can blood gas values predict pulmonary hypoplasia in antenatally

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  • 7/25/2019 Can Blood Gas Values Predict Pulmonary Hypoplasia in Antenatally


    Can Blood Gas Values Predict Pulmonary Hypoplasia in Antenatally

    Diagnosed Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia?

    By J.F . Germain, C. Farnoux, D. Pinquier, A. Cortez, J.F. Hartmann, 0. Sibony, P. de Lagausie, and F. Beaufils

    Paris, France

    0 The prognosis of antenatally diagnosed congenital dia-

    phragmatic hernias (CDH) is clearly related to the degree of

    pulmonary hypoplasia (PH). After birth, controversies remain

    regarding the implem entation of various therapies, espe-

    cially the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

    (ECMO). In the literature, the persistence of a Pa02 below 100

    mm Hg and of Paco2 above 40 mm H g despite optim al

    conventional therapy indicates poor prognosis. Therefore,

    since 1992, published and personal experiences led the

    authors to exlude CDH patients from ECMO when conven-

    tional therapy (including high-frequency oscillatory ventila-

    tion and nitric oxide) did not obtain Paos of above 80 mm Hg

    and Pacop of below 60 mm Hg. The aim of this retrospective

    study is to determine whether blood gas results correlate

    with postmortem findings. Between July 1990 and July 1994,

    32 cases of CDH were monitored antenatally and managed

    postnatally at the authors institution. Six patients survived;

    26 died, including one immedia tely at birth. Thirteen were

    treated by ECMO. Seventeen had a best Pa o2 of above 80 mm

    Hg, including the six survivors. Fourteen did not reach this

    level, and none of them survived. Twenty-three infants

    underwent postmortem examination. PH was assessed using

    two criteria: (1) lung weight to body weight ratio (LW/BW)

    and (2) radial alveolar count (RAC). Two patients did not have

    hypoplasia (LW/BW > 0.018). Twenty-one patients had PH;

    12 of them had an LW/BW ratio of less than .009; for 9, the

    LW/BW ratio was between .009 and .018, and the RAC (~3.1)

    confirmed PH. All infants with a best Pao2 of less than 80 mm

    Hg had PH. Patients with a best Paoz of greater than 80 mm

    Hg included two infants who died from complications with-

    out PH. eight infants with demonstrated PH. and the six

    survivors. In conclusion. (1) No infant with nonhypoplastic

    lungs has been deprived of ECMO by the authors criteria. (2)

    Adequate values of blood gases may not elimin ate PH.

    Therefore, this probably justifiesstatting ECMO when conven-

    tional therapy fails. (3) Conversely, permanent poor values of

    Paoz allowed the prediction of PH in all cases. Such patients

    probably can be excluded from ECMO treatment.

    Copyright o 1996 by WA Saunders Company

    INDEX WORDS: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, extracor-

    poreal membrane oxygenation, pulmonary hypoplasia, post-

    mortem examination.

    LTHOUGH diversely appreciated, the mortality


    rate associated with antenatally diagnosed CDH

    remains above 50 .1-3 Prenatally diagnosed CDH is

    associated with variable degrees of pulmonary hypo-

    From the Faculty of Medicine, HEpit al Robert De b&, Paris, France.

    Address reprint requests to J.F. Germain, Servrce de Pkdiatne 2

    (R&anim ation P+?diatrique Polyvalente), HZpital dEnfants, 10, Bd du

    Markhal de-Lattre-de-Tassigny, 21034 Dijon Cedex, France.

    Copyright o 1996 by W.B. Saunders Company


    plasia (PH), which involves the ipsilateral and contro-

    lateral lungs. The short-term prognosis of CDH is

    determined by anatomic and functional abnormali -

    ties.4 In addition to PH, there is a pulmonary vascular

    hyperreflectivity associated with pulmonary vascular

    hypoplasia, which results in increased pulmonary

    vascular resistance. In these conditions, right-to-left

    extrapulmonary shunting may lead to severe or refrac-

    tory hypoxemia. Although data show that nitric oxide

    (NO) can reduce pulmonary vascular resistances in

    persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn5

    its efficacy in CDH remains to be demonstrated.6

    To what extent PH is responsible for the poor

    outcome of antenatally diagnosed CDH is not clear.

