can the web really boost your marketing effort? july 8th, 2003

Can the web really boost your marketing effort? July 8th, 2003

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Page 1: Can the web really boost your marketing effort? July 8th, 2003

Can the web really boost

your marketing effort?

July 8th, 2003

Page 2: Can the web really boost your marketing effort? July 8th, 2003

AgendaCan the web boost your marketing?

1. Which industries are best suited to using the web

2. What does it cost to get started

3. How do we measure cost effectiveness

4. Some case studies on what’s worked and what hasn’t

Presentation Outline

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Any “entity” can benefit from using the web

Need to review your target's behaviour to establish where benefit really lies

There are 2 overriding criteria

Revenue growth Efficiency

And one overriding segmentation variable


Can the web boost your marketing?

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Effective online marketing planning must reflecthow the consumer is using the internet in a given session

Booz-Allen & Hamilton and Nielsen/Net Ratings Inc. studied

* 2466 internet users* 187,797 individual user sessions

Can the web boost your marketing?

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They uncovered 7 discreet usage-based segments

* Quickies* Just the facts* Single Mission* Do It Again* Loitering* Information Please * Surfing

Please refer to your handout for some further detail.

Can the web boost your marketing?

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Charcteristics of the 7 Usage Occasions

* Quickies - occasions are typically short- visits to 2 or fewer familiar sites- Ex. extracting specific bits of information ( sports scores ), send email

* Just the facts- specific information from known sites- includes visits to transaction oriented or time consuming sites- Move from site to site comparing access, related reports, price- shopping and travel- Less likely to involve entertainment- Ex. Amazon

Can the web boost your marketing?

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Can the web boost your marketing?

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Characteristics of the 7 Usage Occasions

* Single Mission- complete certain task or gather specific information- focus is on one category- complete task then leave the web- Ex. AusWeb 03 - search engine

- program page- logistics and registration- log off

Can the web boost your marketing?

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1. Which industries?

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Characteristics of the 7 Usage Occasions

* Do It Again - favourite sites for auctions, games, investments- rarely involves searches- user knows where he/she wants to go- Ex. Bank transactions- Ex. Downloading MP3 files- Ex. Participating in chat sessions

Can the web boost your marketing?

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Can the web boost your marketing?

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Charcteristics of the 7 Usage Occasions

* Loitering- leisurely visits to familiar “sticky” sites- average 33 minutes in duration with 2 minute page views- Ex. News, gaming, ISP and entertainment sites- Ex. Reading about recently released and up coming movies

Can the web boost your marketing?

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Can the web boost your marketing?

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Charcteristics of the 7 Usage Occasions

* Information Please- Used to build in-depth knowledge of topic- Ex. Research all aspects of buying a car- model, trade-in value, finding a dealer, arranging a loan- such occasions are heavy on travel and automotive sites- gather broad information from a range of sites- users jump among linked sites without resorting to search engine

Can the web boost your marketing?

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Can the web boost your marketing?

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Charcteristics of the 7 Usage Occasions

* Surfing- surfing occasions are by far the longest ( 70 minutes average )- time per page may be 1 or so minutes - wide but not deep- users gravitate to sites that grab attention immediately- shopping, online communities and news- spend little time at portals/ search engines- not concentrated in any one category

Can the web boost your marketing?

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Charcteristics of the 7 Usage Occasions

None of the 7 usage occasion types was dominant in the study

- 44% of users appeared in all 7 categories- 67% of users appeared in 5 or more categories

Marketers must consider how to reach people in all segments

Can the web boost your marketing?

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What does this really mean?

* Depending on usage occasion- some people open to a range of messages- some people will pay attention only to highly targeted messages- some people will ignore anything not directly related to their session

* It’s not about saying - if I know the consumer- I can create the ad- and run it anytime the consumer is likely to be on the internet

Can the web boost your marketing?

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What does this really mean

Demographics and psychographics don’t change

Your mood does

Do I want- KFC- 5 star restaurant- stay at home

Can the web boost your marketing?

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What does this really mean?

You can’t run the same ad on the Simpsons and in a church

Can the web boost your marketing?

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In summary

* Loitering,Information Please & Surfing- go to where there’s lots of content ( read, play, chat )- tend to involve large number and size of graphics- and a registration requirement- will provide information to get information

* Quickies, Single Mission, Just the Facts, Do It Again- shorter sessions overall but page views lengthy- less likely to buy- will click through to related information

Can the web boost your marketing?

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Strategic Implications

* New NEC Mobile phone* Use the internet to reach buyers 12 to 25* As market knows brand, objective is to position it as hip and cutting edge* This goal requires occasion like Loitering* Must now determine site categories target likely to visit* Youth oriented or gaming sites high on list (, )* One size fits all will not work* Successful site shows different faces to users based on their occasion

- Quickies - text only, no pop ups- Loitering - video

Not all session types are conducive to brand positioning.

Can the web boost your marketing?

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Can the web boost your marketing?

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Can the web boost your marketing?

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Can the web boost your marketing?

Page 26: Can the web really boost your marketing effort? July 8th, 2003

Multimedia Victoria - Database Build

* Target IT Companies

* Contact CEO, Marketing Manager, Business Owner

* Objective Build a customer database of IT companies

* Communication Email letter and questionnaire

* Results Acceptance rate > 50%Database launched by minister

Saved 35% over direct mail

Case Studies

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Case Studies

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The National - Online Newsletter

* Target Top 1% of National’s Private Bank Customers

* Contact Individual him/herself

* Objective Maximise opt in for newsletter providing interviews, reviews & investment opportunities

* Communication Newsletter delivered as HTML email

* Results Highest opt in rate for any National online program

Now a quarterly publication

Case Studies

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Case Studies

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World Vision - Child Sponsorships

* Target Prospective child sponsors ( A/B socioeconomic )

* Contact Individual him/herself

* Objective Recruit child sponsors online

* Communication TVCs and newspaper ads directing target toWorld Vision Websitebanner ads on media company sites

* Results More than 10,000 new child sponsors30% recruited online vs 2% 2 years ago

Case Studies

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Case Studies

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Accor - Summer Holidays Promotion

* Target Holiday makers ( couples 25-55 ) who werePrevious customers

* Contact Couple

* Objective Encourage target to provide personal details for immediate sales and ongoing communication

* Communication Web Game ( Consequences ) promoted throughbanner ads on travel sites and by email

* Results 7000 players in first 3 weeks4500 registered to receive more information

Case Studies

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Case Studies

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Case Studies

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Case Studies

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The web can boost your marketing effort significantly

Recognising the context in which your message is being received will significantly enhance your

• Revenue• Efficiency

In conclusion

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Please contact

Rod CurnowMarketabilityLevel 9409 St.Kilda RoadMelbourne Vic 3004

Phone: ( 03 ) 9696 3505Fax: ( 03 ) 9696 0533Mobile: 0419 959 969Email: [email protected]

More information

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