edit button (see page 4, step 7).

18. A grade box appears and the feedback and grading areas become active. Making an entry and

clicking Submit will automatically transfer these transferred to the grade centre. You can go

back an edit this if need be – and this will be updated in the grade centre.

Enter marks and comments here

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Campus Pack:

Changing settings on a wiki, blog or journal

Blackboard 9.1

Once a wiki, blog or journal has been created, you can use the settings function to change the:




Icon or image on the first page

Theme – colouring

To make a change to any of the above settings, firstly enter the tool site.

1. Enter the wiki, blog or journal via the View link

2. Choose Settings from the top menu area

3. The page below appears.

4. Re-enter the Title in the title box if needed.

5. Type in or change the description in the Description box.




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Changing settings on a wiki, blog or journal

Blackboard 9.1

6. Untick the Availability box if wanting to change the setting to unavailable. Unticking the box

essentially means any student/participant or equivalent role will not see the link to the feature

(If you have groups in your course you will see them listed as shown below).

7. Image- you can insert your own icon to represent the wiki or blog – recommended size is 96 x

96 pixels. Click the Change Image button to open the pop up where you can choose the file.

8. Theme – a number of different colours schemes are available for use – select the option Choose

Theme, which will activate the drop down box (8a). Once selecting a new scheme, click on

Preview (8b) to view the colours first before applying.

9. Click Save after making any of the above changes.






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Campus Pack:

Exporting a wiki/blog/journal

Blackboard 9.1

Once a wiki, blog or journal has been created, you can export the wiki, blog or journal to be saved as a

zip file package to your own computer/drive. You can save the site as a stand alone web site, a single

web page or an archive package that can be restored at a later date into another course/site.

A user needs appropriate permissions to be able to export a site. By default, course coordinators,

course support and tutor roles will be able to export any campus pack site. In most cases, students will

not have permissions to perform an export. While you can enable this permission for students, please

consider issues such as copyright and privacy and how these will be managed. For more information,

check the following links:

Intellectual Property - Governing Policy

Acceptable use of Information Technology Resources - Governing Policy

To export a wiki/blog or journal:

1. Enter the relevant site.

2. At the top of the page, click on the link Export.

3. The page below appears.


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Exporting a wiki/blog/journal

Blackboard 9.1

4. Choose the Export as format you wish by opening the drop down box. Choices are:

a. A standalone web site – applicable if you have links within the pages to each other

b. A single web page – you will be able to see all content in a linear fashion down the


c. An importable archive – creates a zipped folder that can be imported in another course

5. Tick the options required - either tags and/or viewer comments to be included.

6. Click on Export – you will receive a message as shown below – click on OK.

7. When the export is ready, you will see a new link appear in the top right called Alerts.

8. Click on Alerts – a box will expand where you can access the exported file – click on this link.



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Exporting a wiki/blog/journal

Blackboard 9.1

9. Access to the zipped file is now available for you on the export page. Click on the link to

download the zipped file.

Examples of packages

Stand alone web site – wiki - clickable links to take you to new pages.

Single web page – wiki - each page is shown underneath each other down the page.


Pages of the wiki continue one underneath each other

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Campus Pack:

Recycling a wiki/blog/journal

Blackboard 9.1

Once a wiki, blog or journal has been created and populated, you can recycle the site - either recycling

all of the content (retaining settings and permissions), or recycling only some of the posting or entries –

this is done based on user roles.

To utilise this feature, you would most likely have either copied your course to a new course site, or

exported and archived the tool before importing it into a new site. You would then recycle material

from the copy or import, once it has been placed in the new course site. PLEASE NOTE: Recycling an

original wiki, blog or journal will lose the content permanently.

Recycling all content

This will remove ALL content, even material in a template. This would only be useful if you have

particular customised permissions and/or settings that you wish to retain, but do not need any of the

existing content.

Recycling by role

This would be most likely useful to remove all student postings or entries. If you have created

instruction pages for example, recycling the student material will retain any instructions added by

teaching staff.

A user needs appropriate permissions to be able to recycle a site. In most cases by default, course

coordinators, course support and tutor roles will be able to recycle any campus pack tool.

To recycle a wiki, blog or journal:

1. Enter the relevant site.

2. At the top of the page, click on the link Recycle.


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Campus Pack:

Recycling a wiki/blog/journal

Blackboard 9.1

3. Select the appropriate content to remove, either all by selecting All Content.

4. Or select Delete content by role, and then tick the appropriate boxes.

5. Then click on Recycle.

You may receive a message indicating that it will take a few seconds to complete the process.