    A number of these patients die of potentially revers-

    ible causes7 and the heterogeneity of study popula-

    tions makes comparisons difficult. Clinical uncertain-

    ties regarding PH make ECMO decisions difficult.

    Should ECMO be instituted in every case or should it

    be limited to patients without severe PH? In fact, the

    question is whether or not lethal PH can be predicted.

    Until now, no antenatal or immediately postnatal

    criterion appears to be clearly predictive of lethal PH.

    Because of the lack of established clinical criteria for

    PH, we performed a retrospective study in 32 infants

    who had antenatally diagnosed CDH, to determine

    whether blood gases resul ts correlated with post-

    mortem findings.


    The records of 32 inborn infants who had CDH diagnosed

    antenatally at our institution between June 1990 and June 1994

    were reviewed. All were managed with the same protocol, includ-

    ing immediate intubation, mechanical ventilation, volume loading,

    and monitoring of preductal and postductal saturations. All pa-

    tients were sedated (midazolam or fentanyl) and paralyzed (vecuro-

    nium). After admission to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU),

    arterial and central venous lines were inserted, and blood gases

    were noninvasively and continuously monitored using preductal

    and postductal pulse oxymetry and combined transcutaneous

    Poz/Pcoz. In addition, all infants underwent sequential echocardio-

    graphic studies using a combined two-dimensiona l echo-Doppler

    system (sono layer SSH-160 A, Toshiba, Tochigi-ken, Japan) in the

    attempt to determine the degree of pulmonary hypertension and

    left ventricle function. The studies were performed as soon as

    possible after initi al stabilization, and were repeated as needed.

    Ventilation Management

    From June 1990 through the end of 1991, the patients were

    ventilated mechanically with Servo 900C (Siemens, Germany).


    JournalofPediatm Surgery, Vol31, N o 12 (December), 1996: pp 1634.1639

  • 7/25/2019 Can Blood Gas Values Predict Pulmonary Hypoplasia in Antenatally



    Starting in 1992, all patients were then managed with high-

    frequency oscillatory ventilati on* (HFOV; OHFl, D ufour, France).



    Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension

    Respiratory acidosis was avoided, without seeking hypocapnia.

    Prostacyclin was used until 1993, when NO9 was introduced. NO

    and NO2 concentrations were monitored continuously using Poly-

    tron (Drager-Industrie SA, Strasbourg, France). NO was started at

    5 ppm and was increased subsequently, if needed, to 20 ppm.

    ECMO Management

    Indications for veno-arterial ECMO varied over time. Between

    June 1990 and February 1992, ECMO was started in the absence of

    the usual contraindications, for each patient who did not respond

    to conventional therapy. In practice, the indication for ECMO was

    determined by the persistence of an alveolo-arterial oxygen gradi-

    ent (AaDo = [barometric pressure - 471

    X I302

    - Pacoz

    [FIo? + (1 - FIOZ)/O.S] - Pao 2) higher than 610 mm Hg for more

    than 8 hours,O and/or an oxygenation index (01 = mean airway

    pressure x FIoz%/postductal Paoz) above 40 for more than 4 to 6

    hours. Patients who experienced acute deterioration or untrac-

    table hypercarbia also were treated with ECMO.

    In February 1992, published and personal experiences showed

    that poor blood gas values despite maximal conventional therapy


    Paoz < 100 mm Hg and best Pacoz > 40 mm Hg) were

    associated with a poor prognosis,2 with or without ECMO.

    Therefore, we believed that such patients should be excluded from

    ECMO treatment. However, for ethical reasons, the value was

    decreased to 80 mm Hg for the best preductal Paoz, and increased

    to 60 mm Hg for the best Paco2. Patients not fulfil ling those criteria

    were not offered ECMO.


