can you push a straw through a potato?

Can you push a straw through a Potato?

Upload: garysking

Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Can you push a straw through a Potato?

So, what’s the point?

• If you plant doubt, it can be self-fulfilling. By suggesting that it might not be possible, some people conclude that it is impossible. Ask ‘how can it be done?’, so the question is not ‘if’ but ‘how’.

• Trial and error and testing things out will often lead to better solutions than lots of debate and discussion about what might work in theory.

• Sometimes a direct approach is the best solution – just go for it. Do it. Believe that the straw will go through in one stabbing motion.

• The satisfaction overcoming a difficulty and experiencing success is a great feeling – even if it is just stabbing a potato.

Guess who…

• First business failed – ended up eating dog food

• Was told Mickey Mouse would ‘terrify women’.

• Was told the Three Little Pigs needed more characters.

• Took 16 years to get permission to film Mary Poppins.

Walt Disney

Guess who…

• Diagnosis of a rare and incurable cancer.

• Brand new nutritional lifestyle, and turned her experience into a series of successful self-help books and documentaries.

• Now revered as one of the most prominent experts on healthy living.Kris Carr

Guess who…

• When she started penning her first book, the single mother lived in a microscopic flat in Scotland and subsisted on a small amount of welfare money.

• Writing in the brief moments she could steal while her baby napped. When her book was complete, she managed to obtain a grant from a local arts organisation that enabled her to publish.

Joanne ‘J.K’ Rowling

“Dream big and then make it happen!”

“Good learners get stuck. Bad learners stay stuck.”