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Page 1 of 2 Updated 4 November 2011

Campus Pack:

Subscribing to a wiki/blog/journal

Blackboard 9.1

Once a wiki, blog or journal has been created, individual users can subscribe to that particular wiki, blog

or journal. This means they will receive email notification of any postings or comments made. The

emails will be sent roughly every hour if there has been activity in that time period.

PLEASE NOTE: You will not receive an update of any comments or posting you make.

To subscribe to a wiki, blog or journal:

1. Enter the site.

2. Click on the link Subscribe.

3. The page below will appear.

4. Simply tick the box if you wish to receive email notifications of activity.

5. Click on Save.

6. The email will appear as shown on the next page.




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Subscribing to a wiki/blog/journal

Blackboard 9.1


• As mentioned earlier, you will not receive a message about your own posts or comments.

• The email will appear to be sent by USC – however, the return email is a noreply address set up

by Campus Pack.

• You will receive a separate email for each different tool, even in the same course site. For

example, if you are subscribed to a wiki and a blog in the same course site, you will receive

separate email notification for the wiki, then another for the blog.

• In most cases by default students will also be able to subscribe to a campus pack tool

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Campus Pack:

Deleting a wiki, blog or journal

Blackboard 9.1

You can delete a wiki, blog or journal in your course site, just as you would any other content in your

course/site. However, because the tools are hosted off site, deleting via the regular Blackboard process

deletes the link from your course site – it does not delete the content permanently. It is still possible to

retrieve the content at a late time. If you wish to delete the content permanently or alternatively,

retrieve the content at a later date, contact your faculty eLearning support staff member.

To delete a link to a campus pack tool:

1. Make sure Edit Mode is: ON

2. Go to the link in your course/site.

3. Click on the double arrow icon.

4. Choose Delete at the bottom of the options.



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Campus Pack:

Using Wigdets to a wiki, blog or journal

Blackboard 9.1

Widgets are interactive tools that can be added to your wiki, blog or journal. The list below shows the

range of options and if by default it is made available (see the last page for explanation of each).

Add This NA – will not work in our environment

Voting Off

Ratings Off

Author Categories Off

Categories Off

Author tags Off

Tags On

Viewer Comments On

Viewer Feedback Off

Owner Discussion Off

Author Discussion Off

Google Analytics Off

To enable a widget:

1. Enter the relevant wiki, blog or journal.

2. Click on the Widgets link at the top of the page.

3. The page below appears – by default Tag and Viewer Comments are In Use.


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Campus Pack:

Using Wigdets to a wiki, blog or journal

Blackboard 9.1

4. Click on the Available tab.

5. Select the Add button for the relevant widget.

6. The widget will be moved to the In Use page – adjust settings if need be.

For an explanation of each widget – see over page.




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Campus Pack:

Using Wigdets to a wiki, blog or journal

Blackboard 9.1

PLEASE NOTE: Wherever the term author is used below – it refers to the campus pack role of author, not the single person making a post. This could be in some cases the whole class. The word owner refers also to the campus pack role, which in the USC environment usually means course coordinators, course support and tutor roles in Blackboard. Add This This is not available in our campus pack environment as it requires access given outside of USC which has not been enabled. Voting By adding the Voting widget an icon will be added to the top of each posting or entry. User can click on the icon to vote for the posting or entry. The votes will counted each time a different user votes. The postings will appear in order of votes on the right hand menu section. Please note, the ranked value stays at one on each post/entry – it is not an indication of ranking. Ratings By adding the Ratings widget an icon will be added to the top of each posting or entry. As users click on the number of stars they choose, the overall image will show an average of the ratings given. Author Categories Only Authors can read and apply categories. Categories Authors can read and apply categories and Viewers can read them. Author tags Each post can have a tag applied – an author tag can only be read and applied by anyone with the author role. Tags Each post or entry can have a tag applied – in this case any one with the author role can read and apply them, and any one given the Viewers role are also able to read them. Viewer Comments Everyone who can access the content item can comment. Viewer Feedback Viewers can leave private feedback for Authors (and Owners) to read. Viewers can not see feedback left by others. Owner Discussion Owners can take private notes (visible only to other Owners). Author Discussion Only Authors can comment. Use this to have a collaborative discussion within the group of Authors. Google Analytics This widget allows you to track page views using Google Analytics. A Google Analytics account is required.