    Patients underwent surgical repair only after stabilization had

    been achieved, whether after conventional therapy or after success-

    ful weaning from ECMO (F102 below .4 using conventional

    therapy, with or without NO). No infant undetwent surgery during

    ECMO therapy.

    Parental Information

    At the time of diagnosis and again at birth, parents were

    informed of the protocol outline by a team that included a senior

    intensivist and a senior pediatric surgeon. In addition, NO has

    been used with informed parental consent.

    Anatomic and Histological Studies

    When informed parental consent was obtained, every patient

    who died underwent a postmortem examination. After seeking

    associated malformations, PH was assessed. The study was based

    on two critena.lJ I4

    1. The ratio of lung weight to body weight (LWIBW) was the

    major criteria. I3 PH was considered as certain and major for cases

    with an LW/BW below ,009, probable for those with an LW/BW

    between ,009 and ,018, and absent for those with an LWiBW above


    2. The radial alveolar count (RAC), as assessed by morphomet-

    ric methods, was the average of the ipsilateral and controlateral

    radial alveolar counts. This value was calculated from 60 to 100

    counts, and from 10 histological sections. In practice, a line was

    drawn from the center of each respiratory bronchiole to the nearest

    connective tissue septum at right angles to the epitheli um, and the

    number of alveoh included were counted. This was assessed

    according to the Emery and Mithal 14 procedure, which can be


    related to the Azkenazi method13 by the followi ng equation: RAC

    alveolar count = RAC alveolar septal count - 1.

    Severe PH is easy to diagnose from the low LW/BW alone.13

    Because lesser or borderline PH is more difficult to establish,13 and

    because possible overestimation of the lung weight (pulmonary

    edema, major pulmonary hemorrage) was taken into account for

    each study. RAC was also used to contrast uncerta in cases, after

    assessment of the LWIBW. Azkenazi et all3 took into account a

    cutoff level of 4.1 for the RAC, but the number of alveolar septi was

    considered. Because we counted the number of alveoli, severe PH

    was asserted when RAC was less than 3.1.

    Statistical Analysis

    Data are presented as mean f standard deviation, or medians

    and ranges. The features of the groups of patients were compared

    using the Yates corrected x test or a nonparametric test (Mann-

    Whitney U test). Pvalues of I .05 were considered significant.


    Seventeen boys (53 ) and 15 gir ls (47 ) were

    diagnosed as having CDH at our institution between

    June 1990 and June 1994. Al l were inborn and

    managed by the same team.

    Clinical Resuits

    Clin ical data and outcome are summarized in

    Table 1. Antenatal diagnosis was made at an average

    of 24 weeks gestation (range, 15 to 37 weeks). One

    infant died despite resuscitation in the delivery room.

    Table 1. Patient Data, Managem ent, and Outcome

    Mean t ime of diagnosis (weeks of



    Side o f CDH

    Hermated organs

    Birth asphyxia

    Cesarean delivery

    Term of birth (weeks of gesta-

    t ion): range (median)

    Birth weight (9): range (median)

    Mean Apgar at I min:

    range (median)

    Mean Apgar at 5 min:

    range (median)

    Conventional therapy




    24 +- 5

    n = 7 (22%)

    left: n = 28 (87.5%)

    right: n = 3 (9.4%)

    bilateral, n = 1 (3.1%)

    small bowel: n = 32 (100%)

    stomach: n = 11 (37.9%)

    Ilver: n = 1 (3.5%)

    stomach and l iver:

    n = 17 (58.6%)

    spleen, n = 29 (91%)

    n = 11 (34.5%)

    n = 4 (12.5%)

    35-41 (39)

    1,510-3,800 (2,980)

    o-9 (4.1)

    O-IO (6.4)

    MV: n = 10 (32.25%)

    HFOV: n = 10 (32.25%)

    HFOV and NO: n = 11 (35.5%)

    n = 13 (40.6%)

    n = 7 (21.9%)

    Survivors, n = 6 (18.75%)

    NonsurvIvors: n = 26 (81.25%)

    Abbreviations: MV, mechanical venti lat ion; HFOV, high-frequency

    oscillatoryv entllatlon; NO, mtric oxide.

  • 7/25/2019 Can Blood Gas Values Predict Pulmonary Hypoplasia in Antenatally




    Of the 31 remaining patients, one third were treated

    with conventional ventilat ion (from June 1990 to the

    end of 1991) one third with HFOV (1992), and one

    third with HFOV combined with NO (since 1993).

    Three patients responded to conventional therapy

    alone and survived. In the other 28 cases, the alveolo-

    arterial oxygen gradient and oxygenation index values

    met the classical criteria for ECMO consider-

    ation.lO,ll Thirteen of them were treated with ECMO;

    four of these could be operated on, three of whom

    survived. Nine patients died while receiving ECMO.

    Fifteen patients were not treated with ECMO; four

    of them had multiple lethal malformations, two expe-

    rienced acute deterioration and died before ECMO

    could be started, and nine had best blood gas values

    that were considered too poor according to our

    protocol (Paoz < 80 mm Hg or Pace, > 60 mm Hg).

    All these patients died. Overall, six of the 32 patients


    Blood Gas Results and Derived Severity Indexes

    For 17 patients the best Paoz was above 80 mm Hg

    (Table 2). The Al veolo-arterial oxygen gradient and

    oxygenation index were significantly lower for these

    patients compared with the 14 whose best Pao2 was

    below 80 mm Hg (Z = .0004 and .OOOl, respectively).

    Twenty-two patients had a best Pacoz below 60 mm


    Anatomic and Histological Results for Nonsurvivors

    Twenty-three anatomic and histological studies

    were performed; 22 were complete (necropsies) and

    one included only multiple chest biopsies, from which

    the RAC could be evaluated. For three patients,

    postmortem examination was denied by the family;

    one of these patients died immediately in the delivery

    room, one had very poor blood gas values (best Paoz,

    31 mm Hg; best Pacoz, 72 mm Hg) and died short ly

    after birth, and one had better blood gas values (best

    Table 2. Best Blood Gas Values and Best Derived Severity Indexes

    Obtained Before ECMO Decision IHo2 = 1)

    No. of Mea n Pm> Mean Pam, Mean Aam~


    (mm Hg) (mm Hg)

    Mean 01

    (mm W

    Best Pa0,


    17 288 f 142 31 2 14 12 IL 15 344-t 182

    60mmHg 9 44 t 23 84k20 39k12


    NOTE. Mean values were calculated for 31 patients in whom blood

    gas samples could be obtained.

    Abbreviations: AaDo,, alveolo-arterial oxygen gradient (FIo, = 1); 01,

    oxygenation index

    o ,0275 4 t


    2 ,025 -

    $ ,0225



    3 ,02

    & ,0175 -


    P ,015 .


    ,uvxl 000 , , , t

    1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5

    4 4,5 5


    Fig 1. Correlat ion of two methods of assessment of pulmonary

    hypoplasia: lung weight to body weight rat io and radial alveolar

    count. The equa tion for the regression line is y = .008x - .Ol. The

    correlat ion is signif icant, with r = .8 and P = .OOOl. The horizontal l ine

    represents the 3.1 l imit for the radial alveolar count. The vert ical l ine

    represents the .009 l imit for the lung weight to body weight rat io.

    Values below those l imits are indicative of severe pulmonary hypopla-


    Paoz, 100; best Paco2, 24) but died despite ECMO


    Macroscopic postmortem examinations confirmed

    CDH in all cases. Additional abnormalities were

    hemorrhagic and/or thrombotic complications second-

    ary to ECMO therapy (7 patients), multiple lethal

    malformations (2 Frynz syndrome, 1 Cornelia De

    Lange syndrome, and 1 Marfan syndrome), 4 urinary

    tract malformations, 3 cardiac malformations (includ-

    ing 2 left ventricle hypoplasias), and 1 congenital

    cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung. Only

    seven patients had isolated CDH with PH.

    In regard to PH, the mean LW/BW was .Ol f .006

    (range, .003 to .025) and the mean RAC was 2.55 +

    0.59 (range, 1.7 to 4.45). Lung weight was considered

    to be overestimated for 10 patients, because of

    pulmonary edema or pulmonary hemorrhage. Both

    methods of PH assessment were correlated (r = .8,

    P = .OOOl; Fig 1). PH was confirmed in all but two

    patients; one of these died after nosocomial septice-

    mia, and the other after arterial canula thrombosis

    during ECMO.

    Assessment of Predictive Criteria

    of Pulmonary Hypoplasia

    Comparison of patients with and without severe PH.

    From outcome and postmortem data, two groups of

    patients were distinguished. The pulmonary hypopla-

    sia group (H) included 21 nonsurvivors; for 12 of

    them the LW/BW was below .009; for the other 9 the

    LWIBW was between .009 and .018, but the RAC was

    below 3.1 (2.54 2 .34). The nonhypoplastic group

  • 7/25/2019 Can Blood Gas Values Predict Pulmonary Hypoplasia in Antenatally



    (NH) consisted of two nonsurvivors devoid of PH at

    postmortem study, and the six survivors for whom a

    lack of marked PH was assumed in light of the

    satisfactory outcome.

    Both groups are compared in Table 3. In summary,

    when compared with group NH, group H had earlier

    antenatal diagnosis (22 v 30 weeks gestation), a

    poorer Apgar scores (1 minute: 3 v 6; 5 minute: 6 v 9),

    more air leaks (67 v 25 ), and worse mean values

    of blood gases and derived indexes.

    Value of best blood gases during conventional therapy

    for predicting PH.

    One patient died at delivery

    before any blood gas value could be obtained. For the

    other 31 patients, the best Pao, during conventional

    therapy is detailed in Table 4. Also, the best Pacoz,

    the LW/BW, and the RAC are indicated. For 14

    patients the best Paoz was below 80 mm Hg. Al l died.

    Thirteen of them (93 ) underwent a histological and

    anatomic study; all had PH.

    Seventeen patients had a best Paoz above 80 mm

    Hg, including 12 above 200 mm Hg. Six patients

    survived. Among the 11 nonsurvivors, eight had

    severe PH, two did not but died from an iatrogenic

    cause, and postmortem study was denied in one.

    Concerning Pace,, al1 patients with values above 60

    mm Hg despite appropriate therapy were severely


    Comparison of best blood gases according to pre-

    ECMO management.

    Best blood gases were com-

    pared in

    nonsurvivors with established PH

    according to

    the ini tial management (Fig 2). Paoz and Pace, were

    significantly better in the eight hypoplastic patients

    treated with the association of HFOV and NO (mean

    best Paoz, 228 -+: 177 mm Hg; mean best Pacoz,

    22 + 4 mm Hg) when compared with the seven

    Table 3. Comparison of Patients with (Group H) and Without (Group

    NH) Pulmonary Hypoplasia

    Group H Group NH P

    In = 21)

    (n = 8)

    Va lue

    Time of antenatal diagnoses

    (weeks of gestation)

    Birth asphyxia

    Term of birth (weeks of ges-


    Birth weight(g)

    Apgar a t 1 m in

    Apgar a t 5 m in

    Arr lakes

    Best Paoz (mm Hg)

    Best Pace, (mm Hg)

    Best AaDo, (mm Hg)

    Best 01


    22.1 2 3.6

    29.8 k 4.2


    n = 8 (38.1%) n = 1 (12.5%) NS

    39.1 + 1.5 38.9 f 1 NS

    3,088 2 527 3,203 2 493 NS

    3.3 t 2.2 6.4 + 1.9


    5.9 f 1.6 9.2 + 0.7 .OOOl

    = 14 (66.6%) n = 2 (25%) .04

    122.5 k 136.3

    359.3 2 74.9


    51.1 + 31.5 30.9 2 7.4 NS

    521.8 k 1658 266.8 f 110.8 ,002

    32.6 + 19.2 4.7 k 1


    0 6


    Abbreviations: Aaoo,, oxygen alveolo-arterial gradient (Fi02 = 1); 01,

    oxygenation Index: NS , not signif icant.

    Table 4. Occurrence of Pulmonary Hypoplasia According to the Best

    Pao, Value Obtained During Conventional Therapy


    P X Q

    ( m m H d ( m m H d


    Best Pao, 580 mm Hg

    (n = 14)

    Patient 3 30 92 2

    Patient 5 31 72

    Patient 6 43 121 2.9

    Patient 8 44 64 2.6

    Patient 10 37 105 2.65

    Patrent 11 30 95 2.2

    Patient 12 77 41 2.4

    Patient 13 45 65 2.55

    Patient 15 59 40 2.85

    Patient 16 50 46 3

    Patient 21 35 69 1.9

    Patient 26 64 24 2.15

    Patient 29 65 27 1.85

    Patient 32 72 24 2.2












    Mean values

    49 + 16 63 2 31 2.4-t-.39 ,007 k.003

    Best Pao, > 80 mm Hg

    (n = 17)

    Patient 1 352

    Patient 2 105

    Patrent 7 400

    Patient 9 221

    Patient 14 100

    Patrent 17 100

    Patient 18 295

    Patient 19 374

    Patient 20 426

    Patient 22 100

    Patient 23 457

    Patient 24 252

    Patient 25 93

    Patient 27 377

    Patient 28 503

    Patient 30 391

    Patrent 31 349

    47 3.55

    73 2.7

    28 4.45

    36 -

    33 2.65

    49 2.6



    26 -





    28 2.3



    14 2.7

    21 2.15

    26 -











    Mean values 288 t 142 31 + 14 2.73 k .77 ,014 2.006































    Abbreviations: RAC, radial alveolar count; LW/BW, lung werght to

    body weight rat io; PH, pulmonary hypoplasia; NA, data not avai lable.

    hypoplastic patients treated with HFOV alone (mean

    best Paoz, 54 + 19 mm Hg; mean best Pacoz, 58 2 20

    mm Hg) or with the six hypoplastic patients treated

    with conventional ventilat ion alone (mean best Pao2,

    59 it 33 mm Hg; mean best Paco2, 81 & 31 mm Hg).


    Despite regular progress in respiratory manage-

    ment, antenatally diagnosed CDH remains associated

    with a mortal ity rate estimated at 40 to 80 1-3 and

    significant morbidity. This poor prognosis is related to

    several factors: associated lethal malformations, se-

    vere PH, refractory hypoxemia induced by pulmonary

  • 7/25/2019 Can Blood Gas Values Predict Pulmonary Hypoplasia in Antenatally




    vivors. The anatomic and histological criteria used to

    define PH in this study were LW/BW and RAC, as

    derived from criteria of Askenasi et a1.13 Our data

    confirmed the very strong correlation between both

    variables, and allowed two major conclusions. First,

    all patients unable to achieve a Pao, of 100 mm Hg


    (the critica l level used in the literature12) or more


    died, even when ECMO was used. All had severe PH.

    AND O

    Therefore, poor Paoz is predictive of severe PH.

    Fig 2. Comparison of best blood gas values according to pre-

    ECMO managem ent in patients with pulmonary hypoplasia. The

    asterisk indic ates s ignificant differences betwe en the six patients

    treated with mechanical venti lat ion (NIV) alone and the eight patients

    treated with high-frequency oscillatory ventila tion (HFO) comb ined

    with nitric oxide (NO). Dollar sign indicates significan t differences

    between the seven patients treated with HFO alone and the eight

    patients treated with HFO and NO.

    vasoconstriction, and iatrogenic causes secondary to

    various technical methods.7

    Several attempts to define reliable prognostic fac-

    tors have been made. Prenatally, echographic vari -

    ables, such as left-to-right ventricular internal diam-

    eter ratio, have been used to predict outcome,i5 and

    ventricular disproportion identified before 24 weeks

    gestation is associated with fatal outcome.r6 Thoracic-

    to-abdominal transversal ratio is another echographic

    measurement,17 which has been correlated with post-

    natal outcome in cases of severe oligohydramnios, but

    it could not be used in the study of the CDH lung.

    Other attempts to define prenatally the postnatal

    prognosis are based on fetal age at time of diagnosis,

    the presence of polyhydramnios, or of mediastinal

    shift, and the intrathoracic location of a dilated

    stomach. Except for the latter, associated with a poor

    prognosis,ls these data are of limited value,19-21 and

    none can provide any help with respect to the

    antenatal or postnatal decision for withdrawal.

    Postnatally, the prognostic value of blood gases and

    derived indexes has been highlighted by several

    studies.12J2-25 However, few of them have involved

    evaluating the degree of PH. Because ECMOlOJ1 and

    N05,6 may allow a good prognosis when refractory

    hypoxemia is related to acute pulmonary vasoconstric-

    tion, but will only delay a fatal outcome when severe

    PH is present, it appears necessary to identify PH

    early in the postnatal course to avoid unnecessary and

    costly procedures.

    The degree of PH has been estimated from chest

    radiographs, but it appears to be overestimated using

    this approach. 26 In a study that included 66 patients,

    Bohn et al showed the predictive value of Paco2.37

    However, only five postmortem examinations were

    performed in these patients. To better define criteria

    for indisputable PH, we related poor blood gas values

    to postmortem data obtained for most of our nonsur-

    Concerning Pacoz, the same conclusion can be drawn

    from our data; all patients unable to achieve a Paco2

    below 60 mm Hg died and were severely hypoplastic.

    Moreover, for ethical reasons, we lowered the limit of

    100 mm Hg of Pao2 (taken from data in the litera-

    ture12 ) to 80 mm Hg. Avoiding ECMO in these cases

    of low Paoz and high Pace,, as we did for a number of

    patients, would not deprive the patients of a poten-

    tially beneficial procedure.

    However, and this is our second major finding, in

    this study, Pao2 of above 100 mm Hg during conven-

    tional management does not allow any conclusion

    regarding PH; among patients with Paoz in excess of

    100 mm Hg were survivors, nonsurvivors with PH, and

    nonsurvivors without PH. The same uncertainty con-

    cerning outcome and PH is shown in our data when

    Paco2 is below 60 mm Hg. Advances in conventional

    management have been achieved; for patients whose

    postmortem examination demonstrated severe PH,

    Pao2 was significantly higher and Pacoz significantly

    lower in those treated with HFOV and NO as

    compared to those who had HFOV or conventional

    therapy alone. Although the patients were not ran-

    domized, (because comparisons between those groups

    have been taken from historical data), these resul ts

    support the assertion that high Pao2 values do not

    always correlate with the absence of PH. Therefore,

    offering ECMO to these patients remains mandatory

    despite uncertainties regarding its benefit.

    In conclusion, a poor best Pao2 (worse than 100

    mm Hg) is always associated with severe PH and poor

    outcome, and such patients probably can be excluded

    from ECMO treatment, a decision that remains

    ethical in light of our postmortem data. On the other

    hand, a best Pao2 of above 100 mm Hg does not

    always correlate with a good outcome or the absence

    of PH. All such patients should be treated with

    ECMO when this procedure is necessary. However,

    we believe that this approach, as opposed to the

    ECMO for all attitude,28-30 can be safely imple-

    mented only if the conditions of this study, especially

    birth, resuscitation, and postnatal management in the

    same institution, and the use of modern therapies like

    HFOV and NO, can be reproduced.

  • 7/25/2019 Can Blood Gas Values Predict Pulmonary Hypoplasia in Antenatally